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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Laugh! I've been friends with John Armstrong for more than 20 years. Here, again, is the evidence John has compiled for Stripling School that you are quite obviously totally incapable of debunking. HARVEY Oswald joined the Marines in October, 1956, left Fort Worth, and arrived at Camp Pendleton in California. One month later, in November, Robert Oswald married Vada Mercer, and the Marguerite Oswald impostor was now alone in her apartment at 4936 Collinwood. During the time that Robert and Vada were dating, the summer and fall of 1956, Robert never introduced his future wife to HARVEY Oswald (supposedly his "brother") nor to the Marguerite Oswald impostor (supposedly his "mother"). This makes perfect sense, because HARVEY Oswald was not Robert's brother and the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor was not Robert's mother. Despite all the work the H&L critics are trying to do to dismiss the evidence that LHO did indeed attend Stripling, it’s a funny thing about evidence. It just doesn’t go away, despite efforts to explain it away. Unless Mr. Gordon tells me to stop, and I’m going to keep posting this evidence on every page of this thread so that casual readers who happen to come across the critics’ attacks won’t be deceived into believing there isn’t substantial evidence that LHO did indeed attend Stripling School. First, of course, is the proof that the two LHOs attended two different schools just one year before the Stripling School attendance. Because both the FBI and the Warren Commission missed this detail and neglected to cover it up, school records published in the Warren volumes show that both LHOs attended a full fall 1953 school semester in New York City and New Orleans simultaneously. In the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended Public School 44 in the Bronx borough of New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. Also in the fall semester of 1953, the other LHO was present at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans for 89 school days. One year later, one LHO attended Beauregard School in New Orleans while the other was indeed enrolled in Stripling School in Fort Worth. It was, and remains, common knowledge among local Stripling School district residents and current and former students and teachers that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School in the 1950s. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram confirmed this simple fact in an article published in 2017 and updated in 2019. Once again, This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” And then, of course, there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 mentioned above. Way back on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97] In this 1997 interview, Stripling Student Fran Schubert watched LHO walk from the school to his house at 2220 Thomas Place just across the street from the school. And, of course, in a 1997 interview, the assistant principal of Stripling School described how he met two FBI agents at Stripling less than 24 hours after the assassination and gave them the records for LHO. Mr. Stevens can only say that Frank Kudlaty, who went on to become the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, was mistaken (about his entire story of meeting FBI agents hours after the assassination???) or lying.
  2. Once again, without offering a shred of EVIDENCE to back up his opinions, RCD scolds John A. for not doing enough research on this case. The legitimate way to counteract EVIDENCE you don’t like is to present more EVIDENCE that contradicts it. Opinions without evidence to back them up are worthless. Here is an example of EVIDENCE: In a November 15, 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram story entitled “My Values Different, Defector Told Mother,” Marguerite was quoted as saying: "He quit school at 14 …. he quit in the eighth grade ….. but was so set on getting an education, he quit and returned three times." That, of course, hardly matches the WC record of Classic Oswald® But it makes perfect sense if we understand that the Russian-speaking Oswald attended, and later quit, Stripling JHS, Warren Easton High School, and Arlington Heights High School. This, of course, matches nicely with the Star-Telegram articles of 1959 and 1962, both indicating that Robert Oswald said LHO attended Stripling a year or so before entering the Marine Corps. As someone who understands that the Warren Commission was an enormous cover-up, RCD should realize how valuable these relevant pre-assassination reports should be, and yet he just whines about them because he doesn't like what they say. As you should be able to tell from reading the excerpts from H&L I reproduced above, the conversation with Mr. Galindo was just the start of John’s research on Stripling School. His talk with Mr. Galindo led quickly to Ralph Waller and Billy Sills of the Fort Worth Independent School District, a list of 41 former Stripling teachers, Frank Kudlaty and others. John was looking for eyewitnesses to LHO’s Stripling School attendance, not for a definition of “common knowledge” which you only pretend is an unknown term. RCD is long on insults and short, as always, on EVIDENCE! It is quite simple to show the FWST articles were not based on one original mistake due to the disparate dates given in the articles for LHO’s attendance at Stripling. The 1959 and 1962 articles indicate LHO attended a year or so before joining the Marine Corps, clearly suggesting attendance in 1954 or 1955, but the 5/11/2002 article indicates LHO attended in 1956. The FBI destroyed the records, so there was minor disagreement about the dates, clearly indicating the 2002 article was not just repeating an “error” in the 1959 and 1961 stories. How can you possibly not be interested in these stories that pre-date the assassination and all the FBI/WC nonsense? You should treasure this glimpse into reality untouched by the cover-up artists at the FBI and WC. Instead, you just whine that it’s all a big mistake. If memory serves (and it doesn’t always), John tried to contact Robert but he wouldn’t talk to him. By the same token, since you are clearly so alarmed by the Harvey and Lee Menace®, why didn’t you contact Robert and set us all straight? Should I shame you for your obvious dereliction of duty? More insults.... but still no EVIDENCE! Sandy Larsen has been enormously helpful in a number of aspects of the H&L research. Sandy discovered the “prostheses failed 5-5-58” notation on LHO’s marine dental records, and did important research into the Taiwan trip of one LHO while the other was being treated for VD in Japan. Dr. James Norwood has written two extremely important articles on the Harvey and Lee website: Lee Harvey Oswald: The Legend and the Truth and Oswald’s Proficiency in the Russian Language
  3. The H&L critics are faced with overwhelming evidence that LHO attended Stripling School, including sworn testimony by Robert Oswald, five articles from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, recorded interviews with the Stripling assistant principal in 1963 and a Stripling Student who knew Oswald, and more. All the critics can do is complain. One recent complaint is that John A. didn’t get enough information about Stripling and its students and teachers. These people will never stop complaining. If we were able to answer all their questions about, for example, Ricardo Galindo, they would soon be demanding to know what he ate for breakfast the day after the assassination and scolding us for not knowing. Since the H&L critics cannot counter the evidence we have already presented, they just demand more. I’ll leave it for people who still have an open mind to decide for themselves how much evidence John gathered about Stripling Junior High School and LHO. Here are the relevant pages from Harvey and Lee:
  4. I’m not interested in arguing with anyone who just wants to pick personal fights and make ad hominems. None of that crap matters a bit. All that matters is EVIDENCE! Do ANY of you guys ever present EVIDENCE? Ever? You know, like this: and this.... and this..... click here for 1997 interview with Fran Schubert and this.... click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty
  5. Ya gotta love they way the H&L critics pretend that I have ignored their attempted rebuttals to all this evidence, acting as if I had not patiently explained to Mark Stevens—twice-- that the evidence shows it was LHO’s Stripling records, not Robert’s, that Dr. Kudlaty gave the FBI, that I haven’t explained to Mr. Stevens what “common knowledge” means to normal people, that I haven’t shown that the believable time for LHOs Stripling attendance was given by Robert in his two pre-assassination newspaper interviews and not his WC testimony, that I haven’t shown the simultaneous school appearances fit a now familiar pattern, and on and on. They want to pretend I am hiding from their questions, which is simply untrue. What is stunning about the H&L critics is that they attempt to blithely explain away the enormous amount of evidence that LHO attended Stripling School and show not an ounce of curiosity about whether this evidence could actually prove the case for two LHOs. The H&L critics claim that the Stripling assistant principal who said he gave LHO’s Stripling records to the FBI hours after the assassination was either lying or profoundly mistaken. They claim that Robert Oswald was just guessing that LHO attended Stripling when he told the Forth Worth Star Telegram in 1959 and again in 1962 that LHO attended Stripling school a year or so before entering the Marine Corps. The H&L critics ignore the fact that in 1956 Robert, Marguerite, and LHO lived at 4936 Collinwood in Fort Worth, just ten blocks or so from Stripling School, when Robert and LHO undoubtedly compared notes for their Stripling attendance (Robert in 1948, LHO in 1954). Robert certainly wasn’t guessing about LHO’s Stripling attendance. The H&L critics claim that the Star-Telegram article published two days after the assassination was wrong when it stated LHO attended Stripling. Ditto for the Star Telegram stories of 2002 and 2017, both of which said LHO attended Stripling. They claim Stripling student Fran Schubert was wrong in her clear memory that she watched LHO walk the short distance home from the school to 2220 Thomas Place, just across the street from Stripling, where Marguerite lived on several occasions, including when JFK was killed. They claim to not understand what Stripling principal Ricardo Galindo meant when he told John Armstrong that it was “common knowledge” that LHO attended Stripling. They ignore Marguerite’s statement in the 11/15/59 Star-Telegram that LHO “quit school at 14 …. he quit in the eighth grade ….. but was so set on getting an education, he quit and returned three times,” and apparently want people to think this matches the Official Record without Stripling School. They ignore the evidence, claiming it is just a “distraction,” that just one year before Stripling the two LHOs attended school simultaneously in New York City and New Orleans. The H&L critics cannot even CONSIDER ACCEPTING the clear evidence that LHO attended Stripling School because they know, if they do, they have to accept there were two different young men sharing the identity of LHO, just as John Armstrong has shown. That is why the H&L critics are working so hard in their unsuccessful attempts to debunk the Stripling evidence. If they accept it—any of it—they lose!
  6. H&L critics want readers to believe that the evil cabal of Jack White and Frank Kudlaty conspired to lie to the world about LHO attending Stripling School. It just didn’t happen, they want readers to believe. But they fail to explain how the White/Kudlaty team traveled back in time to 1959, and again to 1962, and talked Robert Oswald into telling the Fort Worth Star-Tribune the enormous fib about LHO attending Stripling School. Robert Oswald wasn’t guessing about Stripling and LHO! In 1956, more than a year after LHO had attended Stripling, Robert, “Marguerite,” and LHO were all living at 4936 Collinwood in Fort Worth. Do you seriously think Robert and LHO didn’t compare notes about their experiences at Stripling JHS? The Stripling School evidence is simply overwhelming, and I’ll never stop posting it as long as anyone here tries to deny it.
  7. How Did Robert Oswald Know LHO Attended Stripling? At least one of the four or five H&L critics working so hard here have pointed out, correctly, that Robert Oswald was in the Marine Corps when LHO enrolled in Stripling School in the fall semester of 1954. So how did Robert know about LHO’s attendance there? John A. wrote about this very issue some time ago on this page of HarveyandLee.net. Robert Oswald knew HARVEY Oswald In 1948 Robert Oswald enrolled in the 9th grade at Stripling Junior High School in Ft. Worth (1948-49 school year). Six years later, in 1954, HARVEY Oswald enrolled in the 9th grade at Stripling JHS. Two years later, during the summer and fall of 1956 Robert Oswald, HARVEY Oswald, and the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor were living in an apartment at 4936 Collinwood in Ft. Worth, not far from Stripling JHS. Google Maps While living together in this small apartment, it is the author's opinion that Robert and HARVEY discussed their attendance, teachers, and experiences at nearby Stripling JHS. The would explain how Robert Oswald learned that HARVEY had attended Stripling JHS, and would also explain how Robert was able to tell the Warren Commission that his "brother" had attended Stripling. HARVEY Oswald joined the Marines in October, 1956, left Fort Worth, and arrived at Camp Pendleton in California. One month later, in November, Robert Oswald married Vada Mercer, and the Marguerite Oswald impostor was now alone in her apartment at 4936 Collinwood. During the time that Robert and Vada were dating, the summer and fall of 1956, Robert never introduced his future wife to HARVEY Oswald (supposedly his "brother") nor to the Marguerite Oswald impostor (supposedly his "mother"). This makes perfect sense, because HARVEY Oswald was not Robert's brother and the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor was not Robert's mother. Despite all the work the H&L critics are trying to do to dismiss the evidence that LHO did indeed attend Stripling, it’s a funny thing about evidence. It just doesn’t go away, despite efforts to explain it away. Unless Mr. Gordon tells me to stop, and I’m going to keep posting this evidence on every page of this thread so that casual readers who happen to come across the critics’ attacks won’t be deceived into believing there isn’t substantial evidence that LHO did indeed attend Stripling School. First, of course, is the proof that the two LHOs attended two different schools just one year before the Stripling School attendance. Because both the FBI and the Warren Commission missed this detail and neglected to cover it up, school records published in the Warren volumes show that both LHOs attended a full fall 1953 school semester in New York City and New Orleans simultaneously. In the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended Public School 44 in the Bronx borough of New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. Also in the fall semester of 1953, the other LHO was present at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans for 89 school days. One year later, one LHO attended Beauregard School in New Orleans while the other was indeed enrolled in Stripling School in Fort Worth. It was, and remains, common knowledge among local Stripling School district residents and current and former students and teachers that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School in the 1950s. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram confirmed this simple fact in an article published in 2017 and updated in 2019. Once again, This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” And then, of course, there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 mentioned above. Way back on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97] In this 1997 interview, Stripling Student Fran Schubert watched LHO walk from the school to his house at 2220 Thomas Place just across the street from the school. And, of course, in a 1997 interview, the assistant principal of Stripling School described how he met two FBI agents at Stripling less than 24 hours after the assassination and gave them the records for LHO. Mr. Stevens can only say that Frank Kudlaty, who went on to become the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, was mistaken (about his entire story of meeting FBI agents hours after the assassination???) or lying.
  8. Of course, if Mr. Stevens had bothered to read THIS POST from last Saturday, he would not need to "await anyone's articulated conclusion." Here's the information again.... According to John Armstrong’s accounting of his initial telephone conversation with Mr. Kudlaty, the Stripling assistant principal said that he found school records for both Robert Oswald and Lee Oswald that Saturday morning at the school. See below (emphasis added). I telephoned Mr. Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not "Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank replied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI." I was momentarily stunned by Frank's answer, and asked him to tell me what he remembered in detail. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assassination, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Principal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. I went into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Stripling…." [H&L, p. 98] It always seemed strange to me that the FBI sent agents to gather (and confiscate!) the elementary school and teen-aged employment records of Lee Harvey Oswald within hours of the assassination. By this time, Hoover could not possibly have determined (at least honestly) that there were no other co-conspirators or that no other government officials had been targeted for assassination. And yet you want us to believe that less than 24 hours of the assassination of JFK, the FBI was gathering junior high school records for the designated patsy’s brother? Do you also believe that the man who would soon become the superintendent of Waco Schools didn’t know the difference between the putative assassin of JFK and his brother? Here is another clear indication that Mr. Kudlaty had LHO’s school records, and not Robert’s. Robert Oswald testified to the WC that he attended Stripling School for a year: Mr. JENNER. And Lee was 9 years old. You continued at Arlington Heights Junior High School for how long? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir--W. C. Stripling Junior High School. For 1 year, the ninth grade. If I may, sir, perhaps correct something--I don't know for sure which way it was. When I said Lee attended West Ridglea Elementary School, I think perhaps the first year he attended Arlington Heights Elementary School, because I don't believe the West Ridglea Elementary School was completed at that time. Mr. JENNER. We might take you in sequence so that at least I don't get confused. You spent a year at W. C. Stripling High School? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. So we now have we are now into '49-'50, is that correct? Mr. OSWALD. That is correct, sir. Mr. JENNER. And after a year at W. C. Stripling High School, you enrolled where? Mr. OSWALD. At Arlington Heights High School. But in the first minute of his 1997 interview, Mr. Kudlaty indicated that LHO’s records showed he “didn’t attend for a full year.” At around the 2:28 mark in the interview, he had this exchange with John: JA; Now, just to clarify, we’re talking about the records of Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of JFK? FK: That’s right, uh-huh. JA: And, to your knowledge, he did attend Stripling? FK: Yes, he had to have attended. I didn’t know Lee Harvey Oswald. I didn’t know he was a student there, but we wouldn’t have had a record for him if he hadn’t attended, even one day, we would have had a record. To the best of my recollection, his records were incomplete in that they did not show a full year of attendance…. I believe he had grades for one 6-week period. click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty
  9. Oh fer cryin' out loud! In a November 15, 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram story entitled “My Values Different, Defector Told Mother,” Marguerite was quoted as saying: "He quit school at 14 …. he quit in the eighth grade ….. but was so set on getting an education, he quit and returned three times." That, of course, hardly matches the WC record of Classic Oswald® But it makes perfect sense if we understand that the Russian-speaking Oswald attended, and later quit, Stripling JHD, Warren Easton High School, and Arlington Heights High School. We can also say, with absolute certainty, that in this 1997 interview, former Stripling student Fran Schubert said she watched LHO walk home across the street from Stripling to the duplex that once stood at 2220 Thomas Place, the same address where Marguerite Oswald was living on November 22, 1963. What a coincidence! We can also say that, in this 1997 interview, former Stripling School assistant principal Frank Kudlaty, who went on the become Superintendent of Schools for Waco Texas, said that he met two FBI agents at Stripling less than 24 hours after the assassination and handed over LHO’s Stripling records. Way back on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97] We can also point to this additional evidence: "Teachers and classmates remember him as attending Stripling, though there is no official record.” --2017 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is and was hardly a hotbed of conspiracy theories. Many of its articles make the assumption that LHO killed JFK. But it is also the local paper that covered events at Stripling School, and one of the conclusions it clearly reached was that LHO was Stripling's "best-known" student.
  10. Just the facts, indeed! What Mr. Bojczuk calls a “distraction” and RCD calls “the flaccid dodge-em we’ve come to expect” is actually clear evidence that the documentary trail of both Lee Harvey Oswalds flows like a river through this entire saga of a long-term U.S. intelligence operation. The Russian-speaking LHO was given as many experiences as possible similar to the American boy born as Lee Harvey Oswald in the hope of fooling Soviet bureaucrats during his false defection. Both of the young LHOs, for example, attended Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans. As I’ve been pointing out most recently in this thread, during the fall semester of 1954, one LHO attended Stripling JHS in Fort Worth while the other attended Beauregard JHS in New Orleans. The evidence for two LHOs in school simultaneously is even clearer one year earlier, during the fall semester of 1953. Because both the FBI and the Warren Commission missed this detail and neglected to cover it up, school records published in the Warren volumes show that both LHOs attended a full fall 1953 school semester in New York City and New Orleans simultaneously. In the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended Public School 44 in the Bronx borough of New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. Also in the fall semester of 1953, the other LHO was present at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans for 89 school days. H&L critics will be quick to claim this is all a "distraction" and a “flaccid dodge-em we’ve come to expect.” Besides, they'll claim, someone else, somewhere else has debunked the evidence shown above, and they'll supply a flurry of links to these so-called “debunkings.” But none of them will dare to try to debunk this evidence right here, because it will then be obvious to all how silly their arguments are. If they're not careful, unsuspecting readers might see that there is a clear pattern to all this evidence, and, above all else, that can't be allowed to happen. For much more on the two Oswalds in school during this exact period, see John A’s write-up on our website: Lee and Harvey in Three Consecutive School Semesters Just a couple of years after those described above, both LHOs were in the Marine Corps, where the evidence that there were two of them is equally clear. This is not a “distraction,” or a “flaccid dodge-em we’ve come to expect.” It is “just the facts, ma’am.”
  11. Assuming we’re talking about Stripling JHS students in the fall semester of 1954, you’re just making up the claim that “294 have absolutely no recollection of him [LHO]," aren’t you? If you’re NOT making this up, please provide proof that “294” students students at Stripling in 1954 had no recollection of LHO being there. Be sure to provide the NAME each of the "294" students who had no recollection of LHO. After all, the principal of Stripling in 1994 said it was “common knowledge” that LHO attended the school. But you know better, right? Is that because you’ve worked as a principal at Stripling School also, and learned that Mr. Galindo was just making up his claim? But by all means, now ask for a statistically-inclined definition of "common knowledge", as if Mr. Galindo's message wasn't perfectly clear. It was, and remains, common knowledge among local Stripling School district residents and current and former students and teachers that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School in the 1950s. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram confirmed this simple fact in an article published in 2017 and updated in 2019. Once again, This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” And then, of course, there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 mentioned above. Way back on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97] In this 1997 interview, Stripling Student Fran Schubert watched LHO walk from the school to his house at 2220 Thomas Place just across the street from the school. And, of course, in a 1997 interview, the assistant principal of Stripling School described how he met two FBI agents at Stripling less than 24 hours after the assassination and gave them the records for LHO. Mr. Stevens can only say that Frank Kudlaty, who went on to become the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, was mistaken (about his entire story of meeting FBI agents hours after the assassination???) or lying.
  12. Is it your position, then, that Stripling School assistant principal Frank Kudlaty would not remember for the rest of his life meeting with FBI officials less than 24 hours after the assassination of JFK and handing them the school records of the accused assassin? You think he would "forget" this 20, 30, 40, or 50 or any number of years after it happened? I'm an old timer myself and I remember EXACTLY where I was in school when I first learned of the shooting. I was playing touch football in school, and was playing wide receiver and was near the sidelines. Being the closest kid, I guess, the teacher called me over and said, "They shot Kennedy." If only I'd had the wherewithal to ask, "Who, coach, who shot him?" Despite that missed opportunity, your claim that Frank Kudlaty would not have remembered handing LHO's school records to the FBI after any number of years strains credulity. There are few moments in life like that for any of us. FRANK KUDLATY Frank Kudlaty, assistant principal in 1963 of Stripling JHS in Fort Worth, went on to become the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, where he retired in 1986. According to this write-up at legacy.com, Mr. Kudlaty “earned his BA degree from TCU on a basketball scholarship. He earned a Masters of Education from TCU, a Doctorate in Education from NTSU and was a Doctoral Fellow at Yale.” The write-up goes on to say that, among other responsibilities, Mr Kudlaty was a 15-year volunteer with Meals on Wheels and served on the board of directors of the Salvation Army for 27 years. Of course, Mr. Parnell simply has no choice but to say this obviously well educated and generous man was lying to us. According to school documents published by the Warren Commission, there was simply no time for one Lee Harvey Oswald to have attended Stripling School, and so it all had to go away, including the school records Mr. Kudlaty gave the FBI agents, even though it was and remains common knowledge among local residents, including Fran Schubert, that LHO did attend school there. Nearly a dozen newspaper articles and Robert Oswald’s own sworn testimony support that simple fact. click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty
  13. But that’s what you guys always say about every witness you find inconvenient; that each witness was either lying or mistaken. Robert Oswald was wrong three times (two times BEFORE everything hit the fan after the assassination), that Marguerite was wrong when she said LHO quit and returned to school three times starting in the eighth grade, and that Frank Kudlaty, Ricardo Galindo, and Fran Schubert were all lying or mistaken about LHO’s presence at Stripling. And, of course in five or six different articles over a period of roughly 60 years, the local newspaper, the Star-Telegram, was wrong again and again about LHO attending Stripling, and the record was NEVER corrected. And Stripling School was covered regularly by the Star-Telegram. For example, from the April 2, 1963:
  14. As I showed on the previous page, we have three Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles, all published BEFORE the assassination of JFK, indicating, twice directly and once indirectly, that LHO attended Stripling School, as opposed to the official record that you want us to believe. U.S. News and World Report: 50 Years Later: Where Were You When JFK Was Assassinated? The author of this article wrote, ‘I was 8 years old on Nov. 22, 1963, and Kennedy’s assassination remains one of my most vivid childhood memories. Anyone who was old enough remembers where they were and what they were doing when they heard the tragic news of the president’s death.” The article goes on to report the detailed 50-year-old memories of Jimmy Carter, Larry King, singer Grace Slick, baseball pitcher Don Larsen, actor Ryan O’Neal, Michael Dukakis, and others. Each of these people vividly recalled exactly what they were doing half a century ago when the news of President Kennedy’s assassination was broadcast. Now you want us to believe that, over a time span of less than half a century, the assistant principal of Stripling School, told by his boss to meet FBI agents at the school just hours after the assassination, would not recall that event? At the very time news of the assassination and the suspected assassin was drowning out all else U.S. airwaves, it would be “unlikely” that you would recall locating the school records of the accused assassin? In all probability, you would remember that event vividly, just as everyone else recalled where they were and what they were doing when JFK was shot. Ricardo Galindo, the principal of Stripling School for the 1993/1994 school year told John A. that it was “common knowledge” that LHO attended Stripling. Are you sure you are better qualified to voice an opposing opinion?
  15. Oh, puh-leeze! I presented this evidence just eight hours ago! Here’s what Robert told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram for the edition of June, 8, 1962, more than a year before JFK was killed and the Warren Commission was organized: “The brother said the younger Oswald attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School about a year before he enlisted in the Marines.” Robert said the same thing in 1959. Marguerite Oswald indirectly but clearly confirmed Robert Oswald's general timeline for the Stripling School enrollment for LHO: In a November 15, 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram story entitled “My Values Different, Defector Told Mother,” Marguerite was quoted as saying: "He quit school at 14 …. he quit in the eighth grade ….. but was so set on getting an education, he quit and returned three times." That, of course, hardly matches the WC record of Classic Oswald® But it makes perfect sense if we understand that the Russian-speaking Oswald attended, and later quit, Stripling JHS, Warren Easton High School, and Arlington Heights High School.
  16. Countering the arguments the H&L critics make regarding the Stripling evidence strikes me as a waste of time. For just one example, in THIS POST Mark Stevens quoted me as saying: “... on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance at the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was 'common knowledge' that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97]” Mr. Stevens responded with this: “Again, what exactly constitutes 'common knowledge?' If for instance, 300 students and faculty were at Stripling, daily, and Harvey & Lee proponents have offered, at best, 6 documented witnesses which can attest to Oswald's presence at Stripling; would 2% constitute a population which could be considered 'common knowledge?'" A “debate” like this seems worthless to me. Stripling School principal Ricardo Galindo told John Armstrong that it was “common knowledge” that LHO attended his school. Demanding a discussion of what “common knowledge” should mean to a linguist or a statistician or a philosopher is absurd. Mr. Galindo’s statement obviously meant that many people knew about it. End of a discussion that should have never started. I have said several times now that the only real puzzle in the small mountain of Stripling evidence is this: Why would Robert Oswald have told the Warren Commission that LHO attended Stripling in 1952, which was obviously an incorrect year? On closer examination, though, the answer is quite simple. That probably isn’t what Robert said at all, unless he was coached to be deliberately inaccurate. This is easy to prove. Here’s what Robert told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram for the edition of June, 8, 1962, more than a year before JFK was killed and the Warren Commission was organized: “The brother said the younger Oswald attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School about a year before he enlisted in the Marines.” LHO’s Marine Corp. enlistment interview was held on October 15, 1956, about 2 years after his attendance at Stripling School. Robert’s statement to the Fort Worth paper before the assassination of JFK seems to be much closer to the truth than the version the Warren Commission gave us. Roughly two years after Robert spoke to the Star-Telegram, the Warren Commission alleged that he said LHO attended Stripling School in 1952, not the 54-55 school year as Robert’s earlier newspaper statement clearly suggested. Understanding all we know now concerning the Warren Commission, would you believe Robert’s earliest known recollection of the time LHO went to Stripling, or what he allegedly told the WC, which was obviously inaccurate? This later estimate for LHO's Stripling attendance also agrees with Marguerite’s FWST statement. In a November 15, 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram story entitled “My Values Different, Defector Told Mother,” Marguerite was quoted as saying: "He quit school at 14 …. he quit in the eighth grade ….. but was so set on getting an education, he quit and returned three times." That, of course, hardly matches the WC education records of Classic Oswald®. But it makes perfect sense if we understand that the Russian-speaking Oswald attended, and later quit, Stripling JHS, Warren Easton High School, and Arlington Heights High School, all soon before joining the Marines, just as Robert Oswald told the FWST BEFORE the Warren Commission convened and hired all those high-priced lawyers to hide the truth about the assassination and the Oswald Project. The simple fact is that we have evidence from a Stripling School principal and a Stripling assistant principal that LHO attended Stripling, along with clear pre-assassination statements from both Robert Oswald and Marguerite that back up that claim, as well as a YouTube video from a classmate who saw him walk from the school to 2220 Thomas Place, and five articles from the local daily newspaper saying that LHO attended Stripling. The H&L critics always call the following a "distraction," but we also have clear evidence published in the Warren volumes that shows Classic Oswald attended schools in NYC and New Orleans simultaneously just a year before the Stripling episode. It all fits a familiar pattern. None of the H&L critics seem remotely impressed by this evidence, nor do they express the slightest curiosity about questioning whether there is something terribly wrong in the official biography of LHO. They just make excuses for the evidence and claim everyone is lying or mistaken.
  17. Hi, Robert, It’s always good to hear from you, even when we disagree. According to John Armstrong’s accounting of his initial telephone conversation with Mr. Kudlaty, the Stripling assistant principal said that he found school records for both Robert Oswald and Lee Oswald that Saturday morning at the school. See below (emphasis added). I telephoned Mr. Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not "Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank replied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI." I was momentarily stunned by Frank's answer, and asked him to tell me what he remembered in detail. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assassination, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Principal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. I went into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Stripling…." [H&L, p. 98] It always seemed strange to me that the FBI sent agents to gather (and confiscate!) the elementary school and teen-aged employment records of Lee Harvey Oswald within hours of the assassination. By this time, Hoover could not possibly have determined (at least honestly) that there were no other co-conspirators or that no other government officials had been targeted for assassination. And yet you want us to believe that less than 24 hours of the assassination of JFK, the FBI was gathering junior high school records for the designated patsy’s brother? Do you also believe that the man who would soon become the superintendent of Waco Schools didn’t know the difference between the putative assassin of JFK and his brother? EDIT: Here is another clear indication that Mr. Kudlaty had LHO’s school records, and not Robert’s. Robert Oswald testified to the WC that he attended Stripling School for a year: Mr. JENNER. And Lee was 9 years old. You continued at Arlington Heights Junior High School for how long? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir--W. C. Stripling Junior High School. For 1 year, the ninth grade. If I may, sir, perhaps correct something--I don't know for sure which way it was. When I said Lee attended West Ridglea Elementary School, I think perhaps the first year he attended Arlington Heights Elementary School, because I don't believe the West Ridglea Elementary School was completed at that time. Mr. JENNER. We might take you in sequence so that at least I don't get confused. You spent a year at W. C. Stripling High School? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. So we now have we are now into '49-'50, is that correct? Mr. OSWALD. That is correct, sir. Mr. JENNER. And after a year at W. C. Stripling High School, you enrolled where? Mr. OSWALD. At Arlington Heights High School. But in the first minute of his 1997 interview, Mr. Kudlaty indicated that LHO’s records showed he “didn’t attend for a full year.” At around the 2:28 mark in the interview, he had this exchange with John: JA; Now, just to clarify, we’re talking about the records of Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of JFK? FK: That’s right, uh-huh. JA: And, to your knowledge, he did attend Stripling? FK: Yes, he had to have attended. I didn’t know Lee Harvey Oswald. I didn’t know he was a student there, but we wouldn’t have had a record for him he hadn’t attended, even one day, we would have had a record. To the best of my recollection, his records were incomplete in that they did not show a full year of attendance…. I believe he had grades for one 6-week period. click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty
  18. It’s easy to see why Mr. Stevens hates “records” and “newspaper articles.” This EVIDENCE clearly shows that, during their junior high school years, two young men were sharing the identity of “Lee Harvey Oswald.” As I’ve already told Mr. Stevens, I will continue to post the evidence for Stripling School every time he tries to deny its existence or its significance. Despite the best efforts of the H&L critics here to cast doubt on the massive amount of Stripling evidence that the FBI was unable to destroy, the only issue of any real interest is the conflicting accounts of the years LHO actually attended the school, which range from 1951 (Robert Oswald’s testimony) to 1956 (the FWST edition of May 11, 2002). The obvious point here is that these discrepancies could have been easily resolved if the FBI had not destroyed the Stripling records it collected from Frank Kudlaty. Speaking of evidence, I forgot to mention in the post at the top of this page that on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance at the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97] Mr. Stevens apparently wants us to believe that, in addition to Robert Oswald’s testimony, these people are all lying about Stripling School: John Armstrong and/or Ricardo Galindo, Frank Kudlaty, and Fran Schubert, and that five Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles indicating LHO attended Stripling were wrong and were never corrected. Mr. Stevens asks that I “please discuss” some of the people entered into John Armstrong’s raw Stripling notes, but since they are merely notations John made, I did not even included them in my lists of evidence. Dr. James Norwood did discuss them a bit, so feel free to discuss them with him. For me, they are irrelevant to this discussion since I have not included them in collection evidence, other than showing John’s raw notes. Use of LARGE FONTS appears to be one of Mr. Stevens’ specialties, so let me offer him an invitation to use more LARGE FONTS to exclaim that it is totally irrelevant that, just a single school year prior to the simultaneous Beauregard/Stripling attendance, school records published in the Warren Commission show that “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended school simultaneously in New York City and New Orleans. In the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended Public School 44 in the Bronx borough of New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. Also in the fall semester of 1953, the other LHO was present at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans for 89 school days. Of course, Mr. Stevens (and undoubtedly Mr. Bojczuk) want readers to believe it is completely irrelevant—just a distraction—to point out that the two LHOs who attended two different schools in the fall semester of 1954 also attended two different schools just one year earlier in 1953. Does anyone seriously believe that fact is irrelevant? How absurd is that?
  19. Nonsense! How utterly predictable that Mr. Stevens would view the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that LHO attended Stripling School as “’sleight of hand’ to divert from the conversation at hand,” a conversation which happens to be about LHO’s attendance at Stripling School! I will continue to post the evidence for LHO’s Stripling School attendance every time someone tries to deny it, or at least until Mr. Gordon tells me to stop. Mr. Stevens cannot deny that five articles in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (1959, 1962, 1963, 2002, 2017) indicate that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School, that Robert Oswald testified that his brother attended Stripling, that in this interview the vice principal of Stripling in 1963 said he gave the now vanished Stripling School records to two FBI agents who visited his school less than 24 hours after the assassination, and that Stripling student Fran Schubert said, in this interview, that on numerous occasions she watched Lee Harvey Oswald walk from Stripling to the house that once stood at 2220 Thomas Place, where Marguerite Oswald lived on the day of the assassination. Mr. Stevens, following Jerry Bojczuk's lead, pretends that it is a distraction when I discuss LHO's attendance at Stripling School and how the evidence for that was handled, and show that it fits into a familiar pattern in this case. He claims it is a distraction to show that a single year earlier, one Oswald was attending school in NYC at exactly the same time the other was enrolled in a New Orleans junior high school. And on and on. Mr. Stevens is free to say that everyone is lying, that five different local newspaper articles were wrong (or lying!) but will he ever show us a retraction? Of course not. One doesn’t exist. Keep the outrage coming, Mr. Stevens. I LOVE posting the Stripling evidence, and I have no plan to stop! Mr. Parnell can 'splain how "Kudlaty wasn't 'lying' in the traditional sense of the word" all he wants, but anyone who listens to that interview will know full well that Mr. Kudlaty is either telling the truth or inventing an enormous whopper! Keep the outrage coming, boys, I LOVE IT!
  20. LHO AT STRIPLING SCHOOL FITS THE PATTERN OF EVIDENCE ABOUT “LEE HARVEY OSWALD” Mark Stevens argues against the existing evidence that one “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended Stripling School in Fort Worth at the very same time the other LHO was at Beauregard School in New Orleans. By extension, he needs readers to believe that the assistant principal at Stripling School in 1963 was lying when he said in a 1997 interview now on YouTube that he gave the Stripling records of Lee Harvey Oswald to the FBI less than 24 hours after the assassination. This post will show the following: I. It is entirely likely that two different LHOs attended both Stripling and Beauregard schools in the fall semester of 1954 since there is clear evidence that, just one year earlier, two different LHOs had attended schools in New York City and New Orleans for the full term of the fall semester of 1953. II. The FBI’s destruction of the the original Stripling records for LHO follows a familiar pattern. The original New York City school records for Oswald also disappeared, as did all other school and early employment original records of LHO, all while in FBI custody. III. Even though LHO’s attendance at Stripling was covered up by the FBI/WC, clear evidence has survived even decades later that it was common knowledge among local residents, teachers, and students that LHO attended Stripling School. Now, on to the details…. I. The fall 1964 Stripling/Beauregard simultaneous attendances is merely a continuation of the fall 1963 NYC/Beauregard attendances. We’ve presented the 1963 NYC/Beauregard evidence many times, but no one has ever debunked it, and so here it is again: In the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended Public School 44 in the Bronx borough of New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. Also in the fall semester of 1953, the other LHO was present at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans for 89 school days. Both of the records above are printed in the Warren volumes. Many times it has been claimed that someone else, somewhere else has debunked this, and so, again, I invite any interested party to show the debunking evidence right here on this forum so that we can all see it. II. The FBI destroyed all of Lee Harvey Oswald’s original school and early employment records, including the New York City school records. The ARRB’s Joe Freeman wrote in a July 10, 1995 memo: “Let me state at the start that all the school and employment records I looked at in the Warren Commission Exhibit files at Archives II were copies, not originals.” Where did those original records go? If you want to argue that the originals were returned to the sources, please show me your evidence for that. Why did the FBI lose the records for LHO’s schooling in 1964? Without repeating the details here, I’ve posted the evidence that the FBI destroyed LHO’s original NYC school records in THIS POST earlier in this thread. III. It was, and remains, common knowledge among local Stripling School district residents and current and former students and teachers that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School in the 1950s. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram confirmed this simple fact in an article published in 2017 and updated in 2019. Once again, This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” And then, of course, there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 mentioned above. Way back on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97] And, of course, in a 1997 interview, the assistant principal of Stripling School described how he met two FBI agents at Stripling less than 24 hours after the assassination and gave them the records for LHO. Mr. Stevens can only say that Frank Kudlaty, who went on to become the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, was mistaken (about his entire story of meeting FBI agents hours after the assassination???) or lying. A few other details.... First, let me say that Mr. Bojczuk’s demand that I explain a comment by James Norwood confused me a bit. I thought he was ascribing the statement to me. Dr. Norwood is entirely capable of speaking for himself, if he cares to make the effort. On the subject of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (FWST) articles, there would have been no confusion over the actual dates of LHO’s attendance at Stripling if the FBI hadn’t destroyed the school’s records. The fact that differing dates are presented is a clear indication that all the reports were not based on just information from Robert Oswald. The fact that Mr. Stevens does not find the five reports of the FWST up to his standards for this discussion does not negate the fact that they exist, along with other evidence. For more than 60 years, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram has been reporting that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Fort Worth’s Stripling Junior High, a school that this very same newspaper regularly covers. If Fort Worth’s biggest and longest existing daily newspaper made so many glaring errors about this famous student, it is pretty reasonable someone in the Fort Worth area would have noticed and corrected it, which would surely have been published by the FWST itself. By all means, please show us that retraction, or ANY evidence from Fort Worth that all those reports were wrong.
  21. What Mr. Bojczuk above calls “’Harvey and Lee’ talking point(s)” is actually the overwhelming evidence that one Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School. According to evidence produced by the FBI/WC, this is simply impossible if there was only one LHO. Mr. Bojczuk considers all evidence about the topic of two Oswalds a “distraction,” unless, of course, that evidence is about the mastoidectomy and ignores evidence of two Oswalds. Mr. Bojczuk demands that I defend my position in reference to this statement by Mark Stevens: “We started with a total of six eyewitnesses who ‘clearly recalled Oswald attending Stripling Junior High School,’" when, in fact, the only person here who made any statement at all in reference to “six eyewitnesses” was Mr. Stevens himself. Mr. Stevens apparently created the “six eyewitness” strawman argument by reading the John A’s raw notes about Stripling and drawing his own conclusion that John had identified “six eyewitness.” I did make reference to John’s notes about gym teacher Mark Summers and student Doug Gann, but neither I nor Dr. Norwood nor Sandy Larsen would make a blanket statement about “six eyewitnesses” here, not because we don’t believe it, but because we can’t prove it with recorded testimony. If Mr. Stevens insists on putting words that were never spoken into our mouths, would he at least make an effort to show where we allegedly said such things? Here’s what we can say: In a November 15, 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram story entitled “My Values Different, Defector Told Mother,” Marguerite was quoted as saying: "He quit school at 14 …. he quit in the eighth grade ….. but was so set on getting an education, he quit and returned three times." That, of course, hardly matches the WC record of Classic Oswald® But it makes perfect sense if we understand that the Russian-speaking Oswald attended, and later quit, Stripling JHD, Warren Easton High School, and Arlington Heights High School. We can also say, with absolute certainty, that in this 1997 interview, former Stripling student Fran Schubert said she watched LHO walk home across the street from Stripling to the duplex that once stood at 2220 Thomas Place, the same address where Marguerite Oswald was living on November 22, 1963. What a coincidence! We can also say that, in this 1997 interview, former Stripling School assistant principal Frank Kudlaty, who went on the become Superintendent of Schools for Waco Texas, said that he met two FBI agents at Stripling less than 24 hours after the assassination and handed over LHO’s Stripling records. We can also point to this additional evidence: "Teachers and classmates remember him as attending Stripling, though there is no official record.” --2017 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is and was hardly a hotbed of conspiracy theories. Many of its articles make the assumption that LHO killed JFK. But it is also the local paper that covered events at Stripling School, and one of the conclusions it clearly reached was that LHO was Stripling's "best-known" student.
  22. Dr. Norwood, Thank you for that clear summary of the evidence that one LHO attended Stripling School in Fort Worth in the fall semester of 1954 while the other was still at Beauregard School in New Orleans. Your point about the FBI contacting Stripling principal Weldon Lucas less than 24 hours after the assassination is a clear indication that someone in the Bureau, probably Hoover himself, understood the danger of the Stripling evidence and in all likelihood planned from the beginning to make it all disappear. Small wonder the agents didn't offer Mr. Kudlaty a receipt! Let's step back a couple of years and summarize the evidence leading up to the mysterious junior high school years of "Lee Harvey Oswald." According to the records published by the WC, prior to moving to New Orleans and attending Beauregard Junior High School, Classic Oswald® attended school in New York City. There is considerable evidence that both Lee Harvey Oswald's attended New York schools, though the Russian-speaking youth was habitually truant and eventually had to flee the city to escape possible exposure in the NYC legal system. Without in this post getting into the evidence for two Oswalds attending New York City schools, I'd just like to remind readers that the surviving evidence clearly shows that the original school records of Lee Harvey Oswald disappeared while in FBI custody. I've summarized that evidence earlier in this thread in THIS POST. Which brings us to New Orleans, or I should say brings half of us to New Orleans, because school records published by the Warren Commission clearly show that in the fall semester of 1953, one Oswald attended Beauregard School in Louisiana at the very same time the other Oswald attended Public School 44 in the Bronx, one of the five boroughs of New York City. Here are the details: Fall Semester, 1953: One LHO attended Beauregard JHS in New Orleans for 89 school days. The second LHO was enrolled in Public School 44 in New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. The very next year, for the fall semester starting in 1954, we have one Oswald at Stripling, the other, according to the school records, still at Beauregard. No one should be surprised by this. Hoover’s FBI “lost” all the original NYC school records and replaced them with far easier to modify photostatic copies. What were they hiding? For the very next year, the Bureau apparently failed to notice that the Beauregard and PS 44 NYC records exposed two different LHOs. And so why should anyone be surprised that one LHO attended Stripling at the same time the other LHO was still at Beauregard? It fits a well established pattern. Instead, several H&L critics want us to believe that Robert Oswald was wrong about LHO attending Stripling, that Stripling assistant principal Frank Kudlaty was lying about handing over Oswald’s records, that Fran Schubert was lying about watching Oswald walk home from Stripling to the now well-known address of 2220 Thomas Place (she actually points to it during her 1997 interview), and that five different articles in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram saying LHO attended Stripling School were ALL wrong.
  23. As I said before, it’s pretty clear that Robert Oswald got the year wrong regarding when LHO attended Stripling School, which is hardly surprising. He remembered LHO going to Stripling before the NYC residency rather than after it, which is when it surely occurred. In a November 15, 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram story entitled “My Values Different, Defector Told Mother,” Marguerite is quoted as saying: "He quit school at 14 …. he quit in the eighth grade ….. but was so set on getting an education, he quit and returned three times." But the Warren Commission records show no such attendance problems or evidence of quitting even once, much less three times during that period. These records show him successfully completing the 8th and 9th grades at Beauregard JHS, in New Orleans. John A. summarized what really happened: The "Marguerite Oswald" imposter accurately described to reporter Les Strother in 1959 how Harvey Oswald quit and returned to school on 3 separate occasions. The most likely reason for Harvey's changing from one school to another was his inability to provide transcripts from the previous schools. We can now see that her innocent sounding, but very revealing statement, about Harvey was correct. * The 1st school Harvey returned to was Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth (1954) where he dropped out after two months. * The 2nd school Harvey returned to was Warren Easton High School in New Orleans (1955) where he dropped out after a month. * The 3rd school Harvey returned to was Arlington Heights High School in Fort Worth (1956) where he dropped out after a month to join the Marines. [H&L, p 89] Several people, as well as at least one FWST newspaper report, have indicated that it was common knowledge that LHO attended Stripling School. John did most of his research into Stripling in 1994 and made extensive notes, which he typed up and ultimately allowed to be put up on the Baylor University JFK/John Armstrong online collection. Those notes are shown below. As you can see, John was unable to contact quite a few leads, and some people did not remember LHO at Stripling, but, among those who knew about his attendance were assistant principal Frank Kudlaty (who indicated there was no copy machine at the school and that he did not receive a receipt for the records when he gave them to the FBI agents). Gym teacher Mark Summers taught Robert Oswald but also remembered LHO, who he described as “timid.” Student JD (Doug) Gann remembered shooting baskets with LHO and recalled that he lived across the street from the school. Mrs. Earl Tubbs (Fran Schubert) also recalled watching LHO walk to his home just across the street.
  24. For anyone who finds it hard to believe that the FBI would destroy the original school records of Lee Harvey Oswald at Stripling School, the example of the New York City school records should prove illuminating. As a general note: Within hours of the assassination, the school and early work records for “Lee Harvey Oswald” were collected by the FBI and promptly lost, replaced by b&w photostatic copies. The confiscation of documents was usually done before there was even time to determine if there were other co-conspirators or if other government officials were targeted for assassination. It is utterly amazing how quickly Hoover's agents swept into schools and offices to collect original documents about the teenaged LHO. As ARRB staffer Joe Freeman discovered decades later, “all the school and employment records I looked at in the Warren Commission Exhibit files at Archives II were copies, not originals.” Here, from Harvey and Lee, is John Armstrong's description of what happened to the New York City school records for “Lee Harvey Oswald.” Documents are below the book excerpt. (My apologies for any scan errors): After realizing the court and school records contained numerous contradictions, I began assembling and sorting through all of the New York records I could find. The Warren Commission published a complete set of Oswald's elementary school records from Fort Worth, including grade cards, enrollment forms, cumulative records, atten­- dance records, and interviews with many students, neighbors, and teachers. The War­- ren Commission also published numerous photographs of Oswald in grade school as well as a class photograph. As I searched the Warren Volumes looking for New York records and photo­- graphs I was surprised to find that there were no grade cards, no enrollment forms, and no transcripts from his previous school in Ft Worth (Ridglea West Elementary). I noticed there were conflicting attendance records, no school photographs, no interviews of Oswald's classmates, and only one interview of a teacher. When I visited the National Archives in Adelphi, Maryland, I learned, as did the Assassination Records Review Board in 1995, that there were no original school records whatsoever-only copies of records. When original records disappear, and only copies re­- main, there is a distinct possibility that the original records were altered and then de­- stroyed. I decided to see if I could determine what happened to Oswald's original New York school records. The WC requested Oswald's original New York school records As I began sorting through New York school and court records, I realized that the Warren Commission may also have been aware of conflicting records. They asked the FBI to obtain Oswald's original school and court records, but the Bureau did not comply. The Commission then wrote to New York Mayor Robert Wagner and asked his office for help in .obtaining Oswald's original school records. Mayor Wagner's office responded to the Commission's request by enclosing copies of Oswald's New York school records and advising that the original court records had been turned over to SA John Malone personally by Judge Florence Kelley. 53-09 It appeared the original records disappeared while in SA Malone's custody, so I decided to place all available documentation and correspondence in chronological order to see if my thoughts were correct. Oswald's school records disappeared while in FBI custody Judge Florence Kelley was the Administrative Judge of the Family Court of the State of New York in 1963, and the Oswald case file (#23979) was under her supervision. After the assassination she conferred with superior court judges and together they de­- cided the Oswald file would be given to the Special Agent in charge of the FBI's New York office, John Malone. On November 27, 1963 Judge Kelley allowed SAIC Malone to review the Oswald file in her chambers and in her presence. She permitted him to take notes of pertinent portions, but would not permit the file to be removed from her office or cop­- ied. A few days later she conferred with the Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, Bernard Botein, and with his approval agreed to turn over all original court records in possession of the Family Court to SAIC Malone. On December 2, 1963 Judge Kelley personally gave the Oswald file to Malone with the condition that it be transmitted immediately to the Warren Commission. Three days later, on December 5, 1963, FBI SA Michael O'Rourke advised the Secret Service the file had been sent to the WaTTen Commission. On December 10, eight days after Judge Kelley turned her court file over to the FBI, an internal FBI memo relating to the Files of Domestic Relations Court states, "rec'd by Assist Dir. John Malone 11/27-12/2." From this memo and Judge Kelley's statement, it is clear that Judge Kelley gave the original court file to SAIC Malone. In preparation for the testimony of Marguerite Oswald in February 1964, the Warren Commission requested Oswald's original New York school and court records from Mayor Wagner of New York City. On February 4, Miss Bernice McCrae of the Mayors office spoke with Judge Kelley, who advised that she had given the original records to SAIC John Malone. Miss McCrae then telephoned the FBI's New York Office. She asked if the original records in the Oswald file had, in fact, been turned over to the Warren Commis­- sion. Miss McCrae never received an answer. Later that afternoon she wrote a letter on behalf of Mayor Wagner to Mr. Rankin of Warren Commission which stated, "I am at­- taching to this letter copies of the school records .... Judge Florence Kelley informed me she turned over all original records in the possession of the Family Court dealing with the case of Lee Harvey Oswald to John F. Malone, Assistant Director in Charge of the New York City office of the FBI."42 There is no evidence or documentation whatsoever that Malone turned the original court file over to the Warren Commission. On February 7, at 3:37 pm, FBI Inspector J. R. Malley telephoned the FBI's New York office and spoke to the Assistant Special Agent in Charge, W. M. Alexander, about the original court records. Malley advised that FBI headquarters in Washington had no information that indicated the original documents had been received from New York and he asked Alexander to check further. At 3:45 pm Alexander telephoned Malley and advised that SAIC Malone. his supervisor. had photographed the entire file and that copies of the file had been sent to FBI headquarters in Washington. Alexander said there was no record that photographs were sent to FBI headquarters, but that additional photographs of the file were available. Malley then asked that two copies of the photographs be sent immediately to his atten­- tion at FBI Headquarters in Washington. There is no indication that Inspector Malley made any additional inquiries into the fate of the original court files, which were last seen by Judge Kelley when she per­- sonally handed them to SAIC John Malone. Whenever original records are destroyed and only copies or photographs remain, it is probable that the original documents were altered and then photocopied. [Harvey and Lee, pp. 62-63] Here are some of the documents John studied to do the write-up above.
  25. Thanks, Sandy, and I agree, though we should probably call it Mr. Kudlaty's statement in the video John A. recorded, since it wasn't testimony in a court of law.
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