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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Not to worry. The Boebert/MAGA outdoorsmen all shop at Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops. They're more interested in guns than snowboards.
  2. Not to mention that a cellophane wrapped melon is an absurd "simulation" of a human skull being struck by a bullet. This is a classic example of nonsensical govrrnment propaganda promoted by a scientific "authority" figure.
  3. A toadstool shaped Trump Tower on the mall that is taller than the Washington Monument?
  4. Mark, James Wagenvoord, an assistant to Life's executive editor, confirmed that Life had reversed the sequence of the Z-film stills. When he pointed out the error, Life's photography editor gave him an "icy glare." FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover also, later, confirmed that Life had reversed the Zapruder stills on 11/29/63 as a result of a "printing error."
  5. And on Day 2 of his second Presidential term, Trump will issue an executive order making his birthday a national holiday.
  6. Addendum: Gerry Down, and others who are unfamiliar with the history of CIA Operation Mockingbird and the Zapruder film hoax, should read the informative Spartacus.edu chapter on C.D. Jackson. Interestingly, Jackson died, of alleged natural causes, shortly before the publication of the Warren Commission Report. He was 62-- a former OSS psy ops expert and long-term CIA Operation Mockingbird associate of Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner.
  7. Pat, With all due respect, you're dead wrong. On 11/29/63 Life magazine published some Zapruder stills, and they reversed the photo sequence to create the false impression that JFK's was moving forward, instead of backward, when he was killed. Also, Life magazine editor, C.D. Jackson, was Henry Luce's emissary to the CIA. That's why Jackson bought the Zapruder film and locked it up, after altering the photo sequence.
  8. Gerry, The CIA/M$M psy op promoting the Lone Nut narrative about Oswald antedated the Warren Commision. I remember looking at the reversed Zapruder film stills published in Life magazine shortly after JFK's assassination. The deliberately reversed photo sequence was used to claim that JFK's head moved forward during the fatal shot--promoting the false narrative that JFK's head was struck from behind by an Oswald bullet from the TSBD. Dan Rather also lied for CBS (William S. Paley, et.al.) about JFK's head motion. Secondly, recall that Allen Dulles pushed the Lone Nut narrative in the first meeting of the Warren Commission. Have you studied the history of CIA Operation Mockingbird and the mainstream media?
  9. Gerry, Surely, you jest. Who orchestrated the Mockingbird psy op in the M$M during the past 60 years claiming that Oswald was a lone assassin? Do you not know that Allen Dulles, Angleton, and their CIA associates, including C.D. Jackson, were OSS/psy ops guys in WWII? Why did C.D. Jackson buy the Zapruder film, reverse the stills, then lock up the film for 12 years?
  10. I doubt that MTG even recognizes the profound irony of her comment. The freedom of the former Confederate slaves was, certainly, not free. It was purchased with a great deal of American blood. And her 18 Confederate "stars" weren't fighting to preserve freedom. They were fighting to preserve slavery.
  11. Nonsense. Michael Griffith doesn't have the scientific education or background to legitimately review this study. Griffith doesn't even have the empirical ability to accurately perceive the serial explosions (on film) that pulverized the Twin Towers.
  12. Why would the CIA have edited out any forward head movement on the Zapruder film? That makes no sense. They were the guys pushing the fictional narrative that the bullets all came from the TSBD. That's why C.D. Jackson & Co. reversed the sequence of the Z-film stills in Life magazine-- to promote the CIA myth that JFK was shot from behind by a lone assassin.
  13. Trump's personality disorder -- including his use of projection-- is becoming more glaringly obvious as he loses gray matter. How bizarre is it that Trump would accuse liberal "fascists" of endangering American democracy? That's like Mike Tyson accusing other boxers of wanting to bite off their opponents' ears.
  14. Good news and bad news for Denver. The good news is that Nikola Jokic and the Nuggets will have the home court advantage in the Championship series-- 5,280 feet. The bad news is that Miami has already upset the #1 and #2 seeds in the NBA East.
  15. Doug, Not much there in this case. It's a Slate story for skeptical positivists. I got interested in the subject of near death experiences about 30 years ago, after hearing about them from two former patients. I read Dr. Raymond Moody's 1975 classic on the subject, Life After Life, and some related literature. Nowadays, there's a vast array of popular literature (and videos) on the subject, most of which I haven't studied. Some of the phenomenology is inconsistent with the positivist theory that near death experiences are mere hallucinations or dream states-- because the subjects describe seeing things, from above, (e.g., ICUs, dead bodies on a battlefield) that actually happened.
  16. This July 2015 comment by the late David Lifton is worth reading, for anyone interested in understanding the bogus blather about alleged posterior JFK skull entry wounds. There weren't any. I have a related question. Where is the evidence of a posterior skull shot/entry wound on the Zapruder film? There is none. The fatal head shot struck the right upper forehead and blew off the back of JFK's skull (i.e., the occipital Harper fragment.)
  17. Matt, Agreed. And what Mathew Koch doesn't understand is that "liberals" may be critical of the U.S. military industrial complex in the post-WWII era, but that doesn't mean we aren't "patriots." Nor does it mean that only right wing Republican families have fought for the U.S. in time of war. The Kennedy brothers-- John and Joseph, Jr.-- are a good example. And Oliver Stone volunteered for military service in Vietnam!
  18. Ron, Since this is a nostalgia thread about the early 60s, I should mention that I met the Scare Crow, Ray Bolger, when I was a little boy. Bolger bought the AAA Bowling alley in Denver in about (?) 1961, and signed autographs for the public. My mother took us to see him, and I remember watching him bowl, before he signed some autographs. He didn't seem very friendly or enthused about the crowd from our working class neighborhood.
  19. Mathew, Trump is a pseudo-patriot. There is ample evidence that Trump has always been contemptuous of our American veterans. General John Kelly will vouch for Trump's pseudo-patriotism. Trump's father despised Fred Trump, Jr. for wanting to join the National Guard. No one on either side of Trump's family ever served in the U.S. military. And Donald dodged the Vietnam War by claiming to have bone spurs. He's a flag-waving fraud.
  20. Geez... talk about a projection. Words cannot describe my disgust with the anti-democracy, proto-fascist American traitor Donald J. Trump. And, since it's Memorial Day, let me add that no one in Trump's family has ever fought for the U.S. in time of war. In contrast, I'll add that, although I'm an anti-war "LIBTARD," (as Mathew Koch put it) I come from a family of U.S. war veterans. My uncle was killed on the U.S.S. Lexington, and my father and two other uncles fought in the U.S. Army in Europe in WWII. My great uncle and his cousin fought in the U.S. Army in Europe in WWI. My great great grandfather fought in the Army of the Potomac in the Civil War, and his grandfather fought in the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. I'm proud of them, but I'll always be an anti-war liberal.
  21. Yes, those flying monkeys were scary when I was 4 years old. So was Cyril Ritchard as Captain Hook, in the Peter Pan film with Mary Martin. I watched Peter Pan with my daughters 40 years later, when they were little, and realized that Cyril Ritchard was side- (and pants-) splittingly hilarious as Captain Hook.
  22. This Deep Fake stuff is like George Orwell's 1984 on steroids. Creepy. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's brain child, Don, Jr., has denounced Ken Paxton's impeachment as, "a RINO witch hunt."
  23. We had only CBS, NBC, ABC, and a local KWGN television channel in Denver in those days, with occasional Denver Public Schools shows on PBS (no 24/7 programming.) We also watched a lot of westerns, including Bonanza, The Lone Ranger, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Laramie, Rawhide, Wagon Train, Cheyenne, etc. Once or twice a year we could also watch the Wizard of Oz, (in B&W) Ben Hur, and Richard Burton in The Robe.
  24. Speaking of deep fake MAGA videos, I recall seeing a video clip in 2016 showing Hillary Clinton having an apparent petit mal seizure. At the time, Trump and his MAGA media echo chamber were repeating a trope that Hillary was infirm and unable to safely govern the country.
  25. Adam, You and Michael Griffith forgot to praise Vincent Bugliosi. Hugh Aynesworth? Gerald Posner? Gary Mack? The Sixth Floor Museum? What is this-- CIA Propaganda Saturday on the Education Forum?
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