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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 5/13/2016 at 11:47 AM, Ron Ecker said:

    The caption in Baker's book does not identify the man, who is not really standing between Nixon and Bush (as it may appear in the cropped photo) but is one of two men standing right behind them. The photo was taken in May 1953, and the man bears a resemblance to a young Jack Ruby.



  2. On 5/13/2016 at 11:21 AM, Craig Carvalho said:

    In reviewing the recorded session of Ruby's lie detector test I was intrigued by the second question during series three... "Did you tell anyone that you where thinking of shooting Oswald before you did it?"

    This question prompted a serious debate which included many of the witnesses present at the time, including Ruby himself. During this back-and-forth, Ruby made this statement which I have highlighted...

    Mr. Specter. Mr. Ruby, I don't want to leave any area of questionableness here or ambiguity---of course, you didn't say in your sleep this, so perhaps we ought to phrase it "Before you went to bed on Saturday night or early Sunday morning did you tell anyone you intended to shoot Oswald?"

    Mr. Ruby. That's right.

    Mr. Herndon. Would you repeat that,

    Mr. Specter. Yes. "Before you went to bed------" What time did you go to bed that night?

    Mr. Ruby. At 1:15 or 1:30, but you must put it specifically--also, whether I received any phone calls from the time I went to bed and the time I arose. Do you follow me? In other words, I could clear myself by answering that question truthfully, but I could have received a phone call in between the time I went to bed and the time I awakened.

    This I believe may be linked to statements which Ruby made in his previous Warren Commission testimony...

    Mr. Ruby. "... There was no one near me when I walked down that ramp, because if you will time the time I sent the money order, I think it was 10:17 Sunday morning. I think the actual act was committed--I take that back--was it 11 o'clock? You should know this.

    Mr. Moore. 11: 21.

    Mr. Ruby. No; when Oswald was shot.

    Mr. Moore. I understood it to be 11:22.

    Mr. Ruby. The clock stopped and said 11:21. I was watching on that thing; yes. Then it must have been 11:17, closer to 18. That is the timing when I left the Western Union to the time of the bottom of the ramp.


    Mr. Rankin. There was a conversation with Mr. Sorrels in which you told him about the matter. Do you remember that?

    Mr. Ruby. The only thing I ever recall I said to Mr. Ray Hall and Sorrels was, I said, "Being of Jewish faith, I wanted to show my love for my President and his lovely wife." After I said whatever I said, then a statement came out that someone introduced Mr. Sorrels to me and I said, "What are you, a newsman?" Or something to that effect. Which is really--what I am trying to say is, the way it sounded is like I was looking for publicity and inquiring if you are a newsman, I wanted to see you.
    But I am certain--I don't recall definitely, but I know in my right mind, because I know my motive for doing it, and certainly to gain publicity to take a chance of being mortally wounded, as I said before, and who else could have timed it so perfectly by seconds. If it were timed that way, then someone in the police department is guilty of giving the information as to when Lee Harvey Oswald was coming down.


    From all of the testimony I have read so far, Jack Ruby is, by far, given the most latitude, deference and freedom to direct the questioning.

  3. On 1/15/2007 at 7:22 AM, Greg Parker said:

    Bill, Huffaker was an army reservist based at Fort Hood. That, coupled with his career in the media may indicate he was working military intelligence. His name was appears on a DPD list of people believed to hold information on a Ruby-Oswald connection. Others on the list included Pixie Lynn and George Butler. You can find what PL and GB had in that regard (PL supposedly told a barman that Ruby ad Oswald were attending gay parties - GB claimed he had info indicating Oswald was Ruby's bastard son) but all you'll ffind when looking for what Huffaker had to say is a report saying THAT report was already filed.

  4. I've been trying to track a few characters down between 8AM on 11-22 and 8PM on 11-23. Given the testimony I have read, I have to question the presence of Jack Ruby at the late Friday night press conference. We have about 3 photos, and a claim that Ruby was the one who corrected a police official, while being filmed, about the correct name for the FPCC.

    I want to ask the ladies and gentlemen of the forum, especially the photo analysis experts, what do you make of this photo. I'll post three of the same, with different contrasts.

    ***edit   I would have uploaded three, larger, better pics but sometimes the forum software does not allow me to do that. So, if you are inclined, please download  a larger, better pic and have a look-see. Thanks!



  5. On 6/29/2015 at 1:54 AM, David G. Healy said:

    a "fantasy film" that has kept nutters and trolls running in circles for 25 years...

    A film which was based on book written by the prosecutor of a court case, that was handed up for an indictment by a grand jury, and prosecuted by an elected District Attourney. That DA served 4 more years before being elected to a judgeship which he held for 14'years until his death.


    On 2/6/2017 at 5:39 PM, David Josephs said:

    1st - the original was a 16mm film and only Rollie Zavada concluded it was split  Both Dino at NPIC and Max Phillips discuss 8mm films.  Only Homer talks about working on a 16mm unslit original which in turn created the briefing boards that match the extent film.

    The original was a double-8 film. Not 16mm.

    I believe that I read, on this forum, that the original double 8, went to Chicago on the night of the 22. At that time it was split between the A and B sides, duplicated, spliced back together, and then originals, dups, whatever, were forwarded on to Washington and Dallas (possibly one to Rochester?). Part of the story is that it was in Chicago, or Rochester, where a technician dropped it on the floor and damaged it. 

    Sorry I don't have the source for you right now.

    Anyroads, no one, including the WC should be accepting testimony from Zapruder as to where copies went after the moment he handed them off. That is absurd. He cannot testify to the chain of posession once he hands them off.


    Cheers, Mike

  7. It will be interesting to watch Trump bear such decisions. Without having done any research into the matter it has looked to me as if he has largely avoided such situations. Prior to his political debut, am not aware of any collusion with the Mafia, connection with dark political forces or deep political or economic scandal. He has rushed head-long into actions which would demonstrate his desire fulfill promises made to his base. He now has to kill Muslims to do that. It will be interesting see how he judges the pairing of the blood of innocent people with a Whopper and fries.

  8. 1 minute ago, Paul Trejo said:


    To the very best of my knowledge, the pending records release includes each and every document still withheld -- including WC documents, FBI documents, CIA documents and Dallas local documents.

    If the US Government doesn't release them all, as I read the JFK Records Act, they must give a good explanation for their continued withholding.

    --Paul Trejo

    Thank you!

  9. 12 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Correct.  Not only Jim Garrison in 1967, but also the entire US Congress in 1977, through the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) failed to get Oswald's Tax Records.


    I am one of those optimists who believes that because of this Presidential Act, that the JFK records will finally be released; including Oswald's Tax Records.

    --Paul Trejo

    Paul, Do you know if the pending records release includes WC documents?

  10. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - The article you posted suggests that IB Hale, the dad, who was chairman of General Dynamics, was behind the break-in of Exner's pad by his sons because he was trying (successfully according to Hersh) to blackmail RFK into helping GD get a defense contract. This would appear to have nothing to do with Monroe's death two days later. 

    Perhaps you were speed-reading Paul. The article mentions Bobby Hale, as one of the burglars, in the same paragraph that it also mentions Kennedy.

    Eexner and Monroe were both purported lovers of JFK. I don't see the AG, RFK, being the one being blackmailed regarding defense and aerospace contracts. The implication is that the Aerospace connected FBI agent's sons were unmolested by an FBI agent who witnessed them break into the home of one of JFK' lovers, two days before another of JFK's lovers was suicided in the same jurisdiction.

    Also, other accounts have Robert Hale murdering Connally's daughter, as opposed to suiciding her.

  11. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - The article you posted suggests that IB Hale, the dad, who was chairman of General Dynamics, was behind the break-in of Exner's pad by his sons because he was trying (successfully according to Hersh) to blackmail RFK into helping GD get a defense contract. This would appear to have nothing to do with Monroe's death two days later. 


    "Citing unreleased FBI documents, Hersh writes that Bobby joined his twin brother, Billy, in breaking into the Los Angeles apartment of Judith Exner, a woman who later acknowledged having an affair with Kennedy. An FBI agent observed the break-in on Aug. 7, 1962, but made no attempt to arrest the Hale boys, according to Hersh.

    In the book, Hersh speculates that the break-in was part of a successful attempt by the Hales' father, I.B., then chief of security at General Dynamics, to blackmail Kennedy into giving the company a major defense contract."


    The article says "Kennedy". I presume that to mean JFK. It's an attempt to dig dirt on JFK, not RFK, assuming it did happen. 

    I'm not averse to drawing attention to unbelievably uncanny circumstances like this. If  I were presenting serious research, I would present it as such.

    Another uncanny circumstance.... Fred Korth, Secretery of the Navy following John Connally, having been previously been CEO of Bell Aerospace, resigned....

     "... as Secretary of the Navy. In 1969 he was elected to the board of OKC Corporation in Dallas. Later that year Fred Korth's daughter Verita Korth, supposedly killed herself with a 20 gauge shotgun."





  12. "Citing unreleased FBI documents, Hersh writes that Bobby joined his twin brother, Billy, in breaking into the Los Angeles apartment of Judith Exner, a woman who later acknowledged having an affair with Kennedy. An FBI agent observed the break-in on Aug. 7, 1962, but made no attempt to arrest the Hale boys, according to Hersh."

    Marylin Monroe would die, in Los Angeles, 2 days later.

    Robert Hale died in an Anchorage, Alaska jail in May of 2008.






  13. 8 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Many thanks for your review of the sworn WC testimony of Dallas Postmaster Harry Holmes, whom I regard as one of the JFK conspirators,


    It was merely Harry Holmes' faulty recollection of the DPD affidavits of DPD officer Marrion Baker and TSBD superintendent Roy Truly.

    --Paul Trejo

    Thanks Paul, I am glad you found it interesting.

    To be sure, I don't necessarily believe anything I have implied or asserted in my analysis and reconstruction. I did detect what I felt were oddities. My interpretation and reconstruction was a quick breakdown and reshuffle. It was more of an excercise to demonstrate how it could be re-presented rather than assert how it should be re-presented.

    It is, admittedly, convenient when you are working with a purported work of non-fiction that, overall, you deem to be fiction.

    Rgarding liars and conspirators... In my book, nearly everyone gets a pass unless scrutinized and dealt with individually; fear and darkness of the most absolute kind were working in the background at that time.



  14. 2 minutes ago, Alistair Briggs said:

    Ok, might have been a different officer. No problems there.

    What kind of time after the shots are you putting on the officer/Truly encounter on the steps?

    Alistair, I have to say that I am not inclined to drill down into the counting of seconds. I also try to avoid photo analysis. I just offered this up to be picked apart. I won't try to defend it.

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