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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Indeed. Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Mark Meadows called into the Willard Hotel War Room on the evening of July 5th-- after she dissuaded Meadows from attending the meeting in person. But, thus far, none of Trump's Willard Hotel cabal have been willing to spill the beans about their coup plot. Among other issues, I'm curious about the Michael Flynn/Charles Flynn nexus in possibly blocking the deployment of National Guard troops to the Capitol-- even when Trump, Meadows, and Ornato knew that the MAGA mob was dangerously armed.
  2. Newsflash, Ben. We've had a 9/11 Education Forum board here for years. I have been one of the few contributors to that board. As Joseph McBride pointed out, 9/11 is the ultimate third rail in American political discourse. As for eschewing ad hominem arguments, does this mean that you are finally going to stop incessantly accusing other members here of drinking the kool aid when they poke holes in your theses?
  3. Says the guy who promoted Tucker Carlson's "patriot purge" narrative about Trump's January 6th coup attempt. Ben, if you believe that I have "drunk too deeply of M$M narratives," you, obviously haven't read, or understood, my commentaries on this forum. And if you are equally skeptical of both parties-- even in the aftermath of GOP "supply side" tax cuts since 1980, the Bush/Cheney/PNAC "War on Terror," the Koch Tea Party Congress, Russia-gate, Ukraine-gate, January 6th, and the recent reactionary GOP SCOTUS rulings-- you need to do some serious remedial reading. You lack discernment.
  4. Yes, it's truly amazing that Ben still hasn't discerned the difference between the Congressional Republicans who have been assiduously covering up Trump's crimes for the past five years, and the Congressional Democrats who have been trying to expose them. These are the same Congressional Trumplicans who conducted endless "investigations" of Benghazi, then later refused to review the damning evidence of Trump's Ukraine-gate extortion scam with Zelensy, and his role in the January 6th attack on Congress. At the same time that Chairmen Devin Nunes (R-California) and Mike Conaway (R-Texas) were insisting that the House Intel Committee had looked for, and found no, evidence of "collusion," the lead minority party committee member, Adam Schiff, (D-California) explained that there was, in fact, evidence of "collusion." Ben seems to think that there is some sort of equivalence here-- as if the truth were equidistant between Conaway's cover up and Schiff's expose of Trump's crimes.
  5. I'm getting old too, but my memory helped me get admitted to Harvard Medical School back in the day. I think I read about that forensic data long ago in Sylvia Meagher's Accessories After the Fact. James DiEugenio probably knows the answer. He's the world's leading authority on the JFKA-- a veritable walking encyclopedia.
  6. Ben, Thanks for the comic relief. The only thing more ludicrous than your Trump/GOP "no collusion" Senate Intel soundbyte (above) was the public comment by the Republican Interim Chair of the House Intel Committee at the time, Mike Conaway (R-Texas.) (Conaway took over after Devin Nunes was forced to recuse himself from the Russiagate investigation for leaking details of the investigation to Trump.) Conaway famously announced to the press, "The committee did not look for evidence of collusion, and we found none." 🤥 You'd better study the document, to put your Republican quote in its proper idiotic perspective. Alternatively, you could read some Highlights with Rob Wheeler, or back issues of Russia Today with Jeff Carter.
  7. Yes, and the exit wound for the FBI cadaver test shot fired from the TSBD with a Mannlicher Carcano blew off the right half of the cadaver's face. Conversely the fatal JFK head shot blasted his occipital skull fragment backward behind the limo, striking one of the motorcycle cops, as I recall. The exit wound was posterior-- occipital parietal.
  8. Who needs a Chief of Staff when they've got sage advisors like Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman? 🤥
  9. Ben hasn't been promoting Tucker Carlson's "patriot purge" narrative about January 6th recently, but look at this. It's almost beyond belief. (Can't vouch for the validity of the poll.) NEW POLL: Whopping 68% of Fox News Viewers Blame Jan. 6 on ‘Left-Wing Protesters Trying To Make Trump Look Bad’ www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/new-poll-whopping-68-of-fox-news-viewers-blame-jan-6-on-left-wing-protesters-trying-to-make-trump-look-bad/ar-AAZ7cqA?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=66e7fcf7e78a46909088cd7dd42f51a2 July 2, 2022
  10. Adios, Von Pein. I'm not going to engage with your disinformation. The fatal head shot was fired from the grassy knoll area. Others may choose to roll the rock repeatedly up and down the Lone Nut hill with you. That's their business.
  11. Including some serious questions about why the Secret Service failed to act on their apparent knowledge that the Trump mob was dangerously armed. Meadows and Ornato must have been informed in the morning that the mob had guns. IMO, this is a far more important issue than whether or not Trump grabbed the steering wheel, etc.
  12. O.K., folks, let's stop rolling this silly stone up and down Von Pein's Lone Nut hill. We all know that the fatal head shot that knocked JFK's head violently back and to the left-- while blasting his occiptal skull fragment backwards behind the limo-- was fired from the front and right of the limo. That's just basic Newtonian physics. Oswald could not, possibly, have fired that shot. (And Luis Alvarez's cellophane-wrapped melon "simulation" was simply ludicrous.) In fact, a Carcano fired at a cadaver from the TSBD blew off the right half of the cadaver's face.
  13. Reality check. Manafort did stonewall Mueller's Russiagate investigation, and he also discussed U.S. Ukraine policy issues with Kilimnik-- before and after the 2016 election. He repeatedly lied about his 2016 contacts with Kilimnik, including the sharing of data about three key swing states-- Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania-- which Trump unexpectedly won by highly suspicious, razor-thin margins. Trump trailed Clinton in all three states in pre-election and exit polls, but unexpectedly won all three by a mere 80,000 total votes (combined.) Manafort and Kilimnik's GRU hackers knew precisely where to target their efforts in 2016 to put Putin's puppet in the White House Paul Manafort was 'a grave counterintelligence threat,' Republican-led Senate panel finds https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/08/18/senate-details-paul-manafort-ties-russian-intel-officer-kilimnik/3390437001/ August 18, 2020 ....In one of two meetings with Kilimnik during his tenure as Trump campaign chairman, "Manafort briefed Kilimnik on the state of the Trump Campaign and Manafort's plan to win the election," the Mueller report concluded. "That briefing encompassed the campaign's messaging and its internal polling data. According to Gates, it also included discussion of 'battleground' states, which Manafort identified as Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota. Early last year, a federal judge found that Manafort had lied repeatedly to federal prosecutors about his contacts with Kilimnik, ultimately upending a plea agreement Manafort had struck with Mueller’s team. Among the contested exchanges, prosecutors asserted that Manafort lied about having provided polling data to Kilimnik. In 2018, Manafort and Kilimnik were charged together with attempting to obstruct Mueller’s investigation by seeking to block the testimony of at least two witnesses. The case prompted a judge to revoke Manafort’s bail and order him to jail to await separate trials on a slew of financial fraud charges in Alexandria, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., where he was ultimately convicted.
  14. Herr Von Pein, To clarify this, do you actually believe that Oswald was a LONE Assassin in Dealey Plaza? 🤥 People are already rolling the Sisyphean JFKA stone back up the hill on your thread here, but perhaps we all need to step back and look at the landscape before continuing apace.
  15. Nice dodge, Jeff. How about answering the question now? Why was Manafort willing to lie to the FBI and to Mueller's investigators about his 2016 campaign contacts with Konstantin Kilimnik, even after agreeing to cooperate with the investigation in a plea deal? Does that sound like a guy who had nothing to hide about Trump and the Kremlin interference in the U.S. election? But let's call a spade a spade. The reason that some of the details of the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Kremlin assets remain "speculative" is that Manafort stonewalled the investigation, knowing that Trump would pardon him, if convicted. Manafort also floated a Trump pardon to his subordinate, Rick Gates, during the Mueller investigation, and had to be put in solitary for a while. Additionally, what role did Manafort (and Trump) play in the alteration of the 2016 Republican Party platform in Cleveland that undermined U.S. support for Ukraine in their border war with the Russian Federation-- subsequent to Putin's seizure of the Crimea?
  16. So, is it true that David Von Pein used to trade baseball cards and Indiana Hoosier basketball cards with Mike Pence, before he became a devout convert to Allen Dulles's Lone Nutter cult?
  17. Paul, Jeff Carter has been pushing Kremlin disinformation here for the past five years. Kilimnik is a GRU asset, and his long-term "business" association with Manafort mainly involved interfering in Ukrainian elections on behalf of Putin's puppet in Kyiv. From there, it was a very short leap to interfering in the 2016 U.S. election on behalf of Putin's puppet in Washington D.C., Donald Trump. Perhaps Jeff can explain why Manafort went to such great lengths to lie about his 2016 campaign contacts with Kilimnik during the Mueller investigation-- even lying to investigators after agreeing to cooperate in a plea bargain. Does Manafort sound like a guy who had nothing to hide? He also floated a Trump pardon to Rick Gates.
  18. Geez... Read the references I posted for you, Ben. Trump's 2016 Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort, was a long-term Kremlin employee. You seem to be using Trump's standard trick of repeating lies/memes in the hope that people will believe them to be true.
  19. Herr Von Pein, Do you mind telling us what you do for a living, and what funding sources you have for your JFK website? I'm curious about possible motives for your obvious devotion to promoting the Warren Commission Report. Everyone needs a hobby, but yours seems like a weird one.
  20. My psychiatric opinion is that Trump is too narcissistic to listen to sound advice and delegate authority appropriately. He's very grandiose about his own flawed judgment and opinions, and his self-esteem is too fragile to tolerate confrontation or contradiction. That's why he, ultimately, surrounded himself with sycophants who did his bidding and told him only what he wanted to hear. According to Hutchinson, Trump's own Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, was relegated to resting on the couch in his office, answering frantic texts and declining to bother the Orange Emperor, during the January 6th debacle.
  21. Ben, Speaking of kool aid drinkers, I think you may need an intervention to help you get off of that reality-distorting red stuff. As for the Senate Intel Committee, it was chaired by Richard Burr prior to January of 2021. The GOP delayed the release of their damning report about Russian interference in our elections, on behalf of Trump, as long as possible. And the Republicans in Congress, including those who had who persistently stonewalled investigations of Trump/GOP ties to the Kremlin, were not "bumped" from any committees by Cheney. They were bumped by the Democratic Congressional leaders elected by American voters. Rep. Bennie Thompson chairs the J6 committee, and he has been outstanding. It's a shame you didn't watch these truly historic hearings about Trump's serious crimes against the United States-- far, far worse than Watergate. One thing I will note. Since you have, at least, read the Wiki article on the Senate Intel Report, you now know that the so-called Russia Hoax was no hoax, right? You should erase the "Russia hoax" meme from your lexicon. Meanwhile, I posted the actual Senate Intel Report links for you and Wheeler yesterday, (on your other thread about Mueller) along with the scholarly Atlantic article, The Russia Hoax Was No Hoax.
  22. Cassidy Hutchinson was a Trump insider who spilled some of the beans about Trump's seditious conspiracy but, unlike John Dean, she wasn't, apparently, complicit in any Presidential crimes. Cipollone must have been complicit on some level. According to Hutchinson, Cipollone was frantically trying to stop Trump from going to the Capitol with the armed mob. That kind of implies that Cipollone was fully aware of Trump's felonious plan to obstruct the Congressional certification of Biden's election, by inciting an attack on the Congress. One thing I noticed about Hutchinson's firsthand witness testimony is that Trump didn't really delegate much administrative authority to Meadows (or Cipollone.) His official staff seemed, more or less, sidelined from his loony executive decisions-- with the exception of Ornato's practical SS ops.
  23. Manafort is also guilty of perjury-- lying about his 2016 campaign contacts with GRU asset Konstantin Kilimnik, even after he agreed to cooperate with Mueller's investigation as part of a plea bargain. He was directly reprimanded by the judge for his perjury and stonewalling for Trump. Manafort was also guilty of witness tampering-- floating a Trump pardon to his associate Rick Gates, during the grand jury investigation of Gates. You never did read the Mueller Report, eh, Ben? And you, obviously, never read the Atlantic article I posted TWICE for you, The Russia Hoax Was No Hoax, have you, Ben? Nor did you watch Hutchinson's J6 testimony. In a nutshell, you're willfully ignorant about both Russiagate, and January 6th, yet you presume to lecture to us about those subjects-- endlessly repeating the same erroneous Trumplican talking points.
  24. Ben, Thanks for your latest observations about the Congressional J6 hearings you didn't watch. 🤥
  25. There's a lot of there there, Ben. You have simply chosen to ignore the facts. Did you ever study that excellent Atlantic article by Franklin Foer that I posted for you, Russiagate Was Not a Hoax? * (I'll re-post it for you and Rob Wheeler.) * Russiagate Was Not a Hoax - The Atlantic
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