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Michael Walton

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Everything posted by Michael Walton

  1. I'm really glad that one researcher finally opened the door and allowed us to finally see how he and other "conspiracy is everywhere" researchers think. This researcher has always seemed to hold his research in high esteem and with a scent of "I know better...I'm always right because I know how to research...and you don't." But after revealing his modus operandi it's obvious to me and I'm sure others that his "All government bad" way of analyzing things is no more accurate or true than this entire Harvey and Lee caper.
  2. Not trying to drag this out. I just really want to know. is there anything in the written record that describes exactly what's in that photo? I honestly thought it looked like an empty canister.
  3. Sandy we already went over the facial and head size debate. I posted that transform animated GIF showing it's the same person. Remember that's the one where you went "But but but Jim....."
  4. DVP Josephs posted a photo above showing the empty canister at the NA of all places. I know you love the OJ story so that would be like the NA showing a gift box containing the bloody glove....but there's no glove in it I just cannot get over the fact that when the FBI was looking at the files, and if they were all kosher two months before and after, that they would have shown all of those files to strengthen their case.
  5. Wrong, Jim. It's got nothing to do with what you're saying and everything to do with general touch ups for newspaper articles. As you said, the one in that large poster to the left of the weird looking one is the exact same photo. But it's featureless so they inked in - obviously too much so - to try to fill in the details. I was just looking on the internet and can't find many examples but I've seen this numerous times in old newspaper articles where they did the same thing. The best example I can find is Elvis in his coffin. You can tell they touched that up too a little. Not nearly as much as the LHO one but I'm guessing they did so to enhance Elvis's features so it would look more like him. That's all it is, Jim. You and Johnny just keep piling it on, don't you? It's disgraceful but as you said, it sounds like there's still plenty of (amazing) shills out there still believing in you and buying Johnny's book for $60 bucks.
  6. Thanks, David Josephs - that is amazing. And an empty microfiche canister to boot at the NA. Jeez.
  7. Back to those records showing the whited out portions and numbers written in. Does anyone have the records that show perhaps a month or two before and after those records? I would absolutely LOVE to see what those records look like. If those records are neatly typed in or look legit with a complete underline for each entry compared to the whited out ones, that would definitely show something amiss IMO.
  8. You'd be surprised how many notes and letters I get from people who are reading, but not posting, to this thread. They are amazingly supportive. That is an amazingly scary thought, Jim. People have a right to believe what they want but anyone who really believes this caper I can't help but think they're the ones who think 9/11 was fixed, little green men crawl around in bed with them, we never landed on the moon, and they live in rooms with tin foil draped walls.
  9. To actually, and I'm assuming seriously, think that Jimmy and John think that the image on the left is supposedly an Oswald clone, and he's up there signaling to the police to come up to capture his clone proves: He did a lousy job since his clone got away and was captured later The two J's are desperate and are now pulling anything they can find out of their hats to bolster the HL caper They have no shame. At all. All for the dollars to hook the next gen of newbies interested in the case. They're not interested in the truth, despite what Dawn and others think.
  10. Pretty amazing on that list of serial numbers. Even the underline for each entry is missing. Also not to get off topic but a clip was mentioned. I'm not a gun expert but when the bullets are put in the clip holds the bullets right? Was that clip ever found in Oswald’s possessions or near the rifle?
  11. John Armstrong believes American-born LEE Oswald framed Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald for the assassination of JFK. Was LEE Oswald filmed on the sixth floor west end window by Tom Dillard seconds after the shooting? Wow, I always thought this HL caper was farcical, but we're now moving to Fetzer territory. The twin was up there to blame his clone? Does Armstrong and Hargrove have no shame? What would Jack and Jackie think if they could read this? Thank god she passed away before the crazies came out of the woodwork on the Internet.
  12. Yes Sandy they did. Just like they all lined up to say he was a wife beater. Is it not obvious that a so-called loser like Oswald is suddenly surrounded, as if by magic, by the people he was surrounded by? The odds of that happening to the average Joe or Lee are astronomical.
  13. Jim, ivory tower professors have been known to be wrong just like amateur sleuths like us. And government agents (as you call them) have also been known to be right, just like amateur sleuths like us. I read Graves's info above twice - about how he has been down on the streets actually learning and teaching the language vs an ivory tower professor like yours giving his "expert" opinion. He raises these very points here. Also take note of that document above - the one to Tower. The ivory tower professor actually says at the beginning that's "...venturing one more theory." That's pretty amazing.
  14. Also that poster of many faces is fascinating. The only one that looks odd is the third row, fourth from the left. It looks like a touch up that looks typical of 50's touch up methods and is actually more touched up than the one to the left. But otherwise, it looks like they're all the same person going through the aging process. He obviously bulked up as a late teen when he went into the military, then lost the weight afterward. Another thing that hit me is even LHO himself said it was his own likeness in the BYP pasted on to another's body. So even he thought there was only one of himself - LOL. I'm just shocked that any HL believer would ever think there are two or more different people in that poster.
  15. And the answer to this doesn't occur to you? Drew Phipps was not an agent of the U.S. government. He was not paid by the U.S. government. His results were not published by the U.S. government. ---------------------------- An interesting reply, Jim. It's also richly ironic because the HSCA concluded that there was a conspiracy, which is why many CT-ers come here (and why David VP and W. Tracy also come here, to rebut conspiracy). Granted, the conclusion was weak (a shot was fired from the knoll but missed); still this is the same body that found the Z film was authentic, among other things, as well as determining that there was only one Oswald. But they did find for conspiracy. So what you're saying is, the HSCA can't be trusted with determining if the ear study concluded there was only one Oswald but *can* be trusted (??) that they got the conspiracy part right? And by the way, government employees are not "agents." The vast majority of them are just every day employees like those who work for private industry.
  16. Nope. She wasn't rich but she got by with penny pinching and begging. http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/04/marguerites-finances.html As far as what marguerite told people, she lied continually-where do you think LHO got it from? ----------------------------- https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm Putting this here. Play around with the income. My Dad made a buck 50 on the shipping docks, my Mom cleaned offices two nights a week, and my Dad also worked weekends as a graveyard gatekeeper. Based on your website figures adding them comes to about $17,000 over a period of time. Even if you use the latest inflation calculator year of maybe 1955, that comes to $155,000 in 2017 dollars. My parents would have killed to have had that much money. It sounds like she and little LHO were pretty comfortable with the dollars. Now I know how Lee's little toy train was purchased.
  17. And that might be the real reason “Marguerite” brought her “son” to a New York City hospital. After all, what possible reason did Mrs. Robertson have to lie to the FBI about Marguerite's remarks? "Marguerite's" need to lie was obvious. ----------------- Nice Jim. Another really big assumption here - that MIGHT BE the reason. ----------------- She said that she was earning $45 per week (before taxes) and spending nearly half, $72.50 per month, for rent. Yet in the summer of 1953 the poor, despondent, "Marguerite" hired a housekeeper, Louise Robertson, to clean her apartment two or three days per week.” Was she getting extra money from someone? ------------------ Hard to say, Jim. People have done stranger things. Like buy a $400,000 house they're not qualified to purchase, yet the bank suckers them in on the purchase. Then they stop making payments and start squatting there, but refuse to leave when they get an eviction notice. Many people live beyond their means all the time.
  18. Sandy - What Jim said about the CIA possibly giving a mastectomy was obviously conjecture. -------- Uh, right, Sandy. I applaud you for using your keen analytical skills to determine that Jim's "the CIA was giving LSD to everyone so therefore they also gave the young clone a mastoid" statement was nothing more than conjecture. Now, if you could please just use your keen analytical skills to conclude that this *entire fairy tale* is also conjecture, innuendo, and a con job to sell books to an unsuspecting public, then we can all go home and leave John, Jim and the rest behind.
  19. theory put forward in his holy book. ----------------- Why, whatever do you mean, Jeremy? There's only one holy book on this Earth and that, too, was written by confused old men.
  20. Michael, You're obviously wrong. That's clearly either Harold or Henry. They looked very much alike at times. ---------------------- GOSH DARN IT! I just can't keep track of this thing! Jim? Sandy? Michael C? Allistar? Can you help me out here?
  21. Is this Harvey or Lee? I'm confident it's Harvey due to the wide face, the pricked back ears, and the ears being low and further back. Also the ear curl. It's troubling though because the toy train looks American made. No such toy train has ever been made in Hungary nor in Russia...only in America. So if this Harvey, born in Hungary and with parents who soon die and he becomes an orphan, but who will soon be linked up with his mother who has a unibrow but looks like the other Oswald, who has a happy smiling demeanor (quoted by Jim here): LEE Oswald took leave and resided with his tall, nice-looking mother in her apartment Then the boy on the American made train simply cannot be the Hungarian born Harvey.
  22. Who the hell do you think you’re kidding? During the very era of the early Oswald Project, the CIA was already starting to poison thousands of unwitting Americans with LSD as part of its infamous MKUltra project. Do you seriously think officers in an out-of-control agency like that would hesitate to give a boy an unnecessary mastoidectomy so his health records would match the kid whose identity he shared and soon took over? On the floor of the U.S. Senate, Ted Kennedy said in 1977: The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations." ---- Really Jim? So now just because the government was giving people LSD you're lumping that together with "Well, if they did that then yes they gave Oswald a mastoid just so it would match up with his clone." You're just assuming things here with absolutely no proof that this took place. But according to you, 1 plus 1 equals three. The lies continue and you should be ashamed of yourself, especially because you mislead people on this forum because they don't know any better. This whole Harvey and Lee nonsense is as bad as the fake moon landings "theory."
  23. I figured I'd let the H&L critics dig up the records to prove me wrong. But even at 96 hours (and taking the ocean current into account) the ship would have to run at 92% flank speed. I'm certain that that would still be above "full speed," let alone "standard speed." But why would you want the critics to do that, Sandy? We're just going to stand here and watch as a seemingly intelligent person, one who values his high IQ, keeps running around in an endless circle.
  24. Jeremy that's what I was wondering about too. I thought all those film clips of LHO including the one gunned down by Ruby has to be mastoid LHO since the same one laying on the autopsy table is him too. And that's the one buried and exhumed.
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