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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. I suppose that nothing should shock me when it comes to Donald Trump's lifelong evasion and obstruction of justice, but this one shocks me. I'm not a lawyer but, surely, this ruling doesn't pass the sniff test, does it? Even Bill Barr said that there was no reasonable case for the appointment of a Special Master.
  2. Jonathan, I wasn't using quotation marks, but merely paraphrasing John Pic's claims about not recognizing Oswald as his younger brother. What is your opinion about "Harvey" Oswald's alleged ability to read and discuss Turgenev and Dostoevsky in Russian? It, certainly, struck me as something quite unusual for a formerly dyslexic Texas teenager who dropped out of high school at a young age to join the Marines. I can't picture Lee Oswald reading and discussing the philosophical musings of Ivan Karamazov in Russian! Are you familiar with Armstrong's discussion of that subject?
  3. Chris, Since you have mentioned Mearsheimer again, I'm re-posting Princeton historian Stephen Kotkin's explicit disagreement with Mearsheimer's opinions about Russia, NATO, and the current Ukraine crisis. (We discussed this six months ago, and I'm rolling the rock back up the hill.) As an aside, I just finished reading Mikhail Bulgakov's 1925 novel, The White Guard, about the Ukrainian civil war in 1918. Ukrainian nationalists were fighting Russians a century ago. Sadly, there's a lot of bad blood there, which Putin has taken to a whole new level.
  4. I want to point out that this glib, inaccurate post by Jeremy Boczjuck offers nothing of real value to our discussion here of Armstrong's Oswald research. It also includes a deliberate misquotation attributed to an Education Forum member, and an inaccurate statement about John Pic's testimony that he didn't recognize his brother Lee as the child in the Bronx Zoo photo. There's too much of this kind of nonsense on the subject, and not enough honest discussion of the evidence. In contrast, Tony Krome and Henry Frost have presented some useful photographic evidence for our discussion, rather than simply repeating the blather about Armstrong's work allegedly being "debunked."
  5. Well said, Sandy. Jonathan Cohen, obviously, struck out on the John Pic testimony issue. There's, obviously, more to Armstrong's. doppelganger data than some people imagine. As for this debate about Armstrong's H & L research and my original hypothetical question, hats off to Tony Krome and Henry Frost for presenting some valuable evidence about the subject. I learn something every day on this forum. I started this discussion with questions, not answers. Tony answered one of my questions. There's an old Chinese proverb that used to make the rounds at the Massachusetts General Hospital when I was a medical student. "He who asks a question is a fool for one minute. He who doesn't ask a question is a fool forever."
  6. A Nordic version of the Myth of Sisyphus? Instead of a rock, he rolls a snowball down the hill? In Trump's case, the story is bound to have a very ugly ending. (Someone pointed out that all Trump stories end in Chapter 11.)
  7. So, notice how Trump now has his MAGA cult focusing on their rage at the U.S. government, and resistance to the rule of law, in response to what, exactly? To the belated, drawn out investigations of his serious crimes-- his coup attempt on January 6th, and his blatantly illegal handling of classified documents. Quite a mob psychology trick, with a major assist from Trump Republicans and the right wing media. And, IMO, the longer these belated Trump investigations fester, the worse the MAGA cult violence problem will become. Trump would burn the country down to save his own skin. Trump's lap dog, Lindsey Graham, is threatening violence if Trump is indicted, but I think the risk of violence is worsened by allowing Trump to control the narrative and incite violence.
  8. Tony, I must admit that this is a more convincing likeness. The nose, teeth, hairline, and ears look nearly identical. Do you know who published these photos?
  9. Indeed, I have. But I don't see an elevated lesion below the lids on the photos. Do you? Nor do the two women resemble each other, as witnesses who knew them in real life have also attested. Meanwhile, how do explain John Pic's testimony that the man we all know as Lee Harvey Oswald was not his younger half-brother Lee Oswald? Any thoughts?
  10. What amazes me is that people are so willing to accept a single, possibly photo-shopped, image of a mole as proof that the two strikingly dissimilar Marguerites are the same person. For me, it is one more illustration of the social psychology finding that people's perceptions are strongly influenced by popular, shared social paradigms. The shared "perception" is perceived as reality. The CIA propaganda people have used this concept for years to manipulate the public. It's the same reason why so many people can look at film of an exploding skyscraper and still insist that it didn't explode, or at film of JFK's head being blasted backwards, and still insist that the bullet was fired from the TSBD.
  11. Speaking of CIA moles, where's the mole in this Marguerite Claverie Oswald photo? Thus far, we have only one, possibly photo-shopped, imgur.com photo (of unknown origin) showing a "mole" on the right lower lid, and several other photos showing no mole-- including one from 1960 (above.) Was there a CIA mole placed in the Oswald Project? And why did John Pic say that he didn't recognize Lee Harvey Oswald as his younger half-brother Lee Oswald?
  12. I wonder if we will ever get to learn any details about all of the undercover CIA informants who disappeared in 2021. The problem was reported in the NYT last October, before we heard anything about Trump's Mar-a-Lago stash of classified records, including his files about undercover CIA informants.
  13. Henry, Look closely. The 1963 "Marguerite" mole is clearly below the eyelid. And the apparent mole on your imgur.com Claverie photo (of unknown origin) isn't visible on other extant photos of Claverie. Honestly, I'm wondering if the CIA photo-shopped that imgur.com image after Armstrong's 2003 research appeared in print. Damage control. A related example was the way Nobel Laureate Luis Armstrong promulgated his bogus cellophane-wrapped melon propulsion theory about JFK's head after the public finally got to see the Zapruder film.
  14. Henry, I've done a lot of physical exams on patients over the years, and I don't perceive the 1963 Marguerite facial mole as part of a "drooping eyelid." Rather, it appears to be located on the face below the right lower lid. Also, the difference in age between the 1960 Claverie photo (above) and the 1963 Marguerite Oswald photo is only three years. Not enough time to account for such dramatically different appearances between the two women. So, if I call this one as I see it, these two Marguerites are different ladies. (Incidentally, I learned in medical school years ago to "call it as I see it," even if other people disagree. Long story.) Regarding the repeated claim that Armstrong has been "debunked," has anyone debunked John Pic's claims that he didn't recognize the Lee Harvey Oswald arrested and murdered in Dallas, or in the childhood Bronx Zoo photo, as his younger half-brother Lee?
  15. Henry, Thanks for partially clarifying this. Any idea where and when this particular 1945 imgur.com photo of Marguerite Claverie Oswald first appeared on the internet? Or who posted it? Also, to reiterate, the apparent mole in the photo is on the eyelid, not below the eyelid. And the faces, height and body habitus of the two Marguerites are quite noticeably different. Furthermore, if I recall the details, Claverie was living and working in New Orleans in the early 60s, while chubby Marguerite was living Fort Worth, wasn't she?
  16. C'mon Kirk and Gerry. I've got nothing against having a few Margaritas, but... Do you two guys really believe that the two Marguerites in the photographs (above) are the same person? My hunch is that one of the McAdams-type WCR/CIA propagandists photo-shopped the 1945 wedding photo to pencil in a mole on the eyelid. (But they sketched it on the lid, instead of below the lid.)
  17. Henry, Two questions. 1) Where did you find this enlarged 1945 photo of Marguerite Claverie Oswald (above?) 2) Any possibility that it has been photo-shopped by people promoting the WCR Lone Nut narrative? Also, where is the alleged mole in the following photos of Marguerite Claverie Oswald? Below: Marguerite Claverie Oswald (1960) Look, Ma-- no mole! Below: Marguerite Claverie Oswald (1945) Below: (?) Marguerite Oswald (1963) Notice the mole below the right eyelid-- not on the eyelid
  18. Interesting. Yet, as Oliver Stone put it, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State," when it came to releasing the JFK records.
  19. I knew Rev. Louis Saunders buried Oswald long before I ever began to study the JFK research literature a few years ago. He was a good man-- a liberal, humanitarian Protestant who volunteered to bury and pray for Oswald when no one else in the Dallas/Fort Worth area would. I remember buying a copy of Don DeLillo's novel, Libra, for my father-in-law back in the 80s, because DeLillo described some details about Saunders in the final chapter of Libra. (Also, some of the fictional scenes in Libra were set in Denton, Texas, where my father-in-law lives.) As for the alleged "debunking" of John Armstrong's doppelganger research about Oswald, I'm underwhelmed. There seems to be ample evidence of Oswald doppelgangers. I actually reviewed several Harvey & Lee threads in the forum archives yesterday before starting this thread, and didn't find any bona fide "debunking" of Armstrong's theory.
  20. Tony, I haven't really studied the Harvey & Lee theory, other than reading John Armstrong's two Probe Magazine essays on the subject in DiEugenio's Assassinations anthology today. Who "debunked" Armstrong's rather detailed findings?
  21. Gerry, Here's a photo of Marguerite Claverie Oswald with her husband, Edwin Ekdahl, in 1945. Does she look anything like the short, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" who attended Oswald's funeral? (Incidentally, the minister who conducted Oswald's funeral, Louis Saunders, was my father-in-law's best friend. He presided at my wedding.) Below: Edwin Ekdahl and Marguerite Claverie Oswald in 1945 Marina and the other Marguerite Oswald (1963)
  22. Trump is playing the victim and actively inciting violence with his lie-filled rant in PA today-- calling for his cult to "smash" the Democrats. Shades of January 6th. Here's a live-tweet analysis of Trump's rant by Seth Abramson. Thread by @SethAbramson on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
  23. I've been reading some of the old, labyrinthine literature about Oswald recently, (Oswald and the CIA, Libra, and John Armstrong's Harvey & Lee essays in DiEugenio's Assassinations anthology) and I have a question about Harvey, Lee, and the "two Marguerites." (I even reviewed several old Education Forum threads about Harvey & Lee, but didn't find an answer to my question here.) If Armstrong's evidence about Harvey, Lee, and the two Marguerites is accurate, whatever became of Lee Oswald and the real Marguerite Claverie Oswald after 11/22/63? Any reports or theories? Armstrong did a lot of work to reconstruct Marguerite Claverie Oswald's detailed history up until about (?) 1961 or '62 in New Orleans, but then the trail seemed to grow cold. I can imagine that the CIA would have, naturally, wanted both of them to disappear, as in witness protection programs or fatal accidents? Another oddity about the case is the apparent differing opinions of Lee's step-brother, John Pic, and his brother, Robert Oswald, about Lee's identity. https://harveyandlee.net/Moms/Moms.html
  24. Ben, Thanks for sharing your latest weird dispatch from the Siamese MAGA-verse. It's Orwellian, indeed, but not in the way that you imagine -- as if Biden condemning Trumplican fascism is "spooky," and Trumplican fascism isn't? War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Anti-fascism is fascism? It reminds me of the Obama years, when Fox News watchers compared Obama to Hitler for issuing his DACA executive order, after the Tea Party House refused to pass the Senate immigration bill. Talk about yer liberal Demonrat dictator! 🤥 At least you didn't refer to Biden as "Pedo-Hitler" tonight -- a trope I read on a less scholarly forum today.
  25. Speaking of Russ Baker, he published another article in his "Only Lone Nuts Need Apply" series this week. I'm sure that this will ring quite true for people in the JFKA research community. Notes From the Memory Hole: When the Establishment Buries You - WhoWhatWhy
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