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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. As Stripling principal Ricardo Galindo told John Armstrong back in the 1990s, it was “common knowledge” that LHO attended Stripling School. In large part because the FBI suppressed all the school’s records for LHO, there was confusion about the actual year of his attendance at Stripling. It is easy, though, to show that the newspaper reports were not all based on Robert Oswald’s recollection. Here’s an excerpt of Robert’s WC testimony: Mr. JENNER. And, at that time, I take it your brother Lee was attending Arlington Heights High School? That would be 1952? Mr. OSWALD. Just a minute, please. In 1952 Lee was 13 years old. He would be attending W. C. Stripling Junior High School then. Mr. JENNER. I see. For the school year 1951-52? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Junior high school there was from the seventh to the ninth grades. And as soon as he was through with his sixth year, he started attending W. C. Stripling Junior High School. Mr. JENNER. As soon as he finished the sixth year at Ridglea Elementary School, he entered W. C. Stripling High School, as a seventh grader? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir--junior high school. Mr. JENNER. Now, the condition that you described as to Lee shifting for himself during the daytime, when your mother was away working and you were away working, and your brother John was in the Coast Guard, continued, I take it, when he began attendance and while he was attending W. C. Stripling Junior High School? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Robert was probably wrong about the dates his “brother” attended Stripling,which is easy enough to understand since he was intimately involved in the Oswald Project—I think for entirely patriotic reasons—and had to juggle his recollections of two LHOs, trying to remember which of the two young men was supposed to be in the public record at what time. Not an easy task. On the other hand, the May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article included the sentence: “Yet a 1956 student would become the school’s best known.” This date was closer to the truth, and obviously was not based on Robert’s recollection.
  2. To refute this, Jeremy "moved the goalpost," which is another logical fallacy. His line of reasoning for Greg doesn't debunk the two-Oswald theory. Which is what I have been saying all along. Let's look again at the line-of-reasoning Jeremy wrote for Greg: Look specifically at #3, which says that "if Kudlaty was wrong." If Kudlaty was wrong about Stripling then there is no reason to conclude there were two Oswalds. Well everyone agrees with that. But what evidence is there that Kudlaty was wrong? Line #2 says, "There are, however, good reasons to suppose that Kudlaty was wrong." Even here it doesn't claim Kudlaty was wrong, only that there are reasons to suppose so. So apparently what Greg has done is to suppose that Kudlaty was wrong.* Which, my friends, is an opinion. A conclusion based on an opinion is only an opinion. And that is what I have been saying all along, that Greg doesn't debunk the two-Oswald theory, but rather gives his opinion on it. As I said, to actually debunk the theory one has to resort to circular logic. *Jeremy listed Greg's "reasons to suppose that Kudlaty was wrong" in his post here. Sandy, I've got to disagree with you about your point in red above. The evidence for LHO attending Stripling School is hardly based only on Frank Kudlaty's statements about the FBI agents. There is much more than that, and Mr. Bojczuk continues to ignore it, and so I'm going to keep posting it. This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” Most recently there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 that states about LHO: "Teachers and classmates remember him as attending Stripling, though there is no official record.” None of the above has anything to do with Jack White, or John Armstrong, or Frank Kudlaty, or me, but Mr. Bojczuk continues to ignore that. Why? What John Armstrong DID do was track down a half dozen or more Stripling School witnesses, which he describes in detail in Harvey and Lee, and he even conducted detailed video interviews with two of them. Fran Schubert actually witnesses LHO at Stripling, and Frank Kudlaty, of course, was the assistant principal at Stripling School who, in 1963, met the FBI agents there. click here for 1997 interview with Fran Schubert click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty Mr. Kudlaty had a substantial career. After his service at Stripling, he went on to become Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas. He also served on the board of directors of the Salvation Army for 27 years. Mr. Bojczuk concludes, without evidence, that he was simply lying to us. Listen to him speak in the interview linked above and make your own decision.
  3. Isn’t it amazing that Mr. Bojczuk bloviates again and again about everything that is wrong with me, and John A., and Jack White, and Frank Kudlay but he never, ever, discusses the actual evidence about Stripling School! Why is that? As long as he continues to ignore it, I’ll have to keep posting it. Here is a summary of it again: "Teachers and classmates remember him as attending Stripling, though there is no official record.” --2017 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” And then, of course, there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 mentioned at top. We can expect lots more from Mr. Bojczuk about how terrible I am, but will we EVER see him discuss the evidence above? This evidence has nothing to do with me, or Jack White, of Frank Kudlaty, or John Armstrong. And it won't go away, which is why Mr. Bojczuk won't discuss it.
  4. How can you be so utterly ignorant of this case? Within hours of the assassination, FBI agents showed up and collected/confiscated documents at dozens of schools and offices, including, for example, Crescent Firearms, Kleins Sporting Goods, Oswald schools and employers, etc.
  5. Clearly, neither Mr. Bojczuk nor Mr. Parker ever bothered to travel to the National Archives to view JFK assassination documents. Had either done so, it would have been clear that even in 1964, with the resources the FBI and WC had at their command, photocopies were not made of documents. Instead, photostatic machines were used, devices that reproduced documents or artwork via photographic methods which ultimately produced positive or negative prints on photographic paper. Photocopy technology was not in general use when the Warren Commission was collecting documents, and it had certainly not worked its way into public schools, most of which were still using a crude duplication procedure on a device called a mimeograph machine, which required the preparation of stencils.
  6. What utter nonsense. We have already explained that in 1963 Fort Worth school records from prior years were kept at each school. In the mid-1960s school records from all Ft. Worth schools were transferred to the new Ft. Worth Independent School District, where they were organized and stored. That was after the assassination of JFK. Again, we challenge Mr. Bojczuk to do some (gasp!) actual research and prove us wrong. Instead, of course, he just makes whatever unfounded argument occurs to him and hopes it goes unchallenged.
  7. ... and blah, blah, blah. This is a perfect example of why Mr. Bojczuk always post links to other websites instead of presenting evidence here. That way, he can argue endlessly about what is on the other site instead of examining actual evidence, which he hopes to avoid. NOTHING IN THE LINKS MR. BOJCZUK PROVIDES DEBUNK ANYTHING IN HARVEY AND LEE, AND MR. BOJCZUK KNOW THAT. If there were legitimate counterarguments, he would certainly trumpet them here, instead of hiding behind a flurry of links.
  8. Sandy, Sorry I couldn't figure out how to quote the full sense of things above, but it's easy enough to go back a page and see what's going on. In the meantime.... What’s so telling here is that Mr. Bojczuk insists on blaming Jack White, Frank Kudlaty, John Armstrong, and me for the obvious fact that one of the LHOs attended Stripling School, in direct contradiction to the Official Story®. It hardly the fault of Jack White, Frank Kudlaty, John Armstrong or me that this evidence is so obvious. Here is a summary of it again: "Teachers and classmates remember him as attending Stripling, though there is no official record.” --2017 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” And then, of course, there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 mentioned at top. When confronted with this evidence, it is hardly surprising that Mr. Bojczuk only wants to talk about how Jack White entertained some silly theories. Jack White had nothing to do with these reports, and it is time for Mr. Bojczuk to stop pretending he did. Perhaps he will now start blaming Frank Kudlaty, or John Armstrong, or me. Just as we learned from Frank Kudlaty, the FBI confiscated original school records (see the NYC case below). As any honest attorney will agree, it is far easier to alter b&w copies of documents than it is originals. That’s why courts give substantial preferences to original documents vs copies. It should surprise no one that the FBI confiscated and then destroyed all the original documentation of Oswald’s school records. As ARRB staffer Joe Freeman discovered, “all the school and employment records I looked at in the Warren Commission Exhibit files at Archives II were copies, not originals.” There is a quite detailed description of how NYC Judge Florence Kelley tried to keep the FBI from confiscating LHO’s original school records, how she eventually had to turn them over, how the Warren Commission asked the FBI to provide them, and how the originals disappeared, apparently while in the custody of FBI SA John Malone. Even NYC Mayor Robert Wagner in 1964 questioned what happened to the original records. The full description, with documents, is HERE. It’s time for the H&L critics to stop whining about Jack White, Frank Kudlaty, John Armstrong and me and consider the clear evidence that one Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School. Don't hold your breath!
  9. Wow! Thanks, Sandy. I had to look up several of those terms to see what they meant, but I always felt that Mr. Bojczuk was using all sorts of rhetorical tricks to avoid talking about the actual evidence. For example, time and time again he claimed that any evidence for two Oswalds was a "distraction" unless it involved the mastoidectomy.
  10. From https://harveyandlee.net/Early/Early.html : "In 1963 school records from prior years were kept at each school. In the mid-1960s school records from all Ft. Worth schools were transferred to the new Ft. Worth Independent School District where they were organized and stored. Frank told me, "I lived close to the school at that time and arrived at the school before they (the FBI agents) got there. I went into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's records for Stripling...." Mr. Bojczuk might try just a modicum of actual research before giving us his unfounded opinions. By all means, try to prove us wrong about the location of Fort Worth school records in 1963.
  11. Here’s what the Fort Worth Star-Telegram said about LHO attending Stripling in a 2017 article. "Teachers and classmates remember him as attending Stripling, though there is no official record.” This 1959 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. This 1962 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicates LHO attended Stripling. Published two days after the assassination of JFK, this Fort Worth Star-Telegram article reported: “He attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School before joining the Marines.” In his 1964 Warren Commission testimony, Robert Oswald said that LHO attended Stripling School. This May 11, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that “a boy walked to Stripling from a home nearby. His mother was living in a home behind the school on Thomas Place by 1963, when the world learned the name Lee Harvey Oswald.” And then, of course, there is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article from 2017 mentioned at top. The critics of Harvey and Lee want all this evidence to go away.... Jerry Bojczuk insists it is all a “distraction,” while he and Tracy Parnell attack Jack White, Frank Kudlaty, John Armstrong, and me, indicating in no uncertain terms that we are all lying. Does Mr. Bojczuk seriously expect us to believe that the evil team of Jack White/Frank Kudlaty/John Armstrong spread malicious stories about Stripling School via Robert Oswald in local newspaper reports from 1959 and 1962? Does Mr. Bojczuk seriously expect us to believe that the evil team of Jack White/Frank Kudlaty/John Armstrong, just hours after the assassination, faked a story in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram indicating LHO attended Stripling? Despite the Orwellian efforts by the anti-H&L team to erase history, this evidence just doesn’t go away. Here’s what John Armstrong discovered decades ago, in a report that clearly matches the public record: I wrote a letter to the principal of W.C. Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo, and asked if there were any records of Oswald's attendance at Stripling.37 Mr. Galindo telephoned and said that while he did not have possession of such records, it was "common knowledge" that Oswald attended Stripling. [H&L. p. 97]
  12. John, You raise a very interesting issue in your last paragraph (more in a minute) but I still think the NYC move was managed to blend the educational experiences of the two boys. With its vast size and odd school numbering system (repeated in each of the boroughs), the city was perfect for the job. But Harvey completely blew up the plan with his truancy, which soon required fleeing to North Dakota and then New Orleans while the other Oswald remained in NYC. Look at all the trouble the NYC/Beauregard school records and the Stripling School memories of students and teachers causes the anti-H&L tag team here. The guys who planned the Oswald project hardly expected the kind of scrutiny that came after the assassination; they only had to protect against some nosy Russian intel worker looking into the “defector’s” background. Still, NYC would have been the perfect place to blend the two youth’s history without attracting attention—until Harvey screwed up and got caught up in the legal system. We may just have to agree to disagree on this. Regarding your last paragraph above, you say you have no evidence, but are you aware of the the following, in John As words? Yet in the summer of 1953 the poor, despondent, "Marguerite" hired a housekeeper, Louise Robertson, to clean her apartment two or three days per week. Mrs. Robertson was employed by Mrs. Oswald for six weeks, during which time Mrs. Oswald told her that she was from Texas and had come to New York City so her son could have mental tests at Jacobi Hospital. Mrs. Robertson recalled that shortly before the Oswalds moved, Mrs. Oswald told her that Lee Harvey Oswald had run away from home and was located and returned by the New York City Police Department. (H&L p. 69] If you haven’t seen the documentation for this this, I think it’s in an FBI report that I can probably locate if you’d like to see it to pursue this line of thought more.
  13. Why do I bother reading your endless links to Greg Parker’s site? It is amusing that he seems to follow my every post and puts up some sort of daily commentary about everything I say… even though he fails to debunk anything at all. That strikes me as very odd behavior. In his “Dear Jim” posts, Mr. Parker, who is banned from this forum and banned from the Deep Politics forum, fails to mention ANY of the many newspaper articles that indicate LHO attended Stripling, fails to mention the interview with classmate Fran Schubert, fails to mention Frank Kudlaty’s impressive background, and fails to mention that Robert Oswald testified under oath that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School.
  14. Thanks for the advice, Tracy, but no thanks! You cannot deny the overwhelming evidence that LHO attended Stripling School, can you?
  15. There was nothing "startling" in what Mr. Kudlaty witnessed. Why should he have called anyone on 11/23/1963? Two FBI agents came to Stripling School to collect evidence. There were no photocopy machines back then and there was no easy way to make a copy of a page. Why on earth should Mr. Kudlaty have called anyone back then just because he met two FBI SA's at his his school? Mr. Parnell is simply making every excuse he can imagine to explain the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT "LEE HARVEY OSWALD" ATTENDED STRIPLING SCHOOL IN FORT WORTH, TEXAS.
  16. Oh, brother. Listen to Tracy Parnell try to dance away from the obvious fact that he is claiming Frank Kudlaty was lying and is now claiming that Jack White and John Armstrong helped him to lie. Let’s add some details here to shed light on Mr. Parnell’s desperate claim that the Stripling School attendance “is nonsense.” First, just a quick proof that Mr Kudlaty was indeed the vice principal of Stripling JHS in 1963. Below is a short article from the April 2, 1963, the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Here’s how John Armstrong described what happened seven or eight months after the article above. On November 23, 1963 (one day after the assassination) Mr. Kudlaty received an early morning phone call from his boss, Mr. Wylie, the principal of Stripling Junior High. Mr. Wylie told Kudlaty to immediately go to Stripling and meet two FBI agents who would arrive shortly and to give them Oswald's school records. In 1963 school records from prior years were kept at each school. In the mid-1960s school records from all Ft. Worth schools were transferred to the new Ft. Worth Independent School District where they were organized and stored. Frank told the author in a video taped interview, "I lived close to the school at that time and arrived at the school before they (the FBI agents) got there. I went into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Stripling. He had been there long enough to receive grades for a 6-week period, but not long enough to receive semester grades. I think he was in the 9th grade. I put the records back into the folder and waited for the FBI agents. When they arrived, they showed me their badges for identification and asked for the records. I told them that I had located both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's records and asked if they wanted both. They told me they only wanted Lee Harvey Oswald's records. After I handed the records to them, they thanked me and left. I locked up the school and went home." HARVEY Oswald's junior high school records from Stripling, confiscated within 20 hours of the assassination, clearly show that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover knew those Stripling records could expose the two Oswalds. The confiscation and disappearance of the Stripling records is another "smoking gun" and shows that Hoover probably had prior knowledge of HARVEY and LEE. On the day after the assassination of JFK, the very same day Frank Kudlaty was meeting the FBI agents, a writer for the Fort Worth Star Telegram named Jon McConal was working on an article stating that LHO attended Stripling, which was published the following morning. There have been a half dozen or more other Fort Worth newspaper stories also indicating Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School in Fort Worth. Anyone need to see more? Robert Oswald testified under oath that his brother attended Stripling. The evidence is just OVERWHELMING. Trouble is, the school records published by the Warren Commission show there is no time for one Oswald to have attended Stripling: Oswald graduated from Ridglea West Elementary School in Ft. Worth in June, 1952 Oswald attended PS 117 and PS 44 in New York City from the fall of 1952 thru January, 1954 Oswald attended Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans from January, 1954 until June, 1955 Oswald briefly attended Warren Easton High School in New Orleans in the fall of 1955 Oswald briefly attended Arlington Heights High School in the fall of 1956. So, the Stripling story had to disappear, and Mr. Parnell now has to say that Frank Kudlaty was lying. Again, let’s remind readers just who Mr. Kudlaty was: Meet the man Mr. Parnell wants you to believe was lying: Frank Kudlaty, assistant principal in 1963 of Stripling JHS in Fort Worth, went on to become the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, where he retired in 1986. According to this write-up at legacy.com, Mr. Kudlaty “earned his BA degree from TCU on a basketball scholarship. He earned a Masters of Education from TCU, a Doctorate in Education from NTSU and was a Doctoral Fellow at Yale.” The write-up goes on to say that, among other responsibilities, Mr Kudlaty was a 15-year volunteer with Meals on Wheels and served on the board of directors of the Salvation Army for 27 years. Of course, Mr. Parnell simply has no choice but to say this obviously well educated and generous man was lying to us. According to school documents published by the Warren Commission, there was simply no time for one Lee Harvey Oswald to have attended Stripling School, and so it all had to go away, including the school records Mr. Kudlaty gave the FBI agents, even though it was and remains common knowledge among local residents, including Fran Schubert, that LHO did attend school there. Nearly a dozen newspaper articles and Robert Oswald’s own sworn testimony support that simple fact. click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty
  17. Meet the man Tracy Parnell claims was lying to us Frank Kudlaty, assistant principal in 1963 of Stripling JHS in Fort Worth, went on to become the Superintendent of Schools for Waco, Texas, where he retired in 1986. According to this write-up at legacy.com, Mr. Kudlaty “earned his BA degree from TCU on a basketball scholarship. He earned a Masters of Education from TCU, a Doctorate in Education from NTSU and was a Doctoral Fellow at Yale.” The write-up goes on to say that, among other responsibilities, Mr Kudlaty was a 15-year volunteer with Meals on Wheels and served on the board of directors of the Salvation Army for 27 years. Of course, Mr. Parnell simply has no choice but to say this obviously well educated and generous man was lying to us. According to school documents published by the Warren Commission, there was simply no time for one Lee Harvey Oswald to have attended Stripling School, and so it all had to go away, including the school records Mr. Kudlaty gave the FBI agents, even though it was and remains common knowledge among local residents, including Fran Schubert, that LHO did attend school there. Nearly a dozen newspaper articles and Robert Oswald’s own sworn testimony support that simple fact. click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty
  18. Lee HARVEY Oswald attended Stripling School in the fall semester of 1954. Fran Schubert, an 8th grade student at Stripling that year, ate her lunch on the school grounds every day and watched Oswald as he walked across the street to his house at 2220 Thomas Place for lunch. click here for 1997 interview with Fran Schubert According to Mr. Parnell, she is lying. Frank Kudlaty was assistant principal of Stripling in 1963 when he met with two FBI agents less than 24 hours after the assassination and handed them Oswald’s Stripling School records. click here for 1997 interview with Frank Kudlaty According to Mr. Parnell, he is also lying. Mr. Parnell also believes that all the numerous newspaper accounts stating LHO went to Stripling are either confused or based on lies, including the Fort Worth Star Telegram article shown above published less than two days after the assassination of JFK. All of this, according to Mr. Parnell, is the fault of Jack White and Frank Kudlaty, who conspired to make things up just to confuse us all. There is, of course, a far simpler explanation.
  19. John, New York City was a prefect place to introduce the two Oswalds into the public record and give them similar experiences. The huge and culturally diverse city was divided into five boroughs. Each borough had a series of public schools that were assigned numbers and the numbers were repeated in each borough. For example, there were schools named Public School 44 in at least four of the five boroughs (I’m not sure about Staten Island). This somewhat confusing situation, as well as the sheer enormity of NYC, is surely the reason the woman you call Mysterious Marge brought her “son” to NYC. It would be easy to merge school records and create mutual somewhat matching memories in the event any future Soviet investigation ultimately delved into them. John A. goes into this in detail HERE.
  20. Let’s get this straight. Your contention is that in this article published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram less than two days after the assassination of JFK, the witnesses were either lying or confused? You do know that this newspaper and Stripling School were both in Fort Worth, Texas, right? And this lying and confusion was all the fault of Frank Kudlaty and Jack White, who conspired within hours of the assassination of JFK to confuse us all? Do you not find it embarrassing to make such an argument? No wonder you and Mr. Bojczuk prefer to just provide links elsewhere attempting to make people believe this research has been “debunked.”
  21. H&L CRITIC DISCOVERS FORT WORTH NEWSPAPER CONSPIRACY In Sept. 1954, one Oswald began attending Beauregard School in New Orleans while the other began taking classes at Stripling School in Fort Worth, Texas. In a 1997 interview with John Armstrong, Frank Kudlaty (assistant principal at Stripling when Oswald attended) explained how, the day after the assassination, he met two FBI agents at the school and handed over Oswald’s school records. In another 1997 interview, Fran Schubert, an eighth grade student at Stripling when Oswald attended, described how at lunch time every day, she watched Oswald walk across the street to his house at 2220 Thomas Place. But, according to the Warren Commission, Oswald never attended Stripling School. It is not even mentioned in the WC Report. One person on this forum eager to defend the Warren Commission is Tracy Parnell, who analyzed the Stripling School evidence and came up with a remarkable theory. In this post, and numerous others, Mr. Parnell declared that “Jack White had gotten to Kudlaty and filled his head with nonsense and only then did Kudlaty ‘remember’ that the FBI had ‘confiscated’ records.” Apparently, Mr. Parnell has discovered not only a minor conspiracy between Jack White and Frank Kudlaty, but a remarkable time-traveling plot in which the White/Kudlaty team influenced a Fort Worth newspaper report just two days after the assassination of JFK. On November 24, 1963 the Fort Worth Star Telegram published an article describing Oswald's attendance at Stripling School. On May 11, 2002 the same Fort Worth newspaper published an article commemorating the 75th anniversary of Stripling School, noting that “Lee Harvey Oswald” was its best-known student, and making note of the infamous Thomas Place address. "Marguerite Oswald" was living at 2220 Thomas Place on the day of the assassination of JFK. As recently as November, 2017 a Fort Worth Star-Telegram article indicated that Oswald’s “teachers and classmates remembered him at Stripling, though there is no official record.” Read the article here. Why is there no official record? Because the FBI confiscated the records the less than 24 hours after the assassination of JFK. In 1963 school records from prior years were kept at each individual school in the Fort Worth system. In the mid-1960s, school records from all Ft. Worth schools were transferred to the new Ft. Worth Independent School District where they were organized and stored.
  22. Surely you can be a bit more specific than that, especially if, as you claim, Greg Parker has done all the work for you. What other counting method alters what the record shows, that one Oswald attended the 1953 fall semester at Beauregard Junior High School for 89 days and was absent one while the other Oswald was enrolled in Public School 44 in New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days?
  23. But, as always, Mr Parnell will not tell us how this information is debunked on another website because he knows he will lose the debate here on the JFK Assassination Debate section of the Education Forum. This is really quite simple. For the fall semester of the 1953-54 school year, one Oswald attended Beauregard JHS in New Orleans for 89 school days while the other was enrolled in Public School 44 in New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. This is exactly what the school records published by the Warren Commission show. As always, we are analyzing the mistakes made by Hoover and his closest aides. He forgot to hide this information. One things that puzzled a number of people is why, in the fall semester of 1953, did Lee HARVEY Oswald take only two courses at Beauregard: General Science and Physical Education? The answer is pretty obvious. By the early months of 1953, Harvey Oswald’s serious school truancy had landed him and his “mother” smack dab in the middle of the New York City court system. The pair fled to rural North Dakota to escape legal actions that could have exposed the Oswald Project. Clearly, Harvey was being eased carefully back into school during his first semester at Beauregard. Here’s another page from the FBI report analyzing the Beauregard records: On this page, “1953-54 – REPORT 1” summarizes Oswald’s grades for the 1953 fall semester, at exactly the time the other Oswald was attending Public School 44 in New York City. Report 2 covers the 1954 spring semester, and Report 3 summarizes both semesters of the 1953-54 school year.
  24. No, Tracy, we're talking about the fall semester of 1953, not 1954. Let’s go through the conflicting school records in more detail, starting with the PS44 records from New York City.... In 1953, Marguerite and LEE were living in a basement apartment at 1455 Sheridan while LEE was attending PS 44 in New York City. After the assassination SAC John Malone, the FBI agent in charge of the New York Office, inspected Oswald's original court file in the presence of Judge Florence Kelley. Malone took notes and sent a report to FBI Director Hoover the following day. Malone wrote, "Oswald's attendance record at PS #44 from 3/23/53 to 1/12/54 was 171 and 11 half-days present and 18 and 11 half days absent. If LEE Oswald's 182 days of attendance (171 full days, 11 1/2 days) and 18 absences are plotted on 1953 and 1954 calendars it is easy to see that LEE Oswald attended PS 44 full time during the entire 1953 school year. Now let’s see how the PS 44 and Beauregard records conflict with each other. I’m re-posting below the Beauregard cumulative record for LHO and below that two pages from an FBI report analyzing it. Remember that the PS44 records clearly indicated that LHO attended more than 62 school days (and was absent three and a fraction days) for the semester beginning 9/14/53 at the NYC school. Page 10 of the FBI report summarizes the attendance data in the “Absent,” “Tardy,” “Left” and “Re-Ad” columns, which are explained, according to the FBI agents, starting at the bottom of page 10 and continuing to page 11 by William Head, assistant principal at Warren Easton High School, who received the Beauregard records for incoming students. At the bottom of page 10, the FBI indicates he said that the “Re ad” column stood for “Re Admitted” and “would represent a total listing of the school days for a given school year.” But later in the very same paragraph, now at the top of page 11, the report indicates that Head said a school year regularly consisted of 180 days and that “school days in any given year must not fall below 170” and that “therefore the numbers listed opposite this abbreviation indicated the number of school days that Oswald attended for a given school year.” So which is it? Does the “Re-Ad” column represent the number of school days in a school semester or year, or the number of days a student actually attended during that period? The answer is right before us in the documents shown above. In the actual Beauregard cumulative record for LHO (top document above), look at the very last entry on the far right under the “Re-Ad” column. It shows a total of “168” days for the 1954-55 school year. Head indicated that Louisiana law dictated a minimum of 170 school days in a school year, and so if we’re to believe that every student report card at Beauregard for the 1954-55 school year was evidence that Louisiana law was being broken. On the other hand, using my interpretation (that the “168” indicated the actual days LHO attended school) we can make perfect sense of these numbers. Adding Oswald’s 168 days of attendance and his 12 absences comes out to exactly 180 days, just what Head said comprised a typical Beauregard school year! The “Re Ad” column clearly indicates the number of days a student actually attended school. So let’s look at the first semester of the 1953-54 school year at Beauregard. It indicates that Oswald attended 89 days and was absent once, for a total of 90 school days. For the 1953 fall semester at PS 44 in New York, Oswald attended 62 and a fraction days and was absent three and a fraction days for a total of 66 school days accounted for. Add those 66 days to the 90 days from Beauregard and you get at total of 156 days, equivalent to nearly an entire school year! It is obvious that Harvey Oswald was a part-time student for this semester at Beauregard. I believe this was carefully planned to gradually re-introduce him to New Orleans and its public school system. NYC obviously had been a real problem, not for Lee, but for Harvey. His truancy from school and his entanglement in NYC courts threatened to expose the Oswald Project. That's why Lee HARVEY Oswald and his caretaker mother fled to North Dakota from NYC.
  25. Thanks, Sandy. Mr. Bojczuk uses every rhetorical trick he can conjure to make it appear that I am avoiding the evidence when, in fact, he avoids all evidence except the one thing he is willing to consider: the mastoidectomy. He will discuss NOTHING else. All he can ever do is to hide behind hyperlinks and claim someone else, somewhere else has debunked everything. He is clearly afraid to describe any of these so-called debunking here because he knows, if they exist at all, they are stupid. But, hope springs eternal and so.... I'll ask Mr. Bojczuk, for the 16th time now, to finally debate here the following issues. Or will he just say, as always, that someone else has successfully debunked these points and hide behind a flurry of links? None of the issues below are debunked by any of the links Mr. Bojczuk has previously provided. For the fall semester of the 1953-54 school year, one Oswald attended Beauregard JHS in New Orleans for 89 school days while the other was enrolled in Public School 44 in New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. For the next semester, one Oswald was at Beauregard JHS in New Orleans while the other Oswald attended Stripling School in Texas. The Social Security Administration did not include ANY of “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” teen-aged employment income in his “Lifetime Earnings Report” indicating in a cover letter it was including “Copies of three pages of the Warren Commission Report re employment of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to service in the Marine Corps.” One Oswald departed for Taiwan aboard the USS Skagit on Sept. 14, 1958 and was stationed in Ping Tung, Taiwan on Oct. 6, 1958, at the very same time the other Oswald was being treated for venereal disease at Atsugi, Japan, nearly 1500 miles away. One Oswald appeared at the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans while the other was in the Soviet Union. One Oswald had a driver’s license and was seen by many witnesses driving a car, and the other Oswald could not drive. On November 22, 1963, one Oswald left the Texas School Book Depository on a bus and then a taxi, and the other left in a Nash Rambler. I'll get this started for Mr. Bojczuk by examining the first point above. For the fall semester of the 1953-54 school year, one Oswald attended Beauregard JHS in New Orleans for 89 school days while the other was enrolled in Public School 44 in New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days. Here are the school records proving the above, which were published in the Warren volumes because Hoover and the WC made a grave error and missed the significance of these details. Mr. Bojczuk knows all too well that there are all kinds of supporting documents giving additional details about these school records, which is perhaps one of the reasons he is clearly afraid to discuss this topic here. What can we expect next from Mr. Bojczuk? My prediction is that it will be one of two things: Either a link or links falsely claiming someone else has debunked the above, or more about the mastoidectomy. Let’s see if I’m wrong.
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