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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. My sources tell me that dead body parts are being secretly collected at Mar-a-Lago, and Dr. Frank N. Stein has been hired to try to put someone together. The main challenge is to find a good abnormal brain.
  2. Trump should not be impeached, he should be removed by the 25th Amendment, to get him out now. Has Pence or anyone around him considered the fact that if he's not removed now, Trump will pardon, along with Don Jr., Rudy, et al, the entire mob that attacked the Capitol Building? Trump is on tape saying he loves the insurrectionists they are "special." So when the pardons come, turning all the arrests and investigations into a joke, thank spineless Mike Pence.
  3. Destroying the Republican Party is not Trump's first destructive accomplishment. He helped destroy the United States Football League, in which he was a team owner. At his urging, Trump being the brilliant businessman that he is, the league decided to switch from playing in the summer to playing in the fall to compete directly with the NFL. It was a quick death. Everything that Trump touches...
  4. Anything that keeps down my high blood pressure, mainly my prescriptions, I consider good. Which is one reason I hate Donald Trump so much. Thank God for my blood-pressure medicine.
  5. Who would ever have thought that it was doctors and other medical professionals who would plot to destroy America? Till we get to the bottom of this mind-boggling conspiracy and its complicit corporate media, I think every medical license in the country should be suspended, but of course that's impractical. I would quit going to my doctor at all, but how would I get my prescriptions refilled? And is he trying to kill me with the ones he's given me?
  6. It makes sense to me that Ted wasn't even in the car when it went off the bridge. For one thing, he didn't drown.
  7. Explosion in downtown Nashville. So it begins? Militia attacks in cities so Trump can declare martial law? It's predictable. Nashville PD is saying it was "intentional." https://apnews.com/article/us-news-explosions-52708bfd05e4f6ff433cc404443c65d4 https://www.the-sun.com/news/2028982/nashville-explosion-intentional-act-christmas/
  8. Merry Christmas, and will there be a New Year?
  9. In 1990 Willie Nelson's assets were seized by the IRS because he owed them more than $16 million due to a tax shelter that was illegal. He was eventually able to pay off the debt (negotiated down to $6 million) by the auction of his assets and his release of "The IRS Tapes: Who'll Buy My Memories?"
  10. There's a silver lining for Trump in his Supreme Court defeat. He now knows who all the Republicans are on the hill who didn't sign on to the lawsuit, so he can proceed to crucify them on Twitter. Ah, the sweet taste of revenge! Some solace for his final days in office, and of course he will continue to pound in the nails thereafter.
  11. Elvis Presley's manager Colonel Tom Parker took more than half of Elvis's earnings. How he got away with it I have no idea unless Elvis was (as a high-school classmate of mine described him with his onstage gyrations) just a "plain idiot." Not only that, but Parker deprived Elvis of millions that he could have earned in overseas tours because Parker was an illegal Dutch immigrant and was afraid that if he left the country with Elvis he might not be allowed to come back. Someone should make a movie about this master criminal who controlled Elvis's life including the making of all those awful movie musicals. I remember reading that early on Elvis, who had serious acting aspirations, could have had the Tony Curtis role opposite Sidney Poitier as escaped convicts in "The Defiant Ones," but Parker felt that Elvis's fans wouldn't like to see him chained to a black man.
  12. Unfortunately for Melania, Trump can't live at Mar-a-Lago when he leaves the White House. He can do so illegally, of course, since doing illegal things is nothing new to him. But the place could then lose its license, meaning no members, no more income. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-maralago-permanent-residence-after-he-leaves-office-175100408.html
  13. Dylan wrote some great songs but many are half a century old. I'm not knowledgeable on today's music scene, but I'm curious as to how many artists today are covering Dylan songs or performing them in movies or on TV. I don't see how there could possibly be enough new royalties to cover an investment of $300 million. It seems to me about as likely as the U.S. paying off its national debt.
  14. Not to worry, India's prime minister Narendra Modi has stated that this disease will just disappear.
  15. Statement from Giuliani: "They may have to overthrow the government without me."
  16. Giuliani tests positive. I wonder how that happened. https://www.mediaite.com/news/breaking-trump-announces-rudy-giuliani-tested-positive-for-covid/
  17. I'm curious as to why all the "evidence" of the election being rigged is of Democratic fraud. You would think that the party in power would have the upper hand in rigging an election (and isn't Georgia, for example, run by Republicans?), yet the Republicans couldn't steal one vote while the Democrats were having a field day? Oh, wait, maybe that's why the Republicans did so well in the election outside of Trump. Massive Republican fraud! But then why didn't they help the poor thing at the top of the ticket?
  18. Mary Trump has me wondering if Donald's upbringing ("never show weakness") somehow triggered his narcissistic personality disorder, or are they two separate things, a psychological double whammy.
  19. More from psychologist Mary Trump on her "deeply damaged" uncle. “President Donald Trump's estranged niece, Mary, says her uncle hasn't conceded the 2020 presidential election because he truly believes he won."’He's the only person I've ever met who can gaslight himself,’ Mary Trump told Vice News last week, ‘I don't think he's ever accepted the truth of the loss. I don't think he's psychologically or emotionally capable of that.’….“One of the core themes of (her) book is that the president's father, Fred Trump Sr., trained his son never to show weakness.“Accepting defeat, she said, would be a sign of weakness…. ‘Donald is a deeply damaged person.... Probably the most central part of Donald's psychopathology is the need to deny any reality that paints him as a loser or as somebody who is weak.’”Mary Trump said that she thinks her uncle genuinely believes he won the election and that he's the only person she knows 'who can gaslight himself'
  20. Trump lawyer says Chris Krebs should be put to death. https://thebulwark.com/trump-lawyer-dhs-whistleblower-should-be-executed/
  21. I'm surprised that he admitted hitting the ball into a pond. Why didn't he claim the ball was actually a remotely controlled device planted by Democrats? He could say he gave it to Giuliani as evidence to present in a lawsuit, but Gugliani lost the ball along with his marbles.
  22. What this all boils down to is that the only "evidence" of massive election fraud comes out of the mouth of the massive fraud himself, Donald Trump. His lawyers don't allege massive fraud in these courtrooms because it's against the law to lie to the judges, and these lawyers value their careers and licenses more than they value something like Trump. Yet through it all the most remarkable thing is that his followers believe everything that the narcissistic pathological xxxx says. There was massive fraud because that pathetic thing in the White House, who cannot under any circumstances be a "loser" in his own mind, says so.
  23. I think Trump will attend Biden's inauguration in the hope that Giuliani will come running at the last minute with proof of massive fraud, and the Chief Justice will then swear Trump in instead.
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