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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Lance, Welcome, I must confess that I have not read your book, but I have a question nonetheless. Are you familiar with a documentary made for channel four some months back dramatising Tony Blairs decision to go to war in Iraq. The documentary received a good deal of coverage in the press. The information presented was taken from interviews of those close to or working in some capacity with Tony Blair. My question is (If you are familiar with the Documentary) do you feel that it accurately portrayed Tony Blairs approach to the war in Iraq and that his sense of obligation to George Bush and the United States was his primary motivation in going to war? All the best, John Geraghty
  2. Gentlemen, I too agree that the man on the corner was a dead ringer for Robertson, but we must keep in mind the recollections of Abner 'Butch' Stokes in this thread. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...wtopic=5939&hl= All the best, John
  3. Richard, That comparison does seem closer to the others I have seen (David Morales). Its in the cheeks and the dimples. John
  4. Hi Blair, He says he was eating lunch with a friend in Houston. John
  5. Hi John, Just to clarify, this is not footage of the 'three tramps' as we know them from other photos. This is a seperate group yes? Cheers, John
  6. I found this video on Webermans site http://www.ajweberman.com/realtramp1.htm . From the file name one would assume that this is a video of the three tramps. Does anybody know anything about this? Perhaps Alan can enlighten me himself. Are the tramps in the background towards the end of the footage? Cheers, John
  7. Hello all, This does not relate to the assassination, but I felt that the members of this forum were best suited to help me with my query. Has anyone got any reccommendations on books/websites/articles that would give me a reasonably good overview on who are the real main players in american politics today. I'm going to D.C. and I don't want to go with a blindfold on. I'm no dummy, but I would like to enhance my knowledge so that I don't get left behind. All help would be appreciated. All the best, John Geraghty
  8. I was browsing the forum sometime within the last three days when I noticed that Tim Gratz was listed as browsing the forum at that time. Tim Gratz is no longer listed as a member. Does the forum pick up on someones ISP number and lists them as viewing the forum rather than having to be signed in to be regarded as such. I'm just curious. John
  9. Hi Terry, Can you elaborate on this. Do you mean Hemming in particular or just his kind in general? John
  10. Judy Garland sings a tribute to JFK shortly after his assassination on her TV show. Its excellent, give it a look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMZGsF8wwmI&search=jfk John
  11. Hi Bill, My flight is booked for the 8th so I shall indeed be at the American University. I pretty much have accommodation sorted out. Its likely that I will be living in Cheverly, Maryland. I have my interview with the embassy this Tuesday, so hopefully everything goes well. Thats some first assignment! To be honest I can't wait to get there. At the moment I'm working flat out in a liquor store to get as much money together as possible. I'm going to attempt trips to both Dallas and Memphis while I'm there if its possible. The people I will be sharing a house with are quite interested in politics so that should keep me on my toes away from the office. For some strange reason I fly in via Atlanta, so I will set foot in Georgia! All the best, John
  12. We are of course forgetting Andy Walkers part in the site. A job well done and a pat on the back goes also to Andy. Even though Andy hasn't taken an interest in the assassination he still co-runs (I hope I'm right in saying this) this forum. John
  13. Hi Len, I've heard people say this time and time again. I find it incredible that at a time of national crisis, when nobody knows exactly whats going on or how far this threat extends that the President and senior cabinet ministers/ secretaries would not be rushed to safe points or areas where they safely oversee the situation. As we have often heard the US government believes that terrorist organisations are trying to get their hands on Nuclear weapons or something similar ( a dirty bomb), surely the possibility of these being used would have been taken into consideration during the attacks. What difference it would have made is irrelevant, what does matter is that it would be irrational not to protect the president and others just to save face and not cause panic. I'm not commenting specifically on 9/11, this should be applied to any national emergency. It is my opinion that the precautions taken were not sufficient. All the best, John
  14. I'll second that. I've said it a few times before, but its always worth repeating. Whenever someone asks me a question about the assassination or Watergate or other such matters, i always direct them to this forum. For students such as myself I find it an excellent resource and consider it a big influence on shaping my political personal beliefs. John is both very knowledgable and very pleasant, thankfully he is in the majority among most of the fine members of this forum. All the best, John Geraghty
  15. Now that is a dirty nest indeed for William RIP Robertson ..... Looks like soemone went nuts on spirograph
  16. Anybody else think this description fits the mexico city Oswald? John
  17. Thanks Bernice, It sure would be handy to get citizenship. Thanks for your help. I will let you know how I fare for future reference. All the best, John
  18. I will probably be leaving on the 8th of June as I have to wait to get my visa from the US embassy, I have an interview on the 30th of May. Do you (or anyone else reading this) know if I can claim American Citizenship as my grandfather was born in the US. Unlikely, but it makes the travel process considerably easier. As I told you via email I'm still hoping to make Dallas in November and possibly in August as well, time and money allowing. All the best, John
  19. Francesca, Take your time on the article, theres no hurry. I'm really looking forward to D.C. I'm going as an intern in Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgias office, hopefully to work on the Martin Luther King records Act with John Judge, Bill Kelly and others. I don't think I will be leaving the national archives! I was planning on coming to the June 1st meeting, as flights were only €25!, but alas I must save up for the trip. I'm going to bring my camcorder and take a lot of footage, as I'm a film student at heart so I will definitely give you a look at that stuff, and I might in fact put some of it up on my website when I have revamped it. If you ever need an article translated from Irish, I'm your man. See you soon, John
  20. Mike, Thanks very much for the pre-trip wecome. It will indeed be my first visit to the States. I intend on doing some travelling at weekends and Baltimore is already on the list. It seems to be cheap enough to get around via the greyhound lines. John, Thanks very much, that seems in my price range, I will give them a call and see if they welcome student tennants. Thanks for the responses guys. John John, One more question, does it have a kitchen? Cheers, John
  21. Thanks Shanet, none of he Universitys have as yet written back to me. I found the website for the episcopal church, I noticed this strange page on their site, something to do with darth vader! http://www.cathedral.org/cathedral/discover/darth.shtml I will contact them. John
  22. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a bit of help from members living in or around the Washington area. I'm going to Washington this summer and I am in the process of looking for some moderately priced accommodation that will allow me relatively easy access to capitol hill (near metro or bus line). My qustion is, do any members know of any good letting agencies or have any ties to universitys which may have available accommodation or do you know anybody who is letting a house in D.C., Virginia or Maryland near enough to D.C.? If you can be of any assisstance I would be most grateful as I am finding it quite hard to get adequate accommodation that is not too far away from the city centre. You can email me at wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com or leave a message on this thread. Also, if anybody from Washington wishes to meet up I would love to have a cup of coffee or a spot of lunch. Thanks for your time, All the best, John Geraghty
  23. Lee, Take a look at William Peppers 'An Act of State' for information regarding the surveilance of the shooting scene in the King assassination. Military intel men were taking photographs or Dr.King just before and during the shooting, capturing the man/ men in the bushes. I am working on an article regarding the similarities between the JFK,MLK murders, the possible photography of the assassination will be covered in it. I wasn't aware of this Osborne material, it helps greatly. Great post, John
  24. Jack Beers does not make reference to the tramp photos, nor is he asked about them in his warren commission testimony. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/beers.htm John
  25. Cheers Lee, Much appreciated. Is anybody in contact with these men, are they still alive? John
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