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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. Paul and Paz: The deal that was made with the archives after Maurice took them to court is that documents will be released that are 50 years or older but I have noticed that some files have been released that are less than 50 years old. I have reviewed all files that have been released up to 2017. Here is a description of all files in the Bloomfield collection at the archives. https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldFindingAid_201712 Here is a list of dates when the files will be released. https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldPapersFileOpenDates
  2. Jim: I read Linda's article, it is fascinating and I have a copy of Davy's Through the Looking Glass.. article about Shaw. Reading your comments, I get the sense that you believe that Bloomfield is a central figure in Permindex - CMC, is that correct?
  3. Jim: Yes he was depositing these stocks at Credit Suisse in Switzerland. My reading of that letter, taking into account other letters I have read, is that Bloomfield, like lot of his work, is on behalf of his clients, in this case Otraco Corporation of Canada.
  4. Paz: Do you know if CMC or Permindex had any banking connections or dealings with any other companies in Panama?
  5. No more letters to d'Amelio, also checked for Spadafora, no letters either.
  6. Picture of Bloomfield with Chief's of Police. There is word document that lists there names and titles because they are difficult to read on the picture. https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldPictureChiefsOfPolice
  7. Paz: Here are Bloomfield's letters to d'Amelio. https://archive.org/details/DAmelio https://archive.org/details/DAmelio_201712 https://archive.org/details/DAmelio_20171204
  8. Bloomfield and Freeport Sulphur. https://archive.org/details/FreeportSulpher
  9. Does anyone know how Garrison discovered Clay Shaw's connection to Permindex and CMC? Was Shaw on the board of directors?
  10. Jim: Permindex requires large amount of capital and the only way to get it is to go to the wealthy, and it is these types that are members of the Bilderberger. Rockefellers, Rotschilds etal fit the profile of people who would invest there money there. Permindex, CMC are probably just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to front companies that could be used by intelligence agencies to fund arms dealing. Bloomfield's association with Credit Suisse Canada is important because it is a subsidiary of Credit Suisse in Switzerland, and as we all know that country is the home of a very secretive banking system that could easily hide flows of money to front companies.
  11. Thank you for posting the article Paz. Do you know when his book will be translated?
  12. Paul: Started a new thread on called the "Bloomfield Papers" and have uploaded some of his letters and documents.
  13. Bloomfield letter mentions large investment by financiers. https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldPermndexCMC https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldPermindexCMC
  14. Anthony Tucci went to Montreal with a letter of credit for $187,000 believed to be drawn on a Swiss Bank to be used for an arms deal. https://ia601501.us.archive.org/26/items/BartoneMontrealSwissBank/Bartone - Montreal Swiss Bank.pdf Bloomfield was one of the directors of Credit Suisse Canada in Montreal. https://archive.org/details/SpecimenSignatureCard 124-10278-10459 on Mary Ferrell has details regarding Hoffa, Bartone, Dolin and others and arms deals. This document does not explicitly name Dolin and Hoffa as arms dealer but they are associated to each other and others due to business connections. This document is found on Mary Ferrell under HSCA Dominik Bartone who was arrested in 1959 for arms dealing. Other names associated with Bartone are soldier of fortune Mitch WerBell III and William Alexander Morgan who worked with Castro but eventually was executed by Castro. There is a documentary about Morgan on YouTube.
  15. Bloomfield mentions "Mr. Dulles" in a letter about Trans Israel Pipeline. https://archive.org/details/Dulles_201712
  16. This letter is addressed to Richard Coit c/o Sir William Stephenson, aka Intrepid, Canada's spy for the British in New York during WWII. This connection may have been a source for Bloomfield's alleged spy connections to Britain's SOE that is mentioned in Larouche's Executive Intelligence Review. The article published in 1981 is titled Permindex: Britain's International Assassination Bureau. https://archive.org/details/SirWilliamStephenson Permindex: Britain's International Assassination Bureau. https://archive.org/stream/nsia-Permindex/nsia-Permindex/Permindex 01#page/n1/mode/2up Bloomfield in a letter to the RCMP complains about how he has been designated as a chief of an FBI division. https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldRCMP
  17. In this letter Bloomfield gives advice to General Alvarez regarding the ousting of President Trujillo of the Dominican Republic. https://archive.org/details/Alvarez1_201712
  18. In this letter Bloomfield says that his role with Permindex is to act as lawyer for some of its shareholders. https://archive.org/details/Permindex_201712
  19. The above telegram did not mention the names of the "powerful" interests but Bloomfield wrote a letter about a project with David Rockefeller. https://archive.org/details/Rockefeller_201712
  20. This telegram mentions "powerful "interests" financing a hotel with Permindex. https://archive.org/details/Permindex
  21. In this telegram Bloomfield mentions that "powerful" interests are involved in the financing of a hotel. https://archive.org/details/Permindex
  22. Paul: Well said. Torbitt and Larouche are sources of lies that must be disregarded. I would like to see Mexican government documents regarding Osborne. The challenge of course is how to access them.
  23. The real research on the Torbitt document has less to do with its contents as it does with who wrote it. Don't know who actually produced it, but I read somewhere that it was lawyer named Copeland.
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