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Was Muchmore’s film shown on WNEW-TV, New York, on November 26, 1963?

Paul Rigby

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Sir Joseph Bazalgette plainly laboured in vain - the sewers of London run as rank as ever.

Adda boy, Paul ... your best response ever and it too had nothing to do with the facts of the JFK assassination, nor did it sound that intelligent to me, so what does that tell you!!!

Bill Miller

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Denise Pointing dronned:

I'm sure you'll be relived to hear I've resisted the temptation to visit there, as I dont wish to be associated with the foul mouthed bunch from alt.conspiracy.jfk, nor sink to their level, which I suppose, also means I dont wish to associate with you either as you seem to be one of them.

We understand why Lone Nuts refuse to post there, free speech and what not aside.... You simply don't have the nads, nor do you know the evidence... plain as that my lovely....

Why dont you just stay there Healy and leave this board to the more decent, serious researcher. You really dont belong here, you know. The ED forum standed requires a lot more than having the ability to think up ingenious ways of insulting people and adding a letter or two to their name for amusement. PS Who's Holmes by the way?

Now your sounding like my favorite no-nothing Lone Nut photo reseacher..... as to your PS: gather up those nads and show up sonny, ask Holmes yourself -- rumor has it (and I witnessed it) even John McAdams, amongst longtime alleged CT's were also exposed as Lone Nuts, run from the evidence and Holmes-- Speaking of running, right here on the Ed Forum, I notice you and Wild Bill ran from the 45 questions (composed by Holmes and posted here with his permission) what's up with that, Denise?

Anyway, swing by alt.conspiracy.jfk and show us your stuff, son.... You certainly haven't displayed any knowledge here (other than holding Bill up)..... NOW back to that BIO of yours. My-oh-my, you haven't posted one, WHY, embarrassed? Maybe Sgt. Mike will help you out?

Yours in research,

David Healy

p.s. I was invited here by John Simkin, were you Denise (just curious)?

Edited by David G. Healy
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We understand why Lone Nuts refuse to post there, free speech and what not aside.... You simply don't have the nads, nor do you know the evidence... plain as that my lovely....

Yours in research,

David Healy

p.s. I was invited here by John Simkin, were you Denise (just curious)?

Funny you should mention 'John Simkin', David. I seem to recall briefly discussing a few things with him in the dining room of the hotel in Dallas a couple of years ago ... you might want to check with him to see how he feels about that invite now that he has seen your idiotic responses since then. There seems to be two worlds ... the one that you live in and the one everyone else lives in. I mean how much out of touch of reality can you be to think that you somehow bring anything of substance to this forum ... REALLY! Just once I would like to see you or anyone else to go over your post over the past few months and try and make one half-way intelligent response. The closest you came was in bitching about you not being allowed to examine and test some historical original materials ... only to find later that you had not even bothered to make a detailed request to do so. How stupid is that!!!

Bill Miller

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We understand why Lone Nuts refuse to post there, free speech and what not aside.... You simply don't have the nads, nor do you know the evidence... plain as that my lovely....

Yours in research,

David Healy

p.s. I was invited here by John Simkin, were you Denise (just curious)?

Funny you should mention 'John Simkin', David. I seem to recall briefly discussing a few things with him in the dining room of the hotel in Dallas a couple of years ago ... you might want to check with him to see how he feels about that invite now that he has seen your idiotic responses since then. There seems to be two worlds ... the one that you live in and the one everyone else lives in. I mean how much out of touch of reality can you be to think that you somehow bring anything of substance to this forum ... REALLY! Just once I would like to see you or anyone else to go over your post over the past few months and try and make one half-way intelligent response. The closest you came was in bitching about you not being allowed to examine and test some historical original materials ... only to find later that you had not even bothered to make a detailed request to do so. How stupid is that!!!

Bill Miller

tell us ALL son..... exactly what John Simkin had to say.... you brought the subject up, please continue... have the nads to continue, Billy? Why hide your contempt?

And frankly Miller, I could give two pence if you dined with the Queen of England in a Dallas hotel room... And I'll bet you didn't buy! ROTFLMFAO!

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tell us ALL son..... exactly what John Simkin had to say.... you brought the subject up, please continue... have the nads to continue, Billy? Why hide your contempt?

And frankly Miller, I could give two pence if you dined with the Queen of England in a Dallas hotel room... And I'll bet you didn't buy! ROTFLMFAO!

Email John yourself for it was YOU who brought his name up as if his inviting you to come to this forum was some sort of badge of honor because of your input. You might as well know that I too was invited here by John Simkin ... get my drift!!!

And your yet another stupid say-nothing reply "I could give two pence" seems to apply to the JFK assassination and/or ever posting anything of substance to this forum, as well.

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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tell us ALL son..... exactly what John Simkin had to say.... you brought the subject up, please continue... have the nads to continue, Billy? Why hide your contempt?

And frankly Miller, I could give two pence if you dined with the Queen of England in a Dallas hotel room... And I'll bet you didn't buy! ROTFLMFAO!

Email John yourself for it was YOU who brought his name up as if his inviting you to come to this forum was some sort of badge of honor because of your input. You might as well know that I too was invited here by John Simkin ... get my drift!!!

And your yet another stupid say-nothing reply "I could give two pence" seems to apply to the JFK assassination and/or ever posting anything of substance to this forum, as well.

Bill Miller

Now son, relax.... I've invoked John's name in a few posts to this board. Only response I've got from John was his negative reply in setting up a seperate thread for Roland Zavada's and my discussion concerning the Zapruder film, way back in 2005 or so... And, it's certainly no secret I'm involved in television media, as YOU well know and JohnS knows. Now, you were there in that Dallas hotel dining room (was it the Adolphus Hotel? that's where I stay when in Dallas). Again, I wasn't privy to the conversation you had with John Simkin concerning me. So for oldtime sake fill the forum in...

So, you brought to our attention "your" Dallas visit with John Simkin, surely you can share with all of us what was discussed at that time and place concerning me, eh?


Bill Miller on

"you might want to check with him to see how he feels about that invite now that he has seen your idiotic responses since then."

Bill Miller off

I'm waiting.....

P.S. If you'd learn to keep personalities out of the conversation (a firm understanding of film compositing would help too :rolleyes:), you might have a chance convincing others the DP 11/22/63 films and photos are authentic, till then you haven't a chance in hell...

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Now son, relax.... I've invoked John's name in a few posts to this board. Only response I've got from John was his negative reply in setting up a seperate thread for Roland Zavada's and my discussion concerning the Zapruder film, way back in 2005 or so... And, it's certainly no secret I'm involved in television media, as YOU well know and JohnS knows. Now, you were there in that Dallas hotel dining room (was it the Adolphus Hotel? that's where I stay when in Dallas). Again, I wasn't privy to the conversation you had with John Simkin concerning me. So for oldtime sake fill the forum in...

So, you brought to our attention "your" Dallas visit with John Simkin, surely you can share with all of us what was discussed at that time and place concerning me, eh?

I'm waiting.....

You talk like an idiot, David. One thing I got from talking with John that day is that he wouldn't want me participating in your lunacy on this matter. You contact him yourself!

"An Internet "xxxxx" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people.

Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people. To them, other Internet users are not quite human but are a kind of digital abstraction. As a result, they feel no sorrow whatsoever for the pain they inflict. Indeed, the greater the suffering they cause, the greater their 'achievement' (as they see it). At the moment, the relative anonymity of the net allows trolls to flourish.

Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.

Another problem is that the negative emotions stirred up by trolls leak over into other discussions. Normally affable people can become bitter after reading an angry interchange between a xxxxx and his victims, and this can poison previously friendly interactions between long-time users.

Finally, trolls create a paranoid environment, such that a casual criticism by a new arrival can elicit a ferocious and inappropriate backlash."

P.S. If you'd learn to keep personalities out of the conversation (a firm understanding of film compositing would help too :)), you might have a chance convincing others the DP 11/22/63 films and photos are authentic, till then you haven't a chance in hell...

The two times that you wanted to dance by actually discussing the facts about the JFK assassination photographic evidence - you ended up having to admit that you have seen no proof of alteration ... and the next time you danced, it appeared that while you had been bitching for years about these historical materials not being available for your examination as if something was being hidden from you ... we find that you hadn't even bothered to make a detailed request so to get to examine them.

IMO, Your responses are a joke and a disgrace to this forum. Email John and ask him what he thinks of someone who has done nothing but xxxxx his forum and complained as much as you have about the historical films and photos not being authenticated and yet you haven't done anything to make it happen. I know why you haven't done so ... you work in TV film, but you know little to nothing about Kodachrome II film. You don't even know the JFK assassination case for if you did you would know how the first shot was time-stamped by the witnesses instead of you needing to ask me to tell you the answer. You've been your worse enemy IMO because you spend too much time trolling and not actually doing any research.

So how are you coming on that request to see the alleged in-camera Zapruder film and Life slides so to enlighten the world with your skills???

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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  • 4 weeks later...
Where do you come up with this stuff. I don't post for Mack. Mack is a historian who is sitting atop the largest collection of historical images and data on the assassination that is only a phone call away. I seek information from him and pass it on.

And Mack not only saw the article, but cited details from memory to me. I asked if he could find the article and he said the museum has lots of materials to be archived. My understanding is that there are lots of boxes of materials to go through. He said as he has time to archive them ... he will keep and eye out for it. Would anyone of you doubters like to make a wager that Mack told me the truth??? Then once the article is made known - what then - apologies from anyone or will it just go quiet until the next accusation arises???

Bill Miller

Can’t wait, Bill. In the meantime, let’s enjoy this extract from the expanded – eight-page pamphlet version – of Mark Lane’s original article on the case, “Lane’s Defense Brief for Oswald,” published by the National Guardian, 19 December 1963:

”A motion picture taken of the President just before, during, and after the shooting, and demonstrated on television showed that the President was looking directly ahead when the first shot, which entered his throat, was fired. A series of still pictures taken from the motion picture and published in Life magazine on Nov. 29 show show exactly the same situation.”


Anyone reading this remember seeing the following interview? Or any others in a similar vein, presumably circa 1975? If so, recall any details?

February 1, 2008 at 4:48 pm


I saw* a TV interview with a woman who vividly recalled seeing JFK’s assassination on TV, the familiar motorcade, the open car, then three audible gunshots. But no TV station anywhere carried live coverage of the motorcade, and the Zapruder film–which is probably what’s merged with her memory here–had no sound. Yet she’ll go to her grave, I imagine, with that “flashbulb” image still glowing on her retinal memory.

*That is, I remember seeing.


Edited by Paul Rigby
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”A motion picture taken of the President just before, during, and after the shooting, and demonstrated on television showed that the President was looking directly ahead when the first shot, which entered his throat, was fired. A series of still pictures taken from the motion picture and published in Life magazine on Nov. 29 show show exactly the same situation.”

I think from listening to Lane's past speeches and other interviews and writings ... when he said the President was facing forward ... he means the body was facing forward. Mark has in the past addressed the notion some people came up with that the President had somehow turned around in his seat and that allowed a shot from the 6th floor of the TSBD to enter JFK's throat at the adams apple.

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I haven't read this entire thread, but I came across a few documents that might have something to do with bootleg Zapruders or another film of the assassination out there.

This report concerns the owner/bartender of the Golden Twenties Tavern in Dallas, whose patron, Jim Conners, claimed to have seen a film of the assassination, including the head shot, on a television at IBM on the afternoon of 11/22/63.

FBI 124-10276-10035



Then there's the story of Edward F. Bray and JFCOTT and a refrence to a film in court docs:

FBI 124-10055-10418 <LI>FBI 124-10061-10159 <LI>FBI 124-10163-10398 <LI>FBI 124-10055-10411 <LI>FBI 124-10236-10211

And then Mary Ferrell has a reference to a women who worked at the film lab in Dallas who took a "Copy" of the Zap film home with her.


----- On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler


Comments:On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler Corporation, viewed it then. Bernard Tullius was an electronics engineer with LTV. In 1970, Mrs. Dorothy Tullius was working in Sanger Harris' camera department. In 1994, phone is listed in name of Albert B. Tullius. On 1/13/95, Noel Twyman talked to her and she said her film was made by her nephew, Fr. Richard Tullius, priest in Grand Prairie, TX. (Is he the Richard Tullis in the AARC index? Is he the man filming on the same side of the street as Jim Altgens but wearing a hat?) (See Fr. Richard F. Tullius)http://' target="_blank">

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I haven't read this entire thread, but I came across a few documents that might have something to do with bootleg Zapruders or another film of the assassination out there.

This report concerns the owner/bartender of the Golden Twenties Tavern in Dallas, whose patron, Jim Conners, claimed to have seen a film of the assassination, including the head shot, on a television at IBM on the afternoon of 11/22/63.

FBI 124-10276-10035



Then there's the story of Edward F. Bray and JFCOTT and a refrence to a film in court docs:

FBI 124-10055-10418 <LI>FBI 124-10061-10159 <LI>FBI 124-10163-10398 <LI>FBI 124-10055-10411 <LI>FBI 124-10236-10211

And then Mary Ferrell has a reference to a women who worked at the film lab in Dallas who took a "Copy" of the Zap film home with her.


----- On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler


Comments:On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler Corporation, viewed it then. Bernard Tullius was an electronics engineer with LTV. In 1970, Mrs. Dorothy Tullius was working in Sanger Harris' camera department. In 1994, phone is listed in name of Albert B. Tullius. On 1/13/95, Noel Twyman talked to her and she said her film was made by her nephew, Fr. Richard Tullius, priest in Grand Prairie, TX. (Is he the Richard Tullis in the AARC index? Is he the man filming on the same side of the street as Jim Altgens but wearing a hat?) (See Fr. Richard F. Tullius)<a href="http://" target="_blank"></a>

Thanks, Bill, that was very helpful. What I'm particularly keen to find is examples from 1975 of interviews with, and comments from, those who believed they'd seen the film well before: I dimly recall reading (or was it hearing?) such material years ago, but I'm damned if I can remember the source(s). It would be very instructive, of course, if those disparaging such recollections turned out to be connected with the false memory syndrome movement and its, er, financiers!


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I haven't read this entire thread, but I came across a few documents that might have something to do with bootleg Zapruders or another film of the assassination out there.

This report concerns the owner/bartender of the Golden Twenties Tavern in Dallas, whose patron, Jim Conners, claimed to have seen a film of the assassination, including the head shot, on a television at IBM on the afternoon of 11/22/63.

FBI 124-10276-10035



Then there's the story of Edward F. Bray and JFCOTT and a refrence to a film in court docs:

FBI 124-10055-10418 <LI>FBI 124-10061-10159 <LI>FBI 124-10163-10398 <LI>FBI 124-10055-10411 <LI>FBI 124-10236-10211

And then Mary Ferrell has a reference to a women who worked at the film lab in Dallas who took a "Copy" of the Zap film home with her.


----- On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler


Comments:On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler Corporation, viewed it then. Bernard Tullius was an electronics engineer with LTV. In 1970, Mrs. Dorothy Tullius was working in Sanger Harris' camera department. In 1994, phone is listed in name of Albert B. Tullius. On 1/13/95, Noel Twyman talked to her and she said her film was made by her nephew, Fr. Richard Tullius, priest in Grand Prairie, TX. (Is he the Richard Tullis in the AARC index? Is he the man filming on the same side of the street as Jim Altgens but wearing a hat?) (See Fr. Richard F. Tullius)<a href="http://" target="_blank"></a>

Thanks, Bill, that was very helpful. What I'm particularly keen to find is examples from 1975 of interviews with, and comments from, those who believed they'd seen the film well before: I dimly recall reading (or was it hearing?) such material years ago, but I'm damned if I can remember the source(s). It would be very instructive, of course, if those disparaging such recollections turned out to be connected with the false memory syndrome movement and its, er, financiers!


If Father Richard Tillius did have a film camera at Dealey Plaza and took some film of the motorcade, someone should at least ask him if he did and what became of it, shouldn't they?


Suspended Priest Sentenced to Probation for Parish Theft

He's Undergoing Treatment in St. Louis-Area Center

By Brooks Egerton and Michael Saul

Dallas Morning News

July 30, 1998

A suspended Roman Catholic priest has been sentenced to four years of unsupervised probation for stealing thousands of dollars from his Grand Prairie parish, Dallas County court records show.

The Rev. Richard Tullius, on a brief return to town from a St. Louis-area treatment center earlier this month, pleaded guilty to a reduced felony charge and avoided a trial. He is not available for comment, said an associate who answered the phone at the center Wednesday evening.

The district attorney's office would say little Wednesday about the plea bargain, which will leave no conviction on Father Tullius' record if he stays out of trouble while on probation. He was also fined $400.

First Assistant District Attorney Norman Kinne said he knew nothing about the case but was comfortable with the outcome.

"Four years' deferred adjudication for a priest sounds about right," he said. "This is somebody with obviously no record."

Father Tullius must stay in the Dallas County area, probation documents show. However, his cousin, Polly Sandlin, said he plans to be in Missouri for several more months of inpatient therapy.

Officials with the Catholic Diocese of Dallas said they don't plan to return him to duty here. They have said he is getting treatment for his financial excesses and an unspecified personal problem.

The center where Father Tullius lives is run by a religious order called Servants of the Paraclete and offers treatment for sexual, financial, chemical and other addictions.

Ms. Sandlin said she visited with her cousin recently, and "he seemed to be doing fine. . . . I think he got off pretty light, especially considering the atmosphere in Dallas" - a reference to the Rudy Kos cases, which ended this year with the former priest getting a life sentence for sexually abusing children and the diocese paying more than $30 million in civil damages.

The diocese issued a brief statement Wednesday saying that it supports the plea bargain. Father Tullius' attorney, Joanne Hurtekant, also had little to say.

"We're glad it's come to a resolution," she said, declining to answer further questions.

The priest, who went through personal bankruptcy in 1996, admitted misappropriating more than $1,500 but less than $20,000 from St. Michael the Archangel's bank account. When indicted in March, he was accused of theft over $20,000 and under $100,000.

The resolution of the case "is tremendously satisfying for all of us," said his accuser and successor in Grand Prairie, the Rev. Joe Lee. "We are relieved that this chapter at St. Michael is over."

Father Lee did mention one regret: that he didn't get to meet with Father Tullius while he was in town.

"I wish I could speak with him," he said. "Granted, he was not a good priest; granted, he hurt a lot of people. But there has to be compassion somewhere."

Father Lee said that he could document less than $9,000 in missing parish funds. "There's obviously more," he said, "but we just don't have a record."

The Catholic Diocese of Dallas has paid the parish about $40,000 to cover missing funds, officials have said. The diocese also paid an unspecified amount to individual parishioners, from whom he borrowed and did not repay untold thousands more.

Father Tullius was suspended last year after he disobeyed orders to stop soliciting loans. Estimates of his debts to parishioners range from $100,000 to $300,000, church officials say, though the amount parishioners asked to be compensated for is far less.

Church officials say they aren't sure what happened to all the money.

Edited by William Kelly
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I haven't read this entire thread, but I came across a few documents that might have something to do with bootleg Zapruders or another film of the assassination out there.

This report concerns the owner/bartender of the Golden Twenties Tavern in Dallas, whose patron, Jim Conners, claimed to have seen a film of the assassination, including the head shot, on a television at IBM on the afternoon of 11/22/63.

FBI 124-10276-10035



Then there's the story of Edward F. Bray and JFCOTT and a refrence to a film in court docs:

FBI 124-10055-10418 <LI>FBI 124-10061-10159 <LI>FBI 124-10163-10398 <LI>FBI 124-10055-10411 <LI>FBI 124-10236-10211

And then Mary Ferrell has a reference to a women who worked at the film lab in Dallas who took a "Copy" of the Zap film home with her.


----- On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler


Comments:On 11/22/63, she worked for film company that developed Zapruder film (Jamieson ?). She took a "copy" home for a few days and her brother-in-law, Bob Tullius, an auditor with Chrysler Corporation, viewed it then. Bernard Tullius was an electronics engineer with LTV. In 1970, Mrs. Dorothy Tullius was working in Sanger Harris' camera department. In 1994, phone is listed in name of Albert B. Tullius. On 1/13/95, Noel Twyman talked to her and she said her film was made by her nephew, Fr. Richard Tullius, priest in Grand Prairie, TX. (Is he the Richard Tullis in the AARC index? Is he the man filming on the same side of the street as Jim Altgens but wearing a hat?) (See Fr. Richard F. Tullius)<a href="http://" target="_blank"></a>

Thanks, Bill, that was very helpful. What I'm particularly keen to find is examples from 1975 of interviews with, and comments from, those who believed they'd seen the film well before: I dimly recall reading (or was it hearing?) such material years ago, but I'm damned if I can remember the source(s). It would be very instructive, of course, if those disparaging such recollections turned out to be connected with the false memory syndrome movement and its, er, financiers!


If Father Richard Tillius did have a film camera at Dealey Plaza and took some film of the motorcade, someone should at least ask him if he did and what became of it, shouldn't they?


Suspended Priest Sentenced to Probation for Parish Theft

He's Undergoing Treatment in St. Louis-Area Center

By Brooks Egerton and Michael Saul

Dallas Morning News

July 30, 1998

A suspended Roman Catholic priest has been sentenced to four years of unsupervised probation for stealing thousands of dollars from his Grand Prairie parish, Dallas County court records show.

The Rev. Richard Tullius, on a brief return to town from a St. Louis-area treatment center earlier this month, pleaded guilty to a reduced felony charge and avoided a trial. He is not available for comment, said an associate who answered the phone at the center Wednesday evening.

The district attorney's office would say little Wednesday about the plea bargain, which will leave no conviction on Father Tullius' record if he stays out of trouble while on probation. He was also fined $400.

First Assistant District Attorney Norman Kinne said he knew nothing about the case but was comfortable with the outcome.

"Four years' deferred adjudication for a priest sounds about right," he said. "This is somebody with obviously no record."

Father Tullius must stay in the Dallas County area, probation documents show. However, his cousin, Polly Sandlin, said he plans to be in Missouri for several more months of inpatient therapy.

Officials with the Catholic Diocese of Dallas said they don't plan to return him to duty here. They have said he is getting treatment for his financial excesses and an unspecified personal problem.

The center where Father Tullius lives is run by a religious order called Servants of the Paraclete and offers treatment for sexual, financial, chemical and other addictions.

Ms. Sandlin said she visited with her cousin recently, and "he seemed to be doing fine. . . . I think he got off pretty light, especially considering the atmosphere in Dallas" - a reference to the Rudy Kos cases, which ended this year with the former priest getting a life sentence for sexually abusing children and the diocese paying more than $30 million in civil damages.

The diocese issued a brief statement Wednesday saying that it supports the plea bargain. Father Tullius' attorney, Joanne Hurtekant, also had little to say.

"We're glad it's come to a resolution," she said, declining to answer further questions.

The priest, who went through personal bankruptcy in 1996, admitted misappropriating more than $1,500 but less than $20,000 from St. Michael the Archangel's bank account. When indicted in March, he was accused of theft over $20,000 and under $100,000.

The resolution of the case "is tremendously satisfying for all of us," said his accuser and successor in Grand Prairie, the Rev. Joe Lee. "We are relieved that this chapter at St. Michael is over."

Father Lee did mention one regret: that he didn't get to meet with Father Tullius while he was in town.

"I wish I could speak with him," he said. "Granted, he was not a good priest; granted, he hurt a lot of people. But there has to be compassion somewhere."

Father Lee said that he could document less than $9,000 in missing parish funds. "There's obviously more," he said, "but we just don't have a record."

The Catholic Diocese of Dallas has paid the parish about $40,000 to cover missing funds, officials have said. The diocese also paid an unspecified amount to individual parishioners, from whom he borrowed and did not repay untold thousands more.

Father Tullius was suspended last year after he disobeyed orders to stop soliciting loans. Estimates of his debts to parishioners range from $100,000 to $300,000, church officials say, though the amount parishioners asked to be compensated for is far less.

Church officials say they aren't sure what happened to all the money.

Gary Mack tells me that Father Tullius took slides at Love Field and not a film at DP, and he died years ago.


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I haven't read this entire thread, but I came across a few documents that might have something to do with bootleg Zapruders or another film of the assassination out there.

This report concerns the owner/bartender of the Golden Twenties Tavern in Dallas, whose patron, Jim Conners, claimed to have seen a film of the assassination, including the head shot, on a television at IBM on the afternoon of 11/22/63.

FBI 124-10276-10035

Thanks, Bill, that was very helpful. What I'm particularly keen to find is examples from 1975 of interviews with, and comments from, those who believed they'd seen the film well before: I dimly recall reading (or was it hearing?) such material years ago, but I'm damned if I can remember the source(s). It would be very instructive, of course, if those disparaging such recollections turned out to be connected with the false memory syndrome movement and its, er, financiers!


Here’s the kind of thing I had in mind:


Time fogged my memory of Kennedy film

Chris Hicks, Deseret Morning News, Jul 28, 2006

Several alert readers sent e-mails regarding last week's column about Walter Cronkite, to point out that I was mistaken about having seen the Zapruder film on television within days of the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963.

Footage of the presidential motorcade was repeatedly shown during that dark period, but the Zapruder film -- the only footage to actually capture the assassination -- wasn't shown to the general public for another decade. (Although Life magazine purchased exclusive rights within days of the assassination and published film frames in print from a week later.)

One of those e-mails came from Steve North, now a senior producer at NBC: "The Zapruder film was never shown on TV until 1975, when Geraldo Rivera was given a bootleg copy and he aired it on his ABC late-night show, 'Good Night America.' I remember that moment well, as I watched at home, when the audience gasped at the violence they were witnessing.

"A couple of months later, I graduated from college and got my first full-time job in broadcasting ... which happened to be working for Geraldo. He asked me to put together a follow-up program to that first Kennedy show."

My thanks to Steve and to others who wrote in.

Like many people my age, I've now seen the film so many times since that first public showing in 1975 that I guess I let my memory of it morph with the events surrounding the 1963 assassination.

As humorist Peter De Vries said, nostalgia isn't what it used to be.


New anchors can't compare with Cronkite

By Chris Hicks, Deseret Morning News

Published: July 21, 2006

The lead story on this page today about Walter Cronkite brought back a flood of memories to me.

Cronkite was the big brother, the father figure, the witness reporter who, during my younger days, told us about some of the biggest news events of the late 20th century.

He had been anchoring the "CBS Evening News" for more than a year, and I had watched him many times, but he didn't really enter my consciousness until that day in November 1963 that no baby boomer will ever forget.

I was a sophomore in high school, sitting in class, when the crackly intercom interrupted the teachers in the middle of their lessons to announce that President Kennedy had been shot.

School was dismissed and I walked home, thinking about how my parents had talked about Kennedy a lot, about how he was a Catholic just like us, and all the good things they saw in him for the future of our country.

Some of those things would be deflated in subsequent years, but right now, Kennedy was a fallen saint, and in our house — as with most of the country — there would be mourning. And much of it would take place around the TV set.

When I got home, I found my mother watching television — most unusual in the middle of the day. She was also teary-eyed, even more unusual any time of day.

On that small black-and-white screen was an unending newscast about the assassination of our 35th president. And over the next several days it became a communal event; people all over the country were glued to their TVs, watching in disbelief as the Zapruder film was shown over and over, and then seeing all those connecting events: President Johnson being sworn in, Ruby shooting Oswald, the pageantry of the funeral. . . .

And there in the midst of it all was Walter Cronkite, telling us about each event as it unfolded. He was distinguished, assertive, somewhat paternal, and occasionally with a choke in his throat that told us it was OK to be sad, even to cry if we felt like it. And we did.

It's become a cliche to say you remember where you were when Kennedy was shot.

But I also remember where I was when Robert Kennedy was shot. And when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. And during all those reports about the Vietnam War and Watergate.

And Cronkite was there, too.

He's been off the nightly news for 2 1/2 decades now, but he's still been around, doing stories, hosting documentaries, writing memoirs — and even showing up with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir one year!

He's the favorite uncle who lives out of town but drops in to visit.

And I'll be watching when PBS's "American Masters" airs a profile of Cronkite on Ch. 7 next week. How could I miss it? It'll be like watching home movies.

Some of this has to do with his tenure as the ultimate news figurehead. And some has to do with the way TV news has changed.

There's so much happy talk, melodramatic background music and cheesy celebrity "news" that it's hard to take it seriously.

Cronkite could occasionally lose his objectivity — but would he interview Britney Spears for a prime-time newsmagazine or dress in drag for a Halloween show or engage in inane chitchat with a 20-year-old giggly anchor who looks like a runway model?

Walter Cronkite was "the most trusted man in America." And he may be the last of a dying breed.

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I'm glad you brought that up.

If Groden was the first to put Zap on broadcast TV, then where are the other reports of other films, or bootleg Zaps, and where do they come from?

I have a feeling that there's still a few motion pictures of the assassination out there that we haven't reeled in yet.

I think there's film of the autopsy at Bathesda out there, and will eventually show up, if people look in the right places.


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