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Leslie Sharp

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Everything posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. Are these guys not aware that Fox is now "mainstream"? I challenge them to research the stakeholders in Murdoch's companies, as well as their other investments. I'll bet the list is packed with Military Industrial contractors.
  2. I noticed that as well, Matt. In fact, I have to search to find Tucker's scoop. That's not the definition of "scoop"!
  3. Paul, have you come across updates from Naomi Wolf related to General Charles Flynn? I'm not seeing anything in this no doubt heartfelt apology, but maybe I overlooked it. Tucker Carlson is paid $35 mil. (for those on this forum who rage against the MS$M). Any idea what percentage of that figure is paid to consultants at Naomi's level? The following seems to be an accurate representation of the J6 timeline that includes the role of the brother of Mike Flynn. [it's almost de ja vu all over again .. twin neo-fascists Generals Charles Willoughby and Edwin Walker, 1963?] https://www.americanoversight.org/timeline-jan6
  4. What was debunked, Matthew m'dear? Stone et al. were aware of the provocation of the hand symbol, as noted by social science observers of such phenomenon. You're protective of Stone and Posobiec for your own reasons which Freud might suggest are father related. Jung would be gentler, but then Joseph Campbell would be far more entertaining. And, come to think of it, a few months in the woods with Blye might do you a world of good.
  5. You are a racist,and a Karen. That, m'love, is straight from the MAGA playbook. I commiserated with Kirk that you and your comrades are a product of your time and deserve a degree of patience and empathy. It's up to you to drop your macho macho man charade and LISTEN. You seem particularly proud of living outside the US. Any reason? I read and read about the Torbitt Doc before you were in knee pants, so I find it laughable you equate the work required to publish the substantiated revelations Hank uncovered and published in Coup with Copeland's (or was it Coleman? I get them confused because one was a Rockefeller) pure speculation. Perhaps he was a seer, or an insider attempting to exonerate his Southern Baptist Baylor friends and clients. Let's play a little game. Would that be fun for you (oh, wait, that's what you've been doing since 2022)? If you know Torbitt [a.k.a.], tell me where his wife grew up, and why that's significant?
  6. So you did arrive with an agenda. That's what I was picking up on. So, now, without offense, are you willing to share who might have encouraged you to counter the left wing echo chamber, or was it your decision alone? 2022 is awfully late to join in the discussion since you've read 250 books on the subject —— meaning the Kennedy assassination? It's great to see representatives from a new generation, but surely you understand those of us who are cautious and skeptical when we're accused of "taking the kool-aid". We know the derivation of the insult and it is diametrically opposite the commitment to expose the plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas.
  7. I see. I assume you have lurked on other venues as well? Morley's jfkfacts.org perhaps? Can you point me in the direction of your contributions that reflect you having read 250 books, and can you share the books you rely on most heavily? We're at a disadvantage that we've met on a thread that isn't focused on the investigation and I'm very interested to hear your take on the case itself, regardless of politics.
  8. Thanks, Kirk, and I'm somewhat familiar with Peterson. That's probably all I should say. It's obvious you know, and that matters. I've recently concluded it was inevitable that young white males in particular would suffer as America turns this centuries old male dominated ship around. Unfortunately, the country's education system didn't catch on quickly enough so a couple of generations of young men are bearing the brunt of the shift in the collective psyche ... that ALL are created equal, not just "all white men", and that ALL have inalienable rights, not just "white men". I'm not qualified to heal these men's wounds but that's not to say I don't want them healed. Blessings.
  9. Matthew, I notice you joined the Ed Forum in September of 2022. If I can ask without offending you, had you left the forum and decided to return, or was that your first toe in the water so to speak? If so, I'm curious what drew you here, the discussion related to the Kennedy assassination or history in general? Please don't feel pressured to answer.
  10. I know quite a bit about projection and about transference, Matthew. Your mother issues are fairly transparent so of course I'm sympathetic and will be more cognizant of potential triggers.
  11. A measured approach, Benjamin. Carlson blows with the wind. He and his ilk coopted "deep state" to feed Trump's frenzy. I doubt he fully understands that Peter Thiel, for instance, is the NEW AND IMPROVED deep state. Watch as this SVB story unfolds. Douglas Caddy is already on the trail. Are you familiar with Yarvin?
  12. I haven't slandered you. I've called attention to the ideology of those you espouse as being authorities on the January 6 debacle. I've invited you to distance yourself from Posobiec in particular. You haven't. Apparently, because he has 2 plus million followers, we're supposed to consider him credible? Sounds a bit tribal to me, huh Chris Barnard?
  13. Thanks again, W. It's either a reflection of their underdeveloped cognitive skills, or something more sinister. I'm leaning toward the latter having encountered a similar team on a Facebook forum called "mice fighting gorillas".
  14. If this entire exercise is solely to secure clemency for Chansley, I'm pretty much on board based on his mental impairment. That's not to endorse your theory and that pitched by Carlson that Jan 6 was a patriotic protest that "got out of hand". It was orchestrated since November 19, as proven by the Jan 6 Committee. The shaman wasn't a member of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, et al. But, this begs the question . . . why did Carlson lead with this card? . . . to gain sympathy for Chansley and by osmosis for those whose mental faculties were less impaired? Speaking of manipulation of emotions, Chris, Matthew?
  15. I'm addressing hypocrisy, Benjamin. (and I apologized for confusing you with John, and said why.) I'm following Larry, Bill and their team's progress closely. I'm anxious that they add Jean Rene Souetre and INS records to the high priority list that is headed up with George Joannides, Morley's decades-long investment in the investigation. You may not be familiar with this level of detail of the assassination investigation? Biden's feet must be held to the fire on the K files. Trump should be exposed as the Dopplegagner he was (and is) lest he win the 2024 election and employs his thugs - Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, et al — to extract retribution as he vowed at CPAC.
  16. Benjamin, why not just state unequivocally you have no intention of watching the video that picks up after Chansley the Shaman enters the Chamber. We can conclude our echange. Otherwise ... listen and watch ... knowing that Chansley's at the Speakers podium fully aware that he and the hoodlums standing with him, and those yelling the thrashing through files have terrified elected officials into fleeing the Chamber and that the peacefully transfer of Presidential power has been disrupted. Please, have the intellectual integrity to either watch the video or admit that you've been propagandized by Carlson and ultimately billionaire Ruppert Murdoch.
  17. Thanks Benjamin (and apologies John ... I met the lot of you in one fell swoop and am adjusting to the individualism because to be honest, occasionally it seems to me you move in a pack), and I appreciate your subjective interpretation of the videos Tucker has thus far seen fit to show you and the rest of his audience. But, the question was, why didn't Trump release the remaining JFK files? He had The JFK Act to support doing so. Why didn't he? Lane was labeled because he represented Carto and Spotlight as I recall. Another story for another day.
  18. If you're referring to the Hunt vid, I've watched it, along with several similar. I worked around those who inherited his philosophy. Had you read Coup, you would know that we have Jacques Godard stating the funding for Aginter originated in part from Dallas oilmen including H. L. Hunt. So, if you want Hunt's head on a platter, you have to accept the rest of the evidence we present in Coup, including the direct involvement of neo-Fascist generals Edwin Walker — who Hunt supported financially — and Charles Willoughby — who was added to Hunt's payroll after the hit in Dealey. It was Walker who got tossed out of the military on his ear for promoting fringe right JBS propaganda to his troops in Germany ... as should have Trump's favorite Gen. Mike Flynn and his brother who btw played a pivotal role in the immediate assault on the Capitol. But then, I'm guessing you ignore these details, and the parallels with Cold War fanatical N-azi sympathizers in America involved or supportive of the plot to murder Kennedy in Dallas. As you know, I summarize most of this in the Postscript.
  19. you miss the point entirely, Matthew. Master Dirty Trickster Stone knows precisely what he's doing ... At some point, life begins to imitate their art, and what began as a media hoax takes on dangerously radical connotations. This point came when the Australian man charged with killing 51 people at mosques in New Zealand, made the OK gesture during a courtroom appearance after being arrested.
  20. sharing someone on Twitter who has 2 Million followers...And that's the most concerning of all, Matthew, otherwise I would ignore your adolescent antics entirely. You're here as a provocateur. Prove me wrong?
  21. I will continue to post this video until the moderators insist I stop. How in good conscious can you ignore the shaman's actions once he entered the Chamber. And, for the record, the Capitol Police have debunked Carlson's editorial assessment of the footage you refer to ... the officers were leading Chansley in circles initially, waiting for back up as the hoards rushed into the building and made there way to join the shaman — who by then was near maniacal. In fairness, prosecution should have, instead of recommending jail time, recommended long term psychiatric treatment for this poor guy whose mother raised him to hate the government. If you refuse to view the video, and then address the seriousness of what you see and hear, it will be clear to me you are not on this thread in good faith.
  22. You're certainly adept at spin, Matthew, I'll give you that. I notice your initial foray into Ed Forum appears to be this one. Who would have thought your first assignment would be damage control for the insipid Qanon? You really drew the short straw there, Matt. Is "Bolshevik" your euphemism for Jew? Is QAnon: The Bolshevik PSYOP "Operation Trust" from Anatoliy Golitsyn’s book By Matthew Koch November 13, 2022 in JFK Assassination Debate
  23. Douglas, do you think this was a strictly financial move, or might it be related to Thiel's broader political agenda?
  24. Cliff, I hope you're okay with me stepping in here. I haven't figured out how to tag a specific member in an independent comment, so I'll avail of your interaction with John Cotter if you don't mind. John, I'm curious if you're familiar with this JFK assassination-related history? Author and publisher David Talbot writes that Stockdale “flew to Washington and talked with Robert and Edward Kennedy about the assassination of their brother. On his return [to Miami] Stockdale told several of his friends that ‘the world was closing in.’ On December 1, he spoke to his attorney, William Frates, who later recalled: ‘He started talking. It didn’t make much sense. He said something about “those guys” trying to get him. Then about the assassination.’” As intriguing as Ann Stockdale’s and David Talbot’s revelations are, few were aware at the time of Stockdale’s acquaintanceship with Otto and Ilse Skorzeny in Ireland, and the possible impact that may have had on his untimely death. . . . In February 1961, newly elected President John Kennedy had nominated Stockdale to be the US Ambassador to Ireland. On March 28, 1961, the US Senate confirmed the nomination. Stockdale and his family enjoyed their time at the ambassador’s residence, Phoenix Park in Dublin, Ireland where as ambassador, he often hosted formal gatherings and events for dignitaries. Among the Stockdales’ guests, in the spirit of céad míle fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes) were Otto and Ilse Skorzeny. The Skorzenys had purchased a 155-acre estate named Martinstown House, in Curragh, County Kildare in June 1959. Stockdale was acutely familiar with the former National Socialist SS officer who often visited with various American businessmen in meetings held in the American Embassy in Ballsbridge, Co. Dublin, including military officers and intelligence officials, as well as various embassy staff members throughout 1960, 1961, and 1962. Former embassy personnel vividly recall Skorzeny coming to the embassy on a near “weekly basis.” Evidence also reveals that the Skorzenys were occasional dinner guests joining the ambassador and his wife, and that Ilse Skorzeny was a frequent visitor to Miami, Florida. As we learn in a later chapter in pursuit of the Skorzenys’ time in Ireland, the SS officer had been an active participant in aiding arms trafficking to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). When the Serve-U Corporation scandal involving Democratic operative Bobby Baker finally exploded, under pressure from his close friend President Kennedy, Grant Stockdale reluctantly resigned his post in Ireland in July 1962.
  25. Footage you won't see on Carlson's sideshow — Roger at the Willard with an Oath Keeper. For Matthew and Chris's edification ... Oath Keepers is an American far-right[1] anti-government militia[1][3] whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States, including the transfer of Presidential power as prescribed by the US Constitution. It was incorporated in 2009 by founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer and former paratrooper. As of January 2023, nine members have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles in the January 6 United States Capitol attack. These include three who pled guilty in early 2022, Rhodes and another leader who were convicted of multiple felonies that November, and four more who were convicted of multiple felony charges in January 2023.[4] [5]
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