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Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Everything posted by Marjan Rynkiewicz

  1. 1. One of the RailRoad guys was Johnson – lets see what he said………….. 1. Clemon Earl Johnson told the FBI that he observed "white smoke . . . near the pavilion [between the grassy knoll and the Texas School Book Depository], but he felt that this smoke came from a motorcycle abandoned near the spot by a Dallas policeman."(3) 1. More recently Johnson told researcher Larry Sneed: I did see smoke, lots of puffs of smoke, but I was of the opinion that the smoke was coming out of those motorcycles. The smoke was coming up off the ground out where the motorcycles were, not on the grassy knoll. A lot of them said they saw smoke come out of the grassy knoll, but I didn't. Maybe it's because they were looking that way, and I was looking down on the car. But the smoke cleared up pretty quick after all the cars and motorcycles left. I've always thought the smoke came from those motorcycles. . . . But Holland and Dodd, if both were living today, they'd almost fight you that they saw smoke coming from out of those bushes. They swore they were looking right at the bushes at the time. You couldn't talk to them. Those guys' heads were set.(4) [ie Holland & Dodd were wild eyed & foaming] 2. Royce Glen Skelton was a RailRoad guy – he didn’t see any gunsmoke. 3. J W Foster, Police, was on the triple underpass – he didn’t see any gunsmoke – shots sounded from Houston/Elm. 4. Austin Lawrence Miller was a RailRoad guy – saw no smoke – shots sounded from the JFK limo. 5. S M Holland was a RailRoad guy – he saw smoke under trees near the pavilion. However, he changed his story. 5. In his Affidavit of 22Nov1963 he said there were 4 shots & there was a puff of smoke under the trees from the first shot -- & there was no smoke from the next 3 shots. 5. At a later date he said there were firstly 2 or 3 shots that sounded to be from the upper part of the street & he saw no smoke -- & after that there was a 3rd & 4th shot & he saw smoke under the trees from perhaps the 3rd shot & certainly from the 4th shot. 5. And he also said that after the first shot a secret service man raised up in the seat with a machine gun & then dropped back down in the seat (SSA Hickey shooting JFK).
  2. Nope -- if u have a bunch of wild eyed foaming witnesses saying one thing -- & if another witness who was with them sidles over to u & whispers that he saw no smoke near the fence -- then my BS meter has no trouble finding the truth.
  3. One of the railway guys on the triple underpass said that there was no smoke near the fence -- NO SMOKE trumps SMOKE -- its simple logic.
  4. Almost every thing that SMHolland said in this footage (re what happened) was false. In his many interviews he said that he & others ran over to the carpark immediately -- but pix & footage shows that no-one on the triple underpass moved far for a very very long time. However, Holland is an important witness -- he said (not in this footage) that he saw Hickey (in Queen Mary) stand & then fall over -- & Holland saw Hickey holding the AR15. Yep -- Hickey killed JFK.
  5. The actual sequence was..... At say Z001 minus a few minutes......click...klunketyklunk........click.................(then a few minutes delay)............... At pseudo Z113...............................................bang......click...klunketyklunk........click....(then say 2 seconds)........ At Z118.5.........................................................bang......click...klunketyklunk........click.... ..........Then no more bangs (from Oswald) or clicks or klunketyklunks (bouncing shell casing).............................. ...........Oswald did not fire his last (third) bullet......................... ......... At Z313 Oswald has already stood back & up from the window & has seen Hickey shoot JFK........ ....... thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud etc as Oswald walks fast towards the stairs........ ......... in 48 seconds after Z313 Oswald is on the 2nd floor........ ............. a minute or so after that Oswald walks out of the front door..... Tippit is waiting....
  6. The best way to scientifically examine the (supposed) heard bangs is to start with the (true) seen bangs. The seen or obvious bangs go like this...... Pseudo Z113 ..... Oswald's shot-1 ..... ricochets offa the signal arm & puts a hole in the floor of the limo. Z218/219 ........... Oswald's shot-2 .... the magic bullet. Z301 say ............... Hickey's shot-1 ........... possibly bloodies Tague... first of 4 or 5 or 6 auto shots of AR15. Z304 say ............... Hickeys'shot-2 ............ tarmac or grass or concrete. Z307 say ............... Hickey's shot-3 ........... tarmac or grass or concrete. Z310 say ............... Hickey's 2nd last shot .. puts dent in chrome strip. Z313 ....................... Hickey's last shot ......... hits JFK in head & cracks windshield. The heard bangs (or actually bang......................bang......... flurry of bangs) will depend on where standing. Z113 to Z218.5 is 105.5 frames or 5.8 sec. Z218.5 to Z301 is 82.5 frames or 4.5 sec. Z301 to Z313 is 12 frames or (a flurry of) 0.7 sec. TOTAL is 5.8 plus 5.2 ie 11.0 seconds (ie what Connally said in early days). So, now u can all examine the statements (re the heard bangs) with a much better BS meter.
  7. We can add Bill Newman to the list of witnesses who mentioned Hickey holding his AR15 before Z313 (the headshot). https://emuseum.jfk.org/objects/4645/bill-and-gayle-newman-oral-history?ctx=0c14edb6454afadd18c00ec3ac9d147091716531&idx=1 [18:20][Bill Newman] ………. Well i want to tell u a little trivia if i may…. i recall seeing people with what i want to call a Thompson sub machine gun…. or some type of a rifle about so long [shows about 3ft]…. & it seemed like it came from the car that was following…. it seemed like they reached behind like the cab of the ? convertible…. u know, they reached into there & came out with a weapon & ran up the grassy knoll…. U FEEL U SAW THIS?.... yes…. but nowhere has this been proved that i'm aware of…. but i had.. i told this to people…. & its been said that the secret service didn’t leave the car…. so maybe it was some other branch of law enforcement…. but i recall what i think…. was about 30yrs ago…. but i recall seeing someone run up the u know with firearms & not a pistol…. something other than a pistol……………. Bill then mentions the JFK limo slowing… & then mentions a SSA climbing aboard the JFK limo…. & the JFK limo accelerating away. Bill Newman has clearly erred re a SSA or two running up to the grassy knoll with a machine gun. But the main thing arising from his wordage is that at least one SSA in Queen Mary picked up a machine gun or similar. And, clearly, he infers that this picking up of a machine gun happened early on in the saga. This makes sense. Early on, Bill would be able to see the JFK limo & Queen Mary both approaching – whereas at about Z313 Bill would be looking at JFK, hence Queen Mary (the followup car) & Hickey would be out of his view (ie too far left) -- & after Z313 the JFK limo accelerates ahead leaving Queen Mary momentarily a long long way behind (the Bell film shows Queen Mary 3 lengths behind ie 62ft behind (clear)(ie 62ft of daylite) at Z419 which is 5.8 seconds after Z313), so, once again, Bill would not notice Hickey for the first few seconds after Z313 while Bill was focused on JFK, koz Queen Mary is being left well behind. Bill says that nowhere has this been proved. Here he probably means that there has been no official mention of a machine gun or machine guns on the grassy knoll. However, we all know that the existence of or the picking up of an AR15 (or machine gun)(or rifle) by Hickey (or others) was mentioned by a number of witnesses in a number of official sources in November 1963 & in later years. And we all know that Hickey picked up his AR15 before Z313 koz we all know that SSA Bennett said that after Oswald's shot (this would be Oswald's shot-2 at Z218) Bennett grabbed for the AR15 on the floor & it was not there. Anyhow, now we have Bill Newman confirming Bennett's statement re the timing of Hickey picking up his AR15 before Z313 (apart from all of the other such confirmations by others). https://i.postimg.cc/HxbjqBh9/jfklimo-at-z419-queen-mary-is-3-lengths-behind.jpg
  8. Holland would have seen smoke from the autoburst & might have later remembered it as being in the trees. https://i.postimg.cc/kXrKbDm1/jfk-holland-saw-smoke.jpg
  9. Here (in the pix in the link below ) JFK is holding they said an M16 (i am fairly sure that there was no such thing as an M16 in 1963) which is the military version of the AR15 that killed him (in 1963 only the AR15 existed). I reckon that it is an AR15 601. 1000 were sent to Vietnam for use by the Vietnamese. The M16 version came later. We know that the Secret Service got their AR15 from the USAF (just the one i think)(the USAF got 8500). I reckon that the AR15 that JFK is holding is the one that was kept for use by his Secret Service. I reckon that JFK is holding the AR15 that killed him 7 months later. That 601 model had a slamfire problem where the AR15 would accidentally fire during loading or cocking or if bumped or something. The next model the 602 solved that by taking 2gm off the firing pin. The Secret Service did the correct thing when they retired their new AR15 after only one day's use. That model was murder. Menninger (Mortal Error) said... "……….It is possible Kennedy himself was responsible for ensuring the new weapon ended up in the hands of his protection detail. It is even conceivable the rifle shown in the president’s hands was the one Hickey carried in Dealey Plaza……" https://i.postimg.cc/sXSqW0FM/ar15-jfk-in-color.jpg https://www.flickr.com/photos/192566201@N05/52641135775/in/dateposted-public/ https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52641135775_7f2e6c1483_w.jpg
  10. Link to early AR15 & types of selector. https://www.ar15.com/forums/AR-15/The-Complete-1958-ArmaLite-AR-15-Prototype-Guide-Version-2-/123-747449/ https://www.ar15.com/forums/ar-15/The-Complete-ArmaLite-AR-15-Prototype-Guide/123-743191/#
  11. Columbo: There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up, sir. Nothing important you understand. Actually, so far, sir, we don’t have a thing.Hickey: Well, that’s heartening.Columbo: Officially, that is.Hickey: And unofficially?Columbo: Unofficially, we don’t have anything either.Hickey: So, when did you first suspect me?Columbo: As it happens, sir… the first time i read the report.Hickey: That can’t be possible.Columbo: Well sir, little things bother me. Like when i was looking for the tests done on your AR15, & the bullets. Especially your sworn witness testimony, sir.Hickey: There were no tests, & i wasn’t called as a witness.Columbo: Yes, that's what i mean sir. It's just one of those things that got in my head and kept rolling around in there like a marbleColumbo: My wife was a great fan of JFK sir.Hickey: Well, tell her it was just rotten luck.Columbo: Yes sir, u were just doing your job.
  12. Yes -- Hickey koodna killedjfk -- koz -- lawyers. Yes -- Hickey koodna killedjfk -- koz -- money. I welkum u to vizit my other threads mentioning Hickey -- see if u kan show how any of my theory is impossible or improbable or whatever. All of the so-called experts here have given my Hickey stuff a miss. When the truth kums out i might get an award -- i will prepare a speech.
  13. Did he see Hickey holding the AR15? Did he smell gunsmoke? Did he hear Hickey's auto burst?
  14. A useless film? However at 1:17 u can see the bottom half of Tague in top right of frame -- he must have kum back out from hiding behind the concrete pillar.
  15. Here are links to 2 gifs. Firstly my short gif of Queen Mary. Then possibly Hinrich's. https://i.postimg.cc/vZkWsXsq/bell-gif-full-frames-triple-underpass.gif https://i.postimg.cc/vTsXfgL3/possibly-hinrich-gif-of-bell.gif
  16. Here is a link to one frame of the inferior 2017 copy (frame B11) – we can see the AR15. Frame B07 is at Z312 (the shot), hence B11 might be at say Z320 (i karnt remember exactly)(it woz a long time ago). Praps someone in theUSofA can get permission to view the superior 2019 copy -- i doubt it -- the museum knows that 2019 shows that Hickey did it (i mean even moreso than the krappy 2017 copy). https://i.postimg.cc/nr6kvY2q/AR15-hickey-11-50-bronson.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/7hbs1Lkr/AR15-hickey-cropped-11-50-bronson.jpg
  17. The Bronson footage is a godsend. However, it’s a pity that all we can see is the museum's inferior blurry 2017 copy – they wont make the superior 2019 copy public. Anyhow the Bronson footage confirms that Hickey shot JFK (as i have shown). The 2019 copy will of course seal the deal. In fact the public has been given online access to about 1% of one frame of the 2019 copy -- & i have shown how that 1% on its own confirms that Hickey did the dirty deed. It’s a funny story – the AR15 in Hickey's hands is almost invisible in the 2019 copy of that 1% of that frame (i think its frame B09), but, koz the 2017 copy is so krappy, the AR15 is magnified (believe it or knot), koz the AR15 appears as an elongated blob (an accidental computer result of the copying process), which many have claimed to be an artefact (no, it woz not an artefact, it woz the AR15), & (& this is funny) were it not for that "blobby AR15", nobody would have seen the AR15 in the 2019 copy of that 1% of that frame (even tho the 2019 copy was superior). Koz of the blobby AR15 i had a longer look at the 2019 mini-frame, &, after a while, i could see the AR15, a blur, koz the AR15 was swinging quickly up as Hickey was falling backwards. Thank god for the inferior 2017 copy. However, when/if the 2019 copy bekums available, the AR15 might be perfectly visible in one frame or another (yes, visible in B11). Actually, the AR15 is already very visible in at least one other 2017 frame (yes, visible in B11), so, in the 2019 copy of that frame(s) the AR15 will be perfectly visible. It was lucky that Bronson accidentally used his wide angle, hence he got the JFK limo & Queen Mary, otherwise all we would have seen is one more view of the JFK limo. It is possible to get access to view the 2019 copy – but if so then u can only take a pencil & paper – which i would do, but i am in Australia.
  18. I made a gif of the Nix footage which shows Chaney braking – link is below. As can be seen SSA Ready duznt step off the running board – but somewhere in there we know that SSA Roberts in the passenger seat of Queen Mary told Ready not to jump off – Kinney might have been looking at Roberts koz Kinney thort Roberts was talking to Kinney – we karnt see the head snap to the right in the Nix footage koz the lady in light brown blocks our view of Kinney – but, as i said, i reckon that Kinney's head snap woz koz of the AR15 barking – but, as i said, the barking would have started at say Z304, so, what took Kinney so long to look. https://i.postimg.cc/L6zWqkrx/nix-gif-kinney-ezgif.gif https://i.postimg.cc/QtV4XCKD/nix-gif-of-kinney-fasterer-ezgif.gif
  19. Some say that Hughes' footage shows Oswald's rifle -- & praps Oswald in the window firing his shot-1 at pseudo Z113. I spent much time on the Hughes footage. I found Romack & Rackley & the other guy in their group of 3 watching from north on Houston. And i found Romack walking to where he watched (as per his testimony) the rear of the TSBD for 5 or 10 minutes. See links. https://i.postimg.cc/X7qTkdpZ/hughes-screenprint-1-Copy-2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/LsK5G87v/Romack-Rackley.jpg It is difficult to see Romack walking -- he has a white shirt which is difficult to see against the white background -- but he has dark pants -- keep looking, u will see. https://i.postimg.cc/j2DGV98T/Romack-Rackley-small-giff.gif
  20. I dont remember that the Dorman footage ever affected any of my writings. But it did confirm the location of some people.
  21. No i have had little interest in the fence -- but i would be surprised if even one gawker entered the carpark inside 2 minutes -- except possibly one of the say 14 gawkers already on the triple underpass. Anyhow there was no shooter in the carpark -- no gunsmoke at the fence.
  22. I made a gif of the Nix footage which shows Chaney braking – link is below. As can be seen SSA Ready duznt step off the running board – but somewhere in there we know that SSA Roberts in the passenger seat of Queen Mary told Ready not to jump off – Kinney might have been looking at Roberts koz Kinney thort Roberts was talking to Kinney – we karnt see the head snap to the right in the Nix footage koz the lady in light brown blocks our view of Kinney – but, as i said, i reckon that Kinney's head snap woz koz of the AR15 barking – but, as i said, the barking would have started at say Z304, so, what took Kinney so long to look. https://i.postimg.cc/L6zWqkrx/nix-gif-kinney-ezgif.gif https://i.postimg.cc/QtV4XCKD/nix-gif-of-kinney-fasterer-ezgif.gif
  23. Great film. Oswald's first shot shot-1 was at what i call T37 (& i found that T37 corresponds to pseudo Z113) -- the last Towner frame being T41 -- shot-1 was a ricochet offa the overhead signal arm. In T38 39 40 we can see JFK lifts his right hand to near the back of his head (i can supply pix) -- JFK was hit by lead splatter (bits of lead seen on back of head on Xray). JFK said my god i have been hit (according to Kellerman). Towner said (in one particular youtube that i saw but karnt now find) that the shot was just before or just after she stopped filming (at other times she said 2 sec after & 4 sec after) -- NO -- the shot was 4 frames before she stopped filming. Towner's footage shows that Brennan was not sitting exactly where he said he was sitting. Towner's footage shows that Worrell was not standing on the footwalk under Oswald's window. I think that Worrell was in Dealey Plaza but i dont know where.
  24. Robin Unger had a photos gallery attached to the jfkassassinationforum site -- but i cant find his gallery today (has it gone?). If i am not happy with the frames in Unger's gallery i make my own frames by inching throo a youtube or throo the museum's footage (of say Nix) & taking a screenprint of each frame -- i then paste the screenprint into a doc -- i then save that pasted print to a file -- i then open the print in office & crop it or auto correct the exposure -- i then open the print in paint & add lines & words etc. Before taking a screenprint make sure the quality of the frame is at a max by setting the quality at a max (eg 2160 pixels). I dont think that u can change the quality of the museums online footages. I have done this for parts of the Nix film -- i used the youtube by antdavidsonNZ I dont know whether this is the best youtube. The museum copy might be better. I made 36 frames at about 120KB each -- i can email them if anyone wants (if u send a message with your email). High-quality slow motion Nix and Z films Vince Palamara [good] museum nix film link https://emuseum.jfk.org/objects/32262/nix-home-movie?ctx=37f8bad8a07da4c7935cf63470aa89b22278ff72&idx=1 https://emuseum.jfk.org/objects/32262/nix-home-movie?ctx=6a325f967ffad4a8d89cc602758c0418b065a4ab&idx=8
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