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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. I have great respect for Jeffrey Sachs, and I read his article (above) at Common Dreams with interest this morning. I considered posting it on the Education Forum. But my first reaction to this morning's Sachs op-ed was that JFK's June 26, 1963 Berlin speech --and his showdown with Khruschev over Berlin-- is a better example of how JFK would have responded to Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine. JFK took a strong stance in defense of freedom and democracy in Berlin-- in response to Russian imperialism and oppression. And JFK's famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech was delivered after his American University "Peace" speech. Admirably, JFK sought peace, but he was also willing to defend democracy from totalitarianism.
  2. Yeah, for a former heroin addict, RFK, Jr. is surprisingly ignorant, and inappropriately negative, about therapeutic psychopharmacology. It's a shame, because he has a fan club that believes his anti-scientific bunk. His inaccurate beliefs about Prozac mirror the Scientology disinformazia on the subject. In contrast, JFK inspired America's Mental Health Center legislation.
  3. RFK, Jr.'s most serious flaw, IMO, is that he doesn't understand science-- as in the case of his anti-vaccine disinformation, and blaming antidepressants for America's epidemic of gun homicides. It's a total cop out on the gun control issue. And, not surprisingly, our main RFK, Jr. booster on the forum is a guy who repeatedly denied Trump's historic J6 coup attempt and refused to watch the Congressional J6 hearings.
  4. Ron, Equally shocking to me was RFK, Jr.'s recent praise for Elon Musk, for allegedly "saving Democracy." Meanwhile, the right-wing MAGA media moguls continue to fluff RFK, Jr.-- presumably to undermine Biden and the Democratic Party. Right-wing media are continuing to prop up RFK Jr.'s bid for president | Media Matters for America Does anyone really believe that Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, and the right-wing media moguls are progressive Democrats? 🙄 One RFK, Jr. critic lately is Russ Baker, my favorite investigative journalist (and JFKA Truther.) Baker has been getting flak from some of his subscribers for pointing out RFK, Jr.'s serious errors in judgment. More Indications RFK Jr.’s Anti-Vaccine Claims Have Little Basis - WhoWhatWhy
  5. Exactly right, Denny. And the daily RFK, Jr./anti-Biden spam started appearing on the JFKA forum after the 56 Years thread was shut down (as a result of MAGA spamming.) The concept was for the MAGA spammers to use the Water Cooler MAGA Spam board, but they never did.
  6. The East Coast is getting a tragic whiff of what we've been dealing with out here in the Rocky Mountain West during the last few summers-- unprecedented forest fire smoke. Hopefully, this will raise public awareness back East about catastrophic climate change.
  7. I looked at my MSN news feed this morning, and there was a frontpage blurb about RFK, Jr. posing a serious threat to Biden's re-election. It was a fluff piece from Rupert Murdoch's New York Post. * This doesn't pass the sniff test. Let's recall that Rupert Murdoch once bragged about heavily promoting the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. He has consistently promoted climate change denial. He also aggressively promoted Donald Trump's disastrous Presidency, beginning in 2016. Then he promoted the 2017 Trump tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. Then he aggressively promoted Trumplicon disinformation during the COVID pandemic. Then he promoted Trump's Stop-the-Steal scam. Then he promoted false narratives about Trump's January 6th coup attempt, while censoring coverage of the Congressional J6 investigation. Now Murdoch is using his propaganda empire to fluff RFK, Jr.'s campaign against Joe Biden. Hmmmm... 🙄 Why? * RFK Jr. has the White House sweating, and rightly so (msn.com)
  8. Says our J6 coup-denying Donk-basher. Go back and re-read your opening sentence on this thread, Ben. You bashed Joe Biden again today-- in your preface. In point of fact, you've been bashing Joe Biden on the JFKA forum all year-- usually in the guise of redundant threads about RFK, Jr.'s candidacy, and the lone issue of the release of the JFK Records. Whoop-dee-doo. We all know that the CIA covered up the JFK assassination, and that Trump and Biden blocked the release of the records. What new information are you presenting in your redundant daily Biden-bashing threads on the subject?
  9. Yes, and Boebert's rural, western Colorado district is heavily Republican. It was extremely disappointing to see her eke out that last electoral victory. Colorado has elected some flamers to Congress over the years, but Boebert takes the proverbial cow pancake.
  10. Ben, speaking of Enablers-in-Chief, do you have any thoughts about why Donald Trump did a "snuff job" on releasing the JFK Records in October of 2017, when they were originally mandated for full release by the terms of the 1992 JFK Records Act? You and Glenn Greenwald have been unusually quiet about the 2017 Trump snuff job, while posting redundant, daily anti-Biden threads here (ostensibly about the snuff job) on the JFKA forum. Isn't your working theory about Russiagate and January 6th that Trump is a Deep State adversary, and an innocent victim of nefarious Deep State machinations? If so, why did Trump kowtow to the CIA and do a snuff job on releasing the JFK records in 2017? 🤓
  11. Ben, You're a broken record, stuck in a cacophonous groove. So, you still, apparently, believe that all opinions are "no better or worse" than any other opinions, regardless of their relationship to the facts? That we need to respect the opinions of people who believe that the earth is flat, and of those who believe that the January 6th attack on Congress was a Deep State "patriot purge" scrum? Meanwhile, you seem to imagine that your redundant RFK, Jr. political posts on the JFKA forum are entirely "germane," while any contextual criticism of RFK, Jr. is not? Talk about yer cancel culture... 🙄
  12. Jim, I have great respect for JFK and RFK, but if RFK, Jr. is now praising the right-wing tycoon Elon Musk for "saving democracy," and fear-mongering about Mexicans in the Southwest, it's time for us to get off of the RFK, Jr. bus. RFK, Jr. is, apparently, missing a few screws in the cabeza. Let's recall that his father, RFK, was a friend and advocate of Cesar Chavez and our Mexican migrant workers-- not a white nationalist xenophobe. Perhaps RFK, Jr. needs to spend less time in Malibu, (and on Fox) and more time with indigenous Catholic Mexican communities-- as his uncle and father did in their younger years. Incidentally, Twitter has now lost half of its value, since the disastrous Elon Musk takeover. RFK Jr heaps praise on Elon Musk saying he is ‘rescuing American Democracy’ during Twitter event | The Independent
  13. Thank You, Achmed! June 5, 2023 Our Century Link internet service abruptly stopped working on May 24th. My wife called Century Link Customer Service and the call center representative (in India?) scheduled a repairman to come to our house the following week-- on June 1st. One week without an internet link felt like a century! My wife even drove to some stores to use their Wi-Fi for downloads. I tried using my tiny, primitive Android cellphone, which I rarely use. (I had to purchase additional "data" to read the newspapers on the tiny screen of my phone.) We were told that the repair guy would come to our house on June 1st between 8 AM and 5 PM-- a 9 hour window. So, we skipped our daily walk around the park and took turns house sitting last Thursday-- waiting 9 hours for the Century Link repairman to show up. He never showed, or called, and we had no direct phone number with which to contact him. So, my wife called the Century Link call center (in India) and they told her they would re-schedule our internet repair for the following week-- on June 8th. It was Kafka-esque. My wife, a very patient lady, was furious. After demanding to speak to a manager and being put on hold and transferred to various bewildered call center representatives, who had no idea who she was or why she was transferred to them, she finally told the last apologetic rep that she was firing Century Link. She called Xfinity on Friday, and the Xfinity/Comcast guy came out to our house this morning and spent an hour replacing an old cable and some other malfunctioning stuff. Very polite guy. Great service. Everything works. He had a heavy Arabic accent and his name was Achmed. I shook his hand before he left, and said, "Thank you, Achmed!" After he left, I turned to my wife and said, "Thank God for these immigrants. Trump and the MAGAts are always railing against them, but where would we be in this crazy country without them?
  14. Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin - The Debrief
  15. RFK Jr heaps praise on Elon Musk saying he is ‘rescuing American Democracy’ during Twitter event | The Independent 😬
  16. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is one of my favorites from that era. Richard Burton was terrific as Alec Leamas. And let's give Larry McMurtry a nod for writing the 1962 novel that Hud was based on-- Horseman, Pass By. Among other interesting details about McMurtry's life and work is the fact that he studied creative writing as a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford, with Ken Kesey, from 1960-61.
  17. Thank goodness. Kudos to the legislators from both parties who derailed the Trump/MAGA efforts to sabotage the U.S.
  18. Paul, You missed the point. My criticism of disinformation is not about self interest, or "taking things personally." It's about a moral commitment to discerning and telling the truth vs. repeating falsehoods. Ignoring falsehoods is not an ethical solution to the problem of government-promoted disinformation. People involved in JFK's assassination, and the cover up, have been systematically promoting falsehoods in our mass media (and social media) for almost 60 years now. IMO, we should be committed to telling the truth, for ethical reasons.
  19. Paul, This is one reason why I have been re-posting old Forum threads here, in the context of new threads about redundant disinformation. DiEugenio's detailed debunking of Bugliosi's pseudo-historical book, Reclaiming History, is a good example. We discussed it a few years ago here, but now David Von Pein is shamelessly referencing it again, as if it hadn't been debunked.
  20. People can read the pervasive, redundant Mockingbird disinformazia about the JFKA anywhere, including the 6th Floor Museum. We don't need it on the Education Forum, IMO.
  21. Yo, Griffith, you and your fellow far right OBL conspiracy theorists never explained why CIA Chief Operating Officer Buzz Krongard was linked to major short-selling of United Airlines stock prior to 9/11. Whenever the subject comes up, you become uncharacteristically silent. The truth is that there are major holes in Phillip Zelikow's nutty OBL/Al Qaeda conspiracy theory about 9/11. Among other major omissions, Zelikow suppressed all of the witness testimony about explosions in the WTC Twin Towers. Call it the Lee Bowers Syndrome. Like the Warren Commission, Zelikow chaired the 9/11 Commission with a pre-written narrative, and systematically ignored and/or suppressed all of the contrary evidence debunking his OBL/Al Qaeda conspiracy theory about 9/11. And, as in the case of the JFK assassination, the M$M has systematically suppressed and defamed all of the evidence debunking the official government narrative about 9/11, for decades.
  22. Bump. My question. How did the Warren Commission buglioser, David Von Pein, get re-admitted to the Education Forum, after he was banned for repeatedly posting Mockingbird disinformazia?
  23. Newsflash. James DiEugenio demolished Bugliosi's fraudulent pseudo-history book, Reclaiming History-- blow by blow by blow. Do some honest homework.
  24. The document is probably in Riyadh. Meanwhile, Trump posted on Truth Social today, "We are Magadonians. We stick together." Did he just watch Oliver Stone's movie, Alexander, or what?
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