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Geo Kozma

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    Budapest, Hungary
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    I am half Jewish - half mixed South and Middle European...so I am a cartoonist collecting material for a book on it.

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  1. I think Matt Cloud thinks that the soviet Union was colonialist and tyrannical, so trying to save ccruel Capitalist Dictators against Russian infiltration ...Chile Indonesia Congo was - fro this angle - (all the figitives from Vn and Afganistan and many other places cd testufy but Wesstern idealusts are too dogma-loving to hear them /us - progressive as a tyrannical Capitalism has more - maybe restrained - indepence for individuals ---it follows that the wars against Communists is progressive. It is a very original insight - only Albert CAmus saw this in the last 70 years in the West. (Murdered by the KGb according to French gossips of that era). Thanks Matt for havig voice this weird idea of progressivism. i am sad to see that Mr diEugenio whose historical role gives him so much influence - is obviously not ready to look at things from this angle.
  2. Hi Steve. I am living in an ex-Russian colony ...As the generation of my parents (born in the end of 20s early 30s) departs I started to be interested in their generational issues. I found out that my mother was a typist at the Corvina Publishers in Budapest in 1963...working for a translator called Emil Gardos - an ex US emigré and ex KGB asset, whose family was mentioned as an Oswald-relative in the Tippit Call.

    It seems to me that this Corvina Publisher edited a Cartoon book  and it was sold by the widow of Oswald right after LHO's killing - and its existence only became  known in 2013 on the internet. (I found it on the Educationalforum.ibphost.com in a 2019 post)

    My mother's Uncle worked at the Rand Corporation  (and was a Harvard Prof) among others with Kissinger. 

    The Director of Corvina then was an ex-KGB officer who spent more then a decade in Latin America and sponsored Castro (according to local gossips) - and was Jewish too. But all Russian and Jewish hints seem to be tabooed and censored (due to both places being very dangerous and spontanous discoveries risk a warlike setup  in the media- so maybe caution is warranted.)

    But I am not an expert -  my interest is a family related curiosity. But i decided to write to experts  - maybe some of them would be interested. I start with you. 

    Maybe even if you are not interested in such a minor detail - you may know some expert colleagues who should be approached with this. 




  3. Ferenc NAgy was a respected Prime Minister - evidently he was anti_satlinist and that was unacceptabl to Stali so they kidappd his son ( six ys old) and did not allow him to return from an official visit in the West. And then the Stalinsts (= KGB pr "Party") occupied the country and put to prison all the opposition party members. So it was naturally in the interest of the Communist media in Italy to try to xpose them as extreme rightists but Nagy was an anti Nazi - when the NAzis occupied Hungary and they put to prison the promient parliemantary party leadr he was inprisoned. I think that it is quite natural if they had some kind of irrealistic plans - like organizing fancy international Trade meetings to be able to get in contact with people behind the Iron Curtain...maybe.
  4. Thnkx Sandy I edited out my stuff on the Oswald name and the family links too.
  5. The LETTER "S" in HUNGARIAN IS pronounced SH. I live in BudapeSHT. So it is just the HUNGARIAN version of the name GARDOS..it sounds GARDOSH....that is why it is written with an SH in the TIPPIT CALL transcript by the way.
  6. Politicians are like lawyers- for any legal ttlement the lawyer getss a percentage. Also: it is an ongoing debate - there are masses of people who think Isral is a spcial case and sure its Capitol is Jusalm and yes many Muslims do think that Iran is the common enemy of the West and Israel and themselves as sunnite Muslims, so they wanted that abraham Accord arranged by Trump and his family. I do not think that in such extreme perplexing dilemmas eithr side may claim that his truth is more true than the opposite side's truth claim. it is impoible dr outsiders to judge this
  7. With the un/transparent real enemies of the leading Western Power the US it is insane to demand transparency/ when we do know that even without enemies in every group there are extremely oposing visions in masss of people.... so when the last document will be shown it will not clarify anything. the persons who will come out as GAme Masters will be just average people like anyone...---sometimes good sometimes bad...and their having been situated into that corner of organizing the successful part of that conspiracy or putch will be just a short time surprise...It will be someone who was successful in hiding - and that also means he needed to stay hidden because otherwise he did many good things...but he had to stay hidden due to one or two things which he had to do in a way that the Sino-Russian Tyrants also stay calm. Everyone who tries to think about this must calculate with this: both the Russians and the Chinese leaders (and the US ones) do know that in the Kennedy Clan some secrets were really dangerous - some high places spy or some underage sex partner or drug use and murder - and this means (like in every privat person's life there ar unmentionable desires - to demand full transparency is naive, foolish, and self destructive. So yes, only Junior might try it but who knows they will allow it to him. To think that the leaders are able to do any whim is just a fantasy. (I am glad to see that TRump respects some limits after all.) During my first 65 years my family successfully has hidden from me the job of my grandparental Uncle in the White House. And his famous colleagues of course. They had a rational reason at the era of our Russian Slave Colony Occupation - it had to be kept a secret. then I found out that even the main surviving family membes have never known each others friends (who were in local politic on ahigher level) - people just stopped mentioning their friends. Whoever is hidden - probably a bunch of people - may bring shame on the Kennedy family - and many other Big NAmes - as a close friend. And the real problem will be that we will see that this Secret Chief was constrained - (we know Kennedy needed drugs against huge pains and it could be simply a friend's duty to organize his exit...that is the most benevolent scenario...but it may have been a demand of the Russians because he threatened them with nukes after all...they both did it but only Kennedy went into insanity due to his cocktails. (It is not impossible that it was NOT meant to finish the life of the Pres. Now that we know that Oswald did not go up to the 6th floor...) What if the level of danger in this unknown secret part of that tragic era is better stay forgotten. Like so many past secret murders (like the trap of Crwon Prince Rudolf...there are lots if similar cases in history where we will never know the truth...And maybe it is better for us. )
  8. But, Matt, it needs two totally different mindset - who is or is not a "mole in the Cold war" needs some impotant psychological insights which are not needed in finding factoids about the protagonists or sidekicks in the drama of the Multi-Oswald dramas.
  9. hm i may have made a mistake in switching the sudies and the years ...but the main point in the family member claim is that he studied (maybe after the physics etc) to be a diplomat and he stayed a diplomat- (spy) whatever else he studied earlier.
  10. But the son of GArdos did NOT study chemisstry - or maybe stopped and changed professon:he became a diplomat as described in a letter by his son-in-law, Russ Geck here on EDU FOR in the Lee and Harvey topic as presented by the late John Butler in 2019. It was the last page of 2019 . he was not a Chemist he was a diplomat. also Weinstock in 1950 is talking about a 12 year old boy, going to some elementary school..and mayby "hoping to become a chmist" if an uncle asks him...but I do think that we can leave that misinformation - no one was interested in it...although if he was a diplomat in 63 he could even follow secret order to go to mexico with the pseudonym and false ID and Pass of Oswald - and he might have considered it a patriotic act (without knowing anything about the plans around Oswald)- and of coursse nver ever mentioning this. there could be several Deutero-Oswalds and one could have been played by Janos Gardos. (s=sh) (that word deutero means Scond I think in Greek) John Butler Posted December 29, 2019 I did get a response from Russ Geck. I have just been waiting for his ok to publish his information: "Hi, John. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, but my mother is visiting me in Budapest for Christmas, and we have been very busy. I was at a family gathering last Saturday when I saw your message about who you were and why you wanted to know about the Gardos family. We had a lot of laughs and good times talking about it (I read them your entire message). You did not offend me in any way, although I thought the initial request was kind of brusque, but after hearing who you are and what you are trying to do, I understand it. So, I am an "outsider." I am an American who is living in Budapest with the daughter of John Gardos, who died almost three years ago. (in 2016) . Here is what I know or have been told. Johnny (János aka "John" Gárdos) was born in the United States in Bessemer Township, Michigan, January 29, 1939 (I have a scan of his birth certificate if you would like it). He told me he moved back to Hungary just before his tenth birthday. Andi (his daughter) and I talked to him about this because we were interested in Andi having American citizenship through him, and there are specific rules as to how citizenship can be passed along based on when you were born and how long you lived in the United States. If he was telling me the truth, he never went back to the United States after he returned to Hungary sometime in 1948. He told me stories about living through the 1956 revolution against the Soviets. He became a diplomat for the Hungarian government in approximately 1972, and was the commercial attache at Hungarian embassies in Tanzania, Nigeria and Yemen. He told me he was a spy for the Hungarian government, but that that was expected of every Hungarian diplomat. To what extent that entailed, I do not know. His wife survives him (I was with her tonight and the night I read the message at the family gathering), and she was with him at the Tanzanian and Yemenian posts (not sure about Nigeria), and I can try and get more information about anything she might have known about his activities during his embassy posts. So, long story short, Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby November 24, 1963. Gárdos János (John Gardos), son of Emil Gárdos and Grace Blair, died in March of 2017, leaving a wife, a daughter and a stepson behind. If there's any way I can help you in this any more, I would be happy to help. I'm sure Johnny would not want history to remember him as JFK's killer in any way. I am attaching a short historical document Andrea (John's daughter) and I prepared for a consultation with an immigration attorney about the possibility of her having American citizenship through her father. You probably already know most of it, but in case you haven't seen some of the links, I am providing it for you. Best of luck in convincing people that Johnny wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald. All My Best, Russ Geck
  11. I do not see who are meant in "you three"...But I suppose it is some bitter humour... 1 Anyway here I must mention that P. Kecskemeti, the RAND strategist did not get a visa to Hungary from 40 till 80. So either Weinstock WAS a US govt agent - but that did not help Kecskemeti - or he needed to have someone behind him, who was in a trusted Russian "mole"-like role with influence on both sides because of being "untouchable" due to his meeting with Lenin..(Like Harriman etc).
  12. I meant "false flag" but not false info. ...So to make them publicly known may be dangerous in an era when atomic conflict was not debated nough to ee clearly its dangers.
  13. Now i read it again and i see that th FEIGNED ANGER oF the President was a cover.
  14. thanks..But it iss not clear how this debate was a cover...
  15. Hi Matt, these things I never knew...It is astonishing for me that a close family member (for me he ws just a grandfather figure ) has had some part in such historic innovations. The Boss of the Editions CORVINA where he did work in 63 was an ex-fighter in Spain (later Weinstock and Gary Powers telling the Soviets about Oswald...I must go bck to find this...it sounds logical. But I forgot it.
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