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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Sandy, Regarding your question about what seemed to be a six month school year at Beauregard.... We all tend to forget how much time off students get. Here's a copy of the current Beauregard school-year calendar from this source: With some quick counting you can see students at Beauregard get more days off than there are actual school attendance days. There are lengthy breaks for summer, Thanksgiving, New Years, Spring Break and other holidays, weekends are always off, and there are other holidays for teacher conferences and the like. I quickly added up the school days for the Beauregard 2016-17 school year at the link above and came up with 170, a little less than half the 365 days in a full year, pretty much matching your "six months in a school year" question above. If memory serves, some time ago David Josephs even dug up the 53-54 and 54-55 Beauregard calendars and came up with similar results: that the cumulative record for LHO represented two full years for Beauregard attendance. This indicates that, with just a few absences, LEE Harvey Oswald attended Beauregard School in New Orleans continuously during the 1953-54 and 1954-55 school years, making it impossible for the same kid to have attended Stripling School in Fort Worth, Texas. One of the distinctions between American-born LEE Oswald and Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald is that Lee's school attendance was generally quite good, while HARVEY's was spotty at best, even getting him into legal difficulties in NYC.
  2. I think you're right that we should have a link to the Beauregard cumulative record on the two moms page (the record is also reproduced on the Early Years H&L page but it should be on the Marguerites page as well. I set up a textual link to the doc to open in a new tab in the seventh paragraph of the page at this Harvey and Lee mirror: http://www.harveyandlee.comze.com/Moms/Moms.html Do you think that's an improvement?
  3. And by the way.... Here's the cumulative record of LHO's attendance at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans. It's from page 817 of Warren Volume 22, and it's been up on HarveyandLee.net for a long time. It's a little hard to read, but but if you look closely you can see that "53-54 Beauregard" and "54-55 Beauregard" are written near the upper left corner. Below, the there is a row we've highlighted in yellow which shows the fall semester of 1953 and indicates that Oswald attended a General Science class, a Physical Education class and attended 89 days of school with only one absence. The second row is for the last half of the eighth grade (spring semester). The third row shows final grades, absences, and tardies for the entire 53-54 school year (eighth grade). The fourth, fifth, and sixth rows show the same information (fall and spring semesters and cumulative results) for the 1954-1944 school year (ninth grade). This covers all the time that Lee HARVEY Oswald attended Stripling School in Fort Worth. This one of the reasons Tracy works so hard to say all those witnesses from Stripling were wrong and/or ly1ng.
  4. From the November 22, 1963 page on HarveyandLee.net: See the Dallas Police Homicide Report for "Tippit, JD," which indicates Oswald was arrested in the balcony. See L.D. Stringfellow's report, which indicates Oswald was arrested in the balcony. Something happened in the 2nd floor balcony. The author speculates that LEE Oswald may have been momentarily arrested or detained in the balcony of the theater. Deputy Sheriff Bill Courson hurried up the stairs to the balcony and was "reasonably satisfied in his own mind" that he met Lee Harvey Oswald com­ing down the front stairs. Lt. Cunningham and Detective J.B. Toney encountered the young man and began to question him. As Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers rushed up the stairs to the balcony, he saw the officers as they were questioning the young man. Sgt. Jerry Hill and Det. Paul Bentley were checking fire escapes in the balcony when Hill opened the exit door to the fire escape. Sgt. Stringer, standing in the alley below, heard someone inside the theater yell "We got him." The police officer inside the theater may have thought the man on the staircase, being questioned by Lieutenant Cunningham and Toney, was under ar­rest, which caused him to shout "we got him." This young man may have been wearing a white t-shirt and dark pants, which matched the description of the suspect as reported by the police dispatcher. But an unknown person, who identified himself as the "manager on duty," said the young man had been in the theater since 12:05 PM. The unidentified "manager on duty" may have been an accomplice who provided Oswald with a much needed alibi, as theater manager John Callaghan left the theater before the police arrived (Julia Postal, Butch Burroughs, and the projectionist were the only employees left in the theater). The young man was released. Sgt. Stringer, standing below in the alley, asked Hill if the suspect had been arrested. Hill looked back into the balcony area and said, "No, we haven't got him." Something happened in the 2nd floor balcony that caused a police officer to yell, "We got him." Something caused veteran police officers to write reports that Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in the balcony. Something happened in the 2nd floor balcony. LEE OSWALD IS TAKEN OUT THE BACK OF THE THEATER After HARVEY Oswald was arrested and taken out the front of the theater, LEE Oswald was escorted out the back of the theater. There is no police report, no record of arrest, nor any mention of a person taken out the rear of the theater. Capt. Westbrook saw LEE Oswald shoot officer Tippit at 10th & Patton. Capt. Westbrook produced a 2nd Oswald wallet at 10th & Patton. Capt. Westbrook either planted or knew exactly where to find the suspect's jacket. Capt. Westbrook was the first police officer to arrive at the theater. Capt. Westbrook told his officers to cover (HARVEY) Oswalds face and get him out of here. Capt. Westbrook ordered police to compile a list of the names and addresses of theater patrons, a list that soon disappeared. Capt. Westbrook was the highest ranking officer at the Texas Theater, and it was likely that Capt. Westbrook escorted LEE Oswald out the rear of the theater. During author James Douglas's 2007 interview with theater concessionaire Butch Burroughs, Burroughs said that he saw two different people arrested in the Texas Theater. He saw (Harvey) Oswald's arrest and then, "three or four minutes later," watched as the Dallas police arrested "an Oswald lookalike." Burroughs added that the second man arrested "looked almost like Oswald, like he was his brother or something." Apparently, Butch Burroughs saw both Harvey and Lee at the Texas Theater. Bernard Haire, owner of a hobby shop two doors east of the theater, saw the police escort a young man who he thought was LEE Oswald out the rear of the theater. Perhaps the young man in the balcony, who was identified by Deputy Sheriff Bill Courson as LEE Oswald, was this man. For the next 25 years Mr. Haire thought he had seen the arrest of Oswald. If Bernard Haire and Butch Burroughs observed "LEE" Oswald taken out the back of the theater then who, if not Captain Westbrook, was responsible for escorting him out of the back of the theater? After all, it was likely Capt. Westbrook who watched his co-conspirator, LEE Oswald, murder Tippit at 10th Patton only a half hour earlier. After he was taken out the rear of the theater, someone (perhaps Croy) then drove LEE Oswald to a two-tone blue 1957 Plymouth that was parked nearby. Croy told the Warren Commission that after leaving 10th & Patton he drove by the Texas Theater (how convenient). Capt. Westbrook returned to his office at police headquarters shortly after 2:00 PM. A few minutes later, before Capt. Fritz began to interrogate Oswald (circa 2:20 PM), someone told him that Oswald lived on N. Beckley. Who in the police department, other than Capt. Westbrook (and Tippit, who was dead; and Croy, who was allegedly with his estranged wife), knew about HARVEY and LEE? Who knew HARVEY Oswald's address on N. Beckley at 2:00 PM and had immediate access to Capt. Fritz? Capt. Westbrook. Around 2:15 PM Sgt. Hill, assigned to the personnel office, brought the .38 revolver taken from HARVEY Oswald to Westbrook's office. The gun should have been taken immediately to Homicide and Robbery, but Hill brought the gun to the personnel office. Why? The murder weapon remained in Capt. Westbrook's personnel office for the next hour. The author believes that Capt. Westbrook secretly switched the revolver taken from HARVEY Oswald at the theater with the revolver used to murder Tippit (given to Westbrook by LEE Oswald). The .38 revolver used to murder Tippit was then initialed by police officers in Westbrook's office, entered into evidence, and turned over to the FBI later that evening. The .38 revolver, taken from HARVEY Oswald, and brought to Westbrook's office by Sgt. Hill, disappeared and was never seen again--thanks to Capt. Westbrook.
  5. Sounds like a good idea … but there is a complication, at least for me. When designing these web pages, I don’t see how it is avoidable to consider that a HUGE percentage of web traffic now is on cell phones. I try, with varying degrees of success, to set the site up so all the pages are at least readable on a phone. The side by side pictures get awfully small, as do links set up in columns. Sidebars become virtually unusable on a phone. The solution by professionals for this problem is to set up an entirely different, but parallel, site for phone traffic. I just don’t have the time (or current technical knowledge) to do it.
  6. I think I’ll send John a link and see if he’ll read through this whole thread. Several issues have come up that might interest him. I hate to complain, but he can be an insufferable know-it-all when it comes to Oswald. He often complains that people ask him to explain things that are detailed in Harvey and Lee. Once, he insisted that I not ask him to explain anything to anyone unless that person had read his book—twice! (It’s a thousand pages long, not including seven or eight hundred pages of docs and photos on the accompanying CD). I’ve been studying and promoting his work for more than a decade, and even I can’t remember half the stuff that’s in that book! In the meantime, one thing you might do is see if there are any additional Carro materials at the online John Armstrong Collection at Baylor University. He has some stuff there from the National Archives not in the WC volumes, and the OCR is good enough to scan even some handwritten docs. If you click on “Advanced Search,” you can use a wide range of search techniques. In the results, note the leftmost “Notebook Title” and “Tab Title” columns. They are specific summaries of the contents. When you open a file, easiest way to study it is just click the “Download” button near top right and view the pdf on your local machine.
  7. True, but soon after the fight Voebel snapped this photo of LEE Harvey Oswald, which he eventually sold to LIFE magazine for $75: It’s not as clear as I wish it was, but it sure looks like he might have a missing front tooth. What is abundantly clear here is that even considering the value of 1964 dollars, Voebel should have gotten himself an agent before talking to LIFE!
  8. The cumulative records published by the Warren Commission show that LHO attended Beauregard School continuously from the fall of 1953 until the fall of 1955. This is why Warren Commission defenders are trying desperately to discount all those witnesses' memories of Oswald at Stripling School in 1954.
  9. What strikes me as important is that, once again, "Marguerite" didn't know even the simplest facts about her grown "son," like whether he was right or left handed. Or his birth date. Or how many sisters she herself had. Those are not normal mistakes to make.
  10. Right. Sorry, I reversed what I meant to say. No doubt goes back to my repressed left-handed eating.
  11. I’m also left-handed but eat with my right hand. Without giving away my age, back in the Pleistocene Epoch when I grew up, parents and even some teachers thought it was cumbersome for lefties to sit at a dinner table and eat, with the inevitable mashing of elbows with the right-handed diner seated immediately to the left. And so eating right-handed was actively encouraged for a number of lefties, including me, and it stuck. Despite this exception, “Marguerite” clearly said her “son” was left-handed, directly contradicted by Robert Oswald’s testimony.
  12. I just noticed this.... "Marguerite" testified that LHO was basically left handed (I added the emphasis above). But Robert Oswald testified just the opposite: Mr. JENNER. And your brother Lee? Mr. OSWALD. He was right handed. Representative FORD. Was there ever a time that he appeared to be left handed, as far as you recollect? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir. I have never known him to handle anything--throw a baseball, football, et cetera, fire a rifle, or do anything, left handed. Mr. JENNER. In order to be certain of the details in this respect, when he wrote, did he write with his right or his left hand? Mr. OSWALD. Right handed. Mr. JENNER. Right handed? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. And you in fact have seen him write with his right hand? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir, I have. Mr. JENNER. During your youth? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. Did you ever--was there ever an occasion when you saw him write or attempt to write with his left hand? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir, I have never seen him at any time, on any occasion, ever attempt to write or do anything left handed. That's pretty strange that a mother and brother can't agree about whether a kid was right- or left-handed. You'd almost think there was something fishy about that family. Question for Alistair: If you're going through the Carro material and Marguerite's testimony, could you watch for an instance in which she indicates that her husband died before LHO was born (rather than soon after)? It seems like another strange thing to forget.
  13. IN FOND MEMORY OF JACK WHITE As they were quick to do in a thread from some months ago called “Frankenstein Oswald,” present and past posters on this forum seem anxious to blame the late, great JFK researcher Jack White for a number of things they don’t like about current JFK assassination research. They were wrong about “Frankenstein Oswald,” and they’re wrong again now. In this thread, and elsewhere, W. Tracy Parnell is implying that Jack White was somehow involved in making Stripling School Assistant Principal Frank Kudlaty tell one of the biggest whoppers the state of Texas has heard in recent times. According to Parnell, Kudlaty, under Jack White’s evil influence, totally concocted a story that he met FBI agents at Stripling School immediately after the assassination and handed them records of “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” attendance at the school starting in 1954. Tracy does this even though John Armstrong published nearly 15 years ago the actual story of how he found Frank Kudlaty and learned of his story. It had nothing to do with Jack White and everything to do with dogged research. John found that multiple people in the area remembered Frank Kudlaty at Stripling School and knew he was still alive. Why? Because Frank was reasonably famous. In addition to his work at Stripling, he had been the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, and had worked internationally as an educational consultant. Here, in John’s own words written in 2002 and 2003, is how he discovered Frank Kudlaty and his story. After reading Robert Oswald's testimony, I wrote a letter to the principal of W.C. Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo, and asked if there were any records of Oswald's atten­- dance at Stripling.37 Mr. Galindo telephoned and said that while he did not have pos­- session of such records, it was "common knowledge" that Oswald attended Stripling. He said all school records had been turned over to the Fort Worth Independent School District many years ago, and suggested that I contact them to see if they had any records. In late 1993 I made an appointment with Mr. Ralph Waller of the FWISD, 100 North University, in Fort Worth. I met Mr. Waller and his friend, Billy J. Sills, a retired resident of Fort Worth who was devoting his time to setting up an historical archive for the District. When I asked if the District had any school records for "Lee Harvey Oswald," Mr. Waller instructed a co-worker to review their microfilm and provide me with copies of any records. When I asked if there was a list of teachers who taught at Stripling in 1954 Mr. Waller said they had no such list, but Billy Sills said he would check his records and then left. Mr. Waller explained that students who graduated from Ridglea West Elemen­- tary School prior to the 1951-1952 school year would have gone to Stripling Junior High. Students who graduated from Ridglea West Elementary School during or after the 1951- 52 school year would have attended Monnig Junior High School, which opened in the fall of 1952. Oswald graduated from Ridglea West in the spring of 1952, and a copy of his school transcripts should have been sent to Monnig Junior High--not Stripling. NOTE: Only Marguerite Oswald's notification that the family was moving to New York would have prevented Ridglea Hest Elementary from automatically forwarding a copy of Oswald's school transcripts to Monnig. Such a request was not made because the New York school records did not contain any school transcripts from Ridglea West Elementary. After researching their microfilm records, Mr. Waller's co-workers did not find any of Oswald's school transcripts, which meant the original records and carbon copies disappeared prior to 1964 (probably confiscated by the FBI in 1963 ). The only records they located were enrollment cards from 1951 and 1952 for Ridglea West Elementary School. NOTE: Prior to the mid-1960's, each Fort Worth school archived school records on site. In the mid-1960's records from all Fort Worth schools were transferred to a central warehouse at the Fort Worth Independent School District and microfilmed. As I was leaving Mr. Waller's office, Billy Sills returned and gave me a handwrit-­ ten list of 41 teachers who had taught at Stripling Junior High during the 1951-1952 school year, along with their most recent address and telephone number.54-18 Stripling faculty members After many hours of long distance telephone calls, I managed to contact a sur­- prising number of former Stripling teachers, although many were deceased. One man I spoke with was Mark Summers, a former gym teacher, who began his 10-year tenure at Stripling in September 1950, one year after Robert Oswald graduated from the school ( 1949). Mr. Summers said that "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a student in his gym class for a short time, but remembered little about him. NOTE: Mr. Summers could not have mistakenly remembered Robert Oswald in his class, because Robert graduated from Stripling the year before he began teaching. As I continued to locate and talk with former Stripling teachers, many suggested that I call "Frank Kudlaty," the former assistant principal at Stripling. I telephoned Mr. Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not "Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank re­- plied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI." --from Harvey and Lee, pp. 97-98, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong Rest in peace, Jack White. In JFK research, no good deed goes unpunished.
  14. Yes, according to findagrave, he was 43 when he died. I'll send your link to John. Thanks again.
  15. I see, you weren't referring to the evidence you said didn't exist... which is probably Jack White's fault also, eh? Do you seriously believe Carro heard "Murret" but wrote down "Sigourette?" You do have some evidence for that, right?
  16. That's not true, Tracy, and you should know it. Robert Oswald told the Fort Worth Star Telegraph way back in 1959 that his "brother" attended Stripling. That's only five years after "Oswald's" Stripling attendance. Are you guys blaming Jack White for that too? Sheesh! Why are you misleading people like this? Try again on Carro. He was a professional taking notes of an interview. Do you really believe "Marguerite's" lack of understanding of her own background was Carro's fault. Why did she have to rely on supplied notes to reconstruct simple details of her biography during her Warren Commission testimony?
  17. Thanks, Sandy, that's an interesting point. I keep thinking, though, that you can't just consider the photos when considering the evidence for two LHOs and two Marguerites. You've got to look at ALL the evidence. No one seems to have a good explanation for how Oswald could have attended Beauregard School in New Orleans and Stripling School in Fort Worth at the same time. No one can explain why the Stripling records disappeared while in FBI custody. So let's move on to another subject. Why did "Marguerite Oswald" know so little about her life and her family's life when interviewed by John Carro in NYC in 1953 and by the Warren Commission in 1964? The information she provided Carro is a little scattered around the WC Carro exhibits, but here's how John A. summarizes it: The Marguerite Oswald impostor told Carro she was the youngest of 6 children, yet there were 5 children in the Claverie family. She gave Lee Oswald's father's name as Robert Lee Harvey, when his real name was Robert Edward Lee Oswald. She said Lee's father died at age 45, yet we know he was 41 years old when he died. She gave her marriage date as July 19, 1929, yet she married Robert Oswald in 1933. She gave her sister's name as Lillian Sigouerette, when we know her sister's name was Lillian Murrett. She said she formerly owned a house in Corning, Texas, yet there is not and never has been a "Corning," Texas. She gave Lee Harvey Oswald's birth date as October 19 when the correct date was October 18th. She said Lee was baptized at the Trinity Lutheran Church in New Orleans, when the records show he was baptized at the Redeemer Lutheran Church in New Orleans. When she was asked whether Lee's father was right or left handed she replied "I do not remember, sir" (Warren Commission testimony). There is no reason for a 45 year old woman to make these kind of errors concerning her background. Had she forgotten, was she lying, or was this person truly Lee's mother? How can anyone know so little about her supposed family? Would anyone here make those kinds of mistakes about their own backgrounds?
  18. Sheesh! Fifty years ago, Sylvia Meagher published her highly regarded book, Accessories After the Fact. She had a whole section entitled “Two Oswalds.”  In The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald Robert Groden has an entire chapter entitled “Too Many Oswalds.” In his recent book JFK and the Unseakable James Douglass devotes dozens of pages to evidence that Oswald was impersonated time and time again. He footnotes Harvey and Lee a number of times. How many times are we to say “Oswald” was impersonated before we seek a simpler explanation? All the insults and ranting and raving in the world won’t make the evidence for two Oswalds go away. The evidence is right here: HarveyandLee.net
  19. That is libelous, Kinaski! Despite your obvious defamation, I have never made one thin dime off the Kennedy assassination or John Armstrong’s work.
  20. I’m sure Robert thought he was doing his patriotic duty when he delivered the bare bones bio of HARVEY Oswald to the Fort Worth newspaper in 1959. It was HARVEY who attended Stripling, not LEE. My guess is that Harvey’s handlers wanted to get him away from Beauregard and LEE Oswald before someone began questioning the two boys with the same name. At all times, Harvey only got a taste of Lee’s life, never much of a meal. In order to sell the tale of an American boy [who secretly understood Russian] "defecting" to the Soviet Union, Harvey's handlers hardly had to hide his Stripling attendance. Remember, none of this would have been put under a microscopic if the Oswald Project hadn't got entangled in the Kennedy assassination in 1963.
  21. Hi, Robert.... Good to see you posting again! I'm still waiting for Mr. Trejo to make good counters to my following list. He tried once but failed miserably. He'll probably want to try again, since he goes to such links to defend the CIA at almost every opportunity. 21 Facts Indicating ”Lee Harvey Oswald” was a CIA Agent 1. CIA accountant James Wilcott said he made payments to an encrypted account for “Oswald or the Oswald Project.” 2. Antonio Veciana said he saw LHO meeting with CIA’s Maurice Bishop/David Atlee Phillips in Dallas in August 1963. 3. A 1978 CIA memo indicates that a CIA operations officer “had run an agent into the USSR, that man having met a Russian girl and eventually marrying her,” a case very similar to Oswald’s and clearly indicating that the Agency ran a “false defector” program in the 1950s. 4. Robert Webster and LHO "defected" a few months apart in 1959, both tried to "defect" on a Saturday, both possessed "sensitive" information of possible value to the Russians, both were befriended by Marina Prusakova, and both returned to the United States in the spring of 1962. 5. Richard Sprague, Richard Schweiker, and CIA agents Donald Norton and Joseph Newbrough all said LHO was associated with the CIA. 6. CIA employee Donald Deneslya said he read reports of a CIA agent who had worked at a radio factory in Minsk and returned to the US with a Russian wife and child. 7. Kenneth Porter, employee of CIA-connected Collins Radio, left his family to marry (and no doubt monitor) Marina Oswald after LHO’s death. 8. George Joannides, case officer and paymaster for DRE (which LHO had attempted to infiltrate) was put in charge of lying to the HSCA and never told them of his relationship to DRE. 9. For his achievements, Joannides was given a medal by the CIA. 10. FBI took Oswald off the watch list at the same time a CIA cable gave him a clean bill of political health, weeks after Oswald’s New Orleans arrest and less than two months before the assassination. 11. Oswald’s lengthy “Lives of Russian Workers” essay reads like a pretty good intelligence report. 12. Oswald’s possessions were searched for microdots. 13. Oswald owned an expensive Minox spy camera, which the FBI tried to make disappear. 14. Even the official cover story of the radar operator near American U-2 planes defecting to Russia, saying he would give away all his secrets, and returning home without penalty smells like a spy story. 15. CIA Richard Case Nagell clearly knew about the plot to assassinate JFK and LHO’s relation to it, but the CIA ignored his warnings. 16. LHO always seemed poor as a church mouse, until it was time to go “on assignment.” For his Russian adventure, we’re to believe he saved all the money he needed for first class European hotels and private tour guides in Moscow from the non-convertible USMC script he saved. In the summer of 1963, he once again seemed to have enough money to travel abroad to Communist nations. 17. To this day, the CIA claims it never interacted with Oswald, that it didn’t even bother debriefing him after the “defection.” What utter bs…. 18. After he “defected” to the Soviet Union in 1959, bragging to U.S. embassy personnel in Moscow that he would tell the Russians everything he knew about U.S. military secrets, he returns to the U.S. without punishment and is then in 1963 given the OK to travel to Cuba and the Soviet Union again! 19. Allen Dulles, the CIA director fired by JFK, and the Warren Commission clearly wanted the truth hidden from the public to protect sources and methods of intelligence agencies such as the CIA. Earl Warren said, “Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security.” 20. In 1978, the government of Cuba announced that “Lee Harvey Oswald” was a “CIA AGENT.” 21. President Kennedy and the CIA clearly were at war with each other in the weeks immediately before his assassination, and “Oswald” was the CIA’s pawn.
  22. Robert first made the comments about Stripling to the Fort Worth newspaper when his so-called brother first "defected" to the USSR in 1959 and then again when he repatriated in 1962. It was already on the public record before JFK was murdered. Hoover could make a trainload of evidence disappear, but he couldn't recall all the copies of a large metropolitan daily. You guys should blame that failure on Jack White, too. If "Marguerite Oswald" appeared loony, that is EXACTLY what the Agency would want for someone who accused her "son" of being an agent working for them. Again, to read the full story of the two Marguerite's that prompted this thread..... CLICK HERE
  23. The real question about all this LHO activity at Beauregard School in New Orleans, though, is how the heck do we explain that LHO clearly attended Stripling School in Fort Worth, Texas at the very same he was at Beauregard School in Louisiana? Are the Harvey and Lee critics still trying to blame Jack White and Frank Kudlaty for all of this? Kudlaty had a significant career in education. He served as the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, and was hired by foreign governments, including China, as an educational consultant. Why would he invent all this? Why would all those other witnesses make this stuff up? Why would Robert Oswald say in 1959, again in 1962, and again at the Warren Commission hearings that his "brother" attended Stripling School? Was that all Jack White's fault too?
  24. Like David Ferrie, who also met both Oswalds, Ed Voebel met an untimely death. In May 1971, he fell ill and was rushed to the Ochsner Clinic. The doctor asked if he had been around any poisons. He died the following day at the age of 32. His father told the HSCA that, although he had no proof, he believed his son died under suspicious circumstances. John did interview Voebel's sister, whose legal first name was Sweetie Pie. He also talked to John Neumeyer who, if memory serves, became quite a successful businessman.
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