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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Electric Car Powered by Salt Water: 920 hp, 373 Miles/Tank It’s finally here folks and it is LEGIT. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] http://aetherforce.com/electric-car-powered-by-salt-water-920-hp-373-milestank/
  2. rense.com = Washington Wants To Rev Up Its Big Lying Machine By Stephen Lendman 3-28-15 Its annual three-fourths of a billion dollars spent isn't enough. It's for managed news disinformation rubbish aired by: • Voice of America; • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, • Radio Free Asia; • Radio and TV Marti aimed at Cuba; and • Middle East Broadcasting Networks. Plus enormous sums spent by supportive corporate media, as well as so-called public (be damned) broadcasting and radio blasting out Big Lies, fake news, and other grand deceptions instead of what everyone deserves. Reuters previewed a new report claiming America is losing the information war to Russia - written by two former US propagandists, S. Enders Wimbush and Elizabeth Portale. They along with 30 foreign policy/diplomacy professionals polled want America's Big Lying Machine revved up. They want it top-to-bottom overhauled. "US international communications strategy should be rebuilt from the ground up," their report says. "(A)nti-US messaging forment(s) an information war (it's) winning." It claims "US international broadcasting is challenged to keep pace with competitors and changes in the media landscape." Experts paid to lie claim Russia out-guns America - by spreading hard truths on issues mattering most. RT television reaches US viewers. It spends less than a third annually what Washington's Big Lying Machine budgets. Its audience grows because Americans and others are hungry for real news, information and analysis. They're sick and tired of misinformation rubbish proliferated instead. They're tuning out. They're choosing reliable alternative sources everyone should follow exclusively - many available online in print or in audio and video form. Growing numbers of people want hard truths not available through traditional sources. For sure not from America's Big Lying Machine. Report co-author Wimbush called Ukrainian crisis conditions "the most serious challenge US international broadcasting has faced since the fall of the Soviet Union." Hard truths are increasingly giving US proliferated Big Lies a run for their money. House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Ed Royce (R. CA) complained about Russian English language media beating America's. US "international broadcasting is floundering. It's unacceptable," he said. He sponsored legislation aimed at restructuring the US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). Former CEO Andrew Lack quit after six weeks on the job. From 1993 - 2001, he was NBC president. He's returning to head its news operation. Deputy BBG International Broadcasting Bureau director, Jeff Trimble, said 25 new (propaganda) programs were created or expanded in the past year - mostly Russian language ones. He wants more money for proliferating more Big Lies. Last month, John Kerry lied to Congress on what RT television spends. He claimed "more than $500 million annually to mislead audiences, sow divisions, and push conspirac(ies)." RT's current annual budget is $225 million. It's spent reporting hard truths - ones driving Kerry and other US war criminals nuts. He wants Congress appropriating $639 million for US state-sponsored propaganda. "(T)o help our friends in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova as they seek to strengthen their democracies, withstand pressure from Russia, and to integrate more closely into Europe," he claimed. The State Department wants over $2 billion for so-called "democracy, human rights, and governance programs" - propaganda rubbish by any other name. Wimbush and Portale ludicrously claim private media aren't always in lockstep with US foreign policy objectives. They regurgitate them ad nauseam. They blast out the same Big Lies daily. BBG wants more money for what it ludicrously calls "credible journalism and information at scale in order to provide Russian language speakers with a fair and balanced picture of the world." They want to out-shout truth-tellers with Big Lies Russian news consumers reject. They're not stupid. They're not over-entertained and under-or-misinformed like Americans. They don't buy Big Lies increasing numbers of US news consumers now reject. America's Big Lying Machine has to work harder to blast out greater amounts of rubbish increasingly not working. People want real information - hard truths America's Big Lying Machine buries. Experts Wimbush/Potale polled expect "no reform…likely to go far enough" to fix what increasing numbers of news consumers reject. They want real information and analysis on issues mattering most. They want what America's public and private Big Lying Machine systematically bury. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.
  3. Kathleen Collins Super Member http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showuser=5645 Members   1,697 posts Posted 13 November 2011 - 03:05 AM Please answer 2 questions. 1. Why was Tosh kicked out of this forum? 2. Yesterday I read in a post that if the Grassy Knoll shooters didn't kill Kennedy, the limo was going to be bombed after it's through the triple underpass. I wish I knew where I read this. And how true is it? Kathy C =================== http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17786&page=3 Thomas Graves Super Member http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showuser=3525 Members   3,363 posts Gender:Male Location:La Jolla, California Posted 13 November 2011 - 04:38 AM 'Kathleen Collins', on 12 Nov 2011 - 7:05 PM, said:http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=237846http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=237846 Please answer 2 questions. 1. Why was Tosh kicked out of this forum? 2. Yesterday I read in a post that if the Grassy Knoll shooters didn't kill Kennedy, the limo was going to be bombed after it's through the triple underpass. I wish I knew where I read this. And how true is it? Kathy C ============================================================== Kathleen, Tosh Plumlee wasn't kicked off the Forum, he decided that he no longer wanted to participate because only a few people were paying attention to his posts and some members were, in so many words, accusing him of having been a conspirator in the assassination of JFK. --Tommy http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17786&page=3 ============================ Steve Duffy Experienced Member http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showuser=6306 Posted 13 November 2011 - 09:58 AM Kathy, the limo bomb was mentioned in Larry Hancock's book "Nexus"..might be in that thread...it was told to Twyman by Roy Hargreaves.... ipb.global.registerReputation( 'rep_post_237865', { domLikeStripId: 'like_post_237865', app: 'forums', type: 'pid', typeid: '237865' }, parseInt('') ); http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17786&page=3Biography: http://educationforu...showtopic=15547 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]======================= ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]======================= =========[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ =========[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ The Car Bomb - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education ... educationforum.ipbhost.com › ... › JFK Assassination DebateCached Mar 20, 2005 - 10 posts - ‎5 authors The Car Bomb - posted in JFK Assassination Debate: As you all know, ... the vehicles parked by the side of the road beyond the triple overpass. South Knoll Witness: Mr. Plumlee - Page 3 - JFK ... 6 posts Jun 4, 2011 Op Dallas - Page 2 15 posts Jun 30, 2007 Marita Lorenz 9 posts May 26, 2005 Roy Hargraves - Page 2 12 posts Jun 6, 2004 More results from educationforum.ipbhost.com
  4. The Top Ten JFK Assassination Books By James DiEugenio Revised and re-posted, November 2013 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ = Rush to Judgment, by Mark Lane (1966) Accessories After the Fact, by Sylvia Meagher (1967) Who Was Jack Ruby?, by Seth Kantor (1978) In the Eye of History, by William Law (2004) Oswald and the CIA, by John Newman (2008 Edition) The Last Investigation, by Gaeton Fonzi (1993) Let Justice Be Done, by Bill Davy (1999) Breach of Trust, by Gerald McKnight (2005) JFK and the Unspeakable, by James W. Douglass (2008) Destiny Betrayed, Second =============================== Probe Back Issues (link)
  5. CTKA Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism & the Forensic Evidence In the Kennedy Assassination by Donald Byron Thomas   This is the true strength of the book and the reason why I believe it will be such a valuable contribution to the literature. Thomas shows that the problem is not the evidence but how it has been interpreted in the cause of "social constructivism." He explains how Alverez knowingly "rigged" his experiment to produce a "jet recoil effect." (Chapter 10) And how NASA rocket scientist, Thomas Canning, fudged the data and moved the President's wounds to make it appear that the bullet trajectories were consistent with a gunman in the sixth floor window. (Chapter 12) He proves that Vincent Guinn lied under oath and cherry-picked the ballistic data in order to pin the blame on Oswald. (Chapter 13) And he shows how the HSCA forensic pathology panel deliberately misrepresented JFK's head wound. (Chapter 8) In short, he demonstrates that there is no need to doubt its veracity because "the overwhelming weight of the evidence indicates that there was a conspiracy." (p. 728) And he fits it all into a sound reconstruction of events that is sure to spark at least the occasional heated debate—but you'll have to buy the book to find out the details! Links to information mentioned in this article: Rydberg drawings of Kennedy's head wound The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet by John Hunt HSCA Pathology Panel (on the autopsy materials) HSCA Public Hearings Exhibits Is Vincent Bugliosi Right that Neutron Activation Analysis Proves Oswald's Guilt? by Gary L. Aguilar (Erik Randich, Pat Grant, Cliff Spiegelman and William A. Tobin Study) Early Papers on the Acoustic Evidence by Don Thomas Luis Alverez' tests by Steward Galanor Testimony of Dr. James Barger, 5 HSCA 650     ##################################################### Introduction to the 2013 Presentation on the HSCA By James DiEugenio Posted February 8, 2015   Further, many of the so-called scientific panels and experts that Blakey relied upon have also been called into serious question. For example, Vincent Guinn’s bullet lead analysis has today been completely discredited (James DiEugenio, Reclaiming Parkland, pgs. 71-76). Thomas Canning, his trajectory analyst, has also been undermined (Destiny Betrayed, p. 344). And Blakey accepted the so-called sniper’s nest evidence of the rifle and three shells. Further analysis has proven this evidence is dubious (ibid,, pgs. 343-44). ==================================== CTKA Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination by Donald Byron Thomas A Comprehensive Review: Part Two by David Mantik   Chapter 12: Bullet Trajectory (p. 421) This chapter is an effective annihilation of Thomas Canning’s trajectory work for the HSCA. Thomas goes into exquisite, and welcome, mathematical detail to expose Canning’s biases (social constructivism at work again, though Canning probably never heard that phrase). Thomas concludes that Canning’s analysis was thoroughly unscientific, even though in real life Canning was a rocket scientist. Canning’s analysis assumes, of course, that the magic bullet followed a straight line. However, the Forensic Pathology Panel had specifically advised the HSCA to avoid an analysis like Canning’s—because the data was too uncertain. Canning then proceeded to ignore this very advice. [DM: I have criticized Dale Myers for his computer reconstruction on these same grounds, i.e., uncertain data.] Thomas explicitly, and appropriately, chastises Canning for his bizarre concept of "the minimum reasonable margin of error," a concept that does not exist in standard practice. Canning’s chief concession though was this: the circle of potential error included parts of another building behind JFK! Of course, this statement was omitted from the final report. That would, after all, have opened the door to another gunman. One of Canning’s chief uncertainties for the head shot was the degree of deflection. Thomas asks whether 5º was reasonable. If so, why not 10º or even 15º? (Of course, this logic applies also to Thomas’s own proposal of a GK shot exiting JFK’s right occiput—more later about that.) He returns to the paper cited above by Karl Sellier (1971). But now Thomas is a bit more specific: deflection increases "...with the hardness of the bullet, the hardness of the target, and the angle of strike." Deflections as great as 65º were reported by Sellier when bullets struck metal plates. Since Thomas has just cited the "angle of approach" to JFK’s head (from the GK) as 50-60º, he seems to suggest that this 65º deflection (with metal plates) is both noteworthy and pertinent to the JFK case. Thomas then introduces the notion of yaw, which is the angle between the bullet’s axis of spin and its momentum vector (direction of travel), with the implication that a significant yaw may have contributed to the large deflection of a GK shot. I found this entire argument less than convincing, especially in view of Cyril Wecht’s verdict, already cited above. Thomas next tackles, in commendable detail, the trajectory of the neck wound. He concludes that the forward tilt of JFK, cited by Canning in order to facilitate the SBT, would require a man with the stature of Shaquille O’Neal (spelled "O’Neil"). His final conclusion though is that this type of trajectory analysis can neither prove nor disprove the SBT: "No precise alignment can be proven" because the data are simply too imprecise and the bullet track through tissue cannot now be known. I liked this conclusion very much—that’s just the way it is, but someone should tell Dale Myers. My summary. The magic bullet is a fiction. So is any other single bullet. The throat wound and the back wound were caused by separate events.
  6. Polish MPs Finally Admit Ukraine Is Awash with Nationalist Forces (link) Is Poland finally starting to realise that the Ukraine putsch government they have championed from the start is in fact infested by an ideology that glorifies the actual extermination of Polish citizens in what were horrific war crimes carried out during WW2?
  7. San Francisco jail inmates allegedly forced into 'gladiator-style' fights (link) The Department of Justice has been asked to investigate after prison guards allegedly forced inmates to engage in gladiator-style fights for “sadistic pleasure” and betting, in scenes the authorities said evoked Game of Thrones. An inmate at the San Francisco County jail who weighed 150lb was allegedly forced to fight a 350lb inmate, under threat of being beaten up and shot with a Taser by guards, Jeff Adachi, the San Francisco County public defender, said in a press conference on Thursday. Four sheriff’s deputies have been accused by three inmates of orchestrating vicious fights for their own amusement while encouraging them with chants. Adachi said the deputy who reportedly orchestrated the activities was accused in 2006 of sexually assaulting inmates, in a case that was later settled out of court.
  8. LANSDALE edit of larger thread named below   CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. = (Lansdale edit http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21367&p=289607 start thread)   Lansdale visited 3 special forces bases in the summer of 1963. The hierarchy of the CIA would use the best shooters available. Shooters from the special forces would be about the best. Most would refuse such a task but psychological/political expert Lansdale would be the perfect person to select those who would agree to the dirty deed. I do believe there was also an Army shooting team (at the Trade Mart) & (Army monitors also in DP) and a team that were tricked into "thinking'" they were part of a real shooting team (were spotters attached to nonexistant shooters off DP) connected to Walker. For completion there may have been a Cancellare truck bomb. These ideas help me explain all the tidbits I know. (GAAL) ######################### +++++++++++++++++++++++ part 8 (edited) CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it.   Peter Dale Scott theorized in Deep Politics and the Death of JFK that the stock transactions of the major stockholders of LTV (Harold Byrd (owner TSBD), Troy Post (financier) and James Ling (businessman) engineer) were made with foreknowledge of the JFK assassination. Troy Post was co-owner of Coconut micro island in Hawaii with California oil man Edwin Pauley JFK researcher Bruce Adamson acquired the 6 volume set of personal phone books of George De Mohrenschildt and noted that De Mohrenschildt had listed Edwin Pauleys name an unusual 4 times. ( To note to avoid confusion ,per Adamson ,George de Mohrenschildt also worked for CBS head William S. Paley after call to Paley's private secretary) The phone books also listed GHWB and also GHWB's intimate nickname "POPPY" ,which few knew. In the appendix of the Secret War Against the Jews book George de Mohrenschildt had the post WWII office number of Allen Dulles at RCA. William Paley (CBS) and Allen Dulles were very,very close friends (see letters Paley - Dulles, Adamson). Prescott Bush (father of GHWB, was a CBS trustee for 30 years (from the radio days to the TV days)) also was a friend of Allen Dulles from the 1930s. Edwin Pauley ,as was William Casey, were private post WWII operatives of Allen Dulles per Secret War Against the Jews book. Casey and Pauley were , per the Gold Warriors book , were top operatives (with Edwin Lansdale) in the ultra secret post WWII Asian-Japanese stolen gold project that help fund post WWII anti-communist CIA operations. Edwin Lansdale was considered by Fetcher Prouty to be a Allen Dulles operative inside the Air Force. Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt (brother of George de Mohrenschildt ) wrote a book in the 1950s with the nephew of Allen Dulles. In 63 William Casey worked with Prescott Bush Jr. (brother GHWB) in a think tank advocating a stronger CIA and increased CIA covert operations. Casey ,an operative of Allen Dulles, was connected to one of the head lawyers of the at the Treasury Department.   #######################   Lansdale was a Dulles Operative .Allen Dulles had to be involved in getting Lansdale promoted from colonel to general. And a number of other patterns are apparent such as social events with Charles Cabell. Edward Lansdale and Charles Cabell were very close. Lansdale's star sank over the horizon. Erskine retired and his whole shop was scattered. The Navy men went back to the navy as did the Army folks. Gen Wheeler in the JCS asked to have me assigned to the Joint Staff. This wiped out the whole Erskine (Office of Special Operations) office. It was comical. There was Lansdale up there all by himself with no office and no one else. He boiled and he blamed it on Kennedy for not giving him the "promised" Ambassadorship to let him "save" Vietnam. One of Lansdale's special "black" intelligence associates in the Pentagon was Dorothy Matlack of U.S. Army Intelligence. How does it happen that when deM. flew from Haiti to testify, he was met at the National Airport by Dorothy? Newman recalled from Lansdale's travel records that one of these other areas was some sort of a Cuban-exile camp. The record for that trip included a cover note to the person coordinating it telling him to keep quiet. Lansdale apparently wanted to make sure that no one knew that he was going there.84 There was also an honorary graduation certificate from the sniping school that the U.S. had in Panama. He went there, Newman recalled, in May or April 1963. He was made an honorary graduate there. Lansdale was going to various clandestine and special forces places in the spring and summer of 1963.85 In 1963, Lansdale was Fletcher Prouty's boss. Prouty insists that he was sent to the South Pole by Lansdale to get him out of the way so that he would not witness the events of November 22, 1963. Presumably this was done because if Prouty had been there he would have figured out what was going on. Prouty has claimed that in the photograph of the three tramps walking across Dealey Plaza, the man in a suit with what looks like a wire coming out of his ear and going into his suit coat is Edward Lansdale -- that he recognized the back of his head and his gate. Among Lansdale's letters, John Newman and David Lifton found a slip of paper that has "The Texas Hotel" on it and a phone number in Denton. Lansdale's letters also reveal that he was headed in the direction of Dallas in November 1963.91 Lansdale wrote to a number of friends and associates beginning in September 1963, of his intention to go to Texas in November. There are as many as ten letters, according to Newman, where he described this upcoming trip to two people. One was his son. The other one was General "Hangin' Sam" Williams, an old buddy and McGarr's predecessor in Vietnam. He lived in San Antonio.92 The last piece of paper that Newman found placing Lansdale physically in Washington is dated November 14, 1963. It concerns running errands for his wife. After that there is no record of his whereabouts except for a box of incidentals, which had this piece of paper in it. It has on it "Texas Hotel" and "Denton" and a name and phone number. As Newman said, "That might be from 1949 or it might be 1968 and again it might be November 1963. Because the Texas Hotel is where Kennedy stayed the night before he died, and Denton, Texas is just north here of Dallas, it all fits in.   +++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ part 4 (edited) CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it.   Allen Dulles: Edward Lansdale/ CHARLES A. WILLOUGHBY nexus. = Replies to website E-mail from Col. Fletcher Prouty From: Bill Gaskins Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 Subject: Lansdale's association with Gen. Charles Willoughby I am sorry to hear that Col. Prouty is unable to reply to questions. Perhaps you will find the following letter interesting, and will post it on the web site: This is a follow-up to a statement I made to Col. Prouty in 1994 on WCBM radio in Baltimore, Md. At that time Col. Prouty said that I was "confused" about my belief that Edward Lansdale and Gen. Charles Willoughby served together in the Philippines during World War II. According to the following two books, there appears to be a conflict concerning Lansdale's whereabouts during the war. The book "Edward Lansdale" (1988) by Cecil Curry states on page 26 that Ed Lansdale never left the United States during World War II. Lansdale admits that he served in the Philippines, but starting in September 1945, or right after the war. Lansdale joined the OSS in 1941. However, Curry notes that Lansdale's brother Phil said he believes Edward was out of the country during the war. And Curry concludes, "The real story of these events may never be learned." Col. Prouty states in his 1990 letter to Jim Garrison that Curry's book contains some "terrible fabrications," and that Lansdale was a "classic chameleon." The book "The Marcos Dynasty" (1988) by Sterling Seagrave states on page 143 that during WWII Lansdale served in the Philippines under Gen. Charles Willoughby with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Willoughby was MacArthur's army intelligence chief. Willoughby was a rabid anti-Communist, and was known as the "little fascist." Seagrave cites no reference for Lansdale's service other than "CIA documents." If Lansdale did serve under Gen. Willoughby, then this association has a possible sinister implication. In his 1992 book "The Man Who Knew Too Much," Dick Russell connects Willoughby with Allen Dulles,......... Col. Prouty knew Lansdale well. He believes, and I agree, that Lansdale orchestrated the JFK assassination. But who gave Lansdale the "go" signal? Col. Prouty's 1992 book "JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate JFK" does not address Seagrave's assertion. On page 63 he states that Lansdale "later" left the OSS for Army Intel and that Gen. MacArthur did not allow the OSS in the Pacific Theater. In 1949 Lansdale was under the direct command of Col. Richard Stilwell, an "experienced Far East hand." Although MacArthur was in Japan, Lansdale was still under his command. Therefore, Lansdale served in the Pacific Theater (the Philippines) for Willoughby after the war. The point that Russell makes, that Lansdale served under Willoughby, seems to be valid. Certainly Willoughby knew of Lansdale's exploits against Quirino in 1950. Thanks, Bill Gaskins = see post # 8 this thread PART 3 for Dulles / Lansdale nexus http://educationforu...=21367&p=289729   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ part 3 (edited) CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// http://spartacus-edu...OLDlansdale.htm ========================= On his return to the United States in 1948 Lansdale became a lecturer at the Strategic Intelligence School in Colorado. However, in 1950, Elpidio Quirino, the president of the Philippines, requested Lansdale's help in his fight against the communist insurrection taking place in his country. In the early 1950s, Allen Dulles gave Lansdale $5-million to finance CIA operations against the Hukbalahap movement, the rural peasant farmers fighting for land-reform in the Philippines. According to Sterling Seagrave Lansdale "was in and out of Tokyo on secret missions with a hand-picked team of Filipino assassins, assassinating leftists, liberals and progressives." CIA Director William Colby later commented: "Lansdale helped and perhaps created the best president the Philippines ever had...turned American policy away from support of French colonial rule in Vietnam to support of a non-Communist nationalist leader...he preached for Americans to support those willing to fight for themselves... He was one of the greatest spies in history... the stuff of legends." ========================= (3) L. Fletcher Prouty, letter to Jim Garrison (6th March, 1990) It is amazing how things work, I am at home recuperating from a major back operation (to regain my ability to walk); so I was tossing around in bed last night...not too comfortable...and I began to think of Garrison. I thought, "I have got to write Jim a letter detailing how I believe the whole job was done." By another coincidence I had received a fine set of twenty photos from the Sprague collection in Springfield, Mass. As the odds would have it, he is now living just around the corner here in Alexandria. Why not? Lansdale lived here, Fensterwald lives here, Ford used to live here. Quite a community. I was studying those photos. One of them is the "Tramps" picture that appears in your book. It is glossy and clear. Lansdale is so clearly identifiable. Why, Lansdale in Dallas? The others don't matter, they are nothing but actors and not gunmen but they are interesting. Others who knew Lansdale as well as I did, have said the same thing, "That's him and what's he doing there?" As I was reading the paper the Federal Express man came with a book from Jim, that unusual "Lansdale" book. A terrible biography. There could be a great biography about Lansdale. He's no angel; but he is worth a good biography. Currey, a paid hack, did the job. His employers ought to have let him do it right. I had known Ed since 1952 in the Philippines. I used to fly there regularly with my MATS Heavy Transport Squadron. As a matter of fact, in those days we used to fly wounded men, who were recuperating, from hospitals in Japan to Saigon for R&R on the beaches of Cap St Jacque. That was 1952-1953. Saigon was the Paris of the Orient. And Lansdale was "King Maker" of the Philippines. We always went by way of Manila. I met his team. He had arrived in Manila in Sept 1945, after the war was over, for a while. He had been sent back there in 1950 by the CIA(OPC) to create a new leader of the Philippines and to get rid of Querino. Sort of like the Marcos deal, or the Noriega operation. Lansdale did it better. I have overthrown a government but I didn't splash it all around like Reagan and Bush have done. Now, who sent him there? Who sent him there in 1950 (Truman era) to do a job that was not done until 1953 (Ike era)? From 1950 to Feb. 1953 the Director of Central Intelligence was Eisenhower's old Chief of Staff, Gen Walter Bedell Smith. Smith had been Ambassador to Moscow from 1946 to 1949. The lesser guys in the CIA at the time were Allen Dulles, who was Deputy Director Central Intelligence from Aug. 1951 to Feb. 1953. Frank Wisner became the Deputy Director, Plans (Clandestine Activities) when Dulles became DDCI. Lansdale had to have received his orders from among these four men: Truman, Smith, Dulles, and Wisner. Of course the Sec State could have had some input...i.e. Acheson. Who wanted Querino out, that badly? Who wanted HUKS there? In Jan 1953 Eisenhower arrived. John Foster Dulles was at State and Gen Smith his Deputy. Allen Dulles was the DCI and General Cabel his deputy. None of them changed Lansdale's prior orders to "get" Querino. Lansdale operated with abandon in the Philippines. The Ambassador and the CIA Station Chief, George Aurell, did not know what he was doing. They believed he was some sort of kook Air Force Officer there...a role Lansdale played to the hilt. Magsaysay became President, Dec 30, 1953. With all of this on the record, and a lot more, this guy Currey comes out of the blue with this purported "Biography". I knew Ed well enough and long enough to know that he was a classic chameleon. He would tell the truth sparingly and he would fabricate a lot. Still, I can not believe that he told Currey the things Currey writes. Why would Lansdale want Currey to perpetuate such out and out bullxxxx about him? Can't be. This is a terribly fabricated book. It's not even true about me. I believe that this book was ordered and delineated by the CIA. At least I know the truth about myself and about Gen. Krulak. Currey libels us terribly. In fact it may be Krulak who caused the book to be taken off the shelves. Krulak and his Copley Press cohorts have the power to get that done, and I encouraged them to do just that when it first came out. Krulak was mad! Ed told me many a time how he operated in the Philippines. He said, "All I had was a blank checkbook signed by the U.S. government". He made friends with many influential Filipinos. I have met Johnny Orendain and Col Valeriano, among others, in Manila with Lansdale. He became acquainted with the wealthiest Filipino of them all, Soriano. Currey never even mentions him. Soriano set up Philippine Airlines and owned the big San Miguel beer company, among other things. Key man in Asia. Lansdale's greatest strategy was to create the "HUKS" as the enemy and to make Magsaysay the "Huk Killer." He would take Magsaysay's battalion out into a "Huk" infested area. He would use movies and "battlefield" sound systems, i.e. fireworks to scare the poor natives. Then one-half of Magsaysay's battalion, dressed as natives, would "attack" the village at night. They'd fire into the air and burn some shacks. In the morning the other half, in uniform, would attack and "capture" the "Huks". They would bind them up in front of the natives who crept back from the forests, and even have a "firing" squad "kill" some of them. Then they would have Magsaysay make a big speech to the people and the whole battalion would roll down the road to have breakfast together somewhere...ready for the next "show". Ed would always see that someone had arranged to have newsmen and camera men there and Magsaysay soon became a national hero. This was a tough game and Ed bragged that a lot of people were killed; but in the end Magsaysay became the "elected" President and Querino was ousted "legally." This formula endeared Ed to Allen Dulles. In 1954 Dulles established the Saigon Military Mission in Vietnam...counter to Eisenhower's orders. He had the French accept Lansdale as its chief. This mission was not in Saigon. It was not military, and its job was subversion in Vietnam. Its biggest job was that it got more than 1,100,000 northern Vietnamese to move south. 660,000 by U.S.Navy ships and the rest by CIA airline planes. These 1,100,000 north Vietnamese became the "subversive" element in South Vietnam and the principal cause of the warmaking. Lansdale and his cronies (Bohanon, Arundel, Phillips, Hand, Conein and many others) did all that using the same check book. I was with them many times during 1954. All Malthuseanism. I have heard him brag about capturing random Vietnamese and putting them in a Helicopter. Then they would work on them to make them "confess" to being Viet Minh. When they would not, they would toss them out of the chopper, one after the other, until the last ones talked. This was Ed's idea of fun...as related to me many times. Then Dulles, Adm. Radford and Cardinal Spellman set up Ngo Dinh Diem. He and his brother, Nhu, became Lansdale proteges. At about 1957 Lansdale was brought back to Washington and assigned to Air Force Headquarters in a Plans office near mine. He was a fish out of water. He didn't know Air Force people and Air Force ways. After about six months of that, Dulles got the Office of Special Operations under General Erskine to ask for Lansdale to work for the Secretary of Defense. Erskine was man enough to control him. By 1960 Erskine had me head the Air Force shop there. He had an Army shop and a Navy shop and we were responsible for all CIA relationships as well as for the National Security Agency. Ed was still out of his element because he did not know the services; but the CIA sent work his way. Then in the Fall of 1960 something happened that fired him up. Kennedy was elected over Nixon. Right away Lansdale figured out what he was going to do with the new President. Overnight he left for Saigon to see Diem and to set up a deal that would make him, Lansdale, Ambassador to Vietnam. He had me buy a "Father of his Country" gift for Diem...$700.00. I can't repeat all of this but you should get a copy of the Gravel edition, 5 Vol.'s, of the Pentagon Papers and read it. The Lansdale accounts are quite good and reasonably accurate. Ed came back just before the Inauguration and was brought into the White House for a long presentation to Kennedy about Vietnam. Kennedy was taken by it and promised he would have Lansdale back in Vietnam "in a high office". Ed told us in OSO he had the Ambassadorship sewed up. He lived for that job. He had not reckoned with some of JFK's inner staff, George Ball, etc. Finally the whole thing turned around and month by month Lansdale's star sank over the horizon. Erskine retired and his whole shop was scattered. The Navy men went back to the navy as did the Army folks. Gen Wheeler in the JCS asked to have me assigned to the Joint Staff. This wiped out the whole Erskine (Office of Special Operations) office. It was comical. There was Lansdale up there all by himself with no office and no one else. He boiled and he blamed it on Kennedy for not giving him the "promised" Ambassadorship to let him "save" Vietnam. Then with the failure of the Bay of Pigs, caused by that phone call to cancel the air strikes by McGeorge Bundy, the military was given the job of reconstituting some sort of Anti-Castro operation. It was headed by an Army Colonel; but somehow Lansdale (most likely CIA influence) got put into the plans for Operation Mongoose...to get Castro...ostensibly. The U.S. Army has a think-tank at American University. It was called "Operation Camelot". This is where the "Camelot" concept came from. It was anti-JFK's Vietnam strategy. The men running it were Lansdale types, Special Forces background. "Camelot" was King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table: not JFK...then. Through 1962 and 1963 Mongoose and "Camelot" became strong and silent organizations dedicated to countering JFK. Mongoose had access to the CIA's best "hit men" in the business and a lot of "strike" capability. Lansdale had many old friends in the media business such as Joe Alsop, Henry Luce among others. With this background and with his poisoned motivation I am positive that he got collateral orders to manage the Dallas event under the guise of "getting" Castro. It is so simple at that level. A nod from the right place, source immaterial, and the job's done. The "hit" is the easy part. The "escape" must be quick and professional. The cover-up and the scenario are the big jobs. They more than anything else prove the Lansdale mastery. Lansdale was a master writer and planner. He was a great "scenario" guy. It still have a lot of his personally typed material in my files. I am certain that he was behind the elaborate plan and mostly the intricate and enduring cover-up. Given a little help from friends at PEPSICO he could easily have gotten Nixon into Dallas, for "orientation': and LBJ in the cavalcade at the same time, contrary to Secret Service policy. He knew the "Protection" units and the "Secret Service", who was needed and who wasn't. Those were routine calls for him, and they would have believed him. Cabell could handle the police. The "hit men" were from CIA overseas sources, for instance, from the "Camp near Athena, Greece. They are trained, stateless, and ready to go at any time. They ask no questions: speak to no one. They are simply told what to do, when and where. Then they are told how they will be removed and protected. After all, they work for the U.S. Government. The "Tramps" were actors doing the job of cover-up. The hit men are just pros. They do the job for the CIA anywhere. They are impersonal. They get paid. They get protected, and they have enough experience to "blackmail" anyone, if anyone ever turns on them...just like Drug agents. The job was clean, quick and neat. No ripples. The whole story of the POWER of the Cover-up comes down to a few points. There has never been a Grand Jury and trial in Texas. Without a trial there can be nothing. Without a trial it does no good for researchers to dig up data. It has no place to go and what the researchers reveal just helps make the cover-up tighter, or they eliminate that evidence and the researcher. The first man LBJ met with on Nov 29th, after he had cleared the foreign dignitaries out of Washington was Waggoner Carr, Atty Gen'l, Texas to tell him, "No trial in Texas...ever." The next man he met, also on Nov 29th, was J. Edgar Hoover. The first question LBJ asked his old "19 year" neighbor in DC was "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ thought that THEY had been shooting at him also as they shot at his friend John Connally. Note that he asked, "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ knew there were several hitmen. That's the ultimate clue...THEY. The Connallys said the same thing...THEY. Not Oswald. Then came the heavily loaded press releases about Oswald all written before the deal and released actually before LHO had ever been charged with the crime. I bought the first newspaper EXTRA on the streets of Christchurch, New Zealand with the whole LHO story in that first news...photos and columns of it before the police in Dallas had yet to charge him with that crime. All this canned material about LHO was flashed around the world. Lansdale and his Time-Life and other media friends, with Valenti in Hollywood, have been doing that cover-up since Nov 1963. Even the deMorenschildt story enhances all of this. In deM's personal telephone/address notebook he had the name of an Air Force Colonel friend of mine, Howard Burrus. Burrus was always deep in intelligence. He had been in one of the most sensitive Attache spots in Europe...Switzerland. He was a close friend of another Air Force Colonel and Attache, Godfrey McHugh, who used to date Jackie Bouvier. DeM had Burrus listed under a DC telephone number and on that same telephone number he had "L.B.Johnson, Congressman." Quite a connection. Why...from the Fifties yet.? Godfrey McHugh was the Air Force Attache in Paris. Another most important job. I knew him well, and I transferred his former Ass't Attache to my office in the Pentagon. This gave me access to a lot of information I wanted in the Fifties. This is how I learned that McHugh's long-time special "date" was the fair Jacqueline...yes, the same Jackie Bouvier. Sen. Kennedy met Jackie in Paris when he was on a trip. At that time JFK was dating a beautiful SAS Airline Stewardess who was the date of that Ass't Attache who came to my office. JFK dumped her and stole Jackie away from McHugh. Leaves McHugh happy???? At the JFK Inaugural Ball who should be there but the SAS stewardess, Jackie--of course, and Col Godfrey McHugh. JFK made McHugh a General and made him his "Military Advisor" in the White House where he was near Jackie while JFK was doing all that official travelling connected with his office AND other special interests. Who recommended McHugh for the job? General McHugh was in Dallas and was on Air Force One, with Jackie, on the flight back to Washington..as was Jack Valenti. Why was LBJ's old cohort there at that time and why was he on Air Force One? He is now the Movie Czar. Why in Dallas? See how carefully all of this is interwoven. Burrus is now a very wealthy man in Washington. I have lost track of McHugh. And Jackie is doing well. All in the Lansdale--deM shadows. One of Lansdale's special "black" intelligence associates in the Pentagon was Dorothy Matlack of U.S. Army Intelligence. How does it happen that when deM. flew from Haiti to testify, he was met at the National Airport by Dorothy? The Lansdale story is endless. What people do not do is study the entire environment of his strange career. For example: the most important part of my book, "The Secret Team", is not something that I wrote. It is Appendix III under the title, "Training Under The Mutual Security Program". This is a most important bit of material. It tells more about the period 1963 to 1990 than anything. I fought to have it included verbatim in the book. This material was the work of Lansdale and his crony General Dick Stillwell. Anyone interested in the "JFK Coup d'Etat" ought to know it by heart. I believe this document tells why the Coup took place. It was to reverse the sudden JFK re-orientation of the U.S. Government from Asia to Europe, in keeping with plans made in 1943 at Cairo and Teheran by T.V. Soong and his Asian masterminds. Lansdale and Stillwell were long-time "Asia hands" as were Gen Erskine, Adm Radford, Cardinal Spellman, Henry Luce and so many others. In October 1963, JFK had just signalled this reversal, to Europe, when he published National Security Action Memorandum #263 saying...among other things...that he was taking 1000 troops home from Vietnam by Christmas 1963 and ALL AMERICANS out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. That cost him his life. JFK came to that "Pro-Europe" conclusion in the Summer of 1963 and sent Gen Krulak to Vietnam for advance work. Kurlak and I (with others) wrote that long "Taylor-McNamara" Report of their "Visit to Vietnam" (obviously they did not write, illustrate and bind it as they traveled). Krulak got his information daily in the White House. We simply wrote it. That led to NSAM #263. This same Trip Report is Document #142 and appears on page 751 to 766 of Vol. II of the Gravel Edition of the Pentagon Papers. NSAM #263 appears on pages 769-770 (It makes the Report official). This major Report and NSAM indicated an enormous shift in the orientation of U.S. Foreign Policy from Asia back to Europe. JFK was much more Europe- oriented, as was his father, than pro-Asia. This position was anathema to the Asia-born Luces, etc. There is the story from an insider. I sat in the same office with Lansdale, (OSO of OSD) for years. I listened to him in Manila and read his flurry of notes from 1952 to 1964. I know all this stuff, and much more. I could write ten books. I send this to you because I believe you are one of the most sincere of the "true researchers". ##################################################### ##################################################### http://www.acorn.net...e/rambler1.html == By 1961 Rostow was also working closely with Edward G. Lansdale. Lansdale was an Air Force Major General at the time of his retirement on November 1, 1963. He had an advertising background and extensive counter-insurgency experience in Southeast Asia. Lansdale is credited in many circles with coming up with the idea, single handed, that destroyed the Huk rebellion in the early fifties in the Philippines. The Huk were very superstitious. They believed in vampires. Lansdale got a few dead Huk bodies, put holes in their necks and hung them upside down.69 Like Rostow, Lansdale was a veteran of the OSS. He had served in Vietnam during the Eisenhower administration and had become a close personal friend of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem.70 His advertising background blended well with his expertise: psychological warfare; or psy-ops. There are now manuals on psy-ops and Lansdale is considered the father of that type of warfare. He was the model for the imperialistic "Colonel Hillindale" in the William Lederer/Eugene Burdick novel The Ugly American; the most celebrated American dark spy.71 During January through April of 1961, Lansdale's overriding motive was to be Ambassador to South Vietnam. Lansdale, by that time, was probably the only American advisor Diem trusted. Diem was very isolated by then. After his first White House meeting with Lansdale on Vietnam, Kennedy had decided to fire Ambassador Elbridge Durbrow. Kennedy would change his mind about this in a month or two.72 Following the firing of Durbrow, Kennedy appointed Frederick E. Nolting. So Lansdale sought to capture the apparatus to formulate, approve and implement Vietnam policy and be the key player in all three stages until a U.S. victory was achieved in Vietnam. It almost worked. The reason it did not, as far as military historian John Newman can tell, is because Dean Rusk threatened to resign if Lansdale got his way. Lansdale's letters from 1964 show that he found out from some of his contacts that Rusk had laid his job on the line.73 As the author of the book JFK and Vietnam, John M. Newman, explained: "Lansdale's a loose cannon on deck. Kennedy liked him, at least initially for a while, but he had big problems. No doubt about it. In the Pentagon, the Pentagon brass didn't like him. Secretary of State Rusk did not like him. However he did have a big patron in Kennedy's inner circle....Walt Rostow! Walt Rostow, the Vietnam guy. And I was able to track this fairly successfully I think. If it weren't for Walt Rostow, Lansdale wouldn't have had a prayer with this crazy plan of his to try and capture this emerging Vietnam policy apparatus."74 So in the first four months of the Kennedy Administration Lansdale sought the ambassadorship and then control of the emerging policy apparatus of Vietnam and failed at both. The only evidence of Rusk's motive is a document released in 1991 by the State Department. It is a document in which Rusk wrote about not trusting Lansdale. He was unsure of Lansdale's loyalties.75 Although he cannot document it, Newman is certain that Lansdale worked for the CIA while wearing an Air Force uniform. One indication of this in Lansdale's private letters and memoranda is that General Curtis Le May, the Air Chief of Staff, seemed to be unable to promote him. Allen Dulles had to be involved in getting Lansdale promoted from colonel to general. And a number of other patterns are apparent such as social events with Charles Cabell. Edward Lansdale and Charles Cabell were very close.76 The end result of these first few months, in essence, is that Lansdale was fired from any position on Vietnam policy. For Edward Lansdale that was a traumatic experience. Vietnam was his primary concern. South Vietnam was his creation. In his book, Newman stopped writing about Lansdale at that point although there was a lot more to him. It involved Cuba and Operation Mongoose and other matters that were not the focus of his book.77 Lansdale had lost something that mattered a great deal to him. In his letters he wrote about going through the experience of being relieved of these responsibilities in Vietnam. Newman describes him as a man whose heart was broken "because he could not play any more in his favorite sandbox." By the end of 1961 Kennedy had put him in charge of Operation Mongoose. He was in charge of an enormous apparatus with tremendous resources, weapons and personnel. Newman, having read the NSC meeting minutes where Kennedy announced Lansdale was now going to be in charge of Mongoose, believes that Kennedy did not appreciate the way Lansdale related to being involved in Vietnam policy.78 With such extreme feelings about his predicament in 1961, Lansdale might have gone any number of ways to rectify his situation. What was he thinking? In what direction and how far would he go? Newman summarized the portion of his book in which he dealt with that question: Lansdale was not a combat troops man, yet the very first piece of paper ever in the history of the Vietnam war where an American officer recommends a U.S. troop commitment to Vietnam, Lansdale was the one who authors it. It's right in that critical time frame right after the failure at the Bay of Pigs; right before the crucial decision Kennedy has to make on going into Laos. His Vietnam Task Force paper is coming in through the door. The night, the very night that the Joint Chiefs figure out that Kennedy is going to say no on Laos, Lansdale, late at night in the Pentagon, slips in this combat troop proposal in the Vietnam Task Force report. It's not like him. The way I interpret that -- and I may be in error -- the way I interpret that is he understands that the star rising on the horizon is U.S. intervention in Vietnam. And he understands that he has lost his position in the Kennedy administration which has a decidedly different approach. So he switches forces and he joins forces with those planning for intervention. And it was a good decision on his part, was it not? He was there when they arrived. He was on the team.79 The Mongoose files of the Senate Church Committee reveal that they wanted to know when and who authorized assassination. The Kennedy Administration had supposedly gotten away from that. It was clear to the committee, however, that they had not. There were plans and resources being devoted to assassinate Castro. So the purpose of the questioning was to find out who, and when it was authorized.80 Lansdale testified that he did it all alone. When asked why, his answer was that during the missile crisis the Russians had changed the terms of reference by putting missiles in Cuba. So Lansdale decided all on his own that he was going to change things and get rid of Castro. After reading a pre-galley copy of JFK and Vietnam, Daniel Ellsberg called Newman one night very excitedly. Ellsberg had worked with Lansdale and knew him extremely well. He said, "This is the first time I've ever thought that Lansdale might have been involved in the assassination." Ellsberg based this on Lansdale being removed from Vietnam planning and moved to Operation Mongoose.81 By February 1963 Lansdale had no position in Cuban policy and was focusing on Latin America. He was traveling to countries like Bolivia and elsewhere. The U.S. had a lot of personnel in South America under Kennedy. And a lot of them ended up going to Vietnam. According to Newman there is a blind spot as to exactly what they were doing and how many people the U.S. had in Latin America.82 "I can tell you," Newman said, "that in the collateral research that I did, names that I came across, I found a correlation between -- I don't say this is definitive but I got a lot of hits -- the same names of the guys that were running around in Latin America, particularly in Cuban policy, end up in the Far East Division. Very strange coincidence. There were three -- it wasn't just one -- there were several. A neat nexus between the Southeast Asian guys and Cuban guys."83 Lansdale was also spending a lot of time at air bases and other areas in the southern United States; in Florida and in Alabama. Newman recalled from Lansdale's travel records that one of these other areas was some sort of a Cuban-exile camp. The record for that trip included a cover note to the person coordinating it telling him to keep quiet. Lansdale apparently wanted to make sure that no one knew that he was going there.84 There was also an honorary graduation certificate from the sniping school that the U.S. had in Panama. He went there, Newman recalled, in May or April 1963. He was made an honorary graduate there. Lansdale was going to various clandestine and special forces places in the spring and summer of 1963.85 One more event that Newman remembered from the spring 1963 period was that Lansdale was due to retire. And he was extended by Le May, arbitrarily, for another six months or so to November 1, 1963; with no job; no real responsibilities. Fletcher Prouty claims Lansdale was just at a desk by himself.86 In the summer of 1963 there were two interesting events concerning Vietnam. The U.S. had a problem with Diem. The regime would not compromise at all. It went in the opposite direction. Buddhists were killed. They began immolating themselves. The regime still would not relent. The political bottom completely fell out in Saigon.87 Newman said he came across an intriguing article in a local, small magazine from this period. It had a picture of Lansdale and a typical title like, "America's Most Celebrated Spy." It was about a Lansdale trip to Saigon. His travel records, however, indicate that he was not supposed to be in Saigon. This was around July-August 1963.88 The article reported an assassination attempt on Lansdale. The assassins missed and somebody killed the alleged assassin. Then he went to a meeting with Ambassador Lodge. According to Newman, "This is clearly impossible from the record because Lansdale has no authority or position to be involved in Vietnam policy. It would make sense in terms of going back and pleading with Diem and getting Lansdale to do it. Maybe Diem would listen to Lansdale. But I did find a record. He might have been in Saigon." Newman found evidence of a six- or seven-day break in Lansdale's normal activities.89 Among Lansdale's contacts in the last three to four months of Kennedy's life, Newman found "a lot of Spanish names. I found names that were reminiscent of CIA type folks."90 In 1963, Lansdale was Fletcher Prouty's boss. Prouty insists that he was sent to the South Pole by Lansdale to get him out of the way so that he would not witness the events of November 22, 1963. Presumably this was done because if Prouty had been there he would have figured out what was going on. Prouty has claimed that in the photograph of the three tramps walking across Dealey Plaza, the man in a suit with what looks like a wire coming out of his ear and going into his suit coat is Edward Lansdale -- that he recognized the back of his head and his gate. Among Lansdale's letters, John Newman and David Lifton found a slip of paper that has "The Texas Hotel" on it and a phone number in Denton. Lansdale's letters also reveal that he was headed in the direction of Dallas in November 1963.91 Lansdale wrote to a number of friends and associates beginning in September 1963, of his intention to go to Texas in November. There are as many as ten letters, according to Newman, where he described this upcoming trip to two people. One was his son. The other one was General "Hangin' Sam" Williams, an old buddy and McGarr's predecessor in Vietnam. He lived in San Antonio.92 The last piece of paper that Newman found placing Lansdale physically in Washington is dated November 14, 1963. It concerns running errands for his wife. After that there is no record of his whereabouts except for a box of incidentals, which had this piece of paper in it. It has on it "Texas Hotel" and "Denton" and a name and phone number. As Newman said, "That might be from 1949 or it might be 1968 and again it might be November 1963. Because the Texas Hotel is where Kennedy stayed the night before he died, and Denton, Texas is just north here of Dallas, it all fits in. But it certainly is not conclusive."93 Lansdale dropped out of sight at this point. He resurfaced back in Washington in the Food for Peace Program and was soon given a job by Johnson back in Vietnam. He had contacts who got him interviews in the White House. In fact he would be on the ground in Vietnam when U.S. combat troops arrived.94 = 69. Unpublished Transcript: John M. Newman with Gus Russo, "Unscheduled Workshop on Major General Edward G. Lansdale, Colonel Howard L. Burris and Air Force Intelligence Connections to the Kennedy Assassination," Second Annual Assassination Symposium on John F. Kennedy, Hyatt Regency Hotel at Reunion Square, Dallas, Tx., Oct. 24, 1992, p. 1. 70. John M. Newman, JFK and Vietnam, (NY: Warner Books, 1992), p. 3. 71. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 1. 72. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 3. 73. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 3. 74. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 14. 75. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 3. 76. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 3-4. 77. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 4. 78. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 4. 79. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 13-14. 80. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 5. 81. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 4-5. 82. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 5. 83. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 27. 84. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 85. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 86. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 87. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 88. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 9. 89. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 9-10. 90. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 10. 91. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 2; Stone, JFK: The Book of the Film, pp. 182-183. 92. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 11; Stone, JFK: The Book of the Film, p. 183. 93. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 11-12. 94. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 12.
  9. FAITH UNDER FIRE Judge convicts Christian for voicing Bible verse Says OK to preach from Leviticus 18, but not Leviticus 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------oo-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/03/michael_overd.jpg Michael Overd A Christian street preacher convicted and fined by a U.K. judge, who also serves with an Islamic Shariah court, is guilty of having breached the public order by his choice of Bible verses. Michael Overd, a former British paratrooper who has been street preaching for five years, was convicted this week of delivering “homophobic sermons” over a loudspeaker in Taunton, Somerset, last summer. Overd faced two charges relating to claims by homosexuals he had offended them and another of causing “racially aggravated” harassment targeted at Muslims, the BBC reported. He was found guilty of only one of the “homophobic” charges. Overd, 50, was fined $300 and ordered to pay compensation and costs totaling $1,800 at Bristol Crown Court. “I have been ordered to pay compensation for causing ‘emotional pain’ to someone who approached me aggressively demanding to debate the issue,” said Overd. “There was no harm, injury or theft, just a simple disagreement over theology which I have now been fined for.” District Judge Shamim Ahmed Qureshi told Overd he should not have referenced Leviticus chapter 20 in explaining the biblical view on homosexuality, but “clearly indicated that he could have used chapter 18 of the book,” reported Christian Concern. Qureshi, who according to a 2009 article in “The Brief,” chronicling the rise of Shariah law in Britain, serves with the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, the overseer of the nation’s Shariah courts. Qureshi found no problem with Overd’s use of Leviticus 18:22 which describes homosexual activity as an “abomination,” but a reference to Leviticus 20:13 was impermissible because it prescribed the death penalty. Overd agreed he used Leviticus 20 in his comments but never referenced the death penalty. “I am being punished for words that never passed my lips,” he said. Overd, who initially told the judge he would not pay the fine but relented when threatened with 45 days in jail, took particular issue with Qureshi dictating which passages from the Bible were lawful for him to use. “I am amazed that the judge sees it as his role to dictate which parts of the Bible can and can’t be preached,” he said. “I did not quote the full text of Leviticus 20 or make reference to the death penalty, but the judge is telling me that I should use other parts of the Bible. This is not free speech but censorship. The judge is redacting the Bible. During sentencing, Qureshi criticized Overd’s speaking style and his training as a preacher. “In my view he enjoys coaxing people into asking him questions so that he can reply loudly into the microphone to answer them. The only semblance of civilized conversation is when they commend him, if they disagree he shouts them down.” Accusing Overd of “double standards,” Qureshi said the street preacher believed he was right and everyone else was wrong. Qureshi continued: Overd “does not display any scholarly approach to the topics but merely preaches whatever little he had learned, regardless of being rude or bullying to others. He happily shouts out the negative points in any other religion.” Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Center – Overd’s attorney – disagrees. “Mike is clear that he is motivated by love, not hate. Indeed, this is in line with the message of the Bible,” she said in defense of her client. “It’s clear from the evidence that he has consistently dealt with people’s objections in a balanced and reasonable way. He has explained his beliefs. He hasn’t been aggressive or targeted anybody in particular. The evidence bears all this out. “Mike’s boldness and his witness to Jesus is remarkably similar to that of the apostles in the early years of the church. “They were also hauled before the courts to defend themselves for preaching a message of love and truth. They also faced trumped up accusations in an attempt to portray them as ‘disruptive.’ “Now, as then, the disruptive ones appear to be the people who bring accusations, on the flimsiest of evidence, against a man who loves Jesus and loves people. This is why Mike gets up and preaches in Taunton town center. “There will always be those who disagree with the Bible’s teaching. But we should defend to the hilt the freedom to proclaim it in a loving way, which is what Mike Overd always seeks to do.” As for Overd, he said he has no intention of allowing the court to dictate his street preaching. “I follow my Lord and leader, so I won’t tone down,” said Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/judge-convicts-christian-for-using-bible-verse/#s3i2HC2F5aEUwv1s.99
  10. ‘They don’t want to get rid of ISIS completely, no serious effort to fight terror’ – Assad Submitted by WorkerAnt#11, on March 27th, 2015 Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/they-dont-want-to-get-rid-of-isis-completely-no-serious-effort-to-fight-terror-assad/#zbB8BeUJDRsPx7Li.99 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Assad: Anti-ISIS coalition doesn’t want to get rid of Islamic State completely The alliance of 60 countries declaring plans to finish off the Islamic State is not serious, Syrian President Bashar Assad told Russian media. Some of its members would prefer to retain the terrorist force to blackmail different countries, he said. The rate of airstrikes conducted by the anti-ISIS coalition member states, some of which are “rich and advanced,” is only about 10 raids a day on the territory of both Syria and Iraq, Assad said in an interview published Friday. “The Syrian Air Force, which is very small in comparison to this coalition, conducts in a single day many times the number of the airstrikes conducted by a coalition which includes 60 countries,” Assad said. “This doesn’t make sense. This shows the lack of seriousness,” said Syria’s president. “They don’t want to get rid of ISIS completely.” “There is no serious effort to fight terrorism, and what is being achieved by the Syrian forces on the ground equals in one day what is being achieved by these states in weeks,” Assad said. “An anti-terrorist coalition cannot consist of countries which are themselves supporters of terrorism.” ‘Peacekeepers in Syria would mean recognition of Islamic State’ Moreover, he warned that the decision to send peacekeepers into Syria is unacceptable and could have dangerous consequences. If implemented, the move would mean recognizing Islamic State. “The peacekeeping force is usually based between countries at war with each other. And when someone talks about sending peacekeepers to deal with IS, that acknowledges IS as a state. Such rhetoric is unacceptable and dangerous,” Assad said. The Syrian president said the West does not have a political solution to the crisis in Syria, claiming it is only interested in destroying the government. “They want to turn us into puppets. I do not think that the West has a political solution. It does not want one. When I say the West, I am primarily referring to the US, France, the UK. Other countries are secondary.” To put an end to the ongoing armed conflict in Syria between the government troops and international militants, such countries as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some European countries should stop arming the terrorists, the Syrian president said. = http://rt.com/news/244457-assad-interview-us-ukraine-syria/ = US warns Damascus against interfering with its ‘aerial assets’ in Syrian airspace The Pentagon is yet to officially acknowledge the downing of a surveillance drone over ISIS-free territory controlled by the Syrian govt, but scarce details of the incident hint at US involvement going beyond its self-mandated anti-ISIS plan in Syria. Anonymously, US military sources have confirmed that the country has lost contact with one of its drones over Syria, after SANA news agency reported Syrian government forces shot down a hostile drone in Latakia province. Sources however did not reveal the cause of the incident. At about 1740 GMT, US military controllers “lost contact with a US MQ-1 Predator unarmed remotely piloted aircraft operating over northwest Syria,” a US defense official said in an email Tuesday. “At this time, we have no information to corroborate press reports that the aircraft was shot down. We are looking into the incident and will provide more details when available.” = http://rt.com/usa/242065-us-drone-downed-syria/ = ISIS has recruited 400 children in Syria since January – report At least 400 children have been recruited in Syria by Islamic State militants over the past three months. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the so-called ‘Cubs of the Caliphate’ have received military and religious training. The monitoring group said that children under 18 have been recruited near schools, mosques and other public areas. It also added that the children are taught being to fire live ammunition, fight in battles and drive in the training camps. Sometimes militants use them as spies or guards. They also welcome children with birth defects into their ranks. The Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL) encourages parents to send kids to the training camps, and also recruits them directly – often luring them with money or other benefits. The head of the Observatory, Rami Abdulrahman, explained what could be behind their actions. “They use children because it is easy to brainwash them. They can build these children into what they want, they stop them from going to school and send them to IS schools instead,” Abdulrahman said.\== http://rt.com/news/243701-isis-recruited-children-syria/ = Syria’s Assad calls chemical attack allegations ‘propaganda’ BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian President Bashar Assad has rejected allegations that his military used barrel bombs or chlorine gas against opposition-held areas, calling the accusations “malicious propaganda.” In an interview with CBS News, the Syrian leader also said that he would be open to a dialogue with the United States, but that it must be “based on mutual respect.” CBS published excerpts of the interview online Friday. The Syrian opposition and activists say government helicopters dropped bombs containing chlorine gas on the town of Sarmin in northwestern Syria’s Idlib province on March 16, killing six people. Videos posted online showed people struggling to breathe, and the international humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders said symptoms described by medics in contact with the group clearly indicate the presence of chlorine poisoning. Assad dismissed the accusations, saying “this is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” and suggesting the rebels were behind the alleged chlorine attack. “It’s not used as military gas. That’s very self-evident. Traditional arms is more important than chlorine, and if it was very effective, the terrorists would have used it on a larger scale,” he said. The government refers to its opponents as “terrorists.” Also Friday, several rebel factions pressed their offensive on the government-held northwestern city of Idlib, capturing several outlying neighborhoods, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The group said 14 rebels and six troops were killed Friday, adding that many more from both sides are feared dead. Syrian state TV said the air force carried out heavy raids on the outskirts of Idlib and nearby villages, killing “a number of terrorists.” It said the armed forces are fighting “fierce battles” in the city of Idlib and its outskirts. State TV said “thousands of terrorists are coming from Turkey to attack Idlib and its suburbs.” Turkey is one of the main backers of the rebels. = http://bigstory.ap.org/article/9c051746201b4100b3738e55ea1c164f/syrias-assad-says-open-dialogue-united-states Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/they-dont-want-to-get-rid-of-isis-completely-no-serious-effort-to-fight-terror-assad/#zbB8BeUJDRsPx7Li.99
  11. CIA Refuses to Share Updated Intelligence on MH17 Crash – US Journalist = = >>>>>>>>>>>>@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<<<<<<<<<<< ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 70 Views 28 March 2015 No Comments Lies & Conspiracy Réseau International The US Central Intelligence Agency will not release an updated assessment of the Malaysia MH17 flight crash because it would exonerate the Russian government from involvement, US journalist Robert Parry, known for helping expose the Iran-Contra affair, told Sputnik. Robert Parry WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines aircraft Boeing 777 crashed in Ukraine’s eastern region, killing all 298 people on board. Kiev was quick to accuse independence supporters in eastern Ukraine of shooting the plane down using Russian-made missiles.“Obviously, there have been updates they [CIA] just don’t want to say what they are,” Parry said. “I’ve been told the intelligence points in a different direction… there’s no evidence that the Russian government gave these missiles to the rebels. There’s even evidence that points to someone besides the rebels being implicated.” Parry said when he asked the CIA for an update they provided him with the July 22 assessment, which was released just five days after the disaster and is now over eight months old. Reliable sources told Parry that the CIA has indeed conducted more assessments of the crash based on fresher intelligence. However, he said the CIA responded to his pleas by maintaining that there were no updates.“They [CIA] have a great deal of intelligence on MH17. They not only had satellite images, they also had intercepts. Not giving away secrets, but the United States does have capabilities to pry into people’s phone calls and other things,” Parry stressed. “And they’ve evaluated this information. But, they won’t share it.” On March 19, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Western media have ignored officially documented information from eyewitnesses previously obtained by Russian media and investigators, including those indicating the presence of a Ukrainian military jet in the vicinity of the doomed flight. A final investigation report is expected to be published by the Dutch Safety Board by mid-2015. === http://sputniknews.com/military/20150327/1020072414.html#ixzz3Vetln4oM
  12. This brand new 65-minute DVD makes it clear that the complexities of human reproduction demonstrate that life couldn’t possibly have evolved! Dr. Randy Guliuzza shows that biological systems are fully integrated-they have key parts that fit together for an intended purpose and break down when those parts are altered or removed. Approaching the subject in a tastefull manner, Dr. Guliuzza takes his audience through the detailed process of reproductive physiology and microscopic anatomy required for the making of a human baby. ========================================== https://vimeo.com/79678577 video
  13. see post # 18 above @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I met with Palmer McBride via researcher William Weston. He seemed a real and truthful man......case closed ?? >> H & L true .......
  14. Well of course you can Mark, there's a well remembered expression from the 60's...."if you remember Woodstock, it just proves you weren't really there". // HANCOCK ================== I get it >>>>>>>>>>>>> Harvey smoked and his shoulders sloped !! (GAAL)
  15. Report: US-Backed Forces Committing Atrocities, Fueling Sectarianism in Iraq Published on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Report: US-Backed Forces Committing Atrocities, Fueling Sectarianism in Iraq Human Rights Watch investigation finds Iraqi military forces, Shiite militias, and volunteer fighters carried out arson, demolitions, and abductions in aftermath of Amerli operation in September ====== by Sarah Lazare, staff writer Satellite image of an arson attack in Habash, Iraq on September 17, 2014. (Photo: CNES) An investigation released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch adds to mounting evidence that U.S.-backed forces in Iraq are fueling sectarianism and committing atrocities against Sunnis in the ongoing war on ISIS. The 31-page report (pdf) focuses on the aftermath of an early September offensive by Iraqi military forces, Shiite militias, and volunteer fighters, directly supported by U.S. airstrikes, which was aimed at clearing ISIS forces in and around the town of Amerli, in northern Iraq. The administration of President Barack Obama touted the operation as a a success story and even called it an "important humanitarian mission." However, the HRW investigation tells a different story: of revenge attacks and, according to key witnesses, ethnic cleansing. For at least two months after ISIS fled the area, Iraqi forces and militias raided Sunni-majority towns near Amerli in Salah al-Din and Kirkuk provinces. This included stealing civilians' possessions and destroying buildings—and entire villages—through arson, explosives, and demolition. Researchers say at least 11 men were abducted. However, they note, "local residents said many other men of fighting age had gone missing." The report states that motives included "revenge attacks against civilians believed to have collaborated with ISIS, and collective punishment against Sunnis and other minorities on the basis of their sect." The scale of destruction was staggering, interviews with witnesses and reviews of photo, video, and satellite evidence show. Satellite imagery reveals arson and demolitions in 30 out of 35 villages within 500 square kilometers of Amerli. However, key witnesses told researchers they believe that at least 47 predominantly Sunni villages fell within this wide path of destruction. Researchers identified more than 3,800 destroyed buildings in 30 towns, including 2,600 ruined by arson and 1,200 destroyed by heavy machinery and explosives. At least two villages were entirely wrecked, and thousands of people were displaced. A resident of Hufriyya Kabira, identified as J.M., told researchers that, when he returned to his home on September 23, he "saw the village was completely destroyed, from the health center to the newer brick houses, which they destroyed with explosives. They [iraqi government aligned combatants] also blew up the Asiacell [mobile phone company] tower. The mud houses were burned along with the belongings in the homes and some had been destroyed by bulldozers." Perhaps most telling was that witnesses, displaced people, Peshmerga commanders, and combatants who took part in the operation said that the destruction was "methodical and driven by revenge and intended to alter the demographic composition of Iraq’s traditionally diverse provinces of Salah al-Din and Kirkuk," according to researchers. "This report confirms what many people have suspected in the past: that there is a systemic ethnic cleansing campaign that is being led by the Iraqi government and the ethnic and sectarian militias that are fighting alongside Iraqi government forces," Raed Jarrar, Policy Impact Coordinator for the American Friends Service Committee, told Common Dreams. "Amerli is nothing more than the tip of the iceberg." "This unfortunately is happening with U.S. government support," Jarrar added. "I don't think the us should double down and continue supporting an ongoing campaign of war crimes and ethnic cleansing." This is not the first time such abuses in the war on ISIS have been unearthed. In November, HRW documented a massacre by pro-government militias and security forces on a mosque in Diyala province that killed 34 people. And in October, Amnesty International found that Shiite militias, backed by the Iraqi government, are "taking advantage" of a climate of violence and impunity to abduct, execute, and disappear scores of Sunni civilian men. In addition, there have been numerous reports that the 2,881 U.S. and allied air strikes over the past seven months have killed civilians in Iraq, as well as Syria, but the Pentagon has repeatedly refused to publicly disclose basic information about who is dying under its bombs. The HRW report is released in the midst of an ongoing massive offensive by Iraqi forces and Shiite militias on the city of Tikrit, northwest of Baghdad. === This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
  16. I haven't found Armstrong claiming that the H and L identities were woven by the U.S. Government into a single identity for an unlawful purpose.// TIDD ============= 'April 6, 1977: Nixon: 'If the President Does It, That Means It's Not Illegal'' =================================================================================== A Timeline of CIA Atrocities By Steve Kangas The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA. (1) CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests abroad are threatened by a popular or democratically elected leader. The people support their leader because he intends to conduct land reform, strengthen unions, redistribute wealth, nationalize foreign-owned industry, and regulate business to protect workers, consumers and the environment. So, on behalf of American business, and often with their help, the CIA mobilizes the opposition. First it identifies right-wing groups within the country (usually the military), and offers them a deal: "We'll put you in power if you maintain a favorable business climate for us." The Agency then hires, trains and works with them to overthrow the existing government (usually a democracy). It uses every trick in the book: propaganda, stuffed ballot boxes, purchased elections, extortion, blackmail, sexual intrigue, false stories about opponents in the local media, infiltration and disruption of opposing political parties, kidnapping, beating, torture, intimidation, economic sabotage, death squads and even assassination. These efforts culminate in a military coup, which installs a right-wing dictator. The CIA trains the dictator’s security apparatus to crack down on the traditional enemies of big business, using interrogation, torture and murder. The victims are said to be "communists," but almost always they are just peasants, liberals, moderates, labor union leaders, political opponents and advocates of free speech and democracy. Widespread human rights abuses follow. This scenario has been repeated so many times that the CIA actually teaches it in a special school, the notorious "School of the Americas." (It opened in Panama but later moved to Fort Benning, Georgia.) Critics have nicknamed it the "School of the Dictators" and "School of the Assassins." Here, the CIA trains Latin American military officers how to conduct coups, including the use of interrogation, torture and murder. The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. (2) Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an "American Holocaust." The CIA justifies these actions as part of its war against communism. But most coups do not involve a communist threat. Unlucky nations are targeted for a wide variety of reasons: not only threats to American business interests abroad, but also liberal or even moderate social reforms, political instability, the unwillingness of a leader to carry out Washington’s dictates, and declarations of neutrality in the Cold War. Indeed, nothing has infuriated CIA Directors quite like a nation’s desire to stay out of the Cold War. The ironic thing about all this intervention is that it frequently fails to achieve American objectives. Often the newly installed dictator grows comfortable with the security apparatus the CIA has built for him. He becomes an expert at running a police state. And because the dictator knows he cannot be overthrown, he becomes independent and defiant of Washington's will. The CIA then finds it cannot overthrow him, because the police and military are under the dictator's control, afraid to cooperate with American spies for fear of torture and execution. The only two options for the U.S at this point are impotence or war. Examples of this "boomerang effect" include the Shah of Iran, General Noriega and Saddam Hussein. The boomerang effect also explains why the CIA has proven highly successful at overthrowing democracies, but a wretched failure at overthrowing dictatorships. The following timeline should confirm that the CIA as we know it should be abolished and replaced by a true information-gathering and analysis organization. The CIA cannot be reformed — it is institutionally and culturally corrupt. 1929 The culture we lost — Secretary of State Henry Stimson refuses to endorse a code-breaking operation, saying, "Gentlemen do not read each other’s mail." 1941 COI created — In preparation for World War II, President Roosevelt creates the Office of Coordinator of Information (COI). General William "Wild Bill" Donovan heads the new intelligence service. 1942 OSS created — Roosevelt restructures COI into something more suitable for covert action, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan recruits so many of the nation’s rich and powerful that eventually people joke that "OSS" stands for "Oh, so social!" or "Oh, such snobs!" 1943 Italy — Donovan recruits the Catholic Church in Rome to be the center of Anglo-American spy operations in Fascist Italy. This would prove to be one of America’s most enduring intelligence alliances in the Cold War. 1945 OSS is abolished — The remaining American information agencies cease covert actions and return to harmless information gathering and analysis. Operation PAPERCLIP – While other American agencies are hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest, the U.S. intelligence community is smuggling them into America, unpunished, for their use against the Soviets. The most important of these is Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. With full U.S. blessing, he creates the "Gehlen Organization," a band of refugee Nazi spies who reactivate their networks in Russia. These include SS intelligence officers Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg (who massacred Jews in the Holocaust), Klaus Barbie (the "Butcher of Lyon"), Otto von Bolschwing (the Holocaust mastermind who worked with Eichmann) and SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny (a personal friend of Hitler’s). The Gehlen Organization supplies the U.S. with its only intelligence on the Soviet Union for the next ten years, serving as a bridge between the abolishment of the OSS and the creation of the CIA. However, much of the "intelligence" the former Nazis provide is bogus. Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities at a time when Russia is still rebuilding its devastated society, in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans (who might otherwise punish him). In 1948, Gehlen almost convinces the Americans that war is imminent, and the West should make a preemptive strike. In the 50s he produces a fictitious "missile gap." To make matters worse, the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Gehlen Organization with double agents, undermining the very American security that Gehlen was supposed to protect. 1947 Greece — President Truman requests military aid to Greece to support right-wing forces fighting communist rebels. For the rest of the Cold War, Washington and the CIA will back notorious Greek leaders with deplorable human rights records. CIA created — President Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947, creating the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council. The CIA is accountable to the president through the NSC — there is no democratic or congressional oversight. Its charter allows the CIA to "perform such other functions and duties… as the National Security Council may from time to time direct." This loophole opens the door to covert action and dirty tricks. 1948 Covert-action wing created — The CIA recreates a covert action wing, innocuously called the Office of Policy Coordination, led by Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner. According to its secret charter, its responsibilities include "propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world." Italy — The CIA corrupts democratic elections in Italy, where Italian communists threaten to win the elections. The CIA buys votes, broadcasts propaganda, threatens and beats up opposition leaders, and infiltrates and disrupts their organizations. It works -- the communists are defeated. 1949 Radio Free Europe — The CIA creates its first major propaganda outlet, Radio Free Europe. Over the next several decades, its broadcasts are so blatantly false that for a time it is considered illegal to publish transcripts of them in the U.S. Late 40s Operation MOCKINGBIRD — The CIA begins recruiting American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda. The effort is headed by Frank Wisner, Allan Dulles, Richard Helms and Philip Graham. Graham is publisher of The Washington Post, which becomes a major CIA player. Eventually, the CIA’s media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more. By the CIA’s own admission, at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists will become CIA assets. 1953 Iran – CIA overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup, after he threatened to nationalize British oil. The CIA replaces him with a dictator, the Shah of Iran, whose secret police, SAVAK, is as brutal as the Gestapo. Operation MK-ULTRA — Inspired by North Korea’s brainwashing program, the CIA begins experiments on mind control. The most notorious part of this project involves giving LSD and other drugs to American subjects without their knowledge or against their will, causing several to commit suicide. However, the operation involves far more than this. Funded in part by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, research includes propaganda, brainwashing, public relations, advertising, hypnosis, and other forms of suggestion. 1954 Guatemala — CIA overthrows the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz in a military coup. Arbenz has threatened to nationalize the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit Company, in which CIA Director Allen Dulles also owns stock. Arbenz is replaced with a series of right-wing dictators whose bloodthirsty policies will kill over 100,000 Guatemalans in the next 40 years. 1954-1958 North Vietnam — CIA officer Edward Lansdale spends four years trying to overthrow the communist government of North Vietnam, using all the usual dirty tricks. The CIA also attempts to legitimize a tyrannical puppet regime in South Vietnam, headed by Ngo Dinh Diem. These efforts fail to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese because the Diem government is opposed to true democracy, land reform and poverty reduction measures. The CIA’s continuing failure results in escalating American intervention, culminating in the Vietnam War. 1956 Hungary — Radio Free Europe incites Hungary to revolt by broadcasting Khruschev’s Secret Speech, in which he denounced Stalin. It also hints that American aid will help the Hungarians fight. This aid fails to materialize as Hungarians launch a doomed armed revolt, which only invites a major Soviet invasion. The conflict kills 7,000 Soviets and 30,000 Hungarians. 1957-1973 Laos — The CIA carries out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify Laos’ democratic elections. The problem is the Pathet Lao, a leftist group with enough popular support to be a member of any coalition government. In the late 50s, the CIA even creates an "Armee Clandestine" of Asian mercenaries to attack the Pathet Lao. After the CIA’s army suffers numerous defeats, the U.S. starts bombing, dropping more bombs on Laos than all the U.S. bombs dropped in World War II. A quarter of all Laotians will eventually become refugees, many living in caves. 1959 Haiti — The U.S. military helps "Papa Doc" Duvalier become dictator of Haiti. He creates his own private police force, the "Tonton Macoutes," who terrorize the population with machetes. They will kill over 100,000 during the Duvalier family reign. The U.S. does not protest their dismal human rights record. 1961 The Bay of Pigs — The CIA sends 1,500 Cuban exiles to invade Castro’s Cuba. But "Operation Mongoose" fails, due to poor planning, security and backing. The planners had imagined that the invasion will spark a popular uprising against Castro -– which never happens. A promised American air strike also never occurs. This is the CIA’s first public setback, causing President Kennedy to fire CIA Director Allen Dulles. Dominican Republic — The CIA assassinates Rafael Trujillo, a murderous dictator Washington has supported since 1930. Trujillo’s business interests have grown so large (about 60 percent of the economy) that they have begun competing with American business interests. Ecuador — The CIA-backed military forces the democratically elected President Jose Velasco to resign. Vice President Carlos Arosemana replaces him; the CIA fills the now vacant vice presidency with its own man. Congo (Zaire) — The CIA assassinates the democratically elected Patrice Lumumba. However, public support for Lumumba’s politics runs so high that the CIA cannot clearly install his opponents in power. Four years of political turmoil follow. 1963 Dominican Republic — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Juan Bosch in a military coup. The CIA installs a repressive, right-wing junta. Ecuador — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows President Arosemana, whose independent (not socialist) policies have become unacceptable to Washington. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. 1964 Brazil — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart. The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history. General Castelo Branco will create Latin America’s first death squads, or bands of secret police who hunt down "communists" for torture, interrogation and murder. Often these "communists" are no more than Branco’s political opponents. Later it is revealed that the CIA trains the death squads. 1965 Indonesia — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Sukarno with a military coup. The CIA has been trying to eliminate Sukarno since 1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue, for nothing more than his declaring neutrality in the Cold War. His successor, General Suharto, will massacre between 500,000 to 1 million civilians accused of being "communist." The CIA supplies the names of countless suspects. Dominican Republic — A popular rebellion breaks out, promising to reinstall Juan Bosch as the country’s elected leader. The revolution is crushed when U.S. Marines land to uphold the military regime by force. The CIA directs everything behind the scenes. Greece — With the CIA’s backing, the king removes George Papandreous as prime minister. Papandreous has failed to vigorously support U.S. interests in Greece. Congo (Zaire) — A CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko as dictator. The hated and repressive Mobutu exploits his desperately poor country for billions. 1966 The Ramparts Affair — The radical magazine Ramparts begins a series of unprecedented anti-CIA articles. Among their scoops: the CIA has paid the University of Michigan $25 million dollars to hire "professors" to train South Vietnamese students in covert police methods. MIT and other universities have received similar payments. Ramparts also reveals that the National Students’ Association is a CIA front. Students are sometimes recruited through blackmail and bribery, including draft deferments. 1967 Greece — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the government two days before the elections. The favorite to win was George Papandreous, the liberal candidate. During the next six years, the "reign of the colonels" — backed by the CIA — will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against political opponents. When a Greek ambassador objects to President Johnson about U.S. plans for Cypress, Johnson tells him: "xxxx your parliament and your constitution." Operation PHEONIX — The CIA helps South Vietnamese agents identify and then murder alleged Viet Cong leaders operating in South Vietnamese villages. According to a 1971 congressional report, this operation killed about 20,000 "Viet Cong." 1968 Operation CHAOS — The CIA has been illegally spying on American citizens since 1959, but with Operation CHAOS, President Johnson dramatically boosts the effort. CIA agents go undercover as student radicals to spy on and disrupt campus organizations protesting the Vietnam War. They are searching for Russian instigators, which they never find. CHAOS will eventually spy on 7,000 individuals and 1,000 organizations. Bolivia — A CIA-organized military operation captures legendary guerilla Che Guevara. The CIA wants to keep him alive for interrogation, but the Bolivian government executes him to prevent worldwide calls for clemency. 1969 Uruguay — The notorious CIA torturer Dan Mitrione arrives in Uruguay, a country torn with political strife. Whereas right-wing forces previously used torture only as a last resort, Mitrione convinces them to use it as a routine, widespread practice. "The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect," is his motto. The torture techniques he teaches to the death squads rival the Nazis’. He eventually becomes so feared that revolutionaries will kidnap and murder him a year later. 1970 Cambodia — The CIA overthrows Prince Sahounek, who is highly popular among Cambodians for keeping them out of the Vietnam War. He is replaced by CIA puppet Lon Nol, who immediately throws Cambodian troops into battle. This unpopular move strengthens once minor opposition parties like the Khmer Rouge, which achieves power in 1975 and massacres millions of its own people. 1971 Bolivia — After half a decade of CIA-inspired political turmoil, a CIA-backed military coup overthrows the leftist President Juan Torres. In the next two years, dictator Hugo Banzer will have over 2,000 political opponents arrested without trial, then tortured, raped and executed. Haiti — "Papa Doc" Duvalier dies, leaving his 19-year old son "Baby Doc" Duvalier the dictator of Haiti. His son continues his bloody reign with full knowledge of the CIA. 1972 The Case-Zablocki Act — Congress passes an act requiring congressional review of executive agreements. In theory, this should make CIA operations more accountable. In fact, it is only marginally effective. Cambodia — Congress votes to cut off CIA funds for its secret war in Cambodia. Wagergate Break-in — President Nixon sends in a team of burglars to wiretap Democratic offices at Watergate. The team members have extensive CIA histories, including James McCord, E. Howard Hunt and five of the Cuban burglars. They work for the Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP), which does dirty work like disrupting Democratic campaigns and laundering Nixon’s illegal campaign contributions. CREEP’s activities are funded and organized by another CIA front, the Mullen Company. 1973 Chile — The CIA overthrows and assassinates Salvador Allende, Latin America’s first democratically elected socialist leader. The problems begin when Allende nationalizes American-owned firms in Chile. ITT offers the CIA $1 million for a coup (reportedly refused). The CIA replaces Allende with General Augusto Pinochet, who will torture and murder thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on labor leaders and the political left. CIA begins internal investigations — William Colby, the Deputy Director for Operations, orders all CIA personnel to report any and all illegal activities they know about. This information is later reported to Congress. Watergate Scandal — The CIA’s main collaborating newspaper in America, The Washington Post, reports Nixon’s crimes long before any other newspaper takes up the subject. The two reporters, Woodward and Bernstein, make almost no mention of the CIA’s many fingerprints all over the scandal. It is later revealed that Woodward was a Naval intelligence briefer to the White House, and knows many important intelligence figures, including General Alexander Haig. His main source, "Deep Throat," is probably one of those. CIA Director Helms Fired — President Nixon fires CIA Director Richard Helms for failing to help cover up the Watergate scandal. Helms and Nixon have always disliked each other. The new CIA director is William Colby, who is relatively more open to CIA reform. 1974 CHAOS exposed — Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh publishes a story about Operation CHAOS, the domestic surveillance and infiltration of anti-war and civil rights groups in the U.S. The story sparks national outrage. Angleton fired — Congress holds hearings on the illegal domestic spying efforts of James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s chief of counterintelligence. His efforts included mail-opening campaigns and secret surveillance of war protesters. The hearings result in his dismissal from the CIA. House clears CIA in Watergate — The House of Representatives clears the CIA of any complicity in Nixon’s Watergate break-in. The Hughes Ryan Act — Congress passes an amendment requiring the president to report nonintelligence CIA operations to the relevant congressional committees in a timely fashion. 1975 Australia — The CIA helps topple the democratically elected, left-leaning government of Prime Minister Edward Whitlam. The CIA does this by giving an ultimatum to its Governor-General, John Kerr. Kerr, a longtime CIA collaborator, exercises his constitutional right to dissolve the Whitlam government. The Governor-General is a largely ceremonial position appointed by the Queen; the Prime Minister is democratically elected. The use of this archaic and never-used law stuns the nation. Angola — Eager to demonstrate American military resolve after its defeat in Vietnam, Henry Kissinger launches a CIA-backed war in Angola. Contrary to Kissinger’s assertions, Angola is a country of little strategic importance and not seriously threatened by communism. The CIA backs the brutal leader of UNITAS, Jonas Savimbi. This polarizes Angolan politics and drives his opponents into the arms of Cuba and the Soviet Union for survival. Congress will cut off funds in 1976, but the CIA is able to run the war off the books until 1984, when funding is legalized again. This entirely pointless war kills over 300,000 Angolans. "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence" — Victor Marchetti and John Marks publish this whistle-blowing history of CIA crimes and abuses. Marchetti has spent 14 years in the CIA, eventually becoming an executive assistant to the Deputy Director of Intelligence. Marks has spent five years as an intelligence official in the State Department. "Inside the Company" — Philip Agee publishes a diary of his life inside the CIA. Agee has worked in covert operations in Latin America during the 60s, and details the crimes in which he took part. Congress investigates CIA wrong-doing — Public outrage compels Congress to hold hearings on CIA crimes. Senator Frank Church heads the Senate investigation ("The Church Committee"), and Representative Otis Pike heads the House investigation. (Despite a 98 percent incumbency reelection rate, both Church and Pike are defeated in the next elections.) The investigations lead to a number of reforms intended to increase the CIA’s accountability to Congress, including the creation of a standing Senate committee on intelligence. However, the reforms prove ineffective, as the Iran/Contra scandal will show. It turns out the CIA can control, deal with or sidestep Congress with ease. The Rockefeller Commission — In an attempt to reduce the damage done by the Church Committee, President Ford creates the "Rockefeller Commission" to whitewash CIA history and propose toothless reforms. The commission’s namesake, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, is himself a major CIA figure. Five of the commission’s eight members are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations, a CIA-dominated organization. 1979 Iran — The CIA fails to predict the fall of the Shah of Iran, a longtime CIA puppet, and the rise of Muslim fundamentalists who are furious at the CIA’s backing of SAVAK, the Shah’s bloodthirsty secret police. In revenge, the Muslims take 52 Americans hostage in the U.S. embassy in Tehran. Afghanistan — The Soviets invade Afghanistan. The CIA immediately begins supplying arms to any faction willing to fight the occupying Soviets. Such indiscriminate arming means that when the Soviets leave Afghanistan, civil war will erupt. Also, fanatical Muslim extremists now possess state-of-the-art weaponry. One of these is Sheik Abdel Rahman, who will become involved in the World Trade Center bombing in New York. El Salvador — An idealistic group of young military officers, repulsed by the massacre of the poor, overthrows the right-wing government. However, the U.S. compels the inexperienced officers to include many of the old guard in key positions in their new government. Soon, things are back to "normal" — the military government is repressing and killing poor civilian protesters. Many of the young military and civilian reformers, finding themselves powerless, resign in disgust. Nicaragua — Anastasios Samoza II, the CIA-backed dictator, falls. The Marxist Sandinistas take over government, and they are initially popular because of their commitment to land and anti-poverty reform. Samoza had a murderous and hated personal army called the National Guard. Remnants of the Guard will become the Contras, who fight a CIA-backed guerilla war against the Sandinista government throughout the 1980s. 1980 El Salvador — The Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, pleads with President Carter "Christian to Christian" to stop aiding the military government slaughtering his people. Carter refuses. Shortly afterwards, right-wing leader Roberto D’Aubuisson has Romero shot through the heart while saying Mass. The country soon dissolves into civil war, with the peasants in the hills fighting against the military government. The CIA and U.S. Armed Forces supply the government with overwhelming military and intelligence superiority. CIA-trained death squads roam the countryside, committing atrocities like that of El Mazote in 1982, where they massacre between 700 and 1000 men, women and children. By 1992, some 63,000 Salvadorans will be killed. 1981 Iran/Contra Begins — The CIA begins selling arms to Iran at high prices, using the profits to arm the Contras fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. President Reagan vows that the Sandinistas will be "pressured" until "they say ‘uncle.’" The CIA’s Freedom Fighter’s Manual disbursed to the Contras includes instruction on economic sabotage, propaganda, extortion, bribery, blackmail, interrogation, torture, murder and political assassination. 1983 Honduras — The CIA gives Honduran military officers the Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual – 1983, which teaches how to torture people. Honduras’ notorious "Battalion 316" then uses these techniques, with the CIA’s full knowledge, on thousands of leftist dissidents. At least 184 are murdered. 1984 The Boland Amendment — The last of a series of Boland Amendments is passed. These amendments have reduced CIA aid to the Contras; the last one cuts it off completely. However, CIA Director William Casey is already prepared to "hand off" the operation to Colonel Oliver North, who illegally continues supplying the Contras through the CIA’s informal, secret, and self-financing network. This includes "humanitarian aid" donated by Adolph Coors and William Simon, and military aid funded by Iranian arms sales. 1986 Eugene Hasenfus — Nicaragua shoots down a C-123 transport plane carrying military supplies to the Contras. The lone survivor, Eugene Hasenfus, turns out to be a CIA employee, as are the two dead pilots. The airplane belongs to Southern Air Transport, a CIA front. The incident makes a mockery of President Reagan’s claims that the CIA is not illegally arming the Contras. Iran/Contra Scandal — Although the details have long been known, the Iran/Contra scandal finally captures the media’s attention in 1986. Congress holds hearings, and several key figures (like Oliver North) lie under oath to protect the intelligence community. CIA Director William Casey dies of brain cancer before Congress can question him. All reforms enacted by Congress after the scandal are purely cosmetic. Haiti — Rising popular revolt in Haiti means that "Baby Doc" Duvalier will remain "President for Life" only if he has a short one. The U.S., which hates instability in a puppet country, flies the despotic Duvalier to the South of France for a comfortable retirement. The CIA then rigs the upcoming elections in favor of another right-wing military strongman. However, violence keeps the country in political turmoil for another four years. The CIA tries to strengthen the military by creating the National Intelligence Service (SIN), which suppresses popular revolt through torture and assassination. 1989 Panama — The U.S. invades Panama to overthrow a dictator of its own making, General Manuel Noriega. Noriega has been on the CIA’s payroll since 1966, and has been transporting drugs with the CIA’s knowledge since 1972. By the late 80s, Noriega’s growing independence and intransigence have angered Washington… so out he goes. 1990 Haiti — Competing against 10 comparatively wealthy candidates, leftist priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide captures 68 percent of the vote. After only eight months in power, however, the CIA-backed military deposes him. More military dictators brutalize the country, as thousands of Haitian refugees escape the turmoil in barely seaworthy boats. As popular opinion calls for Aristide’s return, the CIA begins a disinformation campaign painting the courageous priest as mentally unstable. 1991 The Gulf War — The U.S. liberates Kuwait from Iraq. But Iraq’s dictator, Saddam Hussein, is another creature of the CIA. With U.S. encouragement, Hussein invaded Iran in 1980. During this costly eight-year war, the CIA built up Hussein’s forces with sophisticated arms, intelligence, training and financial backing. This cemented Hussein’s power at home, allowing him to crush the many internal rebellions that erupted from time to time, sometimes with poison gas. It also gave him all the military might he needed to conduct further adventurism — in Kuwait, for example. The Fall of the Soviet Union — The CIA fails to predict this most important event of the Cold War. This suggests that it has been so busy undermining governments that it hasn’t been doing its primary job: gathering and analyzing information. The fall of the Soviet Union also robs the CIA of its reason for existence: fighting communism. This leads some to accuse the CIA of intentionally failing to predict the downfall of the Soviet Union. Curiously, the intelligence community’s budget is not significantly reduced after the demise of communism. 1992 Economic Espionage — In the years following the end of the Cold War, the CIA is increasingly used for economic espionage. This involves stealing the technological secrets of competing foreign companies and giving them to American ones. Given the CIA’s clear preference for dirty tricks over mere information gathering, the possibility of serious criminal behavior is very great indeed. 1993 Haiti — The chaos in Haiti grows so bad that President Clinton has no choice but to remove the Haitian military dictator, Raoul Cedras, on threat of U.S. invasion. The U.S. occupiers do not arrest Haiti’s military leaders for crimes against humanity, but instead ensure their safety and rich retirements. Aristide is returned to power only after being forced to accept an agenda favorable to the country’s ruling class. EPILOGUE In a speech before the CIA celebrating its 50th anniversary, President Clinton said: "By necessity, the American people will never know the full story of your courage." Clinton’s is a common defense of the CIA: namely, the American people should stop criticizing the CIA because they don’t know what it really does. This, of course, is the heart of the problem in the first place. An agency that is above criticism is also above moral behavior and reform. Its secrecy and lack of accountability allows its corruption to grow unchecked. Furthermore, Clinton’s statement is simply untrue. The history of the agency is growing painfully clear, especially with the declassification of historical CIA documents. We may not know the details of specific operations, but we do know, quite well, the general behavior of the CIA. These facts began emerging nearly two decades ago at an ever-quickening pace. Today we have a remarkably accurate and consistent picture, repeated in country after country, and verified from countless different directions. The CIA’s response to this growing knowledge and criticism follows a typical historical pattern. (Indeed, there are remarkable parallels to the Medieval Church’s fight against the Scientific Revolution.) The first journalists and writers to reveal the CIA’s criminal behavior were harassed and censored if they were American writers, and tortured and murdered if they were foreigners. (See Philip Agee’s On the Run for an example of early harassment.) However, over the last two decades the tide of evidence has become overwhelming, and the CIA has found that it does not have enough fingers to plug every hole in the dike. This is especially true in the age of the Internet, where information flows freely among millions of people. Since censorship is impossible, the Agency must now defend itself with apologetics. Clinton’s "Americans will never know" defense is a prime example. Another common apologetic is that "the world is filled with unsavory characters, and we must deal with them if we are to protect American interests at all." There are two things wrong with this. First, it ignores the fact that the CIA has regularly spurned alliances with defenders of democracy, free speech and human rights, preferring the company of military dictators and tyrants. The CIA had moral options available to them, but did not take them. Second, this argument begs several questions. The first is: "Which American interests?" The CIA has courted right-wing dictators because they allow wealthy Americans to exploit the country’s cheap labor and resources. But poor and middle-class Americans pay the price whenever they fight the wars that stem from CIA actions, from Vietnam to the Gulf War to Panama. The second begged question is: "Why should American interests come at the expense of other peoples’ human rights?" The CIA should be abolished, its leadership dismissed and its relevant members tried for crimes against humanity. Our intelligence community should be rebuilt from the ground up, with the goal of collecting and analyzing information. As for covert action, there are two moral options. The first one is to eliminate covert action completely. But this gives jitters to people worried about the Adolf Hitlers of the world. So a second option is that we can place covert action under extensive and true democratic oversight. For example, a bipartisan Congressional Committee of 40 members could review and veto all aspects of CIA operations upon a majority or super-majority vote. Which of these two options is best may be the subject of debate, but one thing is clear: like dictatorship, like monarchy, unaccountable covert operations should die like the dinosaurs they are. Related links: The Origins of the Overclass. (THIS link VERY GOOD IMHO,GAAL) :news Myth: Conservative think tanks are the answer to liberal academia. Endnotes: 1. All history concerning CIA intervention in foreign countries is summarized from William Blum’s encyclopedic work, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995). Sources for domestic CIA operations come from Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen’s The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time (Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1997). 2. Coleman McCarthy, "The Consequences of Covert Tactics" Washington Post, December 13, 1987.
  17. Costa Rica Is Running Only on Renewable Energy Mar 24, 2015 12:45 PM ET // by Paul Heltzel Thinkstock Costa Rica has now powered the entire country for more than 75 days using only renewable energy. The country hasn't needed fossil fuel for all of 2015 thanks to hydropower and a heavy rainy season. The nation of 5 million inhabitants also gets renewable energy contributions from a mix of solar, geothermal and wind power. VIDEO: Using Magma to Create EnergyBecause Costa Rica needs a steady flow of water to maintain such an impressive feat, the Central American nation has budgeted nearly $1 billion to tap into its many volcanoes, expanding its use of geothermal power. Geothermal energy generated 10 percent of the nation's power last year. The country tops an impressive list of nations producing much of their power from renewable sources. Reports Quartz, Sweden, Bulgaria and Estonia have already met their 2020 renewable energy goals. Denmark creates 40 percent of its energy from wind. And the Dutch territory Bonaire is already producing nearly 100 percent of its energy from renewables and hopes to go over the top using algae as a biofuel. Costa Rica aims to be entirely carbon neutral by 2021, reports inhabit.com.
  18. Hookers and Blow Economy: 1 in 20 students in UK worked in sex trade to fund living cost (link) HOOKERS AND BLOW ECONOMY: 1 IN 20 STUDENTS IN UK WORKED IN SEX TRADE TO FUND LIVING COST One in 20 students in the UK have worked in the sex industry while studying at the university to make ends meet, according to a new survey that shows more number of them are secretly turning to the profession. Men were more likely to be involved than women, and the sex work ranged from prostitution and escorting to stripping and internet work, the Student Sex Work Project report said. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Rule Britannia (With lyric annotations)
  19. LAPD Wrongfully Kills Autistic Man And Gets $2 Million Award (link) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Man Jailed for Swearing During 911 Call, After Police Allowed his Mother to Die (link) In an almost unbelievable case out of Georgia, 58-year-old Boyd Green was arrested and jailed for swearing during a 9-1-1 call. Green was arrested after police allowed his elderly ill mother to die by refusing his numerous requests to perform a welfare check on her. Green never once raised his voice during the call and simply uttered the phrases "damn bullxxxx" and "sorry damn asshole" in reference to police actions, or rather inaction, that resulted in the death of Green’s 83-year-old mother. Georgia law prohibits the use of "obscene, vulgar, or profane language with the intent to intimidate or harass a 911 communications officer," and the vague language of the law that allowed police to jail Green. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] VIDEO: POLICE OFFICER CAUGHT WITH HIS PANTS DOWN… MASTURBATING AT STARBUCKS (link) A police officer was caught masturbating at a table in a local Starbucks. The Camden Metro Police officer is accused of performing the act inside a Camden County Starbucks in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. The incident occurred last year but Lt. Benito Gonzalez pleaded guilty to lewdness charges Monday. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Golly from above story ,maybe we dont want to video (GAAL) Texas Bill Would Make It Illegal for You to Film a Cop Beating You (link) Section 38.15 of the Texas Penal Code makes it an offense to interrupt, disrupt, impede, or otherwise interfere with "public duties," including those being exercised by a police officer. That's the law pretty much everywhere, of course, but the question that has arisen in recent years is whether you are "interfering" (etc.) with a police officer just because you are recording what he or she is doing.
  20. Gee the main UK speecher the BBC >>>>>>>>>>>> has a agenda ? No ?? }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} BBC Less Tolerant of Climate Skeptic Than of Pedophile (link)
  21. U.S. Soldiers Sexually Abused 54 Children in Colombia - Then Filmed And Sold It As Pornography (link) A new report commissioned by the Colombian government and FARC rebels has concluded U.S. soldiers and military contractors sexually abused at least 54 children in Colombia between 2003 and 2007. The investigator cites one case where 53 girls in the town of Melgar were targeted by contractors who filmed the abuse and sold the films as pornography. In another case, a 12-year-old girl was allegedly drugged and raped by a U.S. Army sergeant and a contractor. Under immunity agreements, none of the alleged abusers were ever punished. The media group FAIR notes the story has received no coverage in the U.S. corporate media. A number of U.S. outlets have reported on a new Justice Department probe which concludes U.S. drug enforcement agents in Colombia participated in "sex parties" with prostitutes hired by Colombian drug cartels.
  22. >> key point is intel wants the body cremated ???? WHY ??? H & L ??? Golly could be eh ?? (GAAL) 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Bill Kelly ++ Rufus Taylor & Dallas ONI SA J. Mason Lankford, Jr. =================== Please visit Greg Parker's ReopenKennedycase blog at: http://reopenkennedy...-mason-lankford = The links to all of these sources work correctly at his blog. U.S. Social Security Death Index for Mason Lankford first name: Mason last name:Lankford birth date:14 October 1921 social security number:462-14-0308 place of issuance:Texas last residence:Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texaszip code of last residence:76112 death date:16 June 1997 estimated age at death:76 https://familysearch...Z/p_12979762014 J. Mason Lankford, Jr. devoted much of his life to the fire service. A native of Texas, Mason served in various capacities, including Tarrant County (TX) Fire Marshal. When Congressman Curt Weldon (PA) sought congressional support for a Fire Caucus, Mason recruited the Texas delegation, including then-House Speaker Jim Wright, who was a pivotal player in its successful launch. John Mason Lankford Jr. (1921-1997), better known as Mason Lankford, is best known as a firefighter and Fire Marshal of Tarrant County (Fort Worth), Texas. His dedication, service and promotion of the firefighter’s agenda are legendary. In fact, the prestigious Fire Service Leadership Award of the Congressional Fire Services Institute is named for him. But Lankford is of interest to Kennedy assassination researchers as well, for the following reasons: From 1948 to 1972, he was employed by either General Dynamics or its Convair Division as Director of Security, or in other security related positions. GDs security division was probably a nexus for DISC – the Defense Industrial Security Command – a central organ of the military-industrial complex. In this capacity Lankford would certainly have been acquainted with two other GD Security officers who figure prominently in the Lee Harvey Oswald story – I B Hale and Max Clark. In fact, there is an interesting incident associating Max Clark with Lankford’s mother, Grace, and his sister, Catherine Russell: http://www.maryferre...635&relPageId=2 There is also a link between Lankford and Roscoe White. In his capacity at the security office, Lankford provided verification of employment at Convair for White on his 1963 application with the Dallas Police Department. White had been employed at Convair from 8 May 1956 to 28 July 1956, and was eligible for rehire – implying a positive recommendation. For unknown reasons, White did not list this employment in his application; rather, the DPD investigator got the information from White’s stepfather, and contacted Lankford directly for the verification. It is interesting that Robert Oswald was employed at Convair during this period in 1956 as well, suggesting the possibility that Robert and Lankford may have known each other long before their interactions of 1963. Also, although of course Convair was one of the largest employers in Fort Worth at the time, it is at least possible that Roscoe White and Robert knew each other then also. Further, there is some overlap between White’s period of employment and Lee Harvey Oswald’s presence in Fort Worth prior to his Marine Corps enlistment. Is it possible that all four – Lankford, Roscoe White, Robert Oswald and LHO – knew each other in 1956? Lankford’s investigative and intelligence roots ran deep. In addition to his occupations of firefighter and director of security, he had a role as board chairman of the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies. The Victoria Advocate, 24 August 1972, p. 1 http://news.google.c...-lankford&hl=en More importantly, in November of 1963, and likely long before that, Lankford was a Special Agent for the Office of Naval Intelligence in Dallas, reporting directly to the Director of Naval Intelligence, Rufus Taylor. http://contentdm.bay...PTR=13197&REC=1 (go to page 5 and following). At approximately 1:00 PM, on November 26, 1963, J. M. LANKFORD, Special Agent, Office of Naval Intelligence, Dallas, Texas, personally appeared at the Dallas Field Division. Mr. LANKFORD advised SA John J. FLANAGAN that approximately fifteen minutes previously an informant of his had contacted him concerning JACK RUBY and LEE HARVEY OSWALD. LANKFORD stated that his informant, ROBERT KERMIT PATTERSON, an admitted homosexual, has been furnishing information to ONI for some time. He has, in the past, furnished signed statements to the Office of Naval Intelligence setting forth his homosexual activities with young servicemen…. Patterson, a former Navy man, lived at the YMCA and an associate Donald C. Stuart and operated a TV and radio repair shop with Charles Arndt, who also lived at the YMCA. Two weeks previous Ruby and a man who appeared to be Oswald visited there shop Contract Electonics at 2533 Elm St. Stuart also worked at KLIF. Letter to Admiral McDonald from Adml. Rufus L. Taylor also mentions Tracy Thurlo Pope, ex-Navy. P.24 http://contentdm.bay...PTR=13197&REC=1 Admiral McDonald 27 Nov. 1963 Rear Admiral Taylor Oswald Killing 1.Information from our Dallas office provides names of several persons connected with Ruby and Oswald. Robert Kermit Patterson, admitted 6J (homosexual), contacted resident agent Dallas about 1330 CST yesterday and said he had information in regard assassination of President Kennedy. Patterson said he and one Donald C. Stuart operated Contract Electronics, 2533 Elm Street, Dallas. About two weeks ago, Jack Ruby/aka/Rubenstein and subject Oswald visited Contract Electronics and wanted work done on a microphones at Ruby Carousel Night Club, Dallas. On this occasion ruby told Oswald to write names of Patterson and Stuart in Carousel guest book. Contract Electronics did the requested mike work at the Carousel and were paid by Negro employee. The Senior Resident Agent at Dallas has taken Patterson to the FBI Dallas for further interrogation. Neither Stuart nor Patterson has discussed above information with anyone else, according to Patterson. The files at DIO 8ND are negative on Stuart. 2.In this office we have a file on Patterson and another person not mentioned in the above message by the name of Tracy Thurio Pope. Pope is the one that first pointed out Patterson. Patterson was in the Navy and is now out. Pope was in the Navy and is out, Service No. 599 29 44, AA, USN. There is no Navy record on Stuart. This morning we had a meeting here to make sure that everybody is informed and that the FBI is getting everything it needs. 3.The above information certainly raises questions as to Ruby’s real motives in killing Oswald. We have all been interested in what seemed to us to be a look of recognition on Oswald’s fact when he spotted Ruby. 4.BuPers is being kept currently informed of information of the sort contained in paragraph 1 and 2 above. Very respectfully, Rufus L. Taylor Copy to: REVIWED BY NCIS (ONI) JFK TASK FORCE On 12-17-93 RELEASE IN FULL Furthermore, Lankford had an association with the Secret Service. He was on “old acquaintance” of Texas-based SS agent Mike Howard. In fact, Lankford assisted Howard in securing Fort Worth for JFKs November 21-22 visit. Other SS-ONI cooperation might have been effected through William Greer and Forrest Sorrels. http://nl.newsbank.c...ackval=GooglePM Fort Worth Star-Telegram – November 23, 1993 – 15 Guarding the OSWALDS An ex-security supervisor recalls preparing for Kenendy’s visit to Fort Worth – then having to watch over the family of his assassin,… Lankford’s actions following the assassination, detailed in the above article, are interesting. “Frustrated and worn out, heartsick and physically ill, Lankford tumbled into bed that Friday night. For two days he refused to even get up to eat.” Several interpretations come to mind. First, maybe Lankford was just overworked. Second, maybe he was overwhelmed by grief. Third, perhaps he was just sick. Or fourth, maybe he was very, very worried. At any rate, by Sunday morning, November 24th, Lankford seems to have recovered. Mike Howard called him to request that he accompany him along with the security team protecting Marina and Marguerite Oswald. The site of their seclusion, the Inn of the Six Flags at Arlington, was chosen by Lankford (implying, perhaps, that Lankford was more in control than the official story relates?). Also present at the time, or shortly thereafter, was Robert Oswald. Interestingly, in his notes dealing with this period, Robert refers to Lankford familiarly as “Mason”, suggesting that maybe the two had, indeed, known each other in the past (although Robert misspells Mason’s last name as “Langford”). http://www.maryferre...51&relPageId=30 Lankford was also involved with LHOs funeral and burial. He seems to have been a “prime mover” in an attempt to have LHOs body cremated, rather than buried. This is reported by morticians Paul Groody and Allen Baumgardner, as well as by Robert Oswald. In fact, the process went so far that cremation forms were actually typed up, although the family members finally decided against it. Why, it must be asked, was Lankford so eager for cremation? http://www.newspaper...x?img=112857505 http://news.google.c...pg=4750,3133122 One way to interpret Lankford’s role is that he was a mid-level ONI operative, responsible for implementing and coordinating directives from above, and handling lesser operatives below. It is not unreasonable to infer that he may have been a true ONI handler for both Roscoe White and LHO – as opposed to caretakers like DeMohrenschildt or the Paines – for whom Lankford may also have been a handler or at least a coordinator. Thus his concern while LHO was still alive, and seeming relief when he died. But even in death, LHO was dangerous. That is it insofar as the assassination is concerned. But a couple of other associations might be of significance. First of all, Mason Lankford’s father, John Mason Lankford Sr., was an employee of Temco in the early 1950s, suggesting a possible relationship with David Harold Byrd. Dallas Morning News, 20 November 1953, p 14. Available at genealogybank.com Also, there is an association with Amon Carter, whose wife at one point employed Marguerite Oswald. http://books.google....ved=0CFMQ6AEwBw Finally, it should be noted, whether a coincidence or not, that according to the1947 Fort Worth city directory, the Ekdahl/Oswald/Pic family was … well… nearly a neighbor of the Lankford family. At any rate they lived about a half-mile apart: theEkdahl/ Oswalds at 1505 8th Avenue, and Mason Lankford at 2211 West Magnolia. Even closer was Oswald’s school. Had he been so inclined, Lankford would have needed to walk only 3 or 4 blocks to see first-grader Lee Harvey Oswald playing at the Lily B. Clayton Elementary School yard. 000000000000000000000000000000000000 CREMATION ??????????????????????????? why ? ANSWER TWO OSWALDS H & L sg
  23. The Kymogen Wave Energy Generator Mechanical Engineer David Hartmann and Craftsman Jason Ballash have designed a new wave power technology called the KymoGen, which has the potential to produce clean, low-cost energy using the constant power of waves. Key to the design is its simplicity. A portable 8’x8′ platform is tethered to a mooring on the sea floor. Inside the floating platform, the tether is connected to a drive system which spins a flywheel as the waves rise and fall, providing constant power between waves. The generated electricity can then either be stored, or connected directly to existing power grids. Weighing in at an estimated 800 lbs, the KymoGen can output 2 hp in as little as 12 inch waves and 8hp in 4 foot waves. Larger KymoGens could generate substantially more in rougher waters. The estimated average output per day is 25 to 100 kilowatt hours. It will be constructed of high strength Marine Composites, and the platform can accommodate wind or solar technologies to increase the energy output. The name KymoGen comes from the word Generator combined with Kymopoleia “the wave walker” the greek goddess of waves. A Kickstarter campaign will be launched in March 2015 (see video below). Plans are to have the first units produced in May 2015, with large scale manufacturing by September 2015. We’ll be sure to post updates as the project gets underway. In the meantime you can find more info and contact information at KymoGen.com Estimated production timeline:
  24. Study: austerity undermines fundamental rights across the EU www.euractiv.com › Health & Consumers › News Cached 19 hours ago - Austerity policies in the EU have eroded the poorest citizens' access to education and healthcare. According to a European Parliament report, the situation is ...
  25. Law enforcement agencies raid Brooklyn Police Department (link) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]o0o0o0o[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[   LAPD Officers Removed Antennas from Police Cars in Black Areas to Disable Recording Devices (link)
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