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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Unfortunately I never made it past high school nor have I read much in the area of philosophy and physics.

    But the sharing of others in this regards is extremely interesting.







  2. Jack Ruby knowing more about the key power people than Arlen Specter?

    Just another tip off that Ruby was much more than the small time, run down strip joint owner nobody whose daily life so often centered around scream fest arguing with his pay disgruntled girls, pummeling out-of-line liquored up customers, pampering his dachshund dogs, constantly juggling his over due bills and regularly delivering late night deli sandwiches to the Dallas PD, etc.

    Anyone who could make direct calls to the biggest time Chicago mob hit men like Lenny Patrick and Dave Yaras and get them returned, run go between for Santos Trafficante while Trafficante is in a Cuban jail, get permission to hire one of the hottest strippers in America out of Carlos Marcello's home town ( Jada ) to for once outdo his local competition Abe and Barney Weinstein and keep up with the likes of Lewis McWillie and Mickey Cohen and garner a one-on-one interview with America's most well known celebrity columnist Dorothy Kilgallen suggests someone a little more connected than a barely month-to-month making it strip joint owner.

    It's almost common knowledge now that Ruby was regularly involved in many nefarious activities outside of his little club that were of much larger magnitudes of criminal financial doings. 

    The Carousel Club seems more a benign activity cover for Jack Ruby and his heavier contact doings  (and which the WC obviously steered away from ) than his main source of business doings and income.




  3. Jack Ruby knowing more about the key power people than Arlen Specter?

    Just another tip off that Ruby was much more than the small time, funky strip joint owner nobody whose daily life so often centered around scream fest arguing with his pay disgruntled girls, pummeling out-of-line liquored up customers, pampering his dachshund dogs, constantly juggling his over due bills and regularly delivering late night deli sandwiches to the Dallas PD, etc.

    Anyone who could make direct calls to the biggest time Chicago mob hit men like Lenny Patrick and Dave Yaras and get them returned, run go between for Santos Trafficante while Trafficante is in a Cuban jail, get permission to hire one of the hottest strippers in America out of Carlos Marcello's home town ( Jada ) to for once outdo his local competition Abe and Barney Weinstein and keep up with the likes of Lewis McWillie and Mickey Cohen and garner a one-on-one interview with America's most well known celebrity columnist Dorothy Kilgallen suggests someone a little more connected than a barely month-to-month making it strip joint owner.

    It's almost common knowledge now that Ruby was regularly involved in many nefarious activities outside of his little club that were of much larger magnitudes of criminal financial doings. 

    The Carousel Club seems more a benign activity cover for Jack Ruby and his heavier contact doings  (and which the WC obviously steered away from ) than his main source of business income.




  4. 1 hour ago, Evan Marshall said:

     And it is obvious when they're about to tumble to something important they change directions.

    I noticed that time and time and time again Evan.

    Just a few examples: 

    Michael Paine questioning.

    Orest Pena.

    Jack Ruby himself about Mafia connections throughout his life. His gun running, gambling activities, association with the FBI etc.

    Believing him over Seth Kantor regards their 11/22/1963 Parkland Hospital meet up. etc.

    So, so many others.

  5. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:


    Many years ago, my mother and I started talking about the Kennedy assassination, and she said something like, “Well, the day Ruby killed Oswald, we all knew it was some kind of conspiracy.”  


    NBC News did a report recently that indicated there has never been a time in recent history that a sizable majority of Americans didn’t believe that JFK was murdered as a result of a conspiracy.

    I watched Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV.

    Like your mother, I instantly felt that Oswald's murder by Ruby in the DPD building SHOUTED conspiracy.


    And I've never read or seen anything that has changed my mind since.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    The foreman of Watergate grand jury No. 1 has been watching the confrontations with another president

    Washington Post

    April 15, 2019

    From the article: Pregelj said his grand jury interacted little with Sirica or the special prosecutor, but grew close to the assistant prosecutors who worked with them day-to-day after they were convened June 5, 1972.

    James W. McCord Jr. demonstrated how to rig a bugging device in a telephone at a May 1973 hearing. (Charles Del Vecchio/The Washington Post)

    After three weeks of hearing routine street and violent crimes, they got the case of the June 17 Watergate burglary. When one burglar — James W. McCord Jr., a former CIA officer providing security for the Nixon campaign — began cooperating, it unraveled a scheme that occupied three grand juries over more than two years.


    What a story.

    25 of the "Law And Order" President's closest associates went to prison!


    The WHOLE Nixon team!

    Because they were ALL lying, constitution disrespecting and violating crooks!

    And the majority of American voters in 1972 stupidly bought into the mass media manipulated lie and charade that Nixon was a more decent and patriotic "Law And Order" candidate and WW II bomber pilot hero McGovern was somehow this dangerous, disloyal and radical threat.

    Watergate revealed the true opposite reality.

    To me, the 1972 presidential election exposed the weakness of a majority of Americans in their malleability in accepting highly propagandized false realities when it comes to evaluating candidates in presidential elections.

    Doug, in your opinion, did McCord do something good in his opening up and with good intentions?

  7. Now, Trump's main press spokesperson Sarah Sanders states on national TV that Congress "isn't smart enough" to understand Trump's tax returns.

    I am sure Sanders is publicly proclaiming this latest personal insult with her mentor's blessing if not gleeful approval.

    Just more inciting and divisive rhetoric from the Inciter/Divider In Chief.

    Like I say ... this constant confrontational conflict creating is so highly charged and relentless it's exhausting.

  8. On 4/13/2019 at 8:45 PM, Stephanie Goldberg said:

    Joe and Jim -

    Sorry that you're both dealing with health issues.  It's extremely frustrating, and I wish you both nothing but the best whether you're in your golden years, rust or otherwise!   I look forward to reading more from both of you as we go forward with discussions here.

    Stephanie, Rob thank you for the kind and thoughtful words.


  9. Watching the CNN "TRICKY DICK" series on TV last night and in the Watergate section James McCord is prominently covered.

    Amazing documentary.

    The secret White House tapes are so damaging, it's hard to believe they were ever allowed to be made.

    Wonder what Doug Caddy has to say about the Watergate coverage since he was right there in mix initially?

    Every time James McCord's craggy, deep lined, darkly intelligent looking face was shown I couldn't help but imagine look alike actor Gene Hackman portraying McCord in some film.

    Hackman pulled off an amazing McCord type performance in his 1998 film "Enemy Of The State."


    Image result for james mccord

  10. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Mr. Von Pein’s confidence that the Dallas Police followed proper procedures in investigating this case is indicative of his sheer mastery of this subject.  The brilliant work of the Dallas Police covering the JFK assassination included these highlights:


    * Police did a bang-up job protecting the life of the accused assassin for almost two full days before they let a strip club operator kill him in their own headquarters!  


    The DPD was totally responsible for the death of the most important criminal suspect in America's history.

    Oswald's murder right inside the DPD's headquarters was the greatest failure of personal security in our history. 

    Oswald's murder did more to create suspicion and doubt in the minds of tens of millions of Americans about their own government and their supposed highest integrity investigation than any other single event in the whole JFK affair.

    Every DPD member of authority involved with the plan and decision to transfer Oswald's as they did despite tens of thousands of death threats pouring into their department should have been fired and maybe even charged with negligent homicide.

    The damage to the JFK truth by Oswald's murder in Dallas police custody is incalculable.


  11. Doug, I just read the article your link connects to.

    There is a point in the article that suggests that some feel the democrats are at times as belligerent and confrontational as Trump.

    Totally disagree.

    In 8 years under Obama we never ever saw this kind of raw attacking between the parties especially with crude and taunting insults such as Trump uses regularly.

    What I see is that Trump has "worked up" those who now feel they must stand up to the bully in chief and are throwing pretty heavy barbs back at him after taking his for so long.

    Conflict liking Trump has that effect. He's relentless in taunting and trying to get people to fight him back.

    Trump seems addicted to confrontational conflict. Like calm, reasoned and respectful discourse bores him.

    He was always a big fan of WWF exaggerated crowd inciting action.

    And what kind of example is it to our children in this country when a President regularly laces his speeches and tweets and reported inner meeting comments with crude and insulting words and phrases such as "xxxx hole countries", "grab their pu**ys", "Ass----" , lying rat, etc.

    Mommy, Daddy, if the President of the United States uses these curse words, why can't I?

    Trump has lowered the presidential discourse bar to the level of crude street lingo and professional wrestling shouting.

  12. I have read every posting in this thread and I keep up with it when new ones appear.

    I have posted only a few times because I feel that perhaps it is a current political times debate that isn't as connected to the JFK assassination as much as you would expect for it to be allowed to continue.

    However, I am personally not saying to let it go. I am "extremely" concerned about the present situation we have with Trump as much as anyone and have wanted to post more on it.

    And in this Trump debate, things can get highly charged ( even ugly ) as Trump and his conflicts are every day. 

    With all that said though, I believe Trump is harming this country to a degree that is in many ways unprecedented.

    Author Seth Abramson ( Proof Of Collusion ) ... curatorial journalist, former U. Of Wisconsin/Madison professor, Guardian contributor ...  made a comment about Donald Trump as President last night that was very true and real about Trump.

    Abramson said that Trump is "fatiguing" America.

    I've been saying virtually the same thing for many, many months about Donald Trump.  That he is "exhausting" America. To a damaging degree imo.

    Everything is a high tension fight with Trump.

    His almost daily attacks on his critics are so angrily animated and laced with such extremely charged ( at times actually paranoid ) rhetoric, you can't help but feel tensed up upon hearing or reading them.

    Every day, almost every communication from Trump via his twitter, his rallies or with the press is an angry attack, a taunt, a threat, or a derogatory personal insult towards anyone who dares to criticize him. 

    Trump reminds me of a few high school bullies I encountered who would "bitch slap" weaker persons just to humiliate them.

    And after years of this daily barrage of this anger filled, bullying energy...you can't help but become exhausted with it all.

    Trump and his angry energy is a fatiguing stress upon us all and the whole fabric of our society. 

    I wouldn't doubt millions of Americans have turned off the TV and radio and internet in this area of political news because of this continuous Trump's high energy tension, conflict and chaos and that the use of anti-depressants to cope with it has probably increased as well.

    There really should be a major newspaper piece ( even a book?) on the nationally felt "Trump Exhaustion" factor that is very real and effecting.

    "How Trump Is Exhausting America And It's Citizens"


  13. 8 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Thanks Ron.

    Its time consuming going to the doctor and driving around to get tests made. Then they say I am fine, but I still get sick.

    Thank God I am not paying for this health plan. 

    Jim, sincerely sorry to hear about your health situation.

    And with all those tests ..."I still get sick." ?

    My gosh, that sounds like a truly frustrating challenge to handle ( mentally and physically ) I am sure and I hope the doctors can discover why you still feel sick sooner rather than later.

    Just to offer some brethren support I gotta tell you I think I can honestly say I know how you feel.

    At 67, I am dealing with Afib, hyper tension, GI tract problems, immune system problems, prostrate problems, over-weight and sleep problems, even worsening Tinnitus!

    So many trips to doctors, exams, and the hospital. I was just in our local hospital for two days last week until my heart went back into sinus rhythm.

    Most of these conditions can only be "managed" not cured.

    And they call older aging ... "The Golden Years?" 

    "Rust Years" is more like it.

    My situation is so age typical though I am sure. And I am grateful for every day I can still do normal physical and mental things and be in my right mind.

    You've been a research information mentor to me in my years of following and finally posting on this forum. Much appreciation there.

    Still catch you on KKUP out of Cupertino.

    My wife will have this station on in her room as she gets in bed, and she'll come out and say "Hey, your Jim Di guy is on in a few minutes" ... where upon she hands me my little portable AM/FM and I get my fix on sections of Destiny Betrayed.

    Best healing thoughts your way Jim Di.


  14. 3 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

    Thank you, Stephanie. I am glad you will be reading the new book. Here is from the

    interview I did with Chris De Benedetti of the San Francisco Bay Area online news service localnewsmatters.org:

    Are there parallels between the difficulties you encountered with the Capra book and the JFK assassination, which you’ve also written about?

    It’s a very destructive thing for a country to live a lie. With the JFK assassination: most of the country doesn’t believe the Warren Report. The official lie is really damaging to the people’s trust in government and the media. The public — give them credit because they’re smarter than some people think.

    President Trump misuses the term “fake news” just to describe news about himself he doesn’t like. But, in fact, we do get a lot of fake news — such the coverage of Vietnam and the history of Watergate. The job of historians is to expose the things that have been covered up. That’s why I’ve tried to do. So, I think people will be interested in my books for a lot of reasons, not just film historians.

    I certainly am.

  15. The e-mails between Don T. Jr. and Wikileaks in this link are mind blowing.

    I recommend our members who are interested in this subject to view these.

    And Don Sr. is now saying "Wikileaks wasn't his thing?"

    And that his dozens of times repeated "I love Wikileaks" statements during the election campaign were...."just a joke." ???

    His own son was this immersed with them and his father didn't know and was never informed of any of this substantial back and forth between Junior and Wikileaks?


  16. Did the officer in the first picture on the left ( wearing the white hat - Elmer Boyd ) hand this rifle to the officer in the right photo ( wearing a smaller black hat- Day? ) at some point after the first officer brought the rifle out of the TXSBD?

    J.Butler says this was Boyd's personal weapon.

    Can anyone say with certainty that any homicide officers with the white hats carried any rifles into the TXSBD when they first arrived there?

  17. 3 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    And let's not forget JFK's good friend Grant Stockdale, go-between for the Mob vending machine rackets and the White House.  Stockdale claimed to have delivered (if I remember) $500K in a briefcase to the Oval Office, only to see Kennedy put it into a closet full of briefcases.  This - and Stockdale's post-assassination death - is discussed in past threads.

    I can't believe JFK would ever need to take payoffs like what is stated in the above article.

    Stockdale could very well have been corrupted like that...but JFK...no way!

  18. 16 minutes ago, Adam Johnson said:

    Hi Joe,

    “Oswald may have been a petty informer for the Bureau, receiving small sums of money in return for information about left–wing activities in the Dallas–New Orleans area. … Oswald’s possible ties to the Bureau are never mentioned in the Warren Report, but a member of the Commission, Congressman Gerald Ford, revealed in his otherwise undistinguished book, Portrait of an Assassin, that the Commission was informed by Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr and Dallas D.A. Henry Wade that Oswald had been employed by the FBI as an informant since September of 1962; his salary, they revealed, was $200 a month and his FBI code number was 179.” – Jim Garrison

    J. Lee Rankin, the Warren Commission’s General Counsel, was told in January 1964 by a reliable source that it was common knowledge among journalists in Texas that Oswald had regularly received $200 per month from the FBI. If Oswald had indeed been secretly employed by a federal agency, the Commission would of course have found it almost impossible to make a convincing case that he had acted alone. Rankin and Earl Warren were determined to silence the rumour. The matter was discussed at an emergency meeting of the Commission on 22 January 1964. Two days later, Rankin and Warren met officials from Texas, who repeated the FBI rumour and mentioned other rumours about a connection between Oswald and the CIA. According to FBI interviews with one of the officials, Rankin swore them to secrecy. At the next meeting of the Warren Commission, on 27 January, Rankin discussed the FBI rumour but did not mention Oswald’s alleged connection with the CIA.

    Whatever the basis for these particular rumours, there is strong circumstantial evidence that Oswald had been an undercover agent of the federal government, at least while he was:

    • a defector to the Soviet Union between 1959 and 1962, and a duplicitous pro– and anti–Castro activist in New Orleans during the summer of 1963.

    There is some evidence to support the proposition that Oswald had been employed by federal agencies in various capacities: 


    A lot there.

  19. Adam, your speculation regards Oswald's true income being fairly decent versus next to nothing low income depends solely on the premise that he was a paid informant for an agency and $250 a month sounds like a quite high amount for this back then imo.

    Don't forget Oswald was also on unemployment at one time or another while married to Marina and the income from this would have been so low about all he could barely afford for shelter would be a room.

    Oswald's income versus expenses to provide for his growing family has always been an area of interest for me too.

    Oswald was always described as a penny pincher, except when "he" wanted something even if his bare bones family could use the expense for basic needs.

    Guns, ammo, cameras, film and film development, magazine subscriptions, mailings, P.O. boxes, pamphlet printing and help in handing these out, trip to Mexico City?

    And I've never heard of Lee Oswald ever offering Buell Wesley Frazier a dime for gas, Ruth Paine clearly stated ( resentfully ) she had to spend extra funds to feed Marina and June and never mentioned Lee helping with this expense and same with the expenses the DeMohrenschild's incurred and other White Russians in their care for Marina and baby June.

  20. 14 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    What's it all about, Alfie? For America today, this is what It is all about.

    34 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America

    A disturbing interview given by a KGB defector in 1984 describes America of today and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB.




    Incredibly thought provoking. I highly recommend our members click on this link and read the interview article. It's quite short and an easy read.

  21. Was the "Oliver Hardy" look-alike present in the Parkland hospital operating room , where Lee Harvey Oswald was being treated after being shot on 11/24/2019, William Harvey?

    Do members here believe the story of David Phillip's death bed confession to his brother that he (David ) was indeed in Dallas the day JFK was murdered there?

    If that famous photo of the tall, thin, lanky, erect bearing man (  identified as Ed Lansdale by Prouty and General Victor Krulak who both knew him well ) walking past the front of the Texas School Book Depository building and within feet of the train car found drunks being escorted to the sheriff's office right after the assassination is really Lansdale, to me that would be the biggest and most important suggestion of highest level conspirators involved.

    Might as well add Tosh Plumlee to this list.

    And possibly Sergio Arcacha-Smith?

    Seems Dallas was crawling with venomous JFK haters on 11,22,1963.

  22. Here are some of the nefarious characters that many have suggested were in Dallas that dark day.

    I would like to see some feedback bolstering or negating their presence ( most likely to have been there and least likely? ) and with some valid points proposing both scenarios.

    This aspect of the assassination is such an important and intriguing one indicating a possible conspiracy and who may or may not have been involved besides Lee Harvey Oswald.

    It seems illogical to dismiss "every story" and report suggesting these JFK antagonist's presence there that day as false.

    Several of the most well known ones ( E. Howard Hunt, David Phillips, Ed Landsdale, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, etc ) have been reported to have been there by other individuals close to them.

    Phillips brother claims that on his death bed, David Phillips admitted to him that he was indeed in Dallas that day.

    Please add to the list other intriguing characters I am missing.

    E.Howard Hunt

    David Phillips

    Edward Lansdale

    Rip Robertson

    Frank Sturgis ( born Frank Angelo Fiorini )

    David Morales

    James McCord

    William Harvey

    Johnny Roselli

    Gerry Patrick Hemming

    Joseph Milteer







  23. Barr's Wiki.

    Take from this what you will.

    CIA for 4 years?




    Early career

    From 1973 to 1977, Barr was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency. Barr was a law clerk to Judge Malcolm Wilkey of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuitfrom 1977 through 1978. He served on the domestic policy staff at the Reagan White House from May 3, 1982, to September 5, 1983, with his official title being Deputy Assistant Director for Legal Policy.[5] He was also in private practice for nine years with the Washington law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge.[6]

    U.S. Department of Justice


    In 1989, at the beginning of his administration, President George H. W. Bush appointed Barr to the U.S. Department of Justice as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, an office which functions as the legal advisor for the President and executive agencies. Barr was known as a strong defender of presidential power and wrote advisory opinions justifying the U.S. invasionof Panama and arrest of Manuel Noriega, and a controversial opinion that the FBI could enter onto foreign soil without the consent of the host government to apprehend fugitives wanted by the United States government for terrorism or drug-trafficking.[7]

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