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Leslie Sharp

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Everything posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. I haven't accused you, Matthew, of being a Fascist. I have drawn attention to your persistent links to those who are. This childish game of avoiding any debate with me personally is just that, childish. My behavior is in lockstep with the tone you set. I suppose you'll argue that women should take the higher ground, as has Chris? When you go low we go high? I would, but the stakes are simply too high on a JFK assassination related thread to indulge your antics.
  2. Those of us who followed every minute of the Jan 6 Committee hearings watched surveillance footage during the hearings? Perhaps you just missed it? Images of the shaman inside the Chamber, knowing he was party to the disruption of the peaceful transfer of Presidential power, were included.
  3. Advancing the fundamental question raised, "the inevitable end result of [60] years .... A Far Right Ecosystem Spanning Decades This analysis began with the question: what might the America First Committee and a figure named Roy Cohn have in common, and how might that commonality relate to contemporary politics? In addition to pointing me in the direction of the history behind Roy Cohn’s protégé Donald Trump’s own version of America First, Albarelli’s thinking before he passed was also influenced by our research into the history of rabid anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy and the men surrounding him, including [his close friend and protegé Cohn], Robert Morris of the John Birch Society who served as attorney to one of our prime suspects — General Edwin A. Walker. Morris worked alongside Senator McCarthy’s legal counsel, Roy Marcus Cohn. As backdrop to our evolving interest in Cohn, Yeadon and Hawkins [authors of N-azi Hydra in America] had also covered a scandal that surfaced in the early 1980s involving political advisor Robert Keith Gray and his role at Hill and Knowlton public relations and advertising. Gray is now acknowledged as having served the national and international intelligence apparatus for years. Gray’s association with a Korean CIA agent named Tongsun Park, and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, owner of the Washington Times newspaper and leader of the Unification Church (recognized by most as “The Moonies”), led reporters to the George Town Club, a honey pot for Washington’s elite. A blackmail operation run by the CIA’s Edwin Wilson and Frank Terpil that was being run out of the club operated by Park—not dissimilar to lobbyist Bobby Baker’s Quorum Club of the 1960s which provided a stage for the German seductress Ellen Rometsch—would shake D. C. once again. As Yeadon and Hawkins point out, it was Nebraska Senator John DeCamp’s investigation into leading figures in the George Town Club scandal that bled into what became known as the Franklin Credit Union child sex scandal of Omaha, Nebraska. In his exposé, The Franklin Cover-up, DeCamp explained that Ed Wilson’s blackmailing was an extension of Roy Cohn’s operation during the McCarthy era. [emphasis added] DeCamp writes, “Gray’s associate Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray from the 1950s—McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDS. According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities, ‘Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself. Ownership of Rev. Moon’s Washington Times, responsible for breaking some of the more salacious reporting of the George Town Club and Franklin Credit scandals, was later transferred to Operations Holdings, an alleged front company of Rev. Moon’s Unification Church. In partnership with the Washington Times, in 2013, the far-right media company Herring Networks, Inc. debuted One America News Network (OANN). During the Trump administration, as the hugely popular conservative media outlet Fox News came under pressure from the marketplace to provide a modicum of unbiased reporting, OANN became a clear favorite of Roy Cohn’s protégé, President Donald Trump. As a result, and in anticipation of his re-election in 2020, a group of Trump allies contemplated a buyout of the cable channel, adding significantly to the perceived monetary worth of the collaboration between Operations Holdings and Herring Networks and its potential to promote the alt-right agenda in the years to come. [It should be noted that the Moonies underwrote The Epoch Times as well.] . . . In light of the many national scandals that dominated the nation’s news cycles during the campaign of 2016 — [and considering the newest revelation that it was Epstein who ended his close friendship with Donald Trump] — in the context of political blackmail, one in particular warranted attention. A sensational child sex trafficking case had been exposed in Florida in 2005 with New York financial investor and sybarite, Jeffrey Epstein, at the center. Suspicion that the cameras and film equipment scattered throughout his various enclaves were focused as much on his high powered guests, including political leaders and influencers, as his underage victims, the possibility of tried and true blackmail could not be easily set aside. Had Epstein perfected the playbook developed over the decades by fascist regimes and employed by Americans like Kohlberg, Hoover, Cohn, Gray, and GOP consultant and “dirty trickster” Roger Stone [who once opined that the most valuable card in his Rolodex was that of Roy Cohn]? And if so, on whose behalf? Researchers and reporters will discover, or disavow, this speculation in the months and years to come.
  4. Let's each review the trajectory since I joined this thread. I believe you will find that the tone was set by Mr. Koch. A sensitive woman might think you were lecturing her, but I'm confident you're simply offering your subjective observations which as it happens I reject. Another adage you are probably familiar with? "and then they came for me." Karma is a bitch and your smugness may boomerang. The grown ups on this thread stood on principle - an opportunity, as a female, I happened to be around to provide — and stood for a level playing field, no gender bias. Where were you when Matthew mocked them with his insipid gifs and memes? Memory serves you actually weighed in a bit in the mockery of Kirk in particular. Correct me if I'm mistaken, please.
  5. January 6 Committee viewed the collage that is presented on YouTube by The New Yorker, or similar. The Shaman is shown occupying the Chamber along with other insurrectionists, yelling - or perhaps chanting in a tradition he follows - and subsequently moving the the Speaker's area and standing along with fellow insurrections, knowing full well that they had intimidated elected officials who were in the process of the peaceful transfer of Presidential power to abandon their duty and flee the Chamber. This was the equivalent of the attack on the presidency in 1963, and it was instigated by Donald Trump, Roger Stone, John Eastman, Rudy Guiliani, Sydney Powell, Stephen Miller, et al. and implemented by the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and like-minded miscreants. Tucker is advancing a Doppelgänger.
  6. Who establishes the rules, Chris? I have played as judiciously as possible the card I was dealt when Matthew first hurled "scorned woman" when I rebutted his attack on the Postscript of Coup. I challenged him to prove that anything in that essay wouldn't hold up to scrutiny. He failed to follow through, and continued to attack based on gender rather than fact. I assume you advocate for a level playing field, and I'm disappointed that someone with your purported understanding of psychology doesn't recognize Matthew's tactics.
  7. Thanks be to the mother goddess. I suspected you could be worn down. You were an energy drain, perhaps deliberately.
  8. Agree! Rabbit?!!! Of course we all remember how that story started, right? In an elevator as I recall, a married guy just can't resist, messed with the wrong woman, when he should have been on a therapist's couch to understand the attraction that turned fatal. Another notch on your card, Chris, for encouraging Matthew's misogyny.
  9. And perhaps you need a reminder of Trump's misogyny. You have applied similar tactics directed at me personally on this thread. I recommend that the moderators reconsider the ban on use of accurate historical terms while indulging Matthew's gender insults.
  10. Why don't you reach out to Bannon and confirm what was recorded in the interview. This isn't Mark's "version".
  11. You have either misread the post, or you're deflecting. Epstein's brother has now officially challenged Trump's version that he split from Epstein. Full stop. Nothing about Trump's possible shennanigans while in a close friendship with serial rapist of under age girls Jeffrey Epstein. There are dozens of women who allege Trump assaulted, and in some instances raped them. Is there a shared behavior — a common misogynistic attitude — albeit Trump prefers mature women? The courts will decide.
  12. I'm sorry, Matthew. This was a response to Chris, but I'm fine with you interjecting ... but if you choose to, please be clear. What mischaracterizations (I believe that's what you're trying to say) have you debunked with "evidence"?
  13. I asked if you used bolshevik as a euphemism. You have yet to answer. That is not "calling you and anti-Semite". It's a simple question. Persistently suggesting that because I am female, the research and antidotes to your links to alt-right propagandst including Posobiec and Project Veritas are simply an emotional reaction. Do you attack the males on this forum similarly? I think I've seen that you take a different tack, which suggests to me an underlying misogyny.
  14. The Trump thread on this forum appears to be inactive, so for now, I'll share this here as it speaks to the general debate related to continuity between the attack on the presidency in 1963, and Trump and his milieu's attack on the presidency in 2020. In light of the pending trial to determine whether Trump raped E. Jean Carroll as she has charged, Trump's version of his break up with serial rapist of under-age girls Jeffrey Epstein has now been officially challenged. At the time, Bannon was conducting filmed interviews with the now-dead pedophile financier. Bannon sent Jeffrey Epstein a Dropbox link to a clip, which he forwarded to his brother. The link is no longer active, according to Mark. "Jeffrey showed me the link to one of these interviews," Mark Epstein said. "And in that interview, Jeffrey said he stopped hanging out with Trump when he realized Trump was a crook." https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-dropped-donald-trump-realizing-crook-brother-says-2023-3
  15. Stalked? Seriously? In most circles it's referred to as due diligence. And, no, I am not divorced but I wonder where you came up with that.
  16. there are good people on both sides? American Jewish Committee Who is Nick Fuentes and Why Is His Antisemitism Dangerous for America? https://www.ajc.org/news/who-is-nick-fuentes-and-why-is-his-antisemitism-dangerous-for-america
  17. I thought it was precipitated, ultimately, when Robert Montenegro was active which I believe was 2020, perhaps early 21. It's interesting that he was forced to leave the forum yet those who have joined here with a specific agenda to counter what is perceived as a left leaning discussion of the assassination of Kennedy — logical if one knows anything about Kennedy's politics — and proceeds to invoke alt-right, extremist ideologues who align philosophically with the forces behind his murder in Dallas in 1963. Ergo, the inevitable end result of the past [60] years. That's what this thread was about, right? It's fortunate that Matthew et al. have provided a platform to tie 60 years of threads together.
  18. You stated erroneously that this is where the Trump is a fascist narrative started. That is simply not true. You've read Coup, so you're aware of the information we provide on Bill Regnery. Social science experts and historians know Regnery, all of the Regnerys, who published Holocaust denial decades ago, and Bill Regnery remarked as early as 2016 that Trump had given legitimacy to White Nationalism. You can dispute the application of 'fascism' but Holocaust denial and White Nationalism go hand in glove with Mussolini's philosophies. You're welcome to ask the moderators to adjudicate this issue.
  19. You arrived recently? And, yes, and a similar pain when you expand on Operation Paperclip to find SS Otto Skorzeny, avowed N-azi to his death as evidenced by clips from his funeral, and Hans-Ulrich Rudel and Leon Degrelle — Belgian Walloon politician and N-azi collaborator, all identified in the Lafitte records. From Paperclip to Dulles & Donovan to Skorzeny .. with Angleton in the middle and events leading to the assassination in Dallas.
  20. That is where the Trump is a fascist narrative started. You persist with disinformation, witting or not ... Donald Trump had borrowed from an online account, @ildulce2016: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” We know that it was Il Dulce, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was rescued by Hitler’s favorite commando, SS Otto Skorzeny; we also know that it was Skorzeny, captured in a cordial if not flagrantly warm photo with Benito’s son Romano in 1960, who served as the tactician for the plot to assassinate John Kennedy in Dallas. *** Although Buchanan’s presidential campaign of 2000 was dwarfed by Republican moderate George W. Bush, his ideology never lost traction among arch-conservatives and libertarians. So, by 2015, as candidate Donald Trump developed his campaign strategy, the soil had been tilled and he was able to effectively resurrect the America First theme for his presidential campaign, tweaking the slogan to “Make American Great Again.'' In one of his first major speeches which was promoted as a an unveiling of his foreign policy platform, Trump used the Center for the National Interest as back drop. From the venue of CNI, whose leadership was, ironically, a virtual who’s who of alleged “deep state” alumni - including President Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger -Trump declared that “’America First’ will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.” According to a junior fellow at the think tank who was fired for publicly expressing his concerns that the real estate tycoon and reality TV show host had been invited to speak, “the speech was more that of a booster rally than a serious presentation.” The America First theme of anti-immigration would also drive his domestic platform, appealing to passions of the extreme right with a vitriolic vow to construct a permanent wall between Mexico and the Southern border of the US. *** In response to questions about the 2016 campaign and election, William “Bill” Regnery, grandson of one of the founders of the America First Committee and nephew of publisher Henry Regnery, seemingly appreciated the archetypal role filled by Donald Trump when he reached for a word to describe the effect: “I think Trump was a legitimizer,” he argued. White nationalism “went from being a conversation you could hold in a bathroom, to the front parlor,” said Regnery. His family publishing house, Regnery Publishing’s first two titles had been critical of the Nuremberg Trials, and the third was a pro-National Socialist book attacking the Allied air campaign of WWII. By 1954, Regnery was doing its part in advancing the Cold War with publication of books for the John Birch Society. According to CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, who is cited in the Lafitte records, the agency had subsidized Regnery because of “its pro-N azi stance.” Hunt had been central to many CIA operations run by CIA officer Tracy Barnes.
  21. Thanks for this, Steve. This is coming from someone whose life and that of his family was under serious threat. Mobs are highly unpredictable, Tucker, if you're listening?
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