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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. Abolish prisons and replace them with paid guards assigned to directly supervise convicts who are violent. Any argument to the contrary is probably just based on a thirst for revenge that cannot be proven to be productive. It would probably be way cheaper than prisons, given that it takes an average of $2,300 per day to house prisoners, and bodyguards could go for just a couple hundred bucks per day. Use the benefit of the doubt to treat all convicts with the same compassion as people with mental disabilities. It is impossible to prove in court, without pseudoscience, the difference between pure evil and mental handicap.
  2. You mean before the body was first placed on the autopsy table? Unless somebody wanted to argue that the body was taken out of a casket, put on the autopsy table, put back into a casket, then taken out again and put on the same autopsy table again. for a second time after that? It depends on who you believe really witnessed the beginning of the autopsy. Some witnesses were reportedly asked to leave the room for the taking of the x-rays. Some statements suggest that Sibert and O'Neill didn't exactly have the "front row tickets" they claimed they did. But then again, Sibert and O'Neill were the ones who originated a lot of the strangest artifacts of evidence regarding the beginning of the autopsy (the body wrappings, surgery of the head statement, no honor guard, etc.). Some statements suggest that a surgical probe was used on the throat wound during the autopsy, which was something not reported by the pathologists - they only reported using a probe in the back wound. More statements suggest that the organs of the neck were dissected and/or removed, again not reported and in some cases denied. Several statements suggesting the trach incision was differently shaped at the autopsy (or on the autopsy photos) than it left Parkland.
  3. Paul O'Connor said he remembered Burkley telling the pathologists to not probe or dissect the throat wound because it was "just a tracheotomy".
  4. Okay, so is Lamar Waldron just a crazy old man who likes to lie? Actually asking. Pretty groundbreaking information to come across in the early 90's, only to save it for a random podcast in 2021.
  5. I mean about what John Nolan allegedly said about the autopsy. I have a hard time believing that this is anything other than Waldron's "tr0ll reveal" that will forever put his credibility in jeopardy. He should've worn a wire.
  6. Between this and David Josephs' stuff, can somebody now make an ultimate master Mexico City essay?
  7. https://www.docplay.com/shows/jfk-destiny-betrayed Right now, Destiny Betrayed is only available in Australia, or to those with VPNs set for Australia.
  8. Saw this recent thread on the reopenkennedycase forum, never heard of this: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t2491-lamar-waldron-interview-with-new-info-from-rfk-aide-on-jfks-autopsy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4GEHn3HeI8
  9. No gunshot residue known to be on the boxes, right? And the boxes nearest the window no longer exist, right? And BTW should there have been the smell of gunpowder in the Sniper's nest?
  10. In the realm of non-medical evidence, sometimes it may be tempting to fall into the fatigue of having so few smoking guns that can be summarized in an elevator pitch, but then folks like John Armstrong pour water on you and jolt you awake.
  11. I wonder what became of the currency in "Oswald's pocket"? I don't think we have any pictures of those.
  12. https://web.archive.org/web/20160703001218/http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/22/2288-001.gif https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/html/WH_Vol22_0105a.htm
  13. Ah, kind of like the "half dollar bill" thing John Armstrong was talking about, narratively with Oswald recieving the half bills.
  14. Nope, can't be it. See the stabalized Zapruder film. https://youtu.be/Sqk3sdfXFkc
  15. Now the link doesn't work. Killuminati in action? Here's a text file of the chest tube essay, formatted for posting on reddit: chest tubes.rtf
  16. Weisberg link to the documents: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI Records Files/105-82555/105-82555 Section 032/105-32d.pdf
  17. What is the official interpretation of this information?
  18. I mean, yeah, but what's this about a second paper bag? Where did this information come from? Sounds like gold if Armstrong's summary is correct.
  19. https://harveyandlee.net/WandC/Westbrook_and_Croy.html WHAT? Is this real? Is there something I'm missing, but how is this not a holy grail smoking gun.
  20. Okay, this is officially the worst article ever written about this film.
  21. https://www.rareddit.com/r/JFKsubmissions/comments/druq3a/discussing_jfks_torso_wounds_part_6_chest_tubes/
  22. Thank you so much for your answer and new ideas. The tubes were reportedly administered by Drs. Ronald Jones, Charles Baxter, and Paul Peters. Nurses Margaret Hinchliffe and Diana Bowron said they helped the doctors in the task. Nurse Patricia Hutton said that afterwards, she helped remove the tubes from the body. Do we have a suspect list here? Maybe with one or two of them just using their hands to "hold" the tubes up to the chest incisions but not into them?
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