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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 7 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

    I knew Monroe's publicist, Rupert Allan. He was a sophisticated

    man who also represented Princess Grace and many other important

    figures in the world of show business, including European filmmakers. When I asked him what he knew

    about her death, he told me a story I have never seen printed anywhere. He said

    that when she was in the New York hospital with her "miscarriage" during her pregnancy

    by Arthur Miller, she was suicidal and thinking of jumping out of a window

    in her hospital room on the eighth floor.  She looked down and saw a woman

    in a green dress waiting at a bus stop. She thought if she jumped she might

    land on the woman and kill her, so she changed her mind. For what it is worth, Rupert did not think

    Marilyn was murdered. He thinks she accidentally ingested too many pills mixed

    with booze. He said she liked to have a lot of small bottles of Champagne around

    her bedroom and would guzzle them and lose track of what she was doing. He said

    he thought that happened that night. He said she had told him she was upset

    because she had been called and invited to a party at Peter Lawford's beach house.

    She learned in the call that a couple of prostitutes would also be coming. She felt

    she was being regarded as in the same category as those prostitutes, which greatly bothered her. So Rupert

    thought she was distraught but did not consciously kill herself. I don't doubt his

    veracity about her mental state and what she told him (I knew him well), but the pills were not found in her stomach

    by Dr. Noguchi in the autopsy, which casts doubt on Rupert's theory of her death. She had mental problems (George Cukor thought she was mad) and engaged in risky behavior but was also mistreated by various men and her studio. I think there is ample evidence of other activity going on around Marilyn that week and on the fatal night that could add lethal details

    to the story. Some details remain murky.

    Some understatements.

    Regards Marilyn Monroe's mental state.

    She experienced severe psychological and sexual abuse trauma starting in early childhood and through her adolescent years.  Now-a-days they would call what she went through sexual assault/rape.

    With accompanying hugely dysfunctional early life familial situations to boot, her mental development equated into extreme emotional trauma and the psychological insecurity that comes with PTSD.

    Her long term adult life sexual abuse ( whether off and on or not ) at the hands of bad character power people in show business and organised crime was just a continuation of her childhood abuse and trauma.

    Monroe wasn't mad.  She was severely PTSD broken, from a very early age.

    Amazing that she was able to keep it together as long as she did ( not harming or killing herself )  imo.

  2. Sorry, but imo nobody who actually participated in the JFK assassination would ever publicly announce this like Files did. 

    And Danny, could you share your opinion on Roscoe White?

    I mentioned an off-the-wall thought and question about Roscoe White a couple of weeks ago regards statements Dallas PD Chief Jesse Curry made to the press soon after Jack Ruby killed Oswald in the DPD building basement.

    Curry was trying to downplay and dispel talk of a conspiracy involving any of his officers and Jack Ruby regards Ruby's access to the basement at just the right time to whack Oswald.

    Curry claimed his entire force was surveyed asking every officer whether they knew Jack Ruby or had any interaction with Ruby personally.

    Curry stated that 25 and no more than 50 officers responded affirmatively. This was out of a total number of DPD officers of over 1,000 not including reserve officers and over 200 civilian employees.

    We all now know that Ruby knew way more DPD officers in 1963 than 25 or even fifty. Likely hundreds more.

    Also, one assumes that Curry had every officer he claims answered the Ruby survey in the affirmative be personally interviewed to understand how close they may have been to Ruby and in what manner.

    Roscoe White was a paid member of the DPD ( not a reserve officer or civilian employee ) at the time of Curry's "did you know Jack Ruby?" survey.

    White was married to a woman ( Geneva White) who actually worked for Jack Ruby if even for a short while.

    Geneva White obviously knew Jack Ruby and claimed Jack Ruby actually visited their home socially.

    So, if Roscoe White did submit an affirmative answer to Curry's Jack Ruby survey, was he then questioned about he and his wife Geneva's relationship with Ruby and how it was a more personal one beyond even most of the 25 to 50 Curry cited?

    Checking White's background, if he was one of the closer Jack Ruby acquaintances on the force in 1963 and who reported this in the survey, you would think White ( and every other Ruby knowing officer ) would also be asked if he knew Lee Harvey Oswald?

    If White's questioners knew anything half-way informed of Lee Harvey Oswald's military background and then seeing White's very similar to Oswald's military duty and posting location, that a red flag ( even if small ) may have popped up?

    White and his wife knew Jack Ruby in a personal way, White's service time and duty station locations cross-check with Lee Harvey Oswald's, White's military duty may have included covert activities...Hmmm ...

    That's quite a double Ruby/Oswald connection coincidence that should have drawn at least a raised eyebrow pause in that super high charged investigative effort in my opinion.

    Would like to have seen Chief Jessie Curry's list of DPD officers "who even knew" Jack Ruby and reported this in response to his survey. 

    If Roscoe White wasn't one of these, he surely should have been.

    And White's not reporting this would just add even more suspicion regards his possible nefarious activity during this time frame.

    Was Curry's list of Jack Ruby knowing DPD officers ever made public?


  3. 7 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    Stone violated the judge's gag order again yesterday with a posting on Facebook promoting his alleged innocence.. By day's end today he may be jailed.

    How much more can Judge Amy Burman Jackson tolerate and allow regards the multiple violations ( 3? ) of her gag order by Roger Stone?

    If I was the Judge in this case I would have had enough.

    I would tell Stone that I don't even want to hear excuses and apologies anymore.

    No more comments on Stone's part needed or allowed at this point. This would simply be a waste of the court's time.

    I would tell Stone this isn't a child's game here that he is playing with and

    that it's time to show Stone how serious this case is.

  4. Even if Marcello had no monetary interests in Ruby's clubs, Ruby was into other things over the years that seemed to have clear implications of closer contact and dealings with mob figures beyond the image of his being a crazy hot-headed nobody in that realm.

    Gun running bag man, high stakes gambling , prostitution pimp ( one can imagine who he procured for with all the wealth of Dallas at that time)  trips out of state for mob business, Dallas PD point and maybe bag man, etc.

    His calls to Chicago ( especially the month or two before 11,22,1963 ) were to mob men of some authority.

    Campisi and Civello were the real mob deals in Dallas. 

    And Campisi's in public view visit to Ruby in the first week of Ruby's incarceration ( that's pretty soon after imo ) could indicated Ruby had at least some interest from Campisi beyond that of laughable hot-headed buffoon nobody, at least to the point of extending this level of respect to Ruby.

    My guess is that one of Ruby's roles for the mob was to procure young and beautiful female "companions" for mob big shots when they came to Dallas for any serious business.

    Ruby's pool of young strippers probably provided this service from time to time. Little Lynn stated she had performed this role at least once and I believe Beverly Oliver mentioned something similar.

    Jada was frequently in the personal company such characters and I think married one at some point.

    I can't help wanting to understand Ruby's true connections to the Mob as this relationship could be a factor of more importance than normally acknowledged if this relationship was something more than a bumbling buffoon nobody inside joke to the mob.

  5. Breaking down American society's feelings towards JFK as president up until his death is a fascinating study in demographics.

    My personal looking back memories of what I saw, heard and read regards these feelings by adults of all ages during JFK's presidency (albeit as a preteen adolescent in our less than large metropolis in liberal California )  were that certain demographic groups in particular had strong positive feelings about JFK and for different reasons.

    I remember Catholics ( our community had so many large working class Catholic families and whom I knew and interacted with ) being elated and enamored with fellow Catholic JFK. 

    We also had a noticeable black community due to our next door proximity to a huge army basic training base ( Fort Ord, Ca.) where several thousands of black army personnel ( most originally from the South ) decided to move their families and themselves here permanently during and after their service time at Fort Ord starting in the fifties. My memory of their initial sentiment toward JFK was one of cautious optimism more so than instant adoration.

    However, as JFK's term progressed, I sensed they became very hopeful that here was a president who finally and sincerely cared about their status in society in a serious and sympathetic way more so than any other president they knew.  JFK's and RFK's boldly and firmly standing up to segregationist Southern Governors during the first school integration efforts in the South, to the point of sending troops to defend black students there, greatly enhanced their JFK admiring sentiments imo.

    If blacks were ambivalent regards JFK when he was first elected they were much less so by 11,22,1963.

    I also sensed that a majority of women of all ages became enamored by JFK during his 3 year term.

    I think this was as much due to a visceral physical attraction reaction as much as any policy agreeing reaction.  I think JFK's and Jackie's unprecedented mass media love fest coverage ( including mostly women orientated magazines ) portraying them as the most virile and beautiful couple in America evolved into an almost cult like phenomena.

    JFK and Jackie were clearly the most attractive and glamorous couple versus any other celebrity couple in America and even around the world!  Liz and Dick and so many other previously famous couples couldn't compare to their world wide appeal.

    Young Americans ( a majority of our population due to the baby boom after WWII ) were drawn to JFK's more youthful athleticism energy after decades of older grandfather types in this office.  I am sure that the majority of young Americans had become very enamored with JFK in this way during his 3 year term.

    One huge dynamic however more than any other superceded these positive JFK sentiments among even these demographic groups, except for the black American community, and that is racial segregation.

    Just as today, it seemed half our society back then used this issue as their number one determinant in evaluating who they liked and respected versus the opposite.

    And JFK and RFK were considered the antithesis to their beliefs to a hateful degree.

    But the real JFK and RFK haters, and who had the power and commitment to do something about them and their growing political and popular influence, were those individuals and groups who felt the two brothers were a threat to their vast wealth and power.

    All of them corrupt.

    JFK'S ever growing popular appeal ( and later RFK's) could not save them against the dark and more powerful groups and individuals in this part of our society.





  6. 9 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

    Mal Hyman’s book on the JFK assassination and the media is out shortly, and you can read a fair amount of it right here. It looks pretty good.


    Just getting into it.  Can't wait to read more.

    Brave reporter MacNeil's description of the mass cries in Dealey Plaza right after the shooting ... a "unison soprano wail" just grips you.

    Like how the author refers to and honors those who have inspired his writing effort right away in his introduction.  Every one from Vince Salandria, Lane, Garrison and so many more including Jim DiEugenio. 

    Jim Di has been writing heavily in this super important area for a long time and you can immediately see his influence.

    So far, it's effecting.

  7. 21 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    In his final meeting with President Nixon that took place in mid-July 1972 soon after the Watergate case broke, Nixon told Robert Merritt that drastic changes would occur in the year 2020. Nixon remarks occurred as part of the discussion between the two men about the Secret Message to the American People that the president had just hidden in the White House Library while accompanied by Merritt. The hidden Message that was found last year

    Nixon said that 2020 would be the beginning of extremely bad times for the world. When Merritt asked Nixon how he knew this, Nixon replied cryptically, “think of me as a prophet.”

    Below is a link to an interview with David Adair who was a high school genius discovered in a round-about way by General Curtis Le May. This took place in 1966. Adair’s revelations provide supplementary information as to what Nixon told Merritt.







    If true ... fascinating.

    If true ... the average world citizen has 
    "no clue" about the true realities of our secret governments and the advanced technology prowess they possess and control.

    If true, we ( the masses ) are kept ignorant to a degree that is beyond anything any of us can even imagine. Two distinct societies on the same planet.  The ignorants ... and the knowers.

  8. 14 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:





    I think I may have been incorrect in stating the 6th floor TXSCB scene in the film "Executive Action" was filmed on location.

    After looking at this again, the windows don't look right in shape and size.

    And the 6th floor windows seem higher from the floor in this clip than another still picture I recall seeing. Wonder if this scene wasn't recreated somewhere else/

    Maybe I'll just delete both posts if this is the case.

    Sorry about stating the scene was really on the TXSCB 6th floor.

  9. I have never seen many photos of the inside of the 6th floor and along the entire wall of windows overlooking Houston and Elm.

    This discussion of the elevators is also hard to follow without seeing the elevators themselves.

    Can anyone provide pictures of the actual elevators?




  10. Here is a man whose entire career was centered around keeping major secrets.

    He is a professional secret keeper nonpareil.

    He's so highly trained at this he can do it casually with a kindly old man smile and added lighthearted quips.

    Imagine the secrets he kept regarding the Nazis and everything about them both before the war ended and after and for sure a mind boggling amount of other major secrets regards the most important national and international political, financial and social policy change doings.

    Here is also a man whose ego must have been off the charts after decades of unbelievable power and influence in his highest person position in an agency which was too often left unfettered by the normal restraints of legislative government and budgetary oversight and even their own original charter.

    It is reasonable to consider that Dulles at times felt he was more important than Presidents.

    And that he and his ever more powerful agency was the epitome subject of JFK's "secret society"
     warning speech? Or even Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex warning one?

    And throw in the final touche regards Dulles's personal feelings of disdain for JFK after he dared to end his massive ego reign of secrecy power with a firing.

    That Walter Cronkite interview of LBJ where Johnson states one can't always be certain that "others may have been involved" in JFK's assassination also surely deflates this "there's nothing else to add or consider" interview take by spy,secret, lie master Dulles.

    The WC finding of believing the testimony of mental breakdown addled Jack Ruby over completely credible and mentally together journalist Seth Kantor regards Kantor personally meeting and talking with Jack Ruby in Dallas's Parkland hospital just after JFK was taken there on 11,22,1963 is my favorite WC discrediting Faux Pas.

  11. Suspicious ( beyond coincidence in my opinion ) that both Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilgallen died from the same cause...medicinal drug ingestion.

    Whoever forced or slipped these into them had some expertise.

    Both M & M and Kilgallen were involved with the mob.  Kilgallen's involvement was adversarial. 

    Both were connected to the Kennedy's.

    Sounds like Marilyn Monroe was a virtual sex slave at times controlled by mob figures.

    The Mafia has been so much more influential in American society than our history books have ever acknowledged. They've owned Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Congresspersons, Governors, even military men, judges, huge numbers of police departments.  For decades.

    William King Harvey felt Mafia man Johnny Roselli was " a true patriot." and the Kennedy's were scum...according to a quote from his wife after he passed away !





  12. On 3/2/2019 at 4:19 AM, Steve Thomas said:



    In the second photo you provided (shot from where Zapruder stood), do you know what the building is that is directly across from Zapruder, the one with the clocks at the top?

    That's one weird looking building.

    I wonder who the architect was.

    Steve Thomas

    The red building at the right? With the towers it looks like it would fit right in near the Kremlin.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Gene Kelly said:


    Much of what I learn about the case derives from your reviews.  The casual reader might otherwise be fooled by the amount of spin and disinformation that exists with the JFK story. Much of it its written in a devious and skillful manner, so as to have the ring of authenticity ... particularly the work of critics like Gus Russo, Phillip Shenon and Max Holland, and mainstream authors like Edward Epstein and Anthony Summers.  Then there are the more blatant sources like Dave Perry, Dale Meyers, Patricia Lambert and Gerald Posner.   Although I'm inclined to like and believe in certain authors like Harrison Livingstone and Joan Mellen, you keep us all honest with your reviews and insights.  Navigating this sea of written material is daunting and hazardous ... your reviews provide a beacon to keep us on course and better informed ... because of your critical reviews, I better understand the complexity of the assassination story - who to believe and who to trust but verify.  Your reviews have also stimulated the related subjects of the mainstream media's reluctance (if not resistance) to finding the truth, the active pattern and strategy of disinformation, and the historical backdrop of JFK's actual political legacy ... topics that are as interesting as who pulled the triggers and orchestrated the plot.

    Gene Kelly    


    Totally agree with Gene here.

    Only wish I could express myself as well as Gene.

  14. In our small town of Monterey, California we have two buildings the size of the Texas School Book Depository building.

    They are right across the street from each other.

    One is the Marriott hotel which at 10 or more stories and covering a full city block, is actually much bigger.

    The other is an old 7 story Gothic style office building ( with Gargoyles!) which looks like it was built in the 30's.

    My local downtown Monterey Subway shop is kitty corner to the Marriott and right across the street from the old Gothic style office building.

    Whenever I go there for my Subway 6 inch tuna sandwich ( great deal at $3.75 ) I always make time after my indoor eating of this to stand on the sidewalk outside and look up at the 6th floor windows of both buildings to try to get some idea of the distance between these and the location of JFK's limo as it was going by and past the TXSBD building and when JFK was hit in the back and head by a snipers bullets in Dealey Plaza.

    I did this yesterday.

    I try to recreate the Dealey Plaza scene with JFK'S limo moving by and past the TXSBD at certain speeds and with JFK waving and looking around at the crowds and Jackie right up to his first being shot.

    I picture the distance of JFK's limo from the snipers nest ( 6th floor windows of my local buildings ) at the first back shot moment and then at the head shot moment ( 266 feet ) and try to imagine the difficulty or ease of someone in Oswald's alleged shooting position being able to hit a moving around cantaloupe sized target in a moving away vehicle and scoring a bull's-eye while firing a junk rifle in a hurried way.

    While viewing cars moving away from the buildings 6th floor windows here and at 266 feet in distance, no matter how much I try to accept that JFK's bull's-eye head shot was one a less than highly trained sniper could make, even with a scope, my common sense just can't.

    It's the movement of the target and at that distance alone that throws me. And when combined with all these factual factors this clinches my doubt:

    Notoriously inaccurate cheap rifle.

    Misaligned scope.

    Super stressed and hurried shooting ( you are aiming at the POTUS!) 

    Cramped shooting position through a window just inches up from the floor.

    Nervous awareness that some wandering School Book employee might innocently wander into the 6th floor area while you are shooting.

    Target is moving and moving farther away and down an incline every second you are trying to fix your target in your sights.

    You miss on your first shot which makes hitting on your second and third more desperate and stressed.

    The shooter must know that the chances of people below being drawn to his shot sound location increase with each successive shot.

    The many best trained marksmen hired to recreate Oswald's alleged shooting feat couldn't duplicate it ( except once? ) and none of them had the incredible life and death concerned stress and pressure that the JFK shooter must have been under.

    I also position myself from my Monterey buildings at a 150 to 175 feet distance that Arnold Rowland was located in his viewing of a man in the TXSBD snipers perch window. Same with Carolyn Walther.

    I am always struck by the closeness of this distance versus what I had always imagined in the Dealey Plaza scene, and how easily and clearly I could see someone in 6th floor windows from that distance. 

    JFK was hit in the head at 266 feet, Rowland and Walther were no more than 150 to 175 feet from the shooters window.

    This visual reality makes me believe Rowland and Walthers descriptions of who and what they viewed in the TXSBD that sunny day at noon.

    Shooter eye witness Carolyn Walthers saw a similar dressed man as Rowland described ( light shirt, thin build, dark hired white man) in that window but also saw another man standing next to the kneeling man. This other man was wearing a brown suit according to Walthers.

    Walthers did mix up the TXSCD building floor numbers in her initial affidavit which is often done by many people who don't initially count the ground floor as a numbered one.




  15. Just read your Epstein piece Jim.

    Always wonder how many members of the forum actually do read your reviews? 

    I highly recommend reading them to those who truly appreciate deeper research understanding ( or at least intelligent well documented debate for those who may not agree with your views ) of the people and issues you address. 

    The massive, long term journalistic barrage against Garrison ( as well as Oliver Stone and his film JFK ) was and still is tragic and so revealing of the true state of the failings of our fourth estate since JFK's assassination ( with serious democracy stressing consequences ) including corruption, manipulation and weakening of it by those with dark power and control agendas.




  16. Robert, if even 1 million had no choice in watching the hearing because it was all that was on in airports, the total of 7.2 million viewers is still very significant relative to a normal audience of news that isn't so dramatic.

    And do the surveyors of this viewership count just one viewer for every TV or every household?

    I'd add another 2 or more million to that total where there are "two or more people" in a household and if the hearing was on TV in those households.

    And what about "internet" viewership? Was that included into this equation of how many American viewed at least some of the testimony and hearing?

    This is now a huge number all by itself.

    I even listened to it on my car radio while driving around doing errands during the day.

    I am sure Rush Limbaugh and many other right wing radio personalities also went off on the more controversial aspects of the hearing.

    The point is that Cohen and his damning testimony was watched or at least heard of ( many specific charges) by enough Americans that it represents a much broader awareness of Trump's most damaging charges by the American public versus any other "single news day" in the last two years.

    And that greater awareness surely breeds greater doubt and suspicion.

    You can't downplay this fact to a meaningless degree.

    Trump's reputation for honesty,integrity and corruption took a massive " character and credibility crash"  hit yesterday because of the Michael Cohen testimony with documentation.

    And by the way, if you Wiki the African American Trump/government employee ( Lynne Patton ) that was positioned standing behind Mark Meadows for dramatic effect in Meadow's animated counter attack against Cohen's claims of Trump being racist, you will see some real eye opening facts that reveal her to be less than an unbiased, highly qualified and non-largess owing job appointee source in claiming Trump's good racial character versus Cohen's charges.

    The last sentence in the Lynne Patton Wiki bio:

    Personal life[edit]

    Patton says she has struggled with substance abuse and addiction, and publicly praised the Trump family for standing by her through tough times.[38]








  17. On 2/26/2019 at 7:08 AM, Bart Kamp said:

    Read about it HERE.

    Bart, do you believe ( at all ) what John Hurt's wife was reported to have said in 1981 about her husband calling into the Dallas PD?

    If she said this and it was true, what so-called innocent minded reason would you speculate a drunk Hurt had in mind in doing this?  Did he want to curse Oswald out personally?

    There is no call record confirming a call to the Dallas PD by Hurt?

    To me, it would be easy to dismiss the whole Raleigh call affair if Hurt never called the Dallas PD as his wife is reported to have claimed.

    But if he did, with his military background, including even his weird other eccentricities and troubling emotional issues, it's still a story to consider with at least some legitimate curiosity.

    Did anyone ever hear that Hurt had even an occasional history of making long distance phone calls to authorities ( drunk or not ) in other states centered around controversial newsworthy events?

    Every call Oswald made while in the DPD jail ( outside of one with an attorney? ) would have been monitored and listened in on...right?

    If not, the police weren't doing their job.


  18. How many American adults watched the Cohen testimony live on CNN on Wednesday?

    If even just parts of this?

    Millions? Ten million? More?

    When you include replays of Cohen's testimony the rest of the evening on every main TV news outlet that working Americans who missed the live broadcast could see, the viewership truly must have been close to ten million or more.

    That's a lot of viewers.

    Equal to or maybe even more than what a highly anticipated 60 Minutes program draws in.

    That's a huge chunk of Americans finally seeing and hearing many of the most troubling and damning charges against Trump graphically and all at once and through someone who, although viciously attacked as not credible, was in fact extremely close to Trump for ten years in a top 4 or 5 inner circle way, and who you can't easily dismiss because of this fact.

    And most who viewed this committee hearing Cohen testimony were probably intelligently aware and concerned enough to understand it's importance in helping Americans determine whether President Trump is truly as bad as his critics have been saying all along.

    Trump tweeted in his whining way that it was shameful that the hearing was conducted while he was off doing more important stuff overseas. That and calling Cohen a xxxx was about all Trump could say.

    Trump is totally aware of how damning this hearing was.  He knows numbers.

    He knows that despite the minority Republican committee members rabid personal integrity attacks against Cohen, just the massive exposure of Cohen's explosive charges to a nationwide audience of millions at one time is more damaging to him and his presidency than any other single testimony or book or negative news article, report or editorial so far.

    Cohen's testimony is clearly as damaging to Trump as John Dean's was to Nixon during Watergate.

    The Republican's with their Trump protecting majorities in the Senate and Congress before this last election were able to prevent hearings presenting witnesses to Trump's wrong doings.

    But now with the Democrat majority Congress...no more.

    Now, with just "one" Trump whistle blower so far, look at the damage. 

    For the first time, I sense the Trump presidency is in real trouble. To a point that any more huge national audience reported evidence and testimony that keeps bolstering the findings of his corruption may turn into an unstoppable dike breaking force like the one that brought Nixon to his resignation knees.

    If Republicans begin to jump ship on Trump and more than just a handful, his resignation will probably be likely.

    And have any of you here checked out this new Trump COO character that Cohen repeatedly mentioned named Mathew Calamari?

    OMG!  Talk about a dark and shady looking character.

    Right out of the GODFATHER central casting! A truly intimidating looking person.

    What "fixes" has THIS scary looking guy carried out for the Trump family? One can only imagine.

    Story is Trump saw this Calamari character beating the tar out of someone and liked what he saw and hired him to work for him personally.

    Reported also that Calamari pledged his loyalty to Trump to an ominous degree according to one source that hasn't been vetted as of yet.





  19. Vince, any speculations as to what Kellerman's daughter meant by her statement to and reported by Weisberg?

    Do you think either Kellerman or Greer had more information they couldn't share that contradicted the WC final conclusion?

    Kellerman clearly describes a "flurry" ( that specific word used ) of shots coming into the presidential limo during the assault. He describes the energy force of the shots as that of a sound barrier breaking jet flying overhead.

    He describes hearing JFK and Jackie speak during shooting. 

    And by the way...there is a photo showing the upper steel JFK limo inner windshield frame depicting "no" damage to this soon before the assassination versus the significant indentation there afterwards.


  20. Lee and Marina's extreme and long term financial stress after arriving in the U.S. and where they couldn't even afford a crib for baby June and instead had her sleeping in an open suitcase, Marina could not afford basic prenatal and needed dental care, they lived in the cheapest of apartments or lived with others and couldn't afford to go anywhere except by walking, bus or the generosity of friends with cars who also helped them in moving, etc.,  has always been a sticking point in my mind regarding Oswald being on some informant side income payroll.

    If Lee was earning a little on the side in this role of paid informant, it sure must have been absolute peanuts. Sure didn't help their at times desperate financial situation.

    Portly and perjury convicted NO attorney Dean Andrews once stated that after hearing Lee Oswald was passing out pamphlets just blocks away from his office one day, he ( Andrews) waddled down to confront Oswald over an unpaid bill due Andrews that Oswald hadn't paid.

    Andrews claimed that when he reached Oswald he asked Oswald what he was doing and Oswald stated "it's just a job." At least Oswald was making a little income from that endeavor.

    Getting back to Hosty ... his credibility was shot from the get go imo.

    He doesn't tell the WC he had destroyed incredibly important file material his office had on Oswald the day or day after Ruby whacked Oswald in the DPD basement. When asked why he kept this incredibly important action truth from the WC even though he had sworn to tell them "The truth, WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God" ( and he was CATHOLIC!) he stated blithely ..."they didn't ask."

    And was the Oswald file material he burned just a scrap of paper?

    I once heard a radio station interview of Hosty regarding his book.  In the interview he nonchalantly volunteered this tidbit regarding the Warren Commission and the relationship his employer had with several of the WC members.

    Hosty said " we had THREE OF THEM."

    He mentioned Ford, Russell and was about to mention the 3rd member who was feeding info to his agency when the host interrupted with another question.

    Hosty was all about protecting his employer, himself and his job and pension versus being totally honest about what he knew regards Oswald and everything else related.

    And the NO FBI office must have had a substantial file on Oswald.  Has this file been honestly revealed to the public? 

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