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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Ben, I'm responding to your post in red (below.) Ben Cole wrote: You are justified in hosting reservations and doubts about the true perps of the JFKA. While some people claim to know what exactly happened on 11/22, down to minute physical details as well as the true perps...in the end, every one of these points remains legitimately debatable. Who are these people, Ben? While it is relatively easy to debunk the WCR/Lone Nut theory of the JFKA, it is a far more complicated matter to find and place all of the missing pieces of the JFKA jigsaw puzzle, especially since the perpetrators were so diligent about hiding and destroying the evidence (including numerous key witnesses.) And you won't find much reference to JFK's extraordinarily inflammatory and bellicose Orange Bowl speech---vowing regime change in Cuba and installation of the BoP operatives in a new government in Havana---in the books by Douglass and Wiesak. That is not their JFK! Yet it is also the historical JFK. Have you even read Douglass's and Wiesak's excellent books, Ben? As in the case of Lincoln, and other politicians, it's important to distinguish between their true policy positions and their public pronouncements in politicized contexts. Lincoln often dissembled about his private opposition to slavery, to avoid alienating slave owners in Border states. (See The Fiery Trial by Eric Foner.) Similarly, JFK and RFK were quite familiar with Red Scare paranoia. In the case of the Orange Bowl speech, JFK was speaking to a community of Cuban Americans who were enraged about Allen Dulles's botched Bay of Pigs op. It was political damage control. Those two books are nearly lyrical hagiographies of JFK, presented through a rose-tinted alt-left lens. They are attempts to harness the JFK legacy to certain present-day political biases. Again. How would you know, if you haven't read the books? Douglass, at points, waxes in near-evangelical terms about certain witnesses, and asserts that an LHO double was exfiltrated from near Dealey Plaza C-47 on 11/22 using a river-wash bed near downtown Dallas. Based on a single witness statement, but Douglass explains the exfiltration as fact. That is typical Douglass. Another lady said she saw Jack Ruby near the TSBD in the aftermath of the JFKA, and so that is presented as a Truth, with some mystical references to higher powers. And so on. Huh? That is the most nonsensical misinterpretation of Douglass's profound work I've read anywhere. There are theological references to Thomas Merton and Roman Catholicism in Douglass, but their relevance to JFK's geopolitical vision has, obviously, sailed way over your head, Ben. Douglass does discuss the Wayne January/Redbird data, including January's claim that Oswald had visited Redbird prior to 11/22/63. Wiesak's presentation of Middle East events is shot through with grotesque historic errors. I wonder who financed her book. Which errors are those, Ben? Specify. I hope you're not basing your erroneous concepts on the MIC propagandist, Griffith. Back on point, after reading both books, you will no closer to getting to the bottom of the JFKA than otherwise, and possibly misled a bit by Douglass' book. It may be that elites organized the JFKA, as posited by Douglass and many others. Complete bunk. People can learn a great deal about the CIA-suppressed history of JFK from both of these great books. But that is speculative, and it may also be the JFKA was perped out of the JMWave Miami Station, and Cuban exile community---the very same group JFK was robustly demagoguing in the Orange Bowl. And did JMWave and the Cubans also handle the sham Bethesda autopsy, the mainstream media narrative, the FBI, the Warren Commission, and the comprehensive cover up of the JFKA? Other serious researchers have built explanations of the JFKA as perped by the Mafia. They were CIA contractors, as Giancana openly admitted. IMHO, it is less likely that Castro operatives in the US perped the JFKA. My reason for being skeptical of the Castro-JFKA connection are many, but the follow-up siamese-twin RFK1A, and indeed even the Scott Enyart photo negatives heist of 1996, point to a domestic organization with institutional staying power and resources, based in the US. It's called the CIA, Ben. However, to give your view fair hearing, it can be said that after several US-based assassination attempts on Castro, some conducted during the JFK presidency, in some regards Castro would have been justified in trying to return the favor. If Castro listened to JFK's Orange Bowl late 1962 speech, he heard JFK vow to have Castro removed from office, and likely the island entirely, if not from life itself. One can legitimately ponder Castro's reaction to JFK's saber-rattling and bald threats. Castro, surely, knew that JFK and Kruschev had negotiated a peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis. That included agreements to curtail CIA black ops against Cuba. Castro also knew that JFK had refused TWICE to attack Cuba with the U.S. military-- in April of 1961, and in October of 1962. He probably interpreted the Orange Bowl speech as political damage control.
  2. Pat, You get an "F" in both Physics and Human Anatomy. Einstein used to say, "If you can't explain it straightforwardly, you probably don't understand it." So, let me help you out. This isn't rocket science. According to Newton's Law of Conservation of Momentum, the fatal bullet was traveling on a trajectory that was roughly similar to the trajectory of JFK's head after the violent collision-- i.e. backward and to the left. So, it was fired from the front and right of the limo, and had to strike the anterior surface of JFK's head. The motion was instantaneous, not de-cerebrate. But the only anterior wounds visible on the cadaver photo are JFK's throat wound and what appears to be a bullet entry wound in the right upper forehead (based on my observations of entry wounds in medical ERs.) If you see another wound on his anterior head, please let us know.
  3. Nonsense. It's an honest, serious question about Mr. Litwin's recent career focus on attacking JFKA researchers. I noticed in September of 2018 that Mr. Litwin had a successful background in sales and marketing, prior to writing his book attacking JFK researchers as "conspiracy freaks." His book appeared to be a variation on the old CIA propaganda trope demeaning Warren Commission critics as kooky "conspiracy theorists." His book was reviewed here on the Education Forum at the time. (See Litwin's September 2018 thread, "I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak.")
  4. Pat, Answer my question. Where did the bullet that knocked JFK's head violently backward and to the left strike his head? Show us on the photo I posted of JFK's face (above.)
  5. Geez... Unreal... 🙄 Moral indignation from the Yuri Andropov Institute-educated psychopath who has been launching rockets into residential buildings and communities in Ukraine since February of 2022? Honestly, I wish they would negotiate a peaceful end to this disastrous Ukrainian war, but I also think Putin should be hanged for war crimes.
  6. Huh? Says the guy who has been repeatedly busted for misrepresenting what the Parkland physicians actually said about the large exit wound at the back of JFK's head? That's rich. Under the circumstances, why should anyone trust your assertions about what Parkland physicians said about entry wounds? What I said (above) is that I see no evidence in the photo of JFK's corpse of a facial exit wound, but I do see what certainly resembles a right upper forehead entry wound in the photo. Secondly, we all know, from the Z film, that a frontal head shot knocked JFK's head violently backward and to the left. Tell us where the bullet which knocked JFK's head violently backward and to the left struck his head. Don't duck the question. Your answer goes here: ____________________________________________________________________________
  7. I was expecting a response where Pat Speer advised us to ignore the evidence of our own eyes. And, voila, there it is... Nothing to see here, folks. Move along now. And pay no attention to Dr. Chesser's analysis of the bullet fragmentation proving that the forehead shot came from the front. 🙄
  8. During ballistic testing, a Carcano shot fired from the TSBD blew off the right half of the cadaver's face.
  9. Karl, I don't want you and Paul Rigby to get overly depressed, but check out the crowds at Vice President Kamala Harris's recent campaign rallies in the U.S. Putin must be soiling himself. Are your right wing "news" sources in Innsbruck covering this stuff? And these are not your usual Donald Trump/Joseph Goebbels-style narrow-angle crowd photos either. Obviously, many Americans don't want a Trump Fourth Reich. Philadelphia Atlanta Phoenix
  10. Pat, Have you ever seen a dead guy with a gunshot entry wound in his forehead? Get out your reading glasses and study this photo more carefully. There is no facial exit wound-- which we would expect to see if Oswald had shot JFK from the TSBD-- correct? Now. Look closely. Do you see the entry wound in the right upper forehead? Dr. Chesser's analysis of the bullet fragmentation (in the lateral skull x-rays) proves that the bullet was travelling posteriorly after striking JFK's forehead. Ergo, JFK was shot in the forehead by a sniper positioned in front and to the right of the limo.
  11. Kevin, Have you read JFK and the Unspeakable, by James Douglass, or Monika Wiesak's book, America's Last President? Two essential classics about JFK history.
  12. He knew that JFK was trying to curtail CIA black ops against Cuba, after October of 1962, and that JFK wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Havana.
  13. Sure thing. And Newton's Laws of Motion don't matter either, eh? Now that you have professed yourself a solipsist, it all makes sense, Pat. There is no such thing as knowledge?? On the other hand, Gerry Down seems to think that the entry wound visible on JFK's forehead (above) is an exit wound. In the World According to Gerry, the assassin must have been crouching down in the grass across the street from the Grassy Knoll, firing a shot toward the picket fence.
  14. No motive. JFK was the man who, fortunately, prevented the Joint Chiefs from bombing Cuba back to the Stone Age in October of 1962. We later learned that, at the time, there were 50 Soviet nukes in Cuba trained on U.S. cities. So, JFK's fundamental humanism saved the entire planet from a nuclear holocaust on my brother's 7th birthday.
  15. Pat, I've studied Dr. Chesser's analysis of the bullet fragments, and find it quite conclusive-- speaking as a physician who has dissected a human skull. I've also seen patients in ERs with gunshot wounds to the head. I know what an entry wound to the forehead looks like. As for the Lone Nut ballistics mythology, can you and Gerry Down kindly show us JFK's facial exit wound here? A bullet fired from the TSBD and entering JFK's posterior skull would have blown off the right half of his face. This was demonstrated in ballistics testing on a cadaver with a rifle shot from the TSBD. I see JFK's right forehead entry wound here, but where's your alleged facial exit wound?
  16. Robert, Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, was, apparently, the Godfather of modern propaganda. I read his book, Propaganda, several years ago. Allegedly, it was one of Joseph Goebbel's favorite books. Propaganda: Edward Bernays, Mark Crispin Miller: 8601404243394: Amazon.com: Books If I recall correctly, Bernays was involved in Woodrow Wilson's WWI propaganda campaign to promote public support for Wilson's 1917 decision to enter WWI. (Ironically, Wilson was re-elected in November of 1916 with the slogan, "He Kept Us Out of the War.") Bernay's was also involved in a great deal of 20th century corporate advertising, while actively encouraging the Captains of Industry in the U.S. to warn the American public about communism.
  17. Total nonsense. The fatal bullet struck JFK in the upper right forehead, blasting brain matter and his occipital skull (Harper) fragment backward behind the limo, and knocking his head and body violently back and to the left, as seen in the Zapruder film. Dr. Michael Chesser has proven, by analysis of the bullet fragments in the skull x-rays, that the frontal bullet was moving posteriorly after striking JFK in the forehead.
  18. Castro was quite distraught when he heard the news about JFK's assassination. In fact, he was remarkably prescient in his declaration that JFK had probably been assassinated by Cold War hawks in the U.S. military industrial complex. The ludicrous notion that Castro was involved in the JFK assassination has long been consigned to the garbage bin of history.
  19. Same difference, Kevin. Operation Mockingbird was run by Cord Meyer and the CIA, as we learned from William Colby's testimony to the Church Committee. Most of the Founding Fathers of the CIA were OSS men in WWII, and they were remarkably knowledgeable about psychological ops, and Edward Bernays' pioneering propaganda techniques-- Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Phillip Graham, Cord Meyer, Ed Lansdale, et.al.
  20. Ben, This is, precisely, why critical thinking about disinformation is so important. For example, where is the missing 5x7 cm. occipital Harper fragment in the fraudulent Bethesda x-ray? Additionally, an occipital entry wound blew off the right half of a cadaver's face on ballistic testing, knocking the head violently forward-- the precise opposite of what is seen on the Z film. Keven Hofeling went to the trouble of extensively documenting the facts about this on the recent "Disinformation" thread. Unfortunately, the WCR salesmen respond to the facts by endlessly repeating the WCR disinformation.
  21. Matt, IMO, there are a lot of heavily-armed MAGA guys out there, especially in rural, white counties. I just spent a week in a remote mountain town here where I saw cadres of "rednecks" driving around in ATVs and UTVs with yellow "Don't Tread On Me" flags. My brother-in-law (ex-Army Ranger) was also up there at his cabin, and he described similar MAGA guys living in his community in Arizona. As he tells it, most of them own Glocks, AR-15s and expensive military gear-- including night vision goggles, sniper scopes, etc. Creepy stuff. If a civil war breaks out, IMO, a lot will depend on what the U.S. military guys do. Interestingly, based on his experiences in the Rangers, my brother-in-law thinks that the numerous black and Hispanic guys in the U.S. military will balk at supporting a white racist MAGA insurrection. He described two platoons of soldiers during his basic training that were comprised almost entirely of Mexican American guys from L.A. and New Mexico.
  22. Good post, Keven. I would add that neurologist, Dr. Michael Chesser, has also proven by analysis of the distribution of the bullet fragments in the skull X-rays that the frontal bullet struck JFK in the forehead-- moving posteriorly. That is, of course, consistent with the violent retrograde motion of JFK's head during the fatal head shot that blew off the back of his skull (i.e., the Harper fragment.) P.S. I happen to agree with your comments about "cognitive infiltration" of "conspiracy theory" forums by people working for the U.S. government. It's a concept popularized by Cass Sunstein. I started a thread here a few years ago (?) about Sunstein's "Cognitive Infiltration" proposal.
  23. No animus on my part, Ben. I'm simply interested in bona fide education vs. disinformation. Disinformation promotes ignorance-- the opposite of education. Weren't you once a critic of CIA Operation Mockingbird? As for the sham Bethesda autopsy vs. the Parkland medical testimony, does anyone on the forum seriously doubt that the JFK assassination evidence was aggressively suppressed and altered from Day One? It has taken years of hard work by dedicated, independent researchers to bring the true facts about JFK's assassination to light.
  24. David, Do you know what the occiput is? Surely, you don't think the 5x7 cm Harper fragment was an entrance wound, do you? And, yes, the Parkland docs saw extravasated cerebellum in the exit wound. Hume didn't even mention the cerebellum in his sham Bethesda autopsy report.
  25. Back and to the left, indeed. I wonder how DVP's mythical Lone Nut paradigm explains that one. Is DVP using the Luis Alvarez Cellophane-Wrapped Melon Propulsion Model? If I recall correctly, a Carcano shot fired from the TSBD blew off the right half of a cadaver's face, knocking the head violently forward.
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