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Interesting photo oddity

Jack White

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Attached is a study of frames from Nix covering minimal seconds. It thoroughly refutes the veracity of the Nix film.

It is a very sloppy CARTOON ANIMATION compared to the Z film. If you disagree, please explain why.

It is impossible to refute the attached study.

Will the provocateurs try to debunk it?

Or just more personal attacks?


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Attached is a study of frames from Nix covering minimal seconds. It thoroughly refutes the veracity of the Nix film.

It is a very sloppy CARTOON ANIMATION compared to the Z film. If you disagree, please explain why.

It is impossible to refute the attached study.

Will the provocateurs try to debunk it?

Or just more personal attacks?


Jack, it appears to me that the position of Kellerman only appears to change because the car is moving forward. The relative positions between him, and Jackies head are obviously the same, but the camera angle pushes Kellerman to the right, and gradually in front of Jackie's head. The same right shift or further distance between two people can be seen between the false illusion widening distance between Jackie and JFK.


Why do you say THE POSITION OF KELLERMAN? He appears in only one of the frames. He is NOT THERE

in the others. If you see him, please point him out.


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Why do you say THE POSITION OF KELLERMAN? He appears in only one of the frames. He is NOT THERE

in the others. If you see him, please point him out.


He is there Jack, he's just "moving" gradually to the right in front of Jackie's head due to the changing position of everything in the limo in relation to the camera. Simply making your frame a bit lighter shows Kellerman gradually moving to the right.




Duncan...what you point out is Connally's hand and cuff. Connally is hidden by Jackie,

not Kellerman. Check the film.


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Attached is a study of frames from Nix covering minimal seconds. It thoroughly refutes the veracity of the Nix film.

It is a very sloppy CARTOON ANIMATION compared to the Z film. If you disagree, please explain why.

It is impossible to refute the attached study.

Will the provocateurs try to debunk it?

Or just more personal attacks?


Amazing, will Jack White EVER master the principal of parallax?

Perhaps some education might be in order:


Edited by Craig Lamson
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Attached is a study of frames from Nix covering minimal seconds. It thoroughly refutes the veracity of the Nix film.

It is a very sloppy CARTOON ANIMATION compared to the Z film. If you disagree, please explain why.

It is impossible to refute the attached study.

Will the provocateurs try to debunk it?

Or just more personal attacks?


Amazing, will Jack White EVER master the principal of parallax?

Perhaps some education might be in order:


I know all about parallax. It does not apply to these Nix anomalies. Insults are not research.

Questions are not answers.


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Attached is a study of frames from Nix covering minimal seconds. It thoroughly refutes the veracity of the Nix film.

It is a very sloppy CARTOON ANIMATION compared to the Z film. If you disagree, please explain why.

It is impossible to refute the attached study.

Will the provocateurs try to debunk it?

Or just more personal attacks?


Amazing, will Jack White EVER master the principal of parallax?

Perhaps some education might be in order:


I know all about parallax.

No, you don't. You have proven that many times over.

It does not apply to these Nix anomalies.

Yes it does to the images in question in this post. The Limo moved and parallax caused Kellerman to move behind Nellie. You made a mountain out of a molehill because you don't understand one of the very basic principals of photography.

Insults are not research.

There were no insults, just a statement of fact about your proven lack of understanding of Parallex.

Questions are not answers.

My question gave you the answer. That you choose to ignore your ignorance of the subject matter is your problem.


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The Limo moved and parallax caused Kellerman to move behind Nellie.


Craig.....Did you mean to say Kellerman moved in front of Jackie, or do you think I have got it wrong?



Thank you Duncan, your are correct, I should have typed Jackie instead of Nellie

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The Limo moved and parallax caused Kellerman to move behind Nellie.


Craig.....Did you mean to say Kellerman moved in front of Jackie, or do you think I have got it wrong?



Thank you Duncan, your are correct, I should have typed Jackie instead of Nellie

That is CONNALLY behind Jackie. What is seen is his hand. NOTE THE WHITE CUFF.


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Are you ready for this? What was a wedding party doing watching

the parade?

Were you aware of the "WEDDING PARTY" filmed by Nix?

Nix shows a very incongruous group in the Houston crowd. The limo

passes two women in ankle length white dresses. With them is a man

dressed in what could be a black tuxedo. Is somebody pulling our leg?


Edited by Jack White
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Before anyone replies to this, uh, enlightening information, PLEASE be as non offensive and polite as is humanly possible, given the circumstances.

Kathy...I want to report the above "condescending" remarks to a moderator as being

offensive to me. Given what "circumstances"??? My age? Just what, "uh, enlightening

information" are you referring to? I consider this an insult to my intelligence. How do

I report this to a moderator? I request that moderators alter this offensive posting.


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That is CONNALLY behind Jackie. What is seen is his hand. NOTE THE WHITE CUFF.


My arrow is pointing precisely at Kellerman's head, even more precisely, his left ear. The white cuff is just about to vanish in front of Jackie ( as we view the frame ) in the next couple of frames.



If that is Kellerman THEN HE IS KISSING CONNALLY ON THE LIPS, as Connally's head

can be seen on the other side of Jackie's pink hat.


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