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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. We're all MAGAs now... 🙄 And we need to support the continued reactionary rulings of the Trump/Koch/GOP SCOTUS going forward! Progress in rolling back progressive legislation has been made by the MAGA Trump cult! The Trump SCOTUS has overturned Roe v. Wade, affirmative action, and Biden's debt relief order for working class students. They have also ruled that businesses can discriminate against gay and lesbian citizens. Previously, the Koch/GOP SCOTUS ruled that billionaires can buy U.S. elections, (Citizens United) and they also ruled that Republicans can suppress the black vote in the Deep MAGA South (Shelby v. Holder.) But there are more civil rights and progressive laws that need to be rolled back! Support Ben Cole and our Trump MAGAs!!!! Because Biden, like Trump, has refused to release the JFK records!! Not to mention Hunter Biden's laptop!!
  2. Roger, Did you take the time to tally all of Ben Cole's redundant daily anti-Biden threads here on the exact same topic? How many redundant Ben Cole threads do we need? Also, I noticed that you never objected to the mods removing the only two threads in EF history about Trump's historic snuff job on the JFK records-- which was ignored by the mainstream media. Explain. Perhaps you could spare a few moments from posting your redundant whiney threads to count Ben's redundant anti-Biden MAGA spam threads.
  3. III. Unknown Soldier by the Doors. 1968 anti-war rock ballad written by Jim Morrison, the son of the U.S. fleet commander during the CIA's Gulf of Tonkin false flag incident.
  4. II. Woodstock by CSN&Y-- the great anti-war rock anthem adapted from Joni Mitchell's melancholy 1970 electric piano song. "And I dreamed I saw the bomber jet planes riding shotgun in the sky, turning into butterflies above our nation."
  5. Here are my nominations for celebratory July 4th rock anthems. I. Holiday by Green Day This one premiered on Green Day's phenomenal 2004 album, American Idiot, "celebrating" Bush & Cheney's Operation Shock & Awe in Iraq. When I first heard this album, I told an old high school rock 'n roll buddy that it was probably the best song writing and rock ensemble that I had heard on a single album since Who's Next. "Zieg Heil," to the President gas man, "Bombs away is your punishment," pulverizing Eiffel Towers, who criticize your government.
  6. Roger, Get a clue. Why don't you do a tally of MAGA Ben Cole's redundant daily threads about this exact same topic during the past two months. How many redundant Ben Cole threads can you count? Do you feel equally indignant about the removal of the only TWO threads in EF history about Trump's historic refusal to release the JFK records?
  7. Well said, Mark. I must also confess that the 4th of July has always been my least favorite holiday, ever since the escalation of the Vietnam War, following JFK's murder. I'm not proud of America's misguided militarism. It troubles me. Fireworks are exploding in my neighborhood as I write this, and I'm wondering why Americans are so enamored of guns and "bombs bursting in air." I had a falling out with some relatives on July 4, 2003, because I was so disgusted with Bush & Cheney's invasion of Iraq that I refused to attend a July 4th celebration. My father was a decorated WWII combat veteran, but I never saw him wave a flag or go to a parade. He was skeptical about American jingoism and "patriotism."
  8. Mark, Ben Cole's redundant, daily anti-Biden MAGA spam threads should be removed from the JFK forum to the MAGA Water Cooler, especially since the only two threads in forum history about Trump blocking the release of the JFK records were removed from the JFK forum.
  9. Ben, Your redundant anti-Biden spam threads should all be moved to the MAGA Water Cooler.
  10. Hey look, folks... It's MAGA Ben Cole's redundant, daily anti-Biden spam thread about the records. MAGA Ben actually started two threads here yesterday about the exact same topic. Most days, Ben starts only one new thread on the exact same topic. Meanwhile, the only two forum threads about Trump's suppression of the JFK records-- from September of 2020, and this week-- have been moved to the Political Discussion board. Makes a lot of sense.
  11. Ben, Please spam your own redundant, daily anti-Biden threads. This rare thread is about RFK, Jr. and Trump-- the right wing felon RFK, Jr. doesn't dare criticize.
  12. Jim, You're simply wrong on this one. My main thesis on this thread is that the suppression of the JFK records by the White House has been a bipartisan fiasco. Let's stop pretending that it's partisan. As much as Ben Cole and the closet Trumpsters want to use the records suppression to repeatedly attack Biden-- while simultaneous pushing the false narrative that Trump is a victim of the Deep State-- the fact remains that Trump, himself, blocked the release of the records in 2017, when they were, at long last, supposed to be released to the public. Secondary issues that I have raised are RFK, Jr.'s odd reticence about Trump's historic crimes and misconduct, and some observations and hypotheses about RFK, Jr.'s traumatic loss of his father at age 14. To my knowledge, no one else on the forum has previously raised the issue of RFK, Jr.'s serious childhood and teen traumas, and their sequelae. I have been curious about the subject ever since I studied the RFK, Jr. interviews in your documentary JFK Revisited. You, yourself, have not commented on that thread subject. As for John Cotter's truly absurd, ad hominem diatribes about psychiatry, I have now taken the time to explain his misconceptions in two detailed posts. All to no avail. In Cotter's latest diatribe he even implies that we nefarious psychiatrists subject our hapless victims to involuntary psychotherapy! It's laughable... During my psychiatric career, I occasionally had to seek court orders for involuntary hospitalizations and, more rarely, the involuntary use of anti-psychotic medications, but I can assure you and John Cotter that I never sought, nor obtained, a court order for psychotherapy! (I'm picturing myself forcefully saying to a patient in restraints, "Tell me about your mother!") 🙄 P.S. I see that Cory Santos "agrees" with your (above) inaccurate comment about this thread. Santos is the guy who recently excoriated Joe Biden, while curiously praising "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" for signing the JFK Records Act-- then neglected to answer my question about GHWB's signing statement claiming that the POTUS did not have to comply with the statues of the Act.
  13. I disagree with Tom Tomorrow's latest derogatory depiction of RFK, Jr. here, but he nailed the bogus MAGA propaganda strategy of portraying Trump as a victim of the Deep State... 🤥
  14. John, I didn't take the time yesterday to respond to your second inaccurate, ad hominem t-r-o-l-l post on this thread, because I didn't want to play along with your persistent hijacking of this thread about RFK, Jr. and Trump-ism. But I do want to, once again, correct your erroneous comments-- not that I expect you to learn anything. It's impossible to educate people who are firmly convinced of their own erudition. We have witnessed the same problem with your persistent delusions about immunology, vaccines, and the "horrors" of liberal democratic "full spectrum dominance" in the G-7. My responses are in red. John Cotter wrote: William, You don’t need to be a shrink of any kind to know that the families of JFK and RFK were deeply traumatised by the JFKA and RFKA – and further traumatised by other manifestations of the “Kennedy curse”. Newsflash, Dr. John. The world is full of traumatized people who have never worked through their PTSD and grief. Most people have a great deal of resistance to treatment and working through-- so they remain chronically fixated at various stages of unresolved grief. How would you, with your great wisdom, assess RFK, Jr.'s own stage of working through the loss of his father at 14? How would you assess his progress in treatment? The last thing any of these people need is the “help” of a psychiatrist who can’t even adhere to the rules of his own professional association, notwithstanding the intrinsic perversity of mainstream psychiatry. Sure thing, Dr. John. Nor do these people need effective vaccines during deadly pandemics, eh? Meanwhile, you're still, apparently, fixated on the moronic Goldwater Rule as a valid standard of malpractice? The one Kennedy scion who least needs any such help is RFK Jr, since he has courageously confronted the terrible reality of the murders of his father and uncle and publicly declared his intention to seek justice in their respects. Thanks for your expert opinion, Dr. John. My impression is that RFK, Jr. has never worked through his grief about his father's murder. He is fixated at the anger stage of unresolved grief, which is typically a defense against experiencing the vulnerability and sadness that leads to true resolution. The suggestion that RFK Jr needs the help of a shrink is utterly despicable. It typifies the worst kind of illogical and unethical psychobabble. What would such shrinkage entail? “Counselling” RFK Jr to be not courageous and to not acknowledge reality – in other words to be a coward and a l-i-a-r? This ranks as one of the most ignorant, inaccurate comments I have ever encountered on the Education Forum. The resolution of RFK, Jr.'s PTSD isn't about "counseling" and advice, other than helping him circumvent his resistance to feeling sad and vulnerable. It's about abreaction and emotional working through. Perhaps you need to have a good chat with the little green men of your imagination. They might help you to think straight. Conversing with your little green men, obviously, hasn't helped you think straight, Dr. John. So, I'll eschew your latest psychiatric advice.
  15. Larry, Based on his townhall comments last Wednesday, RFK, Jr. has, apparently, declined to criticize Trump, in general. RFK Jr.: ‘I’m proud that President Trump likes me’ | The Hill Are you aware of any public criticisms of Trump's crimes or policy fiascos by RFK, Jr.? In the recent Krystal & Saager interview posted here by Kirk Gallaway, RFK. Jr. declined to criticize Trump, mentioning only that he had once sued Trump to block the construction of golf course in the NYC watershed area. Weak sauce, indeed, for a critique of, arguably, the worst POTUS in U.S. history.
  16. And our RFK, Jr. fans, obviously, don't want talk about the Orange Elephant in the room. Apparently, "they're all MAGAs now." Get a clue, Ben. It's not "smart" for RFK, Jr. to refuse to criticize the white supremacist demagogue who blocked the release of the JFK records in 2017, and later orchestrated the J6 attack on Congress. It's a cop out. We can't resolve the crisis of white supremacist Trump cult fascism in America by pretending it isn't a problem.
  17. Ben, Please post your "Biden snuff job" tropes on one of your numerous, redundant "Biden snuff job" threads. This thread is supposed to be about the 2017 Donald Trump snuff job on the JFK records, and RFK, Jr.'s curious reluctance to criticize the white supremacist demagogue who orchestrated the J6 attack on the U.S. Congress.
  18. Jim, No response to my point about RFK, Jr. and the crucial importance of open, honest criticism of the dysfunctional Trump cult? Those guys violently attacked the U.S. Congress! Let's, at least, acknowledge that the white supremacist Trump cult, in a Hegelian sense, began as a reaction to Obama. Trump was the original Birther-- the Anti-Obama. His hardcore base today is George Wallace country-- the post-Confederate Deep South. RFK and his brother had to grab that Jim Crow beast by the horns in the early 60s-- knowing that they would alienate their own Dixiecrats. They did the right thing. I was relieved to hear RFK, Jr. quietly mention at the very end of his recent Krystal & Saager interview that he can't foresee a scenario where he would ever endorse Trump in 2024. But, IMO, he needs to say the quiet part out loud.
  19. My wife and I were sitting out on the deck at her parent's cabin in Estes Park, Colorado last week, and I asked, "Where are all of the birds?" The deck sits in a forested area, and we used to see a wide variety of birds flying around and perching in the Ponderosa pines-- Cassin's finches, swallows, nut hatches, hawks, crows, robins, and even occasional eagles and Western Tanagers. I have noticed the same thing by my koi pond here in Denver this year. I used to see lots of sparrows, Cassin's finches, gold finches, Northern flickers, and, even herons. So, it was chilling to see this science article today. New Research Shows Over a Third of North American Birds Have Disappeared in the Past 50 Years. (nautil.us)
  20. Jim, We can't "unite" our polarized country in a meaningful way by refusing to talk about the sociopathic Orange Elephant in America's political living room-- the right wing demagogue who organized slates of false Electors after the 2020 election, then orchestrated a violent attack on the U.S. Congress to block the certification of Biden's election. As a historian, you know all about the problems that have resulted from America's failure to talk honestly about the Civil War, the "Lost Cause" mythology, the failure of Reconstruction, and Jim Crow. We're still dealing with that failure in the U.S. And, coincidentally, the Trump/MAGA movement today -- which is predicated on collective dishonesty and denial about Trump's crimes-- is strongly centered in the post-Confederate Deep South. I understand that RFK, Jr. doesn't want to alienate the Trump cult, but decent, honest people need to speak up about the disaster of Trumpism. (And I do believe that RFK, Jr. is decent, honest, and concerned about the public welfare.)
  21. Larry, I was referring to RFK, Jr.'s townhall last Wednesday, in which he explicitly declined to criticize Donald Trump-- the man who organized slates of false Electors after the 2020 election, then orchestrated the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Congress. Here's a link: RFK Jr.: ‘I’m proud that President Trump likes me’ | The Hill
  22. Sure thing, John. And you're still conversing with those little green men in your neighborhood, eh? 🤥
  23. We're All MAGAs Now (cont.) 🙄 Midland man arrested for allegedly hitting Capitol officer with flagpole during January 6 riots Midland man arrested for allegedly hitting Capitol officer during January 6 riot (wxyz.com) July 1, 2023
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