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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. "Earnestly perceive" Ben? What a bunch of baloney. Ben your allegation of "Operation mockingbird" is just your bullsh-t intolerance of anyone who dare criticize your blood idol. This isn't Thailand. Articles like these are being written all the time about candidates. All anyone has to do is sit down at a computer and put in a few keywords to find them. So we're going to hear about every article that Ben cries "Operation mockingbird" because it doesn't go his way, and he's too lazy to follow the general discourse going on inside the U.S., and always eager to transport his general agitation and peevishness? The mods are right to be moving these articles at a quicker pace from the JFKA.. Ben just doesn't have the attention span to find it. Just go to "Controversial Issues in history" and scroll down to "Political discussions". It is far down there. It would be nice if recent posts there could be listed on top, as they are here in the forum. Mark once gave us a link where we could put in our favorites. Maybe he could do that again.
  2. The present day Republican Party will be remembered as as the greatest flunky bunch of cowards in American history. Now that Trump has been indicted in an incident where his followers vowed to kill Mike Pence and Trump didn't intercede to stop them. Pence finally now, after the indictment has found the courage to break from Trump and attack Trump about the incident. I can only imagine the the spooky religious cul de sac of voter who is now moved by Pence's newfound courage to actually vote for him! Imagine if this trial is televised and Pence takes the stand! That will be the true trial of the century!
  3. Re" RK, Probably sounds likely. Even though that information wouldn't be enough to make me not vote for him, If he wasn't so corporate and lame on the issues. Besides being deluded, or quaaluded at some critical times in his life. heh heh Look, the guys had enough problems in his life, that no one with a heart could pile on. But there should be concern among family members for RK ruining the family legacy. It's obviously so powerful a legacy that even articles like these have never been able to derail it! To use a baseball analogy. I thought the Kennedy legacy would start RK out at first base with his campaign, but in reality he started out somewhere between second and third and has been continually caught stealing ever since! Op Mock!!! Total BS! Another forum example of invoking Operation Mockingbird, when the real answer is another person with a profit motive. Which maybe if Ben more understood, he wouldn't be picking rice now in Thailand! heh heh a joke. I'm glad the mods are more quickly shifting these topics to "Political discussions" where they belong. The only reason for Ben to keep posting this in the JFKA forum, is just his monster need for attention which the great majority of people are against, and only turns off new people who would come to the forum. for JFKA information.
  4. Medical dogma John??? Like we should all put out our faith now in Cotter dogma? Wow! great video clips! I can see John spends hours scouring Youtube looking for the straight skinny fluff American msm interviews with RK. How many times are you going to show that clip with Ellen Vargas and RK, John? Unlike you, I actually do look at these clips if they're not too long. And the second clip with what looks to be a cross between Colonel Tom Parker and Colonel Sanders railing on 'bout the oppressive 'guvment plot behahnd the covid vaccines! In that clip , they actually brag about abusive, misogynist Andrew Tate being "one of the boys" contributing money toward a a vaccine debate between Hotez and legacy admission RK, who now has the privileged luxury in old age to act out his bucket list doctor fantasy as a 3 year old, to become our national immunologist! I would say listen to this below, and see how well RK comports himself with these 2 libertarian guys who at least exhibit common sense. Re Cotter: The last time a guy bragged so much about his superior immune system like Cotter. He ended up Pm'ing me with dick pix! I mention that because I want to head that thought off at the pass! Call me old school but I think pumped up comedians like Rogan give his profession a bad name. But John mentions or shows clips of him so much. I can only imagine John's fantasy is being crushed like a tooth pick in Rogan's big manly American Exceptional arms! heh heh
  5. As you've pointed out Leslie. RK was actually discouraging the demographic groups from taking the vaccine who need it most. I also agree. Why would he even have opened up that door if he, himself didn't believe it? I guess better late than never though. But now the critical test. Will his followers follow the RK admission that it was a mistake or still insist he's a victim of the "Deep State" and "Operation Mockingbird".
  6. Gibberish? Hmmm, this coming from some guy who has demonstrated repeatedly he knows nothing about American politics. Ok, I get it with the adolescent hero worship of JFK carried through adulthood. Local boy makes it to the super big time USA. That's understandable and fine, but about the topic at hand. I realize you live in a monocultural white bread society, 82% Irish, 10% other whites, 2% Asian and 1%Blacks! (and you're up in arms about immigration to boot!!), so you wouldn't understand what this RK fuss is about. But we're not monocultural white bread here and I'm trying to educate you, because the problems are much more complex here then you could even imagine John. And as a pretty smart Dutch guy said to me about the U.S. in my travels. It's amazing it works at all! So you're an environmentalist John? How serious are you? But I guess giving up that petty indulgence is the least you can do for RK huh? Because in the final analysis, I guess that does conveniently work in well with your country cutting down all your trees to promote your livestock dominated system, coupled with the lowest organic farm rate in Europe that produces the highest co2 rate than any country in the G28 right? Take that gibberish Sorry to be such an adult. But childhood dreams can have their setbacks, and there are other Kennedys. And you got time. We've all heard many times what great shape you're in and your disdain for people who might require a vaccine. If this is important. And his lineage and genes don't matter, and we're objectively evaluating it. RK on the environment: We don't need a guy who says "he's been there" and now it's not worth pursuing. Besides he likes his private jet.
  7. Of course they were W., except for our "born in a barn" Cotter and unfortunately Paul B. who declare that absolutely anybody who would take offense at such a statement are agents of the "deep state" whose only mission in life is to go after their blood idol. Either that or they've caved in to "Operation Mockingbird!" Just to clue you. Any politician who makes a reference that a virus could be bioengineered to kill someone of any of their constituents better be prepared to come out with hard evidence that that in fact, is happening or he should just shut up. If Rk's even capable of that. IMO, watching these guys huddling around RK attentively listening has about as much real significance as a bunch of guys shooting the sh-t on a street corner in Podunk, Mexico. heh heh But seriously, Also any politician who wants to get anywhere that makes any reference to the holocaust, it better be to another historical incident of mass killings and or ethnic cleansing. And his wimpy comparing his alleged "political persecution" to something Anne Frank went through is just politically moronic, dumb ass hyperbole! Whether you like that or not. What both you guys think ultimately doesn't mean sh-it. The only conspiracies you guys face is just the rest of the world trying to remind you that it's not just all about your opinions. But you never have listened.
  8. Wow!, I was watching tv. Mitch Mac Connel freezes and has to be taken away to his office, but is apparently ok now?
  9. Wow Steve!, It's interesting how many more people might buy it if they skipped some of the cultural stuff at the end. I wonder what the target market is? I assume it's social media.
  10. For once, Let's see this through. What the hell are you talking about here? You're referring to the post by William Paris. How specifically is it untruthful? This sounds like conspiracy bubble talk to me. "Oh everyone so stupid. If they only had my awareness, and could only see comprehensive conspiracies that are all around!" Paul , you're starting to foray into actual policy. But I took an interview and broke down what RK said, and he's corporate with populist rhetoric.. You then accused me of being a CIA agent for Joe Biden. Which was truly pathetic. I then dispassionately asked you what you thought of his statement that climate change and the environment,, something he's been working on all his political career is not going to be an issue in his campaign and I never heard from you again.. Hence my thread to answer another paranoid delusional thread that stating that "RK fears for his life." (like that deserves a thread!) Nobody whose anybody wants to kill RK-- RK on the issues. Yeah, what a cliche! Unfortunately the "mockingbird chorus " has been so overused. Yes Paul, there are people who write in even major publication that have some prejudices, maybe I might even agree with you there some of them are just plain stupid. But aren't they just the half that don't agree with Paul B. who just knee jerk just categorizes them as the "Deep state", (another completely overworked cliche) and assumes an overwhelming conspiracy he'll never be able to extricate himself from, and worse yet, by his accounts apparently no one else around him seems to understand? It's really just intolerance and some of these people, though not you, specifically are the first ones to cry out about "free speech rights". I don't think they matter, but you guys have been spamming "RK fanboy thread"s when you thought things were going your way. And then you've became very intolerant, when things aren't going your way. What was really bubbleicious was the fact that you had to ask me to see the RK clip, which means you totally ignore Jonathan's post when he put it out over a week ago. Aren't you at all curious what other people think? He was obviously very concerned. Paul: Maybe they just don’t want to lose another member of the family. Believe that if it gives you some comfort. I think the Kennedy are aware enough to know that no one powerful will greatly object to his policies, and could probably work around his vaccine stuff. But of course, there's always the availability of guns for any famous person. See above. William Paris was right to ask you that question. Oh, and you do Paul? You don't seem to understand Paul, there are a number of us here who don't believe Bobby or JFK would approve at all of RK candidacy positions on the issues, and I haven't seen that you have any specific political knowledge to tie either JFK or RFK to either RK's position on vaccines or even the War in Ukraine. On that,what I've seen here is just a superficial dummying down total whitewashing of JFK and RFK's policy positions before 1963, to make them both into sterile peaceniks, and so of course they could negotiate a happy settlement for both parties and the world at large, right? Are you really that naive? Those hearings always have grandstanding Paul. If you were able to listen to me. RK might be a legacy admission, but still a pretty smart guy, if that makes everyone here happy. But he's a dumb politician to attend such a hearing at the behest of the Republicans. And now he's been forced into a corner where is only possibility of survival is to become a VP for Trump. But that doesn't matter, right Paul?
  11. Paul,as far as the RK covid comment. It's pretty much everywhere. But you can see the clip of RK at the top of Jonathan's thread below this one entitled. . THIS is the Presidential candidate you intend to support? There you can open up the clip of RK lecturing several people around him. William's post was on the Schlossberg comment about RK thread I started. But I quoted his entire post here and it stands by itself.
  12. Of course, instigating crop failure would be devastating to a small fledgling country like Cuba, and as usual, it's the poorest that would suffer the most. But I might agree, it's difficult to put it in a proper context. In a quick search there's very little about crop Biological warfare in the 50's and 60's. But it does mention that Cuba accused the U.S. on numerous occasions of using biological agents on them. We all agree none of this is good.
  13. William: I've probably listened to 15+ hours of RFK Jr podcasts.... Russel Bland, M Kelly, Rogan, many many others. Then I see Trump or Biden... those two are mental midgets compared to RFKjr. I think he understands that he's going to have to be controversial commenting about Dallas or Covid to get attention. What are the elements of his politics that you find distasteful? Let's consolidate threads. That was directed to Doug, but I'll answer William. Thanks for your correction on the lineage relationships. You know, so many Kennedys, and cousins 40 years apart. You do get credit for a post! William:I've probably listened to 15+ hours of RFK Jr podcasts.... Russel Bland, M Kelly, Rogan, many many others. Wow, well you must be an RK expert! Since you're probably the first RK supporter here who places any value on his positions on the issues...... William: Then I see Trump or Biden... those two are mental midgets compared to RFKjr. Or maybe I've got that wrong. Is this just about RK's superior IQ? Well I think you've read what I think about RK trying to impress people with his IQ, and it's not flattering. I want the POTUS comfortable enough in his own skin, that he doesn't particularly have to compensate for anything. And since you've already read what I said, Nor do I want a candidate who naively walks into a Republican ambush or any ambush! William: I think he understands that he's going to have to be controversial commenting about Dallas or Covid to get attention. That's wrong. He's not seeking out attention on covid vaccines, he's already saddled with years of covid attention he can't extricate himself from, and he's continuously circuitously backpedaling on that so he takes 2 minutes just to get back to square one, and that's if you got a short memory. I think there was a way for for RK to step back and minimize that damage but he's stubborn and wasn't smart enough to realize it. That's his fault. As for Dallas. Some people here think the world started anew when RK first mentioned he thinks the CIA was complicit in his Father and Brother's death, but no one ever asks why was he and everyone in his family were either supporters of the WC findings or silent for 50 years? They've been no use at all to anybody here, except for when one of them decides to run for President. He certainly should tell us of his conversion and suspicions, but I think as any other candidate, it probably just stigmatizes him. There are a lot of "skills" that are required to be President. Some people naturally have some skills and some don't. One of them in our system is being able to communicate in an understandable way who you are. Also to be able to see relationships and make wise decisions. The tragic thing is that I don't believe RK is a racist. But unfortunately the less RK is a racist, the more he's a political moron. If you think what he said about China, Ashkenazi Jews and Covid or comparing the covid vaccination to what Anne Frank had to go through, is no big deal for a U.S. politician to say, you're naive and were never meant to run for President either, but of course we don't have to worry about that. So if you choose, do what some do here and cry about reality and assign it to countless conspiracies. Only to have to be reexplained reality a few days later. There's "book smart" and "street smart" and I'm not sure from what you've written that you understand the difference.
  14. Wow, Robert quite a find! But it doesn't surprise me. Hasn't the message been for years the Kennedy's were morally infallible? Definitely some hearts are going to bleed. Somebody's going have to break it to Jim. Paul I think you're the guy.
  15. Jack Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy's son, has forcefully come out against his Uncle, says he's not fit to be President, endorsed Joe Biden and expresses concern for the Kennedy legacy! I'm also concerned. https://www.cnn.com/media/sites/cnn/video-placeholder.svg
  16. Re: RK taking the Republican bait to testify before the house. Of course the Democrats are crucifying him. Of course they're going to try to get him to respond to the stupid statement he made. It was the Republicans invited RK! RK should have known, neither the Republicans or the Democrats want him to be their candidate in 2024. But the Republicans would love to have him defect and be Trump's running mate. What better chance could they have? They gotta do something! And he's a perfect crossover candidate! So the Republicans, knowing full well the Democrats are going to crucify him. They're hoping to force him into the Republican Party! I tend to think RK was just foolish to take the bait. What did he think was going to happen? Some will say maybe he's smart and now see's the VP as his only chance! Of course his mentioning the possibility the vaccine was engineered to spare the Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews was maybe the dumbest offhand statement by any candidate ever, except Trump, where nothing he says matters to his throng anyway! As so often, I'm trying to figure what was the point of saying that publicly? I could see him just being an insecure guy who wants to impress other's with his knowledge. Which would be befitting of a Ivy League legacy admission person, who wants to impress others with his completely untrained yen for Biology. Ok, only a guess, but what a mess!
  17. I think what W. posted pretty much settles the issue, Michael. All the Republicans above are just intimidated cowards, who have put their own political fortunes ahead of their country, and have perpetuated a myth of a stolen election, and it doesn't take a "rabid, blind partisans" to able to see that. But I'll try to address their deeper motivation in answering Paul's post. There's probably some ignorance. I mean the entire Kennedy family which included 13 siblings of JFK and RFK are pretty damn ignorant and either said they believed in the WC findings or were silent about it for 50 years! But I agree with you. It's probably because there's no votes in it from people who weren't going to vote for them anyway. But this is really a Republican "weaponization of government" message. The government illegally killed a U.S. President and now they're legally trying to take out President Trump's campaign from winning back his presidency, and some will tell you he was removed from office by the government stealing the election in the first place. The ultimate purpose is to defund the government and make the relative size it was in the 50's or to some even before the New Deal. I can't emphasize enough and I think Leslie is making that point in another thread with Andrew Tate and Tucker Carlson, that we shouldn't be running after politicians or talk show people, like we did 6 months ago who will end up only discrediting us. But of course we do need politicians and influential people. That's right, but after 20 years, people and their lives moved on, and the political reality is that it wasn't an effective issue to get votes. Most people now are 100 times more concerned with getting decent health care, and not having to go to the poor house if something should happen to them and their kids. And they are concerned about whether they'll be able to save up enough to put their kids through college, or just get a wage good enough to live on. Now if ever there was a candidate who had the right to bring it up as a campaign issue it was RK who lived through the death of his Father and Uncle the President and it still isn't enough to get him anywhere. It would have been interesting to see how far he got if he didn't have so many other issues. But my guess is he wouldn't have gotten out of the low 20's, even with the dissatisfaction with Biden's age, which I share. Something unusual will have to happen, probably to the economy or his health, to make him not win. Yeah, trying to avoid the Republican label of "identity politics"? The Democrats messaging is terrible! Of course that would be awful, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. Anybody can start a petition. So they'd actually stop RK , but not Trump? heh heh Since you've brought this up. Yes, I don't think it's the issue you make it, but it's true, it's never been given much air time. That's for sure. But I know the truth because I've seen Oliver Stones, Ukraine on Fire! Paul, I really like what you wrote in the Prouty thread about being open to narratives that may step on a few forum member's toes. I've criticized others for recommending clips that are over an hour. But have you ever watched a film called "Winter on fire" not coincidentally named I suspect in response to Oliver Stones historical depiction of Ukraine Nazism in "Ukraine on fire", which was a post Putin interview film made by Stone with a newly converted zeal. (or was it?) that Putin could now use as a pre justification for his brutal invasion. Ok, maybe speculative? Anyway in fairness, it was made by a Brit, an American and a Ukrainian. One should be warned it's a lot more "human" as it's not so much a historic lecture as was Stone's film, but actually interviews people on the ground at the time of the uprising. Obviously, Nobody should make up their mind about something so important , by watching a movie.
  18. This coming from Jim, who only recently started a thread solely to announce an RK Jr. upcoming speech!. Is that some sense of entitlement? And of course, Quoting Rand Paul! The most critical thing RK Jr. has dared said against Trump was not that Trump was too lax about covid , but that Trump caved into the "Covid hysteria!" Many more people would have lost their lives. We told you guys he was way over his head. Don't you dare turn deaf ears on us and say the Deep State and their MSM destroyed his candidacy! To utter such nonsense is what I mean when I say Trump and now RK Jr. separate the "conspiracy men from the boys."! I suppose the greater interview from which this excerpt was taken from was initially supplied to us here from Rigby because he thought the guys at "Reason" were right wings/ libertarians but they do have enough common sense to have asked RK the right questions..
  19. Jonathan's entitled to bring this up. What can you say? Certainly all the alternative media who interviews him are sympathetic to the sacrifices his family has made for the country, and want to believe he's a great guy. Then he goes and says something absolutely stupid, then we witness a lot of circuitous backpedaling that goes on for minutes to hopefully, if you have a short memory, just get him back to square one. . As was obvious in the Breaking Points interview. Though he has a long environmental background , perhaps after talking to some rich tech friends, he says now that climate change is not going to be an issue of his campaign? He wants the government out of the energy market. That was the problem all along. All the classic liberal things like a wealth tax or a guaranteed minimum or a living wage, he talks against. Doesn't seem to think there's much hope fighting for a single payer health care system. He's largely corporate with populist rhetoric. Though some abroad are more use to monarchies. I guess the closest thing we have to a monarchy is a political dynasty. In this case, at what a cost! I would have liked to have saved up and used that potential progressive bullet more effectively in the future.
  20. Trump gives a masterful answer to an Iowa women about her concerns about the CO2 pipeline! Rk. Jr. said he heartily endorses Trump's answer! Yeah Paul, remember when we were boys, how we'd make fun of the way girls threw? That title 9 is starting to pay off in spades!. Dem conspiracy!
  21. Ok I find out in the end that this is not Mike Pence but I can't erase the post! ....Which I suppose at this point is just as well. I hope you at least enjoyed this for this brief moment! heh heh
  22. Katie Porter is running for Senate from California. But unfortunately she's running against Adam Schiff whose had a number of great moments, among which was predicting Trump would be back for impeachment or indicted for high crimes and the Magas and I remember Jim Di once said that RK Jr. both hate him! Which is a good enough endorsement for me. But watch how Katie Porter takes on the Defense industry here. https://twitter.com/i/status/1679549079875887107
  23. The title sounds like [Redacted]. But I should read it. Where's this thread at?
  24. Trump reveals new details about $1 billion in earnings in revised filing https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/13/donald-trump-financial-disclosure/?wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F3a905ab%2F64b01ddb68007b638ba0404f%2F646f594f44d19211b692299e%2F23%2F72%2F64b01ddb68007b638ba0404f
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