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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. Sure, but what do they care about speculation? As usual they got away with it. The only thing that went wrong with the plot was that Reagan was too dumb to die.
  2. Why not? Consider the fact that the Bush family was friendly on a direct basis with the Hinckley family, home of an excellent patsy for a presidential shoot. Blowback? There wasn't any. Oh, I think some fringe website coined the phrase "the Bushy Knoll," but so what? (Hinckley even bought his gun on Elm Street in Dallas. Boy, that Deep State has a wicked sense of humor.)
  3. David, I remain intrigued by the fact that Maxwell Taylor, according to his son John M. Taylor (in his book An American Soldier), cried on two occasions when the subject of the JFK assassination came up. That doesn't strike me as the kind of reaction one would expect from an Army general who simply may have been fond of the late president.
  4. I said they "indirectly crossed paths, so to speak," didn't I? I didn't say they bumped into each other. And you can attack my logic all you want. IMHO anyone who has had any connection in their life with Allen Dulles, no matter how indirect and inconsequential, needs to go take a shower. And to repeat, I hate coincidences, but I have no evidence that Ruth Paine was involved in anything other than fascinating coincidences. That's why I'm very interested in reading David's long-awaited book in this regard.
  5. You are also saying that it was a coincidence that Ruth Paine and Allen Dulles indirectly crossed paths, so to speak, through the mistress. It either means something or it was a coincidence. I personally hate coincidences in cases like Dallas and 9/11 and so forth, which doesn't mean it wasn't a coincidence.
  6. David, You agree with Paul Trejo that "Ruth Paine gets a bad rap." But there's one thing above all that bothers me. Do you think it was just a coincidence that she was responsible for Oswald applying for work at the TSBD? Or do you think that the plotters had to wait to find out where Oswald was going to be working (hopefully somewhere) and then go from there?
  7. Here's a video apparently produced by MIchele Metta explaining the evidence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqBJdjlWm1k
  8. It's from the Torbitt Document (published as NASA, Nazis and JFK), p. 27. DISC was the Security Division of NASA headed by Werner Von Braun. It was the "police and espionage agency for the U.S. munitions makers." Organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan, it was headquartered at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio. DISC agents included Oswald, Ruby, Banister, and Ferrie. Moreover, Permindex's Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada was in charge. It's all perfectly clear.
  9. Sandy, I can't believe that the conspirators wanted a nuclear war with Russia.They wanted a good war in Vietnam (which would not involve millions of American civilian casualties). The secondary goal IMO was therefore to blame Castro, for an invasion of Cuba. And with the "proof" that the conspirators intended to have against Castro, Russia would not start a nuclear war by going to Castro's defense. (Though if they did, I guess LeMay and Lemnitzer at least would be happy.) But the conspirators could not follow through with the necessary "proof" when Oswald got arrested. So what they had to do was make Oswald go "poof" and blame the murder on him.
  10. Several years ago the Dictabelt was supposed to be sent to an outfit, I think in California, for some new and definitive analysis. But no news resulted. I recall Gary Mack telling me what happened or what the problem was, but I don't remember what he told me. But someone here should know what happened.
  11. David, I think we can agree to disagree on this. But I too see two separate functions with the plot. The first, to murder the President, was done with an ambush that was pulled off successfully in a professional manner. Almost. They murdered him and everyone got away, except unfortunately the patsy, who got arrested before they could shoot him or ship him out somewhere for elimination. So the second function, the cover-up, involved blaming the ambush on the patsy, and what I see here is the conspirators acting in a desperate and unprofessional manner. They were winging it with a Plan B that should not have been necessary. To hear some tell it, they almost had to shoot the local coroner to get the body out of Dallas. Then there was the casket foolishness that your book covered so well, with folks like David helping bring in the body through a back door, then watching "the body" arrive out front with Jackie. No wonder all the military folks at Bethesda had to sign a document saying they were going to keep their mouths shut about anything and everything they saw. Oh, and they grabbed some clowns to conduct the "autopsy," who weren't even knowledgeable enough to ask, "Where are the clothes?" But I think we've both covered our arguments enough to disagree and leave it at that. Your view may very well be the correct one, I am not wedded to the version of events I've proposed, I don't think anyone can be certain without a real investigation that will never take place.
  12. Why do you say that? The Warren Commission conducted what everyone considered to be a "serious investigation," and on Oswald it concluded that "His commitment to Marxism and communism appears to have been another important factor in his motivation." More than 50 years later, that remains the official history of Lee Harvey Oswald. It may be obvious to us that his Communist credentials were fake, but so what?
  13. David, And for the creation of this "crossed paths" situation, I would say that the following three things must have occurred (unless one wishes to indulge in what you refer to as coincidence theory): 1. Someone must have told Ruth Paine (was it really just "a neighbor"?) to suggest that Oswald apply for a job at the TSBD. (This would make it look like coincidence.) 2. Someone must have told Oswald to apply (not to just consider Paine's suggestion), because according to plan he had to be there (or at least at a similar location). 3. Someone told Truly to hire him.
  14. I don't understand why you say that. If Oswald was to be identified (framed) as a shooter among shooters in an ambush, then it made sense to construct the place he supposedly shot from. Hence the sniper's nest. I don't understand why that construction precludes other shooters.
  15. And it doesn't make much sense to me that conspirators would plan a multi-shooter ambush with the express intent of blaming it on one person. Seems to me that whoever would suggest such a plan would get some blank stares from his co-conspirators.
  16. Glenn, No problem. I get mistaken for J.G. Tidd all the time.
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