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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. When I saw the title of this post I immediately presumed that the content would read, 'Gerald Posner, author of Case Closed has agreed to discuss his book on the forum' That would have been entertaining, I wonder how long he would stick around if he did join. John
  2. I found this while looking through some old emails. http://toshplumlee.info/ I don't remember ever readng the site in full. John
  3. Dan, Hello, My name is John Geraghty, I am a student from Ireland. I recently saw you in the excellent documentary 'The Hunting of the President'. As you have written on organisded crime in the past, can I ask you what you think of Larry Teeters assertion that John Roselli was involved with the assassination and fixing an attorney for Sirhan that would not fight for Sirhans innocence. Have you personally talked to Sirhan? I have not read your RFK book so forgive mt ignorance for asking these questions should they be answered therein. All the best, John Geraghty
  4. Shanet, This photo was taken shortly after the MLK assassination. The significance of them is that a source for Dr.William Peper (author of 'Orders to kill' and 'An Act of State', and James Earl Rays and the King families lawyer) says that one of these men worked for the CIA/NSA. The photo was taken minutes after the King assassination. Hemming told me that Robert Emmet Johnson was involved in the MLK assassination, as was Saul Sague (aka Mario Tauler Sague), and we are looking into the possibility that the men in the photograph are the men mentioned above. Saul Sague of course being the Mexico city Oswald. Hope that clears it up a bit. John
  5. Bruce, This account appeared in Nigel Turners 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy'. Perhaps someone can recall which officer gave this account. John
  6. My thoughts exactly James. Its a damn hard comparison to make, given the angle of their heads. Jack, Cheers for the photo. Myself and James were discussing via email this photo. I believe Mr.Hemming either told me or wrote in a thread (I can't recall) that one of these men was one of the two men mentioned above. As we have read in other posts Hemming believes Raoul is Robert Emmet Johnson. The man bending over seems to have the same build as Mario Tauler Sague (if he is the mexico city mystery man). The only photo I have of Robert Emmet Johnson was taken when he was quite young it seems. I recall seeing a photo, in which he was much older, I think you posted it before James. It doesn't seem as though they were Memphis PD officers as the fat man in the bottom right hand corner appears to be pointing at them, seemingly not knowing who they are. (However, this is merely an assumption) John John
  7. I think that this post is worth reviving. It is especially relevant with regard to Sherry Gutierez' presentation, which myslef, John Simkin and other Dealey Plaza Uk members witnessed in canterbury in March of this year. I'm not necessarily reviving it so that people may once again post on it, rather I think it is important that people read it. John
  8. Can anybody who has a copy of William Peppers 'Orders to Kill' scan in a photo for me? The photo is the last one in the photo section, which contains two men jumping off a wall in the background and a few Memphis PD officers in the foreground. The caption beneath details the identification of these men by Warren (pseudonym) as CIA or NSA agents. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, John
  9. Robert, Have you purchased any of Adamsons books? I emailed him yesterday. John
  10. Dan, I agree, a debate would benefit myself and many others in learning about and developing an opinion on the Robert Kennedy assassination and of course the Martin Luther King assassination should we have enough time. Perhaps Mel could invite a person of his choosing who shares his views so that there might be an even playing field? John
  11. Has anybody bought any of Bruce campbell Adamsons work available here http://www.ciajfk.com/jfkbooks.html , or have they examined his work to any degree. He has some books on De Mohrenschildt and HL Hunt, but I don't know if the information is just a rehash of what is already known spliced with theories and speculation. Some help would be appreciated. Cheers, John
  12. Great work Steve, God bless this thread! John
  13. A lot of these may not be deemed useful, they do howver exist. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/home.htm John Mcadams site proposing LHO as the assassin http://www.jfk-assassination.de/ German site with some good material http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/ JFK assassination records http://www.jfk-info.com/index2.html Clint Bradford's site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_assassination Wikipedia page on the assassination, free for all to change http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/JFK.html Ken Rahns site http://www.jfk-online.com/ Dave Reitzes site http://pages.prodigy.net/whiskey99/ Kennedy assassination for the novice http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/P...CS/JFK/jfk.html http://www.webcom.com/ctka/ CTKA Probe magazine http://www.crimelibrary.com/assassins/sirhan/ crime library on RFK assassination http://www.assassinationscience.com/ Jim Fetzers site http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/index1.htm Wim Danbaars site http://www.webcom.com/~lpease/index2.htm Real history archive http://jfkassassinationscotland.members.easyspace.com/ A young Scotsmans website http://www.angelfire.com/il/jfk63/ Not great http://home.flash.net/~jwjfk/ Jack White site http://www.jfkpapers.com/ http://www.groverproctor.us/jfk/ Grover Proctors site http://www.geocities.com/metsman_2001/index.html 'Dougs' Assassination page www.jfkchat.com Clinton Brownells page http://www.jfkhistory.com/ Robert Harris' JFK page http://www.jfkfiles.com/ Dale Myers page http://members.aol.com/mrohlee/ assassination book reviews http://www.jfk-fr.com/en/ French website http://www.assassinationweb.com/index.html The assassination web http://www.alibris.com/ The best online store for rare JFK books, they have everything http://www.prouty.org/ Prouty site http://roswell.fortunecity.com/angelic/96/jfkdpq.htm Deep politics quarterly http://www.riflewarrior.com/ Homepage of author of 'Kill Zone' http://www.jfk.org/ Sixth floor museum http://www.earthcam.com/jfk/ Live feed to Dealey Plaza camera http://home.earthlink.net/~sixthfloor/ Glen Samples website http://www.namebase.org/books03.html Namebase http://ajweberman.com/ Webermans site containing a wealth of info. http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/%7Epdscott/B-IV.html Peter dale Scott articles http://www.expendableelite.com/UW_archives...chive.0004.html dan marvins site http://www.lbjlib.utexas.edu/johnson/archi...hom/content.asp LBJ library http://www.manuscriptservice.com/DarkCorners/ Allan Eagleshams website http://www.thecommissiononline.com/menu.htm Film called 'The Commission' http://www.jdtippit.com/ Dale Myers Tippit website http://chaunceyholt.com/ Holt site under construction http://pages.prodigy.net/whiskey99/chapter6.htm Edward Dorsch website http://www.jfklibrary.org/ JFK library http://www.posner.com/ Gerald Posners site including (contact details!) http://www.historyplace.com/kennedy/gallery.htm Photo galleries http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/ The national Security Archive has a wealth of declassified documentation and is actively involved in lobbying for declassification. http://homepages.tcp.co.uk/~dlewis/ The RFK assassination http://flag.blackened.net/daver/misc/rfk.html Simple facts about the RFK assassination http://www.moldea.com Website of Dan Moldea http://www.parascope.com/mlk/documents/index.htm HSCA MLK documents http://www.history-matters.com/analysis/witness/index.htm List of all Dealey Plaza witnesses with info on what they saw and what they testified http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/ Dallas municipal archives on the assassination http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/findi...son-papers.html NARA Garrison papers (not available online) http://www.lasthurrahbookshop.com/chart2.html Forget what I said about alibris, the last hurrah is the premiere bookshop for the JFK assassination http://www.martinlutherkingjrarchive.com/ Newspaper archive http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/selec...rences-mlk.html HSCA report on MLK assassination http://www.parascope.com/mx/luther1.htm MLK assassination overview http://www.thekingcenter.org/news/trial.html#Transcript Transcript of the civil case brought against Lloyd Jowers by the King family regarding the assassination of MLK (VERY IMPORTANT) http://register.shelby.tn.us/mlk/index.php Index of evidencce, court records, crime scene analysis and photos of MLK assassination http://www.reopenrfkassassinationcase.com/ reopen the RFK case, run by Larry Teeter (RIP) Thats all I have for now. There are plenty more to be found. A lot have been posted on this forum before, so please if you remember any post them. Hope this is useful. John
  14. Steve, I was just thinking of emailing you about that a few days ago. Thats ok, It will link nicely into my relaunching of the site. My facts and articles will be more accessible and the ones I have written myself will be more accurate, with references. John
  15. http://www.kennedyassassinationarchive.com/ I was going to start a thread like this, in keeping with the audio and film sources for the assassination, but John beat me to it. I will go on another googling rampage and post a list of the sites that I find. John, perhaps the thread on film and audio resources available online should go into the index as it is fairly comprehensive and I don't think it should be lost among other threads. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6598 John
  16. Just to settle it i emailed the Bush library, Barbara Bush has no middle name and her maiden name is Pierce, as far as I can see (barring a nickname or inside joke) the J has nothing to do with Barbara Bush. John
  17. I feel this is an opportunity to plug my website! http://thepresidenthasbeenshot.4t.com I am in the process of redesigning the site, making it more user friendly for both myself and everybody else. Good thread, John
  18. It took me quite a while to find this post again! I thought it worth while to resurrect it for the excellent resources it presents. I also thought it might be helpful for members to know that Michael T.Griffiths has an ebook available for $6, COMPELLING EVIDENCE: A NEW LOOK AT THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY. It can be found here, http://ourworld.cs.com/mikegriffith1/buycompel.htm Anyone familiar with Mr.Griffiths website knows how accurate his research is. John
  19. Gary Mack has advised me that the man is Jim Featherston, who worked for the Dallas Times-Herald. Thanks to Gary, I'm going to try to keep my specualtion on photography to a minimum!, John
  20. In the cropped version of Alttgens third photo the man directly above John and Nellie Connally bears a striking resemblance to Howard Hunt in my opinion. Is it possible this is the same man as the Hunt lookalike crossing the road. He may very well be holding a jacket and hat in his hands. I'm not very well versed with regards to the photographic aspect of the assassination so I may be well off. Are there any other photos of this man, possiblt with a view of his hands? John
  21. http://www.jfklancer.com/Audio.html Nixon debates, squaring off with johnson in Mass.reactions to assassination, funeral, LHO in custody, sixth floor museum oral histroy, lbj phone conversations John
  22. Galbraith was 6 foot eight by the way, a huge man. John, Interesting piece from the examiner, any idea who the author was? John
  23. Mel, In this reply you are assuming that the photographs will show nothing, exactly what you are accusing John Simkin of doing. An observation. John
  24. Bill Kelly started an online petition for a JFK grand jury, I thought members might want to sign it to show their support. There are currently 174 signatures. Please sign it http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?jfkgjury John
  25. Taken from www.jfklancerforum.com with thanks to David Christie John Fogerty I Saw It On TV They sent us home to watch the show comin' on the little screen; A man named Ike was in the White House, big black limousine; There were many shows to follow, from 'Hooter' to 'Doodyville', Though I saw them all, I can't recall which cartoon was real. The coon-skin caps, Yankee bats, the "Hound Dog" man's big start; The A-Bomb fears, Annette had ears, I lusted in my heart. A young man from Boston set sail the new frontier, And we watched the Dream dead-end in Dallas, They buried innocence that year. I know it's true, oh so true, 'cause I saw it on TV. We gathered round to hear the sound comin' on the little screen, The grief had passed, the old men laughed, and all the girls screamed 'Cause four guys from England took us all by the hand, It was time to laugh, time to sing, time to join the band. But all too soon, we hit the moon, and covered up the sky; They built their bombs, and aimed their guns, and still I don't know why The dominoes tumbled and big business roared; Every night at six, they showed the pictures and counted up the score. I know it's true, oh so true, 'cause I saw it on TV. The old man rocks among his dreams, a prisoner of the porch; "The light," he says "At the end of the tunnel, Was nothin' but a burglar's torch." And them that was caught in the Cover are all rich and free, But they chained my mind to an endless tomb When they took my only son from me. I know it's true, oh so true, 'cause I saw it on TV. I know it's true, oh so true, 'cause I saw it on TV. and another post by Randy Owen, -Hemingway Corner did a song called "So Long, JFK." It was more about someone reminiscing along the lines of the Fogerty tune you mentioned. It has a folksy feel to it. -Spirit of the West did a song called "Sixth Floor." It's almost 6 minutes of rock and was inspired when the band was in Dallas. One of the guys called his wife in Canada and said, "Honey, you won't believe where I'm calling you from!...The building where they said JFK was shot from." The lyrics are a bit rude and mention people "posing on the grassy knoll." But for a rock song, it's actually pretty good. John
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