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Robert Montenegro

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Posts posted by Robert Montenegro

  1. 9 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Its just a guess of course but the term "focal point" is sometimes used in reference to the JCS being the focal point for coordination between the services and the intelligence community:


    What I read in Robert's document seems to me to describe a senior military officer staff development course on the mission and operations of the CIA - designed to overcome misconceptions or misunderstanding of the CIA's role within the services.  The language appears to be an endorsement of the program in terms of dispelling preconceptions or doubts about the Agency, its seen as successful from the CIA's perspective and is being lobbied for to either continue or be replaced by something with the same goal.

    It certainly makes sense that such a course would be coordinated out of the JCS since its multi-service and also because personnel selected would likely be on a potential fast track for expanded staff duties in the future. 

    Having a staff officer like Prouty, who was experienced with both the CIA and the military, involved in something like that would make perfect sense.

    As a side note, finding Air Force officers "sheep dipped" for covert operations really started with operations like those against Tibet and later in the deniable air activities against Laos and Cambodia in SE Asia.  not to mention that a number of the earliest pilots flying as advisors but actually on combat mission in Vietnam were AF personnel.  Pilots selected for missions in Laos and Cambodia had to be detailed to CIA operations.

      -- just a few thoughts,  Larry



    Once again, I cannot argue anything Mr. Hancock has stated above—all factual evaluations supported by the documents I presented—and to the point of this thread.


    On a personal note, thank you Larry, for having the guts to chime in and stand toe-to-toe with me, in verifying some of COL. Prouty's more disturbing claims, instead of being a gatekeeper to COL. Prouty's untouchable legacy as a "whistleblower."


    Bravo, Mr. Hancock, I bow down to your bravery!


  2. 49 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    If I'm not mistaken, Prouty wasn't involved in planning CIA black ops around the world, including Lansdale's CIA ops at Saigon Station.  His job was to supply transportation and military supplies for Dulles' CIA ops.


    You are quite correct, Dr. Niederhut, USAF COL. Prouty was arming & supplying CIA covert operations from 1955 to 1964—he was not planning them...


    ...however, it should be noted that in the book, "The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World," COL. Prouty claimed he had no operational access of the Central Intelligence Agency's "Executive Action" capabilities. He just personally oversaw a "focal-point" sheep-dip military officer selection process for CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles and supplied the CIA with military hardware.


    However, if you listen to his response to a college student, at the 1992 American University panel called "JFK: Cinema As History" who asks him point-blank if he, COL. Prouty, was ever involved in the assassination of a political operative, during the course of his relationship with the CIA, COL. Prouty told the college student he was personally involved in the planning the murder of fascist dictator Rafael Leónidas "El Jefe" Trujillo Molina!


    Here is a link to COL. Prouty's slip: 



    Go to the one-hour and forty-six minute mark.


    Look at COL. Prouty's body language and examine how he quickly, after realizing he blew his public image, refuses to answer anymore questions about his involvement in Central Intelligence Agency "Executive Action" capabilities.


    Even David Talbot does not make mention of COL. Prouty being involved in the murder of a chief executive in his excellent 2016 book "The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government", and he dedicated an entire chapter to the Trujillo assassination!


    So, once again, by COL. Prouty's own admission, he was involved in planning the murder of at least one head of state...


    I would like to note, the thirty years of silence from researchers like Jim DiEugenio, who ignore COL. Prouty's public admission, that he was involved in the murder of fascist dictator Rafael Leónidas "El Jefe" Trujillo Molina—I should note, I would have shot Rafael Trujillo myself, had I been given the order, but that is beside the point—the point is that right before COL. Prouty died, he admitted to being involved in the murder of at least one head-of-state, after years of denying he was involved in such "Executive Action" operations...



  3. 8 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Paul,  specifically on AMWORLD,  its not really been secret all that long - I was researching and writing on it two decades ago as were others. If have extensive details on it now and I put a great number of them into Shadow Warfare.  However one of the reasons that it was likely held back is there were true names related a peripheral coup effort which would have disclosed Cubans still living up until the nineties at least.

    As to the safehouse in MC, the plan was to move Artime "off shore" along with the military operations of AMWORLD and MC was to be a neutral venue for him to operate from to grow political and regime support through Central America.  The person directly charged with the safe-house in MC and who would have supported the Artime propaganda effort was David Phillips, who was seconded to SAS about the time the AMWORLD project kicked off.  

    I certainly can't tell you everything Prouty might have been involved with in that period but one of the things he was doing during 60-61 was providing logistics support to the Cuba project and to the Brigade.  We know that because CIA officers with the project actually mentioned him and were not at all happy with what they felt was his pace or responsiveness.  David Boylan came across that in our research on the Cuba project.


    Everything Mr. Hancock has stated is documented.


    However, the point of this thread is the examination of the "...Project *REDACTED*..." document that I found, which may be the only confirmation that we as researchers currently have, describing the Focal Point officer contacts between the CIA and the Department of Defense that COL. Prouty wrote about in his 1973 book:




  4. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    It is a shame that at this late date we are still withholding names. I’m not meaning that to pressure you. Clearly this would be explosive info. When I did a quick Google search it didn’t come up, but previously I have been more successful. I’ll have to dig deeper I suppose. 
    Robert - do you think this is a rabbit hole? 


    Once again, I could not confirm any aspect of Herr Skorzeny's funeral arrangements—short of exhuming his body, which would be difficult in a clerical-fascist state like Spain...


    I have in my possession a signed, 1973 first edition Prentice-Hall Inc. copy of United States Air Force COL. Leroy Fletcher Prouty's  "The Secret Team: The CIA, and It's Allies In Control of the United States and the World," that was gifted to me by a West Point graduate (who shall remain nameless), that I was friends with, when I was active duty in the United States Army.


    I have handled that copy of COL. Prouty's work with literal white archival gloves since I first acquired it back in 2012, and I constantly refer back to COL. Prouty's original published work—however controversial or seemly vague the statements he made in that book—for what it is worth (I personally believe that his work is a deliberate "limited hangout" of sorts).


    In my opinion, one of the most controversial statements that COL. Prouty made, was that between 1955 to 31 December 1963, he was tasked as, "Focal Point Officer" for the CIA within the Department of Defense, reporting directly to Director, Central Intelligence, Allen Welsh Dulles, which can be found in the Preface pg. vii, of COL. Prouty's first addition of his 1973 book:




    "...I had the unique assignment of being the Focal Point officer for contacts between the CIA and the Department of Defense on matters pertaining to the military support of the Special Operations* of that Agency. In that capacity I worked with Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles..."




    On that very same page (Preface pg. vii), COL. Prouty states the following about what he meant by "...Special Operations..."




    "...*Special Operations is a name given in most cases, but not always, to any clandestine, covert, undercover, or secret operations by the government or by someone, U.S. citizen or a foreign national. . . even in special cases a stateless professional, or U.S. or foreign activity or organization. It is usually secret and highly classified. It is to be differentiated from Secret Intelligence and in a very parochial sense from Secret or Special Intelligence Operations..."




    Quite literally, COL. Prouty, by his own admission, was arming CIA covert operations, for the CIA's Directorate of Plans, from 1955 'til the end of 1963—end of story, no more crying about the statements I made, quoting COL. Prouty, in my Operation BLOODSTONE post, concerning COL. Prouty's involvement in arming fascist émigré armies (a thread I started that has been completely hijacked—may it rest in peace)—




    But I digress...


    It appears now, that we have confirmation, in two relatively new documents (one from 2018 & another from 2023), indicating that there was, in-fact, a military focal-point network, whose function it was to "sheep-dip" military officers into the fold of CIA covert operations:



    Unfortunately, in the above report, you can clearly see that the code-name of this joint Department of Defense-CIA project is redated.


    Interestingly enough the "...Project *REDACTED*..." states it's inception took place in 1954—which jibes pretty close to COL. Prouty's focal-point network date of 1955:




    "...2. Project *REDACTED* had it's inception, in 1954 following acceptance of the idea that a closer relationship and better understanding between CIA and the military was essential to accomplishing coordination in the field in time of war..."




    Clearly, there is a covert, forward, combat-arms networking, between Department of Defense & CIA, that is being expounded upon in this document.


    Strangely enough, the document refers to "...Project *REDACTED*..." as a classroom-type course as well, with a formal disquisition environment that explains the nature of this joint Department of Defense-CIA project:




    "...As the threat of war receded and relations between the Agency and the military establishment in other areas of mutual interest grew closer, the original purpose of the course was gradually altered and the course content broadened in an effort to give selected military representatives greater understanding of the organization and functions of the Agency to create better appreciation of how the Agency and the military services can provide support in peace as well as unvarying degrees of war..."




    As innocuous as a familiarization course about the functions of CIA in a time of war may be, the following quote is very revealing to the course's core-function: 




    "...5. Project *REDACTED* has in the past been enthusiastically supported by the DCI, the DDCI and other senior Agency officials. This has been in line with the Agency desire to assure cross-fertilization within the intelligence community and to educate responsible Government representatives to Agency role, capabilities and limitations..."




    Clearly, the nature of Project *REDACTED* is not passive—instead, it's stated goals are active, "...cross-fertilization...," between Department of Defense & CIA, when it comes to the final target-specific result of this course.


    Evidence of this is massive "...cross-fertilization...," between Department of Defense & CIA for Project *REDACTED* is indicated in point eighteen of the document:




    "...18. Among the CIA officers with whom we have discussed *REDACTED* on the basis of their direct participation in the program and/or their close association with *REDACTED* graduates, we have found that the great majority are strongly in favor of continuing the course, convinced as they are this it is in Agency interest to do so. Of 13 present or past Senior War Planners (or Agency representatives at U.S. Military commands)..."




    Uhm, did you catch that— no less than "...thirteen present or past Senior War Planners..." in the Joint Staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were "sheep-dipped" into this "...cross-fertilization...," between Department of Defense & CIA!


    Now insane covert action programs like the failed "Operation ZAPATA" plan or the treasonous "Operation NORTHWOODS" false-flag contingency plans can be seen in their true light—military officers within the Joint Chiefs of Staff were acting as CIA assets!


    This is also in keeping with one of COL. Prouty's other claims, that United States Army Gen. Maxwell Davenport Taylor, Chairman of the JCSwas a CIA focal point officer reporting directly DCI to Allen Welsh Dulles—quoting once again from COL. Leroy Fletcher Prouty's "The Secret Team: The CIA, and It's Allies In Control of the United States and the World," this time from pgs. 405 & 409, we find the following inflammatory statement COL. Prouty makes about his former superior officer: 




    "...Dulles again showed that uncanny ability of his and of the Agency’s to rise above each fiasco on to new heights. During the Bay of Pigs inquiry he ingratiated Maxwell Taylor to the Kennedys so firmly that Jack Kennedy assigned General Taylor to the position of Military Adviser to the President. This was a good cover assignment for General Taylor. For those who thought he might be interfering with the duties and prerogatives of the chairman of the JCS, this assignment caused a few raised eyebrows. Dulles and Maxwell Taylor were content to let those rumors and fantasies spread because they did much to help transfer some of the blame for the Bay of Pigs from the CIA to the military. However, everyone else in the need to-know clan knew that Maxwell Taylor was in the White House to be the President’s liaison man with the CIA. The President may not have known how closely Maxwell Taylor’s aspirations and those of Allen Dulles matched each other. During the last days of the Dulles era, Maxwell Taylor served as the Focal Point man between Dulles and his Agency and the White House. This was a perfect role of Maxwell Taylor. He had quit the Army in a dispute with the Eisenhower Administration and now he was in an ideal position to encourage with all support and haste the urgent development of the new flexible response army, attuned to the trumpet of Taylor’s own choosing—counterinsurgency. All the pieces were coming together, and during this formative period a new special group was formed. This was the Special Group (of the NSC), Counterinsurgency, better known as the Special Group Cl, or Cl..."




    I suppose, until further documented evidence comes out, we'll just have to live with what COL. Prouty wrote—Gen. Maxwell Taylor, Chairman of the JCS, was a *CIA asset and an informant for Allen W. Dulles concerning President Kennedy's thoughts and activities.


    *It should be noted before moving on with the bulk of this document, that while Gen. Maxwell Taylor, was Chairman of the JCS under President Kennedy, the Chief of Personal Staff, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, reporting directly to Gen. Taylor, was US Army Brig. Gen. Theodore C. Mataxis, who was personal friends with SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny—from the day he interrogated Skorzeny as member of the United States Army's 7734th History Detachment, US Forces European Theater Command, in November 1946, to the day herr Skorzeny shuffled off to Hell in July 1975.


    So, Gen. Maxwell Taylor was a spy for Allen Dulles—while Gen. Taylor's personal attaché, Brig. Gen. Mataxis, was chums with SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny?!


    Small world, no?


    I digress once more...


    Continuing with the Project *REDACTED* document, I'd like to close with a quick list of some of the military personnel mentioned being "...cross-fertilized...," between Department of Defense & CIA.


    I'd like to highlight the following military personnel that are mentioned in this document as being initiates in this Project *REDACTED*


    • United States Army Lt. Col. Albert C. DaviesAccording to CIA documents, in 1963, Lt. Col. Davies was a focal point officer, serving in the CIA Western Hemisphere Division, Cuba, as Chief of Intelligence, for William King Harvey's Task Force W.

    At the same time Lt. Col. Davies was Bill Harvey's top intelligence officer, executive officer, Lt. Col. Davies was also Chief, Intelligence SectionUS Army School of the Americas, Fort Gulick, Panama Canal Zone, United States Army Caribbean Command.

     Lt. Col. Davies is also mentioned in the Operation NORTHWOODS documents as a senior plans officer.


    • United States Marine Corps Lt. Col. William P. Adams Jr.member of J-3 (Plans & Operations) Special Warfare Branch of Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet, Headquarters (CINCPAC), Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (SACSA)—in the Project *REDACTED* document, Lt. Col. Adams is identified as "...responsible for handling military code-word correspondence between CINCPAC and SACSA..."

    Lt. Col. Adams was in-charge of a very sensitive function of the military, as he was essentially the commander of all secret messages transmitted between the Commander-In-Chief of US Pacific Fleet at the time of the Gulf of Tonkin false-flag, United States Navy ADM. Ulysses Simpson Grant Sharp Jr. and Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special ActivitiesUnited States Air Force Maj. Gen. Rollen Henry Anthis.


    • United States Air Force Lt. Col. Manuel "The Mexican" Chavez AKA Russell H. SamboraCIA focal point officer at JMWAVE and cited in CIA documents as Chief of Security, AMWORLD.

    By Lt. Col. Chavez's own admission, he was the State Department USAF Air Attaché to US Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon (Chief of Cuban Staff, Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee) during Nixon's 1958 trip to Venezuela, and personal friends with United States Army SFC David “El Indio” Sánchez Morales AKA Stanley R. Zamka, Chief of Foreign Intelligence, CIA Counterintelligence Staff, Western Hemisphere Division, Cuban Operations & JMWAVE Chief of Covert Action (apparently, Lt. Col. Chavez and SFC Morales shared a desk at JMWAVEhow cute).


    • United States Marine Corps Gen. Raymond Gilbert Davis—from July 1960 through June 1963, Gen. Davis was, J-2 (Intelligence Community Manager) Chief of Analysis Branch, Staff of the Commander in Chief, Europe Headquarters, United States European Command, in Paris, France.

    As J-2 (Intelligence Community Manager) Chief of Analysis Branch, Gen. Davis tasked with overseeing all covert operations intelligence gathering & dissemination for Operation GLADIO.


    • United States Navy CAPT. Joseph Z. Taylorservice record unknown (if anyone can find his service record, please comment below) USN CAPT. Taylor is simply identified in the Project *REDACTED* document as, "...Deputy Chief, U.S. Agency for International Development's Vietnam Desk..."

    I suppose nothing more needs to be said about how important United States Navy CPT. Joseph Z. Taylor was to CIA covert operations in Vietnam...





    The second supporting document is a fiscal year 1967 report from Director of the Joint StaffUnited States Army Gen. Andrew Jackson Goodpaster to then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talking about several hundred military officers & enlisted-men that have been "sheep-dipped" into CIA service:



    The above report states that "...two-hundred and forty-five officers..." and "...six-hundred and twenty-nine enlisted-men..." have been "...detailed to the Central Intelligence Agency..." as of fiscal year 1967.


    In keeping with United States Air Force COL. Leroy Fletcher Prouty's position as an officer in the United States Air Force, it should come as no surprise that the bulk of the military personnel "...detailed to the Central Intelligence Agency..." as of fiscal year 1967, were from the USAF.


    Approximately six-hundred and twenty-one members of the USAF were CIA assets by FY 1967!


    I guess COL. Prouty did his job wellbeing top aider & abettor for the Central Intelligence Agency's infiltration and perversion of the United States Armed Forces...


  6. 37 minutes ago, Ed Berger said:

    Much more to say, but want to check with @Robert Montenegroto see if we should take this discussion elsewhere. 


    2 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    I'll wait to respond after we hear from Monté.


    Keep this thread going people!


    You guys are hitting the nail square on the head—keep hammering!



  7. 18 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    You keep trying to project your anti white racism


    Did you just accuse me of racism?!


    I am putting out an immediate plea to all of the moderators of this forum to have Mr. Matthew Koch banned effective immediately for accusing me of hate crimes!


    Mr. Knight, Mr. Speer, Mr. Larsen?


    Are you seeing this?




    I call WWII-era fascists what they are, war-criminals, and you accuse me of "... anti white racism..."?! 


    If anyone appreciates my research and contributions to this forum, you will stand by me, and stop this criminal inflammatory behavior immediately.




  8. 1 minute ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Herr Montenegro, What does this have to do with Dancing Israelis in the FOIA docs and the Israelis Spyring involved in 911 that connects to Permindex? 


    Well, nothing at all, really—only that this thread is about absolving Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gürion, which is what I did by presenting the Hans Josef Maria Globke éminence grise to the Dimona Reactor—and you mentioned my name, again, to prove some kind of anti-Jewish lunatic idea about 9/11 (this is forum about the JFK assassination) you ignoramus:


    1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Your comment is not completely coherent Allen... Why do you want to censor real information??

    What about you is offended by this topic? You sound like Robert Montenegro American Nazis??? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

    What about you is offended by this topic? You sound like Robert Montenegro American Nazis??? Can you cite something to back this allegation up? 


    See here, herr KochI cite academic sources on post-WWII, transnational fascist networks, not "...American Nazis...," you slanderous, fatuous nincompoop!


    As far as the Mossad goes, yes, they did not want President Kennedy removed, the Gehlen Organization wanted JFK dead, and one of their motivations was the Diamora Reactor.


    The State of Israel was being used as a pawn to counter President Kennedy's non-proliferation policies concerning the total disarmament of nuclear weapons with the USSR!


    It must be understood that the comptroller who loaned the Israeli military intelligence the covert funds to build the reactor, was a Nazi war criminal, a commander of the German-branch of Operation GLADIO, and the man who organized the Nazi Party's first legal actions against the Jewish population of Nazi Germany:




    Hans Josef Maria Globke, commander of the German-branch of Operation GLADIO, & co-creator of the Gehlen Organization, seen in this photograph in his handsome looking Nazi attire...


    Hans Josef Maria Globke, was a senior Ministerialdirigent in the Nazi Party's Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior, an author of deadly "Namensänderungsverordnung" decree that forced all Jews living in Nazi-occupied Germany to change their first names—German Jewish men had to change their first name to "Israel," while German Jewish women had to change their first name to "Sara." 


    The name change decree made it easier for the Nazi's to process persons practicing the Jewish faith into the concentration camp system.


    Hans Josef Maria Globke had the blood of at least six-and-a-half-million practitioners of the Jewish faith on his hands and was arguably the most wanted war criminal of the post World War Two era.


    So, it is disturbing that Hans Globke was commander of the German-branch of Operation GLADIO and also the Central Intelligence Agency's top asset in the administration of Chancellor Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer's Federal Republic of Germany.


    The reason why Hans Globke secured a secret $5.5 billion dollar loan to Israeli military intelligence to develop the Diamora Reactor, is because Globke and his Gehlen Organization, cohorts were afraid that after the trial of SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Adolf Eichmann, as top-functionary of the Holocaust, that they would be next.


    In overly simplistic terms, Hans Globke was protecting Nazi war criminals in the Western intelligence services from the Mossad, and used the multi-billion dollar loan for the Diamora Reactor as a covert bribe!


    Allen Welsh Dulles was Hans Globke's silent partner in arranging the bribe, to the effect of fighting President Kennedy's nonproliferation policies with the Soviet Union.


    And here are my sources for the above information, Koch, ya creep:












  10. 4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Greg - do read Albarelli’s A Terrible Mistake. The chapters on Lafitte and on George Hunter White are especially interesting and well researched, and written before any diaries surfaced. 
    Leslie - the ‘we’ in we know so little about includes me and probably everyone else reading this other than you and Robert, who is continuing his deep dive into all the characters mentioned in Coup and in the diaries, and into many other dark recesses. I know you have no doubts about the authenticity of the Lafitte diaries, but please understand that the rest of us wonder about various aspects of it including handwriting analysis, possible multiple authors, and exactly what the notes represent. But we continue to examine the names therein. You knew Hank better than anyone, and put your lifeblood into getting his work published, and continue to delve into the clues in the diaries  So I understand how very important this is to you, how you feel attacked when someone has questions. Can you let the questions exist without viewing them as a salvo in a turf war for truth? We all care, those of us reading this, how we got here in 2023, including Greg. I hope he takes me up on reading Hank’s earlier work and doesn’t just rely on Time magazine for a bio of this most interesting figure in history. 




  11. 1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    @Paul Brancato @Robert Montenegro Albarelli notes only briefly that he had been informed Pierre Lafitte knew Clay Shaw earlier than 1967 when Lafitte, using the alias Jean Martin, returned to New Orleans to assume the role of lead chef at the soon to be opened Plimsoll Club located in the new building that would house Shaw's International Trade Mart. Hank could never nail down precisely how Shaw and Lafitte might have been (at best) acquainted in the early 1960s, but Reily Coffee provides a clue as does Lafitte's job as sous-chef somewhere in the Crescent City. Whether they had met in person, we know from the 1963 datebook that Lafitte was at minimum familiar with Shaw to the extent he associated him with OAS Capt. Jean Rene Souetre as well as Gen. Edwin Walker.


    I appreciate the heads-up about the datebook, but this thread is about Dr. Ernst Imfeld, and his documented Nazi intelligence connections.


    I've examined the datebook to it's logical end, but unfortunately, there are too many hidden variables in it—in the sense that the bulk of the entries are open to multiple, sometimes conflicting, interpretations.


    As a documents hound, I can only extrapolate based off of known variables.


    That being said, the datebook itself is a very useful tool, but only if you know the entire saga of the individual persons mentioned in it—and we know so little about people like, Dalzell, Wilson-Hudson, & Lafitte.


    Lafitte truly was a spook's spook, and even in death, what little that is known about him, I am terrified to speak about him so lightly.


    If Jean-Pierre Lafitte was not the devil, he was a very good substitute...



  12. 13 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    I get it😉


    Well, good, I'm glad you "...got it..."


    I got it too, from a stripper named Sandy, but a Navy Corpsmen took care of it for me, now it's not blocked up anymore.


    Once again, friend-o, if you are convinced of a particular echo-chamber about Freemasons, go start your own thread.


    In the words of the late, great, Joseph Nye Welch, have you no sense of decency?





  13. 16 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    You can't take criticism Robert which to me is a sign


    Here is a sign for you, bub:


    Reversed Victory Hand on LG G5


    Now, piss-off.


    FYI: The point of this thread, that I started, is to talk about Dr. Ernst Imfeld, and his documented Nazi intelligence connections, not engage in some nonsense about Jews and 9/11.


    For the third time, I refuse to engage in white-supremacist dog-whistling about "New World Order" or "Zionist Occupation Government" or any other hate-filled bull-crap.


    I stick to documented evidence, not an interview with Connie Chung.


    So please, go start your own thread, and quit hijacking mine!


    I'm not your daddy, so don't seek validation from me.


    And I ain't got no candy, so get off my jock!


    I'm here to present evidence, not support your ideological slant about "...the Jews..." or "...the Masons..."


    Two social-religious groups that my enemies, the Nazis, placed in slave-labor camps and mass-extermination facilities...



  14. 11 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Well I'm using it in relation to how Free Masons use it and alot of these people in the case are High Level Freemasons and belong to Secret Societies and Orders. These are the groups that Fletcher Prouty is referring to when he talks about a cabal. Which by your juvenile response show that you haven't figured this part of the Assassination and the Big Picture of things like how Permindex connects to the World Trade Towers and 911.

    As far as Office of Strategic Services COL. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield's religion is concerned, I could care less. I'm sorry your projection and reading comprehension skills prevent you from comprehending that I said I don't subscribe to the Israel did it theory.. But there is enough evidence there that people are able to base theories off of it hence why I mentioned the books.. 

    Louis Bloomfield fought in Israel and is Israeli Mossad which goes against your "theory" so it's discounted by you lols. Unlike like the USS Liberty Robert I'm going to sink your battleship by the end of this. So why are Holocaust Nazi's working with a Mossad Agent and Visa Versa if it's a Nazi (HuWyte Supremest) Organization Robert? 



    Maybe you should read the Transfer Agreement and Rheinhart Gehlan's Autobiograpy because West German Intelligence helped set up the Mossad there is a German Connection there that isn't Nazi. 

    I don't care to make you believe in the Occult and Secret Society Connections and symbolism but those supersede trivial thing such as the Nazi Party and the people in these groups ran The Pentagon/White House/CIA/Warren Commission. Alot of these people you call Nazis are just people connected to fascists because the Nazi Party had actual membership and was a dictatorship something you seem to not take into account.  


    As far as us living in a Nazified world, I don't know what planet you live on, but there are currently more right-wing dictatorships and far-right governments in the world than their are social-democratic ones. 

    Uh.. this kind of hyperbole makes you less credible it's kinda like your six degrees of Kevin Bacon connections that the "NAZIS" secretly killed JFK and run the world. Robert do they run it from a base on the moon or from Antartica? Theres a German Connection to 911 but there's also an Israeli. Which work with people like the Bush's who also connects to funding of Hitler. SO if it' s not Zionism keeping these two groups together what is it? 




    If you are so damned convinced then, why do you want to bother posting on my threads?


    Like, you know, go away.


    I do not wish to engage in monkey-shines about "New World Order" or "Zionist Occupation Government" malarkey.


    I stick to documents, end of story.


    FYI, I have read "The Transfer Agreement" by Edwin Black and "The Service: the Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen" by Generalleutnant Reinhard Gehlen, what is your point, sonny?


    Go ahead, jog-on, then!


    Oh, and as far a Kevin Bacon is concerned, I met him at Fort Campbell, KY, when I was stationed there—he was there as a morale booster ceremony with the "Lt. Dan Band," so I guess I'm only one point of separation on that.


    But, please, piss-off...




    1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Robert - could you fill in any detail on Droller in Taiwan? 


    Unfortunately no, not at this time.


    The only record that we have about "Jerry" Droller's time in Taiwan comes from a reference to his service record in the CIA's Inspector General report that was submitted to then US Attorney General Robert Francis Kennedy, concerning the failure at the Bay of Pigs:



    Once again, until we have all of the unredacted documents from CIA, this is the best I can do...



  16. 52 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    @David Andrews and @Robert Montenegro

    I think I owe you an apology.  I was reacting to the diversion from what I hope might be a well-considered study of the specific historical context of Skorzeny, the Black Prince, and James Angleton which launched this thread.

    Based primarily on the clues left by Pierre Lafitte, we're convinced that this particular triune (with the obvious requisite arteries) sheds light on why Angleton was so comfortable "outsourcing" to Nazi Otto Skorzeny the strategic plan to kill Kennedy in Dallas, and why both men would be entirely comfortable with Lafitte — who according to family members served in the Charlemagne Unit — acting as project manager.  

    This tight network, relying on shared history and driven by a common goal — democracy would remain an illusion until it was time (2016?) to unveil The Reich — succeeded in taking down President Kennedy in spectacular fashion and they got away scot free, until now. 

    The Lancelot Project plot involved a select number of men and women with shared histories and personal motives, e.g. specific individuals — not three letter acronyms or vast numbers of military and intel acting within official structure  — who donned their particularly unique caps of persuasion to play an active albeit discreet role in a highly compartmentalized operation.

    When we veer into THE C.I.A. a.k.a. THE / OUR U.S. Government, or THE Military, or "rogue elements within" we risk, once again, derailing the cold case murder investigation.  I'm doing my part to try to prevent that from happening.

    Why does this murder investigation matter? Our democratically elected US government as it should and can still be is under full-blown assault by the very authoritarian ideology that drove the decisions to remove Kennedy. Trump was and remains the Trojan Horse.  I hope you might take time to read about Trump advisor and miscreant Steve Bannon's admiration of Julius Evola — an inspiration to the Black Prince — or follow Sebastian Gorka's history in Hungary — to further grasp the continuity of the coup in Dallas.


    No argument with anything you have written Leslie, and your apology is graciously accepted.


    We are all learning, and new information is coming out everyday.



  17. On 7/20/2023 at 6:48 PM, Matthew Koch said:

    I'm glad to see that someone else has noticed the German connection to the assassination. But we have totally different opinions of what that connection means, I going to warn you that we are going to butt heads but hopefully we can keep it civil, since I am only interested in finding the truth to what happened. There are alot more connections like LBJ working with Van Braun at NASA and the Guys who made the Kennedy add in the admit that they are German and were ordered to infiltrate organizations and take over the leadership of them. 

    Permindex does not always mean Nazi connection Luis Bloomfield was Jewish and other people in the group are which is why Michael Collins Piper and @W. Niederhut's favorite author Laurent Guyénot have used to say the Israel killed JFK because of Dimona. (something I do not believe) 

    I am of the opinion that the German Connection is due to Gehlen and CIA basically taking over it's intelligence contacts that were in the USSR and Western Intelligence. (Like a back door) this network which is fascist in nature is what many people called the; "New World Order". IMO it worked like a back door into Western Intelligence and the Soviets. JFK got in the way of this networks destruction of the USSR and their New World Order and he was made an example of in a symbolic assassination. This network set up part of the plot that was supposed to trigger a Franz Fertanand like event that would create a pretext for a Cuban Invasion which would cause the Soviets to attempt to take Berlin which then would either lead to Nuking Moscow or an Operation Unthinkable type invasion of The USSR. 

    I think it's pretty obvious that if the Nazis were running The CIA we would have a much more Nazified world which we don't, we have what Anatoliy Golitsyn said in his book would happen which was a planned collapse of the USSR, then a planned collapse of the West in conjunction with the rise of China. 




    Terms like "New World Order" are white-supremacist dog-whistles—I do not use that term to describe anything other than a new odor from a fresh turd in the toilet.


    Unfortunately, I have also read all of the works of Michael Collins Piper & Laurent Guyénot, and I can tell you, I wouldn't use the pages of those books to wipe a cow-pie off my shoes.


    As far as Office of Strategic Services COL. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield's religion is concerned, I could care less.


    Have you seen me once talk about the private religious beliefs of any of the fascist pukes I mention in my threads?


    No, because it is immaterial.


    As far as the Mossad goes, yes, the did not want President Kennedy removed, the Gehlen Organization wanted JFK dead, and one of their motivations was the Diamora Reactor.


    The State of Israel was being used as a pawn to counter President Kennedy's non-proliferation policies concerning the total disarmament of nuclear weapons with the USSR!


    It must be understood that the comptroller who loaned the Israeli military intelligence the covert funds to build the reactor, was a Nazi war criminal, a commander of the German-branch of Operation GLADIO, and the man who organized the Nazi Party's first legal actions against the Jewish population of Nazi Germany:


    Hans Josef Maria Globke


    Hans Josef Maria Globke, was a senior Ministerialdirigent in the Nazi Party's Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior, an author of deadly "Namensänderungsverordnung" decree that forced all Jews living in Nazi-occupied Germany to change their first names—German Jewish men had to change their first name to "Israel," while German Jewish women had to change their first name to "Sara." 


    The name change decree made it easier for the Nazi's to process persons practicing the Jewish faith into the concentration camp system.


    Hans Josef Maria Globke had the blood of at least six-and-a-half-million practitioners of the Jewish faith on his hands and was arguably the most wanted war criminal of the post World War two era.


    So, it is disturbing that Hans Globke was commander of the German-branch of Operation GLADIO and also the Central Intelligence Agency's top asset in the administration of Chancellor Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer's Federal Republic of Germany.


    The reason why Hans Globke secured a secret $5.5 billion dollar loan to Israeli military intelligence to develop the Diamora Reactor, is because Globke and his Gehlen Organization, cohorts were afraid that after the trial of SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Adolf Eichmann, as top-functionary of the Holocaust, that they would be next.


    In overly simplistic terms, Hans Globke was protecting Nazi war criminals in the Western intelligence services from the Mossad, and used the multi-billion dollar loan for the Diamora Reactor as a covert bribe!


    Allen Welsh Dulles was Hans Globke's silent partner in arranging the bribe, to the effect of fighting President Kennedy's nonproliferation policies with the Soviet Union.


    Don't believe this narrative, then read the following academic articles on the subject






    As far as us living in a Nazified world, I don't know what planet you live on, but there are currently more right-wing dictatorships and far-right governments in the world than their are social-democratic ones.


    I suggest you read the book by fascist revolutionary Oswald Spengler, titled "Preußentum und Sozialismus" when he demonstrates that Fascism is the logical end of Corporatism.


    End of discussionI do not wish to engage in monkey-shines about "New World Order" or "Zionist Occupation Government" malarkey.


    I stick to documented facts, and the facts surrounding the development of the Diamora Reactor indicate fascists were behind it...



  18. 12 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Interesting stuff, Robert.

    I first learned about Operation Gladio from a lecture by the Swiss historian, Daniele Ganser, a few years ago.

    For some reason, I thought Gladio was being run by NATO and/or the CIA, but it sounds like Italian Military Intelligence was playing a major role.

    If I recall correctly, the Gladio guys were conducting false flag terrorism ops in Europe after WWII, to discredit European communists.


    Daniele Ganser's work is must read if you wish to understand how false-flag attacks, covert operations, and targeted assassinations work.


    Any serious researcher wishing to know more about mechanical aspects of how a targeted assassination plot works, should read his book "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe."


    The murder of President Kennedy was a GLADIO-esque false-flag terrorist operation, complete with it's own "communist" patsy.



  19. 1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

    If you read the ZR/Rifle program document it lists QJ/WIN as being retained for operations and it is believed that QJ/WIN and other QJ's is Skorzeny and people he was working with at the time. 


     I have read all of the publicly available QJWIN & ZRRIFLE documents, yes.


    As a point of fact (once again, not to toot my own horn), I am the person who showed Mr. Simpich the Theodore G. Shackley, debriefing document that is now up at Mary Ferrell (go ahead and DM him, he'll confirm it) where he said the two-letter bi-gram "QJ" stood for Spain.


    Just to be clear, ZRRIFLE was a joint-agency (primarily CIA-NSA-ONI) communications intercept, code-breaking operation—QJWIN was a spotter program searching for criminal assets to be utilized by CIA for covert operations (experts in smuggling, lock-picking, safe-cracking, kidnapping, torture, human-trafficking, documents forgery, currency counterfeiters, & murder).


    William King Harvey hid the CIA's assassination capabilities within the communication servers of ZRRIFLE—primarily as a way of hiding all electronic messages that referenced assassination from all other intelligence agencies on a global scale—not to mention domestic US police intelligence groups that were actively hunting his QJWIN assets.


    William King Harvey was a Machiavellian little goon, who pulled thousands of criminal strings of intrigue at once...


    It should be noted that two of the debriefing officers that interrogated Skorzeny were Arnold Melvin Silver, CIA commander of Project "QJWIN" criminal spotter program and US Army Brig. Gen. Theodore C. Mataxis, Chief of Personal Staff, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs—of course, Arnold Silver's liaison to the CIA's assassination capabilities, AKA Executive Action, was William King Harvey—in November of 1963, William King Bill Harvey was the CIA Station Chief in Rome, Italy, where his State Department attaché to the Vatican was Carmel Offie.


    Carmel Offie was the Office of Policy Coordination commander of Operation BLOODSTONE, and by 1963, while working under Rome, Italy CIA Station Chief William King Harvey (CIA commander of ZRRIFLE), Offie was attaché to Pope Paul VI.


    Pope Paul VI, AKA Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, had served, in 1952, under the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, as the Deputy of Foreign Affairs of the Vatican, and secretly met with Otto Skorzeny to finance a commando army in Spain.


    3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    My questions for you have to do with trying to understand how Nazis like Skorzeny fit into the larger picture of Allen Dulles's international CIA black ops, including the JFK assassination (and the JMWave Cubans who, apparently, participated in that Dallas op.)


    The Italian Intelligence liaison to William King Harvey in November 1963 was Lt. Col. Renzo Rocca, who was commander SIFAR office-R AKA dell'ufficio del SIFAR Ricerche Economiche ed Industriali (REI), which was the Italian military intelligence branch that oversaw Operation GLADIO and working relationships with PERMINDEX.


    William King Harvey had entrée to a massive group of international organized crime-figures, WWII-era fascist commandos, anti-Castro Cubans, the entire command staff of Operation GLADIO and all of the mechanisms of PERMINDEX!


    As for how Skorzeny fits in the anti-Castro operations, well, if you don't want to stop with William King Harvey, I suggest you read everything you can find on Nazi commando, Waffen-SS Rottenführer Erhard Mossack.


    He was a senior member of anti-Castro infiltration operations into Cuba, "rat-lines" as they were called in official documents.


    Nazi commando, Waffen-SS Rottenführer Erhard Mossack, in the closing hours of WWII was a subordinate of Otto Skorzeny, as a member of a Nazi-terrorist organization called "Plan Werwolf."


    That is all I can say about Skorzeny's connections to the anti-Castro movement, Mr. Niederhut, that is until more documents are released...



  20. 12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    $1 in 1955 is worth $11.38 today - Inflation Calculator

    Still, HL Hunt and the Texas Mafia, and LBJ could have done the deed also. It was their backyard after all. 


    I was using the inflation calculations for the year President Kennedy was murdered—1963—not 1955, just so you know.


    As far as Haroldson Lafayette Hunt Jr. is concerned, yes, I agree, he was involved, but once again, to quote Kevin Costner's line to Michael Rooker in Oliver Stone's 1991 epic "JFK," "...I don't doubt their involvement, but at a lower level..."


    And if I may augment Mr. Costner's line of dialogue, H.L. Hunt was involved at a parallel level of importance to Allen Dulles.


    Allow me to illustrate:


    I will quote now from pgs. 78 & 79 of the great Douglas Valentine's invaluable "The Strength of the Wolf"




    "...Enter the intrepid General Richard Stilwell. A special military advisor to the US ambassador to Italy from 1947 to 1949, Stilwell had helped the Christian Democrats and the Mafia solidify their positions. As CIA logistics chief in Asia from 1949 to 1952, he arranged for CAT to support General Li Mi's incursion from Burma into Yunnan and thus enabled the renegade general to bring to market 'a third of the world's illicit opium supply.'


    The plan to save Taiwan advance on 7 November 1949, when privateer William S. Pawley received permission from Secretary of State Dean Acheson to lead a group of retired military officers, headed by Admiral Charles Cooke, to Taiwan to advise the KMT on security affairs. No stranger to political intrigues or the underworld, Pawley owned sugar plantations an airline and a bus system in Cuba, and was linked to Mafia leaders who had investments there too. He was connected to the espionage Establishment as well: Bill Donovan met with Chiang Kai-shek's defense minister and secret police chief to grease the skids on Pawley's behalf, and William Bullitt in December began raising funds for the so-called Pawley-Cooke Advisory Missionthe lion's share of which was provided by a group of Texas oilmen led by right-wing fanatic H.L. Hunt, a one time professional gambler who, in his younger days, helped finance his empire by running a private racing wire.


    Also involved in the Pawley-Cooke escapade was M. Preston Goodfellow, former publisher of the Brooklyn Eagle and Donovan's liaison, with Garland Williams, to William Keswick and the British SOE in 1942. Later in the war Goodfellow managed sensitive OSS operations in Burma and China, and formed close ties to General Tai Li and drug smuggler Du Yue-sheng. According to Korean War historian Bruce Cumings, Goodfellow made a fortune by combining business ties with 'right-wing regimes in Asia and interests in Central America.'


    "Pawley's collusion with Cooke, Donovan, Goodfellow, Bullitt, and Hunt is a textbook example of how Establishment privateers run the secret government. And naturally the mission dovetailed with federal narcotics activities. In January 1950 Goodfellow traveled to Taipei with Cooke, and in April Bullitt's bagman arrived. Soon thereafter, a 'Colonel Williams' introduced the bagman to Satiris Fassoulis, 'who gave him $500,000 for a PR campaign on Taiwan.'


    "Was this our Garland Williams? Probably. Williams had experience at both ends of the Iran-China connection. In 1948 and 1949 he had conducted surveys of Iranian opium production and had reported to Anslinger that Iran's most influential families had amassed a fortune through the opium trade, and that they intended to keep anti-drug laws weak. He knew that Iran shipped tons of opium to Indochina through Greece and Armenian brokers like Fassoulis. But Williams was also a security chief for the secret government, and at the same time that CIA officer Allen Dulles was meeting with KMT officials to seal the Pawley-Cooke deal, he was recalled to active duty and took command of the Army's 525th Military Intelligence Group. Among its functions, the 525th MIG prepared intelligence officers for duty in Korea, and as chief of the Group, Williams was in position to provide covert support to the Pawley-Cooke Advisory Mission, or to Satiris Fassoulis.



    For his part, Fassoulis denies ever having met Williams, or that Hunt provided money, or that Pawley was involved. He denies everything. However, he had been an American pilot in China during the war, where he may have met Garland Williams, and in 1950 he was vice president of Commerce International China Inc. (CIC), a subsidiary of Donovan's World Commerce Corporation. CIC was exempt from the Foreign Agents Registration Act and supplied the Pawley-Cooke mission with everything from gas masks to airplanes. It was also accused of smuggling contraband to America..."




    As you can see, Haroldson Lafayette Hunt Jr. was involved in fomenting covert wars and funding fascists dictatorships with Allen Welsh Dulles a full ten years before John F. Kennedy even accepted his's party's nomination for President!


    Just as I said, parallel tracks with Allen W. Dulles.


    And two of the commanders who oversaw reconstruction efforts under Chiang Kai-shek, thru the operational structure of "Ming-teh-Gruppe," the Bundesnachrichtendienst advisory command to the Commerce International China Inc. (CIC) controlled Pawley-Cooke Advisory Mission, were two Nazi war criminals named  Generalmajor Oskar Munzel & General der Panzertruppe Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg—both men were Gehlen Organization assets, and luminaries of the post-WWII "Kameradenwerk der Bruderschaft" organization of SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny!


    You read that correctly, H.L. Hunt was funding a covert action in Taiwan that involved two of Otto Skorzeny's top lieutenants in the post-war fascist underground!


    It should also be noted that a subsidiary of World Commerce Corporation (overseen by narco-terrorist SatirisSonnyGalahad Fassoulis) called Commerce International China Inc. (CIC), covertly provided hundreds of tons of supplies and ammunition to the Gehlen Org-controlled "Ming-teh-Gruppe" reconstruction efforts at the same time that "Jerry" Droller, the future CIA Cuban Political Action Chief, Western Hemisphere Division and co-creator of the anti-Castro narco-terrorist army, Frente Revolucionario Democrático, was an advisor to the Taiwan-based fascist government.


    So that means that H.L. Hunt was funding a covert action in Taiwan that involved the future commander of all anti-Castro émigré governments in exile!


    Like I said, H.L. Hunt was involved at a parallel level of importance to Allen Dulles when it came to murdering President Kennedy.





  21. 55 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


         Have you read Larry Hancock's book, Tipping Point, or James Douglass's book, JFK and the Unspeakable?

        Larry isn't exactly a screamer, but he has documented a lot of convincing evidence about anti-Castro Cubans in Dallas who had obvious foreknowledge of the hit on JFK-- including the Cuban pilot at Redbird Airport who helped Wayne January prep the plane that flew out of Redbird on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.



    I own & read everything Mr. Hancock has published, and have read Mr. Douglass' book as well (though I gave it away as a gift).


    Their works are both brillant.


    However, and I do not mean this as an insult, focusing on the anti-Castro Cubans as the main culprit is myopic.


    As Kevin Costner says to Michael Rooker in Oliver Stone's 1991 epic "JFK," "...I don't doubt their involvement, but at a lower level..."


    That's how I feel about the anti-Castro Cubans—they were involved, but they are not the ones pulling the strings.


    And not to sound defensive, but there is no aspect of the media surrounding the JFK assassination l have not read, watched or listened to—not to mention over five-hundred thousand pages of government files concerning covert operations going all the way back to the Second World War that I have had the displeasure of reading.


    I was taking Advanced Placement American History college preparatory courses my sophomore year of high school, and that was over seventeen years ago.


    Not to mention my ten years of honorable service in the United States Army were I worked directly with NATO special operations teams in Afghanistan—I know how coups work—I was right in the middle of one in 2011, during the elections in Paktika Province, Southern Waziristan.


    I also know how assassinations work, as I participated in one, as a support intelligence analyst.  


    Once again, not to toot my own horn—but I do not draw my conclusions lightly, in case you haven't been following the threads I've been posting since I was allowed back on the forum.   



  22. 3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Robert - that is really tremendous research, pulling all this together and bringing in the rather mysterious Permindex. No wonder the goons stopped Garrison. Funny - last night I was thinking about Permindex - yet again, as this comes up often in my forever seeking brain. It was Jim D that first opened that door for me too, and we have had numerous exchanges on the forum, most recently with the Italian researcher Metta. This all becomes important because of Clay Shaw. Btw didn’t Pierre Lafitte later work for Shaw as a chef? During which time he helped raid Garrison’s files? I can only imagine WHICH files they searched for and removed. Seems obvious now that it wasn’t random. 


    Thank you Paul.


    Agreed about Jim (despite the two of us butting heads recently, I hope he'll come around to my thesis, that an international consortium of fascists murdered President Kennedy)—if it were not for his stellar work concerning PERMINDEX, I would not be able to draw the conclusions I make, not to mention the vast array of sources now currently at our disposal.


    I must admit, Michele Metta's, "Accomplishing Jim Garrison’s Investigation on the Trail of the Assassins of JFK" was an informative, yet painful read (I literally got headaches because of the way it was formatted, and had to put it down several times).


    However, Mr. Metta did put together a very informative video about the connections between PERMINDEXOperation GLADIO, & Propaganda Due (I suggest muting the video and turning the playback speed up a few notches, because I found the background music annoying and the pacing slow).


    I should note, I went ahead and reviewed all of the data presented in this video, and it is air-tight: 



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