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Man with telephoto on cam in Oswald window?

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For some reason, in my blow-up, it really looks like Oswald. This program is from AOL and you can only view it large, but not save it or send it large. I also have a digital resizer, but it seems I have to save the picture and shut down my computer and then it appears in the directory. He certainly isn't hiding. John Armstrong said this was Lee Oswald, as opposed to Harvey Oswald who worked in the building.


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There was no shooter in the easternmost-window 6th floor of the SBDB.

That not means there was nobody at all.

The Powell photo proves, there was somebody, holding something in his

hand, when Oswald, according to the WCR, was on the stairs down to the

second floor.

The man in the Powell pic couldnt be Oswald. But what is he holding?

When I read the testimony of Amos euins, it struck me: that could be a

telephoto, to document the crime.


Dont know what it is Karl but it still seems to be there today. So I'm guessing it ain't a guy holding a telephoto. Denis.schooldeposit.jpg

Edited by Denis Pointing
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Be careful, Denis ... incorporating sensible reasoning takes all the fun out of the JFK case for some and they might not like it. I suggest that truly interested parties do a search on the Web for A. Eaglesham's work on the box arrangements and then things may appear to make more sense.

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What everyone seems to be missing is the true dimesnsions of the window to the floor...that is, for a person in the window to have been visible only from the shoulders up, that person would have to be either kneeling or crouching, rather than standing erect. And kneeling, IMHO, would still expose the person in the window from approximately the WAIST up, and not just from the shoulders up.

Can someone post the picture of the INSIDE of the 6th floor SE corner window, from which we can gain some perspective?

I believe that might just alter your opinions, if they are fact-based.

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What everyone seems to be missing is the true dimesnsions of the window to the floor...that is, for a person in the window to have been visible only from the shoulders up, that person would have to be either kneeling or crouching, rather than standing erect. And kneeling, IMHO, would still expose the person in the window from approximately the WAIST up, and not just from the shoulders up.

Can someone post the picture of the INSIDE of the 6th floor SE corner window, from which we can gain some perspective?

I believe that might just alter your opinions, if they are fact-based.

Mark...here is a photo I took showing the very cramped space

in the corner, made worse by the pipes, plus the low height of

the window sill.


Edited by Jack White
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Thanks, Jack.

The second photo illustrates the point I was trying to make, that nobody was "standing" in that window if all passerbys could see was a head-and-shoulders view; the person in the window would've had to be crouching or kneeling, as you were.

And for an assassin to have been only a face and a rifle, to witnesses below...I suggest the shooter would've more likely been firing from a "prone" position, perhaps raised up on his elbows, perhaps partially supported by boxes of books...but not necessarily in the configuration in which the boxes were photographed for "public consumption."

And those pipes would've made for a great deal of difficulty positioning oneself in the easternmost corner of the window, IMHO.

Edited by Mark Knight
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Oswald was left handed according to his mother. Did he shoot left handed? Does anybody know? Would this have made a difference to a shot from this angle/position? N

ot that I think Oswald was there by the way. Just curious.

Oswald was left handed according to his mother. Did he shoot left handed? Does anybody know? Would this have made a difference to a shot from this angle/position? N

ot that I think Oswald was there by the way. Just curious.

Maggie...bolt-action military are made only for RIGHT handed people. The bolt

is designed to be operated by the right hand. It is possible to pull the trigger

with the left hand, but not to eject the hull and rechamber a round by working

the bolt. Left handers have to learn to shoot right handed.


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The backyard photos of Oswald or whoever it was holding the rifle was a right-handed person... his pistol is on the right, gripping a rifle with his left hand shows a person who shoots with his right hand. If you have proof to Oswald being left-handed then you might have a case.


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