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Cory Santos

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Everything posted by Cory Santos

  1. Ok in the Moorman photo, I see JFK Jackie. Next row, looks like Gov. and his wife. First row, seems to be missing someone. Is this me? Clearly does not correlate to Z313- Governor is already sliding onto his wife but is still upright. And what is in front of Kellerman? Thoughts?
  2. Let me just add, fingerprint back in the 1990's was not really an exact science. Criminal defense attorneys have had them kicked out regularly based on improper methodology. One person stating back then he found a match does therefore not make it so nor does one expert stating twas not. Surely you are aware of this as well.
  3. Sandy, experts disagree, but... This issue really seems so simple because they are applying an objective test to determine if the fingerprint is legitimate and then is the person's. To this date, people still disagree however with Mr. Darby's methods. No, I am talking about getting the two or three most highly regarded fingerprint experts in the U.S. People who have testified in federal cases. Have them review the information and then scientifically, give an opinion about it. Explaining step by step how they came to their conclusions so that their work can be peer reveiwed. Remember, what qualifies as an expert in court is different than what say the Enquirer accepts. If he was such an expert, why is there still a debate. This debate can easily be solved however.
  4. I have to look it up, I read about this years ago. This site might have some info. http://www.gtr5.com/ you can even listen to recordings http://www.ussliberty.org/voices.htm
  5. I fail to see how the fingerprint issue still persists. As a lawyer, I hire an expert, he reviews the evidence, then says yes or no. I too have concerns about Mellon's book as I did about her Garrison book. I will check with some of our experts and see if a fingerprint person is available. This should easily be settled.
  6. Ha, yes in the early 1980s I believe and it was nothing. It was a disgrace!
  7. He was offered a lawyer, a very good one from Texas, he refused. He wanted a specific lawyer from New York I believe.
  8. I like this as it actually shows what the shooter could be looking at. The problem is this, a bullet flies by the driver and he gives no reaction. No glass shatter? It is very interesting. I have always thought the zapruder film clearly shows the limo coming to a near stop with the occupants lurching forward, then, when Hill climbs on the limo, it clearly speeds up. The stop could have been a reaction but the stop occurs later. Thoughts?
  9. Can I ask a question that might have been brought up before. In looking at the photo, up by the Hertz sign, to the right of it, does it appear there is some type of distortion? Has anyone discussed that? It is probably nothing but, in your picture above, there is a clear dark shadow on the buliding, a brown distortion, then the Hertz sign. What is that?
  10. The DCM clearly had a radio and I must say there is one close up photo which seems to show a bulge on his chest below his right armpit which could be a weapon. I have often questioned, he was so close to Kennedy, what if he shot the fatal head shot with a hidden weapon. He was so close he probably would not miss. Strange, the shooting is occurring and he stands in the street. Why does he not duck or cover or fall back to the walkway if someone is being shot literally feet away from him. Why did secret service not see him on the street and immediately veer the car to the left or jump off the follow up and make a barrier between him and the President. Oh well, another strange coincidence they will say.
  11. When 13 days came out, which Costner utilized to make Kenneth O'Donnel appear as one of the central figures in the Cuban Missile Crisis, Robert McNamara stated: "For God's sakes, Kenny O'Donnell didn't have any role whatsoever in the missile crisis; he was a political appointment secretary to the President; that's absurd." Film can be effectively utilized for propaganda because it appeals to our senses. As an actor, I am frequently reminded by my acting coach that my body, language, movements, everything I do on stage must tell the audience what they should think and feel about the scene. So, I see the point about JFK and the comparison to this film.
  12. So I know the film well. You state Mr. Stone protrays David Ferrie "confessing to killing Kennedy in the film 'JFK'. . . " Yawn, ok, being a movie buff, well with my background one can understand, please state where he confesses to killing JFK in the film. I often hear misrepresentations of what was said or portrayed which in fact are often inaccurate. I went and looked at the dialogue just for fun, I dont see where he says that anywhere in the film. I think you might want to go back and re-watch the moview. He says as follows -please note I cleaned up the tough language: I suppose I could use a pot of hot coffee and a few packs of Luckys. Anything new? Who are you scared of? Everybody. The Agency, mob, Cubans. Follow the Cubans. Check them out. Here. In Miami. Dallas. Check out Eladio del Valle. He was my paymaster when I flew missions into Cuba. You're on the right track. Don't write this down! I ain't cooperating with no one! There's a death warrant for me! Don't you get it? Damn! Wait a minute! You ain't bugged, are you? Son of a b...h, Lou! Are you? I play square. No bugs. I'd love you to go on the record, but I'm in no hurry. I haven't slept since that article. -Why'd you get me involved? -Did we involve you? Or did Shaw? C....sucking f...ot. He got me by the balls. -What do you mean? -Photographs, compromising stuff. He'll use them, too. Agency plays for keeps. Oswald was in my Civil Air Patrol unit. I taught him everything. He was a wannabe. No one liked him. Thought he was a snitch. But I treated him good. He wanted his kid to grow up with a chance. What's this? What's going on? Don't let him in. No one's coming in here. Black. Give it to me. Black. My neck is killing me. I've had cancer for years. Been working with mice to find a cure. Did you work for the CIA? You sound like it's a remote experience in ancient history. You don't leave the Agency. -Once you're in, they got you for life. -And Shaw? Shaw's an untouchable. Highest clearance. Shaw, Oswald, the Cubans, all Agency. Ruby? Jack was a pimp. A bagman for the Dallas mob. Ran guns to Castro when he was on our side. Castro was almost with us till we tried to whack him. Everybody keeps flipping sides. It's fun and games. -How do the mob figure in this? -They're Agency too. The CIA and the Mafia worked together for years trying to whack out the beard. There's more to this than you could dream! Check out something called "Operation Mongoose." Government, Pentagon stuff. They're in charge. But who pulls whose chain? Who knows? "Oh, what a deadly web we weave when we practice to deceive." Who killed the President? Why don't you f....king stop it? Sh...t! This is too big for you, you know that? Who did the President? F....k! It's a mystery. It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The shooters don't even know! Don't you get it? F...k, man! I can't keep talking like this! They'll f....ng kill me! I'll f....ng die! Son of a b...h! It's all right. I don't know what happened. F...k! All I wanted in the world... ...was to be a Catholic priest. Live in a monastery. Pray. Serve God. I had... ...one terrible f....king weakness. And they defrocked me! Then I started to lose everything. You'll be okay, Dave. Just talk to us on the record. We'll protect you. They'll get to you too. They'll destroy you. They're untouchable. I'm so f....king exhausted, I can't see straight.
  13. I believe that information was on an episode of The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Sarti's name is nothing new. Interesting, a person who has a heavy accent is put in Dealey Plaza and presumably interacts with Texans but no one notices or says, "hey, there was a cop on the grassy knoll who had a very strong accent." Ok. As for Arnold's story, the tough thing is finding him in the photos and film. That debate aside, assuming Gordan was telling the truth, the problem is why would the CIA or FBI or UFO people or whomever one believes is behind this, utilize obvious shooters that stick out in the crowd? It goes against concealment, it goes against blend in, everything that if there was a conspiracy logic dictates the conspirators would have done. Especially when you had plenty of people close by to use. You don't go out of the trusted circle for something like this. Paul the question to ask is this. On what basis is he claiming Sarti is the shooter? Was it the information on the Men Who Killed Kennedy?
  14. He also states that based on several documents in the episode, he has in effect solved the mystery. For example, one document is based on an "unnamed source". This source claims LHO's alleged travel buddy was a double agent for Castro. Ok, when this happens with a witness, what I ask about is the other documents with claims by unnamed sources. Why are they not given any credibility? That is, Ruby saying there would be fireworks before the assassination, mentions of other bullets found in JFK's head, a bullet found in the limo, a never before seen Surgeon General's report on a bullet from the front, sightings of Oswald in Washington DC, for that matter, what about sightings of Oswald in the company of Ruby? Why are those documents disregarded but this one document is deemed credible? It makes no sense. CT researchers do this too and it drives me nuts. If you disregard one witness but give credibility to another, you have to have reasons. Otherwise you are intellectually being dishonest to the evidence. As for the show, perhaps he feels these Mexico City leads are essential. That is why he is pursuing this angle. Fine, lets see if he can prove it. But, he should be mentioning the many other documents. One thought for Paul, if the radical right in Dallas did this alone, without help, please explain how Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and Mexico City fit into it. I am curious about that. Not withstanding this, the list of Cubans declassified is very interesting. But proving LHO was associated with CIA individuals, while this would be significant, it still does not prove they were in on it. So someone answer me this, as I presented to a good friend of mine who is retired Secret Service, if LHO did this, alone, WHY DO THE DECLASSIFIED RECORDS NOT PROVE HE ACTED ALONE? Clearly the w.c. was defective, and, truly, now that even LHO did it types are coming around to that, it casts doubt on prior investigations of serious historical events.
  15. He believes: 1) There was a conspiracy to enact the assassination 2) Oswald did not act alone 3) There was a conspiracy to cover up the conspiracy 4) Hoover was a main coordinator of the cover up. All good for him to come around to. Now, then he places the blame at Russia and Cuba and innocently says Hoover was trying to prevent world war III. Lets examine that, how does it make sense that he was concerned with WWIII? If so, where was he when we almost went to war in Cuba over the missles, Vietnam, most importantly, the Bay of Pigs. It is strange that he would try to make Hoover a hero for covering up the assassination as if he did, he was committing treason, obstruction of justice, perjury along with other crimes. So I tend to disagree with Mr. Baer. Now, what other scenarios does he ignore? Oswald's close connections with the FBI, Hosty, the memos dating back to 1960 regarding Oswald and/or his double wandering around the country. He ignores LBJ's close relationship with Hoover. He uses my tagline of "coincidences" more than once. In total, while I am sure he was a great asset to our intelligence community and therefore, our country, I tend to find this show lacking in overall consideration of other explanations of what I call "strange coincidences".
  16. Thoughts? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/01/10/jfk-files-kgb-had-trusted-relationship-longtime-warren-commission-critic-mark-lane/1018691001/
  17. Well, you dont question orders, you follow them. There is a lot of good truth to that. Or as it has been said: Jessep: You ever served in an infantry unit son? Kaffee: No Sir. Jessep: You ever served in a forward area unit? Kaffee: No Sir. Jessep: You ever put your life in another mans hands, and in return, asked him to put his life in yours? Kaffee: No Sir. Jessep: We follow orders, we follow orders or people die, it’s that simple. Are we clear? Kaffee: Yes, Sir. Jessep: Are we clear
  18. Hmm... see that is the problem I have, when you look at this guy he seems to have different features in different photos, almost like its not the same guy. I saw a good up close photo a while back, let me see if I can find it. Keep it up.
  19. Lear is the reason Bob Lazar went public. Having served as Mr. Lear and his wife's attorney for some time, and having spent time with him in his "lair", I can say this, if you could see the photos, documents, and things he has, you would be amazed. Spending time with him is always interesting as is hearing his opinions which are always based on something. You do not see him profiting from writing books. His dad was a genius. I do know that he feels the JFK assassination was a conspiracy. He has some good reasons to back it up as well. His wife is a former actress/model/singer. She has a picture in her office where she played Jackie (I cant recall the story but I could ask) and truthfully, she could have easily been a body double for her back then, you could not tell them apart. If he says this video is faked, I tend to believe him. I was thinking it looked fake when I first saw it. His opinion pretty much nailed it. He gives sound reasons for it. As for Cooper, I am not familiar with him or his story. It is strange though, everyone seems to have a motive in the assassination EXCEPT LHO.
  20. Moreover, I am still troubled by the fact that Kruschev is then taken out by factions in his government. Why? Were these people connected at all to JFK? Were they somehow involved with LHO? Why did they take him out? Its been two decades since I read "Kruschev Remembers" and I dont recall his thoughts on the matter. But two world leaders taken out of power within a year of each other. A "Strange coincidence"? A very interesting one at the very least and very relevant to this forum for discussion. Thank you for your insight Ms. Brown.
  21. So the white elephant in the room, has anyone tried to use facial recognition software to line up the photos with the guy next to umbrella man? Hmm?????
  22. Not relevant to this forum? I beg to differ. If records are being released on the JFK assassination, tell me, how do you know they are real? Go on youtube, videos of sea creatures and big foot are everywhere. They are fake! Now a government film allegedly showing a UFO shows up and people are say "ah ha" proof! Yet, when someone who is a well known conspiracist states the video is fake which in effect goes against that which he supports exposing, you do not find that relevant? Again, in the new records release, there are documents confirming discussions about what documents to provide to either the w.c. investigators or the House investigators and how they could be manipulated. So when this video is released, it is relevant to some people in that it could show a pattern of public deception. Certainly, so many people in this forum believe documents or photos were altered or manipulated in some way. Moreover, many here-not I- believe there is a connection between JFK and the UFO issue. As for Mr. Lear, as he is my client, I will say this, I was not aware he said that about Agent Greer many years ago. However, I know that has been a popular view by some-not I- in the JFK field. I can say that perhaps his opinion has changed because what he suggested to me was behind the JFK assassination did not involve Greer.
  23. Well... I cannot comment on that but according to Mr. Lear, he believes that there is a base on what you called the far side of the moon which is also referred to as the dark side of the moon. Hope that helps.
  24. I know there are some JFK researchers interested in a link to UFO's. While I am not one of these people, I thought for those people this might be interesting. The alleged DOD release of an F-18 chasing a UFO appears to be a hoax, according to John Lear. See below. It is relevant because if this video was faked, the question is why? What purpose does it serve? In several spots in the new JFK records, I noticed comments about altering photographs, etc. especially as it pertains to Mexico City. A "strange coincidence"?
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