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Claude Barnabe

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  1. I think I'll work on a copy/paste to a doc file and see if that works.
  2. Jean, I noted you are signed in, can you open the pdf files?
  3. Jean, I used the Kofax Paperport to convert the max file to pdf. That worked fine. I can read the files on my computer and when I sign in to the forum. But try to read them as a guest the file becomes unavailable. I think it's a permission issue. I've contacted forum admin.
  4. When I sign in I can see the files but when signed out they are unavailable; anyone with insight please.
  5. Hoping to see some revelation, but you never know. jhnotes1.pdf jhnotes2.pdf jhnotes3.pdf
  6. Thank You Joe Bauer for that posting. You just encapsulated all the investigative work the Warren Commission did on Lee Oswald's life.
  7. To GD: I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm not a fan of the false-flag operation, perhaps because I don't know much about it and the whole thing seems rather hokey to me. I think it's a popular theory for some forum members because it gives LHO a pass. It's the poor Lee syndrome again. I've read your views on the Tippitt murder. You theorize Larry Crafard murdered Tippitt. Some months ago, can't remember the thread, someone posted a video interview of Johnny Brewer. His story 'sealed the deal' for me. LHO killed Tippitt period. As for exporting Castro's revolution, I refer you back to the Delgado testimony, he and LHO did talk about doing just that. This was prior to Che.
  8. To JC: To my satisfaction, there is enough testimony, anecdotal street data to conclude LHO wasn't even in the window. Also JFK was killed in a crossfire.
  9. Took awhile but here goes. Greg, the narrative you have presented for the summer of '63 in NO has Oswald as a willing or unwitting intel asset. Further, if he was being directed, whoever was directing LHO, IMHO knew what was coming in November. First, the inception of the FPCC. The Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) was an activist group set up in New York City by Robert Taber in April 1960. The beginning of the FPCC had some organizational issues. The issues were solved with the help of the SWP and CPUSA. This from an article by Bill Simpich in CounterPunch mag 2009: "The Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Party were able to work together within the FPCC......Within six months, the FPCC had 7000 members in 27 “adult chapters” and 40 student councils on various college campuses with emerging student leaders..." You may recall in the backyard pictures LHO is holding a copy of the Worker and Militant, publications of SWP and CPUSA. NOTE: was he already planning his FPCC chapter? By the summer of '63 the FPCC was already in a downward spiral. This is from a forum topic: "Why was the FPCC being targeted in the summer of '63". Posted by Greg Parker: From The Party: The Socialist Worker's Party 1960-1988, VOL 1: The Sixties: by Barry Sheppard At the convention [the July, 1963 SWP national convention], a meeting of pro-Cuba activists discussed the situation in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Cubans living in the United States who supported the July 26 Movement had helped us build the FPCC. Now most of them had returned to Cuba. In most areas, the FPCC had dwindled down to supporters of the SWP and YSA. Since we did not want the FPCC to become a sectarian front group, the meeting decided to stop trying to build it. The FPCC then existed for a while as a paper organization, until the assassination of President John Kennedy. An article published in Kennedy and King by Paul Bleau in August entitled 'Exposing the FPCC Part 1' summarizes the same sentiment. The FPCC in the summer of '63 was defunct. The US travel ban to Cuba, the migration of M26 Cubans back to Cuba and the Oct '62 missile crisis all contributed to its demise. The above explains why LHO words on the radio debate and follow-on letter to the CPUSA did not matter. So what was he really up to? I'll draw your attention to the Warren Report Chapter 7 subsection 'Interest in Cuba'. In July '63 LHO convinced Marina the family should return to Russia and at his behest Marina wrote a letter to the Soviet Embassy asking for an expedited visa so Rachel could be born in Russia. Marina gave the letter to Lee to mail. Unknown to her Lee placed a separate note to the embassy asking that his visa application be considered separately. LHO had no intention of returning to Russia, at least not immediately. From the report, "Marina Oswald testified that her husband engaged in Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities "primarily for purposes of self-advertising. He wanted to be arrested. I think he wanted to get into the newspapers, so that he would be known." According to Marina Oswald, he thought that would help him when he got to Cuba. He asked his wife to help him hijack an airplane to get there, but gave up that scheme when she refused." During the summer of '63 LHO practiced dry firing the MC on the porch of their apartment (WCR 382). He contacts Arnesto Rodriguez of the Modern Language Institute to continue his education in the Spanish language. He also contacts Dean Andrews to enlist his aid in reversing his dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps. Delgado and LHO spoke about how an Honorable Discharge from the Marine Corps could afford them an officer rank in the revolutionary corps. Recently I re-read Kerry Thornley's WC testimony. It reinforces the Delgado testimony, in fact Thornley took part in some of the Cuba discussions with Delgado and Oswald. LHO knew the revolution was over in Cuba, but Castro had begun to export his revolution to other Latin American and South American countries. Delgado in his testimony mentioned they could export the revolution to other oppressive regimes. When LHO's bid to get a Cuban visa in Mexico City failed, he must have been open to other options. If you objectively look at the final acts of LHO on 11/22, bringing a rifle to the TSBD (discussed in 'What's the Package, Lee' thread), leaving Marina $179 cash, about a months pay, exchanging his wedding ring for his USMC ring and leaving his wedding ring with Marina, these are the actions of a man who was involved in the conspiracy that killed JFK. The forum has become an echo chamber for 'poor innocent Lee, the patsy'. Members are critical of the Warren Commission and its conclusions. While I disagree with their conclusion of LHO as sole assassin, I do agree with their characterization of LHO's personality traits. After all the commission had the time, money, resources to research a man's life like never before. Virtually everyone LHO came into contact with was interviewed. If you take the time (and it's considerable) to read the various testimonies you begin to assemble a picture of who Oswald really was. In short the Commission 'nailed' it.
  10. Greg, the WC had difficulty attributing a motive for Oswald's actions on 11/22/1963. I believe Oswald's obsessive desire to join the Cuban revolution (as shown in Delgado's testimony and his actions in '63: attempt at repatriating Marina and the kids to Russia, request for Cuban visa in MC et al) provided the conspirators a path to ensnare him in the plot. For Oswald, assisting in killing JFK was not an 'end' but a means to an 'end'. I think someone or a group promised him passage to Cuba.
  11. IMHO the Delgado testimony provides the motivation for the participation of LHO on 11/22/63. It explains LHO desire to learn Spanish and his desire to reverse his undesirable discharge.
  12. Thank you Bill for posting Oswald's notes, speech and Q&A of the Jesuit Studies speech. I do believe his thoughts at that session represent the essence of who Oswald really was. I recommend members of the forum read the full WC testimony of Nelson Delgado, (Oswald's marine buddy). I think it provides a comprehensive 'picture' of Oswald's true character which coincides with the Jesuit speech. (NOTE: the '59 Oswald differs little from the '63 Oswald)
  13. Ian, I stated my hypothesis about the carcano in the ...Package.... thread. LHO IS complicit in the murder of JFK. Many forum members are vested in LHO's innocence, therefore are resistant to the possibility of LHO bringing a weapon to the TSBD on the 22nd. Time for a thought experiment. I'm a conspirator in the assassination of JFK. I want to lay the blame for JFK's murder at the feet of LHO. How do I do that? You already know a lot about your prospective patsy. He's been to Russia, has Marxist leanings and he wants to get to Cuba, join the revolution. As stated by RC Nagell, wouldn't it make sense to approach LHO as a Castro G2 agent. Dangle the possibility of fulfilling his dreams of joining the revolution in exchange for help in eliminating a Castro nemesis. And with the promise that LHO doesn't even have to fire a shot. This scenario might explain LHO's presence at RedBird airport with his confederates. Now, as a means of assuring his participation in the plot. He's told to disassemble the carcano, package each section separately with the agreement that LHO brings one part and his confederate(s) bring the other part. The confederates take care of the rest with LHO given a promise of becoming a revolutionary. BTW having the barrel and scope sighted at the Irving gun shop lends credence to the scenario that the rifle was indeed fired and not just a prop.
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