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Michael Walton

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  1. Being an idiot for the entertainment of others has a name...  King's Fool

    What a sad thing to spend your days insulting and debating your betters to prove what Mikey...
       that your really, really, REALLY do know something?

    Yet from what you offer, your paint a picture of a disgruntled middle aged man with no hope of being heard or taken seriously trying desperately to be pertinent.  Your witless humor and insulting manner will take you far...

    :up       You do understand that you're just a whipping boy here right?  A little vitriolic break from intelligent discourse to see what ways you pervert knowledge and understanding.

    Pesky little gnat with obviously nothing better to do...   you must be so proud  :sun

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    2. Bernie Laverick

      Bernie Laverick

      It's pretty obvious he has some quite profound mental health issues. That's why I don't engage with him anymore. I don't want to be seen as a bully towards someone who is ill, and my engagement with him would only make his condition worse.

      My wife worked as a matron in mental health for 38 years at the NHS and I am aware of the stigma and I'm also aware of how damaging it can be when the public rise to challenge their manifestations. They don't know they are ill. They think everyone else is.

      Up to you Michael, but I personally don't want to contribute towards his inevitable upcoming breakdown. This man needs some professional help. As much as I despise him, I try to understand that it is his condition I despise and not the tortured human being behind it.

      I do hope he seeks some guidance and maybe he'll stop taking out his frustrations on "idiots" who says things he doesn't want to hear.

      Take care buddy and keep up the good work...

    3. Michael Walton

      Michael Walton

      Thank you Bernie and nice to know your wife was in the thick of it providing service to the mentally ill. I'm deaf myself so anyone who gives back to the disabled is a star in my book :)

      Hope to see you around on EF and take care.  Mike W.

    4. David Josephs

      David Josephs


      Out of nowhere you, some little do nothing piss-ant, begins insulting the author, the book and everyone involved...  Have you read it? of course not but that qualifies you to open your trap...

      That you can't take personal responsibility for your actions is no surprise... little children like you and that waste of breath BL will always find someone else to blame for their pathetic little lives...

      No doubt spending time with Bernie is akin to dealing daily with mental health problems...  My wife worked mental health within the CA prison system for 20+ years...  like cons, you two will look to anyone and everything but yourselves as the cause of your lack of intellectual honesty.

      Simply because certain people choose not to engage in your little tet-a-tet don't assume they don't see you boith for the fools you remain...  Bernie here hasn't had an original thought yet, and you play the parrot better than almost anyone, ever...

      You ever talk to Simpich, Armstrong, Lifton, Marrs, Jimmy D.... or any of the 50 authors on K&K or posting here?

      You ever discuss anything with them - you know like all that original work you produce to get feedback?, or what it is you "get" from the work of theirs you've read... oh right, you don't read... you just critique...  

      No wonder no one gives the two of you the time of day...

      The two of you wander thru this forum like lost children popping up once in a while to make some inane comment which is usually out of context and deeply ill informed....

      But hey, at least you two serve as fine examples of how not to engage on a forum...

      Why is it that those who do the least, whine the loudest?


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