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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. It could be why Maxwell Taylor, according to his son, was brought to tears twice when the subject of theJFK assassiation came up. Was this military general really just a sentimental crybaby, or was it something else?
  2. Out of curiosity, since you grew up in a Mormon family, weren't you required to do two years of mission work? Or is that optional or no longer required? I've only known one Mormon, back in high school, and that's it, so I'm just going by what I've heard. No, wait, I did run into a couple of Mormon missionaries in Peru. What I was doing there is another story.
  3. RFK was shot point blank behind the ear, while Sirhan was of course shooting from the front. As I recall, the coroner got suspended or fired for what he reported. The nerve of the guy!
  4. Well, I assume that he got "six seconds" straight from Josiah "Tink" Thompson, whose book was titled "Six Seconds in Dallas." (I also assume that Brandus only read the title, not the book, in which Thompson rightly says there was more than one shooter.)
  5. And about two hours before the first tower was hit, two employees of Odigo, an Israeli-owned instant messaging company, received messages, the source unknown, warning of the attack. Odigo's U.S. headquarters was located two blocks from the WTC. (Paul Thompson, The Terror Timeline; Washington Post, 9/28/01.)
  6. What was the nature of Jowenko's death?
  7. It was no surprise that Jack Ruby - I mean a U.S. special operations force - shot Osama before he could stand trial or say more than "I'm just a patsy." (I don't know how you say that in Arabic.)
  8. I’ve always felt that Bush was a useful idiot and not involved in any 9/11 plot. I mean, would conspirators in such a plot divulge it to someone as dim as Bush? He was handled by Cheney, who presidential candidate Bush had put in charge of finding him a good running mate. Cheney wound up choosing himself. Then Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were brought in at the Pentagon. The whole thing was basically a neocon coup. Remember in one of the presidential debates when Bush was giving a monologue? He suddenly said, “Let me finish!” No one on the stage was trying to stop or interrupt him. He had to be talking to whoever was telling him what to say through a transmitter in his ear. (There was a photo taken at the debate where the outline of a wire could be seen under the back of Bush’s coat.) And this idiot could be trusted with knowledge of a conspiracy like 9/11? “Give him a goat story to read.”
  9. I'm reminded of a week I spent years ago in Mexico. A Mexican gentleman, seeing that I was a gringo, stopped me on the street and gave me a political discourse. The part I remember is, "Mexico esta en las manos de ladrones." ("Mexico is in the hands of thieves.") Well, the United States is in the hands of monsters. That's how 9/11 and the JFK case (and other political assassinations of the 1960s) are related.
  10. I remember the esteemed Walter Cronkite concluding how Oswald was able to do what he did against all odds: "He was shooting at the President of the United States." Yep, that explains it.
  11. Qui bono? Or things that make you go hmm. I remember on 9/11 when one of the networks asked Netanyahu what the attacks that day meant for U.S. and Israeli relations, he smiled and said, “It’s very good.” He is quoted here: https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/its-very-good-recalling-benjamin-netanyahus-words-day-911-attacks Later he told a university audience, "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq." He said that the events "swung American public opinion in our favor." https://foreignpolicy.com/2008/04/16/quotable-netanyahu-says-israel-benefitted-from-911/ BTW the above Foreign Policy article says that bin Laden said “several times” that he ordered the 9/11 attacks. Is this true? I remember one (supposed) instance, and that was a bogus video (“discovered,” as I recall, by U.S. intelligence in late 2001) in which a guy who only resembles bin Laden pretends to be him. You would think that the spooks could do better casting.
  12. It was shock and awe, folks. And it worked. America couldn't wait to go conquer the Middle East just like the PNAC wanted.
  13. I get the impression that everyone on this forum is an extremist except you. What's your secret? How do you avoid being an extremist?
  14. Do you also consider the Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty to "one of the nuttiest theories" around?
  15. I recall reading that on 11/22 Rabin was actually at Fort Hood, Texas, which his wife, who was in New York City, may have thought was in Dallas. Or she may have had in mind that he had a connecting flight that day (if he did) from Dallas to NYC.
  16. He customarily ate breakfast in a restaurant in one of the towers. But on the morning of 9/11 he just happened to have a doctor's appointment. An appointment, he said, that his wife made him keep.
  17. One thing I've learned about the JFK case (not to mention 9/11) is to hate coincidences. (The official 9/11 story is one coincidence after another.) And to me it's one hell of a coincidence that C19 just happened to originate in the same town where there's a laboratory that plays around with such viruses, seeing how awful it can make them.
  18. I thought that snuffing or not snuffing the JFK records was a presidential decision. What did Garland have to do with it? I'm curious to know what his role was.
  19. Yes, I already wanted to believe that Lansdale threw people out of helicopters, so when I read it I gobbled it up.
  20. This AI on JFK reminds me of the joke about a guy who dies and goes to heaven. He asks God, "Who killed JFK?" And God says, "I've got a theory about that."
  21. Was it Prouty or someone else who wrote about how Lansdale in Vietnam would throw Vietnamese guys out of a flying helicopter if they didn't tell him what he wanted to know? I'm pretty sure it was Prouty, but anyway I've never forgotten it. What a nice guy.
  22. Tosh Plumlee claimed that he flew Roselli into Dallas on the morning of November 22. Just thought I would throw that in.
  23. Garbage in, garbage out? I assume that artificial intelligence needs something to work with besides the Warren Commission, Gerald Posner, Vincent Bugliosi, etc.
  24. Taylor was taking a break on the couch in his office when he got word that JFK had been shot. He called Secetary McNamaa out of a conference on the budget, and sent words to the Germans that he would be delayed in rejoining them. He called a meeting of the Joint Chiefs and McNamara in his office. The unified command was put on alert in case the assassination was an attempt to overthrow the government. He then rejoined the Germans, telling them of the assassination attempt but not that the president was dead. (Source: An American Soldier, by Taylor's son John M. Taylor, pp. 289-290.)
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