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Robert Montenegro

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Posts posted by Robert Montenegro

  1. 8 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

    Thank you for responding. 

    So, in essence, the assassinations of 1960s amounted to the liquidation of the political left by fascist forces. I've believed that for years.




    It was a global putsch against the left that took place in the 1960's.


    And examine where the political left is today in the United States—the left are so center-right today, they make President Kennedy look like a damned communist insurgent!



  2. 17 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Cold blooded?

    Here’s cold blooded:  in the late ‘20s and early 30’s Averell Harriman helped the Soviets resuscitate their oil and manganese industries.

    In the 30’s the Harriman controlled Union Banking Corporation financed 45% of Nazi Germany’s raw material purchases, including Soviet manganese used to make the steel for the German war machine, which aimed, unsuccessfully, to capture Soviet oil fields.  

    Harriman was the #1 War hawk in FDR’s Administration, in charge of the Lend-Lease program to aid England and the SU in their fight against Germany.  He was Churchill’s favorite Yank.

    Harriman played all ends against the middle.  After WW2 who was put in charge of rebuilding Europe under the Marshall Plan?  You guessed it — W. Averell Harriman.

    Hanging out with the widow of the man he had whacked (so I speculate) was a walk in the park for Ave.


    You hit the nail on the head, Mr. Varnell, bravo!


    W. Averell Harriman was a brutal corporatist-fascist who not only profited off of slave labor in the Nazi concentration camp system (primarily thru his holdings in Nazi Party-linked companies (like Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., Harriman International Company, Union Banking Corporation, Holland-American Trading Corporation, Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, & Silesian-American Corporation), but, as you pointed out, W. Averell Harriman was also in-charge of the all of the Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds" that were covertly bankrolling CIA covert action programs in post-WWII Europe, code-named ZRCANDY.


    It should be noted that W. Averell Harriman's deputy in the ZRCANDY program was future CIA officer Everette Howard Hunt Jr. 


    Let that sink in for a moment...


  3. 7 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

    Yes, thank you for cut n pasting a thousand names with instructions to look up unfamiliar names myself. 

    ps. please don’t leave (again) just because I haven’t joined in on the backslapping, stay strong ❤️


    I didn't cut and paste names—I've spent fifteen years of my life researching covert operations, and these names are, in my educationed opinion, the closest we will get to a working pool of suspects.

    As for the back-slapping, well, I don't expect much of a positive response, as on every post I have ever made on this forum, somebody gets the urge to jump down my throat.

    Perhaps they should teach civics and courteses in schools again and reinstitute corporal punishment...


  4. 9 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

    I don't know if you've seen it, but there is some thought that AI will collapse upon itself by the algorithms finding more and more output from AI on the net and not non-AI-produced data.  By garbage in -- I mean AI produced output from the bot algorithm and  not the conspirator list.


    That said, it might be interesting to ask an AI chatbot a question or questions something like:

    Given the list of suspects and roles what are the 5 most likely conspiracies given at least 1 conspirator in each role and no conspirator in more than 1 conspiracy based on connections between suspects?

    If I had the time and knowledge about how to best compose the query I would give it a go.




    I have thought about entering some of these names into an AI just to see what it would regurgitate, but I haven't had the time.

    Perhaps someone on the forum would be disciplined enough to pull that off and report back what the bot said.


  5. 2 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

    Do you have an opinion on whether the same forces that assassinated JFK were involved in the  assassinations of Malcom X, MLK and RFK?



    I would quantify that to a high order of probability—the same fascist goons that murdered President Kennedy were involved at some level with the murders of Dr. King, Mr. X, and Senator Kennedy.


  6. 10 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    From my post on the other thread about this, about the first guy on the list.

    IDK if this was under Tech/Log but bingo.  Secret Service Second in command.  Paul Paterni, I've suspected for many years now. For good reason.  The chain of command may have been skipped through.  Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon, in turn head of The SS then, Paterni, Emory Roberts.  Maybe one more in between, a few others aware.  Roberts, Rybka at Love Field, the lead press car, Agent Ready stepping off the running board during the shooting - get back on.  Much more.


    I'd forgotten, Paterni started with the SS in the 1930's, while still in it in WWII he was OSS.  Serving in Italy with James Jesus Angleton.  So, if he was used to alter SS protection it could been lateral, straight from Angleton or vertical from Dillon.  I lean to Angleton, they could leave Dillon out of that loop.  Someone had to plan the security stripping in advance, it was not happenstance.  Either way, one degree of separation from Allen Dulles. 


    I would have to agree with this evaluation.


    Within the US Secret Service you had overlapping chains of command that by their very nature, could be by-passed & manipulated in real time—especially if key communication relays are being shut down (remember all of the reports of communication networks being shut down in and around Dallas and Washington, D.C.?)



  7. 6 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

    The odds of the Kennedys' very close friend Averell Harriman being involved in the JFK assassination are .... ZERO

    After JFK was murdered, Averell Harriman moved out of his home in Georgetown and let Jackie Kennedy and her kids live there.

    Averell harriman jackie kennedy - Search Images (bing.com)




    Keep your enemies close, I guess.


    Task Force W commander William King Harvey worked in the same office as Attorney General Robert Francis Kennedy for nine months.


    Strange world we live in, where your own worst enemy is so cordial and accommodating...



  8. 20 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    So we’re expected to believe that Dulles set up a woman to host the family of a Commie Kennedy Killer only two degrees of separation from himself.

    Dulles had a personal interest in making sure this information didn’t get out.  To assert he signed up for this all along strains credulity.


    I believe the man manipulating the Paines in setting up poor Mr. Oswald is not Allen Dulles directly, but James Walton Moore (Dallas Council On World Affairs/ CIA Office of Operations, Domestic Contacts Division, Dallas Field Office/ CIA liaison, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group).


    As for Allen Dulles "...signing up for all of this..," well that is simply an academic matter—Dulles was a brutal fascist with no inkling of humanity to speak of.


    In my humble opinion, until the real Biblical Satan shows up, we will have to make do with Allen Welsh Dulles... 



  9. 16 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    In W. Averell Harriman’s biography, Spanning The Century, by Rudy Abramson, the Dulles Brothers are referred to as “his lawyers.”

    They were Thor’s hired hands.

    You’ve read The Devil’s Chessboard.  On the evening of the Bay of Pigs D-Day, Dulles returned from Puerto Rico and went straight home, barely interested in the operation.

    Ruth Paine’s mother-in-law, Ruth Forbes Paine, was a close friend of Mary Bancroft, Dulles’ girlfriend, and a friend of Dulles himself.

    So we’re expected to believe that Dulles set up a woman to host the family of a Commie Kennedy Killer only two degrees of separation from himself.

    Dulles had a personal interest in making sure this information didn’t get out.  To assert he signed up for this all along strains credulity.




    I have no quarrel with this conclusion, Mr. Varnell.


    As a point of fact, I would have to agree wholeheartedly with you.


    Allen Dulles was an attorney, representing a large string of clients, whom all wanted something from him.


    Only, where other attorneys utilize law and order to represent the interests of their clients, Allen Dulles utilized assassins and terrorists to accomplish his goals.


    So yes, when it came to W. Averell Harriman's goals, Allen Dulles was in a premier position to accomplish those goals.


    And Allen Dulles did so, in dramatic fashion.


    A very effective attorney.



  10. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


          I would be interested in hearing more details about your lists of JFKA culprits-- your data sources, references, etc., linking them to the assassination ops.



    Hundreds of thousands of pages of recated documents, hundreds of books, thousands of hours of interviews, across fifteen years of my life.


    This is too large of a request of me right now.


    My apologies.


    Utilize the list


    Look up names and organizations, make connections.


    And despite the educated nature of my small contribution to the research community, do not take my list as final say—use your own wits, and draw you own conclusions.


    Happy hunting.



  11. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


          I would be interested in hearing more details about your lists of JFKA culprits-- your data sources, references, etc., linking them to the assassination ops.

          We can see their names, offices, and affiliations, but don't have further details about how they were linked to the assassination op and cover up.

           From your introductory remarks (above) it sounds like your paradigm for the JFK assassination op is based on some sort of extra-national, military, intelligence, and corporate capitalist network-- rather than on the CIA and/or Pentagon alone.

           In your paradigm, is there a "mastermind" of the assassination op?  A person, or persons, at the center of these networks?



    36 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Wouldn’t that be Thor?


     I'll say the same thing to you gentlemen that I said to Mr. DiEugenio, in my very humble opinion, I believe that if there was a command & control structure representing the conspirators who pulled off this most heinous crime, it is Allen Welsh Dulles.


    Allen Dulles is in the eye of the hurricane, representing all of the other elements on this list, and by virtue, permanently putting the other elements on this list in his pocket...


  12. 2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    A remarkable ton of research into the JFKA, presented by RM, who is a talented, smart and dedicated JFKA scholar.  

    I still have reservations about any explanation of the JFKA that involves a large number of witting, pre-event participants. 




    I appreciate the kind comments, thank you sir.


    I must stress, the only names on this list that are core elements to "...pre-event..." operations are the persons I list as "...Planned the assassination..."


    So, what you are looking at is a small contingency of men involved in the actual plans phase, about one-hundred.


    To put that in military estimates, an under-strength company level element.


    A very small clique.


    Everyone else on the list is simply following orders, with varying degrees of knowledge of what is about to happen—"...good soldiers..," the lot of them...


  13. 4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    I have to ask, is this a possibilities list or is this what you really think happened?

    Its so long in every way that I have to ask that question.

    And even though I have been studying this case for over three decades, full time, I have never heard of some of the personages.


    Mr. DiEugenio, to quantify that question, you must ask yourself, "...Cui bono..?"


    In a very real sense, this list is meant to be a form of "guerrilla art," meant to upset the Google algorithm by linking all of these names together, in the hope that other researchers will copy and paste it to other forums it until the algorithm cracks.  


    In a another very real sense, this list represents a "unified-field theorem"  of sorts, showing linkages between transnational fascism, corporate infrastructure, military intelligence, and organized crime. In effect, this list is a cultural reference of persons who were living in 1963 that are linked together by personal networking and aligned interests—of course, though the list is crudely formatted and large in scope, it must be stressed that these networks of goons were compartmentalized—no one entity or group has a monopoly on the other, but all persons on this list get destroyed if President Kennedy's domestic and foreign policies persist into the mid-1960's.


    I will say it again, Mr. DiEugenio, what you are looking at in this list is highly compartmentalized—however, my personal belief is, the closer you get to Allen Welsh Dulles and the persons he represents, the closer you get to who murdered President Kennedy.


    So yes, in a third, most real sense, this list is also a "...possibilities list..." to borrow your phraseology—in military terminology, this is an "estimates list."


    Educated guesses are to the wayside here, Mr. DiEugenio, each name on this list only has a one point of separation from another person on this list—a social network is at play in this list.


    Another way to look at this list, that has a gallows humor to it, to be sure—if the men on this list all died on 21 November 1963, President Kennedy would be alive on 23 November 1963.


    As for any names that are new to you, sir, if you have any questions about a particular person, please, let's continue this thread.


    Ask your questions Mr. DiEugenio, and I shall do my very best to answer them.



  14. 3 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

    A list like this is as serious as a heart attack. No joke!


    That's how I would quantify the shock to our democratic institutions in the United States when President Kennedy was murdered—a heart attack.


    It was a crippling act of state-sponsored terrorism that ordered everyone in positions of power to never follow in the footsteps of President Kennedy...


  15. 37 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

    You might benefit from Jeremey Kuzmarov's scholarly article for Covert Action Magazine which indicts Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination: https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/11/22/60-years-after-jfks-death-it-is-more-and-more-apparent-that-kennedy-was-a-victim-of-a-palace-coup-spearheaded-by-vice-president-lyndon-b-johnson/

    In my opinion, Lyndon Johnson did not merely orchestrate the JFK assassination, he micromanaged it.

    By this time LBJ was a seasoned murderer: see Sam Smithwick in 1952 and the June 3, 1961 Henry Marshall murder which LBJ orchestrated and the Kennedys helped to cover it up for him because a scandal involving LBJ would tar the Kennedy Administration. Henry Marshall: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmarshallH.htm The Kennedys were, of course, going to get rid of LBJ for the 1964 presidential campaign.

    Lyndon Johnson also helped his henchman Malcolm Wallace to beat a murder rap in early 1952. Mac Wallace, enraged over John Kinser's sex with his wife and Josepha Johnson (LBJ's sister), killed Austin golf shop pro John Kinscer on 10/22/1951: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKwallaceM.htm LBJ and his Austin cronies helped Mac Wallace to beat that rap.


    It is factual (as I pointed out already), that LBJ was a crooked little turd of a human being, but he was in no position to pull off a military coup.


    In my opinion (wink-wink), if anyone was in a position to "...micro-manage..." the murder of President Kennedy, it was Allen Welsh Dulles and his group of conspirators.


    Ask yourself a fundamental question:


    Whose aristocracy pulled the strings of power before the murder of President Kennedy and who controls the corridors of power to this day?


    I'll tell you this much, it is not LBJ's gang of good-ole boys running the Safari Club, Operation GLADIO, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Nugan Hand Bank, Castle Bank & Trust in the Bahamas, Maktab al-Khidamat, Lajnat al-Birr al Islamiah, Al Kifah Refugee Center, or Al Taqwa Bank.


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