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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. How do you keep a conspiracy of 3 or more people? Do you immediately give up and declare "three people can keep a secret, but only if two of them are dead"? Or, do you give it the old College try? The Nazi SS were specially selected through numerous filters to create a team of the biggest jerks in the world. And what about a team made up of people who have secrets of their own to hide, or addictions to feed? A person doesn't need to be James Bond to suffer and risk their life maintaining lies. Maybe they aren't that hard to find if you look in the right places. Maybe normal is a myth.
  2. I am not a back-of-head wound theorist. But to be fair, nobody has disproven that a staged x-ray could be made using a substitute brain like James Curtis Jenkins suggested, or merely re-arranged brain or other matter like plaster. Humes said they assisted the morticians, and I think it was either Paul O'Connor, Tom Robinson or John Van Hoesen who at one point said that they had to remove excess plaster from the skull cavity because they used too much at first. Then, what if the skull and skull fragments were rearranged? And we already know the HSCA's interpretaton of the open-cranium photos are impossible unless a piece of the back of the skull was replaced after removing to fit the brain through. If you have no specific answer but to say that back of the skull on the x-rays looks "too smooth", wouldn't that just sound like the earlier conspiracy researchers who incorrectly argued the black patch on the face represented damage rather than trapped air which created an illusion of a "smooth" looking black hole thorugh the skull bone?
  3. I don't know, Cliff. What if the clothing was starched around the collar and that's how a peculariar bunching situation could've happened? Have experiments been done on replicating the clothing holes and motorcade photos by playing around with starch on the fabric?
  4. Somebody needs to go see the x-rays and check to see whether the emulsion over the "T" really is unbroken, but I fear another Prayer Man situation where suddenly it becomes impossible to do a bit of checking up.
  5. The NARA website has published high-quality copies of the autopsy protocol without Burkley's signature. Burkley's signature is probably not there because copies were made of the protocol before Burkley wrote his signature on them. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7460586?objectPage=7
  6. Lifton ultimately ended up saying he wasn't sure whether Oswald the person on the Sixth Floor holding a rifle out the window, as shown in this December 2021 appearence: https://youtu.be/Rhqz9BiO2T8?feature=shared&t=2286 https://youtu.be/Rhqz9BiO2T8?feature=shared&t=2286
  7. Is there a source for this? I'll try to search for sources on this myself, but it sounds like it depends on the definition of the "outside of the skull". I don't see why a lead fragment exiting at a shallow angle couldn't carve a grey streak through the thickness of the bone which could be visible from the outer surface.
  8. Even with a shallow angle shot or near-tangential shot? What about a bullet from the south knoll entering above the right eye and exiting above the right ear?
  9. It's also possible for an exiting piece of lead to leave a smear on bone, right? So a bullet could've entered the left temple or right forehead and exited the right temple?
  10. THE WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS BRANCH SUBJECT: Sequence of Events – 22 November 1963 TO: Commanding Officer, WHCA Following is approximately the sequence of events, as recalled by the undersigned, in Dallas, Texas, 22 November 1963 1. Prior Communications Arrangements: The Dallas White House had been established in the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel, and Communications facilities included a one-position switchboard with 3 dial trunks, 2 LD’s 3 tie lines to the Fort Worth White House Bd, 1 tie line to the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel Bd., 3 extensions to Love Field, 4 extensions to the Dallas Trade Mart (site of the President’s scheduled speech), secure teletype equipment, and radio and phone patch facilities to cover the motorcade. 2. Planned schedule of Events: The undersigned was to cover the President’s arrival at Love Field, and, with the Special WHCA Courier, travel in the motorcade and cover all stops to include the President’s departure from Dallas. SSGT Robert D. Brazell, with six men, were manning the Dallas White House; and seven men, making the Texas circuit aboard the Press Plane, were to remain at Love Field, as they would not be needed in Dallas. A recoding technician, Specialist John Muhlers, was set up and stationed at the Dallas Trade Mart to record the President’s speech and to furnish audio feeds to the various news media. 3. The arrival and Motorcade: Air Force One landed and the President spent some time shaking hands and greeting the large crowd at Love Field. The motorcade then departed for the trip through downtown Dallas and to the Trade Mart. In the WHCA Communications Car were: A telco driver; the undersigned WHCA Advance Officer; the WHCA Courier, Mr. Gearheart; and the Telco special representative (or “Shadow”), Mr. Herb Smith. We were approximately six cars and two (Press and Staff) buses behind the President. The motorcade had just passed the last buildings on the route before entering the freeway to the Trade Mart. The WHCA Communications Car was around two corners from and not in sight of the President’s car. Three explosions were heard, and I thought that they were backfires from vehicles up ahead. Herb Smith remarked that firecrackers were inappropriate for the occasion. Then the USSS Agent riding with the President announced on the FM “Charlie” radio, :Lawson, he’s hit”. The motorcade came to an abrupt halt with one bus and the WHCA car still around two corners from the President. Realizing that emergency communications facilities may be required on the spot, I instructed the driver to get Mr. Gearhart immediately to the vicinity of the President and to keep him there regardless of my own location. I, with the Telco representative, Mr. Smith, then started running toward the scene of the shooting. As we rounded the first corner the motorcade suddenly raced away. I commandeered a police car and instructed the driver to take us immediately to the Parkland Hospital. We arrived short minutes after the President. 4. The Parkland Hospital: The very limited telephone facilities at the hospital were tired up by the members of the Press Pool. I immediately seized all but one line (leaving Merriman Smith on the one most remote from the Emergency Rooms) and established direct circuits to the Signal Board in Washington; the Dallas White House Bd; and to the Signal board via the Dallas and Fort Worth White House Boards. I assigned police officers to guard these phones and instructed the individual Signal Operators in Washington who were on these circuits to handle no other calls, but to guard these lines exclusively. I then ordered six lines in to the hospital from the Dallas White House Board and informed appropriate White House Aides of my actions. I then checked back with the Dallas White House and learned that SSGT Brazell had, on is own initiative, ordered in an additional switchboard position, 3 additional dial trunks, 4 trunks to Washington, and had alerted Telco to the possibility of further TTY facilities being required. I instructed SSGT Brazell to direct for of the seven men (Press Plane Riders) at Love Field to report to me at the hospital, and the other three report to him at the hotel. The six lines to the hospital, the four trunks to Washington, and the additional TTY facilities were cancelled before completion. As the WHCA personnel arrived from Love Field, they replaced the police officers who had been guarding the seized telephone lines. At the appropriate time I instructed Mr. Gearhart to remain with the President Johnson, and they left shortly for Love Field. I remained at the hospital and later went to the field with (the body of) President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy, instructing the WHCA personnel to remain at the hospital until released by the White House Staff personnel who were remaining there a while longer. Meanwhile, I had advised Captain Stoughton, WHCA Photographer, and SP5 Muler (Recording – stationed at the Trade Mart) of President Johnson’s return to Air Force One: enabling Captain Stoughton to be the only photographer aboard when the President took his oath of office. Muler recorded the proceedings, and the tape was returned to Washington via Colonel McNally aboard the Press Plane. ARTHUR W. BALES, JR. CWO USA Trip Officer I'm confused. Why should I think this means a recording was made of the Parkland classroom meeting? Which part?
  11. https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/profile/1013-doug-horne/ Doug actually did make an account here once upon a time, ha
  12. You think it's no big deal that the x-rays happen to show an odd-looking small defect in the forehead at about the same level as the suspicious imagrey in the same area on the autopsy photos, and there happens to be a bunch of tiny bullet fragments crowded around the precise area of that defect? What do you have against the possibility of a temple wound entry or cover-up? The films don't need to be altered to be compatible with one or more small temple wounds. You could also make a case that few or even no witnesses would need to be involved in a cover-up of the temple wound(s) - for example, all sides would probably agree that there was at least a blood clot on the left temple that could've looked somewhat like a bullet hole - multiple witnesses suggested that, including Perry, Jenkins, McClelland, and Father Huber. You also refuse to acknowlege Gene Akin AKA Solomon Ben-Israel as a serious witness, despite the fact that nobody could offer any specific solid reason for accusing him of being crazy or a liar.
  13. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11933#relPageId=12 reprinted in the appendix of PHOTOGRAPHIC WHITEWASH, available on Library Genesis.
  14. Also your link no longer works. Could you use Google Drive?
  15. Also, can you explain the source of that photo of the Sixth Floor window produced by Norman Similas, alleged by Weisberg to have been taken at 12:35, which appeared in Liberty magazine?
  16. I am completing a full inventory of information on Norman Similas. I'm done scouring the Weisberg archives but the story on Similas isn't given a proper closure there. Am I to understand that Similas strung you and Harold Weisberg along with talk to publishing rights, only for him to refuse to speak to you both for the rest of the years until his death?
  17. Thought you were dead for a minute! https://www.knoxnews.com/obituaries/kns053894
  18. I was. I have not abandoned The Case for an Altered Throat Wound, it has only ballooned to 700 pages and I will be retitling it Coersion of Parkland Witnesses - with the sum total of all human knowledge on the possibility of funny business at Parkland. To think it was only a year ago that I told David my manuscript was 250 pages, and he said "I do not know exactly how you made the case for an altered throat wound into 250 pages, but I guess you will tell me". 700 pages (single spaced office program pages) might seem like thoroughness would turn into unreadability, but I'm trying to allow the reader to tell which parts they can skim through if they so choose.
  19. This and the fingerprints may be the best evidence for fabricated evidence. Even better than the medical evidence.
  20. The autopsy photos are worse for custody than CE399.
  21. I wonder if there's a way to find the original of this low-quality copy of LBJ's photo. I know Norman Similas passed away and had a son who in the early 2000's talked to the media. An FBI document claimed that Similas' real name was Norman "Sumilas".
  22. To be fair, few bat an eye at Sibert and O'Neill calling multiple fragments a "missile".
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