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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Yeah wow Matt! There goes the magic bullet theory! Ben, Are you pushing to induct Taibbi into the "JFKA Conspiracy Superstars Hall of Fame"? Or maybe "new JFKA Conspiracy Superstar News Giant?" That certainly was the only thing holding Taibbi back from "conspiracy supercoolness." He just couldn't conceive that anything could happen before him. And maybe a good comeback after Musk fired him from the "twitter files".
  2. The story behind that Matt, was that when JFK was nominated, there were people who feared he'd take orders from the Pope, being a Catholic!
  3. Justice Thomas’s R.V. Loan Was Forgiven, Senate Inquiry Finds The justice failed to repay much, perhaps all, of the $267,230 loan. His benefactor wiped the slate clean, with ethical and potential tax consequences. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/25/us/politics/clarence-thomas-rv-loan-senate-inquiry.html?algo=combo_clicks_decay_6_lda_unique_80_diversified&block=3&campaign_id=142&emc=edit_fory_20231026&fellback=false&imp_id=6403690949077669&instance_id=106212&nl=for-you&nlid=61798350&pool=icymi-for-email-ls&rank=8&regi_id=61798350&req_id=4542480072721660&segment_id=148418&surface=for-you-email-channelless&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55&variant=5_icymi_pool_popularity_pers
  4. House votes to back Israel and condemn Hamas 412-10!. Only one Republican voted against it and that was Thomas Massie. Even despite Bernie's earlier comments of concern for the innocent residents of Gaza, he ended up voting for it. So the Republicans are yes on Israel and no on Ukraine! Not coincidentally just like RK! https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4276005-these-democrats-voted-against-resolution-backing-israel/ But the bottom line is always about funding. I assume this means large support for Biden's package asking for 14.3 billion in Israeli aid and retribution. It's itemized here.
  5. I have little doubt that Israel would be boots on the ground in Gaza right now if it wasn't for Biden. But it looks like Biden is only going to be concerned about American hostages getting free and too bad about the catastrophic loss of human life and suffering.. I think Biden's the only person in the world that could change the equation, and it seems apparent he's not going to. But still the smartest thing he could do for all hostages would be to call for a ceasefire, to let some smoke settle. Israel has already gotten payback. Even if they significantly get rid of much of Hamas. Their actions in doing so will just ensure it will come back in some other form.
  6. Whew!, This 60 minutes Australian piece on Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt,who was the one who revealed Trump told him sensitive military secrets. Pratt "Trump says whateverTF he wants. Trump: "i just bombed Iraq today and the President of Iraq called me up and said, "You just bombed my city, and I said, What are you going go do about it?" Trump: "You know that Ukraine phone call? That's nothing compared to what I usually do!"
  7. So Kenneth Chesboro worked with Lawrence Tribe in Bush Vs. Gore in 2000? So why the 180? He was always a workaholic but changed when he became a Crypto millionaire! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/21/us/politics/chesebro-trump.html
  8. Actually I've always thought Ralph Nader was a great man. My Dad, my brother and I voted for him in 2000. It was a mistake though my brother still doesn't think so. The only excuse I have is that I'm from California, which was always going to go for Gore anyway. But he did ensure that Bush won in Florida and so won the election. But he had no way of knowing that. I actually met him once in a plane and he was very gracious. W. I did think the Nader article was better than the Plitkin article but I find do find some fault in both of them. Nader:Did Biden get Israel and Egypt to allow the exit of hundreds of American citizens fleeing the Gazan firestorm? No! Nader:Did Biden open up corridors for humanitarian aid to the babies, children, women, elderly and other civilians in Gaza who had nothing to do with the October 7th Hamas homicide/suicide attack on Israelis? No! I'd ask Ralph if he's prepared to put American troops on the ground? I'd say his answer is no. So the answer to both of these questions is also no. It's because Biden can't. Nader: He could have done what President Eisenhower did in 1956, when he demanded that the Israeli, British and French attack on Egypt stop immediately. And stop, they did! Yeah, those were the good old days! No he couldn't. Under what threat could the U.S. do that now? Nobody here wants U.S. boots on the ground in Gaza! Nader:To the contrary, earlier in the week he cruelly ordered his UN Ambassador to veto a widely supported resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire. I think that's the key. There has to be a ceasefire and then negotiation for hostages. I could see Nader saying that we have a closing window to make that appeal. And that's where I agree with W. We have to stop funding Israel for anything other than humanitarian assistance, and pursuing peace. As i said , they've already doubled the body count they've lost and created much more destruction. It's time for a ceasefire, and a negotiation of hostages. Plitnick: Biden has managed perhaps the most spectacular failure of policy in Palestine and Israel in U.S. history. That's very naive to say. The sort of mistake Biden made by not being more of an activist for the Palestinians, and employing a policy of "no news is good news" up to a couple of weeks ago would have been made by every U.S. President. And dare I say, JFK included. At any rate, I don't think it's a "spectacular failure", though the event itself was spectacular. Biden in Israel "As hard as it is, we cannot give up on peace. We cannot give up on a two-state solution,” the President said. Biden:“But I caution this: While you feel that rage, don’t be consumed by it. After 9/11, we were enraged in the United States. While we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes.” I don't think Plitnick even mentioned Biden talking of 2 state solution, or "mistakes" did he?. Which required some guts as I'm sure this is the least likely time in our lives to mention a 2 state solution in Israel and have a general public sympathy for it.( Though I know there's some, millions of people in the country, over the years have had marches for a solution) ) Of course Plitnick would probably be skeptical it was anything more than talk and he' may be right. They definitely need more than 20 truckloads there! But we don't know what Biden is really doing. Plitkin's criticizing Biden for suggesting Egypt, Jordan the Saudis take in Gazan refugees. But the truth is nobody wants their countries to be like Lebanon with huge permanent Palestinian camps. Nobody is keen on taking in more refugees in that part of the globe, particularly after we f-ucked up the refugee situation so horribly with our Iraq War. I'm not a big Tom Friedman fan , but I at least like his idealism here. Friedman: I believe that if Israel rushes headlong into Gaza now to destroy Hamas — and does so without expressing a clear commitment to seek a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority and end Jewish settlements deep in the West Bank — it will be making a grave mistake that will be devastating for Israeli interests and American interests. I like that's he's proposing a solution, but is it really realistic if we're depending on Israel to come to that conclusion? It's going to require Biden really being engaged and making a persistent effort with carrot and stick diplomacy over a period of time. But I agree with Friedman here that if we don't go for the brass ring and don't in the long run use our power and influence toward a long range greater good. This whole thing is just going to be disaster for Israel and us, which was maybe the idea all along. Can you imagine that Gazans are really that pleased with Hamas now that a lot of them have lost everything? Of course they can't like Israel for wreaking such destruction on them either! "Polls suggest that Palestinians are ready for a different order. In a July 2023 survey by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, half of those polled in Gaza agreed that “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution.” And 70 percent of Gazans favored the Palestinian Authority sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/opinion/biden-speech-israel-gaza.html?campaign_id=39&emc=edit_ty_20231020&instance_id=105672&nl=opinion-today®i_id=61798350&segment_id=147850&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55 At least it's something to shoot for. But my guess is if the present situation gets out of hand, Biden will suffer if Americans see their hostages sacrificed, and he has great incentive to not be in that position.
  9. So we're set now right. Israel has killed maybe double the amount that they've lost. 2300 lost compared to 4100 (at least by Hamas estimates) and wreaked maybe 1000 times the destruction! I'd say it was time to negotiate for hostages. The way it stands now, we're to believe that Israel is going to go door to door taking back hostages? That could take months and will be real messy! Is it really realistic to assume that Israel could completely take out Hamas and not eventually just have something else come in it's place? Unless somehow, the equation was changed?
  10. Harlan Crow donated $3,300 to Cornel West's 2024 Presidential campaign. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwja3vPu6IOCAxXPFzQIHXNCDaQQvOMEKAB6BAgREAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.axios.com%2F2023%2F10%2F19%2Fharlan-crow-cornel-west-2024-campaign&usg=AOvVaw2HbyKJaNxtPZJB99ntUcxb&opi=89978449
  11. Ask all of em if Trump gets the nomination will you vote for him. All will answer "Yes" so these words mean nothing
  12. “Converts welcome!” The Biden campaign has joined Truth Social, Trump’s social media platform. I didn't expect that! it makes perfect sense though. Biden would gain more from trolling Trump's sight, then Trump would gain trolling on Biden's! Oprah Winfrey pitched Mitt Romney on the idea of running for president as an independent in 2020 with her as a running mate, according to a coming biography. What! so Oprah's having worries about her portfolio? Freak lol the only gag that Trump loves to wear
  13. "Odd phenomena from mysterious new members coming out of woodwork repeating the same old defamatory CIA propaganda". What are you implying here? That Robert is a CIA plant W.? You've expressed to me on a number of times in pm, your suspicions that people here that disagree with you are plants from somewhere else. In every case, I didn't agree with them either, but I've tried to steer you away from thinking they all represent some plot, from some spooky operation or the CIA/ Operation Mockingbird or some right wing or Maga organization, other than just being a Trump voter.. . I give credit to Jeff for drawing a line on this. This sort of a xenophobic browbeating is no way to treat a new member whose raising legitimate questions and definitely appears to have his faculties, but simply disagrees with you. You have to reflect on this and stop this. With love, P.S. If he burst on the scene and was out to lunch, and didn't appear to have his faculties, I might trash on him too.
  14. I like Biden's rhetoric about the Israeli War up to now. They are the only Democracy in the region, and that does mean something, But for decades the Israeli's have economically squeezed the Gaza strip, just dribbling in sustenance. Now Biden's bringing in military ships and fighter jets? Maybe that's sound strategic posturing, but I'm not sure, we'll see. Blinken has already been there twice and now Biden's going next week? It's important that our primary message is to remove all innocent civilians. Maybe the U.N.could get involved, but it's got to start quick! This is a powder keg. If the U.S. is seen to be behind a situation that devolves into more prolonged destruction and loss of human life. The U.S. will suffer a major loss of credibility on the world scene that will last for years and for who, Netanyahu? We have to start talking as peacemakers, not just to get our citizen's out in one piece! A lot of things could turn from this. As far as the 2024 election. It's good for Biden that this is happening now and not 6 months from now.
  15. I agree Doug, Jeff would scream "hatchet job" at a croquet match. And has always been screaming "hatchet job", in that he and his entire country is being hatcheted everyday by the U.S. and if not deep state, the CIA.* I mean, just look at their prosperity! heh heh! And yet when ever asked friendly questions about his view of what's going on in his country, he is mute. ***** Ok, Jeff I'll accept you've made your pro Prouty case. OLIVER STONE: "he (Fletcher) always suspected Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza because there's a vague photograph----- Fletcher always directed a LOT of venom toward Lansdale and I never understood why." We can interpret that as Stone thinking Prouty can be irrational and seems to have an emotional vendetta against Lansdale, and is skeptical of his monstrous claims against Lansdale. Now about the article: Jeff: "The Esquire author was not physically present for the alleged “confrontation”. What you are reading is a third-hand account. Stone responded to the article "- No, Quote from the story: "Fletcher really went into orbit," recalled a witness to the meeting. No a direct witness, I guess because he's not a principal that's a second hand account? I appreciate you're at least not dismissing Esquire as CIA/ Operation Mockingbird! That's would be such a BS cop out! With Stone opening the door of doubt about Prouty. Are the events depicted in the Esquire magazine article more likely to have happened or less? Since it's much more likely. I like this excerpt about Prouty's reaction. Prouty began by saying that he had confused the four-page draft NSAM 273 with the one-paragraph NSAM 263. When Stone, who had seen both documents, appeared dubious, Prouty switched tactics, claiming that the draft NSAM was a forgery and that the source from which it had come -- namely, the Kennedy Library -- had been "infiltrated." I have seen this BS used here from time to time. A lot of it can be about the authenticity of photos or film, for example. Sort of a last ditch salvaging, by saying you can now believe in nothing, because in this case , the Kennedy library has been "infiltrated" by the "deep state." Not a good look! Then this : At that, Newman tore into him. Prouty was wrong, he said: about Bundy, about "infiltration," about the NSAMs, about the entire case. Unaccustomed to being dressed down by a junior officer, Prouty erupted. "Fletcher really went into orbit," recalled a witness to the meeting. "He jumped up and went into this long tirade about his forty years and how he had done everything and written everything and briefed everybody and if that wasn't good enough for Oliver, he was quitting." He's really being dressed down about everything!, senses that Stone is probably at least largely in agreement with Newman, and that he is the "odd man out", and threatens to quit. That's the most logical interpretation. In other words, Prouty is pouty! Again, not a good look! * Who according to Jeff, handily overthrew Ukraine in 2015 as easily as they did Guatemala in 1953. But I digress.
  16. Jeff, I think I may have been the only one who complemented you about the effort you made on this piece. I'm not an expert and I found it very informative in parts. The problem I have is that if you actually suspected that Prouty's charges about Lansdale being at Dealey Plaza were bullsh-t. How could you spend all these hours writing this piece solely defending Prouty?. When you know about this and omit it, IMO, you're really bs'ing us. I say now, Fluff your f--k piece , or uh........well you know what I mean. It's so completely one sided! Let's deal with your established facts. Jeff:Established facts about this controversy: Lansdale can be placed in Dallas suburb Denton Texas on the evening of November 21, 1963. That information was discovered amongst Lansdale’s papers. Yeah, interesting but so what? Jeff: Numerous data points found in military files, Agency files, HSCA files, et al establish Lansdale as “heavily into CIA, not just a military figure.” (Blunt The Devil Is In the Details p86-87) Numerous data points? Again stop bsing us,. Explain your data! "Heavily into CIA " Jeff, cooll! Explain!. "The Devil is in the Details" Was that a life changing book for you Jeff? Anybody can write a book. Are we suppose to attach any more to your response to the book than say, a young woman writing a book about how much she loves her cat? Jeff: Prouty’s identification of Lansdale in the “Tramp” photo was corroborated by General Krulak. But he won't get go on record about this right? But your answer to that is that he was threatened by the Deep state---Prove it! Jeff, Stop being evasive. It looks like Lansdale is very much on your mind here, and your hunkering down and just can't believe Lansdale wasn't part of the plot, and disputing Oliver Stone. What does Jeff Carter think? Do you know your case is about as strong as the 61 cases that Trump brought before the courts claiming a 2020 stolen election and lost? Any impartial judge would look at you like you're some kind of strange animal! You know I enclosed an interview with Lansdale Jeff. Did you bother to read it? Ok, that's cool! I didn't make any claims about it like you. He portrayed himself as a sort of maverick, which he was by other's accounts. He was rather complementary about the Kennedy's. He made a remark that when he first met RFK, he seemed like a young kid, but he came to become very impressed with his ability to assimilate information and his thoroughness. His tone didn't come off patronizing but was very matter of fact. As I recall , JFK wanted to appoint him to the head position in Vietnam? But it was overridden by the Joint Chiefs who didn't like him. Of course, Prouty claims Lansdale is a "chameleon" which I assume means he's a con!. Ok, whatever you and Prouty say. How did you become attracted to Prouty? I assume it was first through Stone's movie and you then immersed yourself in his books? OLIVER STONE: he (Fletcher) always suspected L. was in Dealey Plaza because there's a vague photograph----- Fletcher always directed a LOT of venom toward Lansdale and I never understood why. Yes why? But I've got a suggestion Jeff. Maybe you can pull Jim away from his essay which I believe is going to prove to us that JFK never had an affair with MM, and Jim can investigate this! I've hear that Lansdale and Prouty lived very near each other and their wives knew each other! Do you think, maybe that Lansdale was playing around with Prouty's wife? Anyway, just a suggestion. Sounds right up Jim's alley! Why the animus is very unclear.
  17. I was trying to find this. This was a quote of Oliver Stone submitted by B.A. Copeland. It can found at https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/28739-critics-still-attacking-oliver-stones-jfk-film-with-same-old-factual-deviancies-crap/page/2/ Jeff, You were present on this thread when this was posted and you were notably silent about it. And now you're trying to push that there was no absolutely conflict between Stone and Prouty? Well if there wasn't, (which I highly doubt) there certainly became a credibility issue and you knew very well about it. Prouty made very serious allegations about Lansdale, and Stone now kind of took away your Lansdale- at- Dealey- Plaza voodoo doll, but I guess now you admit Prouty was full of sh-t about that, but a God about everything else?? Explain I sometimes wonder about this. Can anybody say anything that will damage their credibility? Interesting this was in Quebec. Wasn't Jim Di with Stone when he said this? He's been silent here too.
  18. Jeff: Otherwise your demand that some sort of direct refutation or response was “owed” at the time, I didn't "demand 'anything.Jeff. I'm trying to educate you on what was expected, and the world Stone had to live in at the time. It's really simple , you don't want to turn off the press with defiance because you'll need them again. I had the same thing with guests on my radio program. Jeff, you complicate the situation to the point of complete paralysis. Believe me if Stone could make a complete refutation and say that it was a complete fabrication, he would have, but he didn't. If he was holding that hand, unlike you he wouldn't have acted proud and above the fray, because he realizes he's just going to encourage more press BS. He would have used it. He's not a fool! Paul, I was trying to have a substantive conversation. I'll deal with your accusations later.
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