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John Cotter

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    My interests include literature, the arts, psychology, history - particularly that of the Cold War and the JFK assassination - walking, thinking, animal rights and the environment.

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  1. Arms for whom? The IRA? Did it have anything to do with the 1970 “Arms Crisis” which threatened to bring down the Irish government and which involved, among others, the Belgian businessman and former SS member Albert Luykx? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Luykx
  2. UN Representative Conor Cruise O’Brien was portrayed very negatively in the Siege of Jadotville film. O’Brien later became an Irish government minister, the editor-in-chief of the Observer newspaper in London and a Unionist politician in Northern Ireland. He became so rabidly opposed to Irish nationalism and the IRA, that I suspect he had British intelligence connections.
  3. It looks like the tail is wagging the dog - Jill Biden effectively dictating to the Democratic Party who its presidential candidate should be. Is there no mechanism within the party for resolving this mess?
  4. There seems to be an element of mobbing raising its ugly head again, a coordinated array of disparate negative comments about one individual. It's unseemly and unethical. Please deal with the substantive issues and desist from personal attacks.
  5. When you play the man rather than the ball, you've lost the debate.
  6. Your argument is essentially the same as that of a man who tries to justify beating up his wife by pointing to another man who has murdered his.
  7. We’ve debated this tweedledum v tweedledee nonsense ad nauseam before, William. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are pro-plutocracy and therefore anti-democracy. The latter are more blatantly so, but at least they’re open about it. If I were a US citizen, I would never vote for either Biden or Trump. In the current cycle of the merry-go-round, the choice for me would be between RFK Jr and Jill Stein. And even though I would be more ideologically aligned with Jill Stein I would vote for RFK Jr this time because he is almost certainly the last hope there is of ever cracking open the JFKA and RFKA cases. I also greatly admire his brave and effective stances against corporate greed and corruption. As I’ve said before, Trump is not the problem but a symptom of the problem – the problem being the Democrats betraying the principles and people they’re supposed to represent, so that a critical number of what the warmongering Hillary Clinton called “deplorables” have turned to Trump in a desperate attempt to hit back at the plutocracy that has shafted them. Please spare me your usual “lesser of two evils” excuse for voting to perpetuate the current utterly corrupt, imperialist, militaristic, plutocratic US regime. I’m sick of listening to it.
  8. That went very well. A lot of ground covered in the short time available.
  9. Yes, that’s it. They shot down democracy in the 1960s with bullets. It’s probably harder to do it that way now with cameras etc everywhere. The test is, Cui bono? (Who benefits?) In a real democracy the answer should be all the people equally, since equality is the fundamental principle of democracy. In our Western pseudo-democracies, only the rich benefit. The non-rich “benefit” only to the extent that they’re needed as wage slaves.
  10. Yes, it’s all a tissue of big lies. 'A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique. The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously"'. (Wikipedia) Example: The big lie of Western democracy. It’s not democracy. it’s plutocracy.
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