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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Kehvan, Your speculation about Prouty, "pushing for a conspiracy with Castro or Russians," is simply absurd. It's the precise opposite of Prouty's beliefs about the JFK assassination. He suspected that the assassination was a U.S. Deep State op. My recommendation is that you read his book on JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam to better understand his views on JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam. At least your new search engine thing-a-majig didn't credit Prouty with the authorship of LBJ--Mastermind of the JFK Assassination. At the rate things are going, I won't be surprised to learn that Ulysses S. Grant wrote Huckleberry Finn...
  2. Robert, Thanks for sharing this very personal, tragic story about your experiences and fallen comrades in the Afghan War. It's difficult for those of us who have never experienced anything comparable to fully understand what you have been through, but I know that my own father experienced (untreated) PTSD and survivor's guilt from his combat experiences in WWII, and the loss of his comrades. Knowing your intellectual habits, I'm guessing that you have done a deep dive into the history of the U.S. Afghan War. I'd be interested in hearing your perspective, which is relevant to the general subject of U.S. "forever wars" following JFK's murder. I have tried, as a layman, to make sense of America's longest war (in Afghanistan) during the past 22 years-- but I have failed. My impression is that it all began as part of the implementation of the Wolfowitz Doctrine--that the U.S. was the sole world super power after the collapse of the USSR-- and the associated Project for a New American Century (PNAC) for U.S. military control of strategic resources in central Asia and the Middle East. The ostensible, proximal Bush/Cheney administration pretext for the carpet bombing and invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 was that the Taliban was harboring Osama Bin Laden and his "Al Qaeda" mujaheddin associates who were accused of carrying out the shocking 9/11 attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. If I understand the history correctly, the Taliban had asked the Bush administration in September of 2001 for the evidence that Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks in the U.S., but had received none. Reportedly, Osama Bin Laden denied any involvement in 9/11 (to Al Jazeera and to a Pakistani journalist) but those stories were suppressed in the U.S. mainstream media, which repeatedly pushed the narrative (beginning within one hour of the first plane hitting the WTC) that Osama Bin Laden and "Al Qaeda" did 9/11.
  3. Interesting, Ron. I had no idea that Paul McCartney wrote Yesterday as early as 1963. The song was released as a #1 single in the U.S. in September of 1965, and has been ranked by some critics and polls as the greatest pop song in history. Paul allegedly awoke one morning with the tune in his head, and he hummed a few bars for John Lennon and George Martin, asking them if they knew the tune. Needless to say, they didn't recognize the melody.
  4. This sounds like an episode from the old television show, The Time Tunnel. Not knowing who all was involved in the plot, I'd probably try to contact someone in the Kennedy family, in addition to contacting the Secret Service. (During my psychiatric career, I once had to contact the Secret Service about a mentally ill man who wanted to kill Bill Clinton.) As a fall back, I'd probably try to create an obstruction to the motorcade procession into Dealey Plaza.
  5. [Redacted] is a highly intelligent guy who has made some valuable contributions to this forum. I haven't always agreed with his opinions, but I have learned some things from him. He was the guy who first posted details about Dr. Brown's Sirhan interviews, and the "Manchurian candidate" hypnotic programming. In this latest "Guest" thread case, it sounds like [Redacted] has, perhaps, feared being anathematized for discussing the conflict between David Ben Gurion and JFK over Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor. It's a third rail in American political discourse, but it happened. If [Redacted] wants to rejoin the forum, I would say, "Bienvenidos, hombre," while reserving the right to make jokes about Nietzsche and Gustav LeBon's "The Crowd."
  6. Interesting references, Anthony. Phillip Zelikow is, certainly, an interesting figure in 21st century American history. He was an associate of Bush/Cheney NSC advisor (and eventual SOS) Condoleezza Rice, before chairing the 9/11 Commission-- after Henry Kissinger turned down the job offer from George W. Bush. Zelikow approached the 9/11 Commission job with a pre-written narrative, and assiduously suppressed all contrary evidence debunking the official government narrative about 9/11-- in a manner quite similar to Allen Dulles's "Lone Nut" approach to the Warren Commission investigation.
  7. Kirk, Reading this article reminded me of Michael Cohen's claim that Trump viewed his 2016 Presidential campaign as an "infomercial for the Trump Organization." Everything Trump did politically was motivated by greed, kick backs, and self-aggrandizement. Trump was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Fox after signing his December 2017 tax cut bill, and he openly bragged that he had "made a lot of people richer."
  8. Which would, obviously, implicate Ben Cole's beloved Orange POTUS... 🤥 As for Meagher, she had a truly encyclopedic knowledge of the WCR-- debunking Allen Dulles' conviction that no one would ever read all of those tomes.
  9. Thanks, Anthony. I'm more familiar with the scientific research on the explosive demolitions of the WTC. The piece of the 9/11 jigsaw puzzle relating to the arrest of five "dancing" Israelis, and the alleged Odigo warning, is interesting, but somewhat peripheral. Another major piece of the 9/11 jigsaw puzzle has to do with the PNAC actors in the Bush-Cheney administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Condolezza Rice, et.al. They, clearly, wanted a pretext for deposing Saddam Hussein and implementing the Wolfowitz Doctrine in the Middle East-- long before George W. Bush became the GOP Presidential nominee in 2000. George W. Bush's Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neill, published an interesting memoir, The Price of Loyalty, after Dubya fired him for opposing Cheney's 2003 tax cuts. In the memoir, O'Neill reported that Rumsfeld was talking about invading Iraq as early as January of 2001, and was blathering about Saddam being involved in 9/11 immediately after the WTC demolition on 9/11. Rumsfeld also told a reporter, at the time, that he had "never heard" of WTC7-- which is strange, because Rumsfeld had been Chairman of the Board of Smith Barney, which had its headquarters in WTC7.
  10. Larry and David, Didn't Wayne January say that a guy resembling Oswald visited Red Bird prior to the assassination? I had the impression (from Douglass's account) that Oswald was planning to fly out of Red Bird on 11/22/63.
  11. This discussion brings to mind the alleged comments by Wayne January-- mentioned by Douglass in JFK and the Unspeakable-- about the Cuban pilot at Red Bird Airport on 11/22/63, who told January that "no Kennedy" would ever be allowed in the White House. I don't recall the exact phraseology, but it was something to that effect-- hinting that RFK's murderers were part of the same CIA/Anti-Castro consortium.
  12. Paul, I'm responding to your important detailed comment in red (below.) Paul Brancato wrote: William - we went back and forth about this 4 years ago. Not sure which thread or discussion you're referencing here, Paul. Link? In general, I have been reluctant to comment on 9/11 on the JFKA forum, except in response to blatantly false claims posted by others. Like you I had to revisit everything, your current FBI report links included. Paul, please recall that I didn't start this thread. I only posted some references and comments during the course of the thread to correct some disinformation. The evidence that the Israelis were setting up to film the event is flimsy, whereas the evidence that they filmed and celebrated after it began is strong. They were clearly happy. The evidence of foreknowledge relies on one witness who says they were in place at 8am. They said on Israeli television in November of 2001 that they were there to "document the event." They appeared to be celebrating the WTC demolitions with cigarette lighters (in the FBI photos.) Their boss, Dominick Suter, fled the country after their arrest on 9/11. Then there is the question of phone calls made to Jews who worked at the W.)stoTC. First, you’ve dropped your view on Al Franken admitting he got a warning call from Ed Koch, at least I hope so. That was definitely sarcasm. Can you imagine otherwise? He wrote that in his book. See Ron Ecker's post (above) about the 9/11 Israeli Odigo message story. Is it true? The developer Silverstein not being there because of a dentist appointment Larry Silverstein, apparently, skipped his daily breakfast meeting in the WTC on 9/11 because of a dermatology appointment. That's all I know about that subject. What I do know about Silverstein is that his buildings, WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7, were demolished by explosives on 9/11, after being hit by the two planes. That scientific data is quite clear. Who put the explosives in the buildings? Silverstein collected $4.5 billion in insurance, and no forensic arson investigation was ever conducted. He was never interviewed by Phillip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission, nor were multiple witnesses who described serial explosions and liquefied steel "flowing like a foundry" during the demolitions of the Twin Towers. Burning jet fuel cannot liquefy steel. Period.
  13. Ruh roh... Ben Cole's favorite "patriot purge" agent provocateur, Ray Epps, is suing Fox News... 🙄 Ray Epps Suing Fox News For Defamation Over Jan 6 Theory (mediaite.com)
  14. Anthony, Here's a YouTube clip that includes footage of; 1) the lady in New Jersey who called the cops after watching the five "dancing" Israelis film and celebrate the WTC demolitions on the morning of 9/11, 2) the New Jersey cop who later arrested the five men in their white van, near Giants Stadium, and 3) the appearance of the five young men on Israeli television in November of 2001. I was wrong about one detail. You were correct about the report that the young men were actually seen "on the van." It's been a few years since I studied this stuff.
  15. Paul, C'mon, man. Unseemly behavior? At the very least, the arrest of these five young men on 9/11 indicates that the Mossad had foreknowledge of the 9/11 op, doesn't it? How else did they know that there was going to be an "event" that they needed to "document?" And why were they celebrating the disaster, with cigarette lighters, etc. -- as the photos released by the FBI (following an FOIA lawsuit) indicate? Aren't people on this forum supposed to be intellectually curious, and knowledgeable, about military and intelligence black ops and psy ops-- including the CIA "Operation Mockingbird" phenomenon in our M$M? Why would critically important stories like the arrest of these five young "dancing" Israelis on 9/11, and the obvious expert demolition of WTC7, have been completely blacked out of the U.S. mainstream media for the past 22 years? The 9/11 evidence is "unspeakable" in America-- unmentionable. Joseph McBride pointed out during the Spike Lee censorship incident a while ago that 9/11 is the ultimate third rail in modern American journalism. It's off limits-- other than M$M propaganda tropes denigrating 9/11 "conspiracy theorists." Even on this very thread, Allen Lowe has accused 9/11 researchers of being "Nazis"-- which, incidentally, is a violation of Education Forum policy. And Michael Griffith has repeatedly referred to the scientists, scholars, and engineers in the 9/11 research community as "nutty," nutcases," etc. With impunity. Something is terribly wrong here. It's analogous to the denigration of Jim Garrison and JFK "truthers" in the years following JFK's murder, only worse.
  16. Allen, Go back and study the references on this thread about the arrest and 70 day FBI detentions of the five Israelis. No one said they were dancing "on top" of vans. Witnesses in NJ called the police after seeing them filming and celebrating the WTC demolitions, before driving away in a white van. They were later arrested, in the van, near Giants Stadium, and held in FBI custody for 70 days, before being released to Israel. They later appeared on Israeli television, and said that they were filming the WTC demolitions to "document the event." The five young men were working for a company in Weehawken, NJ called Urban Moving Systems. Their boss, Dominick Suter, allegedly a Mossad agent, fled to Israel after the five young men were arrested on 9/11.
  17. Michael, The only bizarre post on this thread is your debunked claim that the arrest of the five "dancing" Israelis near Giants Stadium on 9/11 is a "wingnut myth." It happened. We even know their names. Why do you persist in posting falsehoods on the subject? As for Mossad history, is it "anti-Semitic" to even mention it? That's like saying that it's "anti-American" to mention anything about the CIA. I understand that Israel has been in a dangerous predicament since 1947, but not all Israelis agree with right wing Likud Party military ops-- just as not all Americans agree with CIA and U.S. military ops. Menachem Begin and his Irgun associates dressed up like Arabs when they blew up the King David Hotel. Mossad agents did the same thing in the Lavon Affair. It's part of history, and this is a history forum.
  18. Steve, David A. Graham just published an op-ed about this in today's Atlantic-- confirmation that Trump is mainly running in 2024 to stay out of prison. Here's a No Paywall link. www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/trump-confirms-another-liberal-conspiracy-theory/ar-AA1dIRDP?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=7a78614f4084468a9e633b282ad02c4d&ei=22
  19. "Crooked" Joe Biden? Geez... not this Trump trope again. I'm reminded of Trump's endless attacks on "Crooked" Hillary and the Clinton Foundation in 2016 -- the year before the Trump Foundation was forced to close because of massive fraud.
  20. Yes, Kirk, it's a shame that RFK, Jr.'s important, accurate messages about the assassinations and the military industrial complex are being overshadowed in the media by his anti-vax stuff.
  21. In the past week, Donald Trump has now vowed to, "obliterate the Deep State," and to release the JFK records, if re-elected. My question. Why doesn't Trump tell us now about the "horrible" stuff that prompted him to block the release of the JFK records in 2017? If the truth is important, why does he have to wait until 2025 to finally spill the beans? It reminds me of Trump's 2016 debate with Jeb Bush, when he said, "When I'm President, the American people are going to find out who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."
  22. My suggestion is for the mods to set up a designated "Whining" board for these threads. Out of deference to whiners, it could be called the "Customer Service" board. 🙄
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