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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. I plowed through that link and failed to find any reference to "vials of coronavirus bio-weapon." So I Googled Charles Lieber and found this: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/no-link-between-harvard-scientist-charles-lieber-and-coronavirus/
  2. No, I think the Clintons have had their day. They need to go away. At least that's what I say. I might even kneel and pray.
  3. I think even Hillary should have beaten the likes of Trump. I think even Trump didn't think he could win. But Comey may have made the difference. The story I heard (and I don't know if it's true or not) is that the FBI could have gone through those belatedly found emails (those that weren't duplicates) in a matter of hours, not days or weeks or ever how long they took leading up to the election. In any case Comey comes across as some kind of Jekyll and Hyde.
  4. If Comey was out to get Trump, I'm curious as to why he helped get him elected by going after Hillary in the 11th hour on her emails (again). I figured that Comey was in with the Clintons after his boss met with Slick Willie on that tarmac to talk about their grandchildren, with Comey then giving Hillary a pass because she had no "intent" to break the law. (The law she broke had nothing to do with intent.) Have you got Comey figured out?
  5. I think the most common accusation I've heard from Trump supporters is that the Democrats are just full of hatred for Trump. How stupid is that? Who is more full of hatred than Trump himself? He can't get through a day without bullying or insulting somebody. He glories in his hatred in his Trumpberg rally rants. He finds anything he can to hate no matter how trivial, like a South Korean movie winning an Oscar. Oh the Hollywood tragedy! (Then he says something about "Give me Gone with the Wind," a movie he of course loves with its prologue, written on the screen, that glorifies a lost civilization "of Master and Slave.") I think it's natural that people that hateful get hatred in return. It's like his supporters are totally blind to his hatred and see it only in the opposition. Just weird.
  6. Remember when Dubya said he looked Putin in the eye and got "a sense of his soul"? I imagine that looking Trump in the eye is like "staring into the abyss."
  7. Maybe he'll have an October Surprise for us. Like nuking Iran. Or nuking North Korea. Someone will tell him too late that the nuclear fallout will affect other countries. ("Fallout? What's fallout? More than climate change crap?")
  8. "When you dine with the devil, use a very long spoon." - Geoffrey Chaucer. (He must have heard about social distancing.)
  9. I assume that lockdown or national quarantine doesn't mean you can't go to the grocery store every week or so. Letting people starve in their homes kind of defeats the purpose of avoiding deaths by coronavirus. Indeed I think more people would die without food than would die from having the virus
  10. Well, since I don't understand Trump supporters, I have to cast about for a possible explanation as to why they support him. No cierto? That is, if I think about it that much, which I don't. Trump is very unpleasant thought. But I'm pretty sure that their "news" channel of choice is Fox's Trump propaganda network, so it follows that they probably get most of their "news" or Trumpian alternate facts there. And I would say that that's not dissimilar to being willingly brainwashed. But this is a general statement and of course can't apply to every single Trump supporter. I would also say that being brainwashed is a little more understandable than not being brainwashed. If a Trump supporter hasn't been brainwashed, then his or her support of Trump is even farther beyond my understanding.
  11. I already have. I would say it in Spanish but I don't know the Spanish word for "supporters." That's the only other language I know as far as working knowledge. I took some German in college but it was hopeless.
  12. I believe I've stated before that I don't understand Trump supporters. That includes you. If you want to attribute my lack of understanding to a mental disorder, feel free.
  13. I think "brainwashed" might be the best explanation. I say that because I think Trump supporters get most of their "news" from FoxNews, which has become a Trump propaganda network. (The latest I've heard is that Trish Regan has blamed the coronavirus on the Democrats. Apparently that was too much even for Fox, and Trish is on "hiatus." IOW she'll be back, don't worry.) CNN is accused of a liberal bias, but at least you can get some real news or real-world perspective there as opposed to the Trump idolatry at Fox. Rupert Murdoch should be real proud.
  14. It's a shame that someone doesn't (can't?) make a movie about the Power Elite. Names changed to protect the guilty. Not about the JFK assassination per se (the movie definitely wouldn't get made), but about how the PE operates. The story could center on the killing or bringing down of a fictional president or such. Has such a movie been made? I thought of Seven Days in May, but as I recall that centers on a military demagogue.
  15. Looking on the bright side, Trump says he bears no responsibility at all for the late start. Also, there was a group meant to deal with this kind of thing on the National Security Council, but it was disbanded a couple of years ago. Trump (in response to a "nasty question" from a black reporter) said he didn't know anything about it so he bears no responsibility there either. It's comforting to know that we have such an irresponsible president.
  16. Jim, Right, it's Michael. He also wrote Who's Who in the JFK Assassination, if that's the other one you're thinking of. It's good as a quick reference.
  17. I wish I had the book that I never wrote. Several years ago I had the idea of writing an encyclopedia of the JFK assassination. I sort of made a start at it, but soon realized that the subject is just too, well, encyclopedic. Too much so for one person anyway. And someone beat me to it, Robert Benson, who even stole my title, Encyclopedia of the JFK Assassination. I think I would have done a better job on it (Donald Trump is starting to rub off on me), but like I say, the subject was just too YUGE. The sad thing is, if I had gone ahead and written it, perhaps there wouldn't be a toilet paper shortage today.
  18. Jim, I think that "naive" is an awfully mild word to use for Trump. I continue to get the impression that you don't think Trump is mentally ill. Well, what do I know, but you may want to ask Dr. Niederhut.
  19. It's apparently based on the belief that most of our toilet paper is made in China, which means the supply could be disrupted, if not contaminated before we can contaminate it ourselves. The idea that most of it is made in China is a lie, which means it probably originated with Donald Trump.
  20. He thought it was amusing when one of the CEOs gave him an elbow bump instead. Like "that guy's taking this crap seriously."
  21. Also a photo taken at the time of the area where he was supposed to be standing doesn't show anyone there.
  22. Case Closed, by Gerald Posner Conspiracy of One: The Definitive Book on the Kennedy Assassination, by Jim Moore
  23. That moment was so moving that I gave Nixon a finger salute too.
  24. "The 30-day travel order will apply to citizens of 26 European countries but exclude Britain and Ireland as well as American citizens." That stands to reason, of course, because Trump owns financially troubled golf courses in Britain and Ireland. Gotta stay in business.
  25. I don't understand why there has been no comment in the MSM (at least I haven't seen it or heard it) about the clear possibility that this "Wuhan virus" leaked from a bio research lab in Wuhan, which as I recall is the only such lab in all of China. I've seen this theory expressed once on a non-MSM website. Shouldn't be considered as the first logical possibility, instead of first blaming a Wuhan seafood market? (A pretty fishy explanation.)
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