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Denny Zartman

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Everything posted by Denny Zartman

  1. I finished watching A Coup In Camelot. It’s very well made and worth a purchase. I had a few tiny nitpicks, but I think they’re far outweighed by the positive aspects. There’s tremendous value in having illustrations on the screen. It helped me to better understand many confusing issues. I’m not a fan of having text on the screen while a narrator says other words, so it got off to a slightly bad start for me right at the beginning. Luckily, text/speech conflict is not a problem for most of the film. The text presented onscreen in terms of memos is well animated. Relevant words and phrases jump out of the page and are highlighted by using a red font instead of black. ACIC is good at debunking the rumor that JFK ordered the Secret Service agents off the back of the limo. Vincent Palamara really brings the Secret Service aspect of the JFK assassination into focus. The story of Don Lawton (the agent that shrugged three times at the airport) is explored in depth, tracing toward Emory Roberts (who gestured Lawton and Clint Hill away from the Presidential limo), to Robert’s superior Floyd Boring and Boring’s assistants Winston Lawson and Roger Warner, who planned the Dallas motorcade. The information about the press bus being put so far back in the motorcade was something that I hadn’t been conscious of until now. ACIC does a good job showing how the position of the police motorcycles differed from previous presidential motorcades. I wasn’t quite sure about the section of the film where they examine frame 242 of the Zapruder film. It does seem clear that at that moment motorcycle officer’s Hargis and Martin, and SA Hill are looking toward the grassy knoll, I’m not sure about Kellerman and Connally. I believe Kellerman does indeed turn all the way around and look behind him is subsequent frames, and Connally appears to be reacting to being struck by bullets. I seem to remember it being argued that Connally’s shoulder is being driven down by a bullet at that point. The section with Sherry Fiester was very interesting, but I think I’ll have to read up on it and watch ACIC again. She examined bullet trajectories and argues that the final headshot came from near the south end of the triple overpass, and the shot knocked JFK’s head to the side, and not directly backwards as we have been interpreting as being indicative of a shot from the behind the fence on the grassy knoll. It’s illustrated by a cue ball hitting another billiard ball and knocking it to the side instead of directly forward. Fiester’s explanation of “fracture sequencing” was quite compelling evidence of a frontal shot, but I wonder if it conflicts with Dr. David Mantik’s analysis of the X-Rays later in the film? (I'll talk about this later.) I worry a little about her interpretation for a few reasons. First, it seems that Fiester’s theory seems to discount the possibility that two bullets hit JFK’s skull at almost the same time. I don’t know if or how two bullets hitting almost simultaneously would throw off her calculations. Second, it seems to rely on the Zapruder film being authentic. (I’m currently in the “probably lightly tampered” camp on the Z film.) Maybe I’m wrong about those nitpicks. Fiester knows more about blood spatter analysis than I do, that’s for sure. I'll have to get her book. Overall, her theory and methods seem intriguing and persuasive. I’d really love to hear what G. Paul Chambers, author of “Head Shot”, thinks of Fiester’s science. The “flap of skin” pinkish blob that seems to appear on the right side of JFK’s head in the Z film is said to have been pulled back over his skull, and the blood congealed, forming a sort of glue that kept the flap of skin in place. This is something I haven’t heard about before, so I’d be interested in learning more about that. The CGI illustrations of the two (three?) caskets arriving at Bethesda was very helpful. We so often read the descriptions of the two caskets, but rarely get to see an example of a shipping casket. To see them both illustrated on the screen was interesting. The whole section of ACIC regarding the two caskets was very interesting and laid out in a streamlined manner. At a little past 46 minutes in, there’s some audio between General Clifton and SAIC Gerald Behn regarding helicopters directed to Bethesda, that was very interesting. At an hour and five minutes in (1:05) there’s audio of Nurse Aubrey Bell relating a story of Dr. Malcolm Perry saying he was repeatedly pressured by late night phone calls from people at Bethesda trying to get Perry to change his opinion of the throat wound from being one of entrance to one of exit. That was quite interesting to hear that from Bell’s own lips. It’s said that Tom Robinson, an embalmer at Bethesda claimed to have seen doctors sawing into JFK’s skull, which contradicts the official statements of Dr. James Humes, who said there was no need to use the saw because the wound was so large. The sequence featuring Dr. David Mantik’s examination of the profile X-Ray of JFK was fascinating as well. I couldn’t quite follow the “white patch” argument, and wasn’t quite sure what was being said. Are the X-Rays fake or partly authentic and doctored? If Sherry Fiester’s fracture sequencing explanation from earlier in the film is correct, it’s pretty clear evidence of a shot from the front. Why would conspirators fake an X-Ray indicating a frontal shot when the official story relied on shots exclusively from behind? The tape of Dr. Mantik questioning Dr. John Ebersole, the assistant chief of radiology the night JFK arrived at Bethesda was amazing. I had never heard that before. Mantik questions Ebersole about the X-Ray allegedly showing a 6.5 mm bullet fragment, and Ebersole immediately ends the interview. There’s also a short bit about autopsy photographer John Stringer saying he saw JFK’s brain being sectioned. I still can’t figure out who says that the brain was sectioned and who says that the brain was not sectioned and was even on display for medical students for a short time. Finally, near the end there is a well-known clip of Jack Ruby stating that the true facts won’t be allowed to come out. Strangely, the following question and answer are cut out in ACIC – Reporter: Are these people in positions of power, Jack? Ruby: Yes. The hallway interview with Ruby where he refers to “the man in the office now” (presumably the then-current President Johnson) is not included either, nor is there any examination of Ruby or Oswald’s mental states, motives, or possible connections to the Mafia, Cubans and/or intelligence services. That would be part of my little nitpicks. I personally would have preferred a little more on Oswald, Ruby, J D Tippit and others. Oswald is examined for only about fifteen minutes right near the end, and it seems to barely scratch the surface of the mystery surrounding him. But, to be fair, examining Oswald and Ruby in depth would take a full documentary on its own, and I think ACIC is wise to concentrate on the events in Dealey Plaza, Parkland, and Bethesda. Overall, quite good, well produced, and worth owning.
  2. Hi Vince, thanks for the information. I'll watch it soon. I just finished reading your book "JFK: From Parkland To Bethesda" tonight, in fact. Is there a thread on this forum specifically for discussing your book? I've tried looking, but haven't found one yet.
  3. Jim Hargrove, From what I understand, prior to the October 1963 revelations by Joseph Valachi, officially the Mafia didn't exist. In my opinion it shouldn't be surprising that there are few newspaper articles from before that time period specifically mentioning the mob. Jack Ruby idolized gambler Lewis J. McWillie and considered him one of his closest friends. McWillie apparently had connections to such mob figures as Santos Trafficante, Meyer Lansky, Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Joe Bonanno, Dino Cellini, Dave Yaras, and Joseph Civello. Regarding his relationship with Jack Ruby, here's an excerpt from McWillie's HSCA interview by Donald Purdy in Sept. 1978. - - - Donald Purdy: How would you characterize your relationship with Jack Ruby in the 1950's in Dallas? Lewis McWillie: 1950's, I wasn't around him a real lot, you might say, he would come out to my apartment and swim in the pool and he was a kind of a leech, you might say. Donald Purdy: Kind of a leech? Lewis McWillie: Leech. And he was just a hard fellow to get rid of. Donald Purdy: You say he came over uninvited? Lewis McWillie: Yes, he came over uninvited after so long a time and he would hang around the pool everyday and swim and have dinner with me and different things. Donald Purdy: Did you ever have to ask him to leave? Lewis McWillie: I don't recall. I could have. I don't recall it, though. Donald Purdy: Were you and Jack Ruby friends during the 1950's? Lewis McWillie: Yes, we were friends. Donald Purdy: Were you aware that Jack Ruby considered you one of his closest friends? Lewis McWillie: I would have to say so, yes, on account of the favors I had done him. Donald Purdy: What was the reason? Lewis McWillie: The favors I have done him. Donald Purdy: So he liked you because you had done favors for him? Lewis McWillie: I helped him. Donald Purdy: How had you helped him other than getting Mr. Julius Schepps to help him? Did you help him in any other way? Lewis McWillie: I helped him with, he had a union problem, he called me in Las Vegas in the early part of 1963. Donald Purdy: We will go into that in more detail in a little while. Lewis McWillie: All right. Donald Purdy: Were you aware that Jack Ruby included you on a list of people who might dislike him? Lewis McWillie: He put me on a list of people that might dislike him? Donald Purdy: Yes. Lewis McWillie: No, I am not. Donald Purdy: Was there any reason that you could think of that Jack Ruby might think that you disliked him? Lewis McWillie: No way. Donald Purdy: Did Jack Ruby idolize you? Lewis McWillie: In a sort of way I would think so, yes. Donald Purdy: Why did he idolize you? Lewis McWillie: I guess because I had helped him keep his business open. Donald Purdy: What contacts, if any, did you have with Jack Ruby's family, friends and business associates? Lewis McWillie: I didn't even know his family or friends, I didn't know his family. He told me that he had a brother who was sick and his sister was ill, someway. He didn't elaborate. - - - McWillie admits to being "friends" with Ruby, agrees that Ruby considered McWillie "one of his closest friends", and agrees with the statement that Ruby "idolized" him. Furthermore, McWillie believes that the reason Ruby considered him one of his closest friends was because of "the favors I have done him", and surmises that Ruby idolized him because "I had helped him keep his business open." Ruby considered McWillie his close friend and idol not because they liked each other or shared the same interests, or for any other reason than specifically because of "favors" and "business." McWillie described Ruby as an "uninvited leech", but it seems that in August 1959 it seems that McWillie invited Ruby, at McWillie's expense, to fly to Havana, Cuba and stay for six days at the Tropicana casino McWillie was running at the time. Finally, this quote from "The Cal-Neva Lounge" by John William Tuohy: "On Sunday, November 17, 1963, five days before Kennedy was gunned down, Ruby showed up at the mob owned Stardust Casino in Las Vegas where he invoked McWillie's name to cash a check and was later seen at the equally mobbed up Thunderbird Casino with Lewis McWillie. Two days after meeting McWillie in Las Vegas, Ruby was back in Dallas, flush with enough cash to pay off his back taxes." So, Ruby's idol and one of his closest friends, Lewis McWillie, is mobbed up. McWillie does Ruby "favors", helps Ruby keep his business open, settles Ruby's disputes with unions, invites Ruby to go on expensive international vacations at his expense, and allows Ruby to use his name to cash checks in Mafia run casinos. I know this is not a newspaper headline from 1962 in 32-point font saying "JACK RUBY IS DEFINITELY A MOBSTER" featuring a photo of Ruby giving a thumbs up to a decapitated horse's head, but isn't all of this, especially the favors and apparent exchange of money, compelling circumstantial evidence of a probable Mafia association? Ruby grew up on the streets of Chicago. He was no naïf. Being "friends" with McWillie means being one introduction and handshake away from meeting people like Trafficante, Lansky, and Giancana. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmcwillie.htm http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo2/jfk5/mcwill.htm http://mafia.wikia.com/wiki/Lewis_McWillie
  4. Hi James, I agree, we're overdue for a serious Ruby biography. I'm surprised there are so few books about Jack Ruby, considering his importance to history. I do have a book about Ruby's trial from 1968 called "Moment Of Madness: The People Vs. Jack Ruby" by Elmer Gertz. Unfortunately I don't recall learning much from it, but it's been a while since I've read it. There is a book coming out this December about Dorothy Kilgallen, and I'm hoping it sheds a little light on Ruby's statements from jail.
  5. I've read the updated Crossfire. It's good, but seems much denser than the first edition, so it's not as easy to read as I felt the first one was. I'd recommend the first Crossfire to beginners, and the updated version to people who are more advanced. I personally thought Seth Kantor's "Who Was Jack Ruby?" was a major let-down. Kantor is a good reporter, but the book is more like detailed reporter's notes that start in the middle, rather than what we would recognize as a standard biography that introduces the reader to the subject. I think you need to come into Kantor's book with a lot of knowledge about the case already.
  6. Hi there, this might be the first thread I've started on this forum. I sincerely apologize if this has been covered in another thread. Whenever I start to browse the forum searching for it, I get caught up in reading and get off track. I have lost years worth of my JFK assassination notes and am having to recompile them from scratch. There was one story that I thought was interesting, but I no longer have the names, and was hoping someone could help me find them again. It was a newspaper story about a man and a woman, later married, that both served somewhere where Oswald served in the Marines. I don't think they served with him, but worked with people who did. I believe this couple were working at the base when the JFK assassination occurred, and they remembered the gossip that immediately surrounded them that Oswald was an intelligence operative. They wondered how such an open secret could ever be kept under wraps, and expressed some surprise that it did. Does this story ring any bells with anyone here? Thank you in advance!
  7. You might be on to something here, Cliff. I can't think of anything that Humes reportedly did or said at the autopsy that is known not to be true. If I'm wrong, I hope somebody will point it out in this thread. Actually Robert already pointed out the probing-with-a-finger problem. How does one fit a finger into a small hole? Does flesh stretch? What other problems are known to exist? (We have to ignore what Humes reported afterward, because clearly that is full of l.i.e.s.) Hi Sandy. I believe flesh does stretch. Facelifts seem to rely on stretching the skin, and stretch marks likely wouldn't exist if skin didn't stretch to some degree. It would be hard to bend our elbows and legs, and would be difficult to open our mouths or fill our cheeks with air without stretching the skin. For those reasons, I don't feel that I can subscribe to Robert's theory that it wasn't possible for Humes to fit his finger into the back wound. Hi, Cliff, thank you for that analysis. I won't even pretend that I'm not confused by the medical evidence. I think your breakdown is sound.
  8. I thought that was a very interesting article, and I agree that the Tippit shooting is underexplored. McBride names Dallas policeman Harry Olsen, Jack Ruby, and Ruby connected hoodlum Darrell Wayne (Dago) Garner as people of interest in the Tippit shooting. He also seems to confirm that William Duane Mentzel was the other officer sent in pursuit of Oswald at that time. In my opinion, the WC version of the Tippit shooting is wildly suspicious on its own. When you add the police car stopping outside Oswald's place and honking twice before driving away, I believe it's even more so. Why would a cop, believing he might have had the president's assassin in view, not call in for backup? That is one big red flag for me. Would that cop, seeing the most important suspect he might ever see in his life, wave him over and interrogate him through a car window in a casual manner? That is suspicious. Would the president's assassin walk toward a cop or away from a cop at that moment? I find it very unlikely that he would approach a policeman calmly, though I will concede that it's possible. Maybe Oswald (assuming he's a guilty lone nut) didn't know that his description was out at that point and wanted to remain plausibly unsuspicious. But, could the police car outside Oswald's rooming house explain why Oswald was amiable to approaching a police car at the time he was a fugitive from the law? Perhaps he had confederates who were cops or dressed as cops. Perhaps he was told a police car would be part of the getaway? After the window conversation between Oswald and Tippit, Tippit declined a second opportunity to call in for backup. This, IMHO, is an even bigger red flag for me. Clearly, by his subsequent actions of getting out of his police car and drawing his gun, Tippit thought Oswald to be a dangerous individual in need of further interrogation or to be detained. I think that Tippit not calling in to HQ after the window conversation is a clear sign that his intention was not to apprehend Oswald alive.
  9. I found the article very interesting. Thanks for sharing it. I am always for getting a closer look at the Tippit murder, which remains a huge mystery to me. I think the article makes a persuasive case that Sgt. Kenneth Croy and Capt. W.R. Westbrook were involved with the Tippit shooting. There was a lot to absorb there, and I'm not sure I got it all, but upon first read it didn't seem to conflict with any known facts and seems to be a plausible scenario as I understand it. The information on Oswald's wallets was much appreciated. That has always been deeply suspicious. I'm looking forward to hearing any LN's debate the evidence presented in the link, if they find themselves so inclined. While even J. Edgar Hoover believed that someone was using Oswald's identity, I still have trouble believing that there was an exact double of Oswald running around. It seems implausible to me, but I can't fully dismiss it. The theory does seem to answer some questions: The alleged test drive at the automobile dealership, how George de Mohrenschildt believed Oswald spoke Russian like a native, ect. Right at the moment I remain unconvinced. I would have to study it some more.
  10. This was a very interesting speech. It was especially interesting when he pointed out that the telescopic sight at that distance, and on a bolt action instead of an automatic rifle, would actually be a hindrance when trying to re-aim between shots. And I read somewhere a few months back pointing out how silly it was to have three shells on the floor, since the third shell would not have been ejected had the shooter not been preparing for a fourth shot, which brings up the image of LHO seeing JFK's head explode and thinking "Ah, I might need one more to finish the job."
  11. And Mr. King refers to the JFK assassination as "the same simple American story." A guy got lucky. In my opinion that's a very pat way of looking at it. It's easier to say, "a guy got lucky, happens every day" than confront the fact that many political assassins brag about their crimes instead of steadfastly denying them. And we wouldn't want to consider the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, which was both a conspiracy and featured an assassin who literally broke his leg rushing to take credit for his crime.
  12. I find King's afterword very depressing. It's very sad to think that Fidel Castro five days after the assassination had more common sense insight into the crime than Stephen King, who had five decades to think about it. Mr. King says "...all of the accounts, including those written by conspiracy theorists, tell the same simple American story: here was a dangerous little fame-junkie who found himself in just the right place to get lucky. Were the odds of it happening just the way it did long? Yes. So are the odds on winning the lottery, but someone wins one every day." First of all, what kind of reasonable person looks at books like "Crossfire" or "Reclaiming History" and thinks either one of them is telling a "simple" story? When evidence is officially locked away for 75 years, does Mr. King really believe that there's "nothing to see here." Second, if Lee Harvey Oswald was a fame-junkie, why did he take every single opportunity to deny his crime? Third, King characterizes Oswald's circumstance to being in the "right place", and getting "lucky", and even "winning the lottery," when under the BEST circumstances LHO was going to spend the rest of his life behind bars before facing being put to death. In the worst circumstance (which Mr. King compares to "winning the lottery", and which actually did happen) Oswald is killed while in custody. Jack Ruby stalked Oswald at the police department, trying to go into a door when a cop said "You can't go in there, Jack." Ruby admitted to being armed during the press conference where he actually corrected a statement about Oswald and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (interesting that so soon after the assassination a nightclub owner knew more about LHO than the police and all the reporters, isn't it?) Ruby wrote a note saying he made up the "so Jackie wouldn't have to testify" excuse. He practically begged the Warren Commission to take him to Washington to testify because he had important information, and made remarks about how the truth wouldn't be known and implied that LBJ might have even been in on it. Even without all that, in my opinion you would have to be pretty gullible to believe that Ruby just up and decided that he was tired of not living behind bars and would gladly risk Death Row in order to spare a widow he had never met some anguish. It's stunning to think that a man of Stephen King's intelligence wouldn't find anything suspicious.
  13. I am reading "A Citizen's Dissent" right now (strangely enough, I stopped reading "Praise From A Future Generation" to read Lane's book.) Boy, the BBC really did a number on Lane. They invited him to participate in a program with Arlen Specter following a screeing of the film "Rush To Judgment", and then seemingly did everything in their power to stack the deck against him. It was almost comic. Also a relief that the people watching the broadcast still thought Lane won the "debate." And the CBS shenanigans are pretty shocking. I'm reading about how they fudged the rifle tests. Many times they had to stop the test because of rifle difficulties, but didn't ever factor in the stops when calculating the average shooting times.
  14. My current research seems to be pointing toward Allen Dulles as the head of the plot, but most sources I've seen also say Dulles would not have taken any action until he had approval from all the other high level people needed. I personally believe that usual standard deductive reasoning does lead to LBJ. He seems to have had the motive, means, and opportunity. When asked why he would agree to be JFK's VP candidate, LBJ reportedly made comments along the lines of "many presidents have died in office... I'd be a heartbeat away... I'm a gambling man, darlin'". And he did engage in the coverup almost immediately by insinuating that there would be nuclear war if the truth had gotten out. Here's a question: From what I can tell, apparently most researchers do not believe that Hoover and the FBI were the instigators of the plot nor were they involved in the actual assassination. So, it seems that at some point in time someone in authority who was involved in the plot had to have told Hoover how his investigation was going proceed and the predetermined conclusion of a lone shooter. There were phone outages in Washington D.C. immediately following the assassination, but of course Hoover could have been informed prior to November 22. So, who had the ability to contact Hoover, and who had the authority to tell him exactly how the FBI investigation was going to go down? Hoover and LBJ were apparently neighbors and close friends, but this doesn't preclude the possibility of someone like Dulles (who reportedly spent the weekend of the assassination in a CIA compound) giving the ultimate orders. Regardless, I would suppose the list of people that had the authority to tell J. Edgar Hoover what to do would be fairly short. Also, considerable effort was made to make Lee Harvey Oswald appear to be a Cuban or Russian agent. Was this intended to provide a justification for war against either country in addition to removing JFK? Did LBJ deviate from the goals of the plotters by insisting that LHO be named the lone gunman?
  15. I haven't seen the show nor read the book, and don't plan to. It's hard enough trying to figure this case out without reading fictional accounts. Plus, King's writing quality has declined, in my opinion. After reading "Doctor Sleep" I have no interest in reading a new novel by him anytime soon. For what it's worth, apparently 11-22-63's executive producer and screenwriter Bridget Carpenter changed her mind and rejected the lone gunman theory after working on the miniseries. http://www.star-telegram.com/living/article60025591.html The relevant quote is pasted below. (I'm having terrible trouble copying and pasting for some reason. Is this a common problem on this site? Even pasting web page text into a word document and then re-copying and pasting it here doesn't seem to work consistently.) - Bridget Carpenter — the writer/producer who developed the new miniseries version of King’s acclaimed bestseller — used to accept the Lone Gunman Theory as fact, too. “But after two years of working on Stephen’s story, I don’t believe it anymore,” she says. “There were too many strange things surrounding Oswald for me to believe he did it completely alone.” Carpenter, the executive producer and showrunner for 11.22.63 (which debuts Monday — Presidents Day — on Hulu), suspects now that Oswald had to have been connected to the CIA, that maybe he went rogue in Dallas on the morning of Nov. 22, 1963, that a massive cover-up was organized to hide the embarrassing truth.
  16. Didn't the FBI initially conclude that three bullets hit the two men?
  17. Hi everyone, I'm a forum lurker, and decided to join after hearing the news of Mark Lane's passing. He really was a pioneer as part of the first generation of JFK research and inspiration for many with his tireless work. The entire US government was working against him, and it's hard to imagine the resentment he must have also generated from average Americans merely for daring to defend Oswald. He also did this at a time when JFK research was literally in it's infancy. When you think of how much has been learned since 1964, it's pretty amazing how he was able to do so much with (relatively) so little. In the past few weeks I had been listening to his debates posted on YouTube, and am continually impressed with his passion, thoroughness, and wit. It's easy to hear that anyone debating him was up against a formidable intellect. The debate with William F. Buckley also demonstrates how unflappable Lane was. Thanks to everyone for sharing their personal moments with him.
  18. I'm an actor, writer, and musician, currently living in Atlanta, Georgia.
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