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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Well, do let us know how the "intel-state" deposed Trump, Ben, if you are ever in the mood to defend your (above) assertion. I was under the impression that he was voted out of office by the American people. Trump's multi-decade business funding by Russian oligarchs, and his bizarre, obsequious relationship with Putin is a separate issue. Incidentally, it looks like the felonious former Kremlin agent, Paul Manafort, is consulting for the Trump campaign again this year, after Trump pardoned Manafort and sprung him from life in prison. One thing I'll say for Manafort-- he never ratted Trump out. As he told Rick Gates, privately, during the Mueller investigation, "We'll be taken care of."
  2. That's a non sequitur, Ben. My question was about your claim that Trump was deposed by the "intel-state."
  3. Huh? What was the popular vote count in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, Ben? Are you aware that many voters in Southern states had to stand in line for hours to vote Trump out of office? Next question. Did you also miss Steve Bannon's confession about Trump planning, before November of 2020, to claim that the 2020 election was "stolen?"
  4. Well, we could probably all use a little comic relief this week. I hope Lee Greenwood doesn't sue... 😂
  5. Jeffrey Sachs: Donald Trump is the worst president in our history, in my lifetime May 10, 2020 Editor's note: The United States has a strong economy, first-class healthcare and experts, but it has been the worst performing country in the fight against COVID-19, with one third of the world's infected people living in the United States. Why does the world's most powerful government behave so badly? Jeffrey D. Sachs, professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University shares his ideas with CGTN in a Skype interview. The following are some quotes from the interview. They reflect the interviewee's opinion, and not necessarily the views of CGTN. Unfortunately, in my part of the world, we didn't take seriously the threat of the coronavirus. Maybe there wasn't enough experience, because of SARS impacting China and the other countries of Asia and the Pacific more intensively and more psychologically. Europe and the United States were unprepared. But even after it became known how dangerous this is, the United States leadership has been completely incompetent. Trump is unable to have a logical approach to this, and unfortunately his government is filled with corrupt business people, who are in the government not because of their talent or their experience or their expertise, but because they want to make money from the government. And they are professionally what we call lobbyists. They spend their time trying to get money out of government contracts, and our political system became very corrupt. And the experts were either thrown out, or suppressed, or kept away, and then we elected a president who is unfortunately completely incompetent. So, every day the deaths are now rising, 2000 or more a day. We don't have a national policy until this moment. Every day I say in the U.S.: "Look at what China accomplished, look at what Korea accomplished, look at what Vietnam accomplished. Look at what New Zealand and Australia accomplished. They speak English too, they're like us, why don't we learn from them?" But because of our very poor politics and incompetent leadership, we're not learning from the successes of other countries, and the epidemic continues and its very dangerous. And Trump is especially dangerous, because he incites bad behavior. He tells people "go out, don't listen to the warnings of the experts!" It's incredible irresponsibility by a national leader. In my experience, he's the worst president in our history, certainly in my lifetime. So this is a very bad situation. We need countries to learn from each other. China after all did something amazing. Even after the epidemic had spread and was very dangerous, China got it under control, which is a remarkable experience. Some public health experts believed it would not be possible to contain an epidemic once it was out of control, but China proved that it is possible to do it with COVID-19. But we should learn how, rather than just making attacks, or being in the silly season of politics when so many people are dying. I've never seen anything like it in the U.S. experience. Expert: Donald Trump is the worst president in our history, in my lifetime — Jeffrey D. Sachs (jeffsachs.org)
  6. From the Denver Post... P.S. Colfax & Garfield is in a liberal, mixed race neighborhood near Denver City Park. I'm guessing these two MAGA ladies drove down here from Highlands Ranch. .... Around 8:20 a.m. Thursday, one man in Denver’s Congress Park neighborhood spotted two white women putting up the sign at the bus stop at Colfax and Garfield. “It was one of those things where you know something is out of place, but you don’t know what’s going on,” Congress Park resident Greg Bell said. Bell said he passed the two women — who were carrying a white stepladder and trash bags he believes were holding the signs — as he made his way into a nearby grocery store. Minutes later, he saw the pair setting up the stepladder in front of the bus stop and one woman climbing onto it while holding a white, metal sign.
  7. Yes, they walk among us... 🙄 Denver Working to Take Down Anti-Harris Signs Put Up Around The City: 'Horrible And Racist Images' Source: MEDIAite Aug 30th, 2024, 10:09 am Officials in Denver found several signs bolted to bus stops across the city that Colorado Governor Jared Polis (D) described as including “horrible and racist images” and vowed to have them taken down immediately. The signs carried anti-Kamala Harris and anti-migrant messaging related to the 2024 presidential election. Polis put out a statement saying, “There is no room for hate in our state — these horrible and racist images – funded by unknown groups- are meant to stoke fear and hate in our communities. I thank Denver Police for working quickly to end the defacement of public property and thank our Department of Public Safety for reaching out to Denver Police to assist. Coloradans reject this hate-fueled rhetoric and we won’t tolerate it — our fight to build a Colorado for All continues.” Local media in Colorado noted that “similar signs were found at Chicago Transit Authority bus stops.” Denver’s Regional Transportation District (RTD), which runs the city’s buses, also put out a statement blasting the metal signs, saying, “RTD strongly condemns the hateful, discriminatory message portrayed by the signs,” the agency said in a release. “There is no place for racism or discrimination at RTD or within the communities we serve. The signs do not reflect the organization’s adopted values or promote a welcoming transit environment for all, nor should such vile messaging be tolerated or supported by anyone.” Read more: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/denver-working-to-take-down-anti-harris-signs-put-up-around-the-city-horrible-and-racist-images/
  8. Trump’s secret Arlington Cemetery plan Kevin Drum August 29, 2024 Josh Marshall says that Donald Trump's campaign event at Arlington Cemetery was even worse than you think: Is this true? Josh doesn't cite a source, which was obviously deliberate. I wonder why? On the other hand, it sure sounds like something Trump would do, doesn't it? The Trump team's response to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar has been pure Trump: Attack, attack, and attack harder. A Trump spokesperson berated the Arlington official who asked them to stop as having a "mental health episode." After the Army defended her, a Trump campaign advisor blasted them as a bunch of "hacks." Trump himself posted a campaign video of the event and then insisted that it wasn't a campaign event and that it was he who had been mistreated. And J.D. Vance furiously told Kamala Harris to "go to hell" even though she hadn't said anything. Welcome to another day in the Trump campaign.
  9. Jim, I would not classify your scholarly posts about the JFK Records -- and those of Larry Schnapf and Bill Simpich--with the numerous, redundant, politicized posts of Ben Cole on the subject during the past year. And now we have Trumpster, Gil Jesus, doing the same thing that Ben Cole has done, repeatedly. Forum administrator Mark Knight recently consolidated all of the politicized threads about the JFK Records on a separated Education Forum board, but some members here keep starting duplicate threads. Just my two cents. P.S. When Trump said recently that he wanted Jesus to count the votes in California, was he referring to Gil Jesus?
  10. Exactly right, Denny. This thread was started as a MAGA thread, by a Trump fan. Of course, it's political! So are the dozens of other redundant threads on this subject that have been started here during the past year, mainly by one person. The premise is that we should ignore all of the other critical issues at stake in the 2024 election, in order to re-elect for the corrupt, dishonest J6 Insurrectionist who now says that he might release the JFK records that he refused to release in 2017 and 2018. Makes perfect sense.
  11. Did Gil write that Trump-fluffing tripe, or cut-and-paste it from a MAGA propaganda mill? There's a lot of this kind of stuff being cranked out by writers at the MAGA mills-- including the Russian t-r-o-l-l factories.
  12. Doug, I certainly, hope that the Secret Service, and others, are evaluating the possibility that a Russian weapon could be used against Vice President Harris. I have known one prominent person, in particular, who was victimized by the KGB circa 2000. Putin is capable of anything. He used to run KGB ops out of Dresden, after graduating from the Yuri Andropov Institute, and his father worked for Stalin's NKVD Destruction Brigades during WWII.
  13. Yeah, Joe, Tucker Carlson deserves credit for bringing the right-wing MAGA cult into the JFKA Truth fold-- as we discussed here, ad nauseum, after it happened. (Most of these guys still haven't figured out that JFK was the political antithesis of Donald Trump and his white nationalist cult.) And Tucker and RFK, Jr. managed to do it while, simultaneously, blaming Mike Pompeo, instead of Donald Trump, for blocking the scheduled release of the JFK Records in 2017 and 2018-- quite the MAGA public relations trick! This latest Trump-fluffing by the disgraced Kennedy, RFK, Jr., is also consistent with RFK, Jr.'s latest frantic efforts to delete his old anti-Trump tweets. It's like something you'd see in a dysfunctional, alcoholic family. RFK, Jr. is now pretending, with his newly adopted MAGA family, that Trump hasn't been a felonious disaster.
  14. Steve, Peaches & Herb need to record a song about this-- "Re-indicted, and It Feels So Good!" 🤥
  15. Fortunately, it looks like some journalists in the mainstream U.S. media are now trying to educate the public about Trump's, "Afghanistan-Is-Biden's-Fault," psy op. Unfortunately, people in the Trump cult will never hear the straight story on Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, et.al. Donald Trump sidesteps role in Afghanistan withdrawal to target Kamala Harris (thehill.com) August 28, 2024 Afghanistan withdrawal haunts Biden and Harris as another general raises the alarm about Trump | CNN Politics August 27, 2024 Donald Trump Holds Responsibility for Afghanistan Withdraw, Ex-Adviser Says - Newsweek August 26, 2024
  16. I'm posting this "Untold History" article for Gil Jesus, and others, who have been duped by the latest Donald Trump/J.D. Vance public relations scam blaming Biden for the collapse of Afghanistan. What happened at Arlington National Cemetery was merely the tip of the iceberg. US general says Afghanistan collapse rooted in Trump-Taliban deal | Taliban News | Al Jazeera September 30, 2021
  17. Trump Shares Crude Sexual Remark About Kamala Harris August 28, 2024 at 5:39 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard “Donald Trump used his social-media website on Wednesday to amplify a crude remark about Vice President Kamala Harris that suggested Ms. Harris traded sexual favors to help her political career,” the New York Times reports. “The post, by another user on Truth Social, was an image of Ms. Harris and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump’s opponent in 2016. The text read: ‘Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently.'” “Mr. Trump’s repost was the second time in 10 days that the former president shared content from his personal account making sexually oriented attacks on Ms. Harris.”
  18. It looks like Trump and his sales team are doubling down on Trump's false propaganda trope about Afghanistan-- blaming Biden for Trump's surrender to the Taliban and withdrawal of U.S. troops, prior to Biden's Inauguration. JD Vance's latest bs is being pitched right after Trump's sleazy Arlington photo op. My hunch is that Faux News is also pushing this bogus Trump narrative. 'She can go to hell': Vance blasts Harris over Afghanistan withdrawal in harshest rhetoric yet (msn.com)
  19. Trump Shares Crude Sexual Remark About Kamala Harris August 28, 2024 at 5:39 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard “Donald Trump used his social-media website on Wednesday to amplify a crude remark about Vice President Kamala Harris that suggested Ms. Harris traded sexual favors to help her political career,” the New York Times reports. “The post, by another user on Truth Social, was an image of Ms. Harris and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump’s opponent in 2016. The text read: ‘Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently.'” “Mr. Trump’s repost was the second time in 10 days that the former president shared content from his personal account making sexually oriented attacks on Ms. Harris.”
  20. Greg, I listened very carefully to Kamala Harris's acceptance speech in Chicago, including her comments about the Gaza genocide, to see if there was any daylight between her views and what I view as Biden's worst policy failure as a POTUS--colluding in Netanyahu's ethnic cleansing of Gaza. I was relieved to hear Kamala's unmistakable expression of empathy for the plight of the displaced, starving Palestinian population of Gaza. (She prefaced those comments with a forceful statement about supporting Israel's right to defend itself from terrorism.) Her position sounds close to that of Bernie Sanders and progressive Democrats. My hunch is that Kamala privately shares Barack Obama's well-known disapproval of Netanyau's genocidal contempt for Arabs. It's something that she has in common with JFK. Hopefully, the Kamala critics on this thread (foreign and domestic) will eventually take the time to educate themselves about her actual statements, before presuming to tell us where she stands on Gaza. I'm not holding my breath.
  21. Very interesting stuff, Bill. Thanks for posting this. I need to learn more about corn, and other food, allergies. (Never studied the subject in medical school!) We just learned this summer that my youngest daughter (28) has celiac disease-- gluten intolerance. Blew my mind. (My wife and I both, subsequently, tested negative for celiac disease.) Astonishing that Indo-Europeans still have recessive genes for gluten intolerance 5,000+ years after the Neolithic era domestication of wheat, barley, and rye in Mesopotamia! As for corn, if I recall correctly, (from Jared Diamond's terrific book, Guns, Germs, and Steel) corn (maize) is indigenous to the Americas, and was domesticated and developed most ingeniously, by the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs. I need to look up the Indo-European population prevalence of corn intolerance.
  22. Nice try, Rigby, but do let us know where Belton got any of her facts wrong in Putin's People. Good luck with that. The book is well documented. I should mention that I have had some direct knowledge of FSB activity in the 21st century Putin era. Your credibility on the subject is greatly undermined by your conspicuous silence about Putin's war crimes in Ukraine during the past 30 months.
  23. Matt, I noticed this morning that journalists in the mainstream media failed to report on the full Arlington story. Coverage focused solely on Trump's goons clashing with the Arlington cemetery staff. The larger story is Trump's planned public relations stunt blaming Biden for the Afghanistan debacle that Trump triggered by surrendering to the Taliban and abruptly withdrawing the U.S. military from Afghanistan before Biden's 2021 Inauguration.
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