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Benjamin Cole

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Posts posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. It is hard to believe anything Trump says. If Trump now says he will open up the the JFK Records, why would anyone believe him?

    We know Biden will not open up the JFKA Records.

    There is a third candidate, whose name cannot be mentioned, who would open up the JFK Records, given his family history and background.

    So it stands. 

    Is this unmentionable third candidate, who is loathed by establishment DC and media, a "spoiler" ...or are the two extant political parties crapulent and feculent in every way, and "spoiling"  a chance for an American renewal and transparency in government? 

    Stay tuned.


  2. 2 hours ago, Keven Hofeling said:

    Here is that story, for anyone who is unfamiliar with it:


    Kennedys & King

    Saturday, 20 November 2021 22:01

    'The Strange, Strange Story of Governor Connally’s Shirt & Coat and Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez'

    Written by Benjamin Cole | https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-strange-strange-story-of-governor-connally-s-shirt-coat-and-congressman-henry-b-gonzalez
    Benjamin Cole continues his expose of the evidence regarding the bullet holes in Governor John Connally’s clothing by tracing their curious, even wacky, journey, dubious chain-of-custody, and contamination, culminating in the bungled failures of the Warren Commission and House Select Committee on Assassinations to properly analyze them in ascertaining the facts of the JFK assassination.

    KH--Thanks for resurrecting that story. It sure is strange-o.

    BTW, the small round hole in the rear of Connally's assassination-day shirt destroys the tumbling bullet theory.

    It sure looks like Connally was hit with a straight, unimpeded shot.  The Z-film correlates. That is what the Connallys said too. And Connally's surgeon. 

    As Arlen Specter said, "Then you have to start looking for a second gunman." 


  3. On 1/9/2024 at 2:46 AM, James DiEugenio said:

    BTW, bringing this up should remind us of what happened to the HSCA after Sprague left.

    1. The phony NAA testing of Guinn

    2. The wild ride of Thomas Canning and his NASA trajectories

    3. The infiltration by Joannides

    4. And this misrepresentation of the hole in the rear skull.

    Does anyone think this would have happened under Sprague and Tanenbaum? 

    The story of Sprague and Henry Gonzalez, and John Connally's blood-drenched shirt, is beyond anything fiction has come up with. 

  4. On 3/12/2024 at 7:39 AM, Jeff Royle said:

    Hello folks.  I hope you are all having a great week so far.  Has anyone read this book and if so, would you be willing to give me your opinion before I purchase it?


    Thanks in advance.

    Great book for its time. Garrison stood alone against the state-media assault not seen since, except perhaps for what happened to Oliver Stone in the release of his films, or against a current presidential aspirant who cannot be mentioned. 

    But a lot has been learned since Garrison's time, many records released, so read some of the recent works of James DiEugenio or others also. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I’ve heard this (possible VP choice) about Ventura, someone I admire btw, but do we know it’s factual? 

    Well, that Ventura is a possibility for the veep position is factual. Who RFK2 will pick is not yet decided, I gather. 

    Back in the day, first Spiro Agnew had to be removed, and WC'er Ford inserted, before Nixon could be given the boot. Nixon, btw, had been demanding to see the "Bay of Pigs" papers and wondering to CIA chief Helms, "Who shot John?" (This is not a defense of Nixon. I am just noting the way DC works, especially when anyone touches the third rail, which is the JFKA). 

    So, having a Ventura in the veep slot sets up another challenge for those who would want RFK2 out of office (should he win the election). You might run RFK2 out of office...but you end up with Ventura. They would have to target Ventura first. 

    Could be a wild ride to November. And after. 


  6. Jesse Ventura wrote this book (see below) back in 2013. It was a best-seller. 

    Ventura himself also tried to duplicate the JFKA shooting, using a Mannlicher-Carcano, and said it could not be done. You can see that on YouTube. 

    They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK Paperback – September 2, 2014 (re-issue) 


    So, Jesse Ventura, a serious JFK researcher and former Minnesota governor, may be a running mate of a candidate we cannot mention. But, that would make two men on the same ticket who do not believe in the official versions of the JFKA. 

    Is the man who cannot be mentioned (i.e., the presidential candidate) buying "life insurance"? 

    That is, what is the point in assassinating No. 1, if No. 2 would open up the JFK Records anyway? 

  7. This article is yet another train of thought that makes a great leap, and links groups that disliked JFK to the actual JFKA. 

    John Davis wrote an entire book in 1989 linked the Marcello-Mafia to the JFKA.

    Others have written that German Nazis, brought to the US under CIA aegis, were largely responsible for the JFKA. 

    Then we have globalists, Dulles and the JFKA.

    Also, the LBJ-JFKA. 

    Interestingly, the veteran, very astute and circumspect JFKA scholar Larry Hancock, who wrote the book Someone Would Have Talked about many, many inklings and rumors inside the Cuban exiles-merc community pre-JFKA, does not say he has nailed down the JFKA.  The clues Hancock diligently assembled point to the Miami-CIA station and exile community. 

    I have to say, sometimes the very people who go to great lengths to exonerate LHO of any role in the JFKA (even an unwitting role), and who skeptically examine every bit of evidence against LHO (as is proper), then turn around convict their favorite boogyman on the basis of un-cross-examined hearsay witnesses and other circumstantial evidence.

    No one has ever presented the real-world mechanisms, the gunsels, the actual connections between their favorite boogyman and the JFKA. 

    There was a hard connection between Tosh Plumlee and the Mormon Mafia---if you believe Tosh Plumlee. So which witnesses do you believe, and when? 

    "So and so did it, loathed JFKA, and stood to benefit from JFKA's demise" is enough make someone a suspect.

    But accusations are not convictions. 


  8. 7 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:
    Ben:  We are unable to discuss much in the current context as there some participants who are rabid partisans and evidently unable to conduct civil discourse. 
    RO:  I understand you are repeating what you think the forum policy is.  And I think your description is accurate. That's my understanding of what Sandy has said when I questioned the policy.
    But the policy is makes no sense, even on its own terms. For example, we have a topic, relevant and important.  But we can't discuss it because some people are unable to "conduct a civil discourse". about it  There are disruptions.  So we ban the topic. Either delete it, move it to another forum (where presumably people are more civil?) or penalize the people who brought it up. 
    Rather than dealing with the individuals causing the problem so the topic can be discussed!! 
    Not only does that not make sense, it seriously harms the very purpose of the forum, which is to discuss all relevant aspects of the murder to better understand what happened.
    Ben:  PS I recently posted about the media treatment of RFK2's explanation of the JFKA, and that post was deleted. So it goes. 
    I consider media treatment of explanations of the JFKA---always dubbed "conspiracy theories"---as important to this forum.
    RO: This is an example of what I'm talking about. Junior's explanation of his uncle's murder has gathered attention to it and is clearly relevant here.  Remember when he began his campaign, he gave a speech that focused on his uncle's "peace speech" as a model of the kind of president he wanted to be. 
    In that speech, JFK publicly rejected the Pax Americana approach to foreign policy that has been adopted by every president and both political parties since the murder.  JFK had issued a direct challenge to his killers and I think he did it knowing the risk.
    To anyone, mod or not, who thinks the speech had nothing to do with the murder, I
    would be happy to listen to your reasons.


    You may be justified in your observations, but there is no mechanism to make corrections. 

    There are other forums.

    So it goes. 

    At least we have been able to discuss RFK2's position to open up the JFK Records, which stands in stark contract to the (indefensible) de facto major party positions. 



  9. 4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Ben you always talk like the U.S. started globalism.

    So you don't think that the colonization of the world that went on for 5 centuries wasn't globalism? Why do you think Brits, French Spanish  Dutch decided to leave home?

    But that wasn't just business . That was raping and pillaging countries for their natural resources!

    Ben:JFK appeared able to forestall globalism, but he would have termed out anyway. 

    Where do you get this that "JFK appeared able to forestall globalism?"  You don't realize that the class of people that the Kennedy clan represented were globalists? His father was a bootlegger of Irish whiskey. I'm sure he had many other foreign interests as well. Most everyday Americans had never been out of the country!

    Ben:The globalists have unlimited amounts of money and friends in Qatar, Beijing, Riyadh to get even more. 

    Skipping ahead a bit, aren't we? 

    The prevalent attitude among the nations of the  post war world was simple, the more globalism and International  trade, the better! But Europe was largely decimated and the country more apt take advantage was the U.S.  

     Ben:PS I recently posted about the media treatment of RFK2's explanation of the JFKA, and that post was deleted. So it goes. I consider media treatment of explanations of the JFKA---always dubbed "conspiracy theories"---as important to this forum. But some participants see "RFK2" and go bananas. As if commentary here could have slightest impact on national elections. BTW, RFK2 is not a globalist. The first candidate in the JFK tradition in many, many moons. 

    So are we going to have a civil discussion about the topics you guys brought up, or is this just a cheap segue to talk about RK again? Because it sure seems like it!


    Yes, you correct, imperial empires were built long before post-WWII globalism. Sheesh, the Germans and Japanese were hard at it, starting WWII in the process. 

    IMHO, JFK wanted to tone down 1960s version of corporatist globalism, and was not willing to use US military to further globalist commercial interests.  He also did not want to participate in preserving colonialism, which he thought was a losing battle. 

    But, as I said, JFK would have been termed out anyway. 

    In any event, global enterprises of incredible scale and power emerged after , including Apple (market cap $2.6 trillion, big operations in China)) or BlackRock (assets under management: $10 trillion, invested globally) and the many other companies I have mentioned. That is "trillion" with a "T." 

    I have posted in this space that the top 10 American think tanks are all globalist in nature, but I could have posted the top 50, and which include Council for Foreign Relations. 

    There are any number of academic centers devoted to globalism. 

    The globalists want a global security guard service, and that is largely the US military. 

    This should not be taken as a reflection on the many earnest soldiers in the armed forces, or that the US forces are sometimes in the right, as when fighting terrorist monkey-pig Houthis, who are firing upon unarmed civilian ships and crews. 

    As to RFK2's policies, I generally refrain from commenting on them, except for his position of the JFK Records Act, which is that they should be opened up. I agree with that position, which I hope is the same position of anyone reading the EF-JFKA. 

    I doubt my comments on RFK2 will do much to ensconce him in the White House. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Peter Dale Scott did an interview with someone in RFK 2’s camp and in it he suggested that 2028 was RFK 2’s year, because he needed more time to build a political movement. I’m inclined to agree, if only for the reason that it is necessary for a party to be on the ballot in all 50 states, and that is a tall order. Now we also have the No Name Party trying to do likewise. While I don’t think of RFK 2 as a spoiler, a plot to hurt Biden and the Democrats, I’m less sure about the No Name Party, which is pledging to have a ticket with a Republican presidential candidate and a Democratic VP. 
    In my view presidential elections are a rigged game, and we are constantly reminded that Democrats have to vote for Biden to forestall Trump. 


    I always enjoy your commentary, even when we disagree. 

    I would like to see the JFK Records Act opened up in my lifetime. 

    The major parties are running the weakest candidates in memory. 

    I think it is do-or-die time for RFK2, who himself is no spring chicken. 

    All we can do is watch and hope. 


  11. When the GOP-Bush stole Ohio and the 2004 election through absentee ballots, they had a cover story in place and even promulgated during voting. It was the "evangelical" vote that put Bush over the top. 

    This is standard procedure for a wide range of covert ops. Have a plausible cover story and few experts ready to turn media in the "right" direction. 

    After the JFKA, there was chaos, wildly varying stories and accusations, loose cannons everywhere. 

    This suggests that the perps of the JFKA were not hooked into a larger power structure, pre-JFKA. 

    Just IMHO. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:
    Ben:  What's the evidence of things going quickly downhill (whatever you mean by that), when someone brings up, as Robert and I did, the murder's effect on current politics?   I've been lurking here for more than a decade and a member for almost two years and haven't seen this. Sandy has often made this claim but he is short on specifics.
    You say you can see why Sandy banished "some commentary". Can you respond specifically to the warning I was given?  Do you agree with that?  Sandy has been silent.
    Robert's point is that the murder created a seismic shift in US politics that we can clearly see the effects of today.  Is that controversial? If so, would you or Sandy like to debate that point?  Do either of you think that shift is unimportant?  Do you or Sandy think a debate on that point might be more beneficial than attempting to censor it?


    I don't know if I want to "debate" you, as I think we largely agree that US foreign, military and trade policies have become globalist (btw, not nationalist) in the decades after the JFKA. 

    My only possible disagreement with you is whether that would have happened had not JFK been murdered.

    The globalists are huge--Apple, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, WalMart, Tesla, GM, Disney, the NBA et al, and fund all the leading think tanks and relevant academic centers in the US. 

    Add on the media.

    JFK appeared able to forestall globalism, but he would have termed out anyway. 

    We are unable to discuss much in the current context as there some participants who are rabid partisans and evidently unable to conduct civil discourse. 

    There are plenty of other forums in the world. 

    PS I recently posted about the media treatment of RFK2's explanation of the JFKA, and that post was deleted. So it goes. 

    I consider media treatment of explanations of the JFKA---always dubbed "conspiracy theories"---as important to this forum.

    But some participants see "RFK2" and go bananas. As if commentary here could have slightest impact on national elections. 

    BTW, RFK2 is not a globalist. The first candidate in the JFK tradition in many, many moons. 



  13. Roger O: 

    "The CIA takeover of the (A Major US Political) Party"



    This is an interesting perspective, even though I tend to favor free markets and small government. 

    It is said of Marx, "Vulgar Marxist analysis is 95% on target, but Marxist medicine is poison."

    Maybe you disagree, and that is fine. That is what a forum is for. 

    One problem is no one can discuss JFK in current context without bringing in current politics, and then things quickly go downhill, due to certain participants. I see why Sandy Larsen banished some commentary to internet-Pluto. Maybe even this comment will get sent e-Siberia. My comment is fine, but it will generate other comments. 

    My take: The globalists would have won control of DC even if JFK had survived. The globalists have unlimited amounts of money and friends in Qatar, Beijing, Riyadh to get even more. 


  14. You know, rarely mentioned anymore is that Zapruder said he filmed steadily from the time he saw the Presidential limo on Houston Street, to when it vanished from view. 

    My family had an old-fashioned 8 millimeter camera from Sears & Roebuck, which I think was actually made by Bell & Howell, the maker of Zapruder's camera.

    Those cameras made a whirring sound when in operation, and you felt a mild vibration through the handle.  

    Did Zapruder actually start filming, then stop filming and then start filming, unaware of this? 

  15. I can't believe records have yet to be released under the JFK Records Act---an act spurred by Stone's dramatic film "JFK" lo those many years ago.

    Congratulations to DiEugenio and Stone for the tremendous service they have done to try to keep the JFKA issue alive. Especially to DiEugenio, who has doggedly worked on the JFKA issue for decades. 

    I disagree on some details with DiEugenio---but so what? Put three JFK researchers in a room, and you get four firmly held opinions. 

    I suspect there must be something in the suffocated JFK Records that is telling--otherwise why the JFK Records snuff job after 60 years? 

    Many of us are running out of years. 


  16. 5 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

    The insetuous relationship between the various intelligence agencies, the military, the media, the corporate "overworld" and the criminal "underworld", as portrayed in a Netflix series being discussed on another thread, is what made the coup of 1963 possible and successful.

    Democracy don't rule the world
    You better get that in your head
    This world is ruled by violence
    But I guess that's better left unsaid
             --Bob Dylan 



    It is an interesting question, "Not who pulled the trigger, but who paid for the bullet." I think that is how Mike Hammer put it.  

    Pretty smart people have ginned up arguments around the Mafia, CIA, Mormon Mafia, LBJ, Nazis, or even Israelis. A former CIA chief, James Woolsey, wrote a book naming the KGB-Russians as powers behind LHO. 

    You can read all of these arguments...but they all lose traction when the rubber hits the road. All these groups had motives and means, but we never see anything close to actual evidence. 

    Select a prominent person, say LBJ or Dulles or KGB chief. I have never seen anything that would allow me to sit on a jury and vote to put that guy in the electric chair. 

    We should apply the same skepticism regarding charges against an LBJ or Dulles, or a Nazi, that we apply for LHO. 

    My guess is that it was a fragment in one of these groups that perped the JFKA, perhaps not needing anyone's say-so, but acting on demented ideological beliefs and fervor, perhaps perceived revenge. My best guess is the fragment was related to the CIA-Miami Station. 

    Was the JFKA a grand plot? Maybe, but there is no evidence of that. In fact, there was bedlam and chaos after the JFKA, and official stories and narratives varying widely. LIFE magazine printed a story that JFK turned around and faced the TSBD to get his throat shot, and DA Wade pontificated on cabals and commie conspiracies. The CIA Mexico City office was in pandemonium. 

    However, two things can be true at once: There was no grand plot behind the JFKA, and the globalists badly wanted JFK out of the way, to pursue their globalist agenda and were happy with the result. 

    Also a third truth is possible: The fragment that perped the JFKA was connected to globalist DC, and so the truth had to be suppressed. 

    I agree with Robert Montenegro, that the globalists, increasingly powerful as global commerce radically expanded, have cemented their grip on DC ever since. DC is not the US capital anymore, but the capital for global enterprise on matters of foreign, military and trade policy. 

    Could JFK have stopped that? Probably not. After all, there are elections every four years, and globalists have the money to spend.





  17. From JFK Facts---

    (PS Alvin Bragg does not seems like the right guy for the job. I think the key fact is Kilgallen's missing files and manuscript. That is not something a thug or murderer would take, quite the opposite. It would be incriminating evidence.)

    NYC Councilman Calls For Reopening Kilgallen Case

    He says journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, who died mysteriously, was "on the verge of perhaps revealing epochal truths"

    MAR 7
    READ IN APPhttps%3A%2F%2Fsubstack.com%2Ficon%2FLuci

    A New York City councilman has called upon Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to reopen the case of Dorothy Kilgallen, the celebrated columnist who was pursuing an investigation of John F. Kennedy’s assassination when she was found dead in her Manhattan apartment in 1965.

    The death was ruled an accidental drug overdose at the time.

    Robert F. Holden, D-Queens, said in his Jan. 31 letter to Bragg that:

    “Dorothy’s investigative work, particularly concerning her friend John F. Kennedy’s assassination, was not only groundbreaking but also, as it tragically turned out, perilous. The reported scare tactics, surveillance, and threats she endured just prior to her death speak volumes about the potential gravity and sensitivity of the information she possessed. Her sudden and mysterious demise, under circumstances that many believe were meticulously staged, raises grave concerns about the integrity of the lackluster investigation that followed.”

    Holden goes on to note how Kilgallen’s files and manuscript for her planned blockbuster book on the assassination went missing after her death. 

    He said the “hastily” arrived at drug-overdose finding not only did not do Kilgallen justice, “but also conveniently silenced a voice that was on the verge of perhaps revealing epochal truths.”

    In a statement to JFK Facts, Holden said:

    "The mysterious and untimely death of Dorothy Kilgallen has never sat well with me, compelling me to advocate for its investigation. I am in touch with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and the NYPD Chief of Detectives, urging them to revisit the case and bring clarity to this enduring mystery."

    Holden, 72, was first elected in 2017.

    In his letter he also credits author and lawyer Mark Shaw, who has written three books on Kilgallen. Shaw became interested in the case while working for Jack Ruby’s attorney Marvin Belli in the 1980s. He maintains a websitededicated to Kilgallen and her demise.

    A household name in the 1950s and up to her death, Kilgallen was a syndicated columnist for the New York Journal-American and a regular on the CBS television show, “What’s My Line?” She played a role in the eventual acquittal of Dr. Sam Sheppard, who was initially convicted of killing his wife in a sensational trial in the 1950s.

    An acquaintance of President Kennedy, Kilgallen was an early skeptic of the Warren Commission and its eventual report, and did not shy away from using her column to cast doubt upon official pronouncements regarding the assassination.  

    ‘Something Strange About How this Case was Handled’

    Writing just one week after the assassination, Nov. 29, 1963, and a mere five days after Oswald’s murder, Kilgallen said that if President Johnson were to walk the streets of the nation and listen to its citizens:

    “… he would realize that he must make sure that the mystery of Lee Harvey Oswald is solved and laid before the nation down to the smallest shred of evidence.

    If Oswald was President Kennedy’s assassin, he was the most important prisoner the police of this country had in custody in 100 years, and no blithe announcement in Dallas is going to satisfy the American public that ‘the case is closed.…’

    He must satisfy the public’s uneasy mind about this peculiar assassination of the assassin or he will start his term in office by making a dire political mistake that could cost him in the 1964 election….

    When [the right to a trial] is taken away from any man by the incredible combination of a Jack Ruby and insufficient security, we feel chilled. That is why so many people are saying there is ‘something queer’ about the killing of Oswald, something strange about the way his case was handled, and a great deal missing in the official account of his crime.

    The American people have just lost a beloved President.

    It is a dark chapter in our history, but we have the right to read every word of it. It cannot be locked up in a file in Dallas.

    Kilgallen attended the trial of Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who shot alleged JFK assassin Oswald to death in the basement of the Dallas Police Department.

    Kilgallen, left, and Jack Ruby’s attorney Marvin Belli, right, at Ruby’s trial in Dallas in February 1964.

    She also held two private interviews with Ruby and published his Warren Commission testimony before it was officially released, infuriating the FBI.

    According to Shaw, the person who passed along that information was Kentucky Senator John Sherman Cooper, a member of the Warren Commission, who, along with Georgia Senator Richard Russell, was never comfortable with the Oswald-did-it-alone narrative.

    (Shaw’s information came from Cooper’s former aide, Morris Wolff, whom JFK Facts interviewed in December 2023.)

    Kilgallen was reportedly saving the details of her private discussions with Ruby for her book. She said she had information that would “bust the whole thing open,” according to the Dallas Morning News. 

    Kilgallen was found dead at age 52 in her Manhattan apartment, apparently expiring due a deadly cocktail of barbiturates and alcohol. Friends found it disturbing that she was in a room she didn’t sleep in, in clothes she wouldn’t have worn to bed, with a book she had already read being held upside down in her lap.

    As Jerry Kuzmarov in Covert Action Magazine reports, many — including fellow columnist Liz Smith, attorney Belli, and Watergate burglar and CIA operative Frank Sturgis — believed Kilgallen was killed because she was getting too close to the truth.

    Shaw points the finger at her younger lover, Ronald Pataky, who had fallen afoul of organized crime figures and may have had no choice but to play Ruby to Kilgallen’s Oswald.

  18. Q for RM:

    Here's a reservation I have.

    There are many "big picture" explanations of the JFKA, involving many moving parts and people, including the 1. LBJ circle, 2. the Nazi circle, 3. the CIA-globalist circle, and the 4. Carlos Marcello mob circle. There is even a 5. Mormon Mafia-JFKA book out there, with some compelling observations, if one believes Tosh Plumlee. 

    But, in all of these explanations, there is always the possibility, or (IMHO) even a likelihood, that only a fragment of the big circle broke off and unilaterally perped the JFKA.

    Thus the whole circle becomes "incriminated" by the actions of a few. 

    That is to say, suppose the JFKA was perped by a CIA-Miami Station clique, involving a few mercs and exiles, and one senior CIA officer. Of course, the CIA would have to go to great pains to cover this up (LHO was a CIA asset also), and lay blame elsewhere. LBJ would be bamboozled by the LHO-met-Kostikov meeting, and off to the races we go. 

    If it was entirely loathsome WWII Nazis, brought into the US by a CIA by the hundreds, who perped the JFKA, why not just a splinter group among the Nazis that independently planned and executed the deed?  

    If the JFKA was perped by the Mormon Mafia, it was not the entire Mormon Church that perped the deed, but only a splinter group of a few powerful and prominent Mormons.

    I have reservations about JFKA explanations that involve more than a handful of witting participants, pre-JFKA.

    None of this makes Nazis, the LBJ'ers, the CIA-globalists (who rule DC to this day) or the mob into nice guys.   

  19. 6 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    I have not read it, but I think the Kilgallen story has been fleshed out about as good as it is going to get (at this late date).

    A lot about Kilgallen's death was fishy, but especially that her voluminous notes and manuscript she was working on disappeared, in which Jack Ruby figured prominently (she had interviewed him). 

    Back in those days, people carried around written and printed materials, papers, in large manilla folders, or even expanding manilla folders. Such papers are not materials any thug or murderer would want. 

    So how did a large pile of paper disappear after Kilgallen's death? 




  20. 6 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:



    Remember, I have D.H. Byrd, because of his closeness to LBJ and his large insider stock buys into LTV in the weeks before the JFK assassination, as one of the plotters to kill JFK. Everything just got easier for any assassin in TSBD.

    I think there were 2 shooters in TSBD - one on the far western window (it was wide open) and one in the sniper's nest to the east (where Oswald was not).

    I think these men got into the elevators and ran outside the back of the TSBD. Took their guns with them or hid them somewhere temporarily in TSBD where there may have been other confederates to dispose of the weapons. I think Oswald's weapon was not used and merely planted because he was a pre-selected patsy for the JFK assassination. 

    Therefore I don't have Oswald on 6th floor TSBD because no one saw him on the stairs - the 4th floor girls did not.

    As far as the amount of shots - 6 minimum, maybe 7.... 3 or 4 bullets into JFK, one into Connally, a shot into the infield that was dug up and the FBI deep sixed it and the shot that nearly hit Tague.

    I don't trust the witness interviews because the DPD, FBI were doing the interviewing. Anyone who heard more than 3 shots was immediately discounted. I have the Dallas Police Dept immediately in on the frame up of Oswald and the FBI following suit very soon afterwoods. One DPD and FBI have been determined to be corrupted so quickly, everything else they cough up CAN'T BE TRUSTED ON THE SURFACE - especially witness interviews or write up of interviews that occurred days after the JFK assassination.

    Dallas police started framing Oswald at 12:44PM. Anything the produce after that is immediately suspected as possibly fraudulent, including interviews and write up interviews.

    Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected patsy* for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/5-feet-10-inches-165-pounds-is-absolute.html  Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960











    Good enough. 

    I have different speculation on this precise matter, but hey that is what the EF-JFKA is for---airing out viewpoints. 

    I think the majority of earwitnesses heard three audible shots. Pat Speer and Tink Thompson seem to accept this. I agree with you that affidavits were monkeyed with, and witnesses pressured or misinterpreted.  

    BTW, Pat Speer, a serious JFKA researcher, also believes the JFKA shooter(s) may have simply ridden the elevator down. 

    My take is some shots on 11/22 were simultaneous, or heard simultaneously, or silenced guns were used, but most earwitnesses did in fact hear three shots. 

    Side comment: IMHO--See if you can pare down the number of witting pre-JFKA participants to a minimum, even within your construct. 

    I assume LHO working in the TSBD was happenstance. It looks planned, but remember there were literally thousands of CIA assets in the US at the time, largely due to the Cuba situation. Not all of them were on steady payroll, and they had to take jobs (or run drugs or weaponry).

    Speculation: The LBJ plot could have been as small as LBJ musing to Clifton Carter about the passing of JFK would be too bad and looking at the ceiling, and Carter musing to Lansdale the passing of JFK would be too bad and looking at the ceiling, and Lansdale collecting three guys to work with LHO in Dallas, as Lansdale knew the password to activate LHO's participation. 

    Lansdale's placed one guy in the TSBD, one in Dal-Tex, and diversionary guy, the smoke-and-bang show at the GK. 

    LHO thought he was participating in a failed false flag attempt on JFK's life to be blamed on Castro. 

    One consideration; To make LHO the patsy, I contend the plotters had to make sure LHO was not on the sidewalk taking photos of JFK as he went by. This required some level of cooperation of duping of LHO. 

    LHO was dead within hours, and two of the other three participants dead by 1967.  LBJ and Carter really did not know details. 

    Just IMHO. 




  21. 18 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    “LBJ vs. The Kennedys: Chasing Demons” –  a suppressed documentary narrated by Frank Sesno & aired by the History Channel on June 1, 2003 https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2021/05/lbj-vs-kennedys-chasing-demons.html


    1. You contend there were "multiple shooters" on the TSBD 6. 

    Do you mean two or three? 

    When they left the TSBD, did they bring their firearms along? 

    Do you posit perhaps three men, carrying firearms, got into the TSBD elevators after the JFKA, descended to the first floor, and then left by the back door of the TSBD?

    No one reported seeing such a group of men. But then, one could posit the potential witnesses were TSBD'ers who were told to keep mum. Or, they could have worn long coats, covered the weapons.

    BTW, in my view, LHO was on TSBD 6, and fired once to intentionally miss (possibly the Tague shot).

    Another individual fired in earnest, although possibly from the second floor of the TSBD, or the Dal-Tex building. 

    2. Most JFKA earwitnesses heard three shots. This does not preclude simultaneous shots, or shots heard simultaneously though fired split seconds apart, or the use of silencers or pneumatic guns. 

    If there were multiple shooters on the TSBD 6, what is your explanation of why only three shots were heard? 

    Again, I enjoy your posts. I am just fleshing out ideas here, and just IMHO as always. 



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