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Pamela Brown

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Everything posted by Pamela Brown

  1. Indeed they do. My best research colleague whom I met in 1988 believes the 'driver-did-it' theory. I thought that was ridiculous, though I respected where he was at. When I researched that theory and wrote to the JFK Library I uncovered evidence of a second windshield that had originally been installed in SS100X (though not present on 11.22.63). http://ss100x.com/LIMO1961.jpg So we never know what advances may be made even by a theory that may seem 'farfetched'...
  2. Well said, Sandy. Everyone should have a chance to present what they think to be valid. It is up to them to persuade us to agree with their position... We can agree-to-disagree and move on if we are not won over with what is being presented...
  3. Thank you for clarifying what is new.
  4. If we were to start with the hypothesis that John Lennon had been turned into little more than a 'mind-controlled zombie', not simply by drugs he knowingly consumed, but first and foremost by substances that he injested without his knowledge or permission, how would we then view the years of this 'nowhere man' and his assassination? Might we see the "Nowhere Man" as a deliberate cover-up of what happened to him? So that we won't care? So that we won't ask questions? And what if we see Yoko as orchestrating this cover-up? In addition, if this hypothesis has merit, it follows that those John thought of as friends may have had some understanding of what happened to him and done nothing to. help... Which would mean that while John had 'everything in the world' he was living through a nightmare...sensing on some level that there was no one he could trust...
  5. I must admit I am a bit confused about what goes into banning and possible reinstatement. Why is it necessary to 'vote' on someone being reinstated under the new rules?
  6. Perhaps, until/should, David decide to return, this thread can be used to continue a discussion of the assassination of John Lennon... For the moment, I would just like to focus on the coverup. It seems obvious to me that the "Nowhere Man" represents the coverup of, not only the murder of John Lennon, but what was happening in his life prior to that tragedy. It seems to me, reading "Nowhere Man" by Robert Rosen, that this fabrication may have been initiated and promulgated with the help of Yoko... Interestingly, David seems to tantalize us with the possibility that Yoko might have had foreknowledge of what was going to happen to John, but then backs away from that...
  7. Under the new rules, could it be possible for members who have been 'banned' to reapply for membership?
  8. It seems to me that in an enlightened intellectual environment we ought to be able to put forth whatever we believe to be valid. Our goal is to persuade others to agree with us. We can mutually decide to agree-to-disagree whenever someone puts forth a concept we don't agree with. We can also put on 'ignore' anyone whose input we consider unhelpful... In such a manner we could then move forward in tandem, so to speak...
  9. I agree. In Jackie's WC testimony she seemed confused about Kellerman's inactions...she said something to the effect that 'they couldn't hear us' and even thought there was a second windshield between them and the front seat as the reason why. Ironically, her statement sent me on my quest for a second windshield in SS100X...as it turned out, there was one at delivery, but it was removed a few months later. But a second LCC limo, the "Sheik II" was built just for Jackie (a smaller version of SS100X with no extended length) and it did have a second (security) windshield in it...she may have been confused by that... At any rate, Kellerman did nothing to help them...
  10. Good point. In this case, the limo weighed abou 7800 lbs, if I recall correctly...
  11. Not only did Greer slow the limo, but he turned and faced JFK until the fatal shot hit...
  12. What I am sensing at this point is that Mind Games is true to its title. It is a Mind Game. You can go crazy looking for cites (there are none, but there are oblique references that you have to search out.) You won't find any answers per se, because the objective of the book is to create a groundswell of horror at the lack of information available to the public, and thus to demand once and for all, that everything is released. Most compelling are the descriptions of Yoko, who, apparently, had to fight her way out of a mental asylum, and Mark Chapman who is being held hostage in prison by mind-controllers who are making sure he doesn't really talk. If you are comfortable just rolling along with Mind Games and not getting discouraged by the endless dead-ends, you will find yourself with more questions than you ever thought possible... And perhaps even a conviction to move forward and make demands...
  13. Still reading Mind Games. One thing I am noticing is that it keeps you guessing... So far, it seems that the motive for John's being assassinated is still. hidden in documents not yet released, for example...though there are tantalizing allusions to nameless individuals at a high level in the area of extreme Christianity that found John to be a threat...
  14. Hello Paul, Thank you for the links... It does make sense to me that when John Lennon initially arrived in the US, he was perceived as a major threat to the establishment. That being the case, if this was the motive for assassinating him, why wait until after he had been pretty much changing diapers for the last five years? There was no war, no motivation... Might we discover something new threat John represented that David is bringing to the public for the first time?
  15. Thank you, Joe. And tonight New York City belongs to John Lennon, as we will all will sing along with Imagine just before the ball drops... Happy New Year everyone!
  16. This is the post that was originally on David Whelan's thread that alludes to a possible motive in the assassination of John Lennon. If anyone wants to discuss it, let's do that here... https://inbroaddaylight.wordpress.com/2022/01/01/was-the-untimely-death-of-john-lennon-another-murder-most-foul/
  17. In the thread about David Whelan's book Mind Games I asked why Ferncliff Cemetery was not mentioned directly as the place John Lennon was cremated. It was 20 miles outside of NYC in Westchester County...I found this odd, as his book seems to be rich in information not yet discussed... Why would it matter where John was cremated? For one thing, most people might be tempted to think it took place in NYC, when that was not the case. For another, the distance, to me, adds yet another agonizing leg to the terrifying odyssey John's body took after the assassination. And here, no less, is yet another one of those odd coincidences... https://dylagence.wordpress.com/2021/03/12/a-possible-connection-in-the-vortex-odd-references-in-bob-dylans-my-own-version-of-you/
  18. Apologies, David, if I gave you the impression I wanted to hijack the thread. Not so. I initially posted the link in response to a request for a possible motive for Chapman earlier in the thread. This is your thread. I have moved it to another thread for discussion..
  19. Thank you, David, for your quick response. I appreciate that Ferncliff is actually mentioned, albeit cryptically, (eg could the type be any smaller?) in your book. It is not, however, listed in your index. Neither, for that matter, is the Campbell Funeral Home, where John's body was taken after it left Roosevelt Hospital. Why is that? And no, I don't think the readers -- especially the newbies -- are going to figure out where John was cremated on their own without it being pointed out to them. They might just figure he was 'conveniently' cremated in NYC, rather than 40 miles away in Westchester County, don't you think?
  20. As far as a possible motive for Chapman is concerned, I hope this is something you will consider...as food for thought...I have linked it to the end of this Bob Dylan thread... This thread is only about David's book...
  21. I am taking Goldman's description as a suggestion... The bullet holes in the vestibule glass are where they are...it is up to us to determine why...
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