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Sandy Larsen

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Everything posted by Sandy Larsen

  1. I, like Ron, wouldn't move such a thread as long as it remains relevant and civil. As for deleting a thread... it's highly unlikely I would ever do that. The only things I've ever deleted were individual posts that are pretty bad.
  2. Forum members shouldn't dwell on forum policies regarding contemporary politics. Because there is no penalty attached to talking politics. If a discussion does happen to take place, I don't think any mod is going to do anything about it as long as it is relevant to the JFK assassination and as long a pejorative isn't used against any particular politician or political party. The worst that could happen is that a mod will ask the participants to stop.
  3. You can make comments on contemporary actions as long as they are relevant to the JFK assassination. Even if the actions are done by politicians. What you can't do is have a political discussion involving contemporary politicians. (Making a succinct comment about a politician is okay because it is not a discussion.)
  4. A big part of Pat's problem is that he is easily suckered into believing official narrative created by the coverup artists.
  5. Keven, Thanks for posting that! It's nice to know that I'm not the only researcher who speculates that the fragment was returned to Dealey Plaza for the purpose of creating evidence of the fatal shot being from behind. The only difference between my and Larry Rivera's hypotheses is that he believes that the Harper fragment constituted the whole fragment picked up by the child, whereas I believe that the Harper fragment was a piece broken off from the whole fragment. The reasons I believe that just a broken-off piece of the fragment was sent back are these: There were multiple witnesses who described the BOH wound as being very large... for example, "the back of his head was gone." (IMO, those who saw a substantially smaller hole did so because flaps of remaining scalp covered up much of the huge skull hole.) SS Agent Sam Kinney, who actually held and studied the fragment in the C-130 cargo plane while flying back to Washington, said it reminded him of a clay pot. Well the Harper fragment, IMO, wouldn't remind one of a clay pot. But a larger fragment, one more round in shape and more concave, would.
  6. That is also my understanding of the forum policy, Ron. If a member claims that a person is a nazi, or any other (non-trivial) pejorative, he'd better have very good evidence of that being the case. (If the person he is referring to is a forum member, the mods will likely respond to the infraction more severely.)
  7. @Roger Odisio, If you want to discuss contemporary politics or politicians, you are free to do so on the Political Discussions subforum of Education Forum.
  8. Roger, Much of your argument is irrelevant. I cited you for calling the current administration ignoramuses. That violated forum policy. As for the relevant part, I've already covered most of it in my prior post. To that I'll add that the administrative staff likes the policy because it solves a lot of problems. As Mark Knight is fond of saying, the Education Forum is not a democracy. (If you want to have a democratically controlled forum, I suggest you create one.) But if you wish, PM your petition to Mark Knight, Ron Bulman, and myself.
  9. Paul, I found what Simpich wrote on this page: https://aarclibrary.org/the-jfk-case-the-twelve-who-built-the-oswald-legend-part-4-when-the-u-2-goes-down-oswald-is-ready-to-return/ He doesn't say how he accessed Oswald's 201 file.
  10. If the "1 in a trillion" odds of that many people dying was calculated properly, then you are wrong. If, however, the calculation was badly mangled, then you may be right. Statistics don't lie... if you know how to use them.
  11. I'm thinking it's very likely that Hidell came from the German name Heidel. A German named Heidel may have changed the spelling to Hidell when he/she moved to another country. And a descendant of that person could have moved to Hungary and kept the name Heidel.
  12. I'm still using Windows XP and a lot of websites don't work well for me. That's the reason I don't get a temporary Ancestry.com account. I don't want to waste my one free trial. With only 124 birth records that Jim found, it appears that the statistics I cited earlier very well could be correct. Hidell truly is a very rare surname in America. Probably so in the world as well.
  13. I don't think anyone would complain if you created the thread here. Since JFK and his father are not contemporary political figures, posting it here wouldn't violate that forum policy. It's just a little off topic... no big deal.
  14. There is no need to say that on a JFKA forum. Feel free to do so at the Water Cooler or in a Political Discussions thread. (Technically speaking, you probably could get away with saying that here because, on its own, it doesn't say anything negative about the contemporary politician Trump. But if it triggered a longish discussion, it would likely be flagged as being contemporary politics and would be removed or moved to the Political Discussions forum.) JFK is not a contemporary politician. So you can say negative things about him. However, note that saying something that is untrue violates a forum rule. So you'd better have some evidence if you say something like that. Still, even if you have no evidence, mods aren't likely to do anything if nobody complains. I agree. And that is why I just removed that filter. So members are now free to write "liar." However, the admin team needs to vote on this change in order for it to remain. I don't have the power to make the change myself. If you report such a thread, there's a good chance you'll get your wish. I tend to ignore such a thread if the members seem to like it. There was one such thread a few weeks ago where members were posting music videos. I posted a couple myself. But had somebody reported it as being off-topic, I would have asked members to stop posting the videos.
  15. It is a forum policy that contemporary politics cannot be discussed on the JFKA Debate forum. It is not my policy. I merely enforce the policy. There was a period of time when I and other mods were moving a lot of contemporary political threads to the Political Discussions forum where they would be on topic, or removing individual posts that violated the policy. Most of those posts were anti-politician or anti-political-party in nature. Which is one reason political discussions are not allowed. At one point I announced that we would begin warning members who make comments that are contemporary anti-politician or anti-political-party in nature. Members would not be penalized on the first warning, but would be upon a subsequent violation. I didn't issue Roger a warning based on some understanding or misunderstanding of something he said. I warned him based on the following statement of his: You can draw a straight line between the Dulles brothers, Cheney and Rumsfeld, to the current neocon ignoramuses currently running the White House. The portion of Roger's sentence I've made bold is anti-politician in nature. Had Roger not used the word "ignoramus," I wouldn't have cited him. There was no "opinion" involved.
  16. After she was freed, Israeli hostage offered a handshake to Hamas (nbcnews.com) Well jeez, Hamas isn't so bad after all. After killing members of your family and beating you, they might treat you kindly. Now that's my kind of terrorist! (This is a different woman, BTW FWIW. A peace activist.)
  17. I once had a Pakistani friend by the name of Said, pronounced SAW-eed. He was a new immigrant to America. I talked him into spelling it "Sayeed," which he did. The name Hidell is very rare in America. There are reportedly fewer than 200 Americans with that surname. (Source) I believe that the reason for its rarity is that it was re-spelled from some other name when the American's ancestor immigrated to America, or to some prior country. (BTW FWIW, I'm skeptical that the statistics on this name are correct. I've found a number of Hidells who lived in America circa 1900... surely their descendants would number greater than 200 by now. One would think.) It seems that somebody with an Ancestry.com account should be able to easily trace a few of these Hidells back to the Hidell ancestor who immigrated here so we can see where the surname originates. Heidel from Germany or some other nearby country would be my bet. Heidel is definitely a German surname. But that doesn't necessarily mean our orphan was from Germany, given that people do move around over the generations.
  18. According to Bill Simpich: Oswald called himself “Alec” or “Alik” while in the USSR, and even obtained a hunting license under the name “Aleksey Harvey Oswald” Source: Oswald 201 File, Volume 24, p. 8
  19. What the hell is the matter with YOU? And Doug? The graphic Doug posted is obviously designed to serve as propaganda for antisemitic terrorist organization Hamas. Just look at who produced the graphic, MintPress News. According to Wikipedia: MintPress News publishes disinformation and antisemitic conspiracy theories, according to researchers at Rutgers University and others. That wasn't an act of kindness. That was an act of terrorists protecting their bargaining chip. THE ONE THEY KIDNAPPED AND HELD HOSTAGE FOR FIVE MONTHS. (Not to mention killing her husband and daughter!) And it's not like the IDF was intentionally trying to kill the hostages. Though that is the feeling MintPress News wants its readers to get. Anyway, in answer your question, Doug can mention anything he wants. And I can respond anyway I want. I have no sympathy for terrorists. I've commented on it multiple times and condemned it. And I've never disagreed with anybody who has done the same.
  20. At the risk of being labeled a grammar cop or something.... Cliff was beating a dead horse. That's the way the saying is used. (The "beaten dead horse" would be the magic bullet theory.)
  21. The Zionist movement originated long before the rise of Naziism in the 1930s. Nevertheless, Zionism became the de facto answer to Nazi Germany's antisemitism, which had seen a dramatic increase in the Jewish population of Palestine.
  22. Paul, First, I believe that -- in Bentley's nervous state -- she accidentally misspoke and said "Worker's World" instead of "The Worker." (In addition, I believe that Mrs. Tippit had never heard of "Worker's World" before, though she had heard of "Woman's World." Being overwhelmed with new and unexpected information, she heard "Woman's World" instead of "Workers World." I've made that same sort of mistake myself numerous times in my lifetime.) So why would Bentley bring up Louis Weinstock and his newspaper, "Worker's World?" Well, for one thing, Weinstock was its new manager at the time. For another, Weinstock was in the news a lot around the time of the call in 1963. Emil Gardos, in contrast, was a thing of the distant past, having self deported in 1948. Maybe Bentley brought them up because they were current news, and maybe she was thinking that the Tippits might be aware of them. ("Them" being Weinstock and his communist newspaper.)
  23. Oswald's pseudonym, Alek Hidell, appears to be from Eastern European decent during the 19th or 20th century. Alek is short for Russian Aleksandr, Polish Aleksander, among other variations of who we know as Alexander the Great. Hidell appears to be an alternate spelling of the German surname Heidel. People sometimes do change the spelling of their name, for various reasons, when they move to a country that speaks another language. A hypothesis: HARVEY Oswald's birth name was Alek Hidell. Elizabeth Bentley was aware of this name, but thought Emil Gordos was a step father or something of that nature. As a result of one of his legal battles or deportation, Alek was removed from Gordos's custody. The CIA subsequently placed the boy with the Marguerite imposter. Not long after the assassination, it became widely reported that HARVEY Oswald had used the pseudonym Alek Hidell. Elizabeth Bentley recognized the name and realized that this was the same guy who, as a boy, had lived with Gardos. Bentley put two and two together and thought that the Kennedy assassination was part of a communist plot to take over America. So she called the Tippits to get word out about this. She didn't inform the FBI directly for fear of her life. (Nevertheless, she was still killed shortly after that and her death blamed on cancer.) In his police and FBI interrogations, Oswald repeatedly denied using the Alek Hidell name. This has always struck me as odd because he was pretty honest about everything else. (Some researchers think he lied about a number of things. But IMO he was telling the truth in those instances. For example, he denied ever visiting Mexico City, and I believe that to be the case.) Anyway, this hypothesis explains why Oswald would be reluctant to own the Alek Hidell name.
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