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Joe Bauer

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    Monterey Peninsula, California
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    Justice For JFK
    Calm, peaceful, quiet nature. Ocean beaches. Human kindness.

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  1. Still unsure about who killed JFK after 60 years?

    Isn't that a totally sad and disheartening reality?That after 6 decades, hundreds if not thousands of long lifetime deep research efforts, books and hundreds of thousands of documents and two more seriously funded federal government investigations most of us are as unsure about who did JFK as we were the day after it's occurrence?

    To a degree it makes one seriously consider whether all this time and effort in the JFKA truth and justice mission has been a failure.
    And to add more weight to that failure...
    is the reality that whoever did JFK got away with it!
    That they were left to remain in their highest positions of power and influence.
    JFK's killers won. The American people lost.
    After 60 years ... is it time to admit and accept this reality?
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