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Oswald in Mexico City more than once?

Wim Dankbaar

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Sorry, misread something. I took "siete semanas" as "siete meses". Hence I read six weeks later as six months later. There is nothing new in this article. However there is evidence that Oswald was in Mexico City (at the hotel Luma) in 1963, BEFORE september 1963. That is not widely known, but maybe that is because the CIA wanted pubility for his september visit, not for other visits to Mexico City.



Los días del asesino de Kennedy en México

Publicado: 2007 Nov 22 - 16:04

• El asesinato del ex presidente de EU tiene claves dispersas en nuestro país. En 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald visitó el DF durante 5 días, y siete semanas después cometió el atentado en Dallas

El asesinato de John F. Kennedy es un misterio sin resolver aún, con claves dispersas en México. Una hebra de la trama de crimen y activismo político que oculta la verdad, señala que el presunto magnicida solitario, Lee Harvey Oswald, durante cinco días visitó la capital mexicana, y siete semanas después cometió el atentado, en Dallas, Texas.

En la ciudad de México entabló contactos dentro de la esfera del espionaje y contraespionaje de esas fechas de clímax de la Guerra Fría.

Su nombre dio la vuelta al mundo el 22 de noviembre de 1963, como el asesino de Kennedy. Sin embargo, al tercer día fue muerto a tiros por Jacob Rubenstein, conocido en el mundo del hampa de Dallas, como Jack Ruby. Se llevó a la tumba los motivos del cuarto homicidio de un presidente de Estados Unidos.

La investigación oficial del asesinato de Kennedy, de la Comisión Warren, concluyó que Oswald actuó solo, sin apoyo de una conspiración internacional o de grupos de su país.

Con todo, 44 años después de aquél viernes 22 de noviembre que sacudió al mundo, sigue vigente la pregunta: ¿Quién mató a Kennedy?

Aquel fin de semana en la ciudad de México, una vez que se conoció el nombre del atacante del presidente de Estados Unidos, los servicios de Inteligencia de la Secretaría de Gobernación fueron directos a los escenarios por los que había pasado el criminal. Lo habían “monitoreado”.

Y tan sólo horas después, en lo que fue una investigación relámpago de la Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS), el gobierno contaba con un reporte detallado de las actividades del magnicida, entre el 26 de septiembre y el 3 de octubre de ese 1963.

En el expediente JFK, resguardado por el Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), sobresale que Oswald visitó la Ciudad de México sólo como “fotógrafo”; realizó solicitudes de visas (que le fueron negadas), en los consulados de Cuba y la Unión Soviética; su enojo fue exacerbado ante las negativas consulares, que habrían frustrado su propósito de volver a Moscú.

En agosto había sido encarcelado en Nueva Orleans por perturbar la paz, al ser atacado por anticastristas, cuando distribuía volantes del “Comité pro Juego Limpio con Cuba”.

La Forma Migratoria número 8 (FM-8) de Oswald se conserva en la Galería 1 del AGN. Está mecanografiada en sus secciones de “entrada” y “salida” del país, y tiene su firma autógrafa: “Lee H Oswald”.

No usó pasaporte, sino su acta de nacimiento. Así, su huella de salida a México quedó borrada para los servicios de seguridad que iba a derrotar al atacar a su presa, un presidente en campaña electoral.

Una ficha informativa resume esa semana en México, de la cual nada supieron la CIA, FBI y el Departamento de Estado, que vigilaban desde hacía años a Oswald, por un aparente afecto a la causa de Fidel Castro. El Servicio Secreto también le perdió la pista.

En 25 líneas, fechadas el 5 de diciembre, la Dirección Federal de Seguridad sintetizó horas y días de interrogatorios a un grupo de detenidos, y el rastreo de Oswald entre Nuevo Laredo y el Distrito Federal.

“Se hospedó en el hotel ‘Comercio’, en la habitación 18, el 27 de septiembre; salió rumbo a Laredo en el autobús 340, de Transportes Frontera, el 2 de octubre, en el asiento 4, con el nombre: “Oswald”, se detalla.

Dicho hotel, hoy es reducto urbano de drogadictos, prostitutas, homosexuales; es tierra de nadie, nido de inseguridad absoluta. No hay allí contemporáneos de aquél otoño en que alojó a la muerte por cinco días.

El trabajo de la Federal de Seguridad tuvo su sello clásico, como lo confirma una respuesta a la queja de la embajada de Cuba, por la detención de la empleada (fue liberada con rapidez) que había atendido a Oswald cuando le negaron la visa. “En efecto (...) con la finalidad de precisar algunos hechos, la Dirección Federal de Seguridad la sometió a un interrogatorio”.

En los papeles, guardados en el AGN, un declarante narra una novelesca trama internacional de conspiración magnicida, escenificada en calles de la capital... hasta que al final, “el de la voz” trunca el relato de intriga cubana y da un remate personal:

Mentía hasta la fantasía, a fin de provocar una reacción enérgica de Estados Unidos, movido por su “profundo odio contra el comunismo”.

Hoy, 44 años después, el cuarto 18 del hotel “Comercio” encierra uno de los misterios más grandes del siglo XX: ¿Quién mató a Kennedy?

Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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The days of the assassin of Kennedy in Mexico Published: 2007 Nov 22 - 16:04? The murder of the ex- president of EU has dispersed keys in our country. In 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald it visited the DF during 5 days, and seven weeks later it committed the attack in Scythes The murder of John F. Kennedy is a mystery without still solving, with dispersed keys in Mexico. A fiber of the plot of crime and political activism that hides the truth, indicates that the presumed solitary magnicida, Lee Harvey Oswald, during five days visited the Mexican capital, and seven weeks later it committed the attack, in Scythes, Texas. In the city of Mexico it established contacts within the sphere of the espionage and counterespionage of those dates of climax of the Cold War. Its name gave to the return to the world the 22 of November of 1963, like the assassin of Kennedy. Nevertheless, to the third day it was dead to shots by Jacob Rubenstein, known in the world hampa of Scythes, like Jack Ruby. One took to the tomb the reasons for the fourth homicide of a president of the United States. The official investigation of the murder of Kennedy, of the Commission Warren, concluded that Oswald acted single, without support of an international conspiracy or of groups of its country. Yet, 44 years after that one Friday 22 of November that shook to the world, it follows the question effective: Who killed Kennedy? That weekend in the city of Mexico, once the name was known the attacker of the president of the United States, the intelligence services of the Secretariat of Interior were direct to the scenes by which it had passed the criminal. It "they had monitoreado". And only hours later, in which it was an investigation lightning of the Federal Direction of Seguridad (DFS), the government counted on a detailed report of the activities of the magnicida, between the 26 of September and the 3 of October of that 1963. In file JFK, protected by the General archives of the Nation (AGN), he excels that Oswald visited the City of Mexico only like "photographer"; he made visa requests (that were denied to him), in the consulates of Cuba and the Soviet Union; its anger was exacerbado before the consular refusals, that would have frustrated their intention to return to Moscow. In August it had been jailed in New Orleans to disturb La Paz, to the being attacked by antiCastro, when it distributed to steering wheels of the "Committee pro Fare-play with Cuba". Migratory Forma number 8 (FM-8) of Oswald is conserved in Gallery 1 of the AGN. It is typed in his sections of "entrance" and "exit" of the country, and has his company autógrafa: "Read H Oswald". It did not use passport, but its birth certificate. Thus, its track from exit to Mexico was erased for the services of security that was going to defeat when attacking its prey, a president in electoral campaign. An informative card summarizes that week in Mexico, of which nothing knew the company, FBI and the Department of Be in favor, that watched years ago to Oswald, of an apparent affection to the cause of Fidel I castrate. The Secret Service also lost the track to him. In 25 lines, dated the 5 of December, the Federal Direction of Security synthesized hours and days of interrogations to a group of prisoners, and the tracking of Oswald between New Laredo and the Federal District. "` Comercio' was stayed in the hotel, in room 18, the 27 of September; it left course to Laredo in bus 340, of Transports Border, the 2 of October, in seat 4, with the name: "Oswald", is detailed. This hotel, today is urban redoubt of drug addicts, prostitutas, homosexuals; it is no-man's land, nest of absolute insecurity. It does not have there contemporary of that one autumn in which it lodged to the death by five days. The work of the Federal of Security had its classic seal, as it confirms an answer to the complaint of the embassy of Cuba, by the halting of the employee (it was released quickly) who had taken care of Oswald when they denied the visa to him. "In effect (...) with the purpose of needing some facts, the Federal Direction of Security put under it an interrogation". In the papers, kept in the AGN, a declarante it narrates a novelesca international plot of magnicida conspiracy, staged in streets of the capital... until in the end, "the one of the voice" truncates the story of intrigues Cuban and gives a personal closing: It lay until the fantasy, in order to cause an energetic reaction of the United States, moved by his "deep hatred against the Comunism". Today, 44 years later, quarter 18 of the hotel "Commerce" locks up one of the greatest mysteries of century XX: Who killed Kennedy?

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William, Dick Russell presents information in his book about two trips by Oswald to Mexico and about his visit

to the Hotel Luma, you will find detailed out in his book Richard Case Nagell.

-- Larry


Are we, in the research community, accepting that LHO was in Mexico City during the times that have been listed by the CIA/FBI and others, as FACT. Was HE there or someone posing as him? Has this been established? ? Can a consensus be reached on this as a matter of fact. Are we still of the opinion, maybe-maybe not, some say he was- some say he was not. Where do we stand? I have been of the opinion that the trip was fabricated by the powers that be, so as to fit into the WHY.


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Terry, after some 18 years in this I don't have much hope of concensus..

I will say that I am reasonably convinced that Oswald did go to Mexico at least once, however his visit is certainly

not as described by the WC and it was also certainly not an independent move on his part and had considerable

management as well as multiple agendas from different parties.

As to the second trip, I remain open to that, largely because the more I learn about Nagell and the more

data becomes available, the more I am persuaded about his core information. I certainly would recommend

reading Dick Russell in general and specifically on the possibility of an earlier Oswald trip to MC.

-- Larry

William, Dick Russell presents information in his book about two trips by Oswald to Mexico and about his visit

to the Hotel Luma, you will find detailed out in his book Richard Case Nagell.

-- Larry


Are we, in the research community, accepting that LHO was in Mexico City during the times that have been listed by the CIA/FBI and others, as FACT. Was HE there or someone posing as him? Has this been established? ? Can a consensus be reached on this as a matter of fact. Are we still of the opinion, maybe-maybe not, some say he was- some say he was not. Where do we stand? I have been of the opinion that the trip was fabricated by the powers that be, so as to fit into the WHY.


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Terry, after some 18 years in this I don't have much hope of concensus..

I will say that I am reasonably convinced that Oswald did go to Mexico at least once, however his visit is certainly

not as described by the WC and it was also certainly not an independent move on his part and had considerable

management as well as multiple agendas from different parties.

As to the second trip, I remain open to that, largely because the more I learn about Nagell and the more

data becomes available, the more I am persuaded about his core information. I certainly would recommend

reading Dick Russell in general and specifically on the possibility of an earlier Oswald trip to MC.

-- Larry

William, Dick Russell presents information in his book about two trips by Oswald to Mexico and about his visit

to the Hotel Luma, you will find detailed out in his book Richard Case Nagell.

-- Larry


Are we, in the research community, accepting that LHO was in Mexico City during the times that have been listed by the CIA/FBI and others, as FACT. Was HE there or someone posing as him? Has this been established? ? Can a consensus be reached on this as a matter of fact. Are we still of the opinion, maybe-maybe not, some say he was- some say he was not. Where do we stand? I have been of the opinion that the trip was fabricated by the powers that be, so as to fit into the WHY.


"I am reasonably convinced that Oswald did go to Mexico at least once, however his visit is certainly

not as described by the WC and it was also certainly not an independent move on his part and had considerable

management as well as multiple agendas from different parties."

A most excellent observation!

Might I also include as one of the "multiple agendas" that, after having firmly and openly gained their attention, that LHO lead (as they followed him) various elements directly to the door to which he/they wanted to point.

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