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Jean Ceulemans

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  1. Roger, the claim for 2 events was (part. ?) based on Brugioni not having McMahon and Hunter present during his event. Tom is prooving Brugioni in just not a credible witness when it´s about who was there or not.
  2. Just some basic confusion caused by the ´road side, opposite the rooming house´ that only referred to the side of the street, not the distance to the house. Some interpreted this he got off the cab right were the room was. O.´s intension was further down, didn´t need to, taxi stopped early, leaving O. a shorter distance to walk, yes. But not just on the other side of the street. He had to walk 3 blocks i.s.o. .... (quiz) 🤔
  3. I know it was put online for a limited time, often the way to go if later on there are updated versions. But you could ask Gary to put it online again. I think Gary has a lot more in his files. Keeping/creating these is extremely time consuming, especially if you´re doing it like a pro like Gary does with all the footnotes and file numbers. It´s the best work there is on the origins of the MC-WCC cartridges. I know a buch of MC collectors in Italy have the information translated in Italian for their private use and documentation for the collection. I know a few are trying to find out if any of those MC WCC got used outside the US. Nothing so far. Vice versa, a bunch of the old MC ammo got to the USA (w. Italian markings and different boxes, see some boxes found in the Dallas area). Odd, like Gary mentioned, that there was still a box available when it was needed (it was sold out every where). Then there is the reworked stuff sold by Mason (going by memory). Etc.. If we only knew where the 4 cartridges from the TSBD came from...
  4. The odds are that 40 were correct, yep. Thats what statistics in this case show, odds to something being so or not. But odds are not facts. You can never exclude that those 5 perhaps had it right, and the 40 others had it wrong. The odds (unlimited) may be very high or low, but they don´t say how it actually was. A probabilty 0-1, with 1/1 it is still not proof of a fact. At best it´s plausible.
  5. I fully understand what you are saying. Now, on films and pics, a large number of those that what we get to view today are miles away from the originals. You can take 1 picture, or frame, and look up all the different versions out there. Not to mention the "fake versions "only made to proof" something, but often presented as the real deal. Or mixed in a lot without warning, some rather famous writers have done that, Groden comes to mind, just to name one. Any decent study should be based on the originals, and only the originals. Not something like the x-generation copies shown to experts in the 1970´s and 1980´s. Not so long ago someone showed a picture he claimed was 100% proof of fakery, but the pic had digital footprints all-over it. With the current technology available to anyone, we´ll get to see more and more of those...
  6. Good point I believe I have read somewhere there was a total of 21 people taking pictures or filming at the scene (or close)? Try controlling those... Should take a look in my copy of Trask to check.
  7. The thing is, in his 1st and 2nd statement he didn´t mention eating his lunch on the 6th floor There was a lot of confusion:
  8. I can only guess that picture was taken after the intervention team secured and left the site, and before the tech and lab guys came in, out of sight is likely a guard standing by a ladder or so. Now, I have seen some bad taste altered pics already, nothing surprises me anymore. For now I feel sorry for the kid´s parents and the victim´s relatives.
  9. When securing the site, one of the first things to do is get the weapon away from the killer. Yes, he was dead, but training is what it is I guess.
  10. As you know, George, by that time, was no longer the man he used to be. He was going dowhill, and IMO hanging around with Oltmans was a bad idea. Oltmans had been pushing him, GDM only getting more nervous, Oltmans all of a sudden introducing him to a Russian was enough to scare GDM for good and have another nervous breakdown. Ran off with the help of an old (Polish) college friend that still lived in Belgium.
  11. IMO, GDM was being the type of liaison-officer he always had been. The one guy that knew them ALL. The guy that travelled everywhere. Since his years in Belgium he always had a cover-job that would get him where he needed to be. But before he left Belgium he was sure to learn his girlfriend how to make money with insurances... Within months of GDM leaving she got robbed twice... The last one didn´t hold up in court, goods found, charges dropped, no insurance money... auch... None of his so called business ventures were very succesfull... imo just covers to pay for his expenses, sometimes he would get a nice bonus that could keep his (expensive) lifestyle going. His job in the oil business... he takes a couple of classes, gets a degree, and next? Not much... unless... they needed "a specialist" to sign off an oil prospect (oil depletion allowance)... But whenever GDM left, it was sure there was trouble around the corner.... (we all know the examples).
  12. If McCone knew about "different" films why would he let Lundahl have one back, would´t that be a huge risk? I´d get it if he was to destroy it, but to be put in a safe for ... (don´t know). If it was the "official" version, it would not make sense either to not be shown to anyone. Why? I find that part just odd. It sounds just a little more like Brugioni was adding a part to the story, overdoing it. He had forgotten things, and perhaps wanted to stress his credibility that way, no idea.
  13. There's something wrong here IMO : 1. did they(Mc Cone) send his boards back to him? From the alleged CIA's POV that would not be done... (especially if they were altered, or another altered version was floating around....). 2. OR did he actually have time to make another board (that's 3...)??? He said he didn't even have time to make a detailed report to go with the boards, he only gave them a short note. 3. I don't see how one could simply "copy" such a board... so it's 1. or 2. ?? It clearly says BOARDS so we are not just talking about copies of the pictures or notes.
  14. Creating a good B/W or color still from 18 fps color projection-film is a bit of a different world for any lab. It´s just not what the film was made for. Yes colorfilm takes longer to develop and print versus a full B/W undertaking. But making B/W prints from colorfilm is just not as easy as it may sound, one would (imo) first get an interpositive, get a negative from that and see how the colors transfer to B/W before anything. Because some react really bad when "converted", contrast no good, etc. Unless you´re really lucky, going from a color neg to a very good B/W print takes time too. Because In that case you´ll likely end up with not-so-good pictures that will need... retouching (oh boy... getting close to faking.... not?), that´s what we see a lot in those 1950-1960's newspaper prints. Even B/W prints from excellent B/W film will often need to be retouched, magazine- and newspaper-paper just were not very good to print pictures on. Also, looking at an 18fps projection film, that´s still about an optical illusion... Using many small pic´s that simply do not have the details a true photo-camera picture would show.
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