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Leslie Sharp

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Everything posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. Are you skeptical of what you see on those videos? Not Carlson's, but those presented during the hearing which I've linked here? Correct me if I'm wrong ... You argued there was no violence inside the Capitol. The videos say otherwise. You can't have it both ways.
  2. Can you cite instances of my anger and ridicule? I wonder if projection is a factor in play? I can provide you with incidents of same coming from your camp. As I said yesterday, provocation escalates, so I'm making a concerted effort to approach this debate with respect for all engaged. You've no idea how acerbic an Irish las can be when relentlessly provoked.
  3. A question of the moderators of this thread . . . what constitutes disruptive behavior? remarks hurled at me recently. . . Looks like our Scorned woman is trying to slide the thread, I feel like I know now what it's like to have a teenage daughter.. try again, princess. My you’ve caught a cold here. Sounds a bit like mother bear is a little wound up.
  4. This cryptic remark is a reflection of interrupted intellectual development. Paul has eloquently and gently laid down a gauntlet. I second the motion.
  5. I suppose it depends on your definition of "violence". We witnessed violence as defined, strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force, by those who forced elected officials from the Chamber in the middle of executing their sworn duty to guarantee the peaceful transfer of leadership as proscribed in OUR Constitution. Do you not recall any of this, Benjamin?
  6. WE ARE LISTENING TO YOUR BOSS! - insurrectionist to Capitol police ... WHERE THE F * * * IS NANCY?
  7. Disruptive behavior? Are you joking? I am challenging the propaganda you're pushing on this thread. Take your grievance to the moderators. Ignoring me would speak volumes about your intellect and integrity.
  8. Thanks for the heads up! I'm clearly standing on the shoulders of giants like yourself. The theme of the discussion is "the end result of the last 56 years" which I just assumed was reference to the ongoing threat to democracy since 1963. I'm somewhat astonished this goes on among those who claim to know something about the Kennedy assassination. Are these guys infiltrators who — had they been of age in '63 — cheered the coup in Dallas?
  9. Please stop cluttering the thread and wasting everyone’s time with irrelevant gibberish. This coming from a purported defender of the First Amendment? The more you push Carlson and his agenda, the longer I'll be on this thread. Your choice. And as far as I know, you don't own this tree house, and I am certain it's not a boys only club. By the way, where ARE the women on this thread, started by a competent researcher who by the way is female. Did you and your ilk intimidate them?
  10. I suspect an appellate judge would be compelled to weigh this footage. Perhaps you've forgotten about it? Keep in mind, while events were unfolding inside the chamber, violent hand to hand confrontation was taking place outside. Keep in mind, these insurrectionists were occupying the proscribed venue for the peaceful transfer of leadership as set forth in OUR Constitution.
  11. Rebuttal is in the eye of the beholder. But to satisfy your frustration, I refute your contention that some footage of Chansley being escorted around the capitol is evidence that he shouldn't be charged as an insurrectionist when he stood at the Speaker's podium knowing that he was there because mayhem was disrupting the peaceful transfer of leadership under the terms set forth in OUR Constitution. Do you think Chansley's defense would effectively persuade a judge and or jury with this new footage? And if his attorneys were entitled to the footage, so are we, and all media outlets unless of course a judge ruled otherwise in which instance, the case should have made it's way through the courts before Carlson aired a single clip. Something rotten in Denmark for sure.
  12. Au contraire, John. I attempted to elevated the conversation so that it has some relevance. Your observation is an alt-right soundbite with no substance.
  13. No comment regarding the plethora of information that confirms these organizations are made up of neo-fascists if not avowed N-azis?
  14. The comparison eludes you? I admit it requires a bit of thought, or perhaps you're not all that familiar with the plot to assassination the president in Dallas that included the perfect patsy. Chansley is the diversion from what was taking place over at the Willard Hotel, from John Eastman, Roger Stone, & Co.
  15. Maybe you should take time out from Ed Forum and focus on setting your version of the record straight over at Wikipedia? Oath Keepers is an American far-right[1] anti-government militia[1][3] whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States, including the transfer of Presidential power as prescribed by the US Constitution. It was incorporated in 2009 by founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer and former paratrooper. As of January 2023, nine members have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles in the January 6 United States Capitol attack. These include three who pled guilty in early 2022, Rhodes and another leader who were convicted of multiple felonies that November, and four more who were convicted of multiple felony charges in January 2023.[4] [5] The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right anti-government militia.[2][3][4][5] The group advocates gun ownership rights and resistance to the U.S. federal government.[6][7] The group's name derives from the erroneous[8][9] claim that "...the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists..." during the American Revolution.[10] Vanguard America Vanguard America is an American white supremacist, neo-National Socialist, neo-fascist organization. The organization is also a member of the Nationalist Front.[1][2] The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that James Alex Fields had marched with them at the Unite the Right rally before being arrested on murder charges.[3][4] The group has its roots in the alt-right movement.[5] Patriot Front is an American white nationalist and neo-fascist hate group.[7] Part of the broader alt-rightmovement, the group split off from the neo-National Socialist organization Vanguard America in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in 2017.[1][8][9][10] Patriot Front's aesthetic combines traditional Americana with fascist symbolism. The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017.[9][10][11] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14] white nationalists,[15] neo-National Socialists,[16] Klansmen,[17] and far-rightmilitias.[18] The Proud Boys is an exclusively male North American far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.[1][9][10] It has been called a street gang[11][12] and was designated as a terrorist group in Canada[13][14] and New Zealand.[8] The Proud Boys are known for their opposition to left-wing and progressive groups and their support for former U.S. President Donald Trump.[1][10] Matthew, perhaps the exclusively male policy of Proud Boys is particularly attractive?
  16. John Cotter writes, As I see it, one “lie” Carlson refers to is the withholding of exculpatory evidence regarding Jacob Chansley, the Horned Viking as you refer to him. This evidence was withheld from Chansley, his lawyer and the public by the J6 Committee. Focus on Chansley is the equivalent of 60 years of misguided focus on Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy in the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas 11.22.63. While Carlson employs the shaman as a distraction for his audience ... not unlike Dallas authorities did when they launched the spin of the commie lone nut Oswald narrative ... the truth of events leading to January 6 and those who orchestrated the riot from ivory towers slips away with every passing day.
  17. Well said, both Paul and Chris, but there's an elephant in the room . . . the insurrectionists unlawfully stormed our - my, your, their — nation's capitol during proceedings to ensure the peaceful transfer of leadership as defined in OUR Constitution.
  18. Matthew, the shaman stood at the House Speaker's podium and seized the gavel — knowing that the proceedings to ensure the peaceful transition of America's leadership had been disrupted by hoards of insurrectionists. Your narrative is Posobiec and Carlson's narrative. Consider carefully with whom you align yourself. Funnny you mention the East German Stasi whose function was similar to Russia's KGB . . . From Posibiec's book “In the Russian point of view, modern warfare is information warfare. These modern wars take place in the psychological space – as pressure is applied through communications, politics, economics, and technology – suppressing an adversary’s will to act. Essentially, they have shifted from a war in the physical environment to war inside the human consciousness.” – 2018, from the book 4D Warfare: A Doctrine for a New Generation of Politics Posobiec on the imminent insurrection . . . Posobiec told The Epoch Times that night that the gathering at the Capitol the next day would be “something that no one’s seen before.” “[Jan. 6] will be something that no one’s seen before … I think it’s going to be absolutely historic, and really codify America’s history not only for this time but for years to come,” he said. Posobiec on rejuvenation of European authoritarianism . . . Posobiec has called himself “a proud member of #SlavRight.” #SlavRight is a hashtag that connotes the support of hard-right authoritarianism in Eastern Europe. Posobiec on his shared ideology with Aleksandr Dugin . . . In the runup to #MacronLeaks, Posobiec hyped to his Twitter followers a 1997 book from the Russian neofascist Aleksandr Dugin. Dugin promotes a philosophy known as neo-Eurasianism, which is a political movement that envisions Russia as its own distinct civilizational entity that is between “Europe” and “Asia.” Dugin’s worldview blends Western fascist thought with more traditional Russian ultra-nationalism. Posobiec promoted to his followers Dugin’s 1997 book, The Foundations of Geopolitics, a 600-page Russian-language tome that argues Russian security services should “introduce geopolitical disorder” in the United States by promoting sectarian and racial tensions. A reminder for Matthew Koch, from the Postscript of Coup . . . In 2017 there was a resurgence of interest in [Julius] Evola's work, and President Donald Trump's advisor Steve Bannon and also "Putin's Rasputin,” Aleksandr Dugin should be cited among the thinkers of the Right who have been influenced by Evola. Julius Evola: Evola (1898–1974) was an Italian Philosopher, an advocate of an elitist, idealist variety of Fascism, or some might say National Socialistsm. Influenced by Plato, Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler, Evola espoused an anti-democratic and anti-Semitic return to semi-mystical forms of Medieval Chivalry. During the war Evola met Mussolini immediately after the latter was rescued by Skorzeny. He may also have met Skorzeny there, but this is unconfirmed. His vision inspired Count Valerio Borghese, who wrote an introduction to Evola's book Men Among the Ruins, and also international terrorist (still living today) Stefano Delle Chiaie. . . . Eventually, ["The Black Prince"] Borghese [so admired by Angleton] was joined in his activities by the notorious terrorist and assassin Stefano Delle Chiaie [alive in early September 2019]. Says author Martin Lee in his ground-breaking work, The Beast Reawakens, “Borghese often spoke highly of the five-foot fascist phenom, referring to Delle Chiaie as ‘one of the few men capable of putting things in order in Italy.’” The reader encounters Delle Chiaie in depth later in the chapter, but for now it’s important to note that it was Delle Chiaie who accompanied the Black Prince when they fled Italy for Spain following the botched putsch known as Golph Borghese in December 1970, where they rendezvoused with Otto Skorzeny. According to Lee, “Delle Chiaie glorified violence as a hygienic outburst capable of cutting through the postwar bourgeois morass. During the 1960s, his organization, Avanguardia National Socialistonale (National Vanguard)* came to be regarded as the cudgel of Italian right-wing extremism. For guidance and inspiration, Delle Chiaie looked to Julius Evola, the reactionary intellectual who emerged as the gray eminence of postwar Italian fascism.” . . . Prince Junio Valerio Borghese [admired by CIA CI James Angleton] was another highly esteemed member of this cadres of fascists. Said [Leon] Degrelle [leader of the Rexist Party] of Borghese, “he was a very impressive man,” and asserted, “the most important man of post-Fascist Italy.” This ideology — the same that inspired the Dallas plot to kill JFK — is driving the young and apparently highly impressionable Jack Posobiec who apparently is informing you, Matthew. Goebbels indeed. * Vanguard America Vanguard America is an American white supremacist, neo-National Socialist, neo-fascist organization. The organization is also a member of the Nationalist Front.[1][2] The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that James Alex Fields had marched with them at the Unite the Right rally before being arrested on murder charges.[3][4] The group has its roots in the alt-right movement.[5] Patriot Front is an American white nationalist and neo-fascist hate group.[7] Part of the broader alt-rightmovement, the group split off from the neo-National Socialist organization Vanguard America in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in 2017.[1][8][9][10] Patriot Front's aesthetic combines traditional Americana with fascist symbolism. The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017.[9][10][11] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14] white nationalists,[15] neo-National Socialists,[16] Klansmen,[17] and far-rightmilitias.[18] The Proud Boys is an exclusively male North American far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.[1][9][10] It has been called a street gang[11][12] and was designated as a terrorist group in Canada[13][14] and New Zealand.[8] The Proud Boys are known for their opposition to left-wing and progressive groups and their support for former U.S. President Donald Trump.[1][10] Matthew, perhaps the exclusively male policy of Proud Boys is particularly attractive? Trump tells Proud Boys: 'Stand back and stand by'
  19. Thanks, Matt. I'm new to active participation on this forum and I get that flame throwing is disruptive, but appeasement just isn't in my Irish vocabulary. From what I've read from you, it's not in your lexicon either.
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