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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. GMO Eggplant fails for second year in Bangladesh (LINK) The cultivation of genetically engineered Bt Brinjal in the country’s several districts has cost the farmers their fortunes again this year as the plants have either died out prematurely or fruited very insignificantly compared to the locally available varieties, reports United News of Bangladesh. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{OOOO}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}]}}}}}} Hormone Disrupting Chemical Banned in EU Found in 50 Top US Snacks (LINK} Big food manufacturers have been using it for some time. In fact, only under pressure from the EWG did Johnson & Johnson voluntarily pledge to remove this and other members of the paraben family from all its baby products! That’s right, even your little bundle of joy could be exposed to parabens that cause fertility and developmental problems.
  2. Increase below to 300000 to stop the carnage // GAAL ======= Chinese peacekeepers to exceed 3,000 by year end eng.mod.gov.cn › ... › Top NewsCached Chinese Ministry of National Defense Loading... 4 days ago - The last echelon of the first Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion consisting ... to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in the Middle East. ... Chinese peacekeeping troops have created "China speed", "China ... )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Israel moves to cover-up its alliance with al-Qaeda in Syria (LINK) Sedqi al-Maqet, a Syrian activist who lives in the Israeli-occupied part of Syria known as the Golan Heights was interned after a dawn raid on his home by Israel secret police at the end of February. Until quite recently, the Israeli media was absolutely banned from mentioning his case at all, even from referring or linking to foreign press reports on the issue. Al-Maqet is a Syrian Druze from Majdal Shams known for his media activism and support of the Bashar al-Assad regime. He had published information online (including via his Facebook account) about contacts he said he had witnessed between Israeli armed forces in the Golan and what he termed terrorists active in the Syrian-controlled sector of the Golan. As I have noted in this column before, Israeli military spokespeople have now admitted to what the reports of UN peace-keeping forces in the Golan have been implying for some time: Israel has an active alliance with the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official affiliate in Syria.
  3. A Weird and Crazy Idea-- End the Corrupt Police Culture Plague On America By Rob Kall --------------------------------------- The problem with police killing blacks and abusing their power, particularly on minorities is not a new one. The problem with police goes far beyond the episodes of killing blacks. There is a huge problem with a police culture that tolerates corruption and police criminality. Bandaids won't fix this problem. It might take firing tens of thousands of police officers. Read More >>
  4. “Manufacturing Dissent”: The Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites The People's Movement has been Hijacked By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, April 12, 2015 Global Research 20 September 2010 ================= http://www.globalresearch.ca/manufacturing-dissent-the-anti-globalization-movement-is-funded-by-the-corporate-elites/21110
  5. Chemical Fabrications: East Ghouta and Syria’s Missing Children By Prof. Tim Anderson Global Research, April 12, 2015 The dirty war on Syria has involved repeated scandals, often fabricated against the Syrian Government to help create pretexts for deeper intervention. Perhaps the most notorious was the East Ghouta incident of August 2013, where pictures of dead or drugged children were uploaded from an Islamist-held agricultural area east of Damascus, with the claim that the Syrian Government had used chemical weapons to murder hundreds of innocents. The incident generated such attention that direct US intervention was only averted by a Russian diplomatic initiative. The Syrian Government agreed to eliminate its entire stockpile of chemical weapons (Smith-Spark and Cohen 2013), maintaining that it had never used them in the recent conflict. Indeed, all the independence evident on the East Ghouta incident (including evidence from the US and the UN) shows that the Syrian Government was falsely accused. This followed a series of other false accusations, ‘false flag’ claims recorded by senior nun Mother Agnes (SANA 2011), a shamefully biased investigation into the Houla massacre (see Anderson 2015) and failed or exposed attempts to blame the Syrian Government over Islamist group killings, for example at Daraya and Aqrab (Fisk 2012; Thompson 2012). The Islamist groups’ use of chemical weapons was mostly dismissed by the western powers, and that dismissal has been reflected in most western media reports. However, because the chemical weapon claims have been repeated for years, public perceptions seem to have little reference to facts based on evidence. After a little background, let’s consider the independent evidence on the East Ghouta incident, in some detail. Arising from that evidence we are led to another serious crime of war, the fate of the dead or drugged children portrayed in those infamous images. 1. Chemical Weapons in Syria Chemical weapons are a crude relic of an earlier era, such as the trench warfare of a century ago. They have no utility in urban warfare, where an army hunts armed groups amongst streets, buildings and civilian populations. No real utility, unless a ruthless party wants to create a general panic. In the case of the Syrian Arab Army, their conventional weapons were far superior to such crude weapons and their urban warfare training, often done in Iran, had the aim of rooting out terrorist groups, building by building (al Akhras 2013). A stockpile of chemical weapons had been kept as a deterrent to Israel, which holds nuclear weapons; but there had been no proven use of them in recent decades. By mid 2013 the war had turned in favour of the Government. Although parts of Aleppo and some parts of eastern Syria were held by various Islamist groups, the Army had secured the major populated areas in western Syria and had closed much of the armed traffic across the mountainous Lebanese border. Along the borders with states which backed the Islamists – Turkey, Israel and Jordan – there were regular incursions, but they were always beaten back by the Syrian Army. Over May-June 2013 the Army, backed by Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia, took back the city of Qusayr, south-west of Homs, from a combination of the Farouq Brigade and Jabhat al Nusra, including many foreigners (Mortada 2013). In this context anti-government armed Islamist groups were accused of using chemical weapons. The main foreign support group for the Syrian Islamists, Jabhat al Nusra, were reported to have seized a chemical factory near Aleppo in December 2012 (Gerard Direct 2012). Then in March the Syrian Government complained to the UN that sarin gas had been used in a major battle with the Islamists at Khan al Assal, west of Aleppo. The Syrian news agency SANA reported that terrorists had fired a rocket ‘containing chemical materials’, killing 16 people and wounding 86, soldiers and civilians. The death toll later rose to 25 (Barnard 2013). The Muslim Brotherhood-aligned British-based source, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, along with other anti-government ‘activists’, confirmed the casualties but insinuated that the Syrian Army might have used the weapons and ‘accidentally’ hit themselves (Barnard 2013). Western media reports mostly elevated the Islamist counter-claims to the level of the Government’s report. In April 2013 Jabhat al Nusra was reported as having gained access to chlorine gas (NTI 2013). About Khan al Asal, a 19 March statement from Syria’s UN Ambassador, Bashar al Ja’afari, said that ‘armed terrorist groups had fired a rocket from the Kfar De’il area towards Khan Al Asal (Aleppo district) … a thick cloud of smoke had left unconscious anyone who had inhaled it. The incident reportedly resulted in the deaths of 25 people and injured more than 110 civilians and soldiers who were taken to hospitals in Aleppo’. The following day the Syrian Government ‘requested the Secretary-General to establish a specialized, impartial independent mission to investigate the alleged incident’ (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 2-3). Almost immediately following this, from 21 March onwards, the governments of the USA, France and Britain (all of which were by then directly or indirectly supporting the Islamist groups) began to add a series of incidents, claiming the use of chemical weapons in Syria (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 2-6). Washington repeatedly claimed there was ‘no proof’ the ‘rebels’ were responsible for chemical weapon use. They sought to turn the accusations against the Syrian Government. However, in an interim statement in May, UN investigator Carla del Ponte said she had testimony from victims that ‘rebels’ had used sarin gas (BBC 2013). Then in May, Turkish security forces were reported to have found a 2kg canister of sarin, after raiding the homes of Jabhat al Nusra fighters (RT 2013). In July Russia announced it had evidence that Syrian ‘rebels’ were making their own sarin gas (Al Jazeera 2013). Despite dissatisfaction over the Houla inquiry the previous year (see Anderson 2015), the Syrian Government invited UN inspectors to visit the Khan al Asal attack site. Details were organised and the UN’s Special Mission finally arrived in Damascus on 18 August 2013. The Mission ‘intended to contemporaneously investigate the reported allegations of the use of chemical weapons in Khan Al Asal, Saraqueb and Sheik Maqsood’, that is three of the 16 reported sites, ‘which were deemed credible’. However, ‘after the tragic events of 21 August 2013’ the UN Secretary General directed the group to investigate that incident ‘as a matter of priority’ (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 7-8). The East Ghouta incident and claims of mass gassing derailed the initially planned investigations. Despite the implausibility of the Syrian Government launching a chemical weapons attack, just as it had invited UN inspectors in Damascus, the Islamist claims succeeded in gaining world attention. 2. The East Ghouta Incident The main armed Islamist group which controlled the area, the Saudi-backed Islamic Front (Liwa al Islam), blamed the Government for gassing children. Photos of dozens of dead or injured children were circulated. Supporting the ‘rebel’ accusations, the US government and the Washington-based Human Rights Watch blamed the Syrian government. Human Rights Watch said it had ‘analyzed witness accounts of the rocket attacks, information on the likely source of the attacks, the physical remnants of the weapon systems used’, and claimed the rockets used were ‘weapon systems known and documented to be only in the possession of, and used by, Syrian government armed forces’ (HRW 2013a). Much the same was said by the US Government. Close links between the two should tell us that this was more collaboration than corroboration. A group of Nobel Prize winners would later accuse Human Rights Watch of running a ‘revolving door’ between its offices and those of the US government (Pérez Esquivel, and Maguire 2014). The New York Times backed the US Government claim ‘that only Syrian government forces had the ability to carry out such a strike’ (Gladstone and Chivers 2013). The paper claimed vector calculations of the rocket trajectories indicated they must have been fired from Syrian Army bases in Damascus (Parry 2013). Yet studies at MIT quickly showed the rockets to have a much shorter range than was suggested. The NYT retreated from its telemetry claims saying, while ‘some argued that it was still possible the government was responsible’, new evidence ‘undermined the Obama administration’s assertions’ about the rocket launch points’ (Chivers 2013; also Parry 2013). The final MIT report was more emphatic, concluding that the rockets ‘could not possibly have been fired at East Ghouta from the ‘heart’, or from the eastern edge, of the Syrian Government controlled area shown in the intelligence map published by the White House on August 30, 2013’ (Lloyd and Postol 2014). While western media outlets mostly repeated Washington’s accusations, independent reports continued to contradict the story. Journalists Dale Gavlak and Yahya Ababneh reported direct interviews with ‘doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families’ in the East Ghouta area. Many believed that the Islamists had received chemical weapons via Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas attack (Gavlak and Ababneh 2013). The father of a rebel said his son had asked ‘what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry’. His son and 12 other rebels were ‘killed inside of a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha’ (Gavlak and Ababneh 2013). A female fighter complained they had no instructions on how to use chemical weapons. A rebel leader said much the same. Many of those interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government (Gavlak and Ababneh 2013). Next a Syrian group, ISTEAMS, led by Mother Agnes Mariam, carried out a detailed examination of the video evidence, noting that bodies had been manipulated for the images and that many of the children appeared ill or drugged (ISTEAMS 2013: 32-35). The videos used ‘artificial scenic treatment … there is a flagrant lack of real families in East Ghouta … so who are the children that are exposed in those videos? (ISTEAMS 2013: 44). All reports came from ‘rebel’ controlled areas. The medical office of the area claimed 10,000 injured and 1,466 killed, 67% of whom were women and children; while the Local Coordinating Committee (an FSA linked group) said there were 1,188 victims; but videos showed less than 500 bodies, by no means all dead (ISTEAMS 2013: 36-38). Even more striking was the subsequent absence of verified bodies. ‘Eight corpses are seen buried. [The] remaining 1,458 corpses, where are they? Where are the children?’ (ISTEAMS 2013: 41). A ‘rebel’ spokesperson claimed that ‘burials took place quickly for fear the bodies might decompose as a result of the heat’ (Mroue 2013). The ISTEAMS report suggested a possible link with a large scale abduction of children in Ballouta, Northern Latakia, just two weeks prior to the East Ghouta incident. ‘We refer also the list of the victims of the invasion of 11 Alawite villages in Lattakia the 4th of August 2013, where 150 women and children were abducted by Jobhat Al Nosra’ (ISTEAMS 2013: 43). The report said: ‘the families of some adducted women and children … recognise their relatives in the videos’, and called for an ‘unbiased’ investigation to determine the identity and whereabouts of the children (ISTEAMS 2013: 44). Later reports noted that the children abducted in northern Syria had been held in the northern town of Selma (Martin 2014; Mesler 2014), with one alleging the armed groups had drugged those children to create a video, sending it to East Ghouta to be uploaded (Mesler 2014). If this were true, those children were never in the East Ghouta. At the end of 2013 a Turkish lawyers and writers group issued a substantial report on crimes against civilians in Syria. A particular focus was the responsibility of the Turkish Government, which was backing the ‘rebel’ groups. The report concluded that ‘most of the crimes’ against Syrian civilians, including the East Ghouta attack, were committed by ‘armed rebel forces in Syria’. The Saudi backed group Liwa al Islam, led by Zahran Alloush, was said ‘by several sources to be the organization behind the chemical attack (Peace Association and Lawyers for Justice 2013). North American veteran journalist Seymour Hersh interviewed intelligence agents and concluded that Washington’s claims on the evidence had been fabricated. Al Nusra ‘should have been a suspect’, he said, ‘but the [uS] administration cherry picked intelligence to justify a strike against Assad’ (Hersh 2013). President Obama cited as evidence the Syrian Army’s preparation for a gas attack and ‘chatter’ on the Syrian airwaves at the time of the incident. However Hersh said he had found ‘intense concern’ and anger amongst agents over ‘the deliberate manipulation of intelligence’. One officer said the attack ‘was not the result of the current regime’ (Hersh 2013). The White House backgrounder combined facts after the event with those before. Hersh concludes that the White House ‘disregarded the available intelligence about al-Nusra’s potential access to sarin and continued to [wrongly] claim that the Assad government was in sole possession of chemical weapons’ (Hersh 2013). The UN special mission on chemical weapons returned to Syria in late September and investigated several sites, including East Ghouta. They decided to investigate seven of the initial sixteen reports (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 10). This Mission was not briefed to determined responsibility, but rather to determine whether chemical weapons had been used and what had been the results. In a December 2013 report they reported that chemical weapons had been used in Syria, and specifically ‘against civilians, including children, on a relatively large scale in the Ghouta area of Damascus on 21 August … in Khan Al Asal on 19 March 2013 against soldiers and civilians … in Jobar on 24 August 2013 on a relatively small scale against soldiers … in Saraqueb on 24 August 2013 on a small scale, also against civilians … [and] in Ashrafiah Sahnaya on 25 August 2013 on a small scale against soldiers’ (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 19-21). Notice that on three of these five occasions chemical weapons were used against soldiers. Logically those attacks came from groups were fighting soldiers, not from government forces. A later report for the Human Rights Council (February 2014) noted that the chemical agents used in Khan-Al-Assal attack ‘bore the same unique hallmarks as those used in al Ghouta’; however they could not determine the perpetrator (HRC 2014: 19). The independent evidence was overwhelming and inescapable: chemical weapons had been used in East Ghouta, but the charges against the Syrian Army were fabricated. East Ghouta chemical weapons incident (August 2013): significant reports Source/report/evidence Method and conclusion Carla del Ponte (UN) Pre-East Ghouta: ‘Rebels’ believed to have used sarin gas in North Syria Various news reports Pre-East Ghouta: ‘Rebels’ (al Nusra) arrested in Turkey with sarin gas ‘Syrian Rebels’ and associates 1,300+ killed, including children, from Government CW shelling (however only 8 bodies are publicly buried) Human Rights Watch The CW used were only in possession of the SG New York Times Telemetry evidence links attacks to SG bases (later MIT studies force NYT to modify this claim) Lloyd and Postol (MIT) Rockets used had limited range and could not have been fired from suggested SG positions. Gavlak and Ababneh (MINT Press) CW had been supplied by Saudis to ‘rebel’ groups, some locals had died due to mishandling Mother Agnes / ISTEAMS Images were contrived, no social context, only eight people buried – who are the children? John Mesler (NSNBC) Parents identified children in photos as those kidnapped in Latakia, two weeks earlier Seymour Hersh (LRB) Interviewed US officials. Intelligence was manipulated to blame President Assad, false claims used. Turkish lawyers and writers group (PALJ) Saudi backed ‘rebel’ group Liwa al Islam believed to be responsible. UN Dec 2013 report on CW attacks in Syria CW were used in East Ghouta; three of five CW attacks were ‘against soldiers’ or ‘against soldiers and civilians’ HRC Feb 2014 report chemical agents used in Khan-Al-Assal attack ‘bore the same unique hallmarks’ as those used in East Ghouta - Independent evidence came from Syrian, Jordanian, Turkish and US sources, and from a United Nations team. Further, many of the displays of children were not reliably linked to East Ghouta. Nor is there independent verification of who those children are and what happened to them. The weight of evidence proves this was another ‘false flag’ incident, designed to attract deeper foreign intervention. The scale of independent reporting which undermines claims against the Syrian Government stands in contrast to the open self-publicity of ‘rebel’ atrocities such as beheadings, public executions, truck bombings, mortaring of cities, bombing of hospitals and destruction of mosques and churches. The fact that the Syrian Army strongly contests civilian atrocity claims (the treatment of captured fighters is another matter), while many of the ‘rebel’ groups publicise their own atrocities against civilians, sets a distinct background to these controversies. 3. Chemical Fabrications and Syria’s Missing Children After the East Ghouta incident, Islamist groups supported by a range of anti-Syrian governments kept up their accusations, while covering up their own exposures. Jabhat al Nusra claimed the chemicals they were caught with in Turkey were ‘not for making sarin gas’ (Today’s Zaman 2013). Yet video evidence from south Syria showed al Nusra using chemical weapons against Syrian soldiers (Turbeville 2014). In July 2014 barrels containing sarin were reported as discovered in parts of ‘rebel-held Syria’ (RT 2014). Then in 2015 Iraqi Kurds reported the al-Nusra breakaway group ISIS using chemical weapons (Solomon 2015; Ariel 2015). Kurdish fighters seized chlorine canisters after a suicide bomb attack which left them ‘dizzy, nauseous and weak’ (Akbar 2015). Anti-Syrian ‘activists’, plus US-based NGOs such as Avaaz, the Syria Campaign and The White Helmets, also repeated and extended their accusations, while urging a Libyan styled ‘no fly zone’ (NFZ Syria 2015; White Helmets 2015), clearly intended to topple the Government in Damascus. By 2014 there seemed little chance that would happen. Such one-sided campaigns seemed unlikely to do much except help extend the killings. In April 2014 Al Jazeera accused the Syrian Government of using chlorine gas (Baker 2014), while anonymous activists’ accused the Syrian army of a poison gas attack (Mroue and Lucas 2015). In neither case was there any independent verification. Counter-campaigners exposed the financial and political links between Washington and a range of US-based ‘civil society’ groups like Avaaz (Morningstar 2014; Sterling 2015). Nevertheless, media channels repeated the initial claims of the East Ghouta incident, as though they were fact, oblivious to the evidence. An April 2015 article in the UK Guardian, for example, claimed in its backgrounder that the Syrian Government had used chemical weapons and ‘killed up to 1,400 people in August 2013’ (Black 2015). The smokescreens around chemical weapons have effectively derailed reasonable public discussion about the war in Syria, at least in western circles; and perhaps that was the point. It is sad, though, that reasonable discussion of the evidence should matter so little. Further, the constant stream of fabrications have certainly aggravated and helped prolong the violence. Islamist militia carry out their crimes with relative impunity, often blaming them on the Syrian Government. Another crime has been buried by the chemical fabrications: the fate of the children kidnapped in Ballouta. Even Human Rights Watch reported this crime (HRW 2013b), if not the link to the children said to have been injured or killed in East Ghouta. This mass kidnapping was just one of many by the Islamist groups. The victims are held for ransom, for prisoner exchanges, or simply slaughtered because they are thought be from pro-government families. The latter was the case with Alawi families in the Aqrab massacre (Thompson 2012), while a failed prisoner exchange was behind the Daraya massacre (Fisk 2012). However in the East Ghouta incident, several sources (ISTEAMS 2013; Martin 2014; Mesler 2014) now link the Ballouta children to the photos of the dead or drugged little bodies said to be in Ghouta. That is, their images may have been uploaded from East Ghouta but the bodies were never there. While some of those kidnapped were released in a 2014 prisoner exchange, many are still held; and this is said to be why many families in north Syria have not yet more publicly identified their children. The want to see them released. Western media sources continue refer to ’1,400′ dead, without names, but only eight bodies are known to have been buried. In the fog of war, Mother Agnes Mariam has been right all along to insist on names and details of people killed, and not just a recital of numbers, as though these killings were a cricket match. Back in September 2013 her ISTEAMS group posed one of the most most vital questions of this whole affair: ‘Eight corpses are seen buried’. [The] remaining 1,458 corpses, where are they? Where are the children?’ (ISTEAMS 2013: 41). Notes: Al Akhras, Samir (2013) Interview with this writer, Damascus, 24 December Al Jazeera (2013) ‘Syria rebels made own sarin gas, says Russia’, 10 July, online: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/07/20137920448105510.html Anderson, Tim (2015) ‘The Houla Massacre Revisited: “Official Truth” in the Dirty War on Syria’, Global Research, 24 March, online: http://www.globalresearch.ca/houla-revisited-official-truth-in-the-dirty-war-on-syria/5438441 Ariel, Ben (2015) ‘United States ‘concerned’ about ISIS use of chlorine gas’, Arutz Sheva, 17 March, online:http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/192730#.VSJJc5MY6q4 Akbar, Jay (2015) ‘More evidence emerges of ISIS using chemical weapons as Kurdish fighters seize chlorine canisters after suicide bomb attack that left them ‘dizzy, nauseous and weak’’, 15 March, Daily Mail, online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2995150/More-evidence-emerges-ISIS-using-chemical-weapons-Kurdish-fighters-seize-chlorine-canisters-suicide-bomb-attack-left-dizzy-nauseous-weak.html Baker, Graeme (2014) ‘Syrian regime accused of chlorine gas attacks’, Al Jazeera, 17 April, online:http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/04/syrian-regime-accused-chlorine-gas-attacks-201441703230338216.html Barnard, Anne (2013) ‘Syria and Activists Trade Charges on Chemical Weapons’, New York Times, 19 March, online:http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/20/world/middleeast/syria-developments.html?pagewanted=all BBC (2013) UN’s Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels ‘used sarin’’, 6 May, online: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-22424188 Black, Ian (2015) ‘Former ambassador attacks Cameron’s ‘arrogant’ Syria policy’, UK Guardian, 8 April, online:http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/apr/07/former-ambassador-attacks-camerons-arrogant-syria-policy Chivers, C.J. (2013) ‘New Study Refines View of Sarin Attack in Syria’, New York Times, online: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/29/world/middleeast/new-study-refines-view-of-sarin-attack-in-syria.html Eva Pal (2014) ‘Talk with Lilly Martin and Steven Sahiounie, part 1’, YouTube, May 10, online:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc2HRk42O-w Fisk, Robert (2012) ‘Inside Daraya – how a failed prisoner swap turned into a massacre’, 29 August:http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-inside-daraya–how-a-failed-prisoner-swap-turned-into-a-massacre-8084727.html Gavlak, Dale and Yahya Ababneh (2013) ‘Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack’, MINT PRESS, August 29, online: http://www.mintpressnews.com/witnesses-of-gas-attack-say-saudis-supplied-rebels-with-chemical-weapons/168135/ Gerard Direct (2012) ‘Syria: jihadist al-Nusra Front seizes chemical factory near Aleppo’, 9 December, online:http://gerarddirect.com/2012/12/09/syria-jihadist-al-nusra-front-siezes-chemical-factory-in-allepo/ Gladstone, Rick and C.J Chivers (2013) ‘Forensic Details in U.N. Report Point to Assad’s Use of Gas’, New York Times, 16 September, online: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/17/world/europe/syria-united-nations.html?_r=0&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1387381766-55AjTxhuELAeFSCuukA7Og Hersh, Seymour M. (2013) ‘Whose Sarin?’, London Review of Books, Vol. 35 No. 24, 19 December, 9-12, online:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v35/n24/seymour-m-hersh/whose-sarin Hersh, Seymour M. (2014) ‘The Red Line and the Rat Line’, London Review of Books, 36:8, 17 April, pp 21-24, online:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n08/seymour-m-hersh/the-red-line-and-the-rat-line HRC (2014) ‘Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic’, Human Rights Council, A/HRC/25/65, 12 February, online: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/IICISyria/Pages/IndependentInternationalCommission.aspx HRW (2013a) ‘Attacks on Ghouta: Analysis of Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria’, Human Rights Watch, Washington,10 September, online: http://www.hrw.org/reports/2013/09/10/attacks-ghouta HRW (2013b) ‘You Can Still See Their Blood’, Human Rights Watch, Washington, 11 October, online:http://www.hrw.org/node/119675/ ISTEAMS (2013) ‘Independent Investigation of Syria Chemical Attack Videos and Child Abductions’, 15 September, online:http://www.globalresearch.ca/STUDY_THE_VIDEOS_THAT_SPEAKS_ABOUT_CHEMICALS_BETA_VERSION.pdf Lloyd, Richard and Theodore A. Postol (2014) ‘Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013’, MIT, January 14, Washington DC, online: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1006045-possible-implications-of-bad-intelligence.html#storylink=relast Malas, Nour (2013) ‘As Syrian Islamists Gain, It’s Rebel Against Rebel’, Wall Street Journal, 29 may, online:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323975004578499100684326558.html Martin, Lilly (2014) in Deena Stryker ‘The Hidden Australia/Syria Story’, Op Ed News, 22 December, online:http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Hidden-Australia-Syria-by-Deena-Stryker-Children_Community_Death_Government-141222-294.html Mesler, John (2014) ‘Combating the Propaganda Machine in Syria: The ‘Moderate Opposition’, the Children from Ballouta, and the Sarin Gas Attack on Eastern Ghouta’, NSNBC, 10 October, online: http://nsnbc.me/2014/10/10/combating-propaganda-machine-syria/ Morningstar, Cory (2014) ‘Syria, Avaaz, Purpose and the art of selling hate for empire’, Wrong Kinds of Green, 17 September, online: http://wrongkindofgreen.org/tag/white-helmets/ Mortada, Radwan (2012) ‘Syria Alternatives (II): no homegrown solutions’, Al Akhbar, 13 June, online: http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/syria-alternatives-ii-no-homegrown-solutions Mortada, Radwan (2013) ‘The Battle for Qusayr: Decisive Victory or War of Attrition?’, Al Akhbar, May 21, online:http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/15864 Mroue, Bassem (2013) ‘Syrian forces bomb area of alleged chemical attack’ USA Today, 22 August, online:http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/22/syria-attack/2683855/ Mroue, Bassem and Ryan Lucas (2015) ‘Activists accuse Syrian military of deadly poison gas attack’, 17 march, online:http://news.yahoo.com/group-syrian-attacks-may-amount-war-crimes-074128323.html NFZ Syria (2015) ‘Call from Syria: London march 26th April’, 4 April, online: http://www.nfzsyria.org/ NTI (2013) ‘Syrian militants have access to chlorine gas: plant owner’, 1 April, online: http://www.nti.org/gsn/article/syrian-militants-have-access-chlorine-gas-plant-owner/ Parry, Robert (2013) ‘NYT Backs Off Its Syria-Sarin Analysis’, Global Research, 30 December, online:http://www.globalresearch.ca/nyt-backs-off-its-syria-sarin-analysis/5363023 Peace Association and Lawyers for Justice in Turkey (2013) ‘War Crimes Committed Against the People of Syria’, December, online: http://www.wpc-in.org/sites/default/files/documents/war-crimes-committed-againts-the-people-of-syria.pdf RT (2013) ‘Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists – reports’, 30 may, online: http://rt.com/news/sarin-gas-turkey-al-nusra-021/ RT (2014) ‘‘Abandoned’ barrels containing deadly sarin seized in rebel-held Syria’, 8 July, online: http://rt.com/news/171076-two-sarin-barrels-found-syria/ SANA (2011) ‘Mother Agnes Merriam al-Saleeb: Nameless Gunmen Possessing Advanced Firearms Terrorize Citizens and Security in Syria’, Syrian Free Press Network, 19 November, online: http://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2011/11/19/mother-agnes-merriam-al-saleeb-nameless-gunmen-possessing-advanced-firearms-terrorize-citizens-and-security-in-syria/ Smith-Spark, Laura and Tom Cohen (2013) ‘U.S., Russia agree to framework on Syria chemical weapons’, CNN, 15 September, online: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/14/politics/us-syria/ Solomon, Erica (2015) ‘Iraqi Kurds claim ISIS used chemical weapons’, Financial Times, 14 March, online:http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6e69cfca-ca78-11e4-8973-00144feab7de.html#axzz3WW8sO2k1 Turbeville, Brandon (2014) ‘New video evidence points to al-Nusra chemical attack against Syrian soldiers’, 5 May, Online:http://www.activistpost.com/2014/05/new-video-evidence-points-to-al-nusra.html Stack, Liam and Hania Mourtada (2012) ‘Members of Assad’s Sect Blamed in Syria Killings’, New York Times, December 12, online: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/13/world/middleeast/alawite-massacre-in-syria.html?_r=0 Sterling, Rick (2015) ‘Humanitarians for War on Libya’, Syrian Free Press, 5 April, online: https://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2015/04/05/report-44442/ Thompson, Alex (2012) ‘Was there a massacre in the Syrian town of Aqrab?’, 14 December: http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/happened-syrian-town-aqrab/3426 Today’s Zaman (2013) ‘Detained al-Nusra members say chemicals not for making sarin gas’, 13 September, online:http://www.todayszaman.com/national_detained-al-nusra-members-say-chemicals-not-for-making-sarin-gas_326332.html UN (2013) United Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, December, online: https://unoda-web.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/report.pdf UNMIAUCWSAA (2013) ‘Final report’, United Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, 12 December, online: https://unoda-web.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/report.pdf White Helmets (2015) ‘It’s time to stop the bombs’, March, online: https://www.whitehelmets.org/
  6. Wild bee decline a sign of Europe’s ‘ecological disaster’: Study March 21, 2015 12:00 am EDT============ https://www.intellihub.com/wild-bee-decline-sign-europes-ecological-disaster-study/
  7. Thursday, 09 April 2015 Obama Administration Plotting Adult Vaccination Mandates Written by Alex Newman In collaboration with Big Business and special interests, the Obama administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is plotting a new program to track Americans’ vaccination records, wage a massive propaganda campaign to “encourage” more inoculations, and foist more controversial vaccines on adults against their will. Federal bureaucrats and crony capitalists set to profit from the proposal claim the goal is to improve “public health,” and establishment media outlets have largely parroted that line so far. However, critics of the unconstitutional scheme, formally dubbed the “National Adult Immunization Plan” (NAIP), say the ultimate goal is to forcibly vaccinate all Americans and move toward a radical new healthcare paradigm in which medical “treatment” is delivered at gunpoint. The controversial plot was cooked up and unveiled by the Obama HHS National Vaccine Advisory Committee during its February meeting. If approved by federal bureaucrats, the executive-branch assault would, among other elements, enlist private businesses, churches, and non-profit organizations in a nationwide campaign to prod Americans into accepting the Obama administration’s perpetually expanding list of “recommended” vaccines. The scheme would also offer doctors and other vaccine providers “incentives” — read taxpayer-funded bribes — to shred patient privacy and feed private medical information into state and federal databases to track those who refuse to comply. The summary of the “five-year national plan,” as official documents describe it, deliberately uses innocent-sounding language to promote the effort. “The NAIP is intended to facilitate coordinated action by federal and nonfederal partners to protect public health and achieve optimal prevention of infectious diseases and their consequences through vaccination of adults,” it states, adding that ObamaCare implementation offers a “unique opportunity” to be used as leverage. “As a national plan, it will require engagement from a wide range of stakeholders to achieve its full vision.” Those stakeholders include just about everybody except the target: You. As always with “national plans” dreamed up by Big Government and Big Business, though, the devil is really in the details. Critics and medical professionals are already up in arms. After summarizing the growing torrent of recent Obama administration assaults on liberty, Dr. Lee Hieb, an orthopedic surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said the NAIP scheme was an especially troubling attack on the liberties of Americans. Calling it “a proposal by the orchestrators of Obamacare to forcibly vaccinate all adult Americans,” Hieb also ridiculed the Soviet-sounding “five-year plan” language. But the implications of the latest Obama administration attack on medical liberty and privacy are no joking matter. “If you Americans do not stand against this, it’s over,” continued Dr. Hieb, author of the new book Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare. “What liberty do you have if the federal government can force you to have a medical procedure, can force you to surrender your very body to their control? Answer: none. Because there is nothing that cannot be justified on the basis of ‘the good of society.’ The Jewish Holocaust, the Great Leap Forward, the killing of the Kulaks, American Eugenics, Tuskegee experimentation, the cold water experiments of Birkenau, Dachau and Auschwitz, all were justified at the time by their respective leaders as for the good of society.” In the WND column, Dr. Hieb also outlined some of her scientific concerns surrounding vaccination before lambasting the participation of government-selected “stakeholders” — state, local, territorial, and tribal governments; healthcare providers; advocacy groups; vaccine manufacturers; academia and research organizations; payers and health plans; employers; the military; and the general public. The “real stakeholder,” she said, “is you.” “No one cares more about the risks versus benefits of vaccination than you do personally,” Dr. Hieb concluded. “To leave it to a group, to treat you as a member of a group for medical care, is not ethical medicine. It is the stuff of jails and forced labor camps and socialist hellholes — and apparently American academia and bureaucrats. It is time to say no.” Other experts and advocates for medical freedom were similarly outraged by the Obama administration’s adult-vaccination scheme. In a widely reprinted scathing report outlining the plan, Executive Director Theresa Wrangham with the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) urged citizens to fight back immediately. “There is no time to waste,” she wrote, citing a broad array of threats stemming from the HHS vaccine plot. From unconstitutionally invading Americans’ medical privacy to efforts at mandating adult vaccination and quashing informed-consent ethics in medicine, Wrangham said the plan is dangerous and must be opposed. “The NAIP makes it clear that in the future, all American adults will be informed of the recommended adult schedule at every possible opportunity outside the healthcare provider domain,” explained Wrangham at the NVIC, a non-profit organization that supports informed consent and individual liberty. “You will be encouraged to comply with the adult schedule not only by your healthcare provider, but also via community-based partnerships to ensure that you have the opportunity to roll up your sleeve at work, school, church and other community gatherings.” The vaccine tracking databases being developed and already in existence, she added, “will be used to identify non-compliers.” While the NVIC supports access to vaccines for anyone who wants them, there “is a difference between awareness, access, recommendations and mandates,” Wrangham continued. “In the past, these types of government vaccine use plans do not just seek to increase awareness and access but also make recommendations that foster vaccine mandates without flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions that align with the informed consent ethic.” The scheme could eventually result in de facto mandatory vaccination, too. Vaccine mandates typically come from the state level, and the NAIP, technically at least, has no legal authority to make its “recommendations” mandatory. “However, much like the recommendations made by NVAC a few years ago for healthcare workers to receive annual flu shots, these recommendations are likely to result in future de facto vaccine mandates for adults, whether through employer requirements, or actual state laws,” Wrangham added, citing legislation introduced in states across the country this year to further chip away at existing exemptions — religious, medical, philosophical — for mandated childhood vaccines. According to Wrangham, “there is little doubt that that the NVAC’s latest plan will result in similar actions to force adults to use all federally recommended vaccines.” In fact, as if that were not troubling enough, she also said, citing the work of Dr. Suzanne Humphries, “door-to-door efforts to make everyone comply” — as happened about a century ago — are “a real possibility again in America.” The difference is that this time, Americans could be forced to receive “a lot” of vaccines rather than just one. “The noose being tightened around the necks of our children is being thrown over the necks of adults as well,” Wrangham said. “The tightening of that noose is growing daily in an attempt to strangle vaccine freedom of choice by eradicating the ethical principle of informed consent.” Blasting the “one-size-fits-all” vaccine schedule promoted by authorities as “very dangerous,” she noted that “the human right to protect bodily integrity and autonomy — the core value of the informed consent ethic — is at stake.” The battle is not between the pro- or anti-vaccine positions, she concluded. Instead, it is about freedom, values, beliefs, and what medical risks individuals are willing to accept. Vaccination just happens to be at the forefront of the battle. Supporters of the plan, meanwhile, have rallied numerous establishment media outlets to their cause. Last month, for example, the Wall Street Journal ran an article that sounded almost like a press release issued by Obama’s HHS. “It's Time for Grown-Ups to Get Their Shots,” reads the headline. The subtitle: “Adults have their own vaccination needs, but they’ve often been neglected. Now doctors are trying to correct that.” Those doctors, of course, are working in the federal bureaucracy or in crony companies, and their NAIP plot would, among other schemes, provide federal “incentives” to doctors that push more vaccines on patients. Numerous Big Business and special-interest “stakeholders” set to reap massive, risk-free profits from the federal scheming have also been touting it. In addition to being a brazen assault on individual liberty, privacy, medical ethics, and the U.S. Constitution, the radical plan also represents the very essence of crony capitalism. The federal government, using non-existent “executive authorities,” is essentially seizing taxpayer funds from citizens to act as a coercive marketing and propaganda agency for hugely profitable Big Pharma companies and vaccine pushers. Adding insult to injury, those same crony capitalists successfully lobbied the federal government to shield them from liability when their products kill and injure consumers — making taxpayers bear the billions of dollars in costs for damages. Various opponents of the ObamaVaccines plot for adults were urging concerned Americans to submit “public comments” to the federal bureaucrats at HHS begging them not to impose it. The public comment period ended last month, and bureaucrats will meet again in June to “finalize” their plans. A much better solution, though, would be for Congress to defund and abolish all unconstitutional agencies, bureaucracies, departments, and programs. If members of Congress would follow their oath of office, the NAIP and countless other totalitarian-minded schemes would never have even been dreamt up. Americans must stop trying to fight each individual executive-branch assault on liberty and instead go straight to the source: anti-constitutional congressional funding for all the madness. Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com . Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.
  8. The Post Office Department has worked with ONI since at least 1917. (GAAL) }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} To monitor communications to and from foreign countries, a Postal Censorship Committeee was formed in which representatives of ONI and MID worked with the Chief Cable Censor and the Post Office Department.     [PDF]FEDERAL SURVEILLANCE (1917-1925): - ProQuest cisupa.proquest.com/ksc_assets/.../1359_FedSurveillAfroAms.p... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:VF760BKIHREJ:cisupa.proquest.com/ksc_assets/catalog/1359_FedSurveillAfroAms.pdf+&cd=74&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us /search?biw=1600&bih=698&q=related:cisupa.proquest.com/ksc_assets/catalog/1359_FedSurveillAfroAms.pdf+%22POSTAL+SeRVICE%22+%22NAVAL+INTELLIGENCE%22&tbo=1&sa=X&ei=caUpVcvlH461ogTJ-YGgAg&ved=0CDMQHzADOEY ========================== http://fas.org/irp/ops/ci/docs/ci1/ch3f.htm The Staff reorganization, effected by General Orders, No 80, War Department, August 26, 1918, made the Military Intelligence Service a coordinate division of the General Staff and placed it on a par with similar services of general staffs of other nations of the world. The additional authority and prestige thus provided made it possible for this division to deal with other governmental agencies and with the intelligence services of our allies much more expeditiously and effectively than was possible under the previous imperfect organization. At the time of the armistice the Military Intelligence Division in Washington was made up of a highly specialized personnel consisting of 282 officers, 29 noncommissioned officers and 948 civilian employees, there field force had been greatly improved and enlarged, the assistance furnished the intelligence section of Gen. Pershing's staff was becoming daily more direct and more valuable, as was the staff was becoming daily more direct and more valuable, as was the cooperation with State Department, the Treasury Department, the Department of Justice, the Post Office Department, Naval Intelligence, the War Trade Board, the War Industries Board, and the National Research Council.
  9. Simon Rothschild who co-owned Abraham & Straus ,said fact which is succinct and comprehensible. (GAAL) ]]]]]]] +++++++++++++++++ It only shows that the Straus business partner was a Rothschild whose relatives and in-laws were connected to Empire Trust and the providing a high position for GHWB. Said Warburg in-laws also helped the Harriman family rise to power. I didn't start Straus thread. (GAAL)
  10. Well, that proves it. The Illuminati killed Kennedy. --Tommy +++++++++++++++++ It only shows that the Straus business partner was a Rothschild whose relatives and in-laws were connected to Empire Trust and the providing a high position for GHWB. Said Warburg in-laws also helped the Harriman family rise to power. I didn't start Straus thread. (GAAL)
  11. Louis F. Rothschild's brother was Simon Rothschild who co-owned Abraham & Straus (now part of Federated Department Stores). More on Abraham and Straus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_%26_Straus In addition, Simon Rothschild's son was Walter Nathan Rothschild. Walter Nathan Rothschild married Carola Warberg. Carola Warberg was the daughter of Felix Warberg and grandaughter of Jacob Schiff (Both partners of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.) Now you have the Rothschild-Warberg-Schiff-Kunh-Loeb connection. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Kunh-Loeb per PD SCOTT that's Empire Trust (GAAL) ========== }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} http://theinfounderground.com/smf/index.php?topic=790.15 « Reply #27 on: March 27, 2010, 06:06:16 PM » . The Mysterious And Intriguing, The ONE & ONLY : Carola Warburg Rothschild Carola Warburg Rothschild (1894-1987) (EXTENSION NOT ALLOWED THIS FORUM) The only photo I could obtain of her from the Internet ! The other one is on Chernow's book "The Warburgs", page 337. Children: Phyllis Rothschild Carola Warburg Rothschild b. 1917 d. 2005 Walter Nathan junior Rothschild b. 1920 d. 2003 Quote http://en.ahnenreich.de/retrospect/juden/index.php?m=family&id=I129362&PHPSESSID=6c8764fb58975ab907713b52ac253f3f Carola's Mother : Frieda Schiff Artist Anders Leonard Zorn (Swedish, 1860–1920) -Title Frieda Schiff (1876–1958), Later Mrs. Felix M. Warburg - Date 1894 Medium Oil on canvas - Credit Line Bequest of Carola Warburg Rothschild, 1987 The father - Felix Moritz Warburg He married Frieda Schiff, daughter of Jacob H. Schiff and Therese Loeb Schiff, in 1895. They had four sons, Frederick Marcus, Gerald Felix, Paul Felix and Edward Mortimer Morris. Note: Carola doesn't appear named here at all, WHY ? You know, she was their ONLY daughter ! We know by Ron Chernow - The Warburgsthat she lived in Europe, that 1916 she engaged to be married to Walter Rothschild: After Germany signed the peace treaty in 1919, a backlog of musty mail also tumbled in on the amazed American Warburgs. Vacationing in Bar Harbor, Jacob Schiff suddenly got faded letters from Marx Warburg, some way laid by English censors in 1915. One letter from Max sent congratulations to Felix's daughter, Carola, upon her 1916 engagement to Walter Rothschild. By the time this reached America, Carola and Walter had a two-year-old daugther. (page 219). When daughter Carola married Walter Rothschild in 1916, nine hundred people tramped through 1109 Fifth Avenue to eat and drink. Attired in a blue velvet suit with silver buttons. Edward held aloft the enormous train of his sister's gown. Carola had huge blue eyes, a handsome, aquare-jawed face, and a husky voice thickened by cigarettes.She had great sex appeal and an easy way with men gained from being an attractive young woman who grew up surrounded by an adoring father and many brothers. Endowed with Felix's grace, she was also a good listened and the trusted confidante of many Warburgs. Felix spoiled her silly. By the time she married Walter, she had twenty-two pieces of costly jewelry, including a floral brooch with sixteen diamonds and a necklace with twenty-eight rubies. For her wedding present, Carola got a Woodlands house, surrounded by thirty acres of real estate. Of the five children, Carola was the only one who married just once and to a Jew. Walter was a genial man with a big infectious grin. His father ran the A&S department store in Brooklyn. Unrelated to the banking Rothschilds, he joked that he belonged to the Brooklyn Rothschilds. Chernow - Page 240 (My own comment hwere: I don't believe this, prove me wrong, but this must be a real Rothschild bloodline from House of Rothschild). When the Jewish Agency met at Zurich's Tonhalle in August 1929, it proved a grand moment of amity and concord for Jews everywhere. Besides Felix and Louis Marshall, a cavalcade of Jewish dignitaries entered the hall, including Albert Einstein, Léon Blum, Sir Herbert Samuel and Lord Melchett.The Jewish elite was joined by many poor Jews who came on foot. As one participant said, "Dress ranged from Oriental-looking caftans to the most modern western styles." The Warburgs were well represented. Felix's daughter, Carola, dropped off the children with Frieda and came along with her father [...] Page 300 Page 337 - Huge picture of Carola Warburg Rothschild (Ron Chernow - The Warburgs). Felix's eldest daughter, Carola, most readily took up her assigned place in the Warburg universe. She was everybody's favorite, and her home featured good talk and ready cocktails even during prohibition. Felix's doted upon her, saying, "She is like a thoroughbred horse, and has to be ridden with a light hand". In marrying the rich, Princeton-educated Walter Rothschild, she found an easygoing man who negotiated his way handily through the often prckly Warburg clan. As head of the A&S departament store, Walter didn't need to worry about status competition. Inheriting her parents' anglophile tastes, Carola loved horses, dogs, country living. She devoted time to several hospitals, the Girl Scouts, The Federetion of Jewish Philanthropies, a maternity center, and other Warburg causes and in many ways, she modeled herself after Frieda. Yet her Jewish activities were more a matter of family pride and homage to the past. When asked if she were a practicing Jew,Carola sighed, "Well, I was married by a rabbi. . . ." Her three children would marry five times in total, all outside the faith. Page 338 Weizmann engineered a compromise by wich five non-Zionists would sit with seven Zionists on the executive Committee of the Jewish Agency.This was all public relations. The reality was that partition was approved, albeit reluctantly, with the Executive authorized to negotiate for a Jewish state with Britain. After the Arabs rejerted the plan, it came to naught. That same month, a new British White Paper further curbed emigration to Palestine. [...] Suffering from fatigue, Felix met his dauhter, Carola, in london and they sailed back to New York aboard the Berengaria. By coincidence, Ben-Gurion was on the same boat. Felix waved and went to speak with him. At first, he couldn't resist some sarcasm about Ben-Gurion's behavior in Zurich, but the two ended up having a pleasant journey. [...] The clash between Felix and Ben-Gurion went far beyond personalities. [...] The Zionist movement was, in part, a populist revolt against Jewish banking royalty. As Weizmann exulted, "The Warburgs and the Rothschilds and thier methods have gone for ever." Page 454 It was Carola who held together the Warburg family. Ron Chernow - The Warburgs - Page 601 Quote http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_M._Warburg When trying to research the life anf times of Carola Warburg Rothschild, at first you gonna be disappointed, principally for the huge lack of information. Well, get use to it , For example, take a look to her Genealogy: Carola Warburg Rothschild Quote http://en.ahnenreich.de/retrospect/juden/index.php?m=pedigree&id=I129364&PHPSESSID=6c8764fb58975ab907713b52ac253f3f Well,the matter for all this secrecy has possible one principal reason: In Carola Warburg Rothschild we find the mix of the most importants bankers families of the top of the Elite of the Empire, this by marrying a Rothschild. She is the result of the following Bloodlines all in one person: Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Loeb, Goldschmidt, Cassel, Oppenheim, Kohn, Portheim, Stern, possible Seligman and Lewisohn too. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] From "GEORGE BUSH: THE UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY" we can read the following: Carola, was the acknowledged head of the Warburg family in America after World War II That explains a lot, if not all of the secrecy, doesn't it ? / Note #b|"Amory Howe Bradford" (S&B 1934) married Carol Warburg Rothschild in 1941. Carol's mother, Carola, was the acknowledged head of the Warburg family in America after World War II. This family had assisted the Harrimans' rise into the world in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; in concert with the Sulzbergers at the "New York Times," they had used their American Jewish Committee and B'nai Brith to protect the Harriman-Bush deals with Hitler. GEORGE BUSH: THE UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY - PART 2 of 8 Quote ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] IN 1971 GHWB was made President First National Bank of Houston (one of the 3 Rothschild controlled banks in the USA) (GAAL)
  12. The TACA case. How the government allowed arms and drug trades into Central America and intentionally looked the other way rather than prosecuting the mafia. This action in the 30s made Sam Carolla rich and set the stage for the infamous Marcello brothers and other in the New Orleans branch of the Mafia in the 50s and 60s. Who many believe were involved in the Kennedy assassinations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ5oSS_UQeA ===== The TACA operation of guns to Central American dictators run by the State Department and the mafia predates the creation of the CIA. To help in the operation the State Department would tap ONI. Bill Weston's Spiders Web contends that the TSBD had a gun running operation. Ex Navy man Molina TSBD employee may have been part of this. Harold Byrd (owner TSBD building) was one of the three major owners of LTV. LTV was trying to develop a sea torpedo to air weapon system. ONI would have been all over any of the LTV owners. Harold Bird sat on the board of Dorchester Gas with Jack Crichton of Empire Trust. Empire Trust's private intelligence service had ONI connections. ]]]] It may be that ONI man Holmes is watching/reporting on in real time a CIA assassination operation run out of the ONI/TSBD building. (GAAL) HOLMES - Molina connection see Scully post this thread http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1097 ==================================== see http://quixoticjoust...rch-ekdahl.html ]]]]]]]]]] Marguerite Oswald worked as a receptionist for a Standard Fruit Company law firm.Marguerite Oswald's uncle's law partner did work for United Fruit. Marguerite Oswald's Uncle seems to have gotten Marguerite the receptionists job. Odd for Standard Fruit and United Fruit were until around WWIi were at loggerheads against each other. Could Marguerite Oswald been a United Fruit spy ???? (GAAL) =====================   poster Jim Beam "In my 30 -year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the C.I.A." -Dennis Dayle, Former Chief of C.E.N.T.A.C. and mobile task force operations, D.E.A. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- narcotics RUBY http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/JA/DR/.dr06.html http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7KQMB7rE_TEJ:educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php%3Fshowtopic%3D19468%26page%3D2+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ ============== The Archaeologist was a Spy: Sylvanus G. Morley and the ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0826329373 Charles Houston Harris, Louis R. Sadler - 2003 - HistoryDuring the war, ONI, MID, and the State Department's BSI had at one time or ... deploying half a dozen agents in Guatemala and Honduras within a month after ... =============== Encyclopedia of U.S. Military Interventions in Latin America https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1598842609 Alan McPherson - 2013 - HistoryONI played important roles in several U.S. military interventions in Latin America. ... In 1954, ONI identified Czechoslovakian ships in the Gulf of Honduras ... =================== Anthropological Intelligence: The Deployment and Neglect ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0822389126 David H. Price - 2008 - Social ScienceThe U.S. O≈ce of Naval Intelligence (oni) secretly trained and deployed a ring of ... along the Gulf of Mexico coastlines of Mexico, British Honduras, and Belize. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DEEP BACKGROUND DEEP BACKGROUND DEEP BACKGROUND DEEP BACKGROUND DEEP BACKGROUND ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============= 28. February 3, 1931. Secret G-2 Report on Sandino and the Nicaraguan Situation, Copy of a report of C. W. Martin of the Los Angeles Times (Mexico City, Jan 29), Col. Gordon Johnston, Military Attaché, p. 1. "G-2 Report ¶ 3850: ¶ MEXICO ¶ POLITICAL ¶ SUBJECT: Foreign Relations: ¶ SANDINO and Nicaraguan Situation. ¶ 1. There is forwarded herewith copy of a report sent to the Los Angeles Times on January 29, 1931, by Mr. C. W. Martin, its staff correspondent, now in Mexico City. Mr. Martin seemed rather favorably disposed toward the Zepeda propaganda. ¶ 2. Mr. Martin is with an expedition financed by a group of California newspapers to make a trop by automobile from Mexico City to Guatemala. They propose to go from Oaxaca to Tehuantepec.- So far as known, this trip has never been made heretofore by any wheeled vehicle. It normally takes four days by horseback. ¶ 3. Apparently Mr. Martin intends to have an interview with Sandino, and is provided with letters from Dr. Zepeda to assist in this enterprise. Neither Martin nor any of his companions have asked for any letters to our Legations in Nicaragua or Guatemala. Mr. Martin carries a card as "Agent of the O.N.I.", previously operating in China. His card indicates that he is staff correspondent of the Los Angeles Times. . . . ¶ Gordon Johnston, ¶ Colonel, Cavalry ¶ Military Attaché. ¶ Source: As indicated. ¶ J/p ¶ From: M.A.Mexico. ¶ Report No. 3226. ¶ Date: Feb. 3, 1931." ============ PAGE 95 - The Sandino Rebellion, 1927-1934 www.sandinorebellion.com/Top100pgs/Top100-p95.html   http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KYPkG6aSX9EJ:www.sandinorebellion.com/Top100pgs/Top100-p95.html+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us O.N.I., July 22, 1926. ... O.N.I report, Serial No. ..... The government of Honduras is doing all it can against operations by Sandino or his men in Honduras, but the .. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 000000000000000000000000000 POSTED IN FAIR USE 00000000000000000000000000 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SomeUnknownUSHistory/conversations/topics/93 CIA shuts-down Drug Law Enforcement 1915 to 1963   dick.mcmanus = CIA shuts-down Drug Law Enforcement 1915 to 1963 (copyrighted 3 September 2007) In 1915, the U.S. outlawed opium based patent medicines with the adoption of the Harrison Narcotics Act. In 1921, the Hague Convention made it illegal to import opium from India to China. In 1921, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it was illegal for doctors to prescribe narcotic drugs to addicts. Arnold Rothstein was not unlike the robber barons of the 1920's, but unlike Morgan, Mellon, and Rockefeller, Rothstein was America's premier Labor racketeer, bookmaker, bootlegger, and drug trafficker, He was financing an international drug cartel and supplied millions of dollars' worth of illicit drugs to American gangsters. (The Strength of the Wolf, The Secret History of America's War on Drugs by Douglas Valentine, pgs. 6-10) In 1921, an estimated 300,000 ounces of heroin were being produced my manufacturers every month in New York, much more than was needed by area hospitals. Huge amounts of narcotics were being diverted onto the black market. As a result, the Jones-Miller Act of 1922 required standardization of manufacturing licenses and registration practices, and made the mere possession of narcotics a crime. This Act also created a federal narcotics commission.(p. 26) Around 1925, dope peddlers Charles Luciano, Frank Costello, and Meyer Lansky became a self-appointed heirs to Rothstein's drug trafficking operation. By 1929, the two main sources of illicit drugs from the Far East were the Ezra brothers gang in China and the Eliopoulos ring in Paris. In 1926, the U.S. War and State Departments thwarted the Treasury Department`s Narcotics Division and accommodated the Nationalist Chinese, whose survival depended on profits from drug smuggling. In the future, national security and political interests superseded those of the drug law enforcement agencies of the U.S. government. In the process of penetrating the mafia and the French connection, case-making agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) would uncover FBI's and CIA's ties to organized crime and the FBN would be prevented from investigating the CIA and its Nationalist Chinese allies who operated the world's largest drug-trafficking syndicate. ( pgs. 3 and 10-12) In 1924, an American citizen formed a relationship the intelligence officer for General Chang Tsung-chang, a Shangtung warlord contending with Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang Party for control of Shanghai. This American with the knowledge of the State and War Department, provided 6,500 Mausers (rifles) acquired from an Italian arms merchant, in exchange for $500,000 worth of opium. (pg. 12) During the Great Depression there was a controversy over national drug policy. Social scientists and other liberals were advocating legalization and a reduction in the price of prescription medicines as a most cost-effective way of putting drug traffickers out of business. Harry J. Anslinger, an apparatchik of corporate America, convinced Congressmen to wage a popular "tough on crime" campaign that to ensure their re-election. He promoted mandatory sentencing and longer prison terms. Relying on Anslinger's contacts in the press, the drug industry, and the Southern (U.S.) evangelical (religious) movement, he conjured up a rogue's gallery of undesirable minorities that appealed to traditional race and class prejudices. Pushing the idea of Killer Weed (Reefer Madness) used by lazy Mexicans on the southwest border, sex-crazed Negros and Puerto Rican seamen, inscrutable Chinese pagans who turned week-willed white women into prostitutes, and lewd Lost Generation atheists preaching free love and Bolshevism in Greenwich Village Cafes. On 30 June 1930 the Bureau of Narcotics was formed from the remnants of the Narcotics Division and the Treasury Department's Foreign Control Board. In September 1930, Anslinger, 38 yeas old, took charge - became the head of the new Federal Bureau of Narcotics. He had served as a U.S. Foreign Service officer (with the State Department) from 1918 to 1926 in Germany, Venezuela, and the Bahamas qualified him in view of the mandate imposed by Congress upon the Commissioner of narcotics, go to the foreign source of America's narcotics problem, without upsetting the State Department's apple cart. For the next, 32 years until he retired in 1962, defined the nations war on drugs. Anslinger put top agents in France, German, Holland, Canada, and Italy. Anslinger would become one of the founding fathers of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the CIA in 1947. (pgs. 16 and 22, 26) In addition in 1926, Anslinger, was transferred from the State Department to the Treasury Department, where he served until 1929 as chief of the Probation Unit's Division of Foreign Control which had the mission stopping the flow of illegal liquor and narcotics into U.S. ports, arresting smuggling rings, and eliminate corruption. Anslinger's staff assistant Malachi Harney, in the 1920s oversaw Eliot Ness and the Untouchables in the successful pursuit of Al Capone in Chicago. (p. 22) ---------------------- Franklin D. Roosevelt Jan. 1933 to April 12, 1945 ----------------------- Anslinger had the power to enable him to decide, in consultation with other top U.S. officials, which drug smuggling rings were to remain intact and which ones would be targeted for investigation and prosecution. This applied especially to the Nationalist Chinese government, which since its inception in 1927, relied heavily on drug-smuggling revenues. China and Japan were the major exporters of opiates to the U.S. illicit market throughout the 1930s. After the Japanese forces seized Shanghai in August 1937, Anslinger was less willing to target Chiang Kai-shek heroin trade to North America. Massive profits from the sales of drugs enabled the Kuomintang Party (KMT) to purchase $31 million worth of fighter planes for Chian Kai-shek's National Revolutionary Army. (p. 38) Starting in 1932, Stuart J. Fuller was Anslinger's counterpart at the State Department. As chief of the East Asia Division and he was the government's representative to the Opium Advisory Committee. In 1934, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau created an Enforcement Board consisting of the heads of the Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Tax, the Internal Revenue Service's Intelligence Unit, the Coast Guard, the custom service, and the (Federal) Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) . The Board's chief coordinator Harold Graves became Alslinger's boss. Also in 1934, Morgenthau gave the custom service jurisdiction for drug investigations in Asia, Latin America, and Mexico and in 1937, he put Customs agent Alvin Schariff in control of anti-narcotic operations in Europe. (pgs. 21-23) Schariff and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover were bureaucratic adversaries of Anslinger. While operating as a special employee of the War and State Department during the First World War, Schariff assassinated two German spies. (p. 23) Schariff and his 46 agents in European cities, developed a vast network of informants. They learned that narcotics from the Far East were smuggled through the Suez Canal into Italy and Turkey, then to Corsica and Marseilles (France), and that French Corsicans, financed by Greek racketeers, controlled the drug traffic. They also discovered that the over-land narcotics route included the Trans-Siberian Railroad and the Vienna Express from Istanbul to Paris. They located poppy fields in Yugoslovia. The Chief of U.S. Naval Intelligence wanted Schariff to obtain information in Europe and to use his narcotics investigations for merely a cover for espionage activities. In Paris as part of his espionage mission, Schariff worked with Ambassador William Bullitt in an effort to penetrate a faction of the Surete that protected Louis Lyon. NOTE: Sûreté (French for "surety" but transliterated as "safety" or "security") is a term used in French speaking countries in the organizational title of a civil police force. Lyon had work with Eliopoulos gang in Paris smuggling narcotics to various American gangsters. He operated a heroin factory in Paris. From his factories in Turkey and China, tons of opium moved to his accomplice, Corsican Paul Carbone in Marseillus, France. By 1940, Paul Carvone and Elie Eliopoulos became Nazi collaborators. The Surete protected Lyon because he spied against fascist French with ties to Nazi Germany. Lyon posed as a Nazi sympathizer in order to expose Gestapo agents trying to infiltrate the French Resistance. Following World War II, Lyon was awarded the French Legion of Honor. (p. 24-25) A member of the mafia boss Vincent Mangan's crime family in Brooklyn provided Ford Motor Company with the muscle it needed to smash an autoworkers strike outside Detroit in 1932. He was rewarded with a lucrative franchise until 1951 to move cars (and secretly, drugs) between Detroit and New Jersey and throughout New England and the East Coast. (p. 29) In 1930, Charles "Lucky" Luciano made a five-family crime group, made peace overtures to his rival crime lords in Chicago, and formed a national commission. of mafia bosses. Luciano became the American mafia's boss of bosses, and his partner, Meyer Lansky, incorporated crime in America. Meyer channeled mafia profits into legitimate business ventures, including Florida land deals, Mexican racetracks, and casinos in Cuba. Lansky became the chief financial officer and liasion to a worldwide network of Jewish gangsters. The Commission settled disputes and regulated four industrial-sized rackets: labor racketeering, gambling, prostitution, and drug trafficking. (pgs. 31-32.) In 1936, Luciano was convicted of compulsory prostitution and received a 32 year prison sentence. He remained the boss of bosses behind bars. He entrusted his mafia family to Vito Genovese. But Genovese was indicted for murder and fled to Italy in 1939. and Frank Costello ran took leadership of the Commission. Costello also managed gambling operations and casinos with Meyer Lansky , a Louisiana casino with Carlos Marcello, had a joint gambling and labor racket venture with Bugsy Siegel on the West Coast, Los Angeles and Las Vagas (Jack Dragna in California), and in New Jersey with Joe Adonis. Costello was said to have been a bootlegging partner of Joseph Kennedy's (a made man), father of JFK. He also had political contacts with Congressmen and Tammany bosses. In 1943, Costello got Thomas A. Aurelio a seat on the New York State Supreme Court. (pgs. 31 and 41) In 1934, Pendergast, the man who hand picked Harry Truman for the Senate and supported Truman through his political career helped Kansas City survive the Depression. He opened up the City to gambling, Black jazz musicians and by extension, the mafia's drug syndicate. (p.56) The FBN made a case against the Hip Sing T'ong, the drug-smuggling Chinese-American trade association and in November 1937, made mass arrests. (p. 27) In his autobiography, Narcotic Agent , FBN agent Maurice Helbrant explains that in the early days of the FBN, ambitious FBN supervisor in their quest to show success, asked agents to set up illegal wiretaps or break into a drug dealer's apartment to plant evidence. Helbrant learned that Jose Guillen was trafficking in drugs to finance a rebellion in Honduras. A collapse of the banana economy in Honduras prompted Honduran President Tiburcino Carias to also resort to drug smuggling . Associates of a cargo airline, Transportes Aereos Centro-Americanos (TACA) were backing Pres. Carias for re-election in October 1936, the U.S. had backed candidate. The State Department "ordered all (FBN) surveillance of the TACA group curtailed." In March 1936, the investigation concluded without uncovering any hint of TACA involvement in drug smuggling. Carias won the election. FBN knew he was smuggling drugs into Panama on TACA planes in 1937. Top U.S. officials including Stuart Fuller (State Department) and Harry Anslinger, looked the other way, because Carias provided the U.S. government and its corporate backers, with a with a valuable ally in Latin American as war loomed on the horizon. (pgs. 34-36) By March 1939, TACA held cargo service concessions in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras and continued to engage in smuggling activities, "virtually untouched by (U.S.) government action. - William K. Jackson, the vice president of United Fruit (Company- now Chiquita Brands) put this situation in economic prospective "The greater the development of our trade relation with Latin America, the lesser their dependence on....." end quote (snip) Hitler (my word).. (The Strength of the Wolf, p.36) -------------- In 1942, Naval intelligence was convinced that information about ship convoys leaving the US was being transmitted to the Axis by longshoreman of German and Italian extraction. Naval intelligence turned to the mob/outfit for help. A New York U.S. District Attorney gave Navy officials access to his Racket Bureau files so they could hire (recruit) low-level mafiosi to spy on potential saboteurs along the waterfront. (The Strength of the Wolf, p. 40) Navy Secretary Frank Knox created a special intelligence unit headed by Lt. Commander Charles Radcliffe Haffenden. Haffenden met with mob figures in his office at the Manhattan Astor Hotel. Gangster Meyer Lansky met with Haffenden and promised to get Lucky Luciano's support. Lucky Luciano became a partner with the U.S. Government to prevent sabotage on East Coast ports. Mafia bosses began providing Navy intelligence officers with union books and undercover jobs on fishing boasts from Maine to Florida. In return for services to the U.S. government, ruthless hoods were protected from prosecution for dozens of murders. This included the January 11, 1943, murder of Carlos Tresca in New York by Genovese's boys. He was a staunch anti-fascist and socialist publisher. Anslinger was fully aware of the Costello`s immunity through the Luciano Project (p. 40 and 41) Alslinger directed the FBN's New York office to investigate Costello link to drug smuggling, Starting in 1939, FBN had been building a case and as a result, in 1943 FBN arrested 106 smugglers in Mexico and the U.S. The gangsters had been moving drugs from Mexico through Texas to New York, where clandestine labs processed opium into heroin. Thomas Lucchese, Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello were the financial backers of this drug trafficking and were implicated in it, but were not indicted. (The Strength of the Wolf, p. 42) Union strikes and sabotage were practically nonexistent on the New York docks during the war. And when the U.S. forces landed in Sicily, there were mafia men waiting to show them the location of German position and safe routes through minefields. During this final phase of the war, the mafia-military cooperation - known as the Luciano Project or Operation Underworld - moved from the Navy to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) forerunner of the CIA. Source: Crossfire, The Plot that Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs 156 - 167 . ------ After World War II, the Americans' great fear for Italy was that communist partisans fighting in the north would join with organized labor to bring the left to power. The OSS and its successors were apparently prepared to use any measures to forestall that event, including political assassination, terrorism, and alliances with organized crime. According to one OSS memo to Washington, the U.S. seemed to support a monarchist plan to use ``fascist killers'' to commit acts of terror and blame the left. U.S. involvement in Italian politics began in 1942, when the OSS successfully pressured the Justice Department to release imprisoned mobster Charles ``Lucky'' Luciano. Luciano had agreed to make contacts with Mafia pals to ease the way for the U.S. invasion of Sicily in 1943. The Luciano deal forged a long-standing alliance between the U.S. and the international Cosa Nostra. It also set a pattern of cooperation between U.S. intelligence agencies and international criminal organizations involved in drugs and arms traffic. The deal's godfather was Earl Brennan, OSS chief for Italy. Before the war, he had served in the U.S. Embassy, using his diplomatic cover to establish contacts with Mussolini's secret police and leading fascists. The Catholic Church also cooperated. U.S. ties to the Vatican were already substantial; one of the strongest links was a secret fraternity, the Rome-based Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which dates back to the First Crusade. OSS head William ``Wild Bill'' Donovan was a member. So were other top U.S. officials, including Myron Taylor, U.S. envoy to the Vatican from 1939 to 1950, and OSS officer William Casey. OSS Italy chief Brennan had contacts as early as 1942 with Vatican Under-Secretary of State Gian Battista Montini, who became Pope Paul VI in 1963 Sources: Operation GLADIO: THE SECRET U.S. WAR TO SUBVERT ITALIAN DEMOCRACY by Arthur E. Rowse http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/gladio.html Luciano Project gangsters helped the US intelligence agencies keep in touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Domestically, the aim is while in Italy the goal is to gain intelligence on Sicily prior to the allied invasions and to suppress the burgeoning Italian Communist Party., Luciano developed connections in Lebanon and Turkey that supply morphine base to labs in Sicily. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) also work closely with Chinese gangsters who control vast supplies of opium, morphine and heroin, helping to establish the third pillar of the post-world War II heroin trade in the Golden Triangle, the border region of Thailand, Burma, Laos and China's Yunnan Province. In its first year of existence, 1947, the CIA continues U.S. intelligence community's anti-communist drive. Agency operatives help the Mafia seize total power in Sicily and it sends money to heroin-smuggling Corsican mobsters in Marseille to assist in their battle with Communist unions for control of the city's docks. By 1951, Luciano and the Corsicans have pooled their resources, giving rise to the notorious `French Connection' which would dominate the world heroin trade until the early 1970s. The CIA also recruits members of organized crime gangs in Japan to help ensure that the country stays in the non-communist world. Several years later, the Japanese Yakuza emerges as a major source of methamphetamine in Hawaii. Source: http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/1998_cr/980507-l.htm In March 1941, on returning from China, Lauchlin Currie, a young economist in the White House, recommended to President Roosevelt that China be added to the Lend-lease program (lend or supply military aid or supplies) . In May 1941, he presented a paper on Chinese aircraft requirements to General George Marshall and the Joint War Board. The Lend-lease program began in March 1941, nine months before attack on Pearl Harbor. The American Volunteer Group, a group of USAAF, USN and USMC pilots recruited under a secret executive order signed by President Roosevelt April 15, 1941 authorizing Army Reservists on active duty to resign from the Army Air Corps in order to sign up for the AVG. The AVG was largely the creation of General Claire Chennault, retired from the U.S. Army Air Corps. The resultant clandestine operation was organized in large part by Lauchlin Currie, and by Franklin D. Roosevelt intimate Thomas Gardiner Corcoran.. Chennault spent the winter of 1940-1941 in Washington, helping to negotiate the purchase of 100 Curtiss P-40 fighters. He also supervised the recruiting of 100 pilots. The AVG is unique in that it had government funding and approval to recruit from active duty units in the United States. The pilots were either currently serving in American armed services or reserve officers. The pilots who volunteered were discharged from the American armed services, to fly and fight as mercenary for the Republic of China Air Force. They were officially employees of a Private military contractor, the Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company, which employed them for "training and instruction". Currie also organized a large training program in the United States for Chinese pilots. These activities, together with Currie's work in helping to tighten sanctions against Japan, are said to have played a part in provoking Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Tigers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauchlin_Currie To protect Taiwan from the PRC, the U.S. China lobby raised nearly $5 million of private money, which the CIA used to buy airplanes for Gen. Chennault. (The Strength of the Wolf, p. 77) ---------        
  13. Eiffel Tower, schools, airports shut as thousands take to French streets in nationwide strike (link) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] = A nationwide strike in France has seen thousands of people march instead of going to their regular jobs on Thursday. The union-led protest affected public services, air traffic, radio broadcasts and Paris’ most-famous landmark. The strike is a day after President Francois Hollande's government said it expected one percent economic growth this year and lowered its forecast for 2016 and 2017. The unions are protesting against budget cuts and a number of other grievances they have against the government or employers. Thousands of protesters marched in Paris between Place d’Italie and the Invalides
  14. Feds Indict Houston PD ‘Officer of the Year’ for Trafficking Cocaine for Los Zetas Cartel (LINK) A former Houston Police Department ‘Officer of the Year’ award winner, Noe Juarez, was arrested this past Tuesday morning. He has been indicted on federal charges of conspiracy to possess firearms connected with a drug trafficking offense and conspiracy to distribute five or more kilos of cocaine. Juarez is accused of leading a double life with close ties to the Los Zetas cartel. Court documents accuse him of conspiring with Sergio Grimaldo, the brother of a convicted cartel boss, to distribute five kilos of cocaine in southeastern Louisiana
  15. >>>> STUDY THAT FIRST STORY IS BASED ON TALKED ABOUT IN LOWER LINK <<<<< Brain-dead mainstream media: 50 ppb of arsenic is dangerous to drink, but 50,000 ppb of mercury is safe to inject into children (link) The media has now concluded 50 ppb of arsenic in wine is "dangerously high" while 50,000 ppb of mercury in a vaccine is "totally safe"? ================== Flu vaccine contains 25,000 times more mercury than is legally allowed in drinking water Tuesday, June 24, 2014 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer http://www.naturalnews.com/045705_flu_vaccine_mercury_heavy_metals.html
  16. You could always just go over to AiG; they're your kind of people. Why do you try to proselytize here? // BURTON I have hope you can change your mind !! Preaching to the unbeliever is what our example Jesus did.. PLUS per this section CREATION minded people know of many deceptions from the EVOLUTIONIST side and that (TO REPEAT) AND THAT IS CONSPIRACY. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gospel Reading Luke Chapter 15:1-10 Now the tax collectors and "sinners" were all gathering round to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners, and eats with them." Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. "Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbours together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
  17. Why do you say " ex-Navy man Joe Molina might have been a part of this [alleged ONI-protected gun running operation allegedly being run out of the TSBD] " ? Because he had been in the Navy? --Tommy ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My understanding is that the G.I. Forum which Molina was a member was associated more with Army Ex veterans than the Navy veterans. === "unusual occurrence" (see below) Molina has lunch with other employees R.K. Locke (DEEP POLITICS FORUM) I am bumping this thread in light of a very interesting exchange that is taking place right now on the EF, featuring Zach Robertson, James Richards and others. Zach has highlighted a very intriguing and incriminating piece of marginalia (from a document cited in Larry Hancock's Nexus) relating to John Martino; a figure who appears to link directly to both the Facilitator and Mechanic levels of the plot. The note in question also appears to incriminate Joe Molina. Researcher Lee Farley has done some very good work on Joe Molina and William Lowery, including the following post, which I hope he doesn't mind me reproducing here: In addition to Molina very quickly contacting Bill Lowery after the assassination there was an interview conducted on November 23, with Virgie Mae Rackley by members of the Dallas Police Vice section that was sent to Captain Gannaway. During the interview Ms. Rackley was asked if she had "any suspicions of any of the employees she worked with. She stated "no". After a few moments she stated "It may sound silly and I shouldn't say anything at all, but my boss, Joe Molina, has had a number of strange telephone conversations. I never have listened to the conversations, but recently I heard him say something about he was going to help somebody 'do it'" You and I have had many conversations about how November 22, 1963 was a day of many "unusual occurrences". Here is another "unusual occurrence". November 22 was the first time that Joe Molina ate his lunch with other employees. He ate his lunch for the first time with Virgie Rackley and two other TSBD employees. According to Rackley he usually ate lunch by himself.
  18. post revision =============== The TACA operation of guns to Central American dictators run by the State Department and the mafia predates the creation of the CIA. To help in the operation the State Department would tap ONI. Bill Weston's Spiders Web contends that the TSBD had a gun running operation. Ex Navy man Molina TSBD employee may have been part of this. Harold Byrd (owner TSBD building) was one of the three major owners of LTV. LTV was trying to develop a sea torpedo to air weapon system. ONI would have been all over any of the LTV owners. Harold Bird sat on the board of Dorchester Gas with Jack Crichton of Empire Trust. Empire Trust's private intelligence service had ONI connections. ]]]] It may be that ONI man Holmes is watching/reporting on in real time a CIA assassination operation run out of the ONI/TSBD building. (GAAL) ==================================== see http://quixoticjoust...rch-ekdahl.html ]]]]]]]]]] Marguerite Oswald worked as a receptionist for a Standard Fruit Company law firm.Marguerite Oswald's uncle's law partner did work for United Fruit. Marguerite Oswald's Uncle seems to have gotten Marguerite the receptionists job. Odd for Standard Fruit and United Fruit were until around WWIi were at loggerheads against each other. Could Marguerite Oswald been a United Fruit spy ????
  19. The TACA operation of guns to Central American dictators run by the State Department and the mafia predates the creation of the CIA. To help in the operation the State Department would tap ONI. Bill Weston's Spiders Web contends that the TSBD had a gun running operation. Ex Navy man Molina TSBD employee may have been part of this. Harold Byrd (owner TSBD building) was one of the three major owners of LTV. LTV was trying to develop a sea torpedo to air weapon system. ONI would have been all over any of the LTV owners. Harold Bird sat on the board of Dorchester Gas with Jack Crichton of Empire Trust. Empire Trust's private intelligence service had ONI connections. ]]]] It may be that ONI man Holmes is watching/reporting on in real time a CIA assassination operation run out of the ONI/TSBD building. (GAAL) ==================================== see http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.cz/2012/05/colossal-failure-to-research-ekdahl.html ]]]]]]]]]] Marguerite Oswald worked as a receptionist for a Standard Fruit Company law firm.Marguerite Oswald's uncle's law partner did work for United Fruit. Marguerite Oswald's Uncle seems to have gotten Marguerite the receptionists job. Odd for Standard Fruit and United Fruit were untill around WWII were at loggerheads against each other. Could Marguerite Oswald been a United Fruit spy ????
  20. Harsh austerity measures causing hunger, rise in dependency on food banks ====  Breaking News  04/09/2015  ECONOMIC (SOTT) Harsh austerity measures including slashed welfare payments and dwindling public services have caused the rapid spread of food banks across Britain, new academic research suggests. The analysis, published Wednesday in the British Medical Journal, was led by a team of academics from Oxford University. The study, “Austerity, sanctions, and the rise of food banks in the UK,” noted that increasing numbers of doctors in Britain are witnessing their patients turn to food banks to survive. Its authors concluded that the idea put forward by the Conservative-led government that this trend is the result of supply, not demand, was false. The study’s authors analyzed data from the Trussell Trust, a leading NGO that coordinates food banks across the UK. The government has long refused to admit to a link between its austerity policies and a dramatic explosion in food banks across the state. However, the Oxford University report shows otherwise. The study detailed a concrete link between demand for food parcels and the government’s austerity measures. It found demand for emergency food aid is highest in areas where poverty occurs in parallel with reductions in social welfare payments. It also revealed that emergency food assistance is most common in regions where high levels of unemployment exist. When the coalition government came to power in 2010, the Trussell Trust food banks were active in 29 local council areas throughout Britain, according to the report. By 2013/14, however, this number had risen to 251. Over the same period, the Trussell Trust’s rate of emergency food aid distribution had tripled, the Oxford University study said. While soup kitchens have long been present in the UK, the rapid spread of food banks is a recent phenomenon. This new trend has been sharply criticized by the UK’s Faculty of Public Health, which warned Prime Minister David Cameron in 2014 that Britain’s welfare system was “increasingly failing to provide a robust last line of defense against hunger.” The Oxford University research, published Wednesday, uncovered stark fluctuations between different regions. While less than 0.1 percent of people based in Lichfield, Staffordshire, required emergency food parcels, this figure soared to 8 percent in Newcastle upon Tyne. Some of these variations stemmed from the length of time a particular food bank had been established, the research found. Nevertheless, the report said higher levels of emergency food distribution were “significantly associated” with austerity policies and welfare cuts. The report found high rates of food parcel use were particularly evident where benefits sanctions had been enforced on jobless claimants who had their payments terminated for at least a month as a result of not meeting local job center regulations. The report’s authors called upon the government to introduce a strategic framework to tackle food insecurity in the UK, which includes “monitoring and addressing the root social and economic drivers of this problem.” The driving force behind rising numbers of people turning to emergency food aid has been a matter of debate since the coalition government came to power. Conservative politicians suggest the trend is not symptomatic of growing food insecurity, but is a direct result of food charities broadening their operations. Those who espouse this view say more people are merely helping themselves to free food. Food charities have dismissed this argument, however, warning that it ignores the grueling impact of austerity. They argue emergency food parcels are offered to UK residents who are plagued by financial hardship and food insecurity. In late 2014, a joint report by the Trussell Trust, the Church of England, Oxfam and the Child Poverty Action Group revealed that those who use food banks are more likely to be single adults or single parents, live in rented accommodation, suffer unemployment and have borne the brunt of some sort of benefits sanction. An official report by Britain’s Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs also expressed concerns about the rise of food insecurity. Against a backdrop of mounting criticism, a cross-party parliamentary probe into hunger and food poverty was conducted in 2014. The inquiry’s report, released in December, found that financial hardship, austerity and government-driven sanctions may explain the rising use of food banks. The study also found a greater degree of clarity is required on how food insecurity is defined in Britain, and a system that monitors such trends is paramount. Alex Zatman, a spokesperson for the Department of Work and Pensions, told RT on Thursday that the Oxford University study was not representative of the true picture on the ground. He argued that the government spends £94 billion a year on working-age benefits and offers diverse advice and assistance for those in need of extra support. “The vast majority of benefits are processed on time with improvements being made year on year and the number of sanctions has actually gone down,” Zatman said in emailed comments. “There are now record numbers of people in work in the UK and a majority of the rise in employment has been in managerial and professional occupations,” he added. British economist and anti-austerity campaigner Michael Burke told RT that the study’s findings are “deeply disturbing.” The research offers “conclusive proof of the negative effects of cuts to social security and the effects on the most vulnerable,” he said. Burke rejected the government’s argument that Britain has seen a rise in the number of people claiming food parcels because they are more readily available. He said that food insecurity was increasing as a result of austerity cuts and the rise of low-paid work, which in turn has increased the number of working people plagued by poverty. Burke dismissed the DWP suggestion that there are now record numbers of people in gainful employment as”meaningless.” “The population continues to grow and there needs to be higher new levels in employment just to keep pace,” he said. Burke also rejected the DWP’s claim that much of Britain’s newly created jobs are in managerial and professional occupations. “The government’s boasts about the quality of new jobs are misplaced. The new jobs are skewed toward low productivity and low-skilled service sector jobs,” he said. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Rule Britannia (With lyric annotations)
  21. A newspaper article from 1910, fifty-three years before the assassination, which you have to pay to read. Way to go, Steven. Great research. Thanks for sharing. --Tommy -------------------------------- GRAVES HAS SPOKEN (thunderclap lightning bolt) NO ONI CONNECTION TO ELM ST, case closed. -- >>>>>>>>> On this thread there was material concerning the possible connection on NAVY veteran MOLINA and ONI connected Holmes. Holmes on phone with ?? HOOVER OR the Navy ? Graves mentions the year 1910 ,yet this IMHO is important in that the ONI / United Fruit connection started WWI. ===================== Harry D Holmes Posted by John Dolva on 25 October 2010 - 01:25 PM in JFK Assassination Debate 'Lee Farley', on 25 Oct 2010 - 04:16 AM, said: Interesting question. SOP was that no informant should know who else was an informant but it seems that the PO was infested with them. Cops have been known to swap badges.( sorry but you know it's true ( < to no one on the forum)). Harry had an intimate relationship with the local law enforcement groupings, the DPD, the FBI etc, plus he was a hop skip and jump from the top brass in the CIA. Personally I think that DA T7 that clearly indicates HDH is correct (but further scrutiny is obviously needed) slipped through the cracks and it took some time for someone to pick it. Other assassination witnesses are Price (PO, (TA)), an unidentified secretary according to HDH within 30 feet of the killshot, and a couple of others I think, that for the moment slips my mind. Likewise Bell took the end of his film from what seems to be (when looking at photos of the TA from the TSBD building and vice versa) from HDH's suggested office, ending with a lingering shot on the fifth floor of the Dallas Court buiding from where one can reasonably assume that another FBI informant passed on info to the FBI about prisoner claims that the PO should be looked at, the prisoners dispersed, Fay Leon Blunt, after the WC volumes came out, again contacted the FBI because nothing had been done about his initial report, then he disappears off the radar and his contribution binned till found in an off room box by a diligent researcher given access to newly released records. DA T1 also figures prominently so the possibility of a typo is there too. Very confusing, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle with bits missing that shouldn't be missing unless someone else has messed with it.
  22. Eastern Carolina News from Kenansville, North Carolina ... www.newspapers.com/newspage/62165670/ There has" been no rioting this" week U.S. P.O. INSPECTORS Guard and Protect .... Orleans trading companies have com-, plainei to the State Department that, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I didn't get the paper info,but is this indicating that U.S. P.O. INSPECTORS Guard and Protect ONI connected United Fruit ????
  23. TIN FOIL HAT PEOPLE THINK BANKS ARE NOT THEIR FRIENDS (GAAL) Bank Deposits No Longer Guaranteed By Austrian Government, Depositors Need To Realise Increasing Risks And Act Accordingly (LINK) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOME HAVE PUT THERE MONEY IN THEIR MATTRESS AND THEY CANT SLEEP WELL >>> MAKES THEM CRANKY
  24. Jeffrey Dahmer, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Steve Knight, Kim Jong II, Jim Jones,Pol Pot...ect Atheism hawkers......to me its the crowd who doesn't want to be humble before the Creator......ICR a good group IMHO (GAAL) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neanderthals Are Still Human! - The Institute for Creation ... www.icr.org/.../neanderthals-are-still-huma...Cached Similar Institute for Creation Research Loading... by D Phillips - ‎Cited by 6 - ‎Related articles Some evolutionists have claimed that Neanderthals were incapable of ... lived in extremely cold climate areas, genetically isolated by a post-flood ice age. ... has been of great interest to evolutionists and creationists alike (Krings et al., 1997). Is Neanderthal In Our Family Tree? - Institute for Creation ... https://www. icr.org/article/1170/Cached Institute for Creation Research Loading... Many from the media asked ICR if this didn't prove the evolution of man from the apes, ... From a creationist perspective, the Neanderthals were descendants of ... DNA Proof That Neandertals Are - The Institute for Creation ... www.icr.org/.../dna-proof-that-neandertals...Cached Institute for Creation Research Loading... Feb 21, 2014 - They then compared those regions to the Neandertal reference genome and determined whether any matches occurred more significantly than ... Neandertal Genome Confirms Creation Science Predictions www.icr.org/.../neandertal-genome-confir...Cached Similar Institute for Creation Research Loading... by B Thomas - ‎Cited by 5 - ‎Related articles May 28, 2010 - In May 2010, researchers announced the completion of a draft sequence for the Neandertal genome. Provocative images of ape-like humans ... Those Enigmatic Neanderthals | Answers in Genesis https://answersingenesis.org/.../neanderthal/those-enig...Cached Answers in Genesis Loading... Jan 13, 2010 - Young-earth creationists rightly consider that Neanderthals were ... of world population, the Ice Age, archaeology, and historical timeline. Neandertal Man—The Changing Picture | Answers in Genesis https://answersingenesis.org/.../neanderthal/neandertal...Cached Answers in Genesis Loading... Sep 1, 2003 - Biblical creationists believe Neandertal Man was just a unique variant ... after the Babel dispersion in the Ice Age (the aftermath of the Flood7).
  25. Was Oswald Being Set Up As A Patsy As Far Back As 1959? Harvey & Lee could indicate it was many years in the making.(GAAL) }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Put in > OSS assessment program -Julia in google Scholar search Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=144190641X Paul J. Frick, Christopher T. Barry, Randy W. Kamphaus - 2009 - PsychologyHenry Murray was the coordinator of a sophisticated OSS assessment effort. ... Some of the methods used in this ambitious program are described in the ... ######################################## THESE TWO LANGUAGE CHILDREN STUDIES Annotated Bibliography of Modern Language Methodology for 1949 JB Tharp, ML Gow, HW Machan… - The Modern …, 1951 - Wiley Online Library ... The implication is that children early learn pitch of speech and that "baby talk" is unnecessary waste. 30. ... Butler advises students to: (1) make some little progress every day, (2) begin precisely as a child learns to speak, (3) practice speaking habitually, and (4) keep a journal in ... Cited by 1 Related articles Cite Save ============================================================= The Modern Language Association of America in World War II PW Long - Publications of the Modern Language Association of …, 1949 - JSTOR ... Armored troops Artillery ASTP courses attache AWVS blood banks bond drives broadcasting canteens censorship chaplain chemical warfare children in service ... work 2 military government 58 naval intelligence 10 Navy 40 news reports 62 nursing 17 OPA 36 OSS OWI 35 ... Cited by 3 Related articles Cite Save\l " More /scholar?output=instlink&q=info:Pl29mpLjFN8J:scholar.google.com/&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_ylo=1945&as_yhi=1951&as_vis=1&scillfp=5518845571226065181&oi=llo\l "
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