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Bill Brown

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    J.D. Tippit, Oak Cliff

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  1. Just for starters.... 1. The bullets removed from Off. Tippit’s body would have matched the shells found at the murder scene. There is no scientific method which can link spent bullets to spent shell casings. 2. Off. J.M. Poe would have found his initials on the shells in evidence. Poe testified to the Warren Commission that he can't be sure that he marked the shells. 3. The spent shells would have been described by police in their broadcast as .38 Specials fired from a revolver. Gerald Hill later admitted that he made a mistake, that he assumed the shells were automatics because they had been found at the scene. He said that whenever shells are found at the scene of a shooting, it almost always means that they were automatic shell casings (having been automatically ejected from the weapon as each round was fired off). He said he couldn't imagine a shooter actually manually unloading the spent shells from a revolver and that he (at the time he made his report on the police radio) was unaware that witnesses at the scene described the shooter doing that exact thing. In other words, Hill assumed they were automatics because they were found at the scene. She;;s from a revolver are hardly ever found at the scene.
  2. However you choose to characterize this thread, it has turned into one about religion. Anyway... For roughly two years, I used a "shoulders up" photo of myself. Recently, I changed it to the current photo of me down in the Dallas Police basement where Oswald was shot. If you go to my profile and click on the photo, my face clearly is not "hidden". I don't owe you any further explanations.
  3. But the thread has been derailed. Other derailed threads get moved.
  4. I've made VERY few (two or three maybe?) posts criticizing Mods here. There's no need for you to exaggerate. But, what does any of that have to do with this thread being derailed while not being moved like other threads have?
  5. I was going to ask the same thing. Let's see if these new Mods are hypocrites.
  6. Thanks for your thoughts Kevin. "1. Doesn’t Dale Myers believe that Oswald spent at least a few minutes trying to break in to the furniture warehouse on Jefferson east of the Texaco station?" https://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/search?q=dean's+dairy "2. It would be interesting to compare your timeline with an estimated timeline of the Callaway/Bowley search to see if they might have passed the shooter but overlooked him because he ditched the jacket. If the shooter did traverse much of the distance via the alley, that would also explain why they missed him." By Callaway/Bowley, I assume you mean Callaway/Scoggins. Scoggins testified that he and Callaway were driving around and asking people if they had seen a guy but no one had seen him. Undoubtedly, Scoggins and Callaway would mention the light-colored jacket while describing the cop-killer to people. Of course, the killer no longer had the jacket and therefore the description given by Callaway and Scoggins would no longer be valid (but the two couldn't know that at the time). But yes, you make a fair point. If Oswald was in the alleys (I believe he certainly was), Callaway and Scoggins most likely would have never seen him as they drove the streets in search of. Callaway testified that after he made his report on the patrol car radio, he and Scoggins took Tenth to Crawford, then down Crawford to Jefferson, then a right on Jefferson to Beckley and then up Beckley. I have Oswald in the alley between Crawford and Storey from 1:18:31 to 1:20:13. Callaway's report on the patrol car radio was right at 1:19/1:20. So when Callaway and Scoggins were in the cab driving down Crawford between Tenth and Jefferson, Oswald would have already crossed Storey and now in the alley between Storey and Cumberland. "3. The fastest route to Marsalis (where he could use the bus transfer) from the rooming house is east on Colorado. He could have even hitchhiked part of the way though this is speculation. I doubt anyone who might have given him a ride would come foreward and admit it. Alternatively, he could have cut through the park." No. As I stated in the article, from the rooming house, the fasted route to the bus stop in question was Beckley to Davis and then Davis to either Patton or Denver and then east on Tenth. Cutting through the park from the rooming house would certainly take longer; and east on Colorado? Way longer.
  7. So much misinformation in this post by @Gil Jesus For example, the officer didn't have his weapon drawn because he was hoisted up by a fellow officer and was using both hands to steady himself as he peeked up onto the roof, i.e. he was not on a ladder free to draw his weapon. "The officer who climbed the ladder should have had his weapon drawn, the safety off and ready to fire. Instead, when Crooks aimed his rifle at him, he got scared and jumped off the ladder. Then they proclaim his cowardice was really heroic." -- Gil Jesus
  8. Whaley dropped off Oswald at Beckley and Neely, which is THREE blocks south of the rooming house.
  9. For anyone interested, Matt Douthit decided to do what he calls a "fact check" on my Oak Cliff Time Trials article. https://www.facebook.com/matt.douthit.1/videos/2212410635774738/?idorvanity=403553303608257&notif_id=1720688003411336&notif_t=live_video_explicit&ref=notif You may have to be a member of Matt's facebook group to view the video.
  10. Whaley dropped off Oswald three blocks south of the rooming house.
  11. Perhaps make a legitimate case all in one post; beginning to end.
  12. 500 E. Jefferson was the location of the Johnny Reynolds Motor Company. L.J. Lewis called the police from there after hearing the shots. When you read the transcripts, you see that there was confusion over the correct address. One address given was 501 E. Tenth (Mary Wright's address, she called the police immediately after hearing the shots). I'm interested in your claim, regarding law enforcement personnel gathering around the area of the library ahead of time. Care to elaborate further? Make a case for it.
  13. It's interesting and telling that you feel McBride has to be defended for his comment.
  14. Beginning at the 25:15 mark... "And then even Tippit's gun was taken away from the scene. There was a witness who was kind of out of control, a former Marine named Ted Callaway, who took Tippit's gun which he [Tippit] fell on top of when he [Tippit] got shot.... So Tippit's gun could have been swapped out for another gun too and that's important because if he shot Kennedy from the grassy knoll maybe they didn't want the actual gun to be anywhere near the evidence at that point." Is McBride really saying that anyone, Tippit or otherwise, would be using a service revolver in an attempt to shoot the President from roughly one hundred feet away? @Joseph McBride https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pivIGJXjxg&t=1472s
  15. Nothing else in the car is thrusted a tad forward except for the President's head. A bullet striking the head from the right front will NOT toss the body hard back and to the left. You're acting like Kennedy was struck with a baseball bat.
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